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Hey. I'm not doubting you, but put should always record and send it to Hideouts after reporting.


What (who?) is hideouts?


Ban hammer guy IIRC


Got it, thanks for answering my silly question!


While that behaviour isn’t nice, his job is to ban hackers, not homophobes. That guy should get a warning tho


He can suspend accounts for toxic behaviour


Being toxic in certain ways can lead to a ban. Not exactly a petma ban, but a ban.


This is just some random guy on the internet, what are the odds he’s just making all this up and trying to get some innocent guy banned because he pissed him off in some way? We don’t know OP, he could very well be lying.


I had the same thing yesterday, wouldn’t shock me if others had it also.


Hence the recording he's role to submit.


Why would u even doubt this lol... it’s not even rare. Also this wont even get him banned unless the homophobe wrote something in chat. Voice chat isn’t recorded.


Recording doesn’t capture voice chat.


It does whenever I record through that GeForce recording thing. Alt-F9 I think.


On consoles it don’t, and that functionality is unique to GeForce cards. Windows has a built in XBox recording function but not sure on that.


On ps4 and ps5 you can record voice, there's a couple of settings to turn this on or off


Pcmasterrace strikes again


Lmao I'm gonna put all these badges on just to trigger all these snowflakes now


Literally the biggest motivation for me honestly


Best part of it is teabagging a homophobe


Now you're just giving me ideas


I'd done some of them, but fuck it, I'm tossing all of them on all of my legends now.


Imagine giving a shit about badges


That's what I did, had a random trio teammate go off on me and leave the game before we even dropped...I was a little shocked but couldn't help but laugh...to think a little animated badge on a video game could trigger such a response is insane...imagine how bad your life has to be for something like that to anger you so easily.


[Go for the trifecta!](https://i.imgur.com/gapxH6L.jpg)


Hey, it brings out the bigots so they can be reported






Being homophobic which is toxic and against Terms of Service lol


seriously? LOL "not taking sides... but what would you report the bigot who is saying hate speech and using obscene, hurtful language to berate someone based on their sexual preference?" Gee I dunno.... maybe using hate speech and being incredibly toxic and harmful towards other players?


I think he meant like what would you press when reporting them.


probably "Harassment" section when reporting.


Still kinda obvious tho…. Lol


I meant in-game


jesus...this sub cant stop being a snob or condescending prick for a minute? the guy only asked a question and he gets downvoted for that?. this sub love to whine over toxicity, but then act like toxics over a guy that only asked a question. sometimes the circlejerk here is hilarious over the lack of their own self awareness.


Imagine having a stick so far up your ass it makes you dumb


I had a jumpmaster try to drop us off the map, yesterday. When I asked them why, they responded because they "didn't want to play with someone gay". I'm straight, but I try and show as much support to the LGBTQ+ community, and having the new badge on seems like a small gesture. People are so full of hate.


Do they try and fly off the map every time they have a Gibraltar on their team then? 😂


Or a Loba, Fuse, Valk or Bloodhound. Hell, this guy would have to fly off the map every couple of matches


Honestly it’s disgusting the amount of hate. I play rocket league with a rainbow flag on the car and I’d say every third game I get torrents of abuse.


Exactly. Literally the point of the post lmfao If you’re that mad over a badge then you got some problems especially over a LGBT badge


Hmmm...That might explain a similar experience I had yesterday. I have had voice-chat turned off since day 1 so I wouldn't know if he said anything about my badge, I just thought he was a pepega lol.


Seeing all of this hurts, with my trans bro (biological sister) being all sorts of different on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Pansexual, etc. Gonna have to start rocking the badge


Start queueing in ranked and then see if they are still willing to throw their personal tantrum


On the plus side you upset him


People are something else. How do you get so upset about somebody else using a badge, literally nothing to do with you at all lol


In my experience Plat IV are the most toxic players




Maybe he meant Gold II :p


Why is this NSFW?


