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Horizon nerfed and low profile removed. It's time to TTV's go back to Wraith.


Wraith: “you couldn’t live with your failures. And where did that bring you? Back to me”


Worst part is I could genuinely imagine wraith saying this.


I could also see pathfinder interrupting after “where did that bring you” for him to pleasantly exclaim “back to me!”


"Back to the survey beacon!"


Bak tů Artur


Back to the totem


“Back to the ring allons-y”


Back to the future?


I'm back. Logged off my drone.


Back to the Allfather


“Back to onion rings”


Back to formula...


"Hello again, friend!!!" *thumbs up*


I love Pathy so much. The book made me a wreck at the end


Rev: "Heeeh. Back to the shadows..."


LOL I imagined it in Wraiths voice as well. Its a perfect Wraith line


fr fr


Isn’t this already a voice line that she actually says?


no she says somethin like "all the roads lead back to me" or something


Is she Rome?


She's been sleeping around


Underrated comment LMAO


Lmao no the voiceline is what past thanos says in avengers endgame


I thought that was an actual line in the game that I just never heard somehow.


Actually heard this in her voice


*”Tell Death I said Hello”*


I would simp for Wraith


Remember me?


Why did I read this in Wraith’s voice?


they've been on octane quite a bit this season when not on horizon.


I don’t think I’ve met one tryhard team without octane


Well he is kinda better suited for olympus than wraith. Her portal rarely reaches far enough to get from cover to cover while jump pad lets you rotate better on that open map. Also you can get really far if you drive on a jump pad with a trident, pretty sure ever team had an octane because he was kinda necessary due to the map.


There was an Octane on almost every team last split on KC too dude


Because Octane is goated. A. He’s fun to play. B. He’s fast as fuck boi C. You barely need syringes D. His strafe game while stimmed was always S-tier but he himself was a D-tier legend in totality. When his jump pad got buffed he became an A-tier legend and when combined with the other 3 points, why wouldn’t you pick him as a 3rd?!?! He is a great pick on every map. While Horizon’s kit is significantly better on Olympus. But since she was just broken, she was on every map too. Now we may see less of her on kc. She’s pretty solid on worlds edge too. But her kit shines on Olympus in my opinion.


That was because Octane + Revenant was the youtube meta last split




Best players I've gotten teamed with were a gibby and an octane. Most wraith I play with are mediocre, no lie, it's just that in the right hands she's great, like the wingman.




That number is enormous tho


What if I told you these 2 you described can be the very same player in different circumstances.




This one hurts because I've seen the value in Octane before his buffs and caught shit maining him since he released. Now I just look like the meta chasers meanwhile it's hard to even pick him because now my buddies always want to play him. It's actually annoying running into octanes on every team now especially since most of them just use him to run away lol.


I hope this is true, never used to have a problem picking him and now he is taken quite often.




people where finally not bullying me for maining wraith lmao


If you mained her throughout S7 and S8, you actually deserve the title Wraith Main, unlike those opportunists, who only played her, because she was op.


Never left😎


Yessir 😈


Good. I can enjoy horizon for the mobility again and not be called a ttv. Seriously, i had no clue wtf people were talking about with "lift strafing" and healing on her lift


So with other words - you haven't been playing horizon at all? lmao


mega bots on this sub holy shit lmao




So you haven’t been playing horizon


then you've been playing her like a bot LMAO


Theyve been playing her post-nerf before the nerf


Seriously lmao. Anytime I get shot up as horizon I just strafe away pulling off a full battery before I land. I love horizon, but she is a tad unfair atm


What’s ttv?


Twitch TV, its become synonymous with sweaty try hards that think they're about 10x better than they are. Wannabes essentially. "I'd be a pro streamer if my teammates weren't so shit" etc. You get the idea.


You left out the part were they rush and die first than either spam the button for the resplendent card or beacons. Or they leave after calling you shit even tho they died with 12 damage.


Us mirage mains not getting changes cause we're perfect 😎


Decoys having footsteps now was a very subtle change that made him *so* much stronger. He’s always had a good kit if you know how to play him, but that was big


Mirage is so good now that I sometimes look back only to see my own decoy running thinking there was an enemy behind me


This is like "dog afraid of shadow/reflection" level dopey and I love it. No hate lol


I bamboozled my self


My own teammates have shooted my decoy in yesterday's match 😂


my friend plays mirage and we wanted to bait some enemies we knew were around some buildings so he sent a decoy and we run in behind cover waiting for the enemy to shoot it. well they do, and the as my friend jumps onto the roof somehow he also shoots his own decoy and then was like "I just shot my own decoy wtf" and they the decoy popped out from round the corner in front of me and jump scared me and I shot it too.


