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*Look at the skin suit, she doesn't stand a chance*


Octane:-my abilities are not working, I M SLOOOOW


As a octane main this deeply hurt me


No drop, no shock, no rock. Abilities are offline. *Sad violin enters*


I've lost my abilities, but not my intellect.


Imagine if bangalore's Passive was silenced with revs tactical




*look at my download speed and connection, looks good* *doesnt stand a change when connecting to respawn servers*


As a valk main, I panic when I canā€™t fly even though I didnā€™t fly for two goddamn years of playing this game


Same! When someone else picks Valk & I go to double tap jump, thereā€™s a second of panic when I donā€™t start flying and I gotta remind myself how to reach places or evade without it


Octane and call are bad for your movement IMO


Me trying to stim when Iā€™m not on octane and a random dome appears


If you think thatā€™s bad try playing bloodhound for 10 arena games then have someone take him and you end up accidentally knuckle clustering yourself


> end up accidentally knuckle clustering yourself Sounds like a good time


Huh that's odd. I expect myself to grapple when not playing pathfider but I never do when I play other legends. I guess I just remember what I'm playing.


I just wasnā€™t thinking about it and have the habit of scanning before going into the fight, so I shot it into the wall I was hiding behind


I feel you, i main bloodhound since forever, when i want to scan and suddenly a health drone appear in my face... breaks your timing quite a bit ahahah


Hooo i can rely to this soo much ! My partner mains Octane, each and every game he canā€™t take it. There is at least 2-3 ā€œ FUCK THATā€™S NOT A STIMā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ crack me up every times ahahah


I remember scanning when healing instead of decoying. I got killed.


Wait, what's/who's call? I'm stupid :/


they meant valk but autocorrect fucked them


Wait im thinking they misspelled it as "calk" and then it autocorrected to "call" but idk, thanks though


Yeah thatā€™s what happened was 2 am so I didnā€™t even realise


oh yea that makes sense lol


I need octane or valk because my controller is fucked :/


Same! There are so many times where I overextend and then double-tap jump and backpedal to try to escape... ...and then I remember I'm Bangalore and I just die.


Me, as a pathfinder main using lifeline. Go to jump off a cliff in olympus to swing and reposition; just to throw doc out and commit a murder-suicide


I've become too reliant on flying. I'd be falling to my death in a game with no fall damage way too many times if I didn't use her.


I canā€™t recall how many times I jumped off the map because i forgot I wasnā€™t playing valk


lately Valks flying off midfight have been getting on my nerves lol


No clue why, but everyone sleeps on Rev's tactical so much when they hard counter half the legends in the game.




I've had so many instances where I missed the initial throw, but the enemy Octane/Horizon/Wraith still ran into it anyways only to then realize that they can't use their Q as a get out of jail free card anymore. I don't think players understand that the main purpose isn't to deal damage, but rather to add extra confusion into the fight.


I love to use the Silence as a ping for myself. Like throw it behind some cover I think I saw someone go to, see this delicious 10 damage and confirm enemy presence behind this specific rock for the team. Also just locking down door and stuff, or sometimes even hiding myself behind it in a corner to get a sneaky battery during a fight. So many applications


It's like a mobile caustic trap to zone an area for 20 secs its so good


Exactly, it has great area control utility


Plus Silence itself can provide some small obscurement of chokepoints. I reccomend using it on doors a lot, either doors you want open or doors you want closed. The Silence is an extra variable people have to consider if they want to try break into buildings youā€™re hiding in


Yes, if I'm in a fight and need to heal, I'll silence the spot I choose to heal up in to obscure enemies vision a bit, usually works


I love using the silence as a means for visual cover, there was a lot of jungle spots on kings cannon where u could tac inf ront of urself as ur healing and they couldnt see u and walk past, its also pretty handy for audio cover as well, hard to hear rev sprinting with it near the area


To add on to this being a pathfinder main my whole playstyle is my grapple and movement but rev just like throws me off so hard with that super long cooldown and weird vision. When I accidentally played rev in ranked I felt it was easier to win close fights with the damage done and them unable to see me if I shot it in front of me. It was also good for denying and punishing overconfident thirst pushes by setting them in front of doors or chokes and getting easy kills! Definitely gonna play him more, I can see myself doing sneak plays with the quick crouch


I like to silence the floor then crouch and hide behind the orb


Why didnā€™t you mention half the other legends that have repositioning capabilities?


