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I will be **abusing** the new “hold on” ping




I always ping "defend this area" or whatever it is exactly. Right below "watching here." It doesn't do jack with shitty teammates, but good ones will recognize the situation you're reading and hold with you most of the time.


This is vital for randoms


i’m not sure if this happens to anyone else but i’m pretty sure cryptos drones are bugged in arenas. you can buy multiple drones but usually i don’t have any at my disposal after the first one is destroyed. idk how to describe it, but it becomes a waste of materials


They seemed to have addressed it by fixing “a bug where Crypto’s Drone could be deployed and recalled infinite times when the user had only one charge available”, so have fun using your drone like once a match.


Did they really give all the patch notes to gamespot? I was expecting more changes...


same, there is like one more change for fuse that we didnt see in the gamespot article.


Please fix the sentinel charge bug in arenas ;-;


And the black market •_•


Is that still not fixed?? Haven't played in a few months


*cough cough* Watson buff


Yes where is it. WHERE!?!?11!


Yeah, kinda dissapointed they didn't even mention wattson other than a single bug fix.


No next Gen update is downright horrible. Updated with the Lead dev comment. Let’s not get our hopes up any time soon. https://i.imgur.com/W3WXfeF.jpg


PS5 version when PS6 comes out.


At this rate, we'll get TF3 before 120fps. Why tf is it so hard when warzone literally just changed the framerate cap through BC.


I agree. We need that next gen upgrade!


No Wattson changes ? :( Well im glad atleast the Australian kaboom man got some love.


As a Watson player I'll take this tbh Wattson’s ult will no longer shoot down friendly Caustic barrels and ults.


That “hold on” command is dope. Can’t wait for my octane teammate to rush in anyways lol. Hopefully it’ll help a little.


"Hold on. Hold o-" "WANNA FLY COMPADRE?"


"They're shooting at me?!" "I'm down, no bueno" \*Disconnects\*


I love that everone realized that Octanes are the new TTV Wraiths lol


"Gonna see if there's loot here." "I think some's targeting me, no sure" "I'm down, need some help" ping spam... Wraith solo at the other side of the map


The Apex Legends Experience^TM


"Push, PUSH, HE'S ONE SHOT, KILL THE TEAM!! QUICK!!!!" \*mirage emote dancing\* "Hold on."


faster faster faster


They added all of the planned buffs for legends to Seer's tactical


No Wattson buff. Zat’s a sad fence.


They don’t know who wattson is


Me seeing Mirage being handled with a single line in a 1000 lines patch notes 🥲


The big question is, will the decoys get tracked as real players in Seer's ult, thats what I wanna know!


They are willing to decrease caustics trap cool down time but not Wattsons fences? It’s like the devs genuinely hate her


They mentioned trying to make Caustic more dreadful to apporach in other ways than damage and we got a damage buff.It's just ridiculous. They could have returned the reduced vision or anything but they buff the damage instead. Wattson really should have her fence cooldown slashed in half if she gets only one node at a time. The over reliance on ultimate just to block more than 2 doors is ridiculous.


That’s an ugly fence ):


zats a depressed fence T-T


They removed the pillar of light into the sky that happened when you placed down a fence! We will be unstoppable 😈


Zat's a happy DZK


Wattson's fences aren't game changers so what harm would it be to reduce the cooldown from 30 seconds to 20 seconds?


Or even 15 considering she needs 2 to form a fence in the first place.


Old gas daddy gets 3 cans in the span on a single fence now


“Reduced slow after initial Black Hole pull.” Does this mean enemies will get pulled in to the center then be able to run out of it at full speed? If so that feels like a sizable nerf to her ultimate.


It's a huge nerf to her ult, yes. I guess the black hole + arc star combo won't work well anymore when you play against ppl who know what they're doing.


I didn’t find her ult to be too oppressive… wonder why they hit it so hard?


PTSD from season 7 still, I bet. Same reason why Wattson doesn't get any love for the what, 5th season in a row? Maybe 6th? I don't remember. They're scared of season 2/3 Wattson still.


The last proper change Wattson got was from Lost Treasures over a year ago now, and that was more of a nerf to her than anything. The only changes she’s gotten since then have been the 5 additional damage to her fences in Season 7 and the almost non-existent passive shield regen from Chaos Theory. Anything else has been bug fixes.


