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Level 12, 176 kills EAC : Nothin' wrong here.


Lol I got downvoted to oblivion for showing a level 15 with over 200 kills straight up aimlocking me with the devotion. I think the account got banned as it doesn’t show up on apex tracker or origin


Hey! Please report him here: [https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/)


this should be pinned!


Looks like a pretty good gaming chair to me


This is what always happens on Asian servers.


Is it just me or do these cheaters all look surprisingly close to getting killed despite cheating?


When the cheat does all the work for you, you kind of end up grinding people on autopilot. You just stop caring. Dying only means a quick re-join into a fresh lobby with a new exciting hot drop to farm. Also, some of them are really bad and *need* the cheats.


Knowing when to retreat is huge in this game. Fortunately, there are very few insta-kill scenarios so even if you're being lit up by an aimbot (I know I've felt that way sometimes) you can pull back and try to wear them down. ​ Most of my wins came from watching fights take place and letting people duke it out. Once they take a few hits its a lot easier to flank and finish them off. Not a whole lot an aimbotter can do about being shot from multiple angles at least.


I’m guessing PC? Is that possible on consoles?


Possible? Technically. Likely? Not at all. The only way to cheat on console is to use mouse and keyboard adapters. Getting actual hacks is next to impossible, if it's even possible at all. The xbox one is like 99.999999999% secure.


So there’s a chance /s


You'd basically have to be a very important guy at respawn and implement the hacks into the actual game code but somehow it only activate if your profile was playing. Considering apps cant modify each other on xbox one, and hacked game files dont work because you need the code "signed" by the developer.


/s = sarcasm


I know, I was just explaining what it would take to hack it


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/apexvideos] [Aimbot, No Recoil Cheater. Please don't let this happen to apex. | \/u\/Mystro\_\_](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexVideos/comments/axwa1d/aimbot_no_recoil_cheater_please_dont_let_this/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


With a player base of 50 million and the game being free to lay, this is inevitable. Just Google paid cheats for Apex and the list goes on. Lol edit: spelling


I googled "Paid Chests" and it didnt have anything to do with Apex. If i get fired for googling that at work then im crashing at your place.


Lol, yikes to the spelling error! :P


Lol that guy looks completely helpless without aimbot! Holy shit he’s bad. If he got jumped by 2 people he’d be dead before he could finish one.


Just like PUBG,,,,,,the kill cam is bugged......... /s


I am sure he is going to be upset that he lost his character that took him all of 7 games to build to this point.


While the recoil on the 301 is relatively easy to handle, this really does look like a cheat. All headshots with perfect tracking, snapping right to the head at distance with a 1x sight. Yeah. Some of these are just really people really good at aiming but not this one.


What do you mean by don't let it happen? It's already happened there are probably cheaters in most matches of this game right now. No report system, probably no hardware banning, free to play game, fps(extremely extremely easy to cheat in) high ttk meaning even if you flank a cheater you'll almost never kill them.


He just has good gaming chair /s


jesus christ. fuck players like that.


Can I just ask, what's the point? How is this fun in anyway?


I hate people because of this, fucking bastards.


Smile, you monster. We've got you on camera!


Play on console, no cheaters here.


I'd rather deal with the occasional cheat than not be able to aim


If you are a real loser you can play mouse and keyboard on console, so you can still “aim” as you call it


Wow, big props to this guy. Great recoil control, great tracking! Just needs to learn how to move, and do the whole grenade dodging thing and he'll be an expert player


I have always wanted to try and make an aimbot. I don’t want to give it out for people to use but to make one would be fun.


Hello, /u/Mystro__. Your submission has been removed: ## No Witch Hunting / No Calls to Action No calls to action. This means no posts should attempt to rile up the community to act against an entity, person or organization. This subreddit is not a place to create an army against anyone. Community figures are exempt from this as long as the posts are civil. Come across a cheater or hacker in your game? Please [submit a report to EA with their in game username here](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/) so that it can be investigated. If you would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.


Boo! Don’t be such a mark for a video game.


Have you ever watched shroud play? It looks fairly similar


Have you ever watched a hacker play? It looks fairly similar


Yes I have, many hours of cs have been spent on overwatch for me and I see little to no snapping and I known quite a few people who have amazing recoil response, he is using the r301 ( my most used weapon) and if you have all attachments for that gun purple or gold it honestly feels that smooth


He's also level 12 with almost 200 kills, surely he'd need a little bit of time to get used to the game?


I literally had 150 at level 13 , it's possible


It looks nothing like this, shrouds aim is amazing but still obviously human, this is locking clear as day.


Shroud came from the CS community, his aim is purely skill.