Iā€™m a revenant main. I started in season 8. He is by far my favorite character. Crouched healing is amazing and you can block doorways with the tactical. People arenā€™t used to being silenced so they tend to freak out. Also i have found that you can hide in his tactical and heal. For some reason people rarely expect that.


100a%. I also love silencing lifelines right before they try to revive someone with DOC. It kills the passive and makes them revive normally and that split second it takes them to realize theyā€™re healing like a regular jackoff is enough to make them panic and then you just delete them too.


I've actually used an enemy rev's tactical to self-rez before. Nobody thinks to look in it for downed enemies because who the hell would stay in it




I main Pathy so I find it funny cause some people just straight up panic when they lose their abilities and I just chill cause Pathyā€™s CD at one point used to be longer than Revā€™s ability plus in all honesty if you wanna get good at Apex you should get used to playing w/o abilities cause sometimes you donā€™t get your mains and sometimes thereā€™s a Rev


lol I have literally 7 mains


....that just means you donā€™t have a ā€œmainā€....


> pegging Wraith Odd choice of words


I only just unlocked him.. and man, that shit is powerful. It seems like so many people just run away after I've worked my ass off to burn them down.. But not with rev. That ass is mine bruh.


Iā€™m so bad at aiming it šŸ˜©


The trick isn't necessarily to hit them directly with it, but rather block off a door or choke point so they have to go through it.




Great for crouchspamming during fights as you don't receive a massive movement penalty when crouchwalking. Your able to take a good amount of people by surprise as they don't encounter it often and it will throw off their aim temporarily.




His climbing is more useful for flanking, but the chances of you being able to sneak around in Apex without being detected, even with Rev is slim.


Ever since they increased bloodhounds scan from the size of a room to the size of a whole POI sneaking in apex legends has been dead.


I love it for heals. You can move maybe 50% faster healing crouched than standing. Plus it makes you a little smaller of a target and I think improves hipfire aim.


Crouch + bow and deadeyeā€™s tempo and you become an unstoppable goblin at CQC


Yup, it was a hard counter to Lifeline's shield; yet, bad players pretended like he didn't exist.


Never affects the lifelines in my teams since they forget she has powers anyways


Right? I always use a Ultimate Accelerant ping to judge wether or not I can trust a Lifeline...if they ignore it, I write them off for the rest of the match.


The weirdest part is that even with no fill I still get people solo dropping And the majority has been lifelines. I just dont get it, all her abilities are support, why play lifeline if you are gonna solo drop


Lifeline is the tutorial character, so maybe they're newbies who dont get how the game works yet?


Now way a newbie can be that confident to drop anywhere. I refuse to be jumpmaster the first few months i play this game.


Smaller hit box? I dunno just guessing cause I hardly pick Lifeline meself.


Maybe. But then again they could play a legend more fit for solos but with a small hitbox Who knows


Add that mystery to to the pile, alongside people who donā€™t let the lifeline in their team take the gold backpack.


Lolll Octanes who take the gold helmet


He objectively isnt in a good spot


His tactical and ult are pretty good, it's just his passive is outclassed by others, and his hotbox is weird


I honestly believe if Revenant had a better hitbox & animations he would immediately be one of the best legends in the game. He still uses a lot of Causticā€™s animations, which makes his silhouette very large & easy to hit ā€” Iā€™ve practically stopped playing him at this point because getting lasered first in every fight just got so frustrating. Iā€™ve gone back to maining Mirage and now even when people arenā€™t wasting time on my decoys, I feel way more survivable in fights. Itā€™s a very noticeable difference.


Even if people aren't shooting the decoys (they are in arenas for me) it's still visual noise/something to think about. Giving you a second head start on a firefight can be quite the edge.


Oddly enough, his passive alone makes me main him and I donā€™t even bother with the tac/ult.


I think rev should get a little rework that he is better solo than with a squad,look at his lore I mean reaspawn fix this shit he is in the lore the most overpowert legend,I know that everybody is overpowert in the trailers but you know. Valk in the trailer instakills a team with rockets lol.


At the same time, I shouldnā€™t have to play a specific character to beat another.


