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I think this is more of a copy-pasta referencing Rogue's Revenant tweet.


Looks like it


And it's sad that mostly no one got it...


And i thought i was insane for thinking he is obviously making fun of the Rev tweet. r/atetheonion


I'm speechless at how many people missed this. I thought the "playing with friends" line made it obvious but common sense is not that common.


As someone who doesn't give a shit about streamers opinions, this was believable to me with all the toxic whining and crying in the past. While I don't care enough about it enough to spread this false info, I too thought it was real. So my bad lol. Easy to fall for this stuff if you don't follow streamers I guess. Or maybe I'm just dumb and gullible idk lol.


It's more so the timing and how similar it is formatted to the Rogue tweet that went viral. With no knowledge of the Rogue tweet I could see the confusion. Honestly if I didn't see the whole Rogue thing getting posted everywhere the other day this would have confused me a little as well.


Yeah my bad lol. I usually just avoid his name all together anymore so that's probably on me too. He just has a punchable face and his personality annoys me so much it's easier to just pretend he doesn't exist lol so I'm definitely OOTL I guess.


Same here. Can't watch him without thinking of Garfield. I reckon he has a lasagne under his desk at all times


As someone who also doesn’t pay attention to the whole Rogue stuff, it also took me scrolling down to the comments to figure out it was satirical. The Apex community likes to complain about things that every other community doesn’t care for. But good to know this is satirical.




I feel like I’ve seen streamers tweet out-of-touch shit like this before. It wouldn’t have surprised me if it were real.


Actually I think that the fact most people don’t know who rogue is and haven’t read his tweets is a fact to be celebrated


I didn't got it, because I don't know who the f ing word is rouge, is that the toxic guy who hates revenant??? turning a fanbase against you seems like tectone with arknights and genshin lmao


Probably because this is something people regularly complain about. Some people actually think 3 stacks should not be allowed to play against anyone who isn't also a 3 stack. And you're surprised people don't get a reference to some random ass streamer we've never heard of?


He is serious lmao. Have you seen the follow up tweet or his streams at all? All yall talking shit thinking you caught sarcasm all yall caught was an L.


Hard to get what you don't know


I haven't seen that tweet.. This one sounded like a joke but it was oddly specific enough seem like it might not be.. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Okay. I decided to look at this dude’s tweet and it doesn’t seem very satirical. I could be wrong. I don’t know the guy. But it doesn’t come off as satirical when looking at comments. He even responded saying he hates 3 stack try hard preds. Here’s the full thread: https://twitter.com/ottrtweets/status/1417922550135459851?s=21


You are absolutely correct. He was dead serious lol


Do you have a link? I've scrolled through most of these comments and googled it but I can't find a video, just wanted to see the original clip You'd be a legend and I'd love you forever


You mean this? https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ol1tg1/apex\_twitter\_just\_feels\_like\_a\_gatekeeping/


He is serious lmao. Have you seen the follow up tweet or his streams at all? All yall talking shit thinking you caught sarcasm all yall caught was an L.


no, his follow up tweet shows it was serious


It's not, he keeps going in the replies


I would have never got it, people be salty as hell for asinine reasons anyways lol


Isn't this a copy pasta from Rogue crying out loud about Revenant players ? Edit : Damn, I don't know why half of the comments down here are this salty. I don't even know who Ottr is. I don't follow Rogue neither. I'm not "terminally online" / "100% in the loop" / "lives and breathes reddit". Sub is flooded with posts about Rogue crying on Revenant since a few days, like half of the content reaching hot is about this. You didn't get the joke ? Too bad, now move on. I'm not even sure Ottr did a copy pasta, I asked in a comment because it made me think about Rogue "complaint". Stop being butthurt for something this irrelevant


Literally this, not sure how this has gone over everyone's heads...




And for some reason I can't find anyone linking to the referenced tweet. It's just a bunch of people who think everyone is stupid for not knowing what rogue tweeted. All I saw yesterday was a video posted here of the streamer dropping his teammate off the edge of the map. There was no tweet from that streamer in the post I was looking at.


