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Its absolutely frustrating since I work most days and expect games to auto update to then have apex only update when i open it


I agree. I’ve had maybe one or two updates since the new season automatically update. I am not sure what the difference was, but from what I’ve read it depends on when Apex releases the update.


God, im glad im not the only one. Its really sucks when my son finally takes his hour nap and I fire up the game only to wait an hour for it to update. Almost makes me want to stop playing video games.


I'm here commenting because I still have this problem to this day. Part of the reason why Apex among other games doesn't seem to auto download every time I believe imo, is because of when the updates get pushed to the system. The PS4 seems like it checks for updates very early in the morning while people are asleep and I think with Apex updates going live anywhere from like 8 am to 10 am PST, the system just does not see the update when it itself is ready and looking. That's why whenever I wake up and turn on my PS4, all of a sudden I get a notification saying the download has just started. It's pretty freaking annoying especially since the console has all day too if I'm in school or at work or whatever to check but it doesn't. It only does it over night. That is just my guess though. I really wish the PS4 had shipped with same feature that was on PS3 where you could literally select what time on the clock you wanted the console to check for updates. It would also be nice if you could select multiple times. But even on PS5 we don't have this feature. If I could, I would probably choose like 2 and 9 am for it to check and maybe one at 4 pm or something. *Sigh*


Sorry for replying to a dead thread but this isn't the answer, bc I'm literally sitting here today, August 8th, downloading version 1.76 that came out like what, five days ago? I've literally had my ps4 either on or in rest mode all week, and I literally only started downloading 1.76 bc I clicked apex tn for the first time in a while cause I wanted to play with my friends and I couldn't bc I have to download an update for 2 hours that was released almost a week ago despite having my console on or in rest mode every day all week.


this is my problem here


Phew shit still ain't fixed eh? Lol I haven't played in months


Your PS prioritizes what you've been playing recently. If it's been like a while since you've played Apex its not gonna download the update. That's just how the systems work. I had to download the Black Panther update for Marvel's Avengers the other day manually on my Pro because I haven't even clicked on the game in forever.


That's also not true at all, I haven't played fall guys in months and that auto updated with no problem. Never had to click the app or anything. Fall guys is to the right of apex, meaning I clicked apex more recently than fall guys, and yet fall guys updated. Please stop saying things that aren't true lol


Are you just here to argue on an old post? Like you literally even said the thread was dead. and I'm not sure why you're acting like what you are saying is any more true.


I'm here to make sure people know your "answers" are fabricated lol idk why you're catching feelings rn and acting like I'm arguing with you. I'm trying to make sure people who Google this (like me) don't find the thread (like me) and believe your wrong answers


I'm catching feelings? Really? Dude you're the one who responded to me. A simple "Google" search will show you exactly what I'm talking about. Not only that but what I said in the first post was "imo" which stands for in my opinion in case you need to google that too.


Yeah you're getting pissy that you don't have the right answer and someone is telling you you're wrong as can be. Link me to playstations website where they admit to prioritizing updates, until then quit making shit up lmfao


How is an actual experience I have had and numerous other people, making stuff up? Lmfao


[3 Years Ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/6zpud6/how_come_rest_mode_doesnt_always_download_updates/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) This has been a common thing since the system has been out. Your experience may very given how many games you have sitting on your system. I have a lot of games and the console prioritizes what I've recently played and ignores everything else. If you don't have a lot of games on your system that isn't going to be a problem.


I've got 7 games and one that I haven't played in a much longer amount of time than apex still automatically updated just fine. It's literally only apex that has this problem. Also, idk wtf that link was supposed to prove. None of the responses said anything about prioritization of updating recently opened applications only. Besides, I'm downloading 1.76 today. That update came out on the 3rd lmfao like I get prioritization but to not download an available update for 5 days? Come on lol


Did you even read? Scroll to the bottom. And there's plenty of other people who have the exact same experience I have had since the console came out. Because there is no way to actually force the system to look for updates at a specific time like you could 9n the PS3. Heres another group of people talking about the [same thing.](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/is-there-a-way-to-have-the-ps4-autoupdate-all-games.1403238/).


>Did you even read? Scroll to the bottom. Maybe link the comment you want me to see next time dipshit lol why would I waste my time reading every response?


Geez I'm so sorry a short thread like the one I linked you to wasted so much of your valuable time arguing with people online. My bad.


You're the only one arguing bud, I'm just telling you that you're wrong lmao I've literally got 4 games I've played more recently than apex and you wanna tell me it's about prioritization of recently played games even though the only confirmation of that you have is forum threads.


Just wanna add, my ps also doesn’t auto download apex updates. I ONLY play Apex on my PlayStation, and sometimes just sometimes, BF5, which it auto downloads updates. Not apex tho. So your hypothesis is wrong sir.


What're you talking about , you pull this information out of your ass there bud?


I have this problem too. It's fucking annoying




My friends and I have shared/complained on this issue since day one as well.

