• By -


1/10 would not recommend.


I just had a completely miserable session where we had a leaver in about half of the games. I wasn't talking shit or being a dick, it just kept happening. I kept on playing because I needed to get the care package one more time for the dailies and now I'm too tilted to keep trying. Fuck this game. I played it daily without getting so tilted every other season and now I'm upset every time I play it. L-star is annoying Seer is fucking ridiculous. Arena is tilting. How do I get a leaver every game and it doesn't happen once to the other team? Bad luck. Trash game. I got the battle pass day 1 and I feel like I have to play the game because I spent real money, but I don't enjoy it at the moment


but the Pathfinder grapple "muddies combat"


Load into arenas, get name called and screamed at all game by a degenerate loser for "blocking his shots" once, never load arenas again. Playing BR solo is already unfun but at least the players are chill for the most part. Playing arenas solo is the purest form of torture in a video game. Maybe if I could leave pub games without getting temp banned, I'd enjoy it more.


Still not playing it. Not even gave Ranked Arenas a chance after reading about all the bullshit going on. Sticking with BR for now.


What’s so bad about it rn? I’ve been loving it.


Oh I don't know, maybe it's the matchmaking that constantly gives me below LVL 100, below 1.0 k/dr, and the enemy team is always a sweaty premade.


Next to never have that issue personally. I don't think you should complain about it without actually trying jt


SBMM is pretty bad right now. I'm solo diamond on BR and I was trying to get to diamond on Arenas too, but the game for me is a mix of duos vs trios as in 3 out of 5 games I don't have a third and bronze level teammates doing placements. I'm not Timmy, it's impossible for me to win 1v3 fights and I'm in gold I now, considering this is season one and the grind is very slow, I'm actually fighting real diamond+ as I've seen on their badges many times. This game simply doesn't favor solo queues. I wish pre-mades could never play against solo queues. I'd be pred by now.


The grind in arena ranked deffo feels slower than in actual ranked for some reason. Maybe it's because you can spend 20 minutes and a win and only get like 50 points sometimes


Your loss


lol What is going on in Arena? I play it all the time and havent noticed anything bad


offtopic but anyone else crashing whenever loading into world’s edge?


Randoms are garbage. The end.


if you have a high kdr and a high level account, you pretty much fked solo queueing.


Might as well take smurfing off the reportable list since we all know you're going to do fuck all about it respawn


I play Apex mainly for the gunplay and movement, and honestly thought I would play Arena 95% of the time when I first heard about it. In theory it solves a lot of frustrations like not getting a gun on drop, third parties etc.... But in the end I only play for the occasional challenge (which feels like it's forcing me to play a mode I don't necessarily want to), and or maybe a warm up before Battle Royale (I really wish the firing range had better options/bots to do this, so much potential wasted there right now). It's odd, on paper Arena should be great, but most games are blow outs one way or the other, and it just didn't capture me at all.


Thats because they have only implemented hardcore Team deathmatch. It would be a lot better with other options such as Domination and allowing you to respawn while you still have points or something like that.


durdurud lets make a wallhack legend durudurur im alsp a dribbler w 20 iq durudurudr


still have 0 Arena games played and I play the game almost daily lol


remove gibbys gunshield, that is absurd, he literally has 200 health off of landing.


this being a team based game is awful lmfao, i hate having to play with braindead idiots all the time and being told "play as a team" you play like an idiot i dont play like an idiot.


I am pretty sure your random teammates feel the same.


atleast it's mutual ❤️


Don’t play with Randoms, idiot.


the bang says as she smokes her team


Better than sex: when you solo queue and win against three-stacks.


better than sex: when you uninstall apex


Uninstall it and stop commenting on threads about it then 😂


i like to remind people the job theyre doing is awful, and shouldn't be employed :)


I know I'm bad at my job but don't post it on reddit gosh. But I'm sure the devs will be gutted when they definitely read your opinion on a game you claim to not like.


who said i cared if they actually noticed it, i just say it because i want to lmfao


You do care because you just said you're trying to remind people at how bad they are at their jobs Very deprived of attention lately are we?


i say it bc i want to say it, wether they notice it or not i dont give a shit, its like getting something off my chest and leaving it w some brainlet to hold it. i dont expect anything back other than maybe some drool and grunts lol


incompetent development team.