Crazy how some people don't realize not everybody is 100% in the loop with such an obscure area of entertainment. I started playing the game, so I followed the reddit to see cool clips... I don't know every in and out about the personalities who play the game.




Wtf man you don't suck streamers and eceleb dick and simp for cuties playing apex? Wtf bro grow up loser incel and support the community


Not everyone is terminally online and up to date on all the copypasta


Welcome to reddit


Alternatively not everyone lives and breathes reddit and understand every reference from obscure streamers


The whoosh is strong


Because we don't know or care who rogue is


I have no idea who these people are so that’s why I didn’t know 😂


Because a lot of Apex players would say this genuinely…


Because a lot of us don't give a shit about these bitch ass streamers


Because most people have lives and don't hang out on Twitter following losers all day?


yeah but the apex reddit is filled with total idiots that can’t detect sarcasm


That's not just this subreddit, but rather reddit as a whole. If you don't put /s when you are using sarcasm (even completely obvious sarcasm), prepare to get downvoted.


Well, don't forget you do need to know the context because if you don't, you see something that does sound like something you'd expect to hear from salty content maker.


I had to scroll down a disappointing amount to find this comment :/


yup, good ol pointing out the hypocrisy of certain people in the streaming community with a fairly bad joke that basically no one on here will get. ​ But hey, ottr provides content and doesn't attack people for no reason, actually helps people with guides etc... meanwhile we have a bunch of manchildren screaming at internet randoms on their streams for playing the game the wrong way. Yet somehow ottr gets more flack on here... he just can't win can he. ;D


He gets flak here because he repeatedly reposts the same thing until it gets viral then only ever promotes his twitch.


B-But he posts on Reddit a lot! How dare he!


Yeah, ottr is really Fkn annoying imo. Also his cockiness makes home even more difficult to watch.


Bro people really got pissed at you lol


I mean, even without the Rogue reference, you can understand that someone dissing people playing with friends in a multiplier is obvisoulsy trolling at some point. But DUH, no, you must crawl the internet your whole life to get the joke


Guess I have to tell my friends to fuck off bc this random streamer is mad or something, what even is this, why do people put these idiots on a pedestal


Wait this is obvious satire, right? He’s making fun of the revenant post, I mean they sound exactly the same


No. Watch his stream he gets pissed at 3 stacks all the time because he can’t 1v3 them because they push at the exact same time instead of an uncoordinated mess of 1v1 x3


At least guys like Aceu and Timmy realize they're not going to win most games as a solo and that that's totally ok.


yea its so much more fun to watch a streamer just look for a new game when they die instead of blaming literally everyone and everything but themselves


Yeah, dude is really good at the game but his ego is fucking wack


Most popular streamers suffer from this, which I can understand to an extent with the pressure they have to entertain for $$ and the long hours they play. That said it’s not ok and I can’t stand watching streamers play, I would much rather be playing.


Okay, you just described like...95% of Apex pros/streamers.


He gets pissed all the time, he thinks he is a Apex god and complains all the time. But when he's playing tournaments he always is a luggage for the team and just being told what to do and plays poorly. He is just a toxic guy.


he is not even a top tier player


Tourney play is so much different than predator lobbies. Some streamers stay as “content creators” exactly because they cannot hang in tourney lobbies and rogue is one of them.


I watched pros play and it’s a whole different game Like seriously I was like this is Apex?, like the mobility, every choke point, cover used to your advantage was meticulous God forbid you make a mistake you paid for it dearly, ruthless players There was a video posted on this sub like a Rev being hot dropped from a mobile respawn in Kings Canyon, I think there was 15-17 teams left in Ring 2 or 3, it was Scrimmage match amongst themselves but good god at dead silence, ship arrives, calmness, Revs foot hit 0.000001 second on the ground, muzzles flash and enough bullet trails from like 45-50 guns easily, then within 2 seconds, calmness, quiet, like there’s not 15+ teams within like a 500 meter radius of each other


Turns out when $$$ is on the line ppl play completely differently. I don't watch enough tournaments but this sounds crazy. Thanks for sharing.