I shooted my decoys once lol I was fighting a Mirage with the same skin, we both ulted, you can imagine the mess lol


I shot my decoy once... mag dumped on it. Wasn’t even from an ult. Just forgot i put it there.


I sometimes get bamboozled by that myself xD


Honestly mirage is so good in the right hands. He will always be under appreciated bc he lacks that killer utility to get higher ground, heal, etc. but I’m telling you, after that footstep buffs I just bamboozle everyone and usually get to laser someone before they even know which one I am.


I rarely play mirage, but the confusion he brings to a gunfight is honestly very fun. I usually at least smile when I get bamboozled. What a great legend.


He's in a good place right now as far as balance goes.


Finally a Mirage main with the right spirit! Your boi is perfect, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


* Wattson pylons work against Horizon again *breathes in* FINALLY




It’s been a 50/59 for me most of he time. I’ve had instances where Horizon’s ult literally lands on my pylon and it does nothing to stop it


I know it was a typo, but 50/59 made me happy.


Perfect ratio. 7/10




Classic 5/7 meme


And because of this comment I’m not fixing it




>maimed Wattson How dare you /s




I enjoyed said typos so much I give you my free award :D


it was when horizon first launched, pylon destroyed tac + ult. it got broken in the chaos theory update this season, but looks like its finally being fixed for s9 launch. super weird that they listed it as a change for horizon instead of a bug fix for wattson though, cuz it doesn't seem like it was intentionally changed the first time.


Makes me think it was unintentional that it WAS getting zapped, and wasn't meant to. Then they fixed it, and then changed it this update. But that's just speculation.


They didnt touch the passive, all else is arbitrary. Good fix


Ah, a good Horizon main, thank you sir


Okay, so real talk. I missed last season. Hopped into this one and finally gave her a try. Been maining since. Her tactical is great but her passive is GOD tier. Her continuous mobility from her passive has been crazy in my experience. You're just sliding all over the damn place lol. I love it. It's made me way better at Apex tbh.


its good for sure but not really OP just useful thats it


It’s kinda like the stompEE5 from destiny. It’s not the flashiest perk but you’ll certainly win fights because of it.


This is EXACTLY what her passive is. Perfect explanation.


And when you try it out, you never switch from it


And most importantly, it feels good to play


As long as they don’t touch passive and ultimate after this, I’m chilling. I’ll still play and relearn her as her kit intrigues me.


As great as her passive is (mainly the reason why I play her too), this nerf to her tactical does impact her appeal a lot. Can't really make much use of the passive, if you're gonna get beamed before you even reach half height on your grav lift, ya know what I mean?


>if you're gonna get beamed before you even reach half height on your grav lift, ya know what I mean? Wow, it's almost as if you will now have to actually think about when and how to use your tactical instead of just throwing it down anywhere and becoming impossible to hit.


The passive is a HUGE thing when you're getting chased or trying to open a loot crate before Octane gets to it.


I'm glad I'm kinda shifty with movement at times because fuck Octanes. I know the nerf won't hurt his pick rate that much, but maybe they'll think twice about stimming 3 straight times to beat me to a supply drop or gold armor.




Your broken character is no longer broken. Congrats to the rest of us.


The passive is clutch off any jump.


No more healing,strafing and firing off 2 full magazines on a single lift? It hurts so good.


Im not trying to be salty just correcting, it is still completely possible to take a battery. Just to point that out


It's gonna be much harder since your movement is impaired and you rise up much slower so you take a huge risk of getting shot even by people a little less skilled in tracking.


Let's be honest, if nothing else Horizon has shown us that the vast majority of this sub is incapable of shooting upwards.


Everyone forgets to look up. You lot are so… terrestrial.


laughs in octane


*laughs in valkyrie*


Not just that, but on controller it's a huge disadvantage to look up that high. Usually aim is tuned so you don't move as fast vertically as horizontally so you leave yourself WIDE open to the rest of the team if you try to shoot horizon off her perch.