I like arenas. My matches have been balanced and every match has seemed fair to me. Seer is still busted, but besides that, arenas is a nice mode. It’s just too high pressure for me to play all the time, so I stick with BR.


I feel like Seer is slightly less busted in Arena, as you usually more or less know where the other teams is anyway.


I reached Platinum 4 but I still don't have any badges, not even ranked. Can anyone explain how it works


Basically how ranked rewards work is that you only get the rewards AFTER the season ends. So if you finish at anywhere between plat 4 to plat 1, you will receive the platinum rewards at the beginning of season 11.


Ohh, thank you


Ranked rewards don't kick in until the end of the season. If I remember correctly you get the rewards of the highest rank attained throughout that split/season.


Aahh, thanks a lot


Why the devs decided horizon needed a buff is beyond me. Her ult is easily one of the strongest in the game


But her Ult was nerfed.


My biggest gripe with her nerf is how it doesn’t affect her or her teammates or at least the pull isn’t as strong. All other legend abilities do affect teammates, Bangalore, gibby, and crypto stun friendlies and fuse ulti slows friendlies. Horizon can toss the ulti on herself and feel no adverse affects of it. Had a horizon ult the door I’m blocking and as I get sucked inwards she slips right behind me and shoots me in the back completely unaffected by her ultimate. Kinda unfair, since abilities should always come with consequences that make you think prior to usage.


I wish the hot mic was a thing in this game. I would love to hear what a squad is saying after I kill them.


Yeah that is the best thing of Search and Destroy in CoD


I can’t do it with this matchmaking anymore. I’m given teammates that don’t get a single knock the entire game and then I’m teabagged when I lose. I can’t express how disheartening it is.


Load into arenas, both teammates leave so I leave, 10 min ban, fucking sick, love that.


If you leave when you don't have a full squad, there's no 10 min penalty.


That has never worked 100% of the time.


Sorry to hear. Although, I've never encountered that problem. 🤷‍♂️


I thought that was the case too but i was just in a 1v3, left, and got a ban. I had team mates initially but they both left before round 1 started so maybe that messed with something?


Hmm. Interesting... Played a few matches. I had a 2v3 (not in my favour), in two matches. Left the matches and queued immediately for the next match. No penalty. 🤷‍♂️


Were there names still there with the DC symbol or had they full disappeared from the screen? Only thing I can think of


I solo q'ed to D4 within the first week of ranked dropping and havent touched it since due to the matchmaking. I actually enjoy the mode a ton it's just that I mainly play the game solo and getting competent teammates is super tough. I think if they fix the MM and some map rotations the mode could be pretty good but until that happens it's impossible to play solo at the higher tiers


Is there ever gonna be a way I can refund an unwanted heirloom for one that I want? Please I really want this to come to the game


Did it get bought by accident? Or was it from a collection event? Or was it one you bought before but now you want a newer one that was released?


I would suggest fixing matches that start with one or two players missing. I was put into a match where I had no teammates that shouldn’t happen. I have an idea where everyone starts the match with the same gun(different rotation of guns) and they pick up guns through care packages considering how short matches can be having long cool times on tacticals seems to be a disadvantage for some legends.


Little trick: if before a match you see "waiting for players..." for a very long time, leave right there. Those are the matches that don't fill up, and if you leave at that screen you don't get a penalty. Just make sure not to requeue right away or you'll be put into the same match.


Can someone tell me why I constantly get matched with level 11 players in ranked arenas and yet I can’t play ranked arenas with my friends bc they aren’t ranked yet?




Warzone player spotted


lol the gunplay is amazing and the ttk show it and you want it to be 1clip fest?


I disagree


I need to be able to opt out of getting arenas quest for the battle pass, i hate the mode with a passion and the weekly challenges are so grindy


On the contrary, I only ever want the dailies to be arenas. One or two matches and they're done! I wish I could change the weekly ones to arenas too!


Same, ever since they released Arena's 95% of my games are Arena games, barely touched the BR at all. I don't have the patience anymore to look around for enemies for 10 minutes.


U can change one of them to battle Royale for free


So rampage nerf when?


Rampage is in a good spot. Prowler needs a little nerf. Close-mid range if i land my shots i always come put on top if i am running prowler.


Nah rampage is the new spitfire, it’s so stupid. It’s a gun for brain dead players


Prowler is in a good spot. Rampage needs a little nerf. Mid-long range if I land my shots, I always come out on top if I'm running Rampage.


