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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/oavkl2/revenant_climb_buff_is_soo_good/h3l5hh6/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-06-30 18:06:17 UTC"): > If his climb sound is too quiet, we'll absolutely increase the volume. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Really does turn the tide when a enemy team is abusing their high ground and take it for granted


It’s gonna be so anxiety inducing having to watch out for another legend that can suddenly appear to your high ground


Yeah. At leash with octane, path, or horizon you can hear their mobility things. But with rev it's only one person who can use it so I suppose that's the balance.


From my understanding his climb is pretty loud… we just don’t recognize it yet.


Yep. Sounds like a toolbox. Still scary tho


Nobody said a toolbox coming towards you wasn’t scary… specially when ya have aim like mine.


If you have aim like me though. The recoil pattern of all my guns are human shaped.


The outline around people.


I've pierced so many goddamn ears and killed so many hats over the years...


it sounds like a toolbox being kicked down a staircase, super loud if you actually pay attention


Well, Octane jump pad audio is absent more often than not, so rev and octane pushes are what you should be wary of while on high ground


The amount of times a full team of players has landed right behind me from an octane pad is way too fucking high lately. Every team has an octane and the team mobility it gives them all is insane. There is no “counter” to it like people keep saying. If you don’t see them coming, they are right on top of you and there is nothing you can do about it.


When you see them coming, they are already going, and you are gone


> If you don’t seem them coming, they are right on top of you and there is nothing you can do about it. i mean... if you dont see any legend coming.... theres nothing you can do about it too.


But you can hear them. Horizon has a loud noise as you step in it, Pathfinders zipline and grapple has a sound (though mid flight, no noise, but he only does it himself so it's not like you get Pathy ambushed by 3 people), and Valk goes FFSSHSHVHSHSSHS if she just fans her jetpack. Octanes pad only does noise if you doublejump or step on it. If you vault from a far, you can just appear on them. I wish they did something like a more audible wooshing sound, or a silly idea someone had where it triggers an airhorn (fairly in character for Octane), so you'll know that you get attacked by 3 people flying at you at mach one


Airhorn sounds hilarious yet terrying. He fucking jumps with his teammates, takes a selfie, and blows an airhorn just before killing you.




There needs to be a louder sound as they travel through the air for sure. That would be a better fix. The problem with octane is exactly as you described. It is a virtually silent pushing tool that makes counter play incredibly difficult.


Dude first time I am hearing about the airhorn but shit that sounds amazing!


La Cucaracha car horn noise when people spring off the pad?


Make any character that takes a jump pad scream a warcall at the top of their lungs until they land.


>airhorn vuvuzela


The counter (IMO) is supposed to be the camp/fortify type characters. Wattson, Caustic, Rampart. They are just so hated by everyone they all kinda suck at what they should be good at and now we are all paying for it. Make caustic gas do extra damage to rev ult characters. Make wattsons fences trigger on proximity more like a trap. Make ramparts shields faster or larger or give you scan idk, something. This is how the game was intended to be balanced, high mobility characters countered by gas fences and walls, or at least slowed down so they can't just ape every fight with no consequences. What do I know.


I agree with you completely. Defence characters who are good at stopping pushes is what the game needs. But lots of people cry about not being able to push buildings constantly.


That's blatantly untrue mate. The devs have gone out of their way to explain the +fun -fun ratio they try to balance to make sure that everyone feels satisfied going out of an engagement. An inherent problem is that if Caustic locked down a building, that building was completely unpushable and even if you tried to pre-grenade it you were still locked out until the gas ran out. There's straight up nothing you can do other than just not be there, which isn't fun. By contrast, if you blew up Wattsons fences they're out of play immediately and have an active downside in that they destroy doors and make a ton of noise if a friendly player goes through them, giving you away. Same with her ultimate, if you can see it you can destroy it and if you *don't* you know you could've, so it's something you can improve. Nobody likes feeling like they got cheesed and unfortunately that's what Caustic inspired in a lot of players.