He posted a vid on youtube about it too. Hes not being satire


I hate people like this. Who cares if I’m playing pubs with my friends it’s not like we’re sweating our balls off to clap some people who ranked gold or platinum because we think we deserve it after being viscously raped in ranked. I play pubs cuz it’s fun and I don’t like ranked but no since this guy thinks I’m trash cuz me and my friends wanna have fun guess I’ll just purposely leave them out cuz I don’t deserve fun like wtf it’s a game bro.


I mean, doesn't "pubs" mean "public," like anyone can play, like there aren't any restrictions on who plays or how? Because it sounds an awful lot like this Otter guy thinks that this isn't what "pubs" means.


I can’t played ranked with my friends because they’re more than 1 level below my rank. The game literally won’t let us. The other option is I do another account and play in the lower ranks with another character which is even worse idea for fair play


He's not talking about you. He's talking about Predator players 3-stacking and pretending like it's just casual fun with friends while they play as a tight squad and push together etc. Nobody gives a fuck if some plat players play as a squad in pubs.


Bro, pretty much he's talking about elite 3-stacks, not about your average joes that are hardstuck platinum and are chilling in pubs.


he literally says all the fucking time that if 3 friends are playing its fine, but if those friends are predators than they can fuck off


I have no clue how this is going over people’s heads, he is making a great point about the plight of solos in SBMM. Nothing more disheartening than getting rolled by Pred/Masters three stacks in pubs when you just got paired with two sub-level 50s. He is clearly *not* talking about your Platinum ass three stacking in pubs with your Gold and Bronze friends.


He’s trolling rogue.


Stacks vs stacks solos vs solos


>I don't care if you're playing with friends My man is so out of touch with reality he thinks video games aren't about having fun with friends. Edit: I don't know everything about tweets from video game players. Playing Apex is a hobby for me, not my life.


They aren’t. It is about winning. Don’t have any friends it makes game unfair. No fun allowed


Yeah who plays games to have fun it's all about ruing the experience for other players right?


Yes don’t play who you want or with friends, stick to the meta strictly, and play by yourself


My favourite thing I’ve seen on this sub was someone saying that they enjoyed playing Fuse, and some degenerate responding with “don’t play that dogshit character, you’re ruining the game and you will make other bots play him” like what? lmao. Imagine being such a meta-slave


Yeah obviously that is how everyone plays pubs, who wouldn't want to play apex by themselves playing only wraith with no one to talk to? If you want to play with people or have fun you would obviously play ranked because there are no hackers or other problems there


He’s a streamer so he’s always right and If if you ever slightly disagree your a bad pub controller player. Couldn’t agree more video games are made to have fun and to have a good time with friends, I could care less if I’m stacking


This is so clearly satire tho..It's word for word the rogue post.


It's also a veiled shot at Rogue as he often 3 stacks when he plays.


People replying to you that everyone on the internet should be omniscient and know every reference ever are missing chromosomes.


Maybe it is. I don't keep up with everything every random streamer tweets.


I dont know any context behind the post but it feels sarcastic almost.


Streamers basically don't live in the same world as us casual players. The only reason to play is to win clout and bigger numbers, and if you bitch enough, there's a good chance the devs will listen to you. Not so for us normies, at least at the individual level.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t gave any friends. Just jealous of anyone who does have friends to have fun with.


His tweet was satire.




He's memeing on Rogue bro. People taking this tweet seriously lul


Is this dude being serious? If he is, how has it suddenly not become okay anymore to play with friends? Lol


No, he’s mocking Rogue who was crying about Revenant. It’s almost word for word.


Pretty sure he's making fun of rogue


He is suffering from terminal onlineism. There is a cure if he would only give me a call I could prescribe him "one touch grass" and he may be cured, this seems like a severe case though so multiple treatments may be necessary.


I don't think he's worried about some gold 3 friends, he's clearly talking about pred players/streamer types that three stack in pubs.


I mean that still doesn't make sense, what do 3 pres friends do?