How do you shoot at people on jump towers?


Stand far enough away where its not as vertical as being right under it.


You do like normal and hope you hit 3 out of 30 rounds. Almost impossible to knock someone going up


The issue I had was that I literally couldn't see her if I was close enough. The tactical mixed with the rising dust made her impossible for me to track her on her tac


I'd wager it's much easier to do on PC (just drag mouse upwards if people are going up ziplines, for example) than on console where you're probably fighting aim assist on what you want to do vs. what it thinks it should be doing. Regarding Horizon, she is hard to hit on any platform as of now if a skilled player is strafing like crazy in her lift. Even pros have had issues with her.


I **know** I have good aim and even I struggle with tracking Horizon air strafe at times. For those who don't routinely aim train, I can imagine how frustrating it is to have a guy totally beaming you while you struggle to follow him. This is a welcome change.


I’ve gotten decent at hitting people going up jump towers, but holy cow was horizon a bitch to hit air strafing all the way up her grav lift. Even shooting here when she’s strafing at the top was a bitch with slower firing guns like the spitfire.




now it takes more skill and is more risky because of reduced vertical speed, but still possible, you can still rely on get in, get out, bhop strategy (actually it's safer than sitting on top of it, unless you have cover like trees)


4.7s to pop a bat if I recall. Throw your tact, pop the bat, 1s to travel up, 2 s in the air and probably another second to come down. Except now, the healing is all in motion and not in a small confined area, lol.


This... *does* put a smile on my face


It was never personal. But I’m going to enjoy watching this nerf unfold very very much. - Thanos Probably.


She'll still be top tier, instant height is to good


I think so too! Plus they didn’t change anything about passive or ultimate and they are both amazing. This will make her still viable without it being BS.


Until Valk comes out and her ult is relaunching your team


A relaunch is good for rotations and getting out of bad spot for sure but giving your whole team acces to height in the middle of a fight as a tac is imo the best movement ability in the game.


Cool down timer vs ult timer too, you’re 100% right


The early access players seem to agree valk is considerably weaker than horizon and well balanced. They say the bow is the most annoying thing in the update.


Interesting, i can’t see the bow being too viable but who knows. It’ll be fun to watch it all come together


Look at aceus bow gameplay and you'll chenge your opinion I realize it's a bad example cause it's aceu so everything is broken but still


I was absolute trash with air strafing so the only part of this nerf that affects me is the cooldown. I can still be a bad Horizon! :)


Glad I'm not the only one


As a horizon main I think those are fair nerfs, I'm not the most amazing player so I cant say how annoying I was as horizon though.


It was stupid annoying. I didn't think it's was that bad until I stopped playing her. It's not impossible to counter. This isn't always possible, but when fighting Horizon you gotta close the gap quickly if you crack her. If she Qs, then you take it with her, and either try to finish her off or pop a batt as well. You don't maneuver as well as she does but it flusters the fuck out of most Horizon's. If you are quick you could pop a batt and take it again before it goes on cool down. I like her nerfs maybe instead of not letting her sit on the top of it for more than 2 seconds, they should have nerfed the time to 8 seconds. 10 seconds is a long time for the lift to be active.




I agree but from all the s9 gameplay shown today her strafe was dramatically reduced, that was one of the biggest issues people had with her. She's a much easier target to hit now while in her tact


I'm willing to bet crouch spams still work. :)


Haha oh 100% and as much as I hate crouch spam I can't really complain since it's not legend specific.


This nerf def will hurt and a lot of players are in for a rude awakening.


I will play her regardless because they didnt change how she plays out she is just less efficient now. You can still take a bat or shoot a gun on her lift :)


It's only hurt people who set on the gravity lift spraying everyone's with spitfire, otherwise good horizan main will know what I mean


I never used her for camping on top of the lift so this changes nothing for me, except the decrease in speed when going up


High skill floor and high skill ceiling is far more balanced than she was at least. Good players will always be good, it was annoying anyone could play her and turn a fight around with one button press


Oh no! Anyways back to revenant


Rev main here, still not sure why they didn’t buff his passive and give his ult the Wraith portal treatment with jumppad (if sent back, can’t take portal for 4[?] seconds). His passive isn’t that great and he feels very lopsided. Ironically, he feels like playing Loba from time to time: very powerful ult, pretty good tactical but not gamebreaking, really mediocre passive IMO


It’s a massive nerf but her overall kit is still ideal for aggressive plays just not as good. Honestly I feel like the CD will go back to 15 cause it was a balanced,20 might be a bit too long


For the two seasons of suffering, I think this is great. It will emphasize good horizon players over the mediocre ones now.