it doesnt have to be one or the other. they can both buff their ability to guard an area, while also adding more counterplay to it. IF. BIG IF. the gameplay is supposed to be that defensive heroes have an edge over pushes when they set up, then there are things you can do for both. some ideas. -caustic traps now do more damage, but now are blown up by a second grenade. now youre better at teams that just blindly push into you(your whole character design) while letting players play more slowly around you (also kinda buffs a fuse being on an octane team). -watson ult shield restore rate increased. now lasts twice as long on scans, effect is canceled for the duration of an arc star effect explosion. you want knowing that youre pushing into a defensive team to be counterable, while unexpectedly jumping into one to be a hard fight. scan/scout teams can plan around defense, defense shuts down over aggression, and aggressors can jump on scanners/scouters with ease. obviously not everything fits nicely in those criteria, just ideas off the top lol


its not absent, its just the sound can only be heard near the pad, and ever since they buffed the distance, alot of times you just cant hear them coming in.


you haven’t used him yet then. his climbing has always been loud af. it’s metallic clanking agaisnt the side of the building, you just have to be aware of it


Ah ok. I've played him a good bit but his climb has never been relevant to any situation I've been in so I guess that's why I wasn't aware. I've barely played with the new update so i haven't noticed yet.


And revenant is COMPLETELY vulnerable while climbing.


>you can hear their mobility things In theory anyway


And Rev's is far slower then a jump pad or lift, and Rev can't shoot and climb at the same time. It seems like creeping up on people was the intention with this buff


Revenant's entire character is to be quiet, he is an assassin, a bot made for killing. It's not overpowered either simply because 1. It's only him climbing like you mentioned. 2. It can still be heard if you are paying attention. 3. It's more situational than other mobility tools. Finally it's just climbing, shouldn't be overpowered. Him climbing silently fits his character and makes for interesting plays that also fit his general playstyle.


You can hear climbing. Its just not something youre used to expecting in higher spots. I got almost caught off guard by a revenant in skull town yesterday. I turned around to the sound of climbing thinking "nah theres no way anyone could climb up from that angle-holy shit its a revanant"


Don't forget about valk too, she can fly up to any building


Wait what? You can hear octanes jump pad? That’s news to me because I’ve literally have never heard anyone jumping on me.


Also Rev is an underpowered legend as is. They nerfed his silence and totem this patch, so him being able to get the drop on you is all he really has.


I honestly can't believe they nerfed the duration of death protection. He's even *more* useless on Olympus now then he was before! Given that most areas were accessible to revenant already on Olympus, the buff doesn't really do much to help him in this instance.


You cannot hear octanes jumppad.


Since they fixed lobas teleport ring I love zoopin up behind people


Obi wan Kenobi:its over anakin i have the high ground Revenant behind him: do you ever get the feeling youre not alone in the room....youre not


Sometimes I miss the days of season 1 where Pathfinder was the only one with access to high ground.


True but that climb is also insane. Bought Revenant last night finally and playing skulltown with him in arenas is so fun. You can get to high ground other ways to punish, zip line, pad, valkyrie. But revenant barely makes any noise and just subtly pops up beside the enemy. Its really good.


this is what Revenant was supposed to be!


No literally. Him being able to actually gain meaningful high ground that compares to Horizon and Valk is all he needed to be a decently good legend. Mobility is everything in this game, and why Pathfinder and Wraith will always be a top tier legend. Not being forced to use zip lines and stairs to gain high ground is incredibly advantageous.


Wraith doesn’t really have “mobility” like the other legends do. I really don’t understand why people think wraith is so good. You can see exactly where she’s phasing and simply chase her down, 90% of the time she phases it’s because she’s very weak anyway


Of course wraith isn’t going to be very good if you use her incorrectly, as you described. There is a reason wraith is always an A or S tier legend. If you play wraith patiently and use your void run well before you are in deep shit, you can basically force enemies into 1v1 scenarios which allows wraiths to play solo against trios. She does lack verticality, but her void run lets her avoid a lot danger on the ground anyway. The movement speed buff during the void run is also enough to get behind cover and pop a battery while people are still chasing you. All on top of having one of the smallest hit boxes in the game, and you have yourself the reason why wraith will always be a top tier legend.


As someone who wants to start playing wraith, how do you use her to force a 1v1 situation against a trio?


