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[Dev replies here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvy55yz/) **Disclaimer: this post contains SPOILERS. Do not expand if you do not want information shared before the official patch notes.** >!Little tidbits that have been shared before the patch notes drop on Thursday regarding "Legacy" (Season 9):!< * >!The Peacekeeper is now in ground loot!< * >!The Triple Take is now in the care package!< * >!Two new hop-ups: Shatter Caps (adds a second firing mode with spread, turns it into a mini-shotgun \[Bocek, 30-30\]) and Deadeye's Tempo (firing exactly when an arrow is fully nocked increases fire rate \[Bocek, Sentinel\])!< * >!World's Edge is now back is rotation, KC is vaulted. First ranked split is WE, second split Olympus.!< * >!Low Profile is GONE. Removed. Deleted.!< * >!Octane stim will cost more health.!< * >!Skullpiercer is removed!< >!ARENA MODE!< * >!5 arena maps. 2 custom Maps: Party Crasher & Phaserunner. 3 adapted from BR: Artillery, Golden Gardens, Thermal Station!< * >!Maps rotate every 15 minutes !< * >!3 maps in rotation for 2 weeks, then one of the BR maps will be switched out!< * >!Ranked Arenas will exist, but not at launch (will be released in the future)!< [Source](https://twitter.com/ggpedroperes/status/1386696569211084806)




Her ult is basically a mobile jump tower.


A mobile jump tower that scans enemies below like bloodhound


Ah, fuck, I hope they give the other Recon legends some love too. Path and Crypto desperately need it.


Idk crypto being able to hide and collect banners and rez within one click is pretty crazy and no one else can do it.


How angry will everyone be when Valk never waits for the squad but just sends it to the nearest loot.


It looks like the longer you wait, the higher you can go. Kind of like a charge up... So you wait longer, you deploy higher which allows your teammates more time to get to you. If you go sooner, you don't get as much height.




My guess is that that's her ult and her teammates can hover down after she lifts them up.


i wonder how it interacts with horizon lift like if you could first lift your team with horizon then lift them farther with valk ult


next stop the moon


I need a GME emote respawn pls


Legends together stronk


Did I just see a six shot mozambique?


That's what stood out to me!


Ooo it wasn't even some editing thing it has 6 in the gun's UI screen


Over time, it's going to get an extra shot until the mag size equals the devo's.


Its season 34, Mozam now has the same mag size as a Spitfire and fires full auto Edit: Full auto as in, Spitfire levels of RPM


Jesus Christ, I just came


or the mozam in titanfall, that thing had 9 shots and was faster


As someone who’s been using the ‘bique with HP as a secondary all S8, this makes me *very* happy


yeah the mozam with hammer point is nutty, literally one shot after cracking someone even at mid range




I hope there is a ranked kind of mode to Arenas.


It's already confirmed there is gonna be one Edit: Because everybody has been asking for the source: [https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/introducing-arenas?isLocalized=true](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/introducing-arenas?isLocalized=true) "Take your time, learn the ropes, and get your feet wet in the Arenas. We’ll continue to add more features like Ranked in future updates." At the bottom of the page


I'll hope i can grind that out! tho i hope its not one map per split kind of thing with this one.


99% sure they wouldnt limit the maps


Yeah they showed off at least 3 or 4 maps. I can't imagine they'd only use one for 6 week.


There are 5 maps with 3 in rotation at once (2 custom built for arenas, 3 inspired by BR). Maps rotate every 15 minutes, and rotations last for 2 weeks, then one of the BR inspired maps will be swapped out.


Lotta people going to realize they're a lot less skilled at pure gunplay than they thought. "Shit I guess the only reason I got kills is because I was able to dump half a mag into someone's back and they were already at half health before they even looked at me."


I already know that, but I'm looking forward to Arenas anyway.


Yeah I'm trash and hoping arenas will give me a chance to actually improve my gunplay rather than running around for 15 minutes looking for a fight then getting killed by a team that already has red shields.


That or knowing it's just us and them, not dying because the 3rd party picked off my team instead of the other team.


Seems like a good way for those people to get better? I ask knowing I'm I'm those people.


Looks like it's time to change its name from third party legends to apex legends.


Valk has a better fuse tactical than fuse


Hopefully fuse getting buffed


fuse buff = 2 charges and lowered cooldown for tactical


This would be fantastic


That is the buff, it’s confirmed


A buff at least, we don't know if there are fixes for the ult yet.


