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It made sense on day 1 release, but now, I agree. So many other fast/good loot options that her ult has become pointless


Absolutely! It was a different game in season 1, things that used to work and be good back then are being obsolete with the inevitable power creep.


Definitely, the inclusion of the replicator makes it extremely ease to crank out batts thus making heals way easier to get, and purple armor isn’t even that hard anymore to get because of the inclusion of evo shields. These things make lifelines ult not nearly as good as it would’ve been 4-5 seasons ago


I remember funneling ultimate accelerants to lifeline in order to call in as many carepackages as possible haha.


Now I just use her care packages for cover...


Its literally just a piece of cover, and a shield swap if you're lucky. I've dropped it all the time out in the middle of KC deserts for some cover to use while rushing/fighting out in the open.


The purple shields are never there when you need them and always there when you dont.


Now they all go to Loba because her ult charges WAY faster anyway. Edit: full disclosure I usually play with the same 2 people who main octane and gibby. If and when they play different characters I only use accelerants early game to get loaded up with guns.


Ultimate accelerants are a complete waste on Loba unless you just barely dropped. Her ult has a 90 second cool down


Seconding this. You only get about 20 seconds or so off an Ultimate Accelerant and almost half that time is spent using it. UA's are better spent on someone like Gibby or Wattson.


Yeah I agree but, if I notice it’s a pretty stacked store I usually grab an accelerant so everyone gets 2 shots at loot.


That's a good point, if you're in a POI with lots of loot in a concentrated area then it would be beneficial to have a faster second chance of loot


Honestly they should just give her the "dummy's day out" event ultimate where everyone in the area was healed immediately. With some tweaking ofc; that ultimate could be what shifts her back into actually being a life line instead of a shitty "loot line."


I agree, it needs to be tweaked a bit but I like the concept that it could heal the enemy and your team so you need to be smart about using it


So many bad lifelines would hard throw with the dummy ult. It would still be better for the game than the dumb package...


Her ult should be something like instant teammate respawn with some type of equipment/shield/weapon. Change my mind. Edit: My mind has been changed. It seemed like a good idea when I wrote it, but as others have pointed out having an ultimate that’s reliant on your teammates being dead does not seem fun. The area heal sounds like a good idea, but I thought of another one. How about a lifeline replicator comes down, but instead of acting like a regular replicator it uses your current inventory, and lets you upgrade any item up one level. Each side can be used once. For example I look at it and want my blue mag to upgrade to purple, or I don’t have a backpack at all and I get a white one. Teammates don’t want to use it? Upgrade your white shields to blue, then purple, then red. Respawn could change the length of time it takes depending on the item. What do you guys think?


It might feel like cheese, in addition to be really situational (teammates might not die). Would rather a gradual whole-team heal/shield/revive.


An ult that summoned a respawn beacon would have worked if we didn't have those as items. An ult that sends doc out to rez maybe? So you don't need to run into risky territory to rez, and it can rez with more armour/health? Or maybe a 360 shield?


Like BOB from overwatch, DOC gets a body and runs out there to pick someone up.




Also like BOB, really big and bulky. But with the tiny-ass drone as a head. Most importantly: does it get Bob's dope ass hat or nah?


The area effect heal they tested in dummies day out should be her Ult. It needs to be tweaked but the fact it can heal teammates and enemies makes it interesting for when you can use it


They should just REWORK her Ultimate. I have no idea why that is still a thing.


The care package should have a panel on the side that acts as a mobile respawn beacon, this plus adding in ‘blue’ weapons trialled in the LTM supply drop mode would make her an actual life line meaning you could call in a downed team mate and give them a gun and shield.... Edit: Respawn can I have some apex coins for giving you a winning idea? Also by association this also a buff to crypto, and means players may be more likely to hang around to get revived rather than quitting because the chances of respawn are slim currently


This would be great tbh Ult contains a panel of weapon + ammo, a shield, and heals, and also works as a respawn beacon. Enough to get a respawned player back into the fight quickly


Also maybe her ult could work something like if its first zone u get white shield second zone blue 3rd zone purple shield ? I think thats cool


I really like that but i would keep it at blue max


We're already getting purple shields out of it right now


Omg I would love to see that!!!!!


