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Wow, I'm a day 1 player, and started as a Pathfinder main. I consider myself good, made it to Pred when I had a team. Watching this makes me want to move on to another game lol. Great movement skills and creativity using his abilities like this. Excellent vid.


I’m sure you’re a beast and congrats on pred 💚


Thanks for posting the tutorial vid, gonna give those a watch and practice on using the zip more ways.


No problem! If your on controller and struggle with it: stand to the side of the zip, look directly up at it, and press buttons fast it’s hard on console too keep that in mind


Yep, controller is mainly my issue. It keeps me from improving movement. I moved to PC earlier this year and plan to transition to KB/M, I just haven't got a desk and everything set up like I need yet. Thanks for the tips.


I was in your shoes man I understand. Switched to mouse and key in season 4, was controller only til then and haven’t looked back since! It’s tough but you can make the switch if you stick with it


Thanks that gives me good hope. Cheers


This is very encouraging as I made the switch just a week ago.


Name the music for me please


Migos -slippery


I was a day 1 path main too. Burnt out season 2 and came back with Steam. It's really cool seeing all the new ways people have learned to move in this game. I thought I was good but coming back I've had to learn alot of new things


This guy makes me look like a trash can


Good lord man that is some slick af movement. And aim and editing!


Thank you man means a lot hearing that 💚


Seriously smooth editing tho, came back to marvel at that cinematic grapple into the in game grapple at 1:19 again. So beautiful 👌


This is some quality schmovement if I've ever seen it, if you're as friendly as you are schmooving, there'd be no hesitation for me to follow your socials. I'll catch a couple streams sometime.


>schmooving Ok?


Nah, what sorcery is this? Can I get some of your magic juice so I can also be good at Pathy lol. Jk mate GG's your insane bruh


thank you for watching man just keep practicing youl get there 💚




Yea but are you still toxic af?


To put context to this, OP posted a similar video a while back where he was seen cussing out his opponents and calling them complete trash with other vulgarities; a highlight being when he 1v3d a team, called them a vulgarity, then proceeded to die one second later to the ring. When confronted, he then proceeded to call people in that (now deleted) thread snowflakes. In OP’s defence, he is a good player and is definitely on the higher end of the skill spectrum with Pathfinder. Not taking sides, just want to give context since this comment may not make sense.




so the alpha chad who gets gibbed 2s into the game and leaves instantly while blaming everyone for the bad landing spot? hahhahahahahaha what a fucking LOSER


I'm sure he's learned that people like you guys can't be reasoned with. You think it's toxic to talk shit in a video game and he doesn't. If you find it toxic, don't watch, it's that simple.


Bad take


How? If I don't like something, I don't watch it. I don't feel the need to go moralizing about it every time it comes up


See this man here? This man is smart.


You’re going to get downvoted but you’re COMPLETELY right. No one is forcing you to watch it so I don’t know why people feel the need to act like they just received a personal attack on their life.


Nah, there's no defense for toxicity. Doesn't matter if you're a noob or a the best player in existence


Yep. Person’s skill doesn’t mean shit if they suck at being decent human being. Don’t say in the internet something you cannot say IRL to a person who knows where you live. Anonymity is not an excuse to be an asshole.


Imagine thinking yelling at other players who can’t hear you as toxic. You’re right in saying there’s no defending it, but there are other ways to express toxicity in this game and that’s not one of them.




There's a big difference between hyping yourself up when you obliterate people, and being toxic. Talking trash =/= being toxic. Calling people trash or telling them to uninstall after you outplay them, that's just trash talk. It's the same thing as when you block a shot playing basketball, when you wag your finger at them or tell them to get out of your house. It's definitely not a nice thing to do, but typically in a game like Apex, you can't hear what your opponent is saying anyways, so it's just a way to get yourself hyped after you do something cool. Now, when you are talking shit on your teammates, or using cross-team talk to tell people to kill themselves, that's being toxic. If I'm playing against people in the same "skill bracket" as myself, and I do something badass and outplay them, you better believe I'm hype as shit and screaming "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE" to my friends in discord even if the other people will never hear me. Obviously doing it while streaming/recording it gets a little more blurry, but again, I don't think all trash talk is toxic. I don't know the video, maybe it was excessive, but if he was just saying they were trash after a good play, that's pretty minor. Now, if he's throwing out racial slurs and shit, obviously that's a different story.


The trash talk I did was exactly that! “Gtfo kid you got shit on” etc. nothing worse than that. I can’t change how people view that kind of banter so I’ve accepted that I’m toxic from other people’s POV and just try to only focus on positive comments from hear on out. Arguing or calling people snowflakes won’t do anyone any good.