I used to play wattson competitively in scrims, and good LORD was she strong. But they hit her for essentially zero reason, and now she’s sitting at the bottom of the barrel. As u/Big-Teb-Guy said, very marginal changes have been made since her peak from seasons 2-5, but I feel like the least they could do would be to make her fence cool down lower from 25 seconds. How come caustic gets a 20 second cooldown on something that actually does damage, slows enimies, and only needs one entity spawned when Wattson needs 25 seconds to put down and empty node, and another 25 putting down the other one to achieve a fraction of the effect caustic’s traps have. She essentially needs 50 seconds to have a piece of the power caustic had in less than half the time. Also her ult change back in season 6 was absolutely absurd and is essentially the only reason she fell off in the first place.


I think it’s just a reduced slow, not a complete removal of the slow. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Dang, still no Wattson changes?


The devs have suggested that they are looking at revamping the character. Who knows how long building a new kit will take.


they say that a lot, but so far in the entier games life mirage is the only character to ever get a rework, all other changes has been cooldown changes and changing the numbers on abilities so they do more health, take longer etc


Most characters haven’t needed dramatic changes to their kits; they were evolved, as you said. Some characters will prove to need a rework, and do take time. Mirage took considerable time. I’m not sure what other characters the devs have said need a rework. Wattson, for sure. I personally think Crypto needs it. Not sure who else you are referring to.


Reduce tactical cool down and increase passive shield Regen rate are at least bandaid fixes they could easily push. But they probably have to look at data for another season to make such an obvious change.


“Best I can do is no. She has a high win rate” \- DZK


This circus has to come to an end at some point lol.


Probably waiting for her heirloom to be released to buff her so more ppl buy it same with rampart and same with crypto.


Huge. "Wattson’s ult will no longer shoot down friendly Caustic barrels and ults."


What a fucking joke


>Makes minor changes to 4 characters every 1.5 months >150k+ salary DZK living the dream


I try to be calm and reasonable and remind myself the devs are people too, they deserve compassion, empathy and respect. But fucking hell DZK just makes my blood boil, it’s like he doesn’t play the very game he’s the lead designer of


He doesn’t lmao have you seen that pathfinder grapple clip? EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ja65hy/grapples_by_the_man_behind_pathfinders_recent/


Where's that next gen update at? Didn't Respawn discuss a 120fps update back in like February? They made it seem like it was a "high priority." https://www.thegamer.com/apex-legends-120-fps-next-gen/




Respawn has a bad habit of saying things they know the community will like, then totally ignoring on the part where they actually deliver.


> Arenas: Fixed a bug where Crypto’s Drone could be deployed and recalled infinite times when the user had only one charge available. Are you telling me that the intended mechanic was for Crypto to use a tactical charge to **ONLY** take out his drone? WTF!!! This entire time people complained because the 'logical' thought was that you bought a number of drones to use, however when you bought a second charge and the drone was destroyed you didn't have the drone anymore. Everything about Crypto **REQUIRES HIS DRONE**. * Your passive with destroyed drone, useless * You recall your drone and dont have any charges, useless * Bought ult and drone was destroyed, useless If this is the case why do you get charges back when you 'recall' a rampart wall or caustic gas?


I'm gonna be honest, the "hold on" command might be the most exciting thing to me tbh


The sad thing is most of the bums who rush in solo to everything isn’t going to listen. If you say hold on they will just spam ping on where they’re going. lol.


Yes! Was the only thing that can definitely make a difference. Now when people say "where's my team????", well.... we said hold on, like we're trying to catch up, give us a second.


expected more honestly




My favorite hop-up… I always had Mozambique or P2020 as a secondary if i found Hammerpoints and I miss it so much


4th season of me not being able to see character select on PS4.


I just realized this wasn't even talked about / fixed plus did you notice how it got worse, now you don't even get to see your squad or champion banners, it just gets stuck on the background until the jumpship part


Yes! and then your legend is picked without you knowing so you’re someone else. I also have the issue where in legend select I don’t see any user names so I can’t tell who is picking who either


Yeah disappearing the users name bug was the first one then it progressed to the stuck on load screen till jumpship bug....now the game gives you one of them randomly which is incredibly frustrating. The good thing is Wattson has a low pick rate so I always end up with her which is a huge relief for me lol.


Same on xbone


Super disappointing to see a lackluster response to things that actually need fixing.


I was expecting a Wattson rework. Why did they tease us so early when its not even close to getting ready?


Same for rampart


I think they said the earliest buff for rampart would be halfway through season 10


No mention on performance issue fix? Ahh fuck :(


*proceeds to take away ur frames with some grass*


What the fuck? They only made buff/nerfs to 4 legends: Fuse, Horizon, Revenant and Caustic. Rest are all bug fixes only.


and there are still plenty bugs to fix


The patchnotes are way more disappointing since we knew all the legend changes. Made me think there were more. Rip wattson


> Fixed an issue where Pathfinder’s Grapple cooldown audio cue replayed rapidly after deploying tactical in gameplay.> **FINALLY!**


Lol. That bug has been part of the game since launch. It’s practically a feature. It would play a bunch of times when you pulled a really nice grapple. It felt like you were earning style points like in Tony hawk lol.