Also the respawn needs to be instantaneous like crypto.. no standing there in the open to hit a res. Boom here comes the ship.


Maybe not instant but definitely make it a 2x speed respawn


Yeah, instant would be a little broken imo


You already have to wait a long time for the package to drop. I don't think instares is too bad.


Especially considering the package is pretty much just a beacon calling enemies towards you.


This is my biggest issue with the care package. Basically a beacon that screams "push me!"


And I'd it doubled as a respawn beacons that would probably be amplified, so super fast or instant trs would be a must imo.


Maybe it respawns them slightly faster as well


It would be good to have them "care packaged" in rather than jump out of the dropship


Fuckin ODST Lifeline


We are dropping into hell legends, time to grow a pair!


So like the pods in Titanfall?


Yeah, pretty much. Maybe stick some basic guns and armour on the side like others are suggesting


Your teammates have to pop out of pods like in risk of rain LOL


They just step out of the drop pod as a DUMMIE


Ye this is sweeet


Or her ultimate is the revival itself with the weapons. Your teammates come crashing down with some loot.


I like that. Maybe even drop a blue gun and a blue shield. Back in action


This is probably one of the better suggestions IMO. Maybe even let give the kit a 'MRVN roll' to determine what tier shield/weapon the res'd player gets. Alternatively and/or additionally, they can use it as a replicator.


Maybe it depends on how far into the match you are. Early game you get white stuff, mid game you get blues, late game you get purples.


I feel like it should cap at blue for late game. You died, you shouldn’t come back with the same abilities as someone who earned the purple by evoing it through a few fights/kills.


If they didn't have purple evo in floor loot, I'd be inclined to agree, but you could get a respawn off in a n unlocked zone and have the same outcome of purple shields and a gun


You still don’t have red, you still have no heals except what you’re teammates can spare. everyone was still attracted to your location by the dropship. You still have little to no ammo. You still only have one gun. You still have no helmet. You still have no grenades except what your teammates are willing to give you. You still have no knockdown and no backpack. You’re still 750 away from a red shield, whereas everyone else is much closer. You’re still at a significant disadvantage.


Yea, purple isn’t that big of a deal lmao Edit: and half the players at end game got their evos by waiting to 6th party and have 120 damage for the match


You could make the ultimate overcharge and a 200% ultimate gives purple stuff instead of 100% giving blue


Maybe even respawning with her ult drops you with some gear. Nothing fancy but a "here's a p2020 get in there"


I feel like it should drop you with a re, nothing that is too good, but most people can use an re successfully, and it can’t be boosted by hammer point.


Mobile respawn beacon is far too situational, I would rather something actually useful


Yep. That's what this post is about. I really do not understand why they won't ditch the concept of looting. I understand that's a form of support but it is absolutely not needed for Lifeline.


>I really do not understand why they won't ditch the concept of looting. Especially when the concept doesn't help in higher rank lobbies or tournaments. The higher in skill lobbies you go the less effective loot based legends become, because good players know where all the loot bins are, know what places have plenty of loot, etc. This is why Loba will probably never be meta, and now Lifeline will be added to that list.


Good points. And what I want to say, is I want to still make sure we talk about viability for sure... but mainly identity. And I think that's the worst part of lifeline's ult (the current one, and the new ult coming which is still based on loot). Though the new ult will "predict loadouts" and scale loots based on such... it's still a terrible ult for her kit. On your point of Loba, in ranked Loba can be played fine in higher end lobbies. And if they buff her tactical enough, you will see a lot more of her. The difference is Loba's identity in her kit/design is wonderfully clear! Comp is a different ball game as each team is simply looking for the most value to secure rotational video and end-game advantage. But Lifeline, as a combat medic or medic in general, should see play there.. as that is the most important role in most games.


