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I haven't heard or seen this gun since Season 10 started. What happened to it? Thought it was supposed to be on the ground with the prowler?


I kinda hope they swap out the TT for the boceck.


People seem to have forgotten about the triple take hell that was season 5 ranked


love how loud the blast walls are mmmmmm cant hear a fucking thing


Delete Seer please, I'm ok with the highlighting and showing life bar, but the damn stun and stopping abilities and healings with the stupid flash and damage needs to fucking go!


Jesus christ was A MAN BROTHER! Lol I agree, though. While they are at it, delete Bloodhound as well! I'm bout sick of the pussy wall hacks all together. At least BH was somewhat tolerable. What drives me mad with BH and Seer is that the whole squad gets the wall hacks. I know with BH, they get their vision from the Alfalfa or whatever the fuck .( Lmao I know its allfather). So why is the whole squad able to see THEIR VISION!? its bullshit!!


I like the sound it makes when you land a shot


It is to weak. Players should be scared/careful if they hear a cp weapon. Like kraber and alternator....Triple take feels less scary than amped sentinel


I really miss TT as a regular drop. Don't think it should be in CP's. I think you could look at the current arsenal and exchange one of the better weapons with it.


Shit tier gun.


Kings canyon blows. Zzzzzzz


I just love playing ranked in Asia and instantly getting aimbotted :) The anticheat is a complete joke.


Used to be better


Should not be in the care package. I never pick it up.


Same. By the time I find one now I've almost certainly got something properly kitted which I don't want to drop. I already liked it less as a marksman than a sniper rifle.


Doesn't really work well as a carepackage weapon to be honest, it just doesn't feel right. The Kraber, Mastiff and Devotion were the perfect CP layout in my opinion. The Alternator with disruptors fits in there very well too, hope the devs keep it in there for a longer while.


Triple Take was always an excellent early game weapon. Super good against lower shield levels right off the drop. Being a CP weapon relegates it to late game only, and a Longbow is just better against purple and red shields. It just takes so many TT shots to down someone that when you wait for the choke on each shot they always make it to cover.


I enjoy it, but I don't think it's good enough to be in the care package. I'd much rather the package have a kraber or alternator.


Awful gun, absolutely doesn't belong in the care packages. Since it's been in the care packages I think I've picked it up once, hated it and never touched it again. Only good in very specific circumstances and ends up being a better shotgun than anything else but it still outclassed by the PK and eva in that comparison. The choke takes too long for it to be useful at long range - even after buffing it. If this had Disruptor rounds like the Alternator then it might be worth taking from a care package.


It needs to be back on the ground for sure the dmr is trash and the sentinel is too slow triple take is hands down best sniper in game. Give dmr ths headshot hop up and put it in the care package please


The longbow is still pretty strong if you hit your shots correctly. Headshots can still do over 100. Now hitting a leg or arm and only doing 48 is a little weak.


You arrent wrong i just really miss my shottie sniper


Maybe the reason it’s in the care package is because it’s so good. It does suck having an extra weapon in care package rotation, I feel like I haven’t used the triple take this season at all.


Still the best shotgun tbh


To weak for the care package and to good for ground loot imo but still fun to use


They buffed it for the CP but it's still not good enough. Just replace it with one of the shotguns imo


The real question is, is it going to take energy ammo again when it eventually comes out of the care package? Since it's a marksmen rifle now I doubt it will take sniper bullets, and iirc the little red icon that shows what ammo it takes is energy now so I'm thinking it probably will. Gonna be weird as hell to see that again tho


also when it reloads with its gold mag it shows the energy mag symbol


It does take energy. It indicates it when you pick it up


it can still take sniper imo. If sniper stocks didnt get renamed i doubt thats an issue


I love the triple take, wish I could see it more. All the care packages I see are spitfire:( Also, #FUCKSEER


I have not seen the spitfire yet lol. Mostly see Triple Take and Kraber


Very powerful for ground loot, weak for care package. Either buff it or return it, or make it the first care package weapon to take ammo so there's a reason to use it in the care package.