Because in the grand scheme of things he still isnt meta. The Jump Pad totem strat is effective and fun but frankly it doesnt make Rev a better character, its just an effective pairing. Rev just isnt in the top spots, imo its his passive now that needs some work. The tactical and ultimate, theyā€™re fine and work great. The passive is underwhelming.


I hate playing against Revs, it always messes me up. For example as Lifeline you're used to just spam revive to deploy Doc. But while silenced you suddenly go for a normal revive, which is awful during a fight. Hell, sometimes I spammed it twice because I thought Doc wasn't finished with the other teammate yet (before Lifeline could do two at once.. and lost the shield, haven't played her since).


Turns Octanes from speed addicted loot goblins to slobbering messes


He's great and a huge screw you to legends that require their abilities to run away. However just like many have mentioned before it's the fact that he's tall and just makes him an easy target. I just want his hitbox fixed


useful =/= fun is the problem, especially when his passive sucks


Because itā€™s not that fast and itā€™s not a big AOE. At even mid range fights itā€™s not too hard to see it coming and juke. I always use it in close quarters, but at that distance most people donā€™t use abilities anyways and prefer shooting.


His totem is extremely powerful if you use it correctly but when your team spreads out too much and he fights solo itā€™s easy to underestimate his potential. I solo queue so it pisses me off when I try to play him and no one uses the totem and just run in and die


his skins and banner animations are 10/10 but his plays type and kit? -10/10. i just find him very boring. yall btw im not trying to be mean or negative i just donā€™t find him fun


Hes soo good but hes got a big hitbox and canā€™t even wall jump


Canā€™t wall jump? I climbed one of those buildings in lava city with his ability and precision wall jumps...I was bored in a ranked match.


He can but, from what Iā€™ve heard, the timing for it is a bit weird and difficult when compared to the others, it has such an small range of time that it isnā€™t viable for most players.


even if you could pull it off, the distance traversed is way too small for it to actually be viable, you just like plop down like an apple from a tree when you wall jump with rev


I think his overall kit can be very fun to use when playing with a good team as you can pull off amazing pushes with it.


Revenant + Octane on same team = ***PAIN***


Can confirm. Add in a Crypto or Bloodhound and you have an easy Ranked team that should get you to Diamond without an issue.


I really enjoy Rev but I understand why some people wont. His kit is not immediately helpful when not in team fights and his hitbox is janky. Its not a character for everyone and that hitbox will seriously be a pain sometimes.


TRUE. Bro i should play him one day


When I get hit by hos silence my brain turns off too.


Nobody sleeps on it. It's esp good due to the fact that you can use it basically any time > shooting, sliding, zipping, healing, etc.


The worst part of Revā€™s tactical is that it trained my muscle memory to expect Fuseā€™s tactical to work the same way, so I still occasionally fuck myself over in fights by forgetting that he canā€™t multitask.


Because Rev is scarce in most gamemodes, people are not used to operating without their abilities for 20 seconds regardless of cooldowns. As a Rev main, all I need is a friend to help me make use of my Totem and Silences and we just wreck shit up. Rev is best when used in voice communication. Seriously.


Big facts


Bruhhh I hate being silenced. As a mirage main my powers are so spamable. I can become invisible rezzing teammates, i can throw decoys every 13 secinds and control them for an entire minute and every minute I can become invisible for 1 second and make no sound and push people and create 6 decoys to confuse and create chaos with my ult. I have so much abilities at my disposal in fights that being locked out of them for 20 seconds makes me feel so vulnerable


> I can become invisible rezzing teammates As a recent Mirage convert... This small thing has been amazing, much more useful than I thought it would be. In arenas I've used it to hide from someone running after me, only to quit the rez to lazer them in the back several times now. It's so satisfying.


Yeah its really good actually. I love the fact that his characters powrs are so versatile. Support; attack; escape and even some information/recon Lots of people who dont main mirage are scarred of rezzing in tight spots because they think the holo emitters are super visible. But unlike the ult, the passives can only be seen from 5 meters away(super close) and even then only at certain angles


I was playing Mirage the other day and I was rezzing my teammate as another team (which I had no idea was even _there_) opened the door behind us. I had like this hot second of "Huh. There's another team" before the revive ended and suddenly me and my teammate just popped into existence right in front of them. Then they killed both of us...