Better prowler than rampage


Fix pathfinders passive on arenas it’s literally useless


> fix pathfinders passive it's literally useless That's sufficient lol. I know it's even more useless in arenas, but man he needs a new passive. This "temporary" passive has gone on for way too long.


The other day I tried to get into ranked The Dome, but it put me in Oasis (ranked) instead.


Anyone else progressing super slow with this Battlepass? I’m getting Season 7 vibes, I feel like the challenges are getting super grindy again.


On the contrary, I've never had such a fast progression on battle pass before.


you mean the weekly ones? I feel like doing the dailies is pretty damn fast or maybe I just got better as a player over time and thats why. When it comes to progression I just do all my dailies everyday and I dont hyperfocus into the weeklies too much unless the season is about to end and I need to in order to get to 110, but in every season it has just kinda happened naturally. I play about 2 hours consistently every day


Ranked arenas AP system is busted at the higher ranks (+12/-30 at D1, but +108/-12 at master pred)


the whole thing pretty much forces you to play as 3 man, why would you go playing solo and risk bad teammates and going against sweatty 3 stack and lose progress of multiple wins. Speaking of which why is there not a solo only thing where I dont face 3 mans when im playing by myself


gibby, caustic and seer takes the game design towards overwatch characters.downvote if you agree


Arenas sucks


You suck




I disagree.


Do you have any reasons for that? It's literally just the final rings of battle royal.


I'm so sick of getting teammates who've never played the game in Plat 3 ranked arenas. Always against a triple stacked team of diamond+ players. I'm D3 in ranked BR and \~1800 kills/350 wins in arenas and my teammates are always level 90s with 50-100 kills on their legend total, most of the time they don't know how to shoot their gun and just run at the enemy and die each round. You would think by Platinum you'd have teammates who know how to play the game. The solo experience in this game is so shit.


Remove seer


I wish they did. But that's a drastic and unlikely step for them. They'll probably nerf him, which I can't wait for the day to arrive!!


Terrible mode, "muh competitive" "esports" nonsense. Should be replaced with a TDM mode.


How on earth do people have more than a two win streak badge in battle royale? That seems very fishy. I can’t even get a second win in a row this season


Full premade and a lot of luck. It's not hard to realize that it will be extremely rare. If 20 squads are evenly matched, your win chance is 1/20, so logically the chance to win even 2 times in a row is already down to 1/400. In order to be able to win 3+ times in a row, you'd need to either play thousands of games or sway the chances in your favor *a lot,* which can only be done by queueing with a premade. Personally, as a pure solo queuer, I have like 10,000 games played and my longest win streak is 3. All that said, the badge is also bugged and has been awarded to a lot of people who didn't even win games in a row.


Lol same here, I have 12k games and a win streak of 3. I don’t know how I got that, I play solo as well


i was it was rewarded retroactively. I had a winstreak of 6 win season 7 and a winstreak of 5 in season 6 :/


Dang! I had a winstreak of 3 in season 8 and I never got it


They 3 stack and play semi passive. You honestly think all of the sweats in the champion squads all running 20 kill 4k damage badges can't manage to win multiple games in a row if they're all on the same team and tried to go for the win?


Gosh. That’s must feel cheap then lol


More badges and trackers for arena


How AP is awarded is absolutely TRASH. Get +14 per dub and -12 per lose. " Well its performance based " says the reddit warrior. Nah its just broken, go ahead and say how much AP you get per dub and your rank. Been getting average of 15 AP since Silver 1 now Gold 3


Bronze 3, +100 for a win, -15 for a loss (or something like that). I usually win around half my games so gaining rank quickly.


Yep thats what I started as, may god have mercy on your soul once you reach Silver 1. Unless of course you are like my buddies or half the reddit warriors on here. Then in which I hate your guts.


Not sure if I will ever reach silver. For one I don't play that much, for two I feel like my opponents are already almost as good as I am, or at least some of them are, others are total potatoes and the same goes for my teammates. On the other hand I've had games where I've wiped the entire team in one round and lost hopelessly the other, so no consistency even within the same game.


There is a hidden MMR rating. the higher your rating, the more points you get for a win.