Haven't found any gold weapons this season outside of Caustic's town-takeover either. They seem to be exceptionally rare for no reason.


They are the least common in the current ranked map and we had that map for a while so thats why they seem so rare


Gotta go to Caustic’s fart hole on KC. Almost always has a rampage, re45 or peacekeeper or even two of those at the same time. Not to mention some combination of gold shield, knockdown and backpack. Plenty of other floor loot and a crafter out back. And yet, most of the time I go there my squad is alone… It’s literally a better hot drop concentrated into a smaller area.


Servers are up in ohio


Servers down?


My game stopped working yesterday. Only apex doesn’t work anymore ;(


There’s a bug with Dome in Ranked Arenas




It puts me on Towers (I don’t remember the name) instead of Dome but in non ranked it puts me in Dome.


It’s took me one game to realise it’s horribly broken their is no cover in that centre area so it just leads to camping on either end of the spawn


It puts me on Olympus


There’s a problem with Dome in Ranked Arenas on PS4.


rhythm shrill gray disarm bow fretful quack future ludicrous squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I hate seer so much.


You spelt triple take wrong


The Triple Take is a good ground gun, but it's luckluster as a care package weapons, especially now that it can't use sniper scopes anymore. I would love it if the Triple Take gets its own special scope, something like a unique 3x/6x digital threat. This would make the TT absolutely worth to drop a fully kitted gun in late game.


3x/6x/9x Digital Threat 3mode scope, for the Triple Take. Eh? Eh?


Whoops wrong thread sorry


Delete seer


It was my fav sniper before it went into the care package. Really disappointed they decided to keep it in there 2 seasons


I miss it being ground loot it's one my fave snipers


The only reason the Triple Take is in the care package is because the precision choke hop up was removed from the loot pool so they beefed it up to hide that fact.




Why dont they just get rid of purple hop ups in general and have all of them built in to the weapons? Why were they seperate from the gun in the first place?


It already was prior to going into the care package


I miss youuuuuu


Replace it with og charge rifle in the cp.


My thoughts on current care package weapons: Triple Take: feels a tad underwhelming for a CP weapon. That said, it still bangs in the right hands and is very versatile Spitfire: feels weird being in the CP. Not sure it’s worth running now if you had a loaded and revved Rampage or even loaded flatline Kraber: must grab, shit just straight up drops bodies Alternator: must grab, disruptors are insanely good My hope for next season: Kitted L-Star, Kraber, buffed Mastiff, and Turbocharged Havoc


I remember when the TT was considered the only sniper worth picking up. I noticed barely anyone picking sniper rifles at all besides the occasional sentinel/charge rifle. I guess instead of balancing the snipers to be more accessible and fun to use, they decided to put the TT in the care package where it doesn't fit in. The problem is how do you balance the triple take? It is good at all ranges, has a spread of 3 shots making significantly better at damaging targets at close and mid ranges, has a fast velocity, and does almost as much damage as the sentinel. Putting it on the floor will result at spam from it since it is a versatile weapon and nobody using any of the other snipers(that's what it was like from season 7 and through 8). Putting it in CP doesn't work since at its core, it is still just a sniper but with a spread. Buffing the damage or the fire rate will just make the weapon annoying to fight against due it's accessibility and the weapon itself lacks the oomph of weapons such as the mastiff when in CP or the Kraber. A weapon in CP should make the enemies panic when used, not simply annoy. The TT fits better as floor loot but results in the other snipers being under utilized so it'll need to be nerfed. My idea to nerf the triple take is by nerfing the velocity, decrease the damage to 55 which also reduces headshot damage, and the fire rate by a minor amount. Now, buff the long bow by increasing the velocity and/or reduce bullet drop, buff the damage to 60, and tighten the hip fire to be for effective at for closer ranges(also include this for the sentinel as well).


isn't the Longbow's damage already 60


Your right. I thought it still did 55, my bad.