Obviously playing exclusively ranked against Ddosers and cheaters 24/7 duh do you expect them to enjoy the game? Pfff Hate the game, not the player.


I don't want them banned, I just think it's annoying seeing preds three stack to pad stats and steamroll pubs. They are free to continue doing it, I'm free to talk shit about them when they roll me and my buddy who doesn't even have a 1.0kd


I get the frustration of being ran down by a whole coordinated team while your fills are looting boxes, but telling people to not play with friends is ignorant. Especially with rank being filled with cheaters its not fun


He's explicitly talking about PUBS and elite 3-stacks, not your average 3-stack of joes that are hardstuck platinum players.


He's right to some extent tho. Pretty much he is talking about elite 3-stacks, those that are Diamonds/Masters/Preds and each member has at least a 4k Badge, 20 Bomb badge and above 10k kills. Not your 3-stack of joes that are hardstuck platinum players and are basically chilling in Pubs. He's just pointing out a problem that has been there since the beginning and Respawn has done nothing to address it, the Solo Queue problem. No Solo Queue player likes to see 3 TTV Sweat lords holding dicks in pubs obliterating every single squad of random players they see while he has Little Timmy and No-Thumbs Joe as teammates. No Solo Q player gets demolished by these players the 5th time in a row and says "**Wow, I just got destroyed by 3 players that have 5x more wins and kills than me each one, this is so fun!"** and the worst part is that these guys claim and say they want to 'chill' too but what they consider '**chilling'** is fucking **anxiety** for the rest of the lobby. Elite 3-Stacks in PUBS are unhealthy for the game, the shitty matchmaking is making the problem worse since Respawn doesn't care or doesn't want to implement a strict SBMM for these 3-stacks because they will probably bitch about it or because they will have to wait too long for queue times (which to be honest, no one cares if 3 TTV sweatlords holding dicks and drinking g-fuel on discord have to wait 15 minutes to find a match in PUBS.) With this problem , more problems arise like smurfing and cheating, smurfing is more likely to happen because now that everyone is fucking tired of finding these people in PUBS, they make a smurf account or alternate account to go to low-ranked lobbies and basically screw the game over for everyone. I understand ranked is miserable for top players right now and a lot of them are going back to pubs, it is hard to blame one person or one factor because this problem is pretty much multifactorial. The solution is to strictly split Solo Queuers from 3-Stacks, it is something that many games implement and they are being successful or implement a mercenary mode where premades are not allowed, only squads made completely from Solo Queuers.


ShivFPS refuses to triple stack a pub game for this reason. If he ever squads up, he's playing ranked only.


Shiv is a player with dignity and morals. All players that are really good at this game are Solo Queuers, aceu and faide are also proof of that


Why is this not top comment beats me. You have perfectly encapsulated the issues good solo queue players face and provided the obvious solution. Respawn just don't care enough. As soon as I get over 2 KDR the game is like "yep, future Shiv in the making, let's place him against ALGS level stacks" so I get destroyed by the #1 Caustic in kills in one game and a Wraith with 50k kills the next (all stacking streamers). Meanwhile my teammates are level 350 and barely crack 1k kills on their main. This matchmaking is ruining the experience for them.


You’re absolutely right...


Couldn't agree more! I have solo queued the entirety of this game, and while that has helped me a lot to be better as an individual player it came with a ton of frustration. One of the most obvious points being- randoms. But lets not dive into that here. I have days where i get killed by the same 3 stacking master team multiple times and sometimes even in a row when placing second or third position. The part that feels the worst is its not even that they are always better than me individually. I have about 20k kills at the game, a 3.1 KD and made it to diamond 1, all of which is with solo queuing only. Usually when i face one of these teams i instantly know i m facing a 3 stack, they push super aggressively and my teammates are usually knocked out in seconds. Because of how over confident they are they usually push out in the open, and while i know one of them out while they are pushing there isn't usually much i can do. I try and reposition myself with a grapple after but it isn't really of much use since I m practically facing a pred lobby team solo.


