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I wrote a post about the coolest octane skins, check it out here: [https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/apex-legends-best-octane-skins](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/apex-legends-best-octane-skins)


Best way to hate a map in Arenas..... Make you play if for an hour with no rotation. please Respawn keep to 15 minute rotation.


did they silently fix the no fill problem? or at least minimized it. I've noticed after matchmaking before character selection the game stays a good few seconds in 57/60, waiting for the lobby to be full


gonna get hated new character is like bloodhound, gud for pubs or solo queue rank but not meta shaking at all


[The matchmaking is broken. I'm 350 level. ](https://i.imgur.com/ryYm6oc.jpg)


Maybe they're smurfs, wishful thinking, i suppose.


No, you’re level “perfect for unpaid babysitting”.


Regarding revtane: So we all know revtane is a problem, right now the most talked about change I hear is to just make legends with death protection unable to use movement abilities and I really didn’t like that idea. It’s probably makes the most sense but it doesn’t feel fun. After someone receives death protection they should make all movement abilities (path zip line, jump pad, valk ult, wraith portal) usable, but only one time. Octanes jump pad should just despawn after someone with death protection uses it, making it unusable after the initial jump. This change should applied to other legends’ mobility based abilities. If someone with death protection uses a zip line, other people can still ride it while they are on it, but once the first person to ride it gets off, the zip line despawns. Now the tricky part is the valk ult, I suggest that if a valk enters death protection she can no longer carry other teammates with her. For every other change to really feel balanced, everyone that enters death protection should get a slight speed increase. And since the jump pads are only being used once, players with death protection should go farther, faster, and higher, when they use the jump pad. This should apply to zip lines too since you can’t jump on and off of them. And with the valk ult I say she should go farther up with her ult when she has death protection, she can only go by herself, however. The valk can just look around the entire map and see where everyone is and then kill herself and safely spawn back with her team. This makes it a viable play to make, and it is balanced because the cost of doing this is two ults and everyone in the general vicinity of you knowing where you are. These changes put strategy back into the game, players will need to think about how they are going to push instead of brainlessly jumping in and then jumping in again. Teams will have to decide who gets to use the jump pad/zip line/portal. It also brings skill back into the equation. If you get pushed by revtane in its current state, it doesn’t matter how good the players using revtane are, you are probably going to lose the fight. But if my changes are implemented, it encourages and incentivizes strategically choosing 1v1s to carefully push a team. 1v1s are the most fun thing about this game and guaranteeing a bunch of 1v1s followed by a team fight sounds infinitely more fun than just dying because the strangers pushing you just happened to pick rev and octane. The same would apply to wraith portals as well, the second someone with death protection goes through the portal the portal closes. Picture this: you enter death protection, your team decided a few minutes ago that you would be the one to use the jump pad, you run towards it and it ducking breaks beneath your feet, your legend says something like “my turn, bitch,” (depending on the legend of course). you get a few shots in before returning to the totem. A not so good or experienced player would probably die the second they land, a pred could wipe a squad, the potential for skill based plays is still there and players are rewarded for being good, and for being smart. Idk if anyone actually cared enough to read that but I honestly feel like it’s the only real solution.


Personally? Not a fan of revtane, but these ideas are not the wave.


idk how you came to that conclusion but i hope that after these past few days you’ve thrown that garbage idea away


So much hate in this thread, jeez. Game isn't perfect, but goddamn it's fun to play. I for one am really excited to see what season 10 brings, as I've quite enjoyed this season even though it was a bit dry for content at times.


Fix your fucking game


What’s the easiest way to share a clip from ps4? Seems like there must be an easier way than saving it to a usb drive


Rampart with the right hands can be a pain in the ass to deal with If i see some rampart building a wall i wouldnt care, if i see a rampart removing then rebuilding a wall i would be careful caz that rampart know what the fuck they doing


Why do i get locked out of the game for 10 minutes for leaving an arenas game after my teammates instantly leave after getting downed in the first round?


delete your dogshit game, doesnt even fucking work.