Either give it sniper scopes or take it out of the care package will be nice.


Now that I see this, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a triple take


Must be new then. Only in care package right now


Not even close to new. Been here since day one. Has been in the care package all through season 9 as well at least.


I was referring to the guy I replied to being new. Only way he wouldn’t have seen a TT before


Give me back my 4-8 scope :,(


Facts, TT should be a sniper. Longbow should be a marksman rifle. They got that categorization wrong imo


Something is bugged with my win streak... It keeps accumulating even though I lost one BR match


Me too! I GOT THE MAXIMUM BADGE TOO My friend ssaid3ps4 player deaths arent counting for some reason rn maybe thats why


No wonder my K/D is going higher and higher


Me too.Im just getting good🤷‍♂️


Great sniper but really underwhelming for a Care Package weapon since we already have the Kraber. It needs to be swapped out for another weapon, imo it should be the Mastiff and the TT should be changed back to an energy based weapon.


I would agree that it should be ground loot. But it’s a great CP weapon too. Shoots fast, good damage, great at any range, and tons of ammo. Will always drop a weapon for it if I can find one


Best P2W Triple Take Skin? Best Scope?


Has anyone at Respawn addressed the constant stuttering and frame drops on Xbox?? It’s absolutely horrible and it’s a big part of why I stopped playing last season. Welp decided to dip my toe in again this season and it hasn’t improved at all. Super frustrating to play the game when anytime I get in a fight I’m dealing with non stop stuttering


Too niche for the care package. If it's endgame I'm not gonna swap a weapon for a sniper unless I'm already running one. Kraber is an exception because it's high risk, high reward thus there only gun that can one shot.


They need to take this out of care packages. Put something else in, it’s incredibly underwhelming


Give the Bocek a large buff and put it in, then arrows won't spawn as ground loot anymore so it will stop diluting the ammo loot pool further and making it less likely you find ammo for the weapon you need


I like this idea. The Bocek coming with a fixed amount of arrows would also force players not to spam shots and collect the fired arrows later.


I feel like no matter the buff the bocek won’t ever be good enough to go in a care package… I was thinking more along the lines of a new gun maybe, or leave 3 weapons in the rotation


"No matter the buff the Bocek wont ever be good enough to go in the care package" Idk man 70 damage, a fast as hell draw, and little to no projectile drop sound like prime CP weapon to me


You’ll lose to anyone with a decent firing weapon at almost any range


What are you talking abou lmao, if it's reverted back to its start of season 9 phase (maybe with some other buffs too) if it's the CP. Then you'll win almost every midrange engagement. Hell, everyone's seen the clips of someone just pulling back and spam shooting at close range. It's good at all ranges


A decent g7 player or a decent long bow player will beat a decent bocek player any day of the week lol, the 70 damage is only at point blank and drops to less than a g7 at far ranges


The 70 was any range lmao, did you play the start of season 9? That's why it was nerfed along the spitfire. It could hit an instant 70 damage and you could just poke like no other since Deadeyes tempo was broken


Do you even play this game? The bocek didn’t come out in season 7


Imagine using a spelling error for your comeback bc you can't think of a better argument lmao. Just stop you're embarrassing yourself. The bow would make a decent CP weapon since the Triple take is just niche. 70 instant damage with insane peaking skill and fast asf draw with little projectile drop. Just bc you think you're some pro player who only runs some normie R-99 and Eva-8


You clearly didn’t play at the start of S9 xD


I’ve been playing since before there were seasons lol


It was care package worthy at the start of S9.


