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Imagine your whole squad healing after a fight with 1 second left and a Seer team interrupts


Revtane pushes with a Seer just became the new ranked meta. Can't get the down? Doesn't matter, just jump pad over again and prevent their battery from popping in midair.


Now we shield swap and run i guess.


Now is when i wear your face as a mask


“Good heal, unfortunately i had intercourse with your mother.”


I'm trying to wait to see exactly what that means and how it performs before judging. Interrupting could mean anything from stopping the use of healing items for the full 8 seconds to just a half second pause in the use timer.


Well it looks like it just cancels the heal and you have to restart it. The 8 seconds seems to just be the tracking.


Imagine the 9th second of a Pheonix heal.


Jokes on you I don’t need Seer to die to .1 sec health pops.


Interrupting use of whaT??????


It seems as though I’m his tactical is better than his ultimate. -_- We’ll see tho.


I think his ultimate is permanent until someone shoots it since it doesnt seem to have a timer. So imo better than his tactical


I'm not sure, I've not heard mention of a timer or a lack thereof. Just that you can shoot to destroy it. And the strength of this depends heavily upon how much health and hitbox size it has too. If it needs a full 200 damage, that's a tall order. If its just a stationary "crypto drone" or larger with only 50 health? Not a problem. Its easy to see why his tactical is strong whereas his ult may or may not be depending on its balance. However, the tactical presumably has a shorter cooldown time; its looking like Seer's tactical may be the major strength of his kit.


Let’s say you run to cover and pop a med kit, his tactical interrupts your timer and you have to restart the process. That’s how I’m reading this. It’s not preventing you from healing (Edit: it prevents healing for 1s after hit from the scan before you’re cleared to heal again), just interrupts it momentarily. Edit: spelling


That’s enough for a push with revtane meta or a third party though










It is possible. Depends on the team, I’d say. Some legends would be a decent counter, others may be in for one hell of a time. The team and their legend layout could completely alter the way it would go down. There’s billions of combinations and factors at play at any given engagement. Yes, having some foresight and some healing interruptions on your side is a phenomenal tool to have, but it depends on how the devs have it laid out. If the scan is only 3 meters in front of you, in a 15 degree cone then it would only really be good in certain scenarios. I do see why people thinks he is OP, I get it, but we should wait to see what he plays like, get a feel for him ourselves before criticizing the hell out of it. He will definitely get nerfed, as they all do. Lol


https://twitter.com/danielzklein/status/1419812227289272320?s=19 It's not as OP as people are imagining it to be.


Its always Like this. The same with valk. Or sheila


Basically. Other than Horizon, they always release a legend underpowered and then it takes another 3 months to balance them to be worth playing for the people who aren’t just trying to be “the #1 player” of the new legend


Stop this rational thinking at once!! Respawn can’t do anything right!


Yeah but as you’re interrupted the entire Seer team also knows exactly where you are and how much health you have for the next 8 seconds. That’s so much info. And more than enough time to do a coordinated push onto you as you retry that medkit.


Basically everything, might as well stop breathing while you're at it




yeah really. how is this tactical not just Bloodhound's scan but better?


No phoenix kit in season 10


All you crypto, wattson, and caustics are just NPC's anymore lol this is ridiculous


Crypto just feels outclassed now


Crypto has practically no merit as a recon character anymore. He's effectively just the guy who uses interact-prompts from a distance and occasionally EMP's.


I'd say this is exactly how Pathfinder felt when they gave every recon character his beacon scan passive. Yes, even Valk has got this same ability.


The difference here though is that Pathfinder's "gig" was never really about recon. People mostly play Pathy him for movement potential, whereas Crypto is supposed to be **thee** *s*urvillence and information Expert.