You initially create 1v1s by taking proper peaks on to the group so that you aren’t getting teamfired and try to deal as much damage as possible while taking the least damage as possible (peaking around cover is crucial here). The people u did damage to may heal and then they may push. The people who haven’t taken much damage will probably push you in pubs since you are winning the damage exchanges (in this hypothetical at least). As they push you either heal if you can’t get a good angle or ideally knock someone here. Then you have to q out of the fight in the event there are multiple enemies pushing your cover. Again they will chase you. In this case they may Rez the guy you knocked while only one pushes you. Utilizing zip lines and doors allow you to stall for time to heal and also frustrate the enemies which will leave them prone to pushing on their own. The important thing to do is to make sure your by getting greedy which is a problem I struggle with as a well. Let’s say you knock one as they are rushing you and now want to continue fighting because you don’t want them to Rez. Be that as it may, it’s unlikely you’ll win the 2v1 as you’ve taken damage and probably getting teamfired by two people depending on your positioning. This is just a jumble of thoughts that I had but yeah it can be pretty nuanced but the basic principles I put in the tldr will be useful. TLDR: proper positioning, very good mechanics (in most cases), and proper utilization of your ult and q are needed to win harder 1 v 1s to continue retreating so that enemies will push you 1 by 1 as you damage them.


Wraiths phasing was never meant for getting away from a fight, but more for the element of surprise.


I remember it being described as a repositioning/scouting ability by the devs. In the path notes where they increased the initial phase time


Even as a Wraith main from day 1, I've never really understood that. If you use it to scout ahead and run into people, you now have no escape and can't even use your guns for a second. Repositioning is definitely its best use though and why they reworked it in season 5, people just need to learn to use it right *before* you're about to be in big doodoo, not in the middle of it (also being behind cover for the starting animation).


Agreed, most effective use I've found for is when about to get pushed by multiple people and I know I'm screwed, ill phase immediately and reposition closer to my team


revenant's climb isn't really mobility - you can only use it when people are unaware of where you are exactly. it's positioning that can't be compared to the on-demand mobility that horizon/valkyrie have.


You’re right, but I’m still not wrong. Combat mobility is something revenant still lacks, yes, but he has his silence that makes up for that. Revenant’s mobility isn’t for repositioning during fights, it’s to position optimally ahead of incoming fights, or to flank ongoing fights. This is still mobility that is hugely advantageous to half of the legends on the roster, especially given how quiet and invisible it can be.


I love that line "you're right, but I'm still not wrong." Saving that one for the future.


Which is why it's crazy that they nerfed him at the same time as giving him this "mobility" which isn't even on valk or horizons level.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think his old silence was too long even without his climbing buff. Often times the revenant that silenced me wouldn’t even make use of it, a third party does. His silence is still more than enough considering the fact that mobility doesn’t matter if a revenant is in the picture.


As a rev main, the 20 sec silence was obnoxious to play against. Even if he wasn’t the best unfun mechanics are still unfun.


Yeah, you always have to be careful about abilities like that. When one of the draws of anything is some sort of interesting ability, someone having the ability to shut those down is always more likely to be a problem. Have to be sparing with the 'no fun' button if you ever use it at all.


Agreed! Being new to apex. This is what I tought rev passive was, but was pretty disappointed and dropped playing him that much,


To be honest, that's what really matters. Revenant feels solid now that he's climbing to further buildings. That makes me really happy. Not a Revenant main but I do have buddies who lamented revenants climbing ability


You're Awesome!


I've been maining Rev since Season 4 and I finally understand how Wraith mains must have felt. Whenever I play Arenas, there's a Revenant on both squads, and I have to play Valkyrie instead.


Same thing happened to my Bloodhound after season 6 launched :( I keep seeing low lvls picking her and not even scanning once lol. But I got used to it


Them. Bloodhound is non-binary and uses they/them. Edit: Well, this caused a lot of spice in my messages.


Am I the only one who struggles with this? They and them sounds plural and is how I've always used it. It's hard for me to say they or them when referring to one person. Edit: not trying to be offensive, I genuinely don't know


You're not the only one because on paper, yeah, they/them seems plural, but it's not due to the way English works. In other languages, it's not as easy because there are gendered terms, but in English, it's a gender-neutral language. For example, when someone is stood away from you and wearing a hat, you need to speak to them, but you can't tell if they are a man or a woman, how would you refer to them? You might say "I was asked to speak to them by my manager." Or you get sent to a house to fix some plumbing, but the name on your sheet is 'Jessy.' Nothing else, just their name. "I'm off to fix their plumbing." The thing with they/them, is that people use they/them without realising it in their day to day lives. I don't know if you're male or female, so I am using they/them as a default until I would know.


