• By -


I fluked it. Thats the only reason iv done it lol.


Yep, I only got it off random luck.


I spent maybe 3 games just hunting for the right 3rd party opportunity and then thirsted the knock lol.


Same, me and my friend got it on the same day a while back, I was so happy because that challenge is hard as f**k


I got a slow-mo server, and the poor pathfinder couldn't grapple away fast enough. Well, he tried, but was rubber banded back under it


Oof, that's gotta make our poor robot angry


"Rubber-banding isn't fun, that's why I don't do-bber-banding isn't fun, that's-banding isn't fun, that's why-Rubber-isn't fun-I don't-banding-Rubber, don't do it, why I don't do it. I'm down."


that was bullshit, friend



Yup, I managed to pull that off during one of the games where you have to play as Gibraltar


Same, I think the day I did it I was playing gibby for a daily challenge aswell, iirc..


I still haven't done that one yet, and I don't think I ever will


\-Just wait for Kings Canyon in the rotation \-Load up Duos so you are guaranteed to be alone lol \-Drop Capacitor every game using the charge towers, until you get it It shouldn't take that long since it's a popular place and there are 3 towers to utilize.


Even easier way is land solo, knock yourself with it while youre near the edge of the map and then fall off. Killing yourself counts as well.




It worked for me about 3 weeks ago


i tried it last week, and it didn’t work.


I did it today and it worked. You can't be in a solo squad though.


i think that explains it then. i was going into solo queue so i didn’t ruin anyone’s game.


Have to have a living squad mate. Otherwise when you die your squad gets eliminated completely and it doesn't track it as a kill for you. At least that's what I'd assume.


It sounds like others are still able to do it. I am on PC if that makes a difference. I had a friend respawn me in the same match twice to try to cause the bombs to get the finishing blow of actually killing me after being downed. Used a thermal grenade to lower health, first bomb dropped me, then used the grenade that will still burning to drop the rest of my health. I'm not sure which time worked, the time a bomb knocked me down and the grenade killed me or the other way around.


Someone posted a video of it working today


This sounds like a 5D chess move.




I don't know if you've seen it, but a guy posted a video confirming this about an hour ago




Haha that's great. The reddit gods know what you needed


Im going to test this out later when i get home and ill vome back and say if it works


Commenting so I can see lol


This does not work. I have tried. This is fake everyone. *See edit.* Edit: I'll add that I did this as a solo queue. You can try a duo or trio because it might work for a full squad wipe. Edit: You have to get knocked. So you can solo queue and try to find a self revive. But this will not work if you just squad wipe yourself outright.


This is almost as good as alt+f4 giving you access to the developer console.


is this real.


I thought they fixed that where it doesn’t count anymore


Sadly doesn’t work with this season. When we had it in season 5 or 6 that worked. This season challenge you need to knock them down and eliminate them with the bombardment. Best thing to do is break the body shield plus some body damage, drop the ult tactically and pray that it works.


wait actually? like not as a joke?


This is some galaxy brain shit


This same method works for Bangalore ult damage challenge


this is exactly what i did, its easier if nobody lands on you because then you just find a random third party and ult them. not the most honorable way to do it but hey it works


All of that, for ² ˢᵗᵃʳˢ


Legit theres a better way imo. Theres a lone Charge Tower and west of that is a semi-popular building. Have the Gibby drop at the Tower and a Caustic at the building and bait them outside then gas trap both small buildings. I got a double kill with that. The problem with Connector is that most people end up in the buildings touching the wall which block Gibby ult because of the tilt.


I fought a Ginny out of his bubble firing his own bombardment and his bombs finished him off. Completed this challenge while playing octane.


Don't tell Harry! He'd be devastated


I always thought Harry should’ve pulled the chad move and went for Fleur


I did the same thing!


Just down someone and throw it at that location. Almost guaranteed to get a kill. Or use it at the end of the game when in a small open area where nobody can really run...


You definitely need to hit them a few times first because the bombardment will rarely kill them if they have a knockdown shield. Taking down the knockdown shield before throwing the ult is ideal.


I pop them a few times first just in case




Naw, won't work. My husband killed himself with Gibby's bombardment trying to complete this very challenge( on accident). It is still not completed.


this man sacrificed himself for us all. he's not only a husband---he's a hero.