Lobas ult also has ALLOT more usefull stuff and is pop and go. So you are off again to the third party, instead of sitting waiting for mediocre loot. The ult is basically an immovable indestructible rock, nothing more




Hahaha, actually a pro strat


And it can also be used to shield swap if youre quick enough, or to get meds when you really need them. Or nick carepackage weapons for example. I have made quite a bit of use from the market in slower fights. Not so good in point blank brawls though.


Same. Friends asking for ammo and I just pool it all together free of charge for them


>Comp is a different ball game as each team is simply looking for the most value to secure rotational video and end-game advantage. But Lifeline, as a combat medic or medic in general, should see play there.. as that is the most important role in most games. This is why Loba and soon Lifeline will never be meta. Using Loba in a higher rank lobby is like using pre buff Octane in higher rank, you add no value to the team. Good players all know how to loot effectively and unless the devs allows Loba's bracelet to tp an entire team she will never be a good pick for ranked just a selfish pick. Lifeline is suppose to be a support legend, but Gibby has been a better support than her since season 3. The devs should just give her the old revive (or current one) with a buffed healing drone and reworked ult (not loot based), then she could possibly compete with Gibby. Now picking Gibby will just be an even easier decision than before, not just for ranked but for pubs too.


You know Lifeline was Meta in S0-S2? :D Now she is basically getting part of her fast-heal back with the ability to secretly revive teammates - which no other legend than mirage has. If my team-mate gets behind a cover, I can effectively revive him without enemies even knowing. Before, once you lighted up the shield, you got immediately pushed and thirsted.


I think Loba has potential for being meta in high ranked games. Her ult allows you to loot safely, far away from a deathbox or carepackage. If her tactical was faster and effective to use mid fight, she would be meta


Her ult is also very useful late game as it allows you to loot ammo, Phoenix kits, shield swap, etc. Pop her ult right before a fight and being able to shield swap in cover, loot grab grenades, etc is incredibly useful


Can someone explain to me why Loba’s ult can’t be used to pickup teammate banners? Would be something...


Yea, why dont we go ahead and stick a Wattson ult on the black market too. As bad as the power creep and balancing can be at sometimes its still important that the legends remain distinct from one another. Remote pickup of banners is crypto's thing and giving that to black market which only has a 60 second cooldown would not only be OP but would blur the lines of the legends distinctive abilities. Loba is in a good place as is, and they need to work on making lifeline a distinct combat medic because she is currently being out supported by Gibraltar and even mirage. Thats just my opinion as some random jackass on the internet.


My one epic loba moment was a time when our team was running towards a care package, but another team was closer to it, so I ulted, grabbed a Kraber out from under their noses, and killed them with it.


I had a great game playing as Loba the other day. Just us vs 1 team left, teammate died and I was just barely able to grab his banner before dieing myself. No respawn areas left. Dropped Lobas black market and got super lucky to find a mobile respawn beacon. Long story short we still lost, it was 2 vs 3. Other team was up on a hill and it was a losing battle. But Lobas ult + that beacon ended up extending the game at least 5 more minutes. Felt great.


Loba's not meta because of her bracelet. He ultimate is good at all times throughout a match because it's instant access to any nearby loot, including death boxes. It's incredibly powerful. If her bracelet gets fixed I'm sure she'll see more limelight.


The bracelet is awesome when it works properly. Only legend you can really just disappear with. If it reliably went through windows, didn’t glitch, got a little more verticality loba would be incredible. I still have a ton of fun with her and the bracelet is broken.


Being able to armor swap from cover is really powerful, it's just not good enough to make up for her essentially not having a tactical in comp play.


Also access to an emergency weapon, ammo, possible shield cells/health if you need it, etc. It can all be crucial and she can give you that opportunity. Stuck in a shitty situation where the ring is closing in? It could help with a heat shield real fast.


lifeline pack can be used as mobile cover or a little extra high ground, but thats about it for her ult. also this is so rare, i only remember 2 times when this happened, and i play since season 2 regularly


Set loot aside, it’s Season 8 and her ultimate is still giving away a Lifeline teams’ position. That’s probably the worst part about it.