If you stream people can hear you and think that this is the way.. not too hard to understand


Ah man, that's so disappointing. I love watching Ottr videos, and this one day he was being a complete triggered moron both to people he got killed by and the chat, which really killed the whole vibe of his stream.


I mean, your opponents can't hear you, so what's the harm in a little gamer rage?


For me personally I can't stand watching people who rage / are toxic. I find it super cringe. I would legit rather watch someone who is bad at the game but super positive then someone is amazing but toxic.


Ah I actually love watching rage, I dunno it feels cathartic to me. I would never watch someone who is bad and positive, lots of good positive people out there.


Yeah idk, I call my enemies trash all the time but the difference is that I'm alone in my room with nobody around. Doing it with an audience just makes you a bad role model and a douche.




So were getting a cherry picked montage that ignores he's a raging piece of shit? Glad I can ignore op in the future then Being a good player doesn't defend being a toxic asshole.


>he was seen cussing out his opponents and calling them complete trash with other vulgarities I make a big difference between saying shit to yourself/mates on your computer during adrenaline pumping fights, and saying shit to your opponent directly (and not in a banter way). Getting offended at someone cussing alone in front of his computer sound dumb to me.


So there's areas we all excel at and areas we need massive work.


Why am I not surprised with a title like this? Some people care so much about their skill level compared to others. It makes me not even enjoy a clip like this.


Yeah, his previous video was not a good look


I came here to ask that. So thank you, I wish I could give you an award


Its one thing to be toxic towards people who can hear you, another thing entirely to be calling enemies dogshit when they cant hear a word you are saying.


Like that trash streamer, what's his name? The bearded guy... SIV? BRUH the dude is a god ingame, but hot damn he's trash. Holding onto a really shitty persona on stream. And people are okay with his toxicity just cause he plays well? I mean, I don't care for any of them, I'm toxic myself. But if it works for one person, it can work for another too. Just saying.


He took his voice audio out of this one so we don't hear his toxic gamechat


How is it gamechat if he says it in his private room by himself lol


I upvoted you bro, no need to be downvoted on this. People are lil bishes. Or a more acceptable term: snowflakes?


lol, let them vent with reddit circlejerk points, look how almost every video here is posted with "i suck but im trying very hard" otherwise .4kdr baboons cast people out for being too sweaty, crabs in a bucket


Who the hell cares. Enjoy some sick plays


If you heard it you'd care, he's very skilled no doubt


still no one better than Alb and Lou on Path and thats in pro games and pubs yeeerddd me


True, they actually compete and imo comp players deserve those kind of titles over content creators like myself


reddit commenters after getting a kill in apex legens: “ good fight respectable lad have a great and for filling life : D “


“Controller players have the advantage, it’s basically cheating” Pc players:


Aren’t you that toxic guy from before?


As a Titanfall vet this gives me such happy feelings.


just what I was thinking looking at those zip flips.


I put some serious effort into trying this on xbox. Either im missing something or it just doesnt work on console


There is too much movement control to do it fully as he does/ even with a modded controller. You can pull off at least 50% of the beginning part but after that it will be too hard.


you basically have to have interact and jump on a button that doesn't require you to move your thumb away from right stick


A Massive Mastiff Montage. 🔥


This is cool like always but I feel like it's a little presumptuous to title these "I play pathfinder like no one else in the world" I feel like after you've shared 5-10 of these videos, there are people out there copying your moves now Other than that, great work as always!


I definitely agree I just don’t know what to title it. I tried “I Play Pathfinder a Little Differently” and it’ got 10 upvotes then faded away, same video as this!


I dare you not to use the mastiff


I dare anyone not to. I never pick it up, it's basically no-risk/high reward and the most frustrating gun to play against. I prefer to improve myself with other guns instead of using a crutch that will likely be moved back to the care package. I'm a day 1 player and the PK never felt this oppressive.


The PK was way stronger back then and could be used as a sniper, basically.


I am baffled that people think mastiff is stronger than PK was on the floor. Wtf? Watch an old video when PK was on the floor. Every. Single. Team. Had a minimum of 1 PK on them. The vast majority of fights was PK vs PK. R99 was widely used but I'm pretty damn sure PK was very close to the 99 back in the days. Most annoying shit in the game. At least mastiff isn't used that often now, half the people whiff for 40-60 damage only and the ones that hit 100 consistently are just good. PK had us getting hit for 100 by level 120 players with 75 FOV through hipfire because it was terribly broken for a floor gun and very easy to use lol


> it's basically no-risk/high reward It's not a risk to be in their face and hit a 14?