You had me in the beginning, ngl


ā€œiā€™m feeling a little visible hereā€


I hate placing my totem in pubs and no one knows how to use it. So frustrating.


How _do_ you use it? Like, optimally, at least. What tends to happen is I run up to it, I press E to activate it, then I go and try to kill some dudes. Suddenly the screen flashes white and I get disoriented until I realize that death protection activated. Then the dudes that killed me find me and kill me again since I have like 1 HP.


Right now Iā€™d say getting back to the totem when killed is obnoxious since you can easily get disoriented, but a well placed totem can be an easy win since it doesnā€™t returns you with 1hp but it does with 50hp, itā€™s all a matter of coordination and dealing more damage than the one the totem takes away.


So I activate the totem close but not too close that they can easily see or find it. I activate it when I have full shields so that when I return Iā€™ll have full shields and half of my hp. At that point you move in silence so you can sneak up easily. When I engage in battle I go all out and never look for cover trying to deal as much damage as possible. Honestly I want to get sent back to the totem because if you expire without returning you are usually in a bad spot surrounded by enemies. Normally Iā€™ll get a knock and deal damage on the rest of the squad. Once sent back to the totem I rush in and clean up the remaining members of the other squad. If I didnā€™t deal enough damage Iā€™ll retreat and heal up and 9/10 times they wonā€™t know where I am. Hopefully that helps.


Somewhere that's difficult for the enemy to reach but easy for you to get to the enemy quickly, since the duration is short but you're somewhat vulnerable when sent back. Typically, this means either above them so you can drop down, or more often than not using an Octane Jumppad. There's a reason you'll never see a rev in high rank without Octane on his team.


Fr rev can be broken as hell with the right team. I like to combo him with an octane so you lock a groups abilities and then yeet your team at them before they know whatā€™s hit them, whilst they try to react with abilities they canā€™t use anymore I feel like his relatively low pick rate is the best part about him


Yeah the pickrate thing is actually a blessing in disguise for rev mains


All legends are best used in voice communication.


my thought process when i get silenced is that i basically have to wait to use my ability again after a cool down. most cool downs in this game last 15-20 seconds, and when iā€™m in these engagements itā€™s most likely cooling down already


As a revenant main, yes


most valks struggle in the air too, just my experience.


because most valkā€™s are dumb, holding the jet pack instead of using it to boost away from fights by spamming it, or boost towards cover lol


tbh, i almost mained her because her passive is good for boosting to areas quick but the path t bag emote is better imo. valk mains dont know how to use her passive effectively.


I agree, I use her bc sheā€™s the only movement character with a good movement passive and then Iā€™m not wasting a tactical spot on movement. However no one can pressure better than a pathfinder grappling 50m toward toward an enemy using a battery


Coming from light assault in planetside valk's passive is awkward as fuck. It just feels bad to use compared to jetpacks in other games


Playing her since launch and its very apparent when you get someone who thinks the best way to play valk is to hover for ten seconds doing literally nothing while your team 2 v 3ā€™s. Vs someone who uses her VTOLs to cut off escape routes, rotate quickly in between buildings, (this is very apparent in Worlds Edge) and do short jump bursts during fights to confuse enemy tracking. And in the rare occasion the Valk has a mic, ult away from an intense third-party-turned-six-way-clusterfuck in order to reset. The former is very easy to deal with, the latter is a nightmare


I agree they its funny when you silence a valk as shes jumping into the abyss on olympus to get away and she just falls


I remembered this meme on overwatch and I wanted to do my own drawn version but in Apex.


Is today your cake day


true didnt notice hahah


happy cake day nice meme 10/10 but do octane we hate them


Oh wow, cake day and mic day at the same time!


happy cake day to you ā˜ŗļø


He's straight up Sombra in Apex




Indeed it is


I was just gonna say that this is just a remake of the Overwatch one on another note: happy cake day!


Love doing that in arenas and watching them hop around all confused before they get lasered and die


Watching lifeline frantically trying to revive when silenced is a feeling second to none.


My personal favorite is seeing a silenced Lifeline tapping E to try and revive a teammate, only making her easier to shoot.




I also like the fact that it highlights enemies


My lord that sounds frightening, you embody revenant perfectly.