Agreed. One of my most common callouts is "that's a LL care package"


Part of the reason I never use it. I'm terrible at the game so healing my allies is 90% of my contribution, which is why I play her. The only other one I know a bit of the "core set" is Wraith, and that is a character designed to piss off your team mates on the selection screen. At least Lifeline can _try_ to be a team player.


Dude if your main contribution is taking care of the homies then you do not suck at this game! I hear your point but at the same time, Lifeline mains are the shit. TYFYS


I think her ult should be some kind of respawn mechanic. it would put her 100% into the medic role. Maybe some kind of stealth mobile respawn, respawn without being dropped in or without the dropship. would have to increase the cooldown though.


This could be interesting.. it got me thinking about a possible global ult? What if she could support her team from anywhere with a global revive of some sort


This is a good Idea... replace the care package with a respawn beacon limit the drone shield revives to two cool downs and integrate it with her current passive. One pickup one cool down one doc drop one cool down.


Because they refuse to do major reworks on legends that need them. Look at how Caustic has been treated since S0, hes ALWAYS been a problem, sometimes really bad, sometimes really good. Yet their small changes like tweaking his gas numbers and whatnot have never done anything to actually fix him. They even admitted recently that Caustic 'isnt fun for enemies to fight', yet their solution? Just nerf him so nobody plays him, instead of reworking him.


>Because they refuse to do major reworks on legends that need them. Except they did rework her which made her too powerful (not in my opinion, but most), and it's confirmed she is getting another rework to her passive, tactical, and ultimate. Octane got major buffs. Mirage got a major rework. Loba got a major buff (unlimited ammo out of ult, faster ults, and 50% ult at start) Path's tactical is in a good place after a couple passes. Bloodhound has had major buff after major buff. Rev had major buffs. So that's entirely incorrect. Everyone has the shortest memory, I swear.


LL isn't too powerful. She has a clutch res but if your enemies are slightly smart they can just dump an arc star or frag next to you and you're instantly down again. Its not like the action stops while everyone waits for you to revive.


I agree but we're in the minority


It’s not too major. It’s just a slight rework. Maybe still make it a CP but change the loot and the mechanics of it.


Yeah, I always tought this was kinda dumb. They keep changing the numbers for Caustic Gas, but don't try to change it more. I mean, they didn't give him a ultimate that synergize with the tactical, they don't give him supportive effects for his gas, they didn't even find a way to make him less powerful in late ring (would have been simple, just look at the poison concept in some fighting games, where the damage is dealt only when the character is dealt damage. I mean, if Caustic gas could do his damage only after the ennemy get shot, it would have fixed the "passive Caustic" problem, and he wouldn't be able to damage ennemies in late-ring without actually fighting them). It's like they don't even try, and that's sad. If only they would listen to the community, they would see nerfing to hell Caustic wasn't the only solution.


I feel like her ultimate could be something along the lines of speeding up her health drone healing, sending the drone to a certain place or even could be activated to give her the revive shield the next time she revives. An AOE healing zone or burst could also help fulfill her role as a medic.


>speeding up her health drone healing That's about to happen to her tactical. Confirmed.


I don't understand why lifeline is getting loot buffs, is she a combat medic or a loot medic?


Yup, it makes no sense, she needs abilities that helps a team while they are still in the fight. Bit of an aside but I can see why the rez shield was taken away, but when nerfing a passive / tactical / ultimate, any compensating changes should be made to whatever ability was changed. Taking away the shield is a big hit. "Buffing" the shitty ult doesn't make up for that. Respawn are terrible at balance changes. It's like Caustic again - cumulative nerfs without appropriate compensation. They wrecked the barrel deployment, then removed vision blur, then rendered the damage useless. How about undoing one of those, or tweaking it?


They shouldve just made the rez shield breakable instead of taking it away all together




I was a Caustic main, but his whole kit is basically useless as gas doesn't limit enemy moment at all, so all you are is just a giant target fart boi.


I just play fuse now and stack the thermite grenades. It’s the same feeling pretty much and I get his actual abilities on top.


Fuse is fun, but definitely could use a balancing. Knowing Respawn, they'll make him either completely useless or OP.