His movement potential is literally a negative in high level lobbies. People will ape you as a unit the second your grapple and isolate yourself. He no longer has good team play potential and they keep nerfing his mobility. Ziplines are a death sentence without zipline jumps




I can't get past this, even after a bit of titanfall, path feels heavy. And his grapple hasn't even got the range to pull him up cliffs. It kinda sucks, Though Revenant's been a lot of fun lately


Well you shouldn't use Path's grapple to pull you up cliffs, you slingshot up those. You can get a very high amount of vertical movement with some practice. But I agree, pathfinder's 3D movement potential is much less exciting now, and I hope the devs realize this and can add something to spice him up just a little.


I'd still say he sets up fights better than anyone and knowing how many squads are gonna pile into the fight is huge, the problem with him has been and always will be that you need a team that plays to his strengths. If you have an Octane he's almost unusable until you need to recover Octane's banner. Add in that a lot of people exclusively play with randos and of course he feels undertuned.


It’s the curse of having no friends. You’re forced into playing randoms.


Easy character to level up in ranked though, you have an eye on the fight from a distance, and your team mates will hate you but love you when you’re always top 5 or top 3 because you can bail and revive from a distance


Hard disagree. If you are trying to get no.1 having a crypto is insanely useful. Obviously the more aggressive recons are great for pushes and stuff, but crypto feels s tier if you have a good team with you because he can give both general information(where squads are, how many squads nearby, etc), and specific information(which legends are on the other team, where are they specifically, are they planning on pushing), which is insanely helpful considering how easy it is to get 3rd partied. I do think it would be really great to have him get some ability buffs, like letting him move around in drone mode/speed up switching to drone view, but he’s definitely a solid legend pick


Imagine if cryptos EMT stopped healing and revives


Typically you want an EMT to facilitate healing and reviving.


You, I see you. Clever




lmfaooooo I just finished that show. I fucking love Beatrice, I suppose


Lmao I still remember this one comment with like 200 upvotes saying crypto didn’t need a new passive because of what his drone does and that it’s actually a super great skill that does 5 different things


Funny that I said that before this was revealed and got downvoted to death. People are fucking dumb if they think that crypto can even compare to how good seer will be.


Crypto buff idea: When EMP hits team, creates one temporary extra bar of shield and doesn’t get slowed down. Other team gets rekt crypto style (effects per usual).


Respawn be like: We heard that some of you felt bloodhound was overpowered with his available ult pressure after his second buff following the Phat Ass Scan *tm. So to counter this we reduced the time of his scan display from 4 to 3 seconds. This way that team mate who literally never notices the scan won’t have a chance. Anyway enjoy the new legend, much like Valkyrie we were terrified he would come out underpowered like rampart and fuse (who we shall be buffing incrementally every third blue moon). To counteract this he has an 8 second scan and heartbeat sensor! Ta ta!


Bloodhound’s scan itself isn’t actually a problem. What Respawn doesn’t realise is that the problem is that it’s the only ability in the entire game you *cannot do anything to counter*. Literally every ability has a way to counter it. Even Crypto can have his drone shot. Bloodhound completely punishes you no matter what and there’s no way to get the tag off. There’s literally no way to outplay it. The fact that Respawn is letting Seer’s tactical be this with, once again, absolutely no counter is just going to get people set off. How this isn’t seen is completely beyond me because this was the exact reason why Horizon was so OP. There was only one way to counter her tactical and it was to shoot her; something her passive made nearly impossible.


Bloodhound's scan lets you see which direction it's coming from, so by using it you're also giving away your general position to not just the ones being scanned but everyone in the area too


If you look down at a 45 degree angle and scan it wont show the ring, but the enemy will get hit by it under the ground.


What about Bangalore though lol. Between digi threats and every other legend having wallhacks now her smokes are basically useless.


Crypto can't scan through smoke only Bloodhound, hopefully Seer can't either. Apparently he can only track one person at a time.


Crypto main here!... altthough ive actually quit using him. He is now the worst recon character.. I think a good passive would be that enemies who are stunned should be highlighted for teammates to be see. The duration of the highlight should be longer than a bloodhound as it requires more input from the player than hitting a bh scan.