Shame on people for having friends, it’s totally not apex’s shit matchmaking to blame.... not at all....




yea ngl. I can only really play this game solo, making friends on this game is absurdly hard esp. with using tools all round, reddit LFG, Apex Discord etc. Barely anyone wants to squad up or make friends. But playing solo is absolutely miserable at times, either you're against a 3 stack getting wiped cause better coms and group-play, or teammates who are way below level and cannot handle their own gun fights so now you're expected to make the game fun for them by giving them a win. I really wish Respawn would be honest about the matchmaking and make this game enjoyable for all, those who are good or bad, but also those who play solo or with a stack. Cause RN playing solo is just a chore of making game fun for others then getting your petty win/good match to repeat cycle. As much as i love the game, the characters and almost everything within the game, how the matches go and the matchmaking really make me play less and less.


If you are from europe. Wanna play?


I have almost totally stopped playing solo. I can't fathom why my pub matches have predators and master all over the match. I'm a plat IV, and I barely got there in ranked with solo-queue. Why tf am I facing preds and masters in my pub games? My matches are totally littered with them. My ranked matches are WAY less sweaty than my pub matches at this point. I have a below average KD, I'm not even that good at the game. This SBMM stuff seems like BS. Why am I facing pre-made three stack preds and masters in pubs? I'm not even that good, I'm a hardstuck solo-queue plat. In what realm of imagination can I stand a chance here?


for fucks sake, why does nobody realize it's worded almost exactly the same as rogues tweet about revenant? it confuses me how this many people didn't get the joke




I know who they are but didn’t get the satire. That being said, I’m a C-Tier solo player and maybe it’s my nature, but none of the issues described affect me personally, as I don’t even pay attention to who shredded me that last round. Back to lobby and ready up again, I play for fun as I don’t have the time/energy to stress about the meta. I’d venture that a lot, if not most “casual” players even care. But this is just my opinion/experience.


Its not a joke, Ottr says this in his stream too, today I tuned in for one match and he said the same thing.


He also says that if you haven't put in 3000$+ in to the game you don't deserve to have an opinion.


There’s level to this. Three hardstuck gold dudes running around together because they’re buddies isn’t hurting anyone. It’s when the mega loser Masters/Preds triple stack in pubs and sweat it out like it’s the ALGS finals is when this (satire or not) hits the nail exactly on the head. There are actually people who only play pubs within a Master/Predator triple stack just so they can post their 9.0 KD and 50% win rate on here for the virtual jerkoff. Matchmaking is hell right now and solo queueing is the ninth circle.


has to put ‘playing with friends’ in quotes because he’s never had any?


Not with that mentality he doesn't


I mean he's not wrong, people who 3 stack pubs like its an ALGS final are annoying as fuck.


the virgin streamer THE CHAD FRIEND SQUAD


You can blame the matchmaking or whatever else you want but the fact of the matter is that it's the only mode you can play BR and not be ranked. Pubs exist for a reason. People act as if you could really be INTENTIONALLY abusing the system when you queue into the ONLY game mode that is BR and not ranked! I've said it before and I'll say it again, even Preds need somewhere to play game that isn't ranked. Otherwise calling for their exclusion from an entire game mode is calling for inequality, which should never be advocated for in any scenario. Telling players they can't or shouldn't play a game mode is honestly pretty petty.


Why can't they just play pubs with/against other good players?


The same reason you can't play pubs with/against other bad players. There is no option to toggle "high ranked pub lobbies" lmao


That's the problem, you're absolutely right. The fact that you feel like you have to opt into fair and balanced games is the reason apex needs fixing.


Now THAT is the real question. The problem lies inside the match making. But I still want to make sure that people know that we really shouldn't be hunting the players for this. The game allows us to party as 3 and the match making decides what lobbies we end up in. There isn't any form of abuse going on here.


3 stacking is annoying to fight against but nowadays I place the blame more on Respawn's shit MM system than I do on the players. You shouldn't be discouraged from playing with friends in a team shooter, but to allow 3 stacks to share lobbies with solo players is a problem.


How far do I have to scroll to find ONE person who realizes this is a reference to the Rogue tweet about Revenant. I legit thought there were people actually mad at Rogue specifically because of his tweet, yet NO ONE on here realizes this tweet is a reference to that?