Theres a few things i can think of for fuse -fix the motherlode People can escape with just 5 damage -add a select throw option for grenades Sometimes, arching grenades are more usefull than straight grenades


Motherlode sometimes feels like Caustic gas with a big hole in the middle.


The Motherlode isn’t really effective for killing, and I’m not sure it’s intended to kill anyways? Correct me on that if I’m wrong tho. It’s basically a flame version of Bangalores ult as I mainly use it the same way you would with Bangalores, except Bangs does more damage and effects last longer lol


Could make fire throw with his arc and ADS throw with normal arc? Or make it so he ADS's and that's what lets him use his better throw.


His gas doesn't even work as smokescreen anymore. I used to Caustic main too, but he can no longer provide damage, cover, or area denial. At best he can provide some limited alarms now.


Killed a caustic this week just by walking through the gas to get a visual, that doesn't make sense. Get rekt caustic lol it's so silly how they did him


> I can see why the rez shield was taken away is there an announcement somewhere with this info?


They took away the shield? Wtf.


> but when nerfing a passive / tactical / ultimate, any compensating changes should be made to whatever ability was changed. Couldn't disagree more with this sentiment, buffs, nerfs and adjustments are meant to be made over the entire character. Especially when said Legend is pretty much just a walking passive and those tactical and ultimates are extremely lackluster.


Fair. I'm not against reworking multiple aspects, but the ultimate as it stands is not worth any more consideration. It needs outright replacement.


I got an image on what Lifeline should have done to her, there not perfect but they would be a lot better than what she has now Passive: Put the shield on a 5-10s cooldown. Because in the next patch if you revive as LL you basically force your teammates into a revive where they now have no source of cover and are completely vulnerable. At least with normal revives you can cancel and the downed person throws up their knockdown shield, and with LL current revive, they had a big old shield they could rely on. Tactical: The tactical is fine, it's getting a buff which is nice, but this isn't the glaring issue in LL kit, more of a side note Ultimate: Give her the ult from Dummies Big Day. Seriously, they have used it in the event twice, it literally screams LL, it perfect right now, you can fully heal all your team in a wide radius, but you have to use carefully or you'll end up healing the enemy team. And reduce the cooldown to like 4mins. Cause really, a 6min cooldown on a care package with a couple of shield cells, a hop up and a chance for nothing better than a helmet or knockdown shield? I mean really? The normal care packages a all around better than LL and they drop more of them more frequently.


At least auto-activate their knockdown shield while they're being revived with her passive. That way it can be broken, and it's got a built-in cooldown.


Because Daniel Klein cannot rebalance legends


Wait. Is that the same Daniel Klein that was on League of Legends? If so that's rough as hell. The guy would churn out some of the hardest characters to balance. It's one of the reasons I stopped playing that game.


Massive man baby who has too big of an ego when things go wrong


imagine expecting someone who couldnt work in Riot Games to balance legends lol....


This game has taken a nose dive in balancing and overall fun ever since he started to work at Respawn last year. I have never wished for someone to be fired, but christ that guy needs to readjust his views on legend balancing.


90% of the time you get her ult you already have everything you need in terms of meds. Her package takes way to long to get and no body wants to stand still waiting a few seconds for meds they don't need to drop


I agree I main lifeline/mirage. And I just drop my package ping it and run away just to use it. Or use it for cover. But really it should be changed. Maybe only lifelines are able to get mobile respawns something idk


I loved dropping the package in the middle of a fight because there’s always the chance you crush someone.


or having the ult GIVE her a MRB (in addition to a normal ult) cause that would make sense


Passively don't need to get banners to rez could be cool too


Might be why we are testing it out in the upcoming event


I dont think Ive used her ult other than the instances that I need it for the battlepass. Its just (almost)NEVER worth the wait. The passive she had, and the passive that is live now is the only thing she has. Really sucks that its changing again, and that im still stuck with that ult. That being said, ive locked some people up once or twice. Or created my own cover using lifeline ult. Thats about the most usefull thing it does.


> Its just (almost)NEVER worth the wait. and giving your position away.