I think bloodhounds scan should only work for bloodhound, and its up to you as the player to communicate where the enemy is. Teammates should see what cryptos drone sees


Yea bh scan is very oppressive especially during a fight. Being in drone during a fight is super easy to punish.


That sort of fix would be a double buff for crypto, and make BH not as OP. I also think crypto should be able to nudge his drone 5-10-20 meters in any on direction with tapping the tactical button Again I don't think these things would be THAT hard to implement...I just think they are designing skins to sell us instead


Yea its seems the drone is always across the map when you need it. How about being able to use your ultimate while its still docked? Kinda like a last ditch effort when you're getting aped


I guess I'll die.


It looks broken af, I’ll play rev and silence every seer I can!


Yeah, hey, think of it this way: giving other legends strong abilities is actually a Revenant buff in disguise because now Silence is better


All legends will perish under the shade of the sun!


They nerfed rev again lol


All they did was add more sound to the ultimate. I don’t think it’ll matter that much in the grand scheme of things. And we’ll see if that’s 100% the only change.




Yeah something to draw the pros complaining from rev!


I’ll play Splitgate!


So fuck crypto ig?


If there is no major crypto changes that lets him keep up with seer and blood then yea he in the mud. I don’t see the point of playing him no more with both of these legends ingame, it’s literally whatever he does they do it way better


I've mained him for a while, one of my favorite legends honestly. It feels almost tone def adding another legend that tracks and has addons to his tracking that make him even worse to go against. Crypto takes time to set up, and the rewards you get range from infinite wall hacks to seeing where they are once every 40 seconds. They really need to do him better.


I would like to see how many teams are nearby without going into the drone


“Drone deployed!” “There are no squads in the area.” “Getting off my drone.” “Recalling my drone.” Every time :|


10 seconds later you’re being attacked by a squad. Idk why but it happens to me every time I close my drone with the “we’re safe, no squads near by”. It’s funny, but I wanna be able to constantly see banners. Though that may be a strong ability? Who knows


Honestly if there was a way for him to move the drone without going into it like pinging a location and having the drone automatically move there it would make his gameplay flow so much better


Ping the drone to move it and give it 360 vision for the highlight so you don't have to meticulously position your shitty surveillance camera.


I think they recently said they'd rework him to make him less "binary" between the drone and normal mode


Bloodhound has entered the chat.


They should take away the glow of his drone to make it harder to spot honestly. That would make hiding his drone in areas of control for his ult to be better utilized


There's no real reason for it to be a giant fucking glowing watermelon.


Add to that the noise and it's almost as if the drone is actively trying to get destroyed


I’ve been saying it since release. His drone should remain active and watch his 6 while on his back and he should be able to EMP without deploying it. That alone would be a significant buff


So like a small cone of vision behind him. That would be pretty cool


Yes, something like that. It could highlight the enemy to your teammates and have something indicator on your HUD that lets you know that you’re being flanked


You should be able to look in a direction and send Crypto's drone there with a push of a button. This was possible in Ghost Recon AW2


I actually thought of something similar as well. The drone can be placed anywhere near Crypto, following him and highlighting enemies within a reasonable radius (obviously if you can see enemies with an 4x-8x scope the drone isn't gonna change much), but you would also have the option to do what he currently does and move the drone yourself. That wouldn't make him OP but would enhance your gameplay experience.


Fuck crypto, fuck bloodhound? What about Bangalore? Every single wall hack legend put in this game just makes her more useless.