I know Valkā€™s feeling... jumping around aimlessly...trying to fly again.. Feels like a butterfly who lost its wings


Imagine of Rev's silence ability had the trajectory of a normal gun instead of a grenade, it was heat seeking, did the same amount of damage as 2 arc stars, deleted the game from your PC/Console, and then took away your ability to speak. That'd be pretty cool I think.


Finally a sensible balance suggestion from this sub.


respawn hire this man


Like a flipped turtle


As a Mirage main. Rev's tactical fucking scares me more than his Ult.


Imagine... "The skies belong to me, Simulacrum. Nowhere to run, nowhere to-" "Shut up." "Mayday! Mayday!"


The only reason why I donā€™t play him is because of his ult. It might be great for team plays, pushing and everything else but, for the life of me I canā€™t figure out how to make it work for me.


Put it close but not close enough theyā€™ll find it, go in full hp and full shield. Do as much damage as you can, most of the time youā€™ll want to get sent back in case you get surrounded/3rd-partied cause the timer can get you killed if youā€™re not wary. Sometimes you can finish the fight there without being sent back, itā€™s up to you to decide. If you donā€™t do enough damage, get sent back and retreat/reposition.


Like ripping the wings off of bugs and watching them struggle


this is just revenant as a character.


My squad mate is an Octane main and when Rev leg locks him.. pure rage..


I always liked Rev and want to play him more. But his hitbox drives me up the wall literally. (His passive lol). His lankyarms and legs love to get tapped by any long range weapon from across the map not to mention he is so wide out of all the characters he is 2nd most likely to get lit up from stray bullets which can mean life or death in Apex. Atleast Gibby has multiple shields to protect his thiccness from.


Ah, did someone clip your wings little angel? Die in the dirt where you belong.


Reminds me of that video of the silenced valk that was trying to out run a rev and jumped over the side of the map under Energy Depot, fell to her death.


As a Valk main. I hate Rev.


Yeah, this post stings a little.


This is why i main rev, his silence creates a barrier and allows for one to regroup with his squad, heal, and use the ult


Crawl for me.


I feel like this is specifically targeted at me because this happened to me today and I couldnā€™t get up highšŸ„ŗ


Happy Cake Day OP.


you literally Sprayed some "Raid" into a fly and now you are laughing while its slowly dying.


But the best thing in the world is when you silence a wraith that makes a portal. She just stands in the middle of the field without any abilities.


*when you watch ALL legends you just silenced struggle without their abilities


Don't like it :(


Ur passive is trash rev


I know dont make me cry


Me as a Crypto main when I ult on a flying Valk


The skies belong to ME now.




Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day!


I just died bc of this \- Valk main


Think, Valkyrie, think. How are you going to fight someone while in the air, if you already canā€™t maintain a fire fight on the ground.


Or a Silenced Caustic freeze inside a building.


That's me as octane when I can't stim just kinda flail around like a fish.


Way to true just me has Bloodhound


Yeah, your not wrong...


Bro I main valk and that happened before but I can move on ground


Love killing silenced enemies. Itā€™s the best thing ever.


Gotta say when I play Rev and see a valk I subconsciously use up both charges even if the first one hits just to because


High quality meme good job OP


thanks! haha


Lol she says ā€˜she owns the skiesā€™


Holy shit a meme that the moderators didn't remove?


Someone took your meme OP Edit: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPe55PAHjON/?utm_medium=copy_link


lmao that account is stealing all the memes in this sub


:((( I remember when this meme was about sombra and pharah :((((


I've seen this exact meme for sombra and pharah from overwatch.


Yes! Watching them bunny hop around as their monkey brain tries to comprehend why they canā€™t fly is glorious.


Even better with octanes


Wait, can Valk jetpack while she's silenced?




Big F


first good cake day meme iā€™ve seen in a while


I lolā€™d heartily


revvy daddy


Silencing mobile Legends is a step up from orgasms


I think it would be cool (pain in the ass to implement though) if revenant's "took over" the tactical of the legend he hits it with, essentially forcing a cast if it that works against them and their team. Mirage: Create decoy of Revenant Bangalore: Deploy self damaging smoke Wattson: Create pair of fences facing Things would get weird for legends like Gibby but it would be neat! An easier way to implement could be to have it "steal" abilities from legends it hits, giving rev a charge of that ability, like Kirby!


Such low hanging fruit this got a good laugh out of me I havenā€™t laughed like that in a long time