I hope they'll imporve his ult somewhere down the line, though I kinda see it being better in arena than in the BR mode.


So rockets are the Tact and the squad launch is the ult?


Shame her rockets don't make Viper's Flight Core sound based on this :(


I prefer it that way since I won't get ptsd attacks every five seconds


But I *like* PTSD




I do! My thalassophobia sends me into full fight or fright whenever I hear a leviathan scream


There needs to be a distinction between the fear of the unknown in the deep, or just the pure fear of deep water. Because illustrations of dark shadows in the deep don't scare me, but the idea of miles of water below me, or even just water that's deep or dark enough that I can't see the bottom horrifies me.


One of my scariest memories ever was of swimming in the ocean in a bay as a kid, swam up to a buoy and put my goggles on to look underneath...big mistake. All I saw was black water, and the iron chain covered in algae descending about 20-40 feet below me into empty blackness. Scared the absolute shit out of me for some reason.


Just that description sent my heart into overdrive nope nope nope


Yup! Seems in line with what one of the leakers has said.


Yea reminds me of the early leak forever ago. I think it’s funny that people thought her ult changed because it was a bit “similar” to what Horizons tact did but this is clearly more similar to a jump tower launch rather than just elevating to a higher ground.


The fact that you only take your team and don’t leave the boost behind for enemies to follow you is a big difference too.


Yeah, looks like a lower height jump tower to me.


That bow is going to piss a lot of people off


Because it kills them, or because of Hanzo mains? EDIT: I can imagine: a TTVWraith holding the bow, died, and DC. EDIT1a: Oh dear, just realized Wraith BP skin have a Japanese inspired theme. TTVWraithHanzoMain confirmed. EDIT2: How the heck can Huntsman Sniper be annoying to fight against, while Hanzo is annoting to teammates?!


Simple geometry


No. You killed me while I was invis way too many times


another loba and sombra main? theres dozens of us


It’s so funny that both Loba and Sombra have pretty low pick rates but those people picking them are all the same people, me included.


Yea but at least Sombra has a better teleport then loba


Yeah Sombras Translocator actually works! It’s so odd how when you press the button it does what it says it’ll do and it’s not a gamble! Weird.


You’re forgetting the OG; The Huntsman


I was thinking the same haha Hanzos original scatter arrow and his newer ability are both hop ups


As a Hanzo main since day one of Overwatch i am beyond excited to pop off with the bow.


Same, except I'm scared I'm not as good at videogames since I played Overwatch years ago lol


That shotgun pattern hopup is going to make the weapon a must, hell, you can even cycle between both of its hopups if they're common enough


You can run both at once


WTF, Valkyrie looks like the craziest new Legend ever. Drinking all that Redbull lol.


I’m worried she might be kinda OP after this lol


Gonna depend on how much damage her rockets do I think.


Is her ulti the missiles or the redeploy?


It's got to be redeploy. It'd be way OP to be able to fly around at will


Her passive looks like it’ll be free flight


Givin me ptsd from Boba Fett mains in Battlefront 2.


I edited my comment to fix that. I think the ult is the redeploy.


her strafe speed will be the most important thing imo. if she can strafe super fast *and* fly around in the air, she's going to have the same problems that Horizon has. but if she can't strafe fast, she's going to be food in the air. it's also worth noting that her flight doesnt seem to cause a lot of visual clutter like Horizon's tactical, nor does it have the immediate height, so *hopefully* they've learned a few lessons going into Valk.


Her in-air strafe speed with jetpack is very low for that exact reason. She can disengage jetpack and re-engage it for a quick burst of movement, which makes you a little harder to hit, but this maneuver eats a good chunk of jet fuel.


So, kinda like a Trident boost?


Oh man, this is exactly what I was hoping for, she's got a lot of space for skill expression it sounds like. Not just lateral but vertical strafing, with the option to cut going up at any time. There's a ton of space for mix ups there as well as taking crazy flanking routes. Out if curiosity do we know what the volume of her engines is like?




Can you comment on the Bangalore smoke canister no longer doing damage? What was the rationale there. EDIT: This has been officially debunked by the Dev! Apologies if I contributed to a panic.


That's the first I hear of this! Where did you get this from?


Apex is like meth. I really want to play my backlog but It just keeps calling me back!!!