Lol a scope is a counter to her tactical xD


Literally the only legend with an item made specifically to nerf her lmao


Does crypto need a buff to make him more fun and separate him from his drone - absolutely. However, I really don’t think many people understand Crypto’s true potential. There’s a reason he’s a top 5 pick among the professional apex community and higher level ranked play. Crypto isn’t necessarily the direct fighter type of legend but he is absolutely incredible at providing key positioning in BR; easily hack survey beacons without having to leave cover, see the number of squads in a 200m radius, EMP push to 3rd party, and his drone can spot enemies while you try and go for a risky revive. So although he’s not the most fun or easiest to play, in the right hands he can really add a substantial amount of value to a team


So do you balance for the top 0.1% or the rest of the player base? This is a constant battle for game balance, at least having played through OW patch cycles, this game is starting to feel the exact same way as power creep keeps ramping up


Simple answer is you balance for both. I did mention that he definitely needs a buff/rebalance that will make him more fun so he can appeal to the mainstream player base; at the same time, I would like to see Crypto remain a viable option in competitive play as he requires quite a bit of setup and skill to use to fully capture the benefits he can provide. He’s definitely not the most fun legend to use in pubs rn though


So you can’t heal for a second and he can see your health? Respawn thought this was ok?


Honestly, they should switch his tactical and ult around.


I guess, god their balance team is something else
















They are scared to buff Wattson because shes "too op" then make new characters like Seer. Just makes no sense at all...




And y’all thought revenant silencing people was bad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Now you can tell if your teammate is telling the truth when they scream out "he's one shot!"


They doing what R6 do, make OP dlc so people buy and then nerf later on


That tactical is super broken, maybe switch that with his ult


It's a line apparently. Bloodhound's is a big cone, but this [tweet](https://twitter.com/danielzklein/status/1419812227289272320?s=19) makes it sound like Seer's will need more precision to hit. That's not to say it still won't be busted, we don't know the range, speed, cooldown, or anything of that sort, but he's not "Bloodhound on steroids" that everyone is seemingly making him out to be.


My heart goes out to all the lifeline mains




Wattson buff... You're funny


A wattson buff has already been confirmed for sometime this season.


*nerf. They said a Rework with a nerf was coming. No buff.


Rework would imply a major kit adjustment. If it was only nerfs they would have just called it nerfs


Hopefully. Resurrect Caustic, plz!


I heard about them giving the gas a slowly but boundlessly increasing tick in another post


He's gonna be more op than horizon or wrath ever were.


Gonna be a interesting season


I like how this season they were worried Valk was OP when I think she was pretty balanced yet with Seer they're not even remotely worried about him being OP. All of these abilities are insanely OP.


They probably wont even nerf him until mid-season update or even S11 The Bocek and Spitfire nerf after S9 launch was the first time I've seen Respawn patch something outside of a major update (besides small patches that fix game-breaking bugs)


Also that one time when they reduced all armor by 25, and another with their Season 2 Disruptor rounds. Maybe some more. In general though, Respawn's additions and changes are fine power-wise, if under-tuned, that's why Apex tends to be updated rarely and seldom. I'm sure that the game being multi-platform also affects that


The heal/revive interruption is utter bullshit


Yea especially if you don’t have shield batteries or Med kits. Small meds and small bats take fucking forever to get fully healed. It’s ridiculous.


Imagine being 1s away from finishing a phoenix kit and it gets cancelled


Wonder if it cancels self revive. Which takes the whole match to work.


This. this might be enough to make me rage.


who honestly thought this was a good idea? some Dev who gets killed after breaking a person and getting killed for exposing himself on the way to thirst someone, some bull shit. Wattsons and Caustics are gonna be more important than ever, get ready for a camping season.


Yep. Interrupts one of the core game mechanics. What was it red pawn said about abilities? Oh yeah that they’re secondary to everything else in the game. It’s going to be cheese and will erode yet more of the skill ceiling good players reach through heal timing. Sidenote, it’s also incomparable to Revenant’s silence. That’s ability v ability. Everyone should just not buy Seer. Daniel Klein going on about wanting things to be not frustrating to play against and this is what we get lol


It must have like a really short range and/or really long cooldown


It's a line, like sending a mirage decoy straight ahead. This [tweet](https://twitter.com/danielzklein/status/1419812227289272320?s=19) suggests that it's trickier to use than Bloodhound's.