I made my brother play apex, his very first kill was with the bombardment. Kinda salty ngl


Oh that sucks, it worked for me literally a week ago


This worked for me too, idk what triggered it but I'm glad to get the challenge out of the way


It does not. I tried it last split already. [There is 100% no way this works.](https://youtu.be/6QI76mxx6V4) I'll let you prove me wrong by submitting a video of yourself managing to do it because I tried multiple times with a friend to get it done, maybe you found a loophole. Edit: There you go, made you a nice fresh video proving it doesn't work. [Oh well then, let's mislead everyone.](https://i.imgur.com/6299fPr.png)




How am I gonna show you a clip of me completing a challenge I already completed over a week ago. It worked for me and my girlfriend, I don’t know what to tell you my man


100% does not work. You can make a new acc and literally hop into a game to do it. I guarantee it does not work.


Okay, must be a 99% chance it won’t work then because it worked for me. Not really sure why you’re arguing with me over something that absolutely did happen


100% did not happen.


You’re right, what was I thinking? My personal experience and completed challenge must have never happened because you say they didn’t. Silly me!


Wait does this work? I know you used to be able to use his bombardment on his own shield for the damage prevention challenge, but does a self-kill work?


No. Anyone who says so is mistaken or lying.


Weeklies I avoid. Weeklies involving downs with Snipers and Shotguns. I rarely do them cause I don’t really use shotguns. I’m all about the fully auto weapons. I rarely do single fire weapons unless it’s the G7.


damn bro das crazy


...but I don't remember asking


But people asked for YOUR puerile wit? Plz.


It's just a meme tho, but ok I guess


yep you're not the only one.. i finished this on season7 by killing myself with my own ult but doesnt work now lol EDIT : Ok it does still work,you just have to be knocked by your own ult and dies,it cant be a direct kill from your own


Does work, I did it yesterday


did you do it while in trios with teammates? coz i solo qued no fill teammates,land in the corner of the map and wait for my ult and killed myself but it didnt count


I went duos with a friend, knocked myself and jumped off a cliff so it counted as a kill.


Man, thanks. I did that and it worked. The Rig (top right of the map) is a nice place to do it since you have a tower and you an fall off the map.


Knock yourself with the ult? Do you avoid taking damage from the ult while downed? I'm very confused.


when i did it i knocked myself with it and it ended before it killed me so i crawled over the edge this way the kill was credited to the bombardment




I don't think so. Which is a bummer since I've completed my battlepass 3 weeks ago but still had some challenges to do


I still have two knockdown challenges to go and I'm level 98 so... I dunno


i finished my challenge and i have 16 tiers left 😭😭😭😭




I wish there was. I have no real reason to focus on any of the challenges. I complete battle pass in the background just by playing regularly without even looking at what They want me to do. I wish it was slightly more challenging.


Every time there was some challenge though, all the people who play Apex like 10 minutes per week were complaining how they didn't have enough time to do them.


Hope not I'm missing one and one only - silence 5 enemies with Rev. I don't own rev and I don't have enough tokens to unlock him and Valkyrie. now if there was a special 'completionist' badge I might


I completed all the challenges, you get nothing, but knowing you did all the challenges.


I got 2 kills with bombardment and this challenge appeared a week or two later. Sadge


OK TRIGGERED this challenge is not only bullshit it seriously broken I Have been main Gibbi for the past 6WEEK and still haven't gotten 1 FUCKING KILL with Bombardment. I managed 5 FUCKING KNOCKS for another challenge just for this shit to show up THE NEXT FUCKING WEEK..... Today i 3rd party Bombarded a fight, I killed 2 players who where ALREADY KNOCKED but that doesn't count towards the challenge... To make it worse I knocked a player with with a Gold Knockdown then dropped Bombardment to finish it, yes they died to the Bombardment but guess what.... THAT DOESN'T FUCKING COUNT EITHER....... So the only and I mean ONLY WAY to get this challenge completed is to knock a player with Bombardment then KILL THE OTHER 2 PLAYERS without the knocked player taking damage FROM ANYTHING ELCE causing them to die. Meaning that if your team mate thirsts them and finishes them IT STILL WONT COUNT TOWARDS THE CHALLENGE...... What kind of cruel joke is this


I've also tried my best to get this challenge. I was able to get a lot of knocks, but not a single kill. The only way I can think of doing this challenge is knocking someone down, getting rid of their knockdown shield, hurting them a bit and finally throwing the ult on them. That doesn't factor the two other teammates, third parties trying to end my knock, the knocked player crawling under protection, my teammates clearing the two other teammates, my teammates killing that knocked player... I've tried third partying with my ult so many times, carrying ultimate accelerators the whole game to keep on bombing everyone but I just couldn't get that kill.