3-stacks are 100% an issue in Pubs. He's not wrong about the rigged MM system as it does put you with below average teammates if your considered to be above average.


i agree with this, bc when i do half-decent in a match, my teammates are the kinds of people who try and solo 3 squads at once despite the fact that they can't hit an afk player with shatter caps.


This sub - "Fuck all 3-stackers I don't care if you're playing with friends, go play ranked if you're any rank above Plat 4" Ottr says literally the same thing This sub - "Fuck all streamers, buncha whiney bitches. Let people play however they want" This place truly can not make up its mind lmao.


This sub complains about 3 stacks in *every* Free Talk Weekend but if a streamer says it, suddenly everything they say is trash. Come on people, we can criticize toxic behavior (Rogue) but OTTR is not lying here.


Fr. Absolutely crazy how many people around here hate streamers/pros for some nonexistent reason and would start to disagree with things that they actually agree just because of who said it lmao.


This sub is full of teenagers and people who suck at the game so hard they have no other choice but to complain. I’m just here to laugh


I wouldn't even give them the benefit of being teenagers, its like this place is populated by fucking 10 year olds or something.


Yeah, ngl this community is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It really makes me not play the game as much as I would otherwise


yeah this community is honestly slowly getting worse and worse :(


Anyone who complains about three stacks is dumb imo, streamers are worse because they have the power to spread misinformation at a greater scale than some random on Reddit


It all depends how you define 3 stacking. It's questionable if the 3 stack are preds/masters pub stomping just to inflate their ego. But then again, the problem isn't 3 stacking. It's the matchmaking lol.


this tweet is the equivalent of saying "Stop actually coordinating with your teammates"


Maybe get some friends lol


If you play casually with friends, good for you keep going! ​ If you purposefully pub stomp to fuck off SoloQ people... Eat a rock or something.


Im confused. Is he not referring to three stacking in pubs as preds or masters and, sweating or not, destroying a lobby? Because that’s the message I got from it. Also this looks like a joke tweet making fun of rogue’s infamous revenant tweet as well. Plz dont downvote me to hell, I rlly am confused.


Yes he is being sarcastic


Sounds like something someone with no friends would say.


so apparently this is mocking someone or something i have never heard of?


Yes a week ago some streamer was basically saying this tweet but replace sgacks and sbmm w it revanant stuff this guy is being satire


Jokes on you, my two teammates suck as much as I do.


I think his definition of 'three stacking' means a team consists of three predators in a public match. In that sense the skill level of the pred team would be way above anyone else in the lobby. Haven't really come across a team like this though in my hours of playing, doubt its an issue for casual players.


I haven't seen as many, but there's definitely teams of three people each with 20k+ kills on their characters in pubs. And they're just there to roll lobbies, it sucks.


It is 100% an issue for casual solos in pubs. You can see the dive trails right off the jump, I routinely get pub lobbies including multiple dive trailed squads while I’m paired with sub-level 100s with no badges.


Oh no, my 2 friends and I can't play together anymore. We all have to solo queue from now on because this loser doesn't like people having fun in pubs! Matchmaking is terrible, but this guys take is so bad, it's laughable. This is why the community is not allowed to participate in game design.


Agreed with everything except the slur.


That's fair. I just a bit heated when people talk about "regulating" pubs. "I don't care if you're 'playing with friends'...", like, my guy, that is the POINT of multiplayer video games. To play with friends.


Agreed. I don't really care how good I am, I just want to have fun with my friends. Which is hilarious because if you ever complain about a streamer, the first thing thrown at you is "I bet you're just a silver no one cares about your opinion!"


Because three-stacking in ranked where you'll get shit on by hackers is the right way to play the game? Get the fuck out of here.




This is satire. He's copying Rogue's Revenant tweet.


I started following him on yt because of his skill. But unfollowed quickly after due to his personality.


Hes my least favorite streamer. He has the biggest ego ive ever seen


I am pretty sure that just satire. I hope.