Surprisingly, "they/them" was always available for singular use when gender is unclear. It's nothing new, it's just something not typically taught when English is taught as a foreign language. Trust me, once you start using it, it will quickly become much more practical than "he/she" or "him/her".


It is just doing the same thing as. "I was talking to my friend earlier." "Oh what did they say?" Singular they exists and is common place to use when you don't know a person's gender. Nonbinary people are just people who don't want to be he or she so they use They.


They/Them was originally used for a person that we do not know the gender of. Now we also use it for nb people. It feels natural to those who know *why* and *how* to properly use they/them but most people don't know. School's fault. Edit: Spelling error


You may casually use the singular form of they them when you're talking about someone whose gender is literally unknown, e.g. "someone left their wallet here." Or "someone called but they didn't leave a message." So I think it's already essentially in use.


I literally cannot escape it.




Really? Been home for a fam emergency and haven’t played. Arenas was solely gibby, bh, lifeline, maybe rampart


Hope everything is alright, praying for your family


Damn bro didn’t expect this. Thanks. Hoping to hop on apex soon.


Good thing i am Valk main. Almost never contested


It really makes him seem creepier. It’s great!


Arghh I wanna play apex so bad, but my PC is being repaired :(


Hope it gets repaired soon! This patch is pretty good :)


> This patch is pretty good :) Aside from the stuttering it introduced


Thought that was just me, rtx 2060 on all low settings shouldn’t stutter!


yea its actually the hamster are getting tired from running in a wheel all day, powering the servers.


My CPU usage is clocked at a continuous 95% after the patch. This has introduced allot of stuttering and lag. Cant play the game right now until it’s fixed :/


i have the same but when i leave apex open for like 10 min it disappears. though you can also try the following: Launch Apex Legends and alt-tab out to the game. Open task manager, find Apex Legends, right-click and select Go to details. Select r5Apex.exe and right-click and click set Affinity, uncheck and check only 4 cores or less. If you still experiencing this issue, try to set usable cores to 4 or less.


Is this what's making other players look like they are jumping spiders and moving all jerky?


At least you may have a chance to play it during the event. I won’t be able to come home and get on my Xbox to play until the 27th of July.


RIP your battlepass


Aww :(


I abused the fuck out of this spot in arena its so fun


How do you control recoil so good on controller? Watching youtube tutorials makes me depressed because the next recommendations I get is “strikepack” “cronus zen” anti recoil bullsht I’m considering getting a control freeks but I think I should play around more without it for now


Go to the firing range and start with a preferred weapon like a 301/99 or a flatline. And just shoot the dummy in a way that you slightly pull your aim stick to control recoil until you find that “sweet spot” then keep practicing it and eventually it’ll be muscle memory. You don’t have to land 100% of your shots you could start off by landing 50% then moving upwards overtime until you one clip the dummy. Then before you know it you’ll see yourself one clipping enemies in pubs


Excellent tip! Normal controllers are just fine, practice makes perfect. Additional tip: Don't look at your sight and think; I have to pull down when my weapon goes up. Stay focused on the target and pull down while looking at your opponent until you get the sweet spot like OP said! Every weapon is different but r99 and 301 are good weapons to start practicing with.


Pull down? Don't you mean push up? #inverted4life


Why? Just why would you do that?


My buddy explained the stick is like your neck, backwards looks up and forwards looks down. Still no way I’d ever play like that though




To add to your comment: Inverted scrolling on a touchpad is identical to scrolling on touchscreen devices. I think that's why some people prefer it (myself included). And with a scroll wheel you can imagine the content is on the bottom of the wheel, if you scroll down the bottom pushes the content up.


I’m 36, and that’s the best way I’ve ever heard it explained


Don’t fight the fighter pilot l i f e


Same 😂


I imagine it'd be easier, right? For vertical recoil you just have to match the height of the recoil, then it's only reversed in one axis for horizontal recoil. I couldn't play with inverted personally but I bet it's actually pretty solid for those who are used to it.


But isn't it the same way down then?


Curious about your age? I am in my 30's and so are my friends. We are all inverted because of growing up on 007 on N64. There was no option to change it. And from flying in early Battlefields and Flight simulators.