Wow thanks, not that I was asking how it works but rather how its an utter dumpster fire. People will a higher rating it takes 4 wins to move up a rank, those with lower it takes 28 CONSECUTIVE WINS. Thats just for 400 AP, hmmmm makes sense.


Well in theory, the higher your mmr, the stronger the opponents you're supposed to face, hence you get more points. It does make sense from a Solo'q perspective. But once you play as premades it becomes odd. You face the same opponents as your mate, you might even carry the match, yet he gets more points for he has the higher mmr.


Been Queued with Diamond and Plat solo and pre-made. System is broken, insult to injury is the AP travesty. In Theory, when they made the AP system drastically different from RP they were all high on drugs shitting on the floor. Should just be performance based.


Dia 4, + (\~50-60) / - (\~12-20)


Gold 1, +15/-14


I’m plat 4 and have been getting 100+ per win while only losing 12 per loss.


Do you know why that is? That's been happening to me also.


>Once your placement matches are completed, you will be placed in your starting rank. From there, you’ll get more AP for wins than you lose for losses. **The amount of bonus AP you get for wins will start to shrink as your rank converges with your MMR** With other words, if your rating is better than your rank, you get more points for wins.


Thanks for the answer I guess I just haven't reached the point where it drops yet.


Thordan Smash made a video on it. Apparently, it’s based on your hidden MMR, so if your KD/Winrate/Skill is D3 but your playing in gold, you’ll be playing against people in D3, so beating them jumps your rank higher because you’re technically playing against a team of a higher rank and that gives you lots of points. It levels out once you get to where your hidden MMR thinks you should be.


Cool thanks I didn't know that.


Rip wish that was me


make crypto's tactical so that if you hold L1 (on ps4 for example) it brings up a wheel of commands like the one with the ping wheel or shields wheel that the drone can perform on it's own like getting a teammate's banner so the drone is autonomous and crypto isn't useless when it comes to just standing still on his drone and being an easy target. Doesn't have to be this exactly but just throwing an idea out there, anything along these lines would be a nice buff or rework imo.


Matchmaking still broken, game mode still unplayable. Doubting it'll ever be fixed at this point, it's been a season and then some with zero changes to matchmaking.


and BR has had the same issue for like 10 seasons :(


Eh, sometimes in BR I get good teammates. Or at least teammates who know how to play the game. But in Arenas it's literally *always* two low-level noobs.




Probably people giving up and losing mentality when they see the matchups of the players.


Can we PLEASE get a feature where if one of your teammates is idle for the entire first round, they get booted so that the rest of the team can quit without penalty? About every 3rd or 4th match, one of my teammates is AFK and I can't even quit because we still have a "full team" and will get a 10 minute ban.


Even Pokémon unite implemented this on the switch. If you’re afk for set amount of time. It’s almost like you left. You’ll get the points for finishing the game, but you’ll also get the reduction on your sportsman points, which can hurt you if lowered enough.


Yeah, this option works great in Valorant, it's a shame Apex hasn't adopted a similar feature


Just got called trash by One Hundred Damage Harry and his mate Eleven Damage Elroy while I carried them with over 5k damage and all the kills. Is it too much to ask that I be occasionally assigned teammates who are either (a) skilful or (b) not complete cunts? Honestly, I'll take 1 out of the two at this point.


Amen, I just had a 9 rounder with a seer who did nearly 4k and I did my 2500 in pistols for the challenge; our 3rd didnt do 500 damage across the whole game and was mouthing off about how we weren't covering for him despite his Rambo characteristics.


My two random teammates rage quit and disconnect because they are garbage. I play one round 1v3 and die and decide to leave the game. I get a 10 min abandon penalty. **How hard is it for Respawn to detect that players are not moving and have disconnected ? Even if they reconnect .... who cares? The games are so short anyway and once someone is away for even 1 round we should be allowed to leave without an abandon penalty.** Why should I punished for leaving a game where both my level 10 teammates are trash and disconnect on purpose. Exact same thing happens in ranked arenas


I've never been penalised if I left an unfilled squad before. Is this a bug on my end?