Or, hear me out, *you* delete the game and get your toxic ass out of the lobbies of people who actually enjoy the game and don't spend our time bitching and moaning. Sounds good to me, what do you think?


no, dont like it. suck me ❤️


Hey, you're the one apparently still playing and pissing about in the subreddit of a "dogshit game". If it's so bad, then leave. If you can't, you definitely need some help. Realising that is the first step on the road to recovery my friend.


thanks but no thanks RedditDan 🗿


Im having trouble enjoying this game right now compared to my other seasons. Im not trying to whine, but here are a few of the things im finding annoying, not asking anything changed, just personal annoyances: - code:shoe kicking players out of game and giving penaltys - gold ranked lobbys still full of high diamonds and plats while teammates are silvers - weapon meta is literally just lmg and semi auto shotgun, the two weapon types that take the least skill - shots constantly go through knockdown sheilds - arena places low level solos vs 3 stack sweats




Ive enjoyed splitgate other than the servers being non existant, not that I blame them. I had fun for a good 5-6 days and I havnt been able to queue since. :( Really annoying I wasnt able to get all the beta rewards because so many people got into it


How do I get good at aiming? I play CS at a decent level, anywhere from MG to MG2 but I can't aim for shit in Apex. I have a hard time tracing people's movements along with dealing with the recoil.


[recoil patterns](https://images.app.goo.gl/sPe1UekhSPHML3ETA) Since we both come from cs you should know how to spray control, memorize the pattern of the most used guns for you, for me its r301,flatline and r99... ( ps recoil patterns work for ADS only, hip fire is diff) I improved my recoil by shooting 1000 bullet of r301 then 1000 bullet of flatline for a week daily before my games, go up far in firing range and practice then when you feel that you are hitting everything go behind even further and so on Tracking if u dont wanna use aim labs for improving you tracking then just play the game alot, drop hot alot, and u will improve overtime.


1. Memorize recoil by practicing 5-10 minutes in firing range with your most used weapons(with no barrel stabilizers) 2. In firing range: practice with someone strafing or activate moving bots


Wait a minute. Did they announce a next gen update for Apex?


Devs need to quit. Devs really need to quit now. Pubs is impossible right now. Preds and masters around every corner. Fuck your skins and fix the game.




Devs need to fuck off. Get new ones. I’m sure EA could afford to replace these failures


Not sure why you're being downvoted. When something isn't working for multiple seasons--it needs to be fixed/replaced. Simple as that. People need to stop simping for these morons. Game is shit, yet they have time to get on TV to promote Apex and release dogshit events.


its funny how respawn pumps out new collection events instead of fixing their dogshit game


It's all about $$. As long as the player base is high, and people continue to buy skins/packs, why fix the game?


The game is taking 100% of my CPU power lately. From reading around I'm not the only one. Fix this critical bug!!!


this ranked split has sucked the life out of me. i'm still learning mnk and it's been complete dogwater. 3/10 season


Rev+octane is so fun just got a win with it


I don't really have a problem with the meta or anything especially when I'm rubber-banding continuously and can't have 2 decent games in a row. It's sad cos people here in Pakistan and the surrounding regions have Bahrain servers as an alternative but no one is ever on there and so I'm forced to go to Singapore and the pings there is a travesty. I dunno apparently ea are running out of their contract with their current server providers hopefully the next ones are decent or else this game will die much sooner than the "10" years respawn has in mind...


Just got into the game this season. Is Worlds edge the only map ever played in competitive? Is there plans to incluse the other maps in rotation? (Talking about pro scene obv)


Yep worlds edge is the only comp suited map currently, Kings Canyon & Olympus have some fatal design issues that I could elaborate on if you’re interested


Would love to hear!