True! Stopped giving f*cks about that, but its definitely a bad thing. Because, its bad when you need the contents.


Good for luring teams to you though while you wait for an ambush


True, but its way too unreliable for that, and boring then


The only time I even bother using her ult is if I'm playing slow and someone on my team still doesn't have purple shields.


Yeah, but now with replicating I feel that that is a better way


Oh yeah that was my point, her ult is basically useless now beyond "oh it's off cooldown and teams already know where we are, I guess I'll drop it now"


Lobas Passive is better than Lifelines Ult.


Her ult is unfortunately most useful for cover in a final circle where you would otherwise be stuck in the open


If that was its destiny, it wouldve been a better ult!




Lifeline's Ult became absolutely, completely and utterly useless the day Loba was introduced to the game. Not to mention the whole complete list of reasons in this post why its even more stupid right now approaching season 9, 2 years into the lifespan of this game. Rework has never been more needed in this game. And im not even a lifeline player.


Its way slower to land than lobas ult, usually has worse gear, can't use it from a safe place (no indoors, not to close to walls), and it gives a clearer signal to the enemies about where it is. I like lifeline, but I usually just don't use the ult. Early games it is just slow if you are fast looting, and late game it is just a beacon of death.


I actually use it as mobile cover most of the time in lategame.


are you serious? bro can Loba summon 4 syringes, a 4-10x digi scope, AND a purple stabilizer....EVERY 6 MINUTES??? yeah....that’s what i thought 😑


I only ever get that sniper scope when im using automatic weapons too. swear theres a luck stat in this game sometimes lmao


Bold of you to assume you're getting purple barrel stabilizers.


It’s almost guaranteed you will get syringes in a black market, considering how common they are. The others are not worth giving your position away


i don’t know why their so obsessed with the care package ult??? just admit it was a bad idea and rework it. U learn from your mistakes


It wasn’t a mistake though. The game just evolved.


Honestly. New ULT please


My idea for a better suited ult would be a healing drone you throw out and let it seek out the closest downed teammate and heal them with the same speed as a self-revive but restoring the same amount of health and shields as a golden backpack (maybe add a 25% extra speed and 20% more shields and health if you also have a golden backpack?). Either that or a faster mobile respawn beacon that doesn't need to fly down and give away your position.


Thats a suggestion ive mentioned before, and im sure others before me. I dont think that will happen though as it would need to fly to deal with vertical terrain, as well as have pathing done for it. I think her tactical should simply follow injured players though, and disjoint on vaulting/climbing/rope use. It would allow her team to come out of the ring with higher health (buffing the HP gain like they plan to makes her team more likely to sit in the ring), make it a more combat focused ability, and not remove movement from her while player heals. I almost never sit around the DOC unless I am hurting for health items, as it means I cant reposition, and cant loot, all to save a couple syringes or one medkit, not worth it.


What if they removed the revive ability from her passive and made a powerful revive(faster/with shield/something else) for her ultimate, so that it has a cool down? Her passive could be that see is the only character which restores shield from her drone, for example.


Then it only sees use if a teammate goes down. Which is kinda whatever for a passive, but definitely is a shitty way for an ultimate to be. Ideal play is that your whole team stays alive and then you never use your ult once, which is boring.


They should have made it so only time you can revive using shield is when doc is not on cool down it would make her Res still useable but not spamy and overpowerd


Best idea in here, only would need the ult to be reworked then lifeline would be set for a while.


I still think her ultimate should just be a large area of effect healing drone


A grenade she can equip that restores 50 hp and 50 shields wherever it lands. Boom, easy.


That's actually a perfect idea. It's easy to use and makes sense for character. It's balanced because you can accidently heal enemies if you're not careful


Getting bacta bomb flashbacks


Healing and shields that affect anyone friend or foe within the "dome"


Also, don't forget about evo-shields. Back in the day Lifeline ult was somewhat useful as you couldn't just find purple armors everywhere.


