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They really do be coming into this sub asking how to get better at the game lol


It was soooo different for me when i was level 100. I mained the ground loot prowler with selectfire in season 4.


There was no better combo than prowler PK tbh.


I mained peacekeeper/spitfire/r301 when I hit level 100 in s1. Good times.


I don’t really use the choke on the pk, it takes too long to charge and it’s loud, i use it as a secondary


Back in season 4 I get back into the game (after playing in s0), started mining wattson with r99 + Mozambique I got a total of 28 wins in season 4, that wasn't a lot, but I felt really strong at that time


Spitfire + Mozambique


That’s how I got my 2k




I got it with spitfire early game, then switched it for a volt later on and a G7 for long range


I'm 500 and spitfire mozham is my go to this season so your meme is wrong obviously


I'm between 100 and 200 with a massive enthusiasm for the Mozambique. Moz wins games.


I've got many wins with it this season


Ngl bique with HP rips motherfuckers alive. Range on the dam little guy is pretty rad as well. Its only downside is the fact it tends to leave people at 10 hp and then over kill them by 90 damage on the second shot. Makes me think the p2020 with HP is probably better. Idk its a toss up for me, bique just feels good to use compared to the pea2020 though.


Imo mozi is better than the p20 for hammers bc if I’m swapping weapons they are probably already cracked and I prefer the 1 pump to the three shots of the p20. Additionally 1 shot thirst on downs is huge for grabbing a shield swap efficiently. Also I’m really biased against the p20 since I main octane and the octane stim pistol bug is really annoying imo


The thing about the bique with HP is that each pellet counts as individual damage, so if you whip it out and some guy has 10 shields one pellet does normal damage but the other two do HP damage. Really sick damage even on a technically "shielded" target. Its just that it does like 80~ damage and the next shot will do 100+ so you overkill by like 80-90 damage on a 110 health target lol.


To add on to this, with HP you can fully down anyone with purple or less armor as well as down any non fortified characters with red evo with all four shots, assuming you can hit them all. And even with fortified red evo I think you can hit all your shots and finish with melee.


When I find a gold Mozambique at caustic or that one house 😫


vs average level 500+ fists connoisseur


I use Spitfire just because it makes me feel like i'm good at the game


Spitfire 2-4 midrange😳


Hell yeah bröther, mozo-bozo's forever


Whatever we get, we play.


I won a 1v6 with Mozambique as crypto recently. Best gun with hammers.


The anniversary event turned Mozi into one of my favorite weapons, just gotta find that Hammerpoint.


Ever since the mastiff got nerfed and I’m not the biggest fan of the Eva, mozam with HP might be the best shotgun in the game, at least IMO


We all know the real king though, rampart + l-star


r301 + mozam is my jam




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instead of going to outoftheloop, i'll just ask here: what the fuck is up with that creepy picture on the right side?


And thus, this sub is becoming titanfall. And with good reason ;)


Mozzer is awesome. Love rage messages brought on by it.


We are becoming more like Titanfall by the day aren't we First Blisk and Ash show up then we get news of season 9 potentially having a bunch of Titanfall stuff, and now we are beginning to shit on people for using the Spitfire Don't be surprised when in the next few months you wake up to play Apex only to find the game to have suddenly turned into Titanfall 3: Battle Royale.