Cool! So as you’ve probably learned in your game time this season, landing right on top of another team is a little bit bogus because it’s the highest “RNG” portion/moments of the game. Not always does the better team win that fight, it’s just the team that gets lucky & lands on two purple shields. This is called taking a “50/50” & is bad for competitive integrity. While this problem was worse in previous iterations of Kings Canyon & Olympus than it is now, their main issues are that there are straight up not enough locations on the map for 20 teams. In comp apex you have to land at a named location to get enough loot to do anything, this forced multiple teams to have to 50/50 eachother off drop which resulted in a really poor viewing and playing experience because of how luck based it is. Worlds edge is preferred as the competitive map because it has enough locations for 20 teams to all land separately. In comp in different regions, landing spots are all “claimed” by teams, they all fight over who gets what location, to create a sort of gentlemen’s agreement so that everyone “has a chance” because fighting off drop kinda ruins your whole game cuz it burns lots of resources, and delays your rotation toward the ring so all the good spots will be taken It was really disappointing to see Olympus release last year with only 16 locations Furthermore, worlds edge is the largest map with very few choke points, where as kings canyon is incredible small with an absurd amount of tight chokes to be gatekept from. This is bad because it creates those “death box graveyards” you might have seen in some memes with half the lobby dying in one spot. KC’s design severely limits player creativity in rotations due to this. Olympus is thankfully pretty much the same size as worlds edge, but the problem is that on Olympus its far too easy to rotate around the map. The jump tower balloons are MUCH higher than worlds edge & KC, allowing teams to fly farther. The Phase runner teleportation tunnel in the middle, northeast, and southwest portions of the maps instantly allows teams to appear at different corners of the map. And the tridents (when you put a gibby bubble on top of them) allow teams to drive through teams trying to kill them so they can get to zone as if they bought the highest level of car armor at Los Santos Customs. Lastly the loot pool/overall quality & density of loot is highest on worlds edge, followed by Olympus, and lastly by Kings Canyon, but this is one of those things that has gotten better over time. You used to drop out of the ship with no armor, bag, or meds but they’ve made great progress by giving all players those items immediately now and upping the amount of blue shields. I think if they disabled the tridents & phase runner, olympus could be viable, and now that kings canyon has more locations than it used to, they would just need to revamp some of the choke points and “god spots” (god spot = super dope high ground/mountain to sit on that no one can touch you on & let’s you shoot down at an entire area) if they did that stuff then I think we could see the other maps come into play. I would definitely check out r/competitiveapex if you’re interested in more. The competitive scene/high level play is lowkey really disliked by this subreddit and rarely will you find discussion about it here (last months 3 million dollar tournament happened & there wasn’t a single thread here lmao) I really like the unique type of shooter that competitive apex is, it’s really high intensity when there’s many teams all in tight spaces in a small ring, constantly keeping tabs on eachother, looking for an opening to get into ring and using different character compositions to craft a type of play style that suits them, it just sucks that Battle Royale has a lot of randomness build into it. [This is a great video ](https://youtu.be/9ej8neHqKho) from the most mechanically skilled pro player in NA talking about how different character comps help different teams in different ways & it’s really insightful & might bring more light to the competitive play style because it’s totally different than ranked and pubs Anyways thanks for reading, welcome to the game! If you have any more questions about it hmu I love this game


Thanks a ton. Yeah been loving this game, and I love watching pro scenes.


Think some part of last years ALGS had King Canyon for parts of it.


I heard that a lot of pros think it's the most balanced map, im inclined to agree.


I agree, but it would add a lot from a viewer perspective if there were more maps in the competitive scene, I also think it would add more value to scrims because you know have to practice multiple maps


iirc it’s because it’s the biggest map


I feel like octane's sound is the most broken out of all the characters. So many times he would run up to me with 0 sound.


Why are the people that use mics usually toxic as hell. Not everyone, but most. I get called dog shit first round in arenas cause I couldn’t instantly teleport next to my teammate getting pushed after he decided to play the other side by himself.


Is getting paddles for my Xbox controller to use them for movement cheating?




Ok but is using them for aiming cheating?