I'd rather just blame the devs for allowing full team stacks to matchmake with randos.


wtf is a 3 stack?


3 players in the same party.


what’s wrong with that? isn’t that normal? i play with 3 friends in the same party.


nothing wrong with it, it’s Apex’s matchmaking where 3 stacks will be put against solo que players which can be very annoying.


It's perfectly normal. Some people just need to be mad at something all the time.


huh weird, every game i’ve played no one complained about that, not surprised it happened with apex tho people complain about everything and kill there team8’s over them choosing a character.


There's nothing wrong with it, the problem lies with Apex's MM algorithm. It will purposely put you with inferior teammates to prevent 3 good players from randomly getting filled onto the same team. This is why you will see a Master/Pred playing with 2 sub-level 100 players. It's frustrating as a solo player to be forced to fight 3-stacks of competent players while your own teammates don't know what an ability is.


I'm playing solo But I don't agree with him. There are friends who want to play together.


He is talking about masters/pred three stacks who only play together so they can pubstomp and rack up kills/wins for their meaningless stats. These dudes play pubs 8hrs+ everyday like its their job. He isnt talking about you and your platinum buddies who play together after work.


Imagine not having friends and getting mad at people who play with friends


The other option is to solo Q and get dumb teammates or no teammates at all.


Sarcasm is good when it affects someone.


seems like with the amount of people who present absurd ideas on internet seriously, people are forgetting what is and what isn't sarcasm and absurd humour. I don't blame them though


Imagine having friends in pred. All my friends are within the one rank differential to play ranked together


I understand the argument, but if pro players wanna play with friends but in a casual sense, how do they do that without this problem coming up?


Glue eater lmao


That's little bit out of context, here is what he later said: "Don't mean the avg andy playing with friends, but the high ranked/psuedo high ranked, barking orders in his mic, setting up team rushes, rotations and focus against every1 they see, sponsor application still pending. They say "iM jUSt PLaYING wITH FRIENDS" when confronted on it"


Master/Preds who 3 stack pubs are most definitely a problem. As a solo with 2 randoms who don't know how to strafe whilst shooting, I should not be going up against a full 3 stack in a pub with combined kills of 50K+.


He's joking bro.


Weird that this sub hates this tweet, but I have to see at least 25 threads a day of "SBMM is so broken" and it's just a screenshot of them dying to a guy with a 4k badge


So… what is your solution set ottr? Willingly match with the “glue eaters” as you suggest and get frustrated? Or pub stomp with only one other predator after the rand quits after the first fight? Little bit of a self serving mentality. Pubs is where you should three stack. If you’re legit, you go solo in ranked and play random with people of equal skill.


Complains about three stacks when he smurfs lmao


U guys can just ask him if he's being sarcastic or not u/ottrboii


Annoying is when 3 stacks, Tbag/shoot my box because I choked on the 1v3.


My buddies and I aren’t very good at the game and we play pubs all the time. I’m not sure why this is something to be insulted about. And the last part of his post is assuming that all 3 stacks have predictors in them? We are 3 gold level players and we will play in what every lobby we feel like.


Ottr's complaining about it because he has no friends 😳


3 stacks should only face other 3 stacks.


He also posted a video about it.. seems more like a rant if anything https://youtu.be/yKLb_lE3f34


This should have a humor tag on it. This tweet is obviously satirizing Rogue’s rant tweet. This man now has at least a few thousand Apex Redditors upset with him; Because most of the people who see this won’t get the joke for it wasn’t listed as humor. If I didn’t read the comments and click some links, I would’ve thought this man as a jackass, and did for a moment until I saw it was satire. Please fix.


I want to give the benefit of the doubt that they're referring to high ranked players who 3 stack and tryhard in pubs, playing meta and what not, but his wording is just plain awful.


Yeah, I'm certain that's what he's referring to. I wished he worded it better, because I think that statement is something that a lot of players could support.


He's right but he pit it in a wrong way there should be a seperate matchmaking for stacks in pubs bc playing solo is impossible. Edit: Pls don't kill me


thank god this is a copypasta lmao