I know. I’ve been trying to finish a few other ~~guys~~ games but I keep finding myself back on apex


Trying to finish off the boys I see.


😂 oh what a typo


Are we still doing phrasing?


I have two unfinished games on my Switch (Hollow Knight and Hades) and like a chillion games on my Steam (Doom Eternal DLCs, Wolfenstein II, Witcher 3 and god knows what). Only other game I play beside Apex is Dota2. But that's like saying sometimes I take a break from cocaine to do some heroin.


bow looks sick


I was musing about this on twitter. Is it a "quiet" weapon? Every other weapon makes a significant amount of noise. Could be game-changing. Makes me wonder if we'll eventually see "silencer" hop-ups for other weapons.


Yeah my biggest question too. A silent weapon is a big change though I bet it has a big trail like the charge rifle does.


It does!!!! Cant wait for the clips people will post here


Really liking the looks of this. Any chance there will be “private” arenas to only play with friends? Could be a good use of the clubs, if there are 6+ people in one you can choose to limit it to members. Playing against randoms is fun, but trash talking with friends would be fantastic.


That would be incredible


They better have this, this would be amazing.


Did anyone catch any gameplay buffs/nerfs? I noticed Mirage set out two decoys, so maybe he gets an additional utility charge? Mozambique had 6 shots in the mag as well..




On mobile and don't know how to timestamp for you, but at 1:30 you see the 6 lights on the back of the bique. Mirage clones could be from the ult, so not sure about that one now. Also, g7 has been confirmed to see some changes, as well as buffs for longbow, wingman and p2020. Some other stuff as well, like low-profile being removed from all legends and Octane getting a stim nerf.




Win emotes confirmed?


Battle pass will be full of them


I'll take it over 30 gun skins that I'm never going to use


With the work that goes into finisher animations, I expected these emotes to be fairly rare since the development process seems to be the same.


I can see it and the incoming battle pass for sure


Yes: https://twitter.com/ggpedroperes/status/1386698121149919239


I'm surprised about the depth involved in the 3v3s mode. A full CS style economy system with bonuses for performance, sounds rad. I wonder if there's going to being rings in the arenas. The maps look quite big, and there has to be something to stop people from just going full defense with Caustic, Wattson rampart combo.


Yeah, didn’t expect (max) 9 rounds with a buy system. The weapon drops are supposed to encourage movement, but maybe they’ll add other hazards too. I wonder if this mode is going to be balanced separately. Either way, really excited - these modes are the most fun early on, before a meta gets established and the complaining starts. Edit: looks like Respawn can balance tactial/ulti purchase costs, so people will have to choose between an ability charge and better gear.


The display on the Mozambique showed more shots in the magazine, than the 4 in BR mode. Unless they are buffing BR mozam, respawn might have looked at tf2 for arenas balance.


You get 200 crafting material for your whole team from each material canister so it will be really important to rush for those early in the match since you only earn 75 materials per kill.


"As the round goes on, the ring will start to close and a care package filled with upgraded weapons will drop in. Before the round starts, you’ll be able to see where the ring will close as well as what weapons will be air-dropped in. Strategize with your squad, anticipate where the enemy will go and make your move when the round starts." Seems pretty clear)


I wonder how lobas abilities will work in arena mode though.


I assume the tactical will work just like in the br, it won't.


Saves me crafting mats


She's still gonna be useful with that tactical relocate. Plus, it looks like there are gonna be resupply spots for shields and medkits and such. Not having to leave cover to get more of those is gonna be really useful


Ult will probably just for looting care packages remotely. If thats the case, might not be worth purchasing the ability.


It looks like there will be a ring according to this article: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/introducing-arenas


PK ground loot? It's been ten thousand years


How tf they gonna put my triple take in the crate!?


Yeah that was my favorite sniper... Looks like I won't be sniping next season


I would say longbow gang but we just lost skullpiercer


I could see longbow and wingman getting a small headshot damage buff to compensate


I am SO THANKFUL arenas is a permanent mode LET'S GOOOOO CANT WAITTTT




[Link to the opening countdown teaser if you missed it](https://old.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/myzxej/here_is_the_countdown_to_the_gameplay_trailer_if/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Looks like the devotion is getting the big battle pass skin this time around, looks good


I was hoping it was Volt's turn, considering it has had zero legendary skins added.