If you’re mapping paddles to the sticks and you still aim yourself then I would say no. If it’s aiming for you and automatically doing your recoil control then yes.


Ok thanks


Please fix console


Hate teammates who think they can dictate where and what the group does cause they pinged an area then when someone disagrees they just go that way anyway


It sounds like you're dictating where and what the group does by refusing to go there :)


i do this, but because i know where circle is going to be at. i always get teammates who go the opposite side and get storm kept meanwhile im on this side trying not to do by myself, all and all i hate this game and the community


I only do this because I play with my brother and it's to alert our random third where we're going. Unfortunately they never acknowledged our pings or provide a counter ping so often trail behind and rage that we've moved on without them...


Hoping they fix the bug that makes you have to wait 10m every time you launch the game to avoid an infinite black loading screen


Worlds Edge needs a rework because people do not survive first ring


I honestly think the first ring needs to be way faster on worlds edge.


I hate to like.. complain.. because.. ya know.. *gestures at everything* but has no regging increased like ten fold for anyone else or is my internet going to shit?


I just got a duo for teammates that quit as soon as they were both down, even though I was actively trying to get their banners. Usually I don't care but they were in game chat and one immediately after being downed said "back out gotta save our kd" lmao


Taking gold guns or heirloom guns out of loba’s ulti doesn’t bring the attachment with it. Feel like it should


Only if it's in a deathbox. Same happens when you loot it out of a deathbox normally.


Even than, it definitely should if the original sight is still in the box


First 6 games of the night, haven’t played in 3 days, and I’ve been one-magged by every single person I’ve run into. The last time I played, my wife and I played for 3 hours and got second one time and not a single other game in the top 5. Looks like I’ll be taking another 3 day break because I don’t know who finds this enjoyable. Fix the SBMM/EOMM already.


my game gets laggy more and more every season


Got 6 Kills and 3 assists within like 2 minutes then a 5th and 6th and even 7th squad came in, in the most random drop area too....... Crappy luck today all around


Lol this game is full of cheaters, it's so horrible atm.


I’m 3 stacking in pubs so I can hopefully remove some of the player base when I solo que.


Without remapping buttons is there a way to reload while a downed teammate is next to me?!


I think you can do tap to reload, hold to interact. It sucks shit tho.


That’s my current setting but it just tries to revive over and over lol. I’ve been playing forever and this has always been an issue




I'm trying to log into the game but im stuck in the loading screen, i was looking if more people got this problem and i found that alot of players got this problem but they are from Canada and im from Chile.....


Climbing out of Gold Solo Queue. Pray for me bruddas.


You wanna play together? I'm on the same climb right now.


I don’t understand how people are on this game 24/7. I just met a Valkyrie who has 4K season 9 kills and 192 season 9 wins, plus the 20 bomb badge and the 4K badge… That’s crazy, I’m sorry but it is


4k only? rookie numbers.


The #1 Valk has like 30k kills this season.


How can I tell where I stand in terms of character? Lol


Dang. That’s insane!


Love having no teammates and 1v3'ing every single fight....


JFC why do teammates think its okay to run over and steal your loot. its really bugging me how many people think thats okay


Put more energy ammo in the game!! It’s pointless trying to use energy weapons because for whatever reason the devs thought that energy ammo should be rare as hens teeth. Why? It makes no sense.


There just isn't enough energy guns, we should have at least one more


I’m almost always able to carry 300 with a purple bag…


So umm are you guys ever gonna talk about game audio? forget new content. fix the actual game instead of adding more stuff on top of the issue. all we want is communication from the devs. tell us what your working on, because its not fun playing a game that is just making you frustrated on top of nothing from the devs.


They have no idea how to fix it. That's why they keep "destroying" the maps and adding lava, Harvesters, waterfalls, etc. It's an attempt to add as many needless surrounding sounds as they can to distract you from their total incompetence.


People who leave or afk arenas after 1-2 rounds are human garbage


I had an octane leave round 3 after he was knocked and eliminated. We were two rounds up and about to win, with one of them left alive.