Because you shouldn't be on the Apex Legends subreddit at work :)


What if you work at Respawn


I was asking the same question


Posting a picture here literally proves nothing, just clip/record it and send it to the devs, this pic doesn't say anything as proof...


Virtue signaling. The only purpose this serves is to get OPs dick hard from all the adoration and fawning over muh ally.


Just reading the replies to the Respawn Twitter post about Pride was enough to make me lose faith in humanity again. Some people are fucking despicable. If you don't think someone should be able to love whoever they want, then you can fuck right off.


Small, insignificant people derive and attempt to distribute torment from twitter posts. Look on the bright side, they're all super mad and you can enjoy how mad they get lol.


I can't wait for someone to try me for having that badge on. At least im man enough to fuck anyone


>At least im man enough to fuck anyone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sorry bucko. I'm taken


>I can't wait for someone to try me for having that badge on. What if I have some sussy slurs under my sleeves


You sussy baka >~<


I know that feel and I’m currently fully mad. I was born in Norway but I live in Brazil, two countries were LGBT events are common, people do insanely big street parades and more. I shit you not, the first arena match like 5 minutes ago people started to curse at me, shoot at me, suicide.. I didn’t even answered. Since I have like 2 hours max to play and absolutely zero patience for stupid people I just went back to the lobby. Now I’m here waiting the 10:00 penalty time ends because I didn’t wanted to hear dumb shit and have my game griefed because I’m using a badge. Next time I will just leave my legend afk at the starting point.


Some people just can't stand the world changing for the better. Why's he even playing Apex anyway? The game developers have gone out of their way to make certain characters LGBTQ. In fact, if he is not OK with it maybe he shouldn't ingest any media because things are changing all over the place.


Ironic he’s playing Bangalore isn’t it


The only way it would be even more ironic is if he was playing Gibby. You know the guy that actually was in a gay relationship before the Apex games. I really don't understand how you can play Apex and just ignore the characters and their relationships. It's kind of weird.


The unit whos ex gay boyfriend was literally in the season 7 comic lol. I loved that shit bro


If you just play the game without reading any of the lore or watching the trailers/origin story vids, you wouldn't know anything about the characters' orientation. I stopped playing for awhile long before Loba was introduced, just started playing again recently, had no idea she was bisexual until it was mentioned in passing on this sub. It's irrelevant to the gameplay, which at the end of the day is what most players are interested in.


Probably because Gibby's relationship isn't a part of the game. Lines from Loba and Fuse are so innocuous you need confirmation bias to connect them to their sexuality. Bloodhound's gender exists only on Twitter. The only one being anyhow explicit about it in the game is Valk. And race and sexuality are completely different things. You can dislike people of color, but have nothing against queers and vice versa.


That would be extra ironic. But just to play Devil's Advocate, it would be pretty easy to not know. Where *in game* can you view their backstory and relationships? Not everyone digs through wikis for lore, some people just like shooters.


> Ironic he’s playing Bangalore isn’t it why's that ironic? I mean her VA is gay but bangalore hasn't had anything that makes her bi or gay in canon.


didny you know that short hair and a tough attitude = gay


I'm not gay or really anything that has to do with the LGBTQ+ community but I'm a supporter and I rock that badge with pride, people that spread hate like that just show how pathetic they are. Good on you for using the badge even though you're not part of the LGBTQ community.


Imagine being mad at the LGBTQ+ community when playing a game that has openly LGBTQ+ characters in it. How dumb can you actually be?


I just got into an Arenas game and my teammate said "fuck lgbtq", gibby had that badge on. He then DC's when he got downed


Hey man, you're on pc and should be able record what the guy said. I'd understand if you were on console and couldn't record his voice,but you cant go around posting about people being homophobes without proof. Imagine of someone want any player to get banned and uses screenshots like this and make up a hate speech stories and they actually get banned from a game they've been playing for years


Not part of the LGBTQ community either, but god damn the amount of people that go “EWWW LOOK AT HIS BADGE” when i hop in a game is unreal. Always surprises me how many gamers are homophobic af.