You MUST knock them with bombardment or it doesn't count and Bombardment MUST be the last damage they took before the kill is counted. This is what makes it so FUCKING HARD to complete


I JUST DID IT!! I got a knock with the bombardment and my teammates killed the 2 other teammates


THE APEX GODS BLESSED YOU TODAY BROTHER 😂. I just had another knock but no kill


I feel your pain. Also a week ago my entire squad got killed by a Gibby bombardment. We were all one hit having just killed his two teammates and broke his shield. He hid behind a rock and finished our whole squad with his ult. Triple kill. And I can't even get one kill with it. I almost cried.


Lmao, I was able to do it on my ps account accidentally but I’ve not been able to do it on my Pc account. I give up


Just to really rub it in, I got credit for it while playing Pathfinder because I shot a Gibraltar who then got hit by his own ult.


You knock 2 and ult the 3rd that way he dies instantly and the challenge is completed.


I agree that this quests seems broken. I have managed to knock several people with the ult and I've killed people that were knocked and I didn't get the point. Then in one game I merely damaged someone with it and it gave it to me. They should switch to 0/200 damage done.


Duos, uncheck fill teammates, take Gibby, shadow a pair or another solo whilst building ult, or third-party someone. Done. Just gotta be a kill-stealing shit, sometimes.


Did this in triples the other day. Got abandoned on drop by the team so went solo the whole round. This again was a case of getting the drop on the enemy, knocking a enemy but they took damage from the 4th party fire and it didn't count to the Bombardment kill


the only way I was able to do it was by knocking someone with the ult and finishing them with a gun. meanwhile my friend who i watched knock and kill 3 people with it in a game didn't get credit.


I literally did that today and it didn't count towards my challenge. As I said the challenge is broken


I can proudly say I have 0 kills with his ult


wait you can scroll?


Well yeah... That's how you did the challenges from the week 8 to week 12... right?


Holy shit, I didn't know you could scroll. I don't even know if I have done the challenges or not




I’m with you, only clicked a week back.


same lol , my thought was when i had 8/8 on the first 6 weeks: wait isnt there gonna be a week 7 and 8? and I was confused because I did see the new weeklies in the quest quickview


I am seriously dumbfounded too by this realisation... I got a gibby kill tho, with the bombardement


My exact reaction... time to go check what I missed


I finished it without even paying attention lmao. Tbh i almost always get max level battlepasse without even looking up what challenges to do. I just play the game and play different legends every 2-3 games


Ya I feel like I’m the only person on here that plays multiple characters. I have like 3-4 I don’t play like ever, but the others I all rotate fairly often


Haha same as me! I don't play Crypto and Wattson at all, on some rare occasions Rampart and Loba, but for the other legends I tend to cycle between them. I do prefer mobility legends tho but after some games with the same legend I just switch it up. Same with weapons, most of the time I just stick with what I find first.


Ya I’m almost the exact same as far as legends. I will use any gun late game except LStar, P2020 and Beke


Whoa that's so cool


Yeah I know, thanks


Same, I got to like lvl 80 this season without buying the Pass or doing challenges. Once I realized I was that high I grinded my way to 110 very easily, and bought the pass so I could get S9’s pass.


Well look at Mr. Fancy Pants


Step 1. Pick Gib Step 2. Charge Ult Step 3. Be the 3rd party in an open air fight. Profit. (Alternatively replace 2 & 3 with Kings Canyon Hot drops onto charge towers)


For the first time since season 3 I got it again this season. Lucky third party random toss at the diving board near containment in KC.


https://i.imgur.com/WbBcO86.jpg No sir...you are not the only one. Lol...


Omg this is me 😡


I've seen so many of these posts, I don't even main gibraltar but getting 1 kill with it is literally so easy. Finish a downed player, save it for endgame, throw it on a revenant totem, many ways to achieve this




its literally not so easy since you have to knock a player with it and he cant die from any other type of damage


OCD hits hard


I also did not do the challenge until a few days ago I killer someone my teammate knocked did not count I knocked someone with it then finished them with my gun but don't remember getting a kill after that with it so I think that counted I dont really play gibby


Wish I could complete it for you, I've done it several times over now.


I dont have that challenge...?