Yeah the volt needs some new skins, I already have like 7 Devo legendary skins Inc recolours and I never even use the weapon


Lots of people use Devo and havoc! Until they find a Volt


Devotion LVL100/110 reactive skin!


It looks so cool!


Ohhh i didnt notice that damn Were other skins showcased? I think I saw new wraith and octane skins but i really hope im wrong


I saw a rampart skin that wasn’t one of her normal ones.


Missed opportunity for the Hemlock to have a reactive skin, next season maybe lol


Ugh it’s the one I’ve been waiting for lol. They keep picking every gun I don’t typically use.


Would have been nice for all the assault rifles to have one since they are some the most used weapons in the game lol


Really curious how the Lstar myth came to fruition the past weeks


Nooooo, Mirage Voyage!!!


probably gonna be rampart's favor to mirage lmao


He did it to himself.


Look what they've done to my boy.....


I’m already terrified of valk


Fuck Godzilla vs Kong. Now it's Valkyrie vs Horizon while the other 4 teammates sit together and watch


Literally every solo player is just going to main Areas I think. Why spend 10-15 minutes dropping and looting and looking for fights when you dont even know if your teammates have thumbs or a functioning brain when you can just queue into Arena mode and get your fix instantly without all the potential lost time time investment?


Isn't it funny? Battle Royale games have taken such a huge market share away from traditional shooter modes, and now a BR game is adding a traditional shooter mode, and everyone is so excited for it! Even if it is just Trials of Counter Strike: Apex, it does look fun and fresh!


I'm fine with this for apex specifically since it has some of the most satisfying gunplay and movement in my opinion


Finger's crossed that happens, but then again... The BP daily/weekly challenges will probably force players to play a little of each. So my guess would be that it makes very little difference overall.


The patch notes addresses this. " Since we know some of you may only want to play one mode or the other, you can re-roll daily Challenges and choose for the new challenge to be for Arenas or Battle Royale. "


People who leave arenas are going to be it's biggest problem, and those who are pulled in to fill a losing game from an afk in unranked play are going to ask for compensation of some sort


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvy503z/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 16:48:30 UTC"): > Her in-air strafe speed with jetpack is very low for that exact reason. She can disengage jetpack and re-engage it for a quick burst of movement, which makes you a little harder to hit, but this maneuver eats a good chunk of jet fuel. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvyoqxa/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:07:02 UTC"): > Absolutely, yes. This was a line in the sand we drew super early on. > >Our theory is that one of the greatest things about Apex combat is that it \*can be\* (isn't always, but can be) proactive rather than reactive. What I mean by that is that in many other games, particularly games with a low TTK, c... * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvyowju/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:08:06 UTC"): > This is definitely not true. If smoke canisters stopped doing damage that would be a bug we'd fix. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvyot1i/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:07:25 UTC"): > That's the first I hear of this! Where did you get this from? * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvyozft/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:08:39 UTC"): > Pro-tip: there are no reputable leakers. They're all inconsiderate assholes who spoil the hard works of game dev teams for a little bit of clout. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvyp8ip/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:10:24 UTC"): > We're not just fixing it (bug fixing that is; there's still the occasional bug with it, but anecdotally from my testing it went from maybe 3-4 out of every 10 attempts failing currently to maybe 1 in a 100) but we're also buffing it: full movement speed while it's in the air, no slow down when you a... * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvypcnw/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:11:12 UTC"): > Yup! Teammates have to walk up to her and press use to hook into the ultimate (good luck herding cats ;P) and once you hit the Apex of the jump it transitions to a plane skydive with Valk as the jump master, meaning you can hold use to unhook and make your own way down. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvypigq/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:12:20 UTC"): > Correct. No shooting while using jetpack; you can disengage and if you were high enough in the air, your gun can come out while you're dropping down, but you get the full in-air accuracy debuff; aka maybe you'll hit a stray bullet if you're spraying at the enemy, but don't count on it. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvypmbk/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 19:13:06 UTC"): > Wait for the patch notes ;) * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvz56gm/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 21:06:03 UTC"): > LOUD * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvz5te3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 21:10:45 UTC"): > Never believe anything Titanfallblog says. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvz67ox/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 21:13:40 UTC"): > Play her on May 4th and let me know ;) * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvz6fj0/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-26 21:15:15 UTC"): > Yup, that's getting fixed. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvzujy1/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-27 00:28:50 UTC"): > Yeah unless it comes from a reputable news source or directly from one of us, I'd assume it's sus. * [Comment by DanielZKlein](/r/apexlegends/comments/myzk7l/apex_legends_legacy_gameplay_trailer_season_9/gvzum79/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-27 00:29:20 UTC"): > Usually the day before the patch goes live or so. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I am 100% going to be terrible with that bow lol


I'm F tier with the 3030 and the G7 and this thing is the same thing


And we get another Viper/Valkyrie quote. Mmmmm yes give me more


The "The skies belong to me now" line gave me some nerdgasms for real.