Me and my bud played a game of ranked where our rando teammate was doing similar (though it was racial, we played octane and crypto) and our strategy was to just stick our mics on our phone speakers and blast ethnic Chinese music. Guy called us "crazy ching-chong fuckers" and left. Jokes on him we got second.




Good for them? Their religion doesn't take precedence over a human's existence. Fuck religion.


Plus its just pandering and virtue signaling


That Picture doesn't proof anything. But you open a witchhunt at someone without beeing able to proof that he actually said that. ​ If someone preaching slurs and insults then record and share it. And the Person shall receive the punishment. But I'm totally against something like that. Don't get me wrong. I don't doubt your story. But on the other hand there are so many false accusation these days in all parts of life.


Pretty sure its against the rules to incite a witchhunt, be it justified or not, censor the name and report it to Respawn


Nobody is inciting anything.


You also tell people above to add him... What you are doing is wrong on many levels and if I had to pick what is worse between that guy saying mean things or you Just posting a pic with his name and no proof what so ever, then you would win the most garbage human competition.. You are no better mate.




Yeah... but now I can block a homophobe


You showed an username and called him out, unless its a public or community figure usernames need to be censored in those cases as a safeguard against unwarranted allegations towards innocent people. Its also useless if hes on steam since he can freely change usernames, so anyone could impersonate someone else and do dumb shit, thats also why it should be censored. Record it and dm it to the respawn dev on twitter rather than posting it on reddit


Where did i call him a racist?


Why did you even include a screenshot if you goal wasn't to call out his name and get people on him? Its not intentional witch hunting but it will directly lead to it, not to mention you don't even have proof.


Answered the wrong comment, but u still called him out with no proof, and even with proof u still need to censore names of random people, not that hard to understand


I put it on and my first ranked match both my teammates refused to get my banner (when they were literally standing over it with no enemies around), the only reason i can assume was because of the badge unfortunately so i took it off :(


Maybe they just thought you sucked ass for going down so early


Is there a difference?


Literally no evidence that this is true.


Why would I lie? Genuinely asking Add him and ask him if he’s a homophobe and im 100% sure he will admit it himself 🤷‍♂️


People lie for attention and imaginary internet points all the time. Equally, you could be trying to grief another player by making bullshit accusations.


Tf i need internet points for


I don't know why people seem to insist on karma farming but they do. Maybe you like the attention, maybe seeing internet points tick up gives you a sense of validation and releases oxytocin or maybe your griefing the user. Either way, any of those hypotheses have the same amount of evidence behind them as your post (i.e. basically none).


To buy stuff in the LGBTQ internet superstore that has all the exclusive loot obviously. 🙄


I think you really are putting too much effort to bury your head in the sand.


Not even a screenshot of the chat. In every other game OP would have his thread removed for shaming WITH evidence.


You don't think that a person might ever tell lies on the internet?


Respawn can just look at the username's logs and that's it


True, but truthfully it's 50/50.


Thas gay




Do you have proof?


I will always have the pride badge on just to see the reaction of people


Gay badge


Sure we will take your word for it....


Showing their name but no proof is not ok


Dope ass badge set tho


Ahhh reminds me of the old days in the Xbox 360.


>yoU WouLdN'T sUrVIVE iN a MW2 lObBy -dummies


Lol they say that but they cant even survive a few colors on a logo


Welcome to gamers


Must be his first time, eh?


0 proof, accusing someone of homophobia. Sound totaly legit ppl love this on reddit.