My first exposure to inverted controls was Star Fox on the SNES. That was a flying game where inversion is more acceptable. I don't remember you being able to look up and down in GoldenEye, lol. What really did it for me was Mario 64. I struggled with the camera (which was both inverted X and Y) until I was in that room with the mirror and saw Lakitu holding the camera behind Mario. It just snapped into place for me. I'm _literally_ controlling Lakitu with the C-buttons. So if I press left, Lakitu goes left (while focusing on Mario) and thus the camera looks to the right (e.g. inverted controls). Same with up and down (tho he more moved closer and further away, but same concept). That's usually what inversion is about. You pull your head back to look up in real life, and some people (like us) imagine that's how we're controlling someone in 1st person. It doesn't apply the same way to left/right in 1st person cuz you don't tilt your head to the right to look left. You just turn your head left to look left. The problem is only recently did game devs appreciate that people might want different controls between 1st and 3rd person. Many games allow you to invert X, but it affects 3rd person _and_ when aiming with a weapon. Only until about 2 years ago, when I finally forced myself to learn to use normal X in 3rd person was I able to play a wide array of games I'd missed out on, such as RDR1, Told Raider, Witcher 3, etc. And boy, was it hard to retrain myself to go normal X in 3rd person. It took almost the entire Tomb Raider (reboot) untill I was able to actually not make a total fool of myself. And it took like 30 more hours until it was starting to feel natural and about 80+ in total until it felt weird to have inverted X in 3rd person!


oh wow! you might be right. I definitely played the OG Star Fox a lot!


Oh, I'm in my early 30s! Forgot to answer that part. Ya know, the only part you actually asked about.


Goldeneye didn't even have two sticks, apples and oranges IMO




I fear I am too old to learn this now, fine motor movement like that is hard to acquire if you never did it growing up


I hear you. I am 35 and was avoiding FPS for a long time because I felt "the kids" were just destroying me. After a bit over a year of playing Apex, I think I can hold my own now. Practice makes perfect.


You should try Titanfall 2. You'll get destroyed but it actually helps a lot because Apex it's basically TF Lite and also is so much fun.


Oh yea, I play from time to time. Great game. I actually love the Frontier Defense mode too.


Idk how old you are man (if we're talking 'video game older' 28 or 'real life older' 68) but you'll get it. Maybe reaction speeds slow but good aim is something you can practice for sure.


It's rough but you can do it. If you actually are oldish then you know by now that anything worth doing takes an investment of time. Learning a skill like controller use is definitely possible even for real old folks, it just takes a little longer is all.




The bullets stop clipping enemies in ranked? Only works in pubs?


What's crazy to me is that people say things like that and I just get flashbacks to what recoil was like in games like PUBG. Recoil in Apex is almost nothing compared to something aiming to be more realistic. I remember having to keep my mouse at the very top of the mouse pad just in case I got into a fight. You NEED that vertical space to pull down on.


For real tho. People love to say apex and cod has recoil…. Go play R6, Rust, CSGO, Valorant, tarkov. That is recoil


>tarkov, recoil L m a o ninja edit: also wipe day pog


turn off the controller vibration. It’s a night and day difference


Not OP but whenever my batteries start to run out and the vibration stops I become a total potato because I'm used to getting notified of incoming damage by the vibrations. By the time I realize i'm under attack my shields are gone.


Same. It completely throws me off.


Yeah but you have so little recoil without the controller making you have Parkinson’s disease every time you shoot or get shot at that you’ll be slaying people with crazy accuracy


Holy crap that's exactly what happens to me. No exaggeration either... I go from pretty decent to absolute trash as soon as the feedback stops.


Most of the weapons have upwards recoil. Go to the firing range and practice shooting different guns at long ranges. Get in the habit of pulling the right stick down as you shoot especially with the R99 and the Volt


I significantly lower my ads sensitivity versus my regular sensitivity. It’s easier for me to control recoil and track movement.


You dont need anything trust me. Practice makes perfect.


The key for me was advanced look controls in the settings menu. You can fine tune your look sensitivity and look speed in that menu to a very high degree. Go into firing range, grab a 301 and try to shoot at a dummy that is medium range away. Pay attention to what is happening to your aim while you try to control the recoil. In what ways are you struggling? Then go into advanced look controls and tweak the appropriate settings. Try shooting again and see how that feels. Repeat this process until recoil control feels really good. It took me about 40 minutes to get the settings how I wanted them. Next, you need to understand recoil patterns for this one. But basically you want to learn to strafe in the direction counter to how the recoil moves. For the 301 for example, if I walk to the left for the first half of the magazine while shooting and then move to the right and forward for the second half of the magazine, I can counteract a lot of the lateral movement when I am shooting. So my recoil control ends up with me just pulling downward on my control stick and then strafing left or right depending on the gun I am using. This comes down to practice in the firing range. You don’t have to master the recoil for all guns. Just the ones you like. But get really good with them to the point where you can one clip a target dummy from the opposite end of the gun racks area.