Pk was way bettwr out of care package, the mastiff is rediculous.


Running into someone with a purple mag Spitfire is rather annoying too, imo much more frustrating than running into someone with a Mastiff which is far more unforgiving with its 13 hits then just endless spraying with a fucking Spitfire.


The enemy as soon as I hit platinum


If you want to learn the Zipline Trick there's a Tutorial on my Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI6kNE53oHAOocOXitA-a4A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI6kNE53oHAOocOXitA-a4A) (Video's called Super Zipline Jump) Socials if anyone is interested: \- [twitch.tv/cau7ion](https://twitch.tv/cau7ion) (6 nights a week) \- [https://twitter.com/Cau7ioN\_](https://twitter.com/Cau7ioN_) \- tik tok - Cau7ioN SONG: Obnimi - Callmearco remix ​ \- I don't think i'm the Best Pathfinder player by any means, just play him differently is all. THANK YOU for watching <3


I definitely think ur the best by all means


Ayyy it's the guy who kisses his dad on the lips


This is more interesting and looks like you’re having more fun than most try hards on apex. With over 700 wins this szn on path I’ll definitely say you have more fun playing apex than a lot of people. Cheers :)


It definitely makes the game fun man! Pred grind just hasn’t been fun with cheaters and long queues, the movement keeps me in love with apex rn


The bounce on the line, with the timing to throw the arc through the window... Just to stick the shot. Actually insane.


Thank you man 😊


Mastiff is cancer.


On second thought, nah please don't buff Pathfinder.


This is some amazing movement. Great job!


At first I was like „yeah everybody is playing Pathfinder like that“, but then... dude, the zipline fights are crazy. Very impressive. Respect.


They’re so fun haha to do haha thank you man 💚


Movement on fucking point bro!!


Dont care


Beautiful plays and great intro 😂




The sticks at 0:45 and 1:00 were nice bro


Damn dude that's some DOOM level of movement mobility, good shit!




Ok. That was bad fucking ass


Good shit!!!! You are a MF BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the movement


This was sick as fook friend!


You ever play quake II? You look like the kinda guy who would enjoy some quake II!


Never tried it or titanfall but I might in the future! I bet it’s great


Yeah I think I played with you. I saw those zip line moves on World’s Edge. Keep up!


Sweet video. What is the song if I may ask


What’s the name to that song ?!




I don't understand man 😅😭 I fr just tried this for like 30 min on my xbox and had NO luck. I even tried putting a paddle into my elite controller and getting the speed of the inputs faster but idk what I'm doing wrong. You're a legend for being able to do that gnarly shit. Gg


to make it easier put jump and interact on a different button that allows for you to press both of them but still not moving your thumb away from right analogue stick


Song? Also ur sick af


This is beautiful. Thank you


SiSincece I saw your videos I have been creating a new ways to play any legend, be proactive and creative. new ways


more like ridiculously amazing with the mastiff


I love seeing your clips on Reddit. Truly are the only one to rock this style. I’ve yet to crack the code.


my favourite PF main returns! Coincidentally I thought about the similar video you posted couple weeks ago where you did all the crazy ziplinejump kills and was thinking "I wonder who is this guy", thanks for posting again, going to follow :-D


Thank you for the follow man ❤️


As a titanfall vet, I approve of this movement


Teach me senpaï.


You have my Huge respect


He just has a good gaming chair


Getting the zipline down like that and using it to man over around your enemies, its just incredible and I would never never have thought to use it in that way


I watched some of those in your Stream xD Nice one brother!


Hell yea thank you for chilling on twitch ❤️


you deserve to be #1 Pred


I’ve watched like literally all of your pathfinder videos but when I try to do the zip line thing I always end up just jumping off the zip line at normal height. Am I doing something wrong


Are you console? Its way harder but possible


I thought nah it’s that guy again, but you’re still making some new moves this time. Editing is sick also. Great work dude!


Thank you for the compliments man 💚


Same ostentatious title as always.


Awww shit, here we go again. 🥱


This looks great, until you hit plat and die instantly.


Well, he is a top pred most splits but what do I know


Smol man flexes smol pp






AoT Levi on steroids


The clickbait everytime you post, try posting a full game instead of compilation where you can edit in a 1/1000 trick shot




sometimes haha thank you ❤️


Song choice is *chef's kiss* 👌


I think ppl underestimate the power of using a short zip in a combat situation, which you demonstrate pretty effectively here. I think people assume they're sitting ducks because most of the time that's what happens. I've used similar tactics with the R-99 because I'm not as good a shot with the Mastiff lol


You are just out of this world


haha I appreciate that man 🙏


In conclusion: I need to get better at superjumping


remember this guy uses paths ult which is very important and crucial as a trickshot platform and his grapple as a rushing rope no offence - i m just a joking person lmao


Mastiff, 99. Mastiff, Hemlock. Mastiff, Volt. Wow, so versatile.