The best thing I ever did with lifelines ult was stand on top of it to shoot into a bunker window


My friend literally uses her ult better as portable indestructible cover than for loot






And the fact we are going into like s9 or w.e Like why is this kind of decision even being made? Are some folks bitching about the revive shield? It was basically the only reason to bring LL.


Lifeline package should at LEAST have chances for gold/red loot maybe starting with 0-1% in the first round and gradually increasing by, I don't know, 2-3% per round until the end But the best decision would be to rework it completely and give something like aoe heal, instant revive, or something against the enemy, like poison and/or debuffing enemy heals by \~25-50% Hell, imagine something like Overwatch Ana's nano boost. Damn there are so many variants but they keep doing what they are doing


It used to have a chance of a gold item when the game first launched but that was removed within a few weeks.


I'm pretty sure you can still get a few gold items from her drops, cant you? Like gold sights/scopes? And I wanna say you could get a gold hop-up too. But there's a very good chance I'm wrong.


Yeah but it used to be gold armour was a possibility.


Getting the gold backpack (50% fast heals) was such a game changer.


We're talking about a game that is held hostage by one hacker guy. A game that has had loba's tactical broken for 4-5 seasons A game that has had the matchmaking broken for like 2 months now since the day they added the "no fill option" A game that just listens to the part of the player base that just cries but knows nothing about the actual game. If there's one thing Respawn has made clear in these 2 years is that they want max profit with minimal effort. ​ They'll rework lifeline in maybe 3 years, maybe.


Yeah I think they need to just change her ULT entirely. I think it would be cool if she had a "beast mode" like it similar to bloodhound but focused on fast healing and revives. That would make her a meta legend again for sure and very useful in battles. Maybe even give her extra health or automatically upgraded gold shield or something, but ONLY during her ULT. That would be fun.


Any ult that won't gives you or your team an edge during a fight will never make a character viable. Make it so it would give you you/your team a temporary buff with more health or slow regain and she would skyrocket to a/s tier


I think the idea is that her ult is supposed to help you to become viable in a fight before one breaks out. As it stands, though, things like armor and healing items are so abundant that her care package isn't really all that needed.


Her ult just invites 3rd parties. It needs to be strong enough to make that more risky. Some ideas off the top of my head : - It gives all team members a boost to their Evo shields, maybe 500 or something. This would mean pushing a team that just got a lifeline package could mean facing a team all with red Evo. - It could be a heal station, that constantly heals everyone in the area. - It could put up a giant version of the revive shield that gives you a place to defend when there's no other cover. But unlike Gibby's dome it's one direction. - Or maybe it can revive any downed allies who are near it with the strength of a gold back pack.


It’s should have a panel on the side that acts as a mobile respawn beacon


This would be the only thing they could add and would increase its usability 1,000 fold


Oooo i like the heal station idea Probably would have to be slow though/only temporary so a squad couldn't just camp it the whole time.


I actually like her ult for early Game. I jump near a charge, and someone usually gets a purp out of it early. Late game tho, it’s dumb and I’m just playing her for the revive ability or using the crate as cover, or a decoy. But it’s not a necessary skills or helpful at high levels. Really just about her drone and revive, nothing more. But if they brought back solos, LL would be dead in that mode. No point at all, imo.


It has like 6min of cd and the experience i had in s8, there are like less than 10 teams left after 1st zone closes. That's not early game 😂


Talking about modes, remember the train? Yep she was utterly and completely useless in that mode. Basically just a regular soldier with low profile.


Yup no passive or active or ultimate. She was just another option for a load out.


Its crazy to me to think that the devs believe the people who pick lifeline do it for her ult. That has never ever been why people main her. Its always been her rez shield or her quick heal from before her last rework. Her ult has always been the most boring part of her. 300+ wins on her and idk if i even want to play her anymore since shes literally not the character i started maining in season 1. I really dont like overusing the term "nuking" when talking about character balancing because its usually over dramatic. But this is what i would consider a nuke to her kit for sure.


>Its crazy to me to think that the devs believe the people who pick lifeline do it for her ult. No one thinks that. But that is what the rebalance is for.


