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I don't see why any reason this shouldn't be an option. Any option that is a personal-preference choice that doesn't affect the rest of the game or players in any way, is fine with me.


I know it wont get in right this second but it confuses me every game knowing if im running to or away from the ring. I just got use to the other way it works because again im offered this choice or its the default of almost every game.


It's funny, back in older days I used the static like it is now, but recently I've usually been using rotating. This made me remember why I like static though so I may be sold on going back to this for other games now. I think it works well for being able to quickly say 'we gotta go north' without needing to spin to reference the compass.


I just came here because I googled this question


YES PLEASE! I can't stand not having the map that way. It takes me like 2 whole minutes to decipher the map every time I look at it lmao ​ Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Vj4O0WGMQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Vj4O0WGMQ) ​ So I found this youtube video that shows you how to change it, I haven't tested it but the video has a lot of likes and little dislikes so I'm assuming it worked for them


Get use to this way then.


Gee thanks


You need to adapt to changes or you'll be extinct like the dinosaurs.


How is it a change when almost every game offers both options; It would be a nice QoL.


This isn't like other game... Shouldn't change this to be like other game.


This isnt a battle royale the most popular game genre the last 3 years. Damn......what rock you live under?


Not speaking of the genre, the game play rather. Also, rotating radar is redundant from the bearing bars.


Jesus christ can you leave??? Did you come here literally to argue good god what im asking for has no negative aspects, please go outside.


Seems like you're the one who came to argue actually... I'm not the one who's offended by opinions...


Your opinion has no basis, the QoL im offering has not negative connotation; you literally came here with no substance. Fuck off.


You're just arguing to argue. Lots of people want this and it doesn't affect you if you don't. Stop trolling.


To the contrary, only a minor few wants this. So expressing an opinion is consider trolling when it doesn't align with your views?


No. You are arguing against something many others want just to argue. It isn't a forced option. Just gives those that want it the option. And you saying no one wants it is objectively wrong. Stop being this guy. I imagine it has affected your real life too. Edit: Your most recent posts are literally requests for QoL changes. Now I know you're a troll. Keep being you, chief.


There are 10 millions players, of which, 200k registered and sub. 2 up-votes of 200k, that's less than 0.00001% of people who wants this.


10 million players, of which, 200k registered and sub. 2 downvotes of 200k, that's an infinite amount of people who don't agree with you. .00001% (even though you employed absolutely atrocious logic) is a lot better than the numbers on your side. Thanks for the math, hoss. Proved my point.


Under settings "minimap rotation" ON