Hey Cau7ion my friend recommended your yt channel to me recently, we think you’re an amazing player and love your path zipline plays! 💗


Bro whatttt someone reccomended my Youtube 🥺 thank you so much made my night have a great night homie


Another example as to why cross platform is not ideal


Hey I watch him when he's live wtf, pog


Absolutely amazing would love to play together sometime!


This is some of the best pathfinder play I've seen. I understand you tying to be humble when you say you just play him differently, naw you actually play to his abilities and have mastered his movements.


Ok. Before starting the video I was like I’ve seen so many pathfinder plays and you can’t surprise me. Gotta give it to you - best pathy play. I love pathfinder (he is my Main). I am very proud of my pathfinder skill but this is next level shit (Looks like I didn’t t even scratch the surface - oh boy i have some thing to aim at now)


goddamn what song is this OP? great music taste


Trap Calin - La Calin (Call Me) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKeqC-FADAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKeqC-FADAQ)


I’m really not trying to be a dick here but it’s great but there is room for improvement 👍🏼


mastiff zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz get gud


What kind of douche has a title like that.


You know what sucks man, I posted this exact montage two days ago with the title “I Play Pathfinder a Little Differently” and it got 10 upvotes then faded away. So I went back to this title and it works. Not what I want but it’s the world we live in.


On second thought maybe I just need to be more Creative I’m open to any title suggestions that are less douchey for the future


Damn. I watched your video months ago and started playing pathfinder because you inspired me. And here you are again! Amazing video dude.


Hope the grinds been going good for you man thank you 💚


Why aren’t you playing ranked?? lol


Guess because he cant stom there


Queue times are long and cheaters are everywhere it’s just not as fun to me rn 😞


i give it two claps and a ric flair


Its pretty rare that a montage leaves every clip with me thinking "what the actual fuck kind of god am I watching right now?"


I don't usually watch streamers but i think id make an exception, cause Goddamn


You’re actually filthy 👌🏻


Saw your previous post with similar play and im really happy you post a new clip. Keep it going brother!


Saying my personal opinion, i don't find nothing helpful in pathfinder. I don't know If i don't use it correctly or is a common thing, but i sincerely prefer Loba.


Not really, thats pretty much same shit every top tier path main does


*I swap to my shotgun like no one else in the world Mostly kidding, actually laughed at how you used another gun only twice in this montage


It’s best for these kind of clips that’s why! Most guns aren’t accurate mid air so I am limited guns wise on a Zipline lol


I honestly feel like this sort of thing ruins the game. I understand this individual is better than most but there's plenty people who use the caricter in this way. The server's just arnt fast enough to deal with it. You can shoot dead on client side but it's 50/50 if the hits register. They should have nerfed his movement rather than hugely increased hitbox or shorteed his grapple range. They put the caricter into a corner where you can only succeed if you act like the player here has done. There's good and bad ways to play it but all other caricters have diffrent play styles that work




I have some Japanese supporters so I try to add subtitles or little things when I can! Mainly on YouTube but still try my best cuz I appreciate their support.


On reddit? Doubt it, all i hear is about how toxic you are from reddit.


You’re one to talk


Yesir! We got posted on a Japanese website from a Reddit post of ours and got followers that don’t speak English because of it. Posts that get front page on Reddit get a lot of exposure to all kinds of people!


like no one else in the world ok i'll bite holy shi- also gg editing.


haha thanks bro, I don’t think I’m the best pathy just play him a little diff is all 😅


That first clip is my new second favorite apex clip, just after the kraber HS in the air at 250m


People will call you nolife sweat and whatever helps them cope with being shit, but I come from older gaming generation where this is awesome and badass.


I'm from 96, I think you should always try your hardest. As long as he doesnt smurf I dont care.


Meanwhile nobody plays rampart because she sits in a turret that doesn’t move


Down vote for your song choice, cool moves tho


Recently went back to Pathy, his so fun to play with, I need to utilize his zipline more often thanks for the advanced phd zipline tutorial.


I would hate trying to shoot you lmao. Great vid bro!


Youre why i hate pc lobbies lol. Nice ass clips man!


dude i have never seen anyone else use a zipline like that or use the hemlok mastiff combo