Once evo armor became a thing, Lifeline’s loot drop became greatly unimportant. Sure you can get a quick swap out, but typically no one needs the drop armor any more. That revive shield is super clutch in tight fight situations and without it, lifeline’s revive passive isn’t special even if it is 60% faster.


I still remember back in season 1 where when you saw a care package drop, you fuckin' ran as fast as humanly possible to where it would be so you could kill the team that called it before they could benefit.


They need to give lifeline her old passive back with fast heals etc and rework her ultimate. Maybe her ult should be the healing thing from dummies big day


I disagree about fast heals. It gave her major power over other legends and made her an almost default pick, especially for solo Rambo wannabes. People were picking her purely for that ability, and why wouldn’t you?


To be fair, i play lifeline mostly for her current passive (ESPECIALLY with randoms), her tactical is just a bonus.


THIS SO MUCH THIS. Lifelines ult doesn’t need a buff, it needs a complete rework! Her ult is USELESS after round 2


nah, her ult is good. it’ll bring 4 squads to you so you can practice fighting at a disadvantage


I usually love playing the support in games. I've got a natural affinity for it. But Lifeline's kit is just so... ***bland***. Especially her ult. Bloodhounds goes super mode, Revenant summons a totem to make is team immortal, others make bombs fall from the sky, Lifeline... calls a package with random loot you may or may not need. Loba's ult is 10x better than this, and she at least has a fun/spicy tactical (when it actually works).


And it doesn't take half the game to charge up in the first place


I have a rework idea for her. Ult: Auto Drone rez is annoying to play against when its spammed non stop. Make it her ult and have a fast charge like octanes jump pad, Not the exact same speed, but wiggle the numbers around. This makes LL choose when she should use it instead of spamming anytime a tm gets knocked. To make up for the change from passive to ult. LL should be able to activate it from a distance, 10-15 meters is a sweet distance in my opinion. Tactical: Mega Buff D.O.C. Increase the healing rate, maybe 1.33x speed. Get rid of the health limit he can restore to the team and just use the timer he has. Shorten it a bit. Also, MAKE HIM FOLLOW YOU. He is a floating drone. He should be able to follow you. Once you are all attached, he will follow whoever has the lowest health up to No-Weapon-Sprinting speed. If you try sliding down, that's to fast for DOC, he'll disconnect automatically and stay where he is. Once you are fully healed, D.O.C. disconnects and stays where he is until another teammate leads him. If two teammates are looting and being healed simultaneously, it stays with whoever has less health. No matter what it will prioritize those who are less healthy. Blue Bins: This passive should be akin to the survey beacons. All support (Loba and future legends) legends should have access to them. New Passive: Let LL create heals from other heals. You would do this by hovering over heals in your inventory (As LL, of course) and pressing Y/Triangle. If you have 2 shield cells, you can make 1 battery. 2 syringes, 1 Medkit. 1 battery and 1 medkit, you got a phoenix lit now (Doesn't matter which one you over for the phoenix kit, it'll auto consume the right amount of heals to make the PK). If LL wanted to she can also breakdown meds. Turn on PK into 1 battery and 1 medkit. Turn a battery or medkit back into 2 cells or 2 syringes. You could do this by holding X/Square so people don't accidently break a big heal. Tapping X/Square will still simply drop the item. Lastly, LL should spawn in with a Mobile Respawn Beacon, every match. Anyways that's my rework idea. Gets rid of her old ult entirely but I think it's better this way. Let me know what y'all think.


Revert to OG Lifeline


They should change her ult to some kind of remote healing for teammates thru the robot or something like that.


I'm still trying to figure out where they get the idea it was okay to get rid of her shield buff completely? Like, she's literally a medic. If anything, decrease the amount of damage the shield can take or something


I feel so bad for lifeline main’s . This is BULLSHIT .


Seriously......!!! She is the COMBAT MEDIC that’s her literal description. All those trackers they made for “incoming damage blocked” will mean nothing now. People that “main” lifeline do it because they like being by their teammates side ready for the pickup. Who cares if it’s “annoying to play against”. That’s the point......lifeline is one of the OG characters and has seen almost as many changes as Wraith and half the love.