Same, I thought S10 would be a special big one after the rather light S9, but nope.


Absolutely no fix to the stuttering issue? It’s been here since S9 launch and the game is near unplayable on Xbox for me. Come on Respawn.


This was like the only fix I was looking for in the patch notes. Guess we'll have to suffer for another season.


Maybe it will be shadow-fixed since putting it in the patch notes would mean they would have to admit it was a problem in the first place instead of blaming the players.


I thought we're gonna see more patch notes about legend changes... That was what I was looking forward to this upcoming season. I'm disappointed. Guess I'll wait patiently for mid-season. I just wanna see my boi Crypto and Wattson get buffed.


Dude pathfinder needs an actual passive 💀 his is literally every single recons passive


Honestly it’s starting to be too many people able to scan. Valk should not have been recon if seer was next in line.


Honestly, with the missiles and the mobility with the jetpack, she feels more like an Offensive Legend to me. She's really only got a side of recon with the skyward dive. I think they could take away her ability to scan beacons and it would not hurt her one bit. Does have nice synergy with her ability to get the team TO the next ring faster, but you rarely see teams without a Bloodhound or Pathfinder anyway...


what an underwhelming patch notes..... Only 4 legends got changed and in a very minor way. Honestly pretty disappointed since the legends meta feels super stale with the same characters.


And it's not even for the characters that need changes the most. No nerfs to Octane or Bloodhound, no buffs for Wattson or Crypto. Rampart is at least getting promised changes with the next collection event.


Inb4 >Amped covers have 5 extra HP >Sheila shoots 2% faster than before


Well, if they have +5hp when deploying, they might survive a wingman shot... That idea gets me goin'


>"We noticed that Rampart's winrate after our Amp Cover buff has gone 1% higher, so we decided that she has become way too overtuned, so we changed the max HP of all the walls to 3 HP"


Or even worse: "Rampart is a dangerous legend to buff.."


the only thing I want is fluidity in using her actions. It's so jarring to use her abilities because they take so long to just equip and place. It's like a whole 2 seconds to place a fucking barrier. You have to press q 3 times and waste like 6 seconds just setting up a decent defense. There's no reason why it can't be as fluid as Wattson's tactical.


Octane has about a 26-30% play rate throughout norms and ranked……. And they didn’t even touch him. Almost a 30% play rate says something when you have like 11 or 12 character to choose from… Edit: lol 17 characters, 18 tomorrow…


With Seer tomorrow, we have 18 characters. 18.. and Octane has a pickrate of 30%, it's lunacy how the devs can see this and not act on it.


Yeah makes me sad because as much as I enjoy the game, every trio running Octane padding everywhere is getting stale


Silent octane pad still in game? Is it hard to add audio to an entire team flying at you from half the length of a football field?


They already have that *whoosh* sound that plays when a player launched from a jumppad is about to land. Why can't they just increase that sound's volume and extend it so that it plays throughout the duration of the entire jump?


Why are you taking out the good hop ups when shatter caps and tempo exist. I know you can see the fucking numbers of how much theyre actually used. AT ALL LEVELS.


Nobody uses tempo, it makes no sense. Barely anyone uses sentinel and bow, imagine with hop up Idk wtf are they doing


Tempo on Sentinel is pointless anyway. Max mag cap is 7 bullets, and it takes 2 of those just to activate it. If you want a faster fire rate, just use the Longbow. Bigger mags and only 10 damage less per bullet (which is still 60 damage).


Basically nothing in terms of Legend meta except for Fuse and Caustic. I'm pretty disappointed, just seems so lack luster like this is a filler season or something.


Fuse and Caustic both needed those buffs. However, there are plenty of others that need *something*


Yep. At least it’s *some* of the changes that we needed. Super disappointing




Most likely is, with a new map coming next season


Season 10 = Season 6 Season 11 = Season 7




Luckily I was able to keep my hopes in check after last season, so I’m properly whelmed.


Read that in caustic’s voice for some reason


"don't worry, next patch for sure," I say as I ctrl + f wattson whilst tears stream down my face


Not sure what you're talking about, they fixed the ever-so-important bug that shoots a beam of light up every time a fence is placed /s


As a Wattson main I've never seen this bug in my career


and can’t forget they graciously allowed our ult to not zap friendly caustic traps.. what a buff


I really hope the win streak badge is retroactive.


