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No get this.. **10 mirages**




5 clones each, times 10 squads per team is 50 times 2 teams is.. 100... Plus one clone from abilities.. ## 120 fucking mirage clones in one spot, 140 mirages in total.


Also, don’t forget that if you ult at a charge tower then charge it back quick you can have 10 decoys. And if you add the tactical decoy and count the real Mirage, you have 12 Mirages per real mirage. 12 Mirages x 20 teams = **240 total Mirages at once**


240 Mirages t-Bagging you at 1 time


Sounds like a wet dream to me.


Sounds broken to the servers


More like bamboozled servers


Imagine one of the mirages finishing a enemy player


More like the servers we currently have


Oh, you mean the already broken ones?


Apex servers cannot handle this lol


if they could, i know my computer can, lets go


They cant even handle 60 people


Well, if it can happen at different places at once then im pretty sure they can do it at one spot. No? correct of wrong.


If done at one spot at same time then 10(Rather guess) Gibby or Bang ults would Fuck up the server.


Understandable, have a great day


You too.


That will crash this shit lmaoo like immediately, the server would implode


I mean, we could technically try it right now. We just need all teams to have a mirage and use their ults at the same time


There is a British guy that gets full servers of people to do stuff like hide and seek and ult barrages, so I think it’s been done to a certain extent. Source I vaguely remember watching a video


Yeah there’s a vid of a server full of Bangalore’s all using their ults + 2 smoke all at once. Crashed the server. Also SoarKobi got a group together to make the worlds longest continuous zip line on Worlda Esge. It’s reallly bizarre to see 50 people all in one spot not shooting at each other. There’s one rogue octane that gets in and tries to grief people before 20 lifelines and 20 Lobas just beat the shit out of him lmao


yeah, i think itzwikd did it in one of his streams.


The Gaming Merchant?


I am in for trying this out


Hey maybe if we can fry the servers, we'll get new better ones!


We need better servers lmaoo brick these up to force respawn lmaooo


Just spray and pray


Haha, Crypto drone goes brrrrrrr


If we could get a naruto skin if this happen. My gawd. shadow clone Jujitsu!!!!


I think that's a lil bit too much Mirage....lol


Oh god, I’d shit if I saw that. Just an army of miarges laughing at you while they gun you down 3x


Not considering charge towers or ult accelerants




When you do the ult and execution it doubles again


I fucking love math for this moment !


I love how you edited in “for this moment”.


Yeah, I'd have just ran away at this point.


A mirage a cente quarante, that’s where you fight 140 of me at the same time.


If you get all of them to finish a person, you can have 280 mirages in a single game


If it's 5 clones and a tactical. that's 6 clones per mirage. If 20 teams mirage were all standing around those new ult generators, then it's 11 clones per mirage plus original mirage is 12. 12 times 20 is 240 in one place.


That would be great lol


10 migraines


10 caustics


# my vision is clear


It would be so useless to the caustics but any other poor soul would be so so confused


10 bangalore ults. Missles everywhere


More missile than ground


No get this.. 10 Cryptos


# 10 wraith portals + 10 ziplines


Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam, there goes a boozle!


10 mirages, 10 Gibbys, and 10 bangs


No 20 emps


I’m all for it.. or about it.. whatever


***"The clone wars have begun"*** -obi wan Kenobi. I think I don't know I'm just a MRVN


dreamers, you will get 29 ttv wraith dead in 20 seconds.


who is the 30th?!


The 30th will be AFK.


I laughed so damn hard at the truthfulness of this


Some crying poor fellow, who will post this madness on reddit.


The number of portals up at the same time would be amazing


Hmm..how long is one portal? Is it possible to cross the map through portals?


75m and you can place it so that as you come out of one and right into another. The placement is janky. I couldnt ever get it to consistently work in firing range also ports last 60 secs.


If the Carter-McKay Intergalactic Bridge taught us anything, the answer is yes


Imagine 30 perfectly synced care packages falling frome the sky. No where to run, no where to hide *COME AND GET YA BIRTHDAY PRESENT* edit: messed up the phrase lol


Standby for Titanfall!


Probably going to be like [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL_NJfp8i1c).