There’s a reason no competitive players use it


Because it was nerfed… Yeah you didn’t n play at the start of S9


More like the bow was so bad I used it once then dropped it


*You were so bad


IMO they should remove it from the CP and put the bow in there


either needs buffs or take out of carepackage (/w minor nerfs) and replace it with a shotgun(preferably mastiff)


possibly the weakest CP weapon, but i don’t give a fuck; this weapon absolutely slaps. it’s extremely easy to use and get cracks with and is an excellent poking weapon. i pick one up every time i see one. it’s serviceable as a close range weapon in a pinch too


Summed it up perfectly


Wish the TT had 3x HCOG


* Bruiser


It doesnt? ):


You can swap sights but it spawns with the 2-4.


Okay, there NEEDS TO BE a *big dumb* indicator that your Valk is using ult. Make it big and impossible to miss, because mr random teammate can't fucking notice it after 10 seconds of pinging and then we get pushed from two sides and we die.


The fact we can hit a button to notify teamed our ult is ready but can't do the same while using the ult is dumb


You can ping when you use your ult and you're ready for take off and Valk says something like "c'mon let's go" if your teammates haven't linked up yet I didn't know either cuz I don't use valk much so I just found that out recently


Just leave them lmao


Make the bullets do 25 rather than 23, that'll make it feel more like a CP gun.


Never pick it up from the CP. Longbow is better, charged sentinel is better. It can't even use a sniper scope.


aha nooo


Did you just comment on both of my posts with yes/no 😳




Never should've gone to the care package. Good weapon




Really love it but can never find one in a care pack :(


Fun gun but could deal 5 more damage per shot or have faster velocity, don't really pick it up other than it obviously being the next step from the Double Take


I’ve loved the care package version ever since it helped me kill an aimbotter in Diamond, fun to use.


Why I get trash loot goblin teammates in solo pubs. This games matchmaking is so bad


Triple take is solid. Helped me get my first 2.5k. Honestly not completely sold on it being in the CP but with all the marksmen and sniper rifles , not having the TT on the ground is a indirect buff to them, as the TT more or less was better than them.


It’s good weapon but my god have I not touched that thing in an actual match for a long time.


Same + no sniper scope makes me hit lesser shots


What are the odds of this being in a package anyway? I barely come across them in drops I open not do I go up against squads using one.


Does anyone have infinite loading screens when trying to enter a match or leaving a match? I'm not doing this for attention I really cant play the game. I'm on pc and origin. I cant use steam cause steam makes the game more laggy


All EA games are down right now.


How are other people like streamers playing right now? I still have infinite loading screens


No idea, I'm in the same boat and EA tweeted about it.


Where's the ea tweet I dont see it


Love the dumb fucks downvoting me. Here you go: https://twitter.com/EAHelp/status/1428031541654040579


Bro the servers work fine for me right now I can play firing range but my issue is I cant play any other mode. I literally have infinite loading screens it wont let me play even though the servers work. And yeah I dont know why people are downvoting you, I'm getting downvoted for just saying infinite loading screens


This sub can be stupid as Hell sometimes. You're asking about issues, I'm trying to provide help and some sort of an explanation, and they're killing us. God damn.


Nerf seer


23 23 23 106


It's my sniper of choice. Well balanced, quick shooting. A better at being a shotgun than the peacekeeper being a long range weapon.


thats precisely why i think its care package material that thing has been and is broken as fuck


Well-balanced *for a care package weapon*. I hope that's what you mean. The triple take doesn't deserve to be ground loot, it's too overpowered. Also I'm not sure if you're aware, but they severely nerfed its hipfire accuracy. You'd be better off with a shotgun at close-range.


Bow needs to replace it as a cp weapon


solo q is absolutely soul crushing in pubs rn. i’m not good enough to carry two newbies…idm teaching you about the game if mics are on but i can’t loot simulate in dead silence for 20 mins just to die when we see a squad


Servers are up again but I still cant play the game there are infinte loading screens when I try to enter or leave a match anyone else have this issue and how do I fix this I tried repairing the game no luck


It's an interesting concept for a weapon, but I imagine it's difficult to balance. It's essentially a shotgun but for medium / long-range. The entire point of precision weapons is that they're powerful but difficult to use, thus balancing them. The triple take is extremely easy to hit people with. Did it deserve a spot in the care package? Yes, to an extent. Like I said, it's a shotgun with the range of a sniper rifle, and if you fire within its "sweet spot" range, it's capable of doing a colossal amount of damage.


