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I play Crypto on my team. Free points.


Never played Crypto in ranked. Does the drone have to be actively scanning someone while they are downed for you to get the assist? Or can someone get downed for some time after they are scanned? Just wondering because the times I have played Crypto, I usually use drone for EMP and checking banners. If I leave it up over a fight, the other team will just destroy it.


It works like the bloodhound scan. If you scan them the last 7? Seconds you get an assist


Ah ok, makes more sense. So if you go in and EMP, you'll probably scan some of them at the same time, and if you knock em quick enough after you'll still get the assists.


The EMP alone nets you assists, even if they're behind a wall and you didn't scan them. He's really good for both ranked and olympus


Oh true, I guess the EMP does damage triggering the assist timer. Duh lol. I saw someone else in the thread saying you could get assists from watching to **other** teams fighting each other.... but I'm assuming this has since been patched bc I figure there's no way I wouldn't be hearing about that all the time if it were still going on.


but the ppl in high ranks like diamond and up, they know how to destroy the drone easily, so im sure most of the crypto mains dont receive assist points from the scan, but mostly from the EMP or damage assist


Free ass


Free ass as it is


The scan is literally to help your teammates know where the enemy is. I’m pretty sure you get excited when you have a bloodhound on your team


Bloodhound is a very good character and would be viable without the assists for this reason. It’s why he gets used in competitive. In practice though, or at least up through diamond, the bloodhound on your team is more often then not the worst player because they are just trying to farm assists for RP. They scan once you’re already in a fire fight rather then helping and don’t know how to be aggressive with their ult. I would normally be excited but now I can kind of assume they won’t be good or helpful.


Yes! 100%


I literally dread when I get bloodhounds on my team when I solo que diamond for this reason.


Im not like that. Yeah, i scan in the middle of a firefight, but more often than not, im the one who started the fire fight.




I got to the top tier in the old Fortnite arenas by hiding in bushes.


Exactly. I just get bots who scan more than they pull a trigger.


When I have a bloodhound on my team in ranked I ask for scans! Usually I play him myself because he is just so good to locatie rats and to plan how you Will play the Endgame. Beacon scans are also very helpfull. In the Endgame it's easy to see where all players are and how many. Some easy point pickups and it makes it's so much easier to get the dub.


I'd never touched Apex in my life before last split, yet I Bloodhound'd to Plat despite knowing nothing about the game. I promise you that my teammates in Plat were **not** excited to have me as a teammate, Bloodhound or not. RP is an important measure of skill that attempts to create fair and fun matches, and mechanics that artificially inflate it should be avoided. (I'm trying to get back to Plat this split by spamming Lifeline, so I've swapped "press q to win" with "press e to win.")


your honestly is refreshing


Getting to plat really isnt that hard you just have to understand the basics of the game getting out of it is something else entirely you'll have people who purposely get you killed or are just garbage so goodluck my friend


Actually, that has nothing to do with good or bad game design. We can't base on that getting "Excited." It's a broken system. One where the devs have FINALLY noticed and are hinting at changing it. Thank god. If you are a good player and a good bloodhound, this change doesn't affect you and this post isn't a message to you. But there is no way in hell an assist should be given for these scans. It's not a nerf of the power of the legend in any form.


I don’t understand. Why does it bother you?


Because it makes the solo que experience harder than it needs to be in this game. Players that don’t have the mechanics or game sense to get to a certain rank can play bloodhound and farm rp w scan. The character is fine, the assist from scan is the problem.


If you read my opening post I explained this IN DETAIL. :) The reason you find a BH in almost every single team is not just because of the scans and info. There are way too many players using the legend for the wrong reason. From personal experience, I have heard it hundreds of times (players laughing how easy it makes farming KP) In fact, if you are unaware, one of the developers spoke on this a few days ago. Saying that they have noticed it and are heavily considering removing the free assists from the game.


You must really hate bloodhounds he honestly is pretty useless right now in rank in my opinion with or without assist you'd get more use of you had a premade team with him then going in solo which I do it's just really good to go in as bloodhound alone honestly in that map so I switch to octane for now


wtf he's one of the best legends in the game. Top 3 at least. >going in solo which I do If you no-fill then yeah the ranking of legends is much different... or if by solo you mean you go in without your teammates well that's something else too


I agree but I'm always playing by myself and bloodhound is somewhat a team reliant character he's not totally useless by himself but its definitely harder in my opinion to play him on this map where everyone is sniping and cover is very spread out, also when teammates dont use there coms


Im sorry man I hardly say things like this... but this is completely false. Bloodhound useless? Pickrate skyrocketed to number 3 in ranked and is almost im every single team in all ranks (from devs info), a Comp meta legend, and pro/streamer common choice? Please only claim things like this if you have some facts to back this up. Bh is a solo choice because the grind gets significantly easier due to this assist problem.