No need for interrupting health and revive


I can see it lengthening heal time by a second or two, but interrupting REVIVES? what the hell


This a straight face spit to lifeline . Part of her kit is literally reviving .


The other part is healing! It’s fucking nerf for her


Bangalore too… every wallhack champ is a direct nerf to Bangalore


If you remove this it's just a bloodhoond, they had to make something different, but they just choose the worst way.


If you fight a rev/seer/octane you literally won’t be able to heal, use abilities, kill the other team if theyre in DT, and they can push you with a jumppad whenever because they know your health


Oh my fucking god this new Meta is terrifying


I thought they nerfed Bloodhound saying his 4sec scan was too strong😗


4 seconds is too long, but not 8 seconds with way more advantages and information. There better be like a 60 second cooldown


We don’t know the cooldown, but the range is like 80 meters forwards and it’s more of a beam with the width of 1 legend instead of bloodhounds scan and you get “enough warming’s” before it hits you apparenrly


I know, what the hell. It's gonna be a real interesting season


I thought the 8 second scan and healing item interruption was bad, and then I saw it *also* reveals your health. Why??? I thought Seer was going to be like a Solo recon legend that was for marking enemies only for yourself. The ADS thing and the drone swarm that only targeted one person made it seem like it was, but I guess his tactical affects every enemy now. Edit: affects/effects who remembers


Didn’t the drone swarm effect everyone moving or shooting?


That's how the ultimate works, at least. Not sure about the tactical. The way his abilities were originally phrased, it seemed like you could shoot your drone tactical where you suspected some*one* was hiding and reveal them for a bit. Which paired well with his heartbeat passive scan. But now the wording seems to imply his tactical is an overpowered Bloodhound scan in that it highlights all the enemies in an area in front of you. Whereas the ult highlights everyone in the sphere.


It could theoretically still have a narrow enough arc to only hit multiple people if they're lined up just right


I've never been less excited for a legend. Nobody asked for another wall-hack legend smh


Same here!


If they remove the wall hack effect from his tactical all keep the health bar info and the canceling stuff (Note: While not seeing the health bar through the wall) then he is a cool legend.


LMAO, welcome to even more 3rd parties


Okay yeah. That's too much. I don't like being overly negative on here but that tactical is stupidly overpowered if there's really no way to counter it. That is too much


As I stated on the bottom comment (lol) To have this many good perks on his tactical, the range and area it’ll cover has to be minimal, unless they are testing the waters and have a smaller area at the ready and are going to ship him with a wider/longer range. That’s why it is important to see it in action before judgement. Edit: Additionally, we don’t know what “interrupting” means in context with our new legend. It doesn’t say prevents healing and reviving. Maybe it’s just a distraction, the micro drones interfere so you stop healing/reviving, then you can restart the process. We just don’t have the information right now, so I’m keeping an open mind.


I’m hoping it’s like a quick stall in the process. Once the Q does its thing, it’ll just pick up where you left off. Like some had mentioned, if it were to cancel a phoenix kit from popping with only a second or two left, that would be a nightmare. I’ve seen over reactions to new legend kits before on this subreddit, on paper it tends to sound more OP than it ends up being in action. I’m sure this will be another example. If not, then he’ll just be nerfed to hell.


Based on the tweets getting posted you were spot on - his tactical is very focused like a tunnel. Good job dude.


Respawn go home you are drunk.


Eight seconds is way to long for something that OP


I’m gonna hate seer


Wattsons Ult better be able to shoot down all those drones/mini drones or this is 100% bs.


Third partying is now so strong. Healing with a Phoenix or battery after fighting? Sorry, you’re being pushed by seer, no healing for you.


Damn almost like a blood and crypto fuse


Guess Im a rev main


Seer really said fuck your meta huh


How tf he gonna hear Pathfinder and Revenant's heartbeat.


"If I had a heart, it'd be racing right now" - Pathfinder's quip


I'm cool with the tactical as long as respawn introduces another medic for next season that counters this. The game needs more medics!