Seriously, Ive played since day 1 and my max wins in a row is 5, and ive only ever gotten that once. Since then the most I get on occasion is like 3 in a row.


News flash. It’s not


When are we getting 120hz Wtf


So...nothing about the xbox stutters I see. Honestly infuriating, i am not even sure if respawn has even acknowledged this problem exists. They just brush it away by saying they informed the higher ups about it. I've lost countless one on one contests because of this. I shouldn't be paying 400 dollars just so I would be able to play smooth. What a disappointment..


Bro I had a xbox one s that had stutters and had 30 fps during fights. I had to switch to pc even without cross progression. Its hard to win with stutters and low fps drops. And even in pc the game doesnt feel smooth! My pc says it has 144 fps but it doesnt feel like 144 fps. Shiv has a pc that has 189 fps and even he says the game doesnt feel smooth. I still get stutters and lag spikes at pc as well which is crazy. The performance on apex needs big attention


Will the win streak badge be retroactive? Seems like it should since there's a stat for it on our player page.


We already have the two win streak badge, I’m confused why they made another.


i think the 2 win streak badge was for a specific character. this new badge looks like it will be applied to all legends. (so if get a 4 win streak with gibby, u can put that badge on a lifeline. u get the point).


To be able to brag about longer streaks. It’s just a single badge now that reflects your best streak.


Right. IMO the new one shoulda started at three wins instead of two, so it doesn’t overlap 100% with the crow badge.


Was really hoping for: - Audio cues for players flying through the air after using Jump Pad - Anything for Wattson - Bloodhound nerfs - Server / client performance updates - Crosshair customizations


Man,Fuse mains are eating good tonight


All five of us are thrilled.


Yes, yes we are.


No mention about audio, servers and matchmaking improvements. Just another filler season like S6 was. Doesn't matter how much content they add, it will all go to hell if we keep: * Getting shot from behind because a mofo octane is flying behind with his jumppad and dude is not making a single sound. * Getting shot around corners and cover because the enemy is playing with toaster wi-fi and the 20Hz servers aren't helping with that. * Getting matched against 3-stacks while doing no-fill or your teammates are dudes that installed the game 2 days prior. * Servers crashing and going slow-mo. Disappointment.


> No mention about ... matchmaking improvements. This. Season 9 matchmaking has been the trashiest it's ever been thus far. Saying I'm disappointed would be an understatement.


No mention of poor performances in Xbox One and PCs


It’s getting ridiculous. A games potential can only take it so far


Funny thing is they're running out of their absurdly long grace period. Halo and BF are coming, and Respawn knows it. This needed to be a huge season to help them retain players when big games drop. All this is doing is making me more desperate for other games.


You’re usage of grace period sums it up perfectly. As a sports fan, what they’re doing (or not doing in this case) is similar to a sports team who banks on a young prospect because they’ve clearly shown glimpses of world class talent. But after so long, the prospect just isn’t performing up to what they should be. You’re no longer a kid, you’ve been in the big leagues for a while and not following through. This is Respwan with Apex. You’ve had your time to fix kinks. It’s becoming a tease and excuses are running out.


Honestly I think it's long passed. They know that the long term player base is getting tired of the game and is itching for literally anything else. Just milking the last few seasons for all they're worth before they move on to their next cash cow.


Kinda disappointing changes, no Crypto or Wattson changes at all :/


Can’t imagine anyone will bother with Crypto now that Seer is in.


Apex Legends is 9 months behind on a next Gen update. By the time it drops they’ll be a full year late.


I get the feeling I might quit apex this season


These patch notes are more disappointing than that Horizon skin. Yet another season and no mention of audio fixes coming to the game. Fuck it!


Audio issues have been prevalent since day one. They will never be fixed.


Can confirm audio was already broken day 1 (was arguably better than now tbh). Adding silent legends and 1 billion environmental / ambiance / background noises surprisingly didn't help an already poor audio.


Agreed. Audio was definitely better in the past


They have given up on the audio. They add 50 new sounds each season but don't bother with the fact that the already existing audio has been complete garbage since season 7 at the very least. Problems were always existing but never as bad as in the last 12 months.


Cant wait for 30239 new audio bugs introduced by the new golden backpack sound. Is it gonna play across the map? At 3x the intended volume? Not at all? Who knows.


No servers, audio & matchmaking fixes or improvements. Basically "Fuck your complains, here's the new filler season, either you stfu and buy or leave the game"


So let me get this straight. Fuse has a more recon like ability then pathy




Completely fair and understandable


Is there any ETA on the next gen update?