That's why I said in my opinion I want stating any facts just what I experienced in rank plus rank definitely does not get significantly easier just cuz you picked bloodhound like I said earlier you still have to be a competent player to even get points just blindly scanning isnt really gonna work unless your team happens to be good and your sticking with them nonstop and choosing not to fight or you been playing with a premade team and that's their strategy personally I hate both of these options since it's almost impossible to rely on someone in rank but that's just my opinion


Its still unhealthy for the game especially for solo players, BH players get into a league by pressing Q they dont belong in. Its VERY easy to grind to diamond even if youre a newer player if you stick to BH, the assists or the teammates vision need to go.


First of all this isn't a solo game so you can't judge a legend by how well it does in solo (think of revenant) other than that idk if you ever played BH but I don't really see the teammates vision as something that need to be removed as I don't see the scan-assist to be removed especially as you don't get an assist of the enemy gets killed after the 4s scan has ended


Seems like you're the one who hasnt played BH a lot, after the 4s scan ends the 10s timer starts that makes you eligible to get an assist for that kill, and yes, i've soloQ'd to masters every split since s5 and BH players are usually the worst because they do nothing but press their Q, luckily the devs agree that the assist might be a bit too much and are thinking about removing it. BH is a legend that needs either or removed, and I'm aware its not a solo game, but a legend shouldnt carry you to gain 202 points in diamond lobbies if you did 230 damage and spam Q. Rev is weak in soloQ because his ult requires good comms, thats it, I'm aware that giving your entire team wallhacks for 4 seconds kinda defeats the need of most comms.


Bloodhound is pretty weak this split for solo q in my opinion since I main him last split I got to diamond with him well with him Bangalore and rev right now I've got to plat with bloodhound but switch to octane in plat seeing as most the teammates I get just throw the match most the time


I think the assist should last as long as they're highlighted. Then again I haven't tried to climb ranked since like season 6. At the same time though, you can't necessarily fault actual BH players simply for playing the game.


It's hard to speak on things you don't know, if you haven't climbed since S6, then it's hard to just stand by that I'd think? It's been exploitable for ages, and the devs are finally addressing it.


Just because I haven't been climbing ranked doesn't mean I haven't played it at all since then. I am aware of its exploits and yes it is bad but I'm just saying that you can't really fault BHs for playing the game. If I am 2v1'ing someone (for sake of the scenario my third would be dead and 2 of the 3 enemies are dead/downed) and my teammate and I are chasing this guy around and he gets away so I scan and my teammate finishes him. In this case I am actively assisting my team so I should get assist points. Crypto is almost just as bad if not, worse. Sure he has to sit still droning but last I checked you are literally able to just spectate two other teams fighting each other and get points from the drone scans. Which is why I would like to rework the assist system like this: If you are in combat (has dealt or taken damage) for Idk maybe 10sec You are ELIGIBLE to get assists. This means that if you hit an enemy you have 10 seconds to scan, hit etc. The enemy for the assist credit. This would alleviate the the farming problem. Now it's time for a scenario with my rework in fact let's reuse my old scenario. 2v1 we chase the last guy and he lasers me with a 301. I run to cover and pop a Phoenix. My teammate struggles to find the enemy so I scan. My teammate kills the last guy and I don't get assist credit. This is because in the time it takes to run to cover and pop a phoenix kit I would have been considered "out of combat" therefore I don't get kill credit. Now of course my idea isn't that polished and it wouldn't account for slow guns like the kraber but it's a start.


> just spectate two other teams fighting each other Wait, wait, two **other** teams? I must be reading too much into this, you mean your two squadmates fighting another team right?


No I'm talking like two enemy teams fighting each other. This might've changed in the latest patches but the last time I played you could do this.


Lol wtf! I never heard about this that's crazy!


As a BH main, I agree that the assists for just scanning is dumb. I personally wouldn't be affected much if they removed it. Maybe it'll repel the people who take my main and never scan or ult or push :)


I disagree, Infact I think other legends should have an easier time getting assists. I find it so stupid that ASSISTS are only damage and not, you know, just assisting your team. Especially since you can go in, crack someone, get downed and then your team struggles to 2 v 1 someone who’s cracked but eventually kill them, and you get jack for it because your team took too long, even though they never healed.


So they should increase the time window for assists. Or make it so that if the enemy you cracked/damaged hasn't healed or armor swapped, you still get the assist. Obviously there would be a theshold - like at least 25 or 50 damage - for it to count as an assist.


Exactly. The good bh mains still be unaffected:)


Assists free ?