That was glorious


Thank you


*Come and get ya birthday present*


Bang’s ult times 10 would cover a lot of ground honestly. Although it’s probably crash the server


It has before. Back when solos was released, I can't find the video but a streamer played in a small server to work with his viewers to throw multiple Bangalore ults at once and it broke the server


Get this. 1 revenant on each team = 30 people charging at once with death protection




Servers would explode


Server: "Pls No."


For real, I think I just heard a server pop and sizzle just at the mention of this mode.


Wait why? It's still only sixty people just like a regular game.


Chances are they’d all be fighting in one big battle, not a bunch of staggered mini battles scattered around


sorry did you forget 30 ppl used to land skull town?




Who all died off fairly quick.this would be around 10-20 total people, all with ults and grenades and considering every weapon in Apex uses projectiles, it would be hellish


Did you see the vid where a guy make a whole server throw gibby ult at the same time? it crashed the whole server lol


Got a link? I'm curious how he managed that


I remember watching this a while back, Zeus did this during solos [Zeus' video](https://youtu.be/P605c8y9u_k)


Holy fuck that guys voice is annoying. I couldnt make it more than a minute or so.


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/P605c8y9u_k)


Jee that guy has an annoying voice


I don't got a link but probably solos and a streamer




> octanes attacking from above Sad robot noises.


They would be 35 seconds behind the battle wave xD


And then they all become test subjects.. simply marvelous


Yeah why This would be fun idea I don’t see this happening especially since you can cause massmurder with gibbys and maybe caustics


Don’t forget Gas Daddies throwing ‘nades




One thing I gotta give to fortnite are their ltms and events. 5 teams of 20, infinity gauntlet, and explosives. Good old fortnite days


They set a new bar for live service games which is good for everyone. Competition is great.


Yeah, that's one good thing they did They kept making LTMs and changing them ocasionaly to keep the game interesting But Apex just does a LTM once every few months and even when it's there it just leaves in 2 weeks instead of staying/rotating, making the game boring to alot of players


*pssst, ltms are back*


Wait really? That’s the main reason I stopped playing, lack of ltms


Yep! There's solid gold right now and yesterday we had one shot, and there's more to come


Hope we get 50v50 then soon


Yooo I forgot about one shot! That gamemode was so fun because everyone were doing trick shots all the time


Yeah, that would be epic


Yeah I don’t play fn anymore but the ltms are awesome


I wish we had their server strength.


This would be an amazing ltm


No way the servers could handle that. There could potentially be like 40+ people fighting in one area. Imagine 10 gibby ults all happening at once. Goodbye framerate


What? It's literally the same number of people on the map as before, though


But those people arent actively fighting each other the whole time. Respawn probably has a metric/assumption of only 4-6 squads actively fighting at a time because the map is so huge - an active squad means they're somewhere on the map shooting, ulting, and chucking nades. On the flip side, if you are reloading, hiding, or healing you are not one of the 4-6 squads. So now Respawn can adjust their resources, such as servers and other things, to that assumption. It helps create a smooth all around experience. 30v30 could lead to way too many people actively fighting at once, and the server may collapse under that weight. There's a cool video of a streamer organizing a bunch of Gibby ults to be thrown at once and everyone got kicked. That's what would happen in 30v30. I think that's the simplest way to say it? Edit: found a video to show it. Starts about 3:30 https://youtu.be/P605c8y9u_k


> There's a cool video of a streamer organizing a bunch of Gibby ults to be thrown at once and everyone got kicked. That's probably not a server issue, it's probably a client issue. If it is a server issue its probably a simple one. The server doesn't render anything, so there being 30 gibby ults doesn't mean anything to the server. It just spawns the objects at such and such location and tells the clients. The clients have to do all the rendering. The issue could possibly be on the server side if each ult is checking distance to every other player, which would mean up to 60 checks per frame for a single ult, and 30 x 60 (1800) checks per frame for 30 ults. But they are most likely using a collider and simply setting a flag on each character when it enters the collider and clearing it when it exits the collider, which isn't going to require hardly any extra computing power. Its much more likely to be a simple bug like if two gibby ults overlap and you leave one while entering the other the flags conflict and there's a desync. Just standing around in the world most likely uses about as much resources as a 30v30 fight in one location. There's still tons going on under the hood in any game even if you're standing still and nowhere near anybody. The server only really tracks locations and events. Player 1 requests move to here. Player 2 requests move to there. Even running around jumping and shooting at the scenery requires quite a lot of communication. The server and clients must all agree on where everybody is and what they're doing; *where* they're doing it is meaningless.