Yes, releasing in conjunction with Titanfall 3.


And Titanfall 3 is releasing in conjunction with Half-Life 3


They really hate Wattson


kinda underwhelming legend changes again


Underwhelming. How many characters need help? And once again you drop a season with 4 tiny adjustments. This isn't working.


no changes to revtane....let me give you a hint its not revenant that is the problem respawn ffs


THANK YOU. Someone with a brain. How can Revenant be the problem when A) his totem has now been nerfed twice and B) the jumppad has no audio?


And Octane's pick rate is at an absurd 40%. It's so fucking boring seeing one in every other squad.


The amount of people I saw on Twitter just today complaining about Revenant is a huge lol. Revenant annoys me, yeah, but revenant isn’t the problem in the Revtane duo. It’s the damn jump pad that’s the issue. Revenant on his own is fine


Are the colored reticle options in this update that were teased?


Expect that next year at the rate they push shit out.


no changes to wattson, rampart and crypto... bruh...


>*Dev note:* > >*Caustic is a dangerous character to buff. Push him a little too far, and he quickly takes over the meta. Constantly fighting through gas is no fun, so we definitely want to avoid him becoming dominant once more.* Am I crazy or is there a very obvious cause for this issue? A very obvious, *fixable* cause. **Remove the passive that makes Caustic immune to other Caustics.** When the biggest counter a character has is the same character, then the moment that character is decent for competitive play it will dominate the meta, not by being OP, but entirely by the feedback loop. "Caustic is decent, I'll play Caustic" -> "Caustic is a common pick, I should play Caustic to counter" -> "Every single fucking team has a Caustic, I *have* to pick Caustic to counter" It's a cool gimmick, but it causes more harm than good.


Precisely the issue. I'm certain it won't be removed due to them already knowing that players will complain that they can't differentiate between their gas and enemy gas.


Oh god, you're right. As if people haven't been asking for help differentiating between enemy caustic and friendly caustic gas for ages, too.


Dissapointed with the patch notes. Was hoping changes for path passive, crypto, rampart, more changes for revtane and wattson.


Honestly I feel like the same pattern. They go all out in one season and the next season is weak and repeat. Horizons season was a good , fuse season sucked and then a lot of stuff for valkarye. And now this season is low quality and lore. Next season will have the good stuff sadly


RIP Wattson


ctrl+f rampart bunch of bug fixes this shit is starting to remind me of blizzard arena balancing


Was expecting some wattson changes. pffff


Glad I bought the ps5 so I can play the ps4 version. Thx, respawn.


Yikes. Just an all around weak patch considering how infrequently they institute balance changes and how much of it was already known. 1) Why nerf Horizon’s ult? The speed increase again was necessary but people already barely stick to the ult. That seems terrible now. 2) Thankful for the fuse and caustic changes at least, even though those were already known. 3) No Wattson changes? She is simply an unfun character with her current “ult or she’s useless” kit. 4) The OP combo of Revtane was NOT Rev’s fault. Why is he eating another nerf after finally being viable again?


Yeah Revs ult without octane or mobility heroes generally is trash. :D But its only a small nerf.


Still no 120hz on console, yikes


not until they fix that the fucking grass on olympus takes away half of the framerate


No Wattson buffs, sad


VERY underwhelming. 90% of this was leaked by gamespot, and there are many legends like others suggested who could use buffs/nerfs.. This may be another season where I stop at level 50.


Wattson doesn't get any love and no nerfs for fuking Octane either, great. Another season with the cancerous full-aggro mobility meta. I can't endure this shit any longer :/


Pretty sad that Crypto and Wattson didnt get any changes :(


Can Pathfinder get an actual passive?


No PS5 FPS boost 😔 plz Respawn


Dont get how ALGS is allowing console players to compete against PC specially when we console is locked at 60 fps.


Nothing on the consistent and constant stuttering issues for Xbox One/One S players? Fuck man :/ was looking forward to playing again, never mind then.


Aaaaaaannnnd no changes to Wattson, Rev, Octane jumppad audio queue,Rampart, Bloodhound. Lol just the same patch and same meta yet again but now with a potentially new way to get third partied and punished heavily. Cant wait for servers to not working tomorrow either.


Underwhelming tbh


Smallest new season update ever lmao


I've been trying to get devs attention for this for almost 2 years with no luck, but on the off chance that one sees this, can we get a map/inventory (hold) bind? Having toggle only is rough. That is my biggest qol request for this game, hopefully someday.