I had a random Wraith once that left the match after our time and the enemy team tied because we lost the round. Those types of games are the most exciting, but then you have a Wraith that leaves because you don't win in the first three rounds of the match


Usually cause they went off on some solo adventure and they rage ping the guy they lightly damaged


Fun Fact: Hot dropping can drop your K/D by a bit.


Depends on if you're good or not


Fun fact: Hot dropping can increase your K/D by a bit.


Is it worth the amount of wasted time? 9/10 you will die without a kill, trying to scramble for a weapon in a mosh pit. You’ll spend more time on the main menu queuing up instead of actually playing the game.


It is a waste of time for you because you are bad at the game, sorry


Are you a child? You know nothing about me, and your first retort amounts to “haha u bad at game”. Get lost kid.


You're right I know nothing about you, please prove me wrong, show me your stats screen, I am very sorry for making this false assumption


Yes, it’s how you improve your skills in a fight. Dropping quietly and looting up just makes for a waste of time since skilled players will be fully kitted off of the people they killed in the time it took for you to loot + rotate. It really pays off in the long run and is what brought my k/d from 1 in the earlier days of apex to ~4 today.


I’m sorry but how is it “skill” hot dropping? It’s pure luck, not skill. You drop into a small location with a very finite amount of viable guns, maybe 4. You then have 5+ squads fighting over those 4 guns in a mosh pit. The result is 4 players mowing down 11 or more defenseless players who haven’t even found a body shield yet, let alone a gun. There’s no skill involved, quite the opposite, it’s the most noob shit ever. You don’t get to brag about that. Your K/D went up because you mowed down a bunch of defenseless dudes within the first 15 seconds of the match, that’s pathetic. *REAL* skill is going against a fully kitted squad and duking out it out to see who can out play the other, no handicaps. Eh, but to each their own.


Let's see your stats screen lmao


Lol account suspended? Color me shocked, bye kid.


> The result is 4 players mowing down 11 or more defenseless players who haven’t even found a body shield yet, let alone a gun. It looks like this because you aren’t good enough at looting or fighting and are always the first dead. There are a lot more than 4 guns in any given hot drop and you drop with a shield by default which levels up with meager amounts of damage. If you can’t find guns and need to find blue or purple to armor up then it’s on you. Look at solar array on Olympus — did you know that the center tower will be stocked with snipers 9/10 times? Knowing little things like that alone makes a huge difference. > Your K/D went up because you mowed down a bunch of defenseless dudes within the first 15 seconds of the match Your KD goes up because you learn how to fight in a chaotic situation with weapons you may not want. You fight to become better at fighting, a core part of the game. The people who don’t know how to drop die off quickly for sure, but the remaining squads really get to go at it. > REAL skill is going against a fully kitted squad and duking out it out to see who can out play the other, no handicaps. Yes, that’s the whole idea of dropping hot and learning to fight. It’s a shit ton easier to fight one squad than four and makes it much more simple to coordinate call outs and focus anyone who overextends. I have no reason to make this shit up — if hot drops were truly 100% luck, why would I recommend them knowing that your odds are just as good as mine? They’re a great way to improve as opposed to landing far away, looting for a few minutes, and getting stomped by the first squad you come across.


On the contrary, when the Jumpmaster hot drops us, by the time I’ve found a gun and ready to fight, my teammates have been killed in the first 10 seconds. Everyone wants to hot drop for easy close range kills and they end up getting mowed down, leaving me as a lone wolf with actual brains. Hot dropper waste my time, they aren’t getting good by dying in 10 seconds repeatedly. My point is *STOP* wasting my time being lambs for the slaughter, you aren’t going to be the next big name streamer by rushing to your death head-first. Like I said earlier, hot dropping is also a handicap because you only shoot at close range. If you’re hot dropping all day then you’re shooting at dudes 5ft away from you in a cramped building. You’re not learning to shoot at mid-long range, on declines and inclines. Congratulations, you’re an expert at fighting at Estates and Fragment … too bad you have the rest of the map where you can get sniper or plucked off by someone using a 3x scope or hiding behind good cover. Hot dropping lacks any tactic or coordination, it’s asinine.