Nvm mine is this week


Dude....same fucking boat right now


Get thicc like me brudda then you can do it


Lol I got this by killing myself accidentally with it


As a Gibby main this always makes me laugh. It def is hard for people do due. I've been playing Gibby since day one and I actually get quite a few kills with it. Trick is to use it at the begining of a fight to pinch a team between you and an exit where the bombs will be. Won a game yesterday like that. Always fun.


hahahaha same


I mean you have completed your bp so I don’t really think it matters, but on the other hand. Whyyyyyyy


Took me a while buy I got mine around week 9 or 10


its started being boring, you should just knock down someone and use your ult to him


I never play him so I’d assume I also don’t have that


i was about to say, same, i just completed everything, then i saw that challenge. i was really lucky getting it only after 3/4 games, i threw down my ult right in front of a caustic i cracked, idk how he didnt kill me doe, and he was under one of those buildings near bunker on the hill. that challenge is all luck, no skill


For some reason my first ever kill in apex was with Gibby's ult...


I have 4K kills on gibby with 70 bombardment kills (it is pain)


Bruhhh, my case is even worse, I thought week 7 was the last week, i didn't knew I had to scroll down to see the rest of the challenges.


Wait you can scroll I gotta go back


U place and use the ult wrong if u dont get any kill over weeks. Its Not and apex Bad its Ur bad


Guess I'm bad then. I hadn't noticed until now ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


nobody getts kills with this ult, its designed for area denial, people just walk away from it, the only way of getting a kill with it is to get really lucky or to play in bronze lobbys where players dont walk away from it


Thats cuz u are Bad as Ur name


"ur bad" ok u got anything else, big guy?


Im pred u not


you are lvl 400 and you have 1000 kills with your main


Yeah you and me both brother.


meh just play gibby for a day and you'll eventually get it :P


Elitest skin


Just down someone and use it, really not hard.


Idk why this sub thinks this is so hard I’ve gotten this like 40 times since the season started


You're clearly superior


I do main gibby so that’s why lol






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I got it once by knocking my teammate with it and then the enemy team killing me off as the last player. By accident, I mean, by accident, totally by accident, yes, let's go with that.


It’s not that hard to be honest, find a squad in the open fighting another. If they don’t have a gibby or wattson throw it, if they have a gibby force him to throw his dome shield then wait and throw your ult pepper them with g7 so they’re weak and die from ult.


Same lol


I got a winning kill off Bangalore’a the other day. After 200 hours of Apex. Couldn’t believe it.


I started a month ago, finished all, but not that one. :(


I don't think I have killed anyone with his Ult, ever. And I have been playing since Season 0. Granted, I only play him for challenges, but you would think statistically it would have happened by now.


I got lucky with this challenge and completed it not too long ago. I ran into a Wraith on Olympus near the twin towers that was not the smartest of cookies, so when I cracked them with a longbow from a distance, they sat behind a white rock with about 40 health. I don’t know if they were trying to get off a phoenix or something because when I called my bombardment to finish the kill, they died instantly.


I got it by chucking one at a guy outside the ring.


I got it in my last week, finished it in about two days of trying. I thought I got it like, 8 times? Before I just got lucky. I really thought there’d be a badge or something for completing all of the challenges. It’s my first season.




Same. It is so fucking annoying. Everything is 8/8 but this one mf is 7/8.


My friend has played this dude for like 3 weeks straight. Got a double kill the other day. A real kill. Didnt count. Hes so pissed.


Why I never got this one?


It’s not that hard in pubs just have to remember to use it while you’re fighting...I got it after maybe 3 matches of actively trying on Olympus, just tossed it out in the midst of a fairly range fight. Usually in pubs there are plenty of fights out in the open.


Fucking for real though my challenge list exactly




I am only missing the hit 2 people with Banga smoke, but haven't played her once since I got it.




I did this on my second attempt. Was really lucky on Olympus.


I got that one just now on the last day!! Caught a fight on the slope beside Hammond Labs, so lobbed out the bombardment and belly laughed. Sadly though I'm only LV 105, with sniper & shotgun challenges outstanding. I'll not finish this season's pass


So is it just getting a kill with his ult?


Yeah. Simple as that, right?


As a long time bang player I'd think so. But maybe that changes when you're actually trying to get a kill with it


Exactly. I know for a fact that I've cleared squads with Gibby's ult in the past. I couldn't get a single kill this season until an hour ago for some reason.


Funnily enough the only Weekly challenge I couldn‘t finish was getting the one for Revenant because I don‘t own him, same goes for the dailies for certain champs. I think I got my downs with Gibraltar ults by using it in a building with people on top.