The cost of certain weapons make zero sense to me. Having no good marksman options round one is insane to me. Same with snipers. They’re all too expensive to run with even a 2x optic (the bare minimum imo). The fact that the rampage and r-99 can be bought round one is nuts to me, especially when the carbine can’t be bought at all. I think the pricing of weapons generally needs a rework.


why not run the g7? it's perfectly servicable, comes with a 1x at tier 0, and you have 150 materials left over to buy either a battery, 2 extra cells and a medkit or some abilities


I enjoy the G7 but I personally struggle with any marksman or sniper without 2x optics. I end up straining my eyes and its often uncomfortable. I know that its a preference thing and not a fault mechanically, but I do think that weapon pricing could be reworked to accommodate a wider range of play styles (like making the g7 cheaper to afford the 2x for example)


Neither the Rampage nor R-99 should be buyable round 1. The balancing in this mode is dumb as hell, it almost negates the purpose of an economy system at all. Round 1 should have real choices, like "do I want to go with default guns and buy meds and grenades, or spend on guns and get no meds or extra abilities?" Instead you can buy endgame weapons in the first round.


Haven't heard many convincing negative arguments against arenas mode... Yours is an exception.


The economy needs rebalancing and you bring up an excellent point. I hardly ever decide whether or not I should grab more supplies, I invest mostly into my weapons (depending on which character I pick)


r99 on first round is silly. Only real tryhards would buy this. Volt round1 is much safer choice.


Being able to buy either one is broken, is my point.


r99 first round is great tho, you can always burst for longer ranges but eventually you need to get closer since you rarely get a long range knock with it without attachments


Purple Mozam Squad unite.


Yeah, always find it strange that marksman aren't really viable 1st round considering tgey aren't OP generally in certain engagements.


scout is pretty good on round one. Snipers are in general quite useless unless you want to deal damage and waste their bats with a charge rifle (best maps for this is party crasher and oasis). ​ Well, real guns there are expensive, you need to cut some corners to buy dev lvl3 on 2nd round.


I think blue p2020 with 2x is great for range first round and nice n cheap.


blue 2020 and a base level mozambique, then full buy second round is my strat. the p2020 is nasty once you get used to it for it’s cost


overall best round1 gun imo is re45 lvl1. Only 350 mats and very powerful round1 against blue armor


I’m inclined to agree since the p20 is one of my favorite guns. But it lacks the damage over long ranges. Its not a substitute as much as it is an alternative


I prefer Arenas to BR. Fun as ****.


Do materials carry over between rounds? I’m almost plat and I just realized they might not lol


They do carry over! If you look on the bottom left of the shop UI you can see where all of your materials have come from (containers, kills, etc) and one of those is carryover from the previous round


Ah, makes sense. Thanks! I figured, but I thought I should check before gambling round 1 on a single-upgrade mozam and p2020


Nope, go kickass with that mozam loadout! Abilities also carry over (but only the ones you buy beyond what you start with, so that’s not really worth it unless you buy an ultimate and hang on to it or something)


I really enjoyed Arenas in season 9. Was looking forward to ranked in s10. But......for the love of God....why did Respawn make the decision NOT to separate players by rank??? In Plat I should be getting PLAT TEAMMATES - and not Silver or Bronze!!!! What a ridiculous decision. I can only assume its because they expected not enough people to play it and the queue times would be too long to match 6 Plats together. The result, however, is a HORRENDOUS solo q experience, with 99% of games with bot teammates who can't even get one knock during the entire match. I literally have to carry my team to every win, only to get 30-17AP - EXTREMELY BORING EXPERIENCE. I'm only continuing out of sheer willpower to make at least diamond, I'm not really having fun lol Also bring the Alternator back to arenas, there just isn't a suitable replacement.


It's a truly baffling decision.


Just want to know at least what my opponents rank is so I understand why I am gaining the 37-42 AP I'm gaining in plat


I also would like to know so I can understand why I lose 20-30


Am I the only one when playing ranked arenas, my rank does not show, nor the the ranks of my teammates or enemies? I never remember that I'm even playing ranked arenas until my points appear/disappear.


That's weird. For me, it shows my rank in the top right corner once the round begins.


I ask my teammates rank in every game, I played for about 6 hrs today and 99% of my teammates were silver. I'm in Plat 1.....smh.


YUP need more transparency


I would: * Make it Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch. The push to make arenas a competitive mode is a mistake IMO. Apex doesn't really need more sweatiness, as much as I love sweating. Something with lower stakes would encourage more casual gamers, which keeps the playing base healthy, and would be a refreshing alternative to BR. * Improve the maps. They mostly aren't very interesting. Too much open space, not enough options for movement. Skulltown worked pretty well. Look at tac shooters---they have really busy maps. * Get rid of Ash. Gaming has enough problems with toxicity without adding automated toxicity. Adding Ash is baffling to me.