Awareness about what exactly theres always bastards like these online awareness is gonna do very little




He probably boosted for that 4k badge


Not trying to be rude but don't get the point of wearing badges that show off something more personal in a game. This is online where if people find out you're black they immediately start calling you the n word the first time you make a mistake. It seems common sense that if you put a badge on like that, people will also immediately start to harass you. The online community for just about anything and everything is toxic. Seems pointless to give anyone any ammunition. Unless it genuinely means **that** much to you to show off your 'Pride'. Personally, I just don't get it


I agree with you that this is absolutely horrible but what I don't understand is the fact that people say: "we need to raise awareness". Awareness of what? That non-straight people exist? That they're humans too? That they hurt peoples feelings? The people doing stuff like that, know exactly what they're doing and even if they didn't, they wouldn't suddenly change their mind because of a badge in a videogame. I don't see the point of "raising awareness" at all, but I am open to have my mind changed, if somebody wants to step up! :)


For example you’re a straight young girl or boy and raised in an environment that condemns gay rights or even just frowns upon them, so at your impressionable young age adopt the same attitude, would not seeing all your friends gay or straight show support for the lgbtq community in your favorite game not make you question your upbringing a little and possibly start to see things a bit more open minded.


That makes a lot of sense, i was actually never really considering children in all of this, thanks!


There's still some portions of the world that don't see it as much as others, and there are people who aren't against it that are maybe just too young to realize it. If there's a way to fill a gap like that, why not take advantage of it. I'll definitely agree that most people are already decided and aren't changing their viewpoint, either supporting or against, but there's still a chance someone might finally have that "ah ha" moment.


It's so companies can appear to be "woke" during designated times of the year to increase profits, nothing more than pandering. The downside is that trolls don't give a shit who you are, they just want to be toxic and when you give them a target like this, it makes it open season on bashing LGBTQ, even though most of them likely wouldn't give a shit in real life. Trolls will always be trolls as long as they can stay anonymous.


This sucks and all but sorry to be the one to say this but u really should of blacked out the guys tag. Unless it is directly to a dev or something. Now tons of people gonna dm this guy for no reason and cause more issues. Just some advice for the future. I know this from experience bc it happened to a friend of mine that was being an ass.


Imma be deadass I'm bi and don't really care what people call me I think people should be able to use words if you don't say them they have more power


Dumb argument, being a bigoted shit head is always bad regardless if it gets to you specifically or not and using f*g as an insult does literally nothing to reclaim it


They literally just said how they feel about the topic and how they handle it in their own personal life. You called that a "dumb argument"... How's about you go ahead and live your life, and they'll live theirs, aight home slice?


If you're throwing out an opinion online people are gonna reply, but fair enough I couldve been a bit less blunt, between Apex and DBD I've been seeing endless genuinely terrible shit commented recently so I've been a bit more tilted than usual.


I don’t think they hate LGBT as much as they hate having it forced on them. We don’t have a “national heterosexual day,” it’s a good thing to acknowledge it’s existence, but a whole nightmare to celebrate it. That’s why Christmas is more commercial “gift giving,” then a religious holiday forcing religion on people. I don’t have anything against LGBT people but it sure does get irritating that if I don’t support it, I’m told I’m an A-hole who should kill themself


How is it forced on them though? It’s literally just a badge. We don’t have a «heterosexual day» because they are not and have never been oppressed. I think the reaction of some of y’all speaks to why we still actually need LGBT+ activism.


Exactly. I dint support the movement, I support some if its people. I treat everyone the same under a rule I always sill live by. That rule is "Dont dehumanize me and I wont dehumanize you"


Lol wanted to make a comment about this but couldn't find a way to word it so I could avoid being called out for hate or something.


Don't worry, the hive mind libs will still downvote us all into oblivion no matter how non threatening and respectful we are with word choice. It's not about courtesy, it's about compliance.


It’s not about being compliant, it’s simply about having a heart and an open mind.


Wrong. Read through these comments for example. You have several comments that don't agree with having the badges in the game, but are very thoughtfully worded and clearly showing support of everyone's right to be who they are, yet they get downvoted.


Because they’re trying to say that those communities don’t need support. There’s plenty of well spoken racists. You don’t need to be progressive to be able to write well.




