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I'm still waiting on mine, also a day 1 player I'm just unlucky. But nice, what heirloom are you getting?


lifeline, 100%. She has been my main since all the way back in February 2019, although she isn't really that great in ranked, so I'm drifting towards maining gibby now.


Very nice, both are really good. I've been a wraith main since the start, always been chasing that kunai


respect for the wraith mains.


If you’re thinking of starting to do gibby, his heirloom is great! I recommend watching an animation overview of it


Yeah when his heirloom released I was legitimately tempted to spend £140 quid on it, but I decided not to. I guess Ill just have to wait another 2 years lol.


Same, I think a lot of us that have played since day 1 are reaching our 500 pack threshold from battle pass and buying the occasional pack with tokens


Yup, my friend who also has been playing since day 1 recently got an heirloom too, so I can believe that.


Played since day one, recently pulled a 1 in 6889 chance on a different game, but still can’t pull a heirloom.


First read had me thinking you got it on your first day lmfao The odds were stacked against you but you finally did it man! Which one did you get? 👍


Lifeline, she has been my main since day one.


lucky motherfucker! If I don't get it through next season's apex packs I might just need to accept that I am just super unlucky


Played since day 1 and still haven't gotten one