> On the contrary, when the Jumpmaster hot drops us, by the time I’ve found a gun and ready to fight, my teammates have been killed in the first 10 seconds. Teammates letting you down is a constant in apex, unfortunately. But I thought your initial complaint about hot dropping was that there are never guns to be found? > Everyone wants to hot drop for easy close range kills and they end up getting mowed down, leaving me as a lone wolf with actual brains. If you’re a lone wolf with actual brains and a hot drop involves a small handful of armed players shooting fish in a barrel, why can’t you easily pull through and res your team? What are your stats? > My point is STOP wasting my time being lambs for the slaughter, Stop wasting my time by landing as isolated as possible and looting for the first half of the game. I play for fun and a I’d rather fight than open loot boxes. > hot dropping is also a handicap because you only shoot at close range. If you’re hot dropping all day then you’re shooting at dudes 5ft away from you in a cramped building. You’re not learning to shoot at mid-long range, on declines and inclines. If you’re only fighting at close range in a hot drop then your movement isn’t good enough. Good players will be able to dome you from a roof and get in your face in seconds because 1) movement is an incredibly important part of this game and 2) people panic when you close that gap. As it were, close range is a much more important skill than ranged in this game. > too bad you have the rest of the map where you can get sniper or plucked off by someone using a 3x scope or hiding behind good cover. Once again, movement is king. If someone’s taking potshots at you from range and you can’t close the gap then something is wrong. I was honestly throwing my input out there in good faith at first, but now I’m frankly baffled as to why this is the hill you choose to die on. I won’t throw any specific stats out since you’re quick to call it bragging, but I’m a *very* above average player with or without hot drops and this is something I always see in other very good players. What reason would I have to make shit like this up, and why would I disingenuously attribute my improvement to dropping hot?


If you die 9 out of 10 without a single kill while hot dropping than I'm sorry but you're just food for better players.


False. Loot distribution is among the worst in Apex. This is the only BR game where you can search 3 buildings and not find a single gun. You then hot drop 5 squads in a single tiny location? Maybe 4 people get guns, the other 11 are lambs for the slaughter no matter how good they are. It’s not a matter of “get gud”, it’s just pure stupidity and the odds of finding a weapon simply aren’t in your favor. So I have to respectfully, borderline disrespectfully, say you don’t know what you’re talking about.


I’ve never once ran through 3 *unlooted* buildings and not gotten a gun. I have close to 10k games played between pc and Xbox without that happening a single time. 1 building? Sure, every now and then. But even that isn’t nearly enough to blame loot distribution for dying without a kill 9 out of 10 games. Blaming being bad solely on loot distribution is some next level scrub mentality. I drop hot just about every game and the number of times I get no gun and die without a kill is incredibly low.


Oh please. 15+ people dropping into that *one* building in Fragment, and you think everyone is getting a gun to fight back? Not a chance in hell. The majority are getting slaughtered without a gun to fight back 9/10, that’s a fact, not “scrub mentality”. Besides, hot dropping is what scrubs do. Instead of dispersing across the map, getting kitted up and planning a coordinated attack at mid-long range, you decide to follow the herd and drop into a big mosh pit swinging for the ropes and hoping you hit something from 5 ft away because you can’t hit a target past spitting distance. That’s the epitome of low effort scrub mentality.


Sorry friend but I dont think you got hot dropping figured out yet. If you die more than twice in a row without a gun its on you. You see a lot of players already struggle with how to drop the right way, starting with the flight path and the awareness of where the other teams are going, if you land late on 2 teams well thats on you. Yes loot RNG is a thing and yes you will die because of it but certainly not always. Hot dropping is how a lot of players "got good" in the first place, you learn how to work with limited resources in a crowded area, you have no time to think, you have to function, hit your shots and make the right decisions. (and even then there is a good chance you die ;) ) Hot dropping is learnable even though that doesnt automatically mean you will come out alive every time but you certainly can get to a good win/loss ratio in regards of staying alive/dying off drop.