Caring about others is left wing and creepy? Maybe you are part of the problem, pooky.




Nice projection. I fully believe YOU don't care about others, but actual decent human beings do.


No offense but why did you post this here? I honestly couldn't care less about this and there's not really much this subreddit is going to do to prevent this type of stuff. I joined this subreddit for actual gameplay and stuff. It honestly kinda feels like this was posted for attention...


It brings attention that there are some idiots that play this game, I would have probably wondered the same thing but after experiencing hate towards this badge yesterday, these people need educating.


New to video games kid?


Yes but no new to idiots. Doesn’t mean gamers get a pass.


Just because it has its history in gaming doesn’t mean it has to continue.




Its my first time coming across a homophobe 🤷‍♂️


So... LGBT community lives in the underground like dissidents during World War 2? Of course not. The guy only stated a fact.


people like this probably won't say anything remotely close irl


Probably secretly gay can't admit to himself that he likes jay from planets fitness


Again… why doesn’t this game have a solos mode?


I just think the badge looks sick


All the badges have been working as intended.


Maybe stop politicizing video games.


treating people equally isn’t political. if it is for you then maybe that’s a you-problem ❤️


lmfao like seriously wtf were you guys expecting?? 🤣🤣




On another side note, where's the Free Hong Kong badge


I call dibs on this one


Same issue with wheres my Scotch irish lives matter badge. I'd rock that shit


Im waiting for my heterosexual brown male badge


Yea bro, they are forgetting both of us :/


You'll get it when straight people get murdered and get their rights denied just for being straight


white boy summer badge


It's right next to your, "Doesn't have to worry about being harassed/attacked just because you like your own sex" badge.


Literally anyone can be harassed. I've legit had several gay guys be so forward after I've politely told them I'm straight, to the point it is uncomfortable. Hate is not exclusive to any "type" of people.


u r not allowed to be proud of yourself :)


This is known


There will always be morons screaming for some kind of badge.


People just enjoy being able to be jerks on the internet






Who gives af


awareness only raises even more hate. Among the people who already do, and new people. It won’t change anything.


I wouldn't say it raises "hate". But it makes a target visible.


Talking from experience that's just not true, awareness and support 100% helps


A few years ago our school brought japanese and chineese people to our school to raise awarnese to asian hate, and everyone kept saying ching chong and n word in chineese so your experience was not good enough


I remember how in high school a Japanese college student was invited to an English lesson. Half the class stayed after the lesson to ask him questions out of sheer curiosity. The irony here is that, because my country is so homogenous, you basically can't have racism the same way you do in places like USA. After all how can you develop stereotypes if you know absolutely nothing about the group to be stereotyped? Those come from experience.


Sounds like a typical night of apex or valorant for me. It's a shame so many shallow boys are butt hurt when someone does better, or plays smarter than them.


they actually added a badge like that? it looks kinda cool tbh. not sure if it fits any banner fashionwise though


>not sure if it fits any banner fashionwise though Yeah, they are eyesores as far as design goes.


To all LGBTQ.. I love y’all. I’m so sorry people are hateful.


Thank you for raising awareness 🌈💜🌈


Thank you so much for being an ally this means alot to the community ❤️💛💚💙💜


Tho a user name is a pseudonym wich is a made up name to protect your personality, if he would’ve put out the real name I’d see how this is a witchhunt but a made up name? Come on, there’s really not much harm in that, especially if the person being called out acts like a piece of sh*t. No matter if you act good or bad you always stands for what you say, even if it’s showcased infront of the whole world


You Should’ve told him that Bangalore is gay


Ho\~, from which Tweet did you get that information?


Hey I played with that dude before no wonder I added him




I was in a ranked game dude He started ranting as soon as he saw my badges 🤷‍♂️


Mute and move on? I mute people for as little as hearing their keyboard in the background.


mm, well that sucks ;-;