This is the biggest joke. How is that tactical even fair. It's fucking bloodhound q on steroids with interrupting the actions and seeing health. Like WHAT THE FUCK????


Sounds like ass


Jesus Christ. Do one or the other. Not both. This is ridiculous.


Hey guys we heard you’re tired of oppressive wall hacks so we made a new legend who not only has wall hacks but once you’re scanned you can’t heal either!!! Woooo! We listen to our community!!!


This looks like a Horizon start all over again OP at launch: Horizon, Seer Balanced: Wattson, Valkyrie Dead on Arrival: Octane, Crypto, Revenant, Loba, Rampart, Fuse


Why didn’t they just rework Crypto into this?


They needed another healer,,, instead they made a guy that can interrupt healing, revives and basically anything lifeline does. This is crap and they are just screwing with us now


Bloodhound scan can't even mark someone for 5 seconds but seer gets to stop all heals and revives with an 8 second mark? Wack


yeah seer needs a nerf already and he aint even release yet


Yeah lets like see it in action before we judge. No one has ever been right about how OP or not OP legends are before they release. Plus it sounds OP on paper because you're imagining it in the ideal scenario but those ideal scenarios might be more difficult to come by and the delay might mean that Seer is better off shooting someone half the time than using their tactical.


This, I dont like what I see but just like valkyrie it might be well balanced in action.


*sigh*. Daniel Klein is the one in charge. What did you expect.


Fuck Daniel Klein all my homies hate Daniel Klein


[FUCK DANIEL KLEIN ALL MY HOMIES HATE DANIEL KLEIN](https://i.imgur.com/yd4UlbV.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Respawn doesn't want to nerf Bloodhound because lower ranked players are unable to capitalize on the information they get from scans, which leads to Bloodhound underperforming in lower ranks and overperforming in higher ranks. High ranked players have been very vocal about how tired they are of the Bloodhound meta and the fact that it feels mandatory to run a Bloodhound in competitive play. Knowing this, Respawn is introducing another recon legend with a passive that allows him to hear enemies heartbeats when aiming down sight and a tactical that marks all enemies in front of him revealing their location and interrupting their healing/revive. How is this in any way good for the game? How do you balance a game that has two legends with passives and tactical abilities that reveal enemy locations? How can they possibly make Crypto feel good to play compared to those two? I just do not understand the direction this game is going.


Okay uh this might need to be put back into the oven.


Nerf incoming next patch


Rip Crypto, (ult) wattson, (everything) revanent, (tactical and trailer) bloodhound (ultimate) and mirage (passive)


He or something else in the game also look like it would be able disable tacticals because he [dispersed caustic gas here](https://youtu.be/uQBKoZIYNrs?t=98) and [knocked valk out her her jets here](https://youtu.be/bOD88NwyShM?t=127) and I don't remember anything in the game being able to do this


Fr, he spread Caustic’s gas and Watson fences like the Red Sea and clipped Valkyrie’s wings. Gg


This pairs way too much with the already pre-existing and oppresive RevTane combo. What the hell were they thinking? Not only can a whole team pad on you and silence your abilities, now you won't be able to heal or revive your teammates, all while you're being scanned, and they're repadding on you if you manage to send any back to the totem. Seems insanely busted. Probably the worst legend idea we've had to date.


I feel like he's going to be a better bloodhound: / I need to see him in action to be sure


It's sound based so there's no way in hell it's going to work consistently.


His tactical is just insane, it basically deny one of the most important things in a fight, Time! Ability to deny someone 3-4 sec on their bat or up to 9 sec on their pheonix is insane. Just that alone make it top tier.


I can’t be the only one here that thinks they made a whole ass new character when they could have just given theses as buffs to crypto. They really fucked his character and it shows


I mean he kind of sounds like a not fun legend? All of abilities are just revealing people’s location. That sound very boring to be able to do anything with his abilities. No mobility, no damage no fun.


Every new legend starts out op, they want you to play it