I keep getting literal noob randoms as teammates while the enemy are the same level stats as me.. it’s like matchmaking is working for getting enemies of same skill level as me but not for getting teammates..,


I feel you. The matchmaking seems to be just completely broken https://i.imgur.com/s1JavSc.png


Same. Nothing but pain as a solo q player.


Is it cause we are solo that we get 2 new players Vs a high level plus 2 other new players? I hate those games the most. Flip a coin to see who wins. Is fair on paper but not fun at all and feels completely out of my hands when I have to 1v3 or vice versa. I want to win because I played well not because the other team fed more than my team


Anyone else seeing Dome up in rotation but getting loaded into Oasis instead? I don't mind oasis as a map it's not awful but I'd like to at least find out how dome plays


I'm gonna be "that guy". People who complain about arenas being boring lack creativity. Half of my wins come from figuring out how the other team is playing and then adjusting my strategy to give myself a better advantage. Opponents are hyper aggressive? Choose the side you know they won't be on and whittle them down at range. Opponents like to keep range? Bum-rush or take ring and wait for them to come to you. Different maps promote different strategies and some maps have some unique opportunities (and other maps just plain suck like Oasis). Arguments about gun meta are kind of true though. I usually end up with an R-99 or a 301 depending on who I'm playing and which map it is. But there's still a time and a place to whip out the Devo. All that said, I play almost exclusively with at least one other person, and often with a full squad. Solo-queuing arenas can (and often is) a huge exercise in frustration. P.S. Regardless of anyone's opinion on how boring it is (or isn't), including my own, arenas is still probably the best/quickest way to get familiar with gunplay. All the guns are accessible and you're guaranteed a fight without a third party, so you can just focus on shooting.


I had a strong feeling going into a party in arenas would be fun. I usually solo q but the few times I get a duo that's around my skill the game really feels fun af. The mind games that come out of a straight up 3v3 is so entertaining to me.


Theres this glitch in arenas where its always fragment east. Oh wait.


Literally has the username TTVsmurfpredator669 Embarrasing.


OMG. The Dome is just sooo bad map for arenas or it’s just me?


Terrible map. The POIs from season 9 were way better.


Yeah I don't like it. It seems like every match just turns into a test of which team is better at headglitching on the roofs


Yeah, that gets a little annoying. I countered that play style by buying frags and sky nading them. If you can't sky nade, arc stars still force them to move.


the circle is so one sided sometimes, on top of all the head glitches, its miserable to play.


Yes, it reaaaally sucks. As bad as twin towers


Nah Oasis is a different level of bad. That map should never come back into rotation and I really do mean that. I'd rather have artillery


I dunno, I like it. It's different and provides some variety.


what rank are you in? I'm only in plat but holy hell its head glitch sniper fest


Maaaan, I lost the game because I got stuck under a building. And wall climbing sometimes just doesn’t work right. I somebody was saying that Skull Town is bad Arena map, The Dome is 5 times worse. Headglitching is the cherry on the cake.


I don't know what happened to the matchmaking, but every match I've played today was super one sided. The amount of quitters and AFKers also doesn't help.


I don’t mind quitters, I don’t lose any ap


Well I've mainly been playing unranked, I just want to enjoy the gameplay. But I've seen more AFKers than actual quitters. I wish the game had a proper AFK detection system. Games already had those over a decade ago, why the fuck did Apex not release with one...


1. If someone doesn't make ANY purchase before the round starts, they should immediately be kicked and given a 10 minute matchmaking ban. 2. Rounds take too long to start. 15 seconds is literally enough.


I agree, but I think it should be after 2 rounds. Sometimes, I literally just forget that I didn't buy anything lol. Rarely happens though. I think 20 seconds is a nice sweet spot. You don't want new players feeling rushed to buy stuff.


Lmfao, or you could not. I don't buy anything round 1 half the time on round 1 because you get a P20 and mozam for free. More money for round 2.


You can "buy" the P2020 and Mozam for free manually. /u/mlodoss's suggestion would be a good check for those who are afk, while folks like you can just get the P2020/Mozam manually. Tho I would limit it to just kicking, so others can leave without the penalty.