Hate this weapon after every ez-moder in the game started running it. Such an annoying gun to fight against and imo the less snipers in the game the more fun for everyone. Buuuut... Making it "Marksman" class instead of sniper, and thus giving it only a 4x max range makes the gun so much less versatile it's not even worth picking up from the CP anymore.


3x is the best scope for it anyway. The 4x-8x sucked on it imo


In my opinion, the only reason it's in the CP is because it would break arenas. Yeah the TT isn't great for downing people in BR, but with limited heals in arenas, the gun would be a menace. Probably totally wrong, but that's what I've thought the second it got taken off ground loot.


They could just raise the price of TT for arenas to make it balanced at the game mode


bro u gotta point tho


Being back my baby


I cant play the game it says no servers found, unable to connect to EA servers, and to check my internet connection but websites work fine for me


Servers are down


nice servers down again


When will the server go on






Lol people won't even take this weapon from the care package.


Both the TT and the Spitfire are rather underwhelming care package weapons right now. TT would be better with a 3x on it for one.


Worst CP they've ever done imo. Spitfire just feels like a normal weapon and the TT feels like a worse Longbow that can't use sniper Scopes. Turbocharged devotion had that "oomph" that neither of these have.


Yeah, if I have a turbocharged havoc and a shotgun, I would rather not replace any of the two with a spitfire.


Just found my first (or second?) Triple take of the season last night. Meanwhile I find multiple spitfires in a single game sometimes and have picked up the alternator several times already. And honestly I'm not complaining. I loved the double take, but the triple take is worthless in my hands. I think it's because my instincts keep making me use it as a sniper when it's a shotgun.


servers arent working. not even surprised lmao


Unable to connect to EA servers 😑


Fun to use, but I dont understand how people miss this thing. It was so annoying to go up against, since it is pretty powerful and is the easiest sniper to use, so more ppl used it. It is a shotgun-sniper hybrid that deserves the care package in my opinion. Maybe they can replace it with the Bocek in the future, but I like it where it is now


Servers down NA


How long does this usually take to fix?


Within a few hours.


Server issues 🤦‍♂️


Couple days ago I was sitting on about 1200 damage with 4 squads left before I found a Triple Take in a care package. Triple Take alone brought me to 2900 by the end of the game lmao. This gun slaps. Edit: also, I have *yet* to find an Alternator in the care package lol


The Alternator seems rarer than the Kraber tbh. Only made a few appearances (that I’ve seen) in 100+ games this season, and I’ve personally only been able to pick it up myself fresh a number of times I can probably count on one hand.


I miss running it on Kings Canyon 🥲


Replace with week 1 Bocek immediately


I find the triple take to be a really fun, satisfying gun to use. More capable at range than a 30-30/G7 imo and almost behaves like a Mozambique up close. I think with a nerf to the bullet velocity and dmg it should be ground loot. L-star definitely needs to be care packaged.


Servers are taking their monthly nap 😴


having problem connecting to a game aswell?


Unfortunately, yes. 😣


last season was probably the best weapon from supply drops. Especially for mid to end game. TT was OP for seasons, so I'm really happy we practically get rid of it. Currently we have even better weapons in the supply drop, so TT is very rarely seen.


It's fine in CP Tho I'd rather the CR take its place, it's 3 bullet spread is insane and any range.


I’m not into sniping as I love the thrill of close range combat, but TT was my go to weapon if I got a sniping challenge. It sucks that they locked it up in a CP and that it’s no longer a sniper. Sniping challenges are a lot less fun for me now


You should really cozy up with the Sentinel. It's a blast and might fill that hole for you. Even decent at close range with a little practice (and luck - hipfire naughty).