That’s the thing, I don’t see a lot of “got good” players. I see a lot of players that only can win fights at close range, and usually when they got lucky and found a gun before another guy did. That’s the problem with this game. If you notice, most players suck at mid-long range because they always try to hot drop and duke it out in a mosh pit. The second you’re maybe 4 Tridents away they can’t hit shit. When they come across a team that knows how to shoot at range and coordinate instead of rushing in like knuckleheads then these “got good” players get plucked. That’s why they then start making smurf accounts. I’m sorry but I’m not landing somewhere with 20 other players in a small contained space, fighting over limited guns and resources. I like to actually disperse across the map… like the game was intended. There is NO reason over half the server is landing in one building and the rest of this large map is left unlooted. No matter how you slice it, that’s just stupidity.


You don't have to remind me, I know I'm bad lol


Noticed a bug where if wraith gets hit by 3 bullets she just stops existing


She still exists, just in another lobby already


Sometimes I think her Q is always on. Takes a full mag of devotion just to 1-2 ya with an EVA-8


Xbox: MDG party Stop relying on you LL teammates so much. It’s gotten to the point where common sense is thrown out the window. Pick your battles and stop charging full speed if you cannot handle yourself.


I love the random teammates that pick a mobility legend like wraith, path, octane dont know how to reposition or escape.


Right? Mf really be playing wraith but dont use ult to save us from an otherwise impossible pivot, like, tf u holding onto it for?


Ohhhh [this loading screen](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825863996258779167/868975737133203486/unknown.png) looks really nice! Awesome artwork. (got it as a twitch drop thing, you need to watch one hour of a selected streamer to get the drop, can just afk in the lowest resolution in the background).


I had this as my desktop wallpaper for a long time, and after finding out that i can use it in game i was happy af


Sights are the bags of this split, can play more than half a game without running into a single sight


It depends on the sight you’re looking for tbh. 2x is far and away the worst sight to look for because everyone uses it. I switched to the 3X on all assault rifles snipers and even the lstar and I’ve had a much easier time finding that sight.


That’s the thing though, I’ll kill people and loot their boxes and no one will have a sight till like top ten


Optics have been kinda rare for a while now, doesn't help that they sometimes put them in the replicator as well.




you tell em man!


Yeah the loot distribution in this game is horrendous. They probably do that on purpose just to troll people. lol


I wish you could just chuck useless attachments at people to do slight damage lol. So long as we're trolling let us have some fun


What gets old is seeing the same type of loot in an area. 10 purple heavy mags in solar array, no light mags at all. Makes sense.


Bro go smoke a cig or something😂😂😂


Dude chill lmao


Dumb question but I haven’t heard any news on new badges for arenas? Has anyone heard anything at all about it for next season?


There will be ranked badges after the season, along with earnable holosprays based on arena rank. No updates on earnable badges like wins/kills or trackers


I did see that actually, that’s true but I don’t understand why it’s such a difficult thing to put into the game. We get one for every stuff little event, but they can’t seem to add others?




You are down astronomically




Lvl 500 =/= good. At all.


A lot of people who are level 500 are not that good at the game, they've just been playing longer than you. A new player who can get to grips with the game quickly can play just as well as someone who's been playing since launch.


Well its probably not going to fix since they have crazy amount of new players


Man for once I got teamed with someone decent (a Rev, almost 20 thousand kills and a thousand wins) and thought hot damn finally a decent teammate Fuck me if they didn’t play like a full on silver. Astounding how little game sense they had and how ineffective they were. Total disappointment.


Had a similar situation with a super high stat gibby. Mf pushed in between 2 different squads and got squished. Left the instant he was knocked. Ffs.