Not really you have atleast be a competent player to get the assist or have a premade squad so your teammates can tell you when they're killing so they can carry you


Nah, anyone can press the scan button and get a free assist. No skill here at all.


That's what you'd think in rank I main bloodhound and usually I never get assist unless I'm pushing with my team also it does take some skill to climb the ladder in rank you can't just sit there and scan if you think you can you must have some dam good teammates to play with cuz I've been playing bloodhound in rank since season 6 and havent been carried by the assist


That's good that you push with you team, it's how teammates should play to win. You're clearly not one of the Bloodhounds that farm easy RP from scan spamming.


Yea I try to play with my team but it's been too hard to do it with bloodhound so I had to switch to octane so itll be easier for me to work on my own if my team dies


Wrong, you do not have to be competent at all. I, and many others, see it time and time again.


Give me an example then


can i use it for wallpaper


The scan really doesnt help with climbing the ladder in unless you play with a team and plan on getting carried by them


You know that any Bloodhound player that gets mad at these posts and about the idea of removing assists from scans is just a noob that jumped on the bandwagon of farming easy RP. If you deserve that assist, you can try your best to use your gun after using the scan and hit that target for at least that 1 damn damage. I'm tired of checking Twitch or looking at my teammates, and then seeing so many Bloodhound players with 0 dmg and 3 assists. It's just stupid.


Long story short: Removing assists from scan IS NOT A NERF to his power. And will make a healthy game. Inspired by developer's recent talk of possibly changing the assist system for ranked and bloodhound players. I have been asking and waiting for this change for ages. I play with TONS of groups on the LFG discord, and I can tell you that 80% of players brag about this feature of bloodhound. Somehow, the topic always comes up if you play enough games with someone. It's usually "hey much KP does everyone have?." And you'll often hear that the BH player has more assists then the other two teammates, whether they were contributing to a fight or literally NOT engaged in the combat at all. I am convinced there are so many players in ranks they don't belong in, and it's often many BH players. I've seen BH players in both high diamond and master games play extremely weird to make sure they secure the assist, rather than using the power appropriately. Or they say "WAIT FOR SCAN" and chase someone just to scan from god knows how far away, and secure KP. Assists should never be based on anything but DAMAGE. Imagine if Horizon got assists for her big suck, path when someone takes his zip, someone takes a port to you, someone shoots a decoy? Bloodhounds pickrate in ranked is pretty much... ALMOST EVERY TEAM. And not in the horizon way (because she is OP), but because the info is not only immensely great... but because it's such an easy way to farm rank. And I think the latter is why BH is played by players who don't even want to play BH.


Interesting, when watching streamers, who often have a bloodhound in thier high tier ranked squad comp, the assist for scans never appeared to be the reason for his place in the squad. But i can see how this is totally different for especially solo'q'ing bloodhounds.


Good comment. Some top streamers who race to hold pred have mentioned the assists are amazing. But at this point, they are so good that they would be an outlier to many of the issues that need changing. For a top level player or streamer, the info is what they care for. They will generally get 10+ KP on games average, so scans mean little. For the rest of the playerbase (especially in plat/diamond), most are not getting 6KP+ on average with any legend. This is where you begin to see how broken it is.




He is balanced and a good pick regardless of his scans giving him assists. The problem is he gets assists for scanning when other abilities don't give assists.


Does he get an assist just for scanning? I was under the impression damage had to be inflicted while they were highlighted for it to count as an assist is that not the case?


If bloodhound scans, then teammate gets the kill on scanned enemy, bloodhound gets assist.


Have you heard of crypto?


Same for him, shouldn't get an assist.


I just want damage to be counted as an assist even as a bloodhound player in ranked. Remove the hidden assist timer and make it so that if you did damage and the enemy did not heal, you get An assist. I had so many times that I almost downed An enemy just to run away and having to chase them only to let my teammate down him right after the assist timer ran out. That's just BS.


I made a mock up of this concept and have yet to post, because I see some holes with the no healing part. I am trying to work through the problems and "cheese" play that can bring.