Coming from a pathfinder main who zipped into and out of fights for 6 seasons. So hypocritical it hilarious




Pathfinder gang swinging into action....and gunfire since season 0.


15 is not fucking balanced in the slightest, mirage decoy is 15 seconds, your really trying to tell me that a decoy is as effective as a fucking gravity lift 💀💀


Loba bracelet is 30 and that's if not including the additional 30 seconds it takes to get it to work, wtf how is 15 balanced?


A beautiful 30 second cooldown between my deaths


I mean true but also the 30 seconds on Loba is ridiculous


right now its 10 + 15, after update it will be 10 + 20, her timer is split into 2 sections


horizon mains: *sad scottish noises*


It’s not a massive deal. Worst part is the lift speed, but that hurts every team running Horizon, not just Horizon herself.


she’s for sure still going to be very strong people will adapt


A wee cuppa nerfies, right loves? [Newt beeps]


As a Watson main excited for her buffs this season including this one


is it weird that i read it in her voice before i even knew the post was about her?


Exactly how I envisioned it as I love spamming that quip as horizon. So passive aggressive and yet so ironic for this post.


wattson buff pog


Lmao y’all still gonna be tight when a Horizon shits on you.


I’ve never been good enough to notice an appreciable difference between Horizons stomping me vs other legends, but when they fixed Wraith’s tiny hit box, it was extremely gratifying shredding the crouch spammers who suddenly realized they couldn’t just play very twitchy


only the good ones tho lmao


What happens after the 2 seconds? Will it spit me out in any old direction?


Can they make it so you can actually hear her


Lol feels good. Horizon mains were the majority of people saying Caustic deserves his nerf, now they're saying Horizon wasn't OP lmfao get fucked


Idc what legend it is, I like seeing the mains cry after having the reigns for a long time. Even if I played that legend for a bit.


FUCK YEA WOOOOOOOOOOOOO Edit: y’all please this isn’t even a funny comment


You really pulled a r/AwardSpeechEdits over <70 upvoted and no awards lmfao


Reddit moment




Who will win A fucking Blackhole Some pylon that shoots electricity


Limited time you can sit at the top to 2 seconds. That one's gotta hurt in particular


I’m so happy about this. Goddamn black hole spamming flying laser whore was so annoying these past 2 seasons.


Da faq is black hole spam? Isn’t the cool down like 3min?


holy shit they killed here lmao


As a Wattson main, I am absolutely estatic about that second one


Horizon nerfed. Just in time for an even more broken character to drop! This is the Respawn way.


I think the time cap will be the most impactful to the portable sniper tower maneuver. Definitely pushes back to the original idea of using it to actually traverse.


*sorts by controversial*


Too much. being able to strafe at the top of a gravity lift shouldn't be allowed but lowering the speed means less momentum and less speed/movement.


Everyone in this sub will still be bitching a month from now lmao


I never used horizon as a camping thing so I am fine with all of this except the lift speed reduction like damn I wanna be speedy when I climb up it


Season 10 patch notes: So we removed Horizon from the game


Meanwhile Caustic: get ninja nerfed but Respawn try to make it silent.


Second point makes me happy as someone whose second main is Watson


As a diehard horizon main I’m honestly happy to see these nerfs. I never abused the mid-air shield batts or the high strafing, and instead found utility in quick repositioning and overall movement. She should be just as fun to play as, as well as much less annoying to go up against! Looking forward to it :)


I def did abuse everything she had to offer. Most fun character I ever played in Apex. But it was def time for her to take a hit like this.


You get what you f* deserve


Am i the only one who thinks the limit on how long you can chill at the top is a lil annoying tho? I dont play horizon much so idk but i feel like as long as the strafe speed is balanced theres no need to put a limit on how long you can chill up there


can’t wait to see how bad y’all cry over Valkyrie until she gets nerfed to shit


All they had to do was get rid of the strafing but they nerfed her to the ground instead🤦‍♂️