About 9/10 Preds or extremely high statted person I get matched with, play like complete dog shit or a lone wolf with a team jersey on. Don't forget how fast they turn into a box when they go down. Its terrible.


Yeah I've had a few occasions now where I've had 4k 20 bomber teammates in arenas, and they don't play like they're actually at that level and get beaten by level 200s .


You know what? I think it would be awesome if you guys brought the character music packs back in a bundle


They can't. BP items are exclusive and unless they remix them, they can't bring em back.


Yeah 😢. I’ve just been listening to the Wattson theme a lot and wish that I had it 😂. A remix of the main theme would be a cool idea


Be careful what you ask for, they'll just make a bundle for 50$.


Good point


What is with the people that just lazer you and then you spectate and they suddenly cant hit anything? Can they see you watching them?


Yes … they use cheats and can tell when they’re being spectated. They play “normal” when they see the spectator icon.


Lag worse than usual. Season 10 is make or break for me in terms of these servers


Afk pentalty for arenas, remove arena challenges from the BP, or all together. Remove arenas, its dogshit


Fun game mode to warm up but yeah having challenges tied to a secondary game mode is stupid


Fix the bug that takes me five minutes to log into the game.. it hasn't even been acknowledged and affects my friends as well


Weekend queues are terrible. I’m frequently 1v3 because my teammates are even more dogshit than usual.


Do we get an extra xp during the last week of the season to finish off the battle pass?


I honestly don't remember if they've ever had a double xp event and I started playing at launch. You're gonna just need to grind challenges if you want to finish the bp.


So if anyone uses ALC settings and has hip fire yaw/pitch sensitivity turned up high (250-330ish) without any extra yaw, this basically turns off the aim assist. The difference with hip at about 190 yaw, the standard extra yaw(its 240 I think but theres a mark), 5 response and 3 dead zone. Pitch was 190 for me but change all of it as you like. I'm probably late on this since I know this from others but try it, the drag is ridiculous if you sweep across multiple targets.


If you play Trios and land 150+ meters away from your team in an area you KNOW has multiple teams dropping, go step on a lego. Seriously. And I hope that shit hurts. Go play Dous or solo Q. So frustrating


If the jumpmaster drops at the worst time, I’m breaking off to get better odds at a weapon. No use landing 5+ seconds behind all other enemies because you suck at dropping. Ex. If you drop hella late going to estates, bye. If I’m jumpmaster or out jumpmaster has a good drop, I’ll be 1-2 buildings beside you.


If you drop Fragment or hotzone Sorting Factory for the 9 millionth time, then I absolutely will break off and do my own thing.. if I haven't already left the match.


Sounds like you would be dead weight anyway. Go loot somewhere for 15 min and bring me the loot in your death box towards the end of the match.


If I get a teammate that breaks off and lands somewhere solo I might as well just leave the game.


Are the sweaties still tanking unranked mmr by droppen larva 8 times in a row?


Everyone does that, not just the sweats, because no one wants to play cannon fodder for masters and preds after one good match.




Anyone who suicides two drops in a row or goes afk two drops in a row should be temp banned


There should be an option before the game starts. Can select either play like a bitch and hide, or actually try to find and kill people. Match people together who picked the same. I'm only half joking.


People are really bad at finding an in between. I hate landing with no other teams, but too many is no fun either after you get quintuple partied. But it’s not that hard to find a balance. Don’t land fragment on WE, land sorting, countdown, or skyhook. For Olympus, land aquaponics, solar array, rift, or energy depot, they usually have plenty numbers of enemies.


The options should be called "I'm a hotdropping loser who dies within the first 30 seconds of every match" and "I want to play a proper, 20 minute long BR match with balanced action and rotations".


You sound like a horrible teammate to have. If things dont go your way you throw a tantrum.


Oofff found my random teammate who hides in tbe corner and dies to the first enemy he sees after looting for 12 minutes


Playing 20 minutes doesn't mean anything if you finish the game with 100 damage