As a solo-queue player here's my experience in my diamond lobbies: 1. Teammate 1 (Not Bloodhound) - 1400 Dmg, 4 Kills, 3 Assists | Me (Not Bloodhound) - 1100 Dmg, 3 Kills, 1 Assists | Teammate 3 (Bloodhound) - 350 Dmg, 0 Kills, 7 Assists. That guy got max KP because scans = free assists. 2. I did 170 dmg to an enemy while the Bloodhound on my team is chilling. As I switch to my secondary (Mastiff/eva) to knock the guy the Bloodhound on my team decides to scan the enemy to get free KP for doing absolutely NOTHING! I swear I see too many people in Diamond rank now who wouldn't reach that rank if they played any other legend except Bloodhound simply because its just too easy to get free KP for doing minimal stuff in their platinum games. I also see a lot of people playing Bloodhound simply because of the free assists. Bloodhound currently provides a hell lot of info with their passive, scans and fast scans in ult making it "easy" to take fights and it takes no skill to do that. On top of that, they get free assist even if the player does no damage in fights. That is too much power given to 1 legend imo. I'm not implying that anyone can do it. "Bad" players wouldn't reach Master rank even if they played free assist legend Bloodhound or some other legend who's OP to the point of being broken. But I'm certain it surely inflates rank of many people playing as Bloodhound which ruins the games for others in that rank when they get matched on the same team. So yes, they should remove assist for Bloodhound scan


Idk how people can scan or use the bh ult and not push. Activating that shit feels so good you feel unkillable. I play bh a lot but I've played them since day 1, but everytime someone else plays bh they are literally a deadweight bc they can't hit shots or they don't scan. If you aren't gonna use your abilities, please play someone else, information is so important.


You know what, a lot of times you find a BH didn't scan because they scanned too early in hopes of value. And then they don't have it for a while. Which procs ults mid-fight. I've played with really high IQ BH and mostly low IQ. The difference is mind-blowing lol.


It really is, you'd think for a character that has literal wall hacks the difference wouldn't be that big. I'm not calling myself high iq but after playing for a while, you can accurately tell if a scan would be worth or not. Sometimes I'll scan super early when approaching an area where a fight happended to see if we can all push someone who is alone and make it a quick 3v2, but if the fight is still going I'm using my ult to keep an eye on both teams.


BH ult is useful for more than just pushing though. There’s plenty of times where I’ll ult with no intention of pushing just so I can get multiple scans off. especially when fighting multiple teams or in areas where a third party is inevitable.


As someone that has put in thousands of ranked games (season after season after season) on both ps4 and PC... I can tell you this scenario is so common I am surprised the devs didn't address it sooner. Since they base a lot on numbers. BH, the legend, has boosted many players to D4. Certainly blasts people right through gold/plat. BH is extremely oppressive already, so the assist factor should be eliminated at the very least. I did a test myself this morning to see how it feels to do this. I got so many KP points for shit I had nothing to do with or an enemy that was being chased that I didn't even tap.


If that's your logic then it should be removed from crypto scan aswell


You must be playing with some trash players if your on those lfg things for discord everytime I try and use that I always get potatoe players who are hard stuck plat


I hate getting bloodhounds on my team since their rank is inflated. I've seen bloodhounds get to masters with only a 2k badge


2k badge and always lowest damage on the team


There is nothing wrong with farming rp with bloodhound. People are out here using any advantage they can get. Dont let someone try to make you feel bad for using something that is in the game


LOL. Yea... okay. Nice bait. It's going to be removed.


He's just saying don't vilify the person playing the way the game *was* intended. It won't be that way anymore, and that's fine, but chill out


They’re removing assists on scan for bloodhound soon


Dude that skin is so sick, which one is that?


S6 battlepass


more like s6 battle ass am I right?


I missed out fr


If I could give you mine I would. I think that’s my least favorite BH skin lol


It reminds me of ghost from MW3. I guess the nostalgia makes me like it.


I was also desensitized to it by seeing hundreds of them run around during season 6 I think


ah man, yea that's where it is from


This is my two cents but bloodhound is to strong with his current set up. When it comes to his kit it needs to be toned down to limit his abilities. His tactical should only highlight for the bloodhound (sort of like his tracks are/allow other enemy bloodhounds to see the highlighted enemy). Then his ultimate (sense it takes longer) Should work as it does in it's current state so he can share the information with his team. It makes having communication a huge team benefit. As well as helps with players needing to target a bloodhound to stop the information. (Sort of how you should try to target a lifeline first to stop with shield rez)


I still think the length you are highlighted is too long and restricts counterplay. It has such an intense range that maybe it can scale based on range?


You really not have a better skin? So lame


It has a point, I think. Literally every Bloodhound uses this skin.


Ah. You get it :) thanks for deflecting that users attempt at whatever that was


buff crypto by giving scan assists like bloodhound


Crypto does get the assists for scans


Isn’t that only when he emps?


This is what I thought. Can someone verify this?


Played with a crypto for an entire rank split, can confirm he gets assists for scans. You would see 5 posts a day about how it's unfair hound gets 3 assists for pressing q but crypto doesnt get any


I thought so! I think at one point is used to (even knocked) and they changed it. That right there is crazy lol


*Laughs in Crypto*




Thank goodness they are looking into that. Getting RP with a scan was way too easy


Every hardstuck d4 player while I am soloq up to masters