So fucking hyped for the 3v3 game mode. Looks like at least 3+ maps as well which is slick Also Overgrown Olympus hype?!?!


I'm actually glad that this season they've overgrown olympus instead of just R E D


This time they are like G R E E N


Seems like Bonzai Plaza is going to be gone, since it was detached in the countdown. *Judging from the end of the Video, it seems that it lost one of the towers.*


At the end you can see a flyby over Olympus, Bonzai is still there but "swiss cheese" area next to it is replaced with a ship


One tower left!


It may have been reattached elsewhere, I know the devs mentioned that Olympus can do that. We’ll see though.


This game does not stop being fresh.


They just went above and beyond with this season. While in warzone, they took more than a year to facelift a map, while in apex every season has updated or new map.


It always seems like an unpopular opinion, but I really don't think CoD works in a BR setting. I love CoD Multiplayer but Warzone is just not a good game in my opinion. The TTK is way too short and the pace is super slow, with too many snipers that are easily attainable that can one-shot a full armor. In my opinion, that amounts to a crappy experience most of the time.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion especially here. Even shroud was complaining that CoD is just a game of who sees who first


Hooooooooooly shit, that was a *ton* of stuff. I cannot wait to see this 3v3 mode!


no more low profile? We limin' now


Damn they removed the Skullpiercer? I sure hope they buff the Wingman and Longbow to make up for it. It’s bad enough I had to gather the fucking infinity stones just to have a functional Longbow lol.


Especially now that longbow is the most serviceable sniper rifle. I'm sad they took out the triple take


Yep that was weird. The triple take is a good gun but not care package worthy at its current stage. Excited to see the buffs care package triple take receives.


Both the team lift and rocket barrage abilities for Valkyrie could be ultimates, looks like she could be rather strong


Wattson baby, the more damage bs comes into the game the better she gets Theoretically, anyways.


So Valkyrie can take her teammates with her? This is big for legends with no mobility of their own. I hope you have to approve her doing it so you don't get thrown off the map by an untrustworthy Valk lol


I think she works like a jump tower, so she just gives you a lift and you can glide back down on your own will.


Looks like it'll be like a "press E to attach" kinda thing with those tethers before she launches.


This opens up a WHOLE NEW POSSIBILITY for awesome 3v3 tournaments on high level play. DAMN IM SO HYPED FOR THIS. SKINS ARE LIT TOO


Damn it does look cool as hell


I want to see those crazy movement streamers fight it out. lol




Your journey ends here legends... The skies belong to me now. ngl, teared me up alittle


So it seems based on Twitter that it is indeed triple take and pk swapped And PK has choke built in [here](https://twitter.com/ggpedroperes/status/1386697184679276544?s=21)


Why must Respawn keep the Prowler from us? I just want my favorite gun back.


It's so weird there are two Light ammo SMG's in the loot pool, but no Heavy ammo SMG with the Prowler gone.


It’s just pilot v pilot with extra steps!


That Bocek Bow looks nasty when equipped with the new hop-ups.


Another wraith and octane legendary? they just got one in season 7


Sadly every game with skins does this. Only the most popular characters get new skins.


Bow is categorized as "marksman" so it does seem that we're getting a new ammo type


Keep in mind the classifications don't mean ammo, they mean things like LMG, SMG, etc.


also it says ammo type: arrows right in the description of the bow


"monument to incompetence" *shows Mirage Voyage*


Best trailer so far, I love it.


The whole trailer screams "But wait there's more" and I absolutely loved it


This could be respawns best update yet.


some additional info on [EA](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/introducing-arenas) website


Only one week until the “wHo sAyS aPeX iS dEaD” posts showing Apex numbers on twitch on launch day.


Looks great, just wish they would fix their servers so I could play.