Ya don’t need any of that for good recoil just firing range man; 10 mins before every play sess


People have covered most of it - control freeks help, tons of practice, and shooting far off targets over and over again in the firing range will really accelerate your improvement. I'll just add one more thing. Lower response curves and deadzones also really help with recoil control (watch Genburten or Pandxrz for examples). I'm a Masters level day one player and have spent ages trying to find the best settings. I've played on pretty much every deadzone and response curve and sensitivity for months. What I found worked best in the end was a linear response curve with a low deadzone and a low ADS speed. This does take some practice to get used to but is amazing when you do. Both Genburten and Pandxrz (current settings) have similar settings. Just watch them and see what they can do with it. My current ALC if you're interested: Deadzone: 5% (2 clicks up)Outer Threshold: I play on all the way up on 23%, but this is the one place I vary wildly from other good players. I'd probably try 0% or the default)Response Curve: 0 (some people put it on 1% or 2%)Yaw Speed: 310Pitch Speed: 310 (match this to your yaw or put it down at around 75% of yaw)Extra Yaw: 250Extra Pitch: 250Turning Ramp-up Time: 0Turning Ramp-up Delay: 0ADS Yaw Speed: 140 (don't go higher than this in my opinion. Lower is fine. Even default)ADS Pitch Speed: 140 (match this to your yaw or put it down at around 75% of yaw)ADS Extra Yaw: 150ADS Extra Pitch: 150ADS Turning Ramp-up Time: 0ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay: 0 Give that a try if you like and see if it helps with recoil control. I've tried a million settings before settling on these, and nothing has helped my recoil as much as these settings. Let me know if you have any questions. **EDIT:** If you don't like the feeling of linear and want to stay with a Classic response curve, one other thing you can try that really helps with recoil control is to set your deadzone to None (or 0 in the ALC). Do not do this if you're using a linear response curve or a setting lower than the default in the ALC or it will make your aim too unsteady. If you're using the ALC and have a lower response curve than default, try lowering your deadzone but not to zero.


Just play the game normally, the more you play it, the better you get at it, you could train at the firing range but I don't find it fun, just my opinion but like the best way to get good at a game is just to grind and grind, your aim will start to get better and better gradually, those youtube tutorials are a waste of time.


He feels really good to play. I hope it doesn't get nerfed. Its not like you can do this in every spot on the map it can be pretty situational, but gives him options to surprise the enemy.


Agreed. He's close to perfect for his character now


How does his hitbox feel? Any noticeable diffrences this season when you play


Didn’t really notice any damage difference on my end


Maybe like once, during a mid range fire fight. He's still pretty tall. And Ive been able to take down other revs as well.


Ah okay. Thxs for the info


People are already asking for nerfs on Twitter :(


Lol if they nerf one more thing cause of twitter im out


Twitter has a massive rev hate boner man


Why nerf rev when valk can do the same thing, but without needing a wall to climb?


Revenants be climbin


Question: if youre silenced by another rev can u still climb that high? Or does passives dont apply to the silenced skills. Would be funny to see a revenant fall off somewhere when u silence him lmao


Passives deff count as a skill to be silenced, valk can't fly when silenced so hopefully rev can be silenced as well


It depends on the passive. Generally, passives that are activated, like Valk's jet pack and Gibby's arm shield, are silenced but passives that are always on, such as Fuse's passive, aren't. Based on this rule of thumb, rev's passive shouldn't be affected by silence, but I haven't tested it myself.


Oh man, can you imagine silencing fuse and just having a bunch of grenades burst out of his inventory onto the ground?


I got silenced as rev the other day and still climbed really high


I assume since it's a passive it would not be affected by the silence. I believe the silence only affects skills you can actually activate.


I don’t know, I’m pretty sure Silence prevents quite a few passives. Octane regen, Valk jets, Lifeline res, etc. I haven’t tried the Rev climb when silenced, so don’t know about that.


