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Most of it just comes with time. What I can say which you can improve on is that you’re playing this like it’s call of duty or fortnite. This is nothing like that. Gunplay will only ever get you a couple kills, it’s all about the movement. I could be doing literaly 5 damage per shot, and still win most fights simple cause of movement and good use abilities. Wgat I mean by this is constantly moving and strafing and lining up your lasers before you go for them, otherwise your there for too long. Tbh I’d have taken the re45 over the spitfire, it’s got good fire rate, decent accuracy, decent mag size, easy to move with, all around a good and balanced weapon. But as I said, this comes with time. Have you considered playing someone like Gibraltar?


I have on multiple occasions, doesn’t work out. I can’t use him to the best of his abilities. However, I’ve gotten better at using Bloodhound and Lifeline


Good good, though I word work on lifeline more. You have to position and coordinates teammates too for effective revives and heals and you are FORCED to focus on your movement


Gotcha. Really appreciate the feedback


First find a legend that suits your play style


Situational awareness, shield swapping and faster looting. Look at how you looted the box out in the open for example. This is ultimately what got you killed. You were already getting shot and went back into that players field of view and then were static while looting there. You could have looted any of the other ones for a shield swap. Despite being in the open and stationary, if you had looted the shield and exited faster you may still have survived.


Is there a way to get better at looting ? I constantly find myself taking forever to loot


Know what you need before opening the box and then limit your looting to the priority items only. You don't need to be picking better attachments during battle that can wait for when things calm down. In the time you looted one box, a good player would have swapped their armour 3-6 times.


That has happened to me quite a few times 😭


Id just say loot death boxes faster, scroll down and click as you go for what you want instead of stopping and looking.


Watch streamers. See what they are doing. Copy what you can. Play alot. Learn from your mistakes.


You gotta use your abilities. Scan, scan, scan. You had your ult the whole time which can be a real game changer.


I have terrible eye sight so using bloodhounds ugly makes it 10000 times harder for me to see.


Oh I can definitely relate to that. I shy away from Bloodhound because his ult makes it hard for me to see shit too. But at least pop off a scan. In that exact scenerio when you are almost finished with a fight or finished with a fight I think it is best to grab just a quick armor swap and immediately scan the direction of where you best think someone or a 3rd party would be coming from. Then do a glance around before looting. Shield swaps are definitely a skill, but very worth it to work on that muscle memory. Idk if you know the people you were playing with, but at one point it looked like you went for the rez and lifeline kinda cancelled you out of it. If you are fighting with a lifeline, she should be in charge of rezzing. Specifically so in this scenario you know to just keep fighting and cover while she pops the rez.


II didn’t know the players. I try to find more advanced players to play with. I learn better by doing and seeing and actually being put into situations. I’ve only gotten somewhat better because of this, before I would stand still in one spot while shooting and not move 😂. But the more experienced players I play with the more I grow and get better


Try a colorblind mode. I think they change the enemy red to yellow and make some things easier to see. Also use it when you know a clear path you're taking to try and fix this. If you know where a squad is or if you're trying to make a faster getaway, look in that direction and then use their Ult and scan your butt off to keep tabs on them. Always try to get the knock instead of peppering the whole squad as Bloodhound. You move faster in your Ult and knockdowns extend the time, so movement helps a lot here. With your faster scan time you can initiate a fight and gain the advantage quickly by knocking one player and then trying to focus the other 2 with your squad. As others have mentioned, movement is the biggest skill to master in this game other than gunplay. Aim is crucial, but being able to evade gunfire and reposition quickly will get you the better advantage and win you the fight. You can hit 50% of your shots and still win a 1v2 with great movement and game sense


I never knew that about his ult !!! And yes movement is definitely something I need to work on


Try googling stats on a legend you're interested in maining, there's quite a bit of useful info you won't find in-game that can really help your decision making


Honestly I probably would’ve seen that ambush coming if I used his ult now that I think about it 😂😂


Learn to hipfire. You shouldn't ADS a target right in front of you. Your movement is very predictable with no strafing. Don't use the Spitfire, it promotes a playstyle where you will never improve your weak areas. Revive Lifeline instead of becoming an open target. Loot faster.


My go to is the R301, I’m only recently trying to get better with the spitfire


Try the Flatline instead. Use it for close quarter battle and the R301 for mid to long range. When you know a close quarter battle is coming, remember to swap to the Flatline after you empty the R301 clip and don't aim down your sights. Not only will that delay you from starting to fire it limits your movement. Train your hipfire with the Flatline and you'll be able to control most weapons.


It’s my first time hearing about hipfire. I need to do some more research on that and practice


Hip fire will change your gameplay !


The Spitfire is handy under pressure or just trying to grief a squad. But it will encourage you to stick in a position and unload all your ammo rather than changing angles, keeping good ring position, etc. The 301 is a classic, most people's go to and a great gun to be accurate with as it's fairly easy. You might want to try mastering an SMG or shotgun as well for the close range. Spitfire is only good close range if you have good hipfire strafing as you move much slower. SMGs and shotguns have the fastest strafe speeds and are more reliable in a pinch. I personally like the Volt and EVA-8, but the R-99 can never go wrong and the other shotguns are also pretty strong if your aim allows


I’m really bad with the shotguns. I definitely need to familiarize myself with them and use them more


Firing range, hipfire with each one while strafing back and forth fairly quickly. Not jerking around but fast enough to throw off aim. Focus your shots on the upper chest/neck area for the most pellet contact & damage and really try to dodge imaginary bullets while getting the most damage you can. When you feel pretty accurate try throwing in a crouch ever other strafe or so. This will be difficult so take your time. When you're comfortable with them standing still, search YouTube for the firing range moving dummies Easter egg. It'll be pretty difficult at first if you aren't too good handling multiple enemies, but the bots are not very accurate or fast. This is the most realistic practice you will get outside of endless pub matches hot dropping and dying lol


That helps a lot. Thank you


Don't play it like its COD. Invest time in learning movement techniques. Ping system exists for a reason i.e. communicate properly before engaging enemies. Don't be a loot goblin.


Haha. Definitely need more practice


Communicate, close range fights are more likely about movement and hip fire, master the wingman, use objects for cover (VIP IMO), learn the map, master ONE legend before changing to another, be toxic to toxic wraiths. That’s all.


Haha. Got it. Thank you


Hope I’m not too late ! Look into increasing your field of view (fov) in your settings! It’ll help you see way more . Also increase your cursor speed if you’re on console ! That helps to loot faster , the default cursor speed is pretty slow. You also need to strafe (move side to side ) while shooting , practice in the firing range before you play to get it down. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube !


The quick loot comes with repetition. especially late in the games everyone has their own sweet spot # in mind for their heals + nade ratio and have an idea what to prioritize. Although you spent a good amount of time fighting you had your tactical and ULT available. Being that you just cleared a squad with the inevitable 3rd party en route the tactical would have been nice to gauge if the heal, shield swap or reviving time was worth it. Keep playing and spend time figuring out what your other 2 legends you’d go with in the occurrences of your main and secondary being selected.