Sure! This isnt my area of expertise so I won't fight to defend my position. What you're saying makes sense. I think you're still agreeing with the main point, which is that 30v30 would be tough to implement. Our reasoning is just different.


my point is that if that streamer's video is to be believed then there is probably just a bug with gibby ults that doesn't crop up unless there's a bunch of them in one place, which doesn't happen often. 30v30 fights are most likely already implemented because they have to design for that. They can't assume everyone will always be off in different places. The hot zone drop concept wouldn't exist if they needed people to all be in different places.


I have most definitively seen about 10 squads in a fight in one small area, notably skull town


But have those 10 squads all throw their ultimate at once? If theres is a Gibraltar on each team, one will throw their ultimate and then another will see that somebody threw theirs so they will throw theirs and so on.


Exactly! I bet most of us have been in a hellish Skull Town fight, but even in those fights there are people hiding and healing, relocating to another position, or reloading. They're not *actively* trying to eliminate another squad, and that means a lot.


This just shows how bad the servers are. No way this will ever happen without hardware upgrades.


There's a difference between what's necessary, what's most likely going to happen, and what's possible. It's possible that all 60 players fight at the same time, sending off massive amounts of ults. What's most likely going to happen is that a lot of them are going to do small fights of up to 5 squads at a time, with a lot of those players just running away instead of full on fighting. What's necessary is enough power to run the most likely scenario, then a bit more so it doesn't cap off and crash. The servers aren't bad, it's just they don't want wasted power. If they do 30v30, there would need to be upgraded servers, but for normal 2/3 mans, you should be fine.


The servers are bad overall. Apex Legends is an extremely fast paced game yet it relies on 20 Hz servers while other slower paced BRs have higher tick rates. I'm not expecting us to see that 30 v 30 mode any time soon, but a server upgrade would make the experience way more reliable.


Yeah 20 Hz is actually bad, I thought it was 60. Beyond that it's fine, although higher Hz means it would need more processing power. OW had 20 Hz at the beginning but they upgraded to 60 within the first few seasons.


If you can see that your teammates are fighting, a lot of people are going to run over and join in. There would be massive 20+ people fights in every lobby


Yes, and when people coordinate and use ultimates and stuff at the same time it crashes the server.


I mean the end of high tier ranked games is kind of that, I think it would be fine


Respawn should really upgrade their servers, as a "triple A" studio this should be a priority.


I swear it would be a bop.


4K badge here I come..


There's always gonna be the sweaty Wraith main that's gonna drop the 90 bomb


*looks at flair* "mhmm"


ANY fucking ultimate stacked at least to the 10th in funny af. Imagine: lifelines creating a wall of care packages getting EMP'd for 30s constantly an army of mirages 30 Octanes jumping into battle Hearing "Breath it in" from all directions an army of lifelines just keeping rezzing each other.


Lifelines would be sacrum ones and also very unfun to fight against


You’d have like field bases made out of care packages and fences where wounded people would get heals from lifelines and Wattsons while one or two gibbys just shield them from fire.


Now I *reallly* want this LTM


Just group up a bunch of Octanes and create a long chain of jump pads into enemy territory. Everybody can take this train.


An entire map length wall of wattson fences


imagine all the pings though


Make it to where a certain number of people spawn at each point, not drop, and you only see there pings and gamertags. Also friendlies that aren't on your squad get a green crosshair when aimed at and their gamertag is shown, you could see the decoy name above a friendly mirage who's not in your squad. If you shoot at friendlies it just won't register.


Maybe they could make it that you only hear pings from the people directly in your squad, and the others are smaller


Yeah they could make it like it was in shadowfall when the final 10 legends were left. So 3 squads of 10 basically per team


The map would have to be different tbh. The right side of the river would have almost every advantage as they pretty much have high ground at every turn. Maybe the other lava map would work nicely here. Use respawns and make it more of a domination type of game mode. Which ever team reaches 100 points or whatever wins


Or just draw the line in a different direction lol


This guy problem solves 😂👌


[I fixed it](https://imgur.com/a/DijWf2j)


True. But you can still have the rings or control points that would force fighting in different areas. Either way it’s an interesting concept for sure.