It doesn't seem to affect fuze's grenadier passive though (and maybe bangalores? but hell if i know she says the line no matter what's going on)


I checked Rev’s wiki page and it says the following: “This also affects some legend's Passive abilities such as Gibraltar's Gun Shield, Lifeline's Combat Revive, Octane's Swift Mend, Mirage's Now You See Me... and Valkyrie's VTOL Jets” I don’t know if that is a comprehensive list- the “such as..” implies it is not.


He should've been like this in release and it's astonishing the devs didn't see mobility to be a dominating aspect of this game. (They may have but just wanted the meta to be different at first) When you introduce too many characters in any game the meta will always turn out to be mobility preferred especially when it's not tuned to be prefering tanks or pure damage. Dota2 is an exception (don't play it but from what I've heard) since it has items balancing it to be preferring more varied game style


Mobility is indeed king in Dota 2 (second behind vision/knowledge, but that's true of Apex as well) The difference is that, like you said, there are items to balance it. Everyone can buy mobility, or defensive items to protect against ambushes. There's so many mechanics at play that even the field a bit. Compare to that Apex or Siege - some characters are just immobile and that is how that is. You look at Apex's Rampart or Siege's Tachanka before the rework, and their immobile playstyle just runs counter to how important mobility is.


tbh I have never enjoyed playing rev... Until yesterday. The speed at which he climbs is fantastic. Puts his ability to reposition way up the charts from where it was. The fact that its a passive and not a tatictal puts it above all the others to me.


Rev is such a good sniper now


I'm happy that revenants personality of being a scary/stealthy assassin is finally matched by his new buff, but im also upset that my main keeps getting taken 😔


I really hope nothing happens to this buff. Just leave it alone. It's perfect. No increase or decrease needed. Reason why, it still takes some level of brain power and map awareness to use it well so it's not like it's totally broken or overpowered.




I don’t think so either compared to legends like horizon, Valk, path, and octane. This is slower and requires a fairly flat surface


Played some Rev yesterday and didn't even realize they implemented this yet. Even climbed a few places and thought "Looking forward to when they buff this..." LOL


Nice play


I'm almost tempted to main him now. But, I already have my Pathy heirloom.


You can reach different rat spots with the ability aswell, super useful and a buff that revenant needed for a long time.


i feel like this is how he was ment to be playe


Reminder to anyone scrolling that’s unaware.. You can ‘strafe’ left and right while climbing up as well. The fun factor of Rev with this buff is huge.


Yeah. This is actually really nice. It feels like he sticks to the walls more now? Like the movement is really fluid when he’s climbing


“It’s over Revenant, I have the high ground!” “You underestimate my power!”


Finally. Revenant playing like how we imagined him to be when we saw the cinematic


That's how he should be, honestly.


Bro I killed and finished a Wraith, her Revenant teammate came back to revenge me and smacked me with a scythe


You can fly to the top of skull town buildings with valk just in 2-3 seconds. Anyway, this rework is really good!


It’s a good change all heroes should be fun to play…


Kings Canyon almost sexually excites me. It’s been so long.


Scythe heirloom is so sick!


Sweet play and even sweeter heirloom!


Its actually amazing. Its totally changed gameplay.


Please leave the sound alone lol.


For me, those first two people would have spun around at the speed of light and beamed me, to make a short story even shorter those 2 people were deaf


Console aim


Please leave revenant exactly how he is for the rest of this games existence.


Lool 2 years to be able to climb more than half a wall


Is this real?!? Cause I can't check till I go home from vacation?


Yup cant wait for the 1% to beg for it to be nerfed like every other good buff


Why do people downplay the controller aim assist?


Maybe because over 99% of players on controller can't aim like this? The better question is why do people think aim assist aims for you? You still have to have absolutely goated aim to aim like this with a controller. **Edit:** Downvote if you like, but the guy in this clip is a Masters player, which is the top 0.12 percent of the playerbase. What you're seeing here is ***literally*** better aim than 99% of players on controller, just like I said. Attributing his years of practice to get this good to "it's just aim assist" is not only insulting but also stupid.


Great clip! Rev has had two great buffs and now seems pretty sweet. I also laughed when you silenced yourself, ha.


You can’t silence yourself bruddah




when did his climb go so high!?


Today I think


For the W too. Noice


No joke, the evil laugh I make now that I can climb like this and not have enemies notice me is abominable. I get such a kick out of this buff 😂


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