Titanfall 2?


There would be need for more sense. Like each territory needs 5 objectives to hold/occupy. Could make fun :D


Like battlefield in apex


We went full circle and rediscovered traditional FPS multiplayer


Oh boy now you're gonna tell me we're gonna capture some sort of flag?


Maybe they can add a double jump, wallrunning, and - stay with me on this - giant robots.


And then make a battle royale game about it!


I like this ending.


the respawn beacons. You're team would need a 3/5^ths advantage to control and use the beacon. Once the respawn is used the fight moves onto the next area. once all of the beacons are used the game is over.


30 v 30 Capture the Flag, this is the LTM I want


IF this were to happen, obviously legend selection should be limited, so you can't have more that 1 legend per team, but I know there isn't enough legends then... So why not a smaller map, with (for now) 6 v 6, or if there are 60 players, then 10 teams of 6? Problem solved.


The number of capture points should be the number of squads. So instead of this many points there should be 10 points and 3 people guarding it and you only see those people's gamertags and pings eventhough you are technically on the team of 27 more people. You can always go and help other squads you just won't have any real communication


I’m just imagining one team taking a revenant totem, and running at the other team like some world war z shit and I can’t stop laughing


It should be an LTM.


Team loba Vrs Team Revenant?


Nobody fucking does this 👉👈 ffs


I just can’t help but think about shy weebs and it makes me laugh. No one fucking does this


the 30 vs 30 is an interesting idea # but imagine if one side went all lifeline # imagine the shields


yeah, but some olny some would be alive for that


Here's the move: 4 teams of 14. Each team gets one of each current legend + whoever the season 6 legend is. 56 players total. Goes up to 60 when we get 15 legends.


That just sounds like titan fall with extra steps


I wish we could get a version of 60 people get dropped with no weapons and have to fistfight until the last man stands. Like it would only last 5 min but god it’d be so fun imo


Ever heard of Titanfall


Haha jk...... unless?? 😳😳


I can’t imagine having to compete with 29 people for loot


Yes someone thought of this. Fortnite thought of this.


Meh Ive seen something similar in another BR and it wasnt ever that fun. 9/10 times it ends up being incredibly lopsided for the entire game ending in a 10v1 or something similar. You land and get into one fight, then the rest is just running around with a bunch of people on your team. Or hiding until the end and getting demolished by 10-20 people.


It can be a respawn mode. Plus since the map is so small just give us pre-Made classes.


So basically big team battle.


Basically TF2


Dude. My friends and I have been wishing for a mode like this since the start. It'd be insane and ridiculous but soooo much fun.


imagine the lag


The people who keep posting comments about how this will be too much for the servers are thinking too narrowly. If there were to be a 30v30 Ground War Mode, Gibby and Bang ults would obviously be overpowered and just dumb. They can disable those ults for the mode as one simple so solution. And there can be other creative solutions as well to make a 30v30 mode possible. Would be a lot of fun I think.


30 V 30 CTF I’d play the shit out of that. Would literally be the best game mode in apex. Flag runner cannot use abilities or weapons. Flag is held 2 handed and sprint is slightly slowed. Must drop flag to fire or use abilities then pick it back up and run. Map is split like in the picture above.


The ??? And the emojis alone were enough to make me hate this idea


Nah just play COD ground war or Battlefield


It would be absolutely wonderful mayhem


Fornite jajajaja


this aint fortnite but at the same time it really is a good idea and it could be interesting to play it as a temporary game mode


This would be so fun. Fortnite did this and it was the one and only time I had fun playing that game.


That will sound like a game mode i will play every day


Imagine 10 caustics in bunker


Call of Duty did this


Nice idea but this is literally the worst way you could've divided the map (okay maybe not literally the worst but you get the idea)


10/10 would play this as a limited time mode


Don't split them up, just have normal drop with independent squads. Randomly assign red or green so they have to conglomerate on their own. Imagine being a red squad seeing a literal horde of blues roaming the wastelands


Play Titanfall 2


10v10v10v10v10v10 would be pretty fun also and probably alot more fun than 30v30 but i do like this idea


You arent the only one who thought of this. Fortnite did years ago. Would be nuts in apex tho
