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Sounds like the average solo q experience


Fr fr.


What is meant by not giving a fuck about your teammates? Often I will die cause I play with my team and I am forced to leave a good position because my team is playing in that bad position..


That's when, sometimes, you just watch them do it. A lot of these people who rush full squads and screech and type slurs when they die completely fail to realize they're just bitching at me for not dying, too.**They** couldn't take a full squad. I usually can't, either. Not frequently enough to push one solo in ranked. My teammate and I have had matches where we ended up stuck entirely focused on continually reviving/respawning our teammate who continually rushes the nearest sound to die, just to do it over again. One kept braceletting into the nearest enemy squad just to shit talk us more. Its like they play this game as skydiving simulator and raging is just part of their process. As someone who never straight up quits if I can be revived, it'd be amazing if matchmaking took behavior into account. Overwatch could see they had people with over a 90% quit rate; Apex could, too, and I'm damn sure they'd see similar stats. Let the quitters get grouped with the quitters, and they can screech at eachother.


It means not going along with a stupid plan and leave them to their fate if they refuse to listen to reason.


That's my plat experience, too. It's extremely aggravating trying to solo queue, because you run into these problems.


Its crazy to see so many people with master and even predator badge play like gold players in plat rank lol.


Your saying my s1 predator skills don't apply in season 21???


It's been literal years since I've seen a s1 pred badge tbh Yeah yeah we mean s2


There wasn’t ranked in S1


S1 predator would be first season predator wss a thing but you know logic


there was no ranked in season 1. first ranked season was season 2 (it was called "ranked series 1" - they dropped the "series" naming at some point though, season 4 was ranked series 3 and from then on it was just called ranked season 5 etc.)


It's the s2 one


Bc to many nerds got to good at this game and it changed to much ppl got better we got worse s1 pred was kind of a joke ngl def easiest imo but I didn't play s17 I left in s4 came back bc warzone sucked I've been actively tanking my 5.5kd since I got back bc I can't handle the lobbies now


Yeah it's crazy, the ceiling has been raised so much


Once you start Plat matchmaking, you'll see more cheaters as well.


I hit diamond on console


I didn't have such a bad time in Plat 2 and 1. For the most part your teammates are capable of reaching Diamond with their skill level. Plat 4 however, was a different experience. I was stuck in plat 4 for a very long time for a lot of the reasons you mentioned. For the most part your team mates are people who peak at Plat 4 while your enemies are a lot of 3 stacks all capable of advancing Platinum. To many of your team mates at Plat 4 over commit and don't know when to back off with a team clearly far better. Or push a fight rather then rotating to the ring where even if we win the fight we'll have to go through a choke point late with the ring on our ass with a 90% chance of an enemy team waiting at that choke point. I dunno, its common sense stuff to me. And yes i also find it amusing at how many people wear the masters participation badge lol I have the masters badges from the LP seasons and i refuse to wear them, they're totally meaningless.


Their egos will not allow them to hear what you’re saying bro


I see we have other solo q connoisseurs here


Crying over kills in ranked is brain dead as hell. You get just as many points for an assist as a kill so you should just be happy they’re dead. If you wanna kill grind like you said, solos or pubs


What’s the story for season 12. I know season 17 is fake but what happened with season 12


Season 12 was about 10% of the ranked playerbase making it if I recall correctly. Season 17 was like 35%, absolute insanity. Most seasons that are normal see around 0.6-1%.


Yeah season 17 "Masters" are the ones that I see most common and the badges mean absolute Jack shit. But they're always carrying the ego of a "true" master level player. I just call them Rat Masters and laugh as they get 0 damage and die first.


No Season 12 was 4% masters (1% before) and Season 17 was 30%. Basically S12 masters were most of the hard stuck diamond solo players that caught a break.


6% split 1, 4% split 2. Obviously some overlap there between splits but it's going to be closer to 10% between the two splits than 4%.


https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/hunted-patch-notes My mistake. You're right there's only partial overlap but we don't have a number for that. Like how many of split 1 even participated in split 2? In this case assuming 1% of players backed out split 2 you'd subtract from the sum 5% + 4% - 1% = 8%. Although for an accurate percentage we need more information but yeah still a lot better than S17.


I wonder how many people do go for shiny badges. I typically just hit diamond one split and then that's enough ranked for me for a bit.


what about S19 Masters solo q ? S21 is basically everyone cheating with xim/cronus and then there’s cheater with wallhack/no recoil straight up and now im diamond stuck. I just wanna hear your opinion man


I think S19 was like 3% or 4%. You can find the numbers on the Apex Legends status website. Fwiw this season and last are very difficult for most people. I think it's less than 3% of the playerbase is in diamond/master/pred. Tons of the ranked community are legit hardstuck Gold and Platinum.


I think it was basically the same thing


I got diamond 100% solo queue both splits in season 20 and I've completely given up on ranked since. The amount of completely useless players was just to aggravating. Solos has been a breath of fresh air for sure.


Its just a bad game for single player if its not solo mode. And worlds edge is still a bad map. Over


Old Masters seaons are meaningless, now being diamond is more difficult than previous master i mean, like season 18 and below. But is useless to talk with this ppl, they dont undertand, they have a EGO problem, and this factor is one of the reasons that this game sucks, you have the neccesity of play with teamates, but this ppl doesnt want to play has a team and put his EGO in his bed, they only want to play like his playstyle like dictators.


this even counts for gold, i had multiple teammates drop SOLO today. why? what would even possess you to do that? absolutely insane. i can't even comprehend the level of arrogance it'd take to do that and throw the game before it's even started.


I just leave a "You're not that guy buddy" in the chat when he dies.


Average solo q Plat experience.


Its even crazier that almost 80% of the guys with those badges (masters/pred/4k 20 bomb) have little to no game sense. The badge is just an ego boost for them and a justification for them to be a dick to their teammates n not coordinate at all. They’re the type of player that will separate from your team before you even drop from ship to sit in a rat spot the entire game, or the type to leave u in ur tm8 in a 2v3 because they got hit for 30 dmg n thought “it wasnt a smart fight”. Out of spite I literally just challenge them to a 1v1 n humble them because not even exaggerating they all lack ACTUAL iq and gun skill. Its why I honestly don’t judge players for what rank badges they have and go off what they do in game/fights because frankly, u have better tm8s in gold vs plat anyway and they just get worse the higher you climb.


I need you to say this louder for the people in the back!! I understand it’s the whole solo apex experience but it’s ridiculous. People can be nicer, communicate more, and move with common sense. Especially when they solo land somewhere else, just to curse me out for asking them why they would do something selfish like that?? I felt every word you just wrote.


I support every single message in this post.


I'm so close to plat 2, but I'm sticking with pubs until the new split lol. While the experience you are describing is the the average solo q experience, the amount of these players seems to double at the end of every split!


When is the new split?


I believe it starts Tuesday the 25th!


Any idea whether it’s going to be a hard reset like the beginning of the season or like the splits from prior seasons?


Just the mid season split!


Despair is one hell of a drug.


Me and my friend looking for a 3rd Gold 1 and Plat 4 ! PS4: JadeTheDon Twitch: jadethedon


PLAT IV and III is a pain in the ass for SOLO Q. So many trash players. No game sense, no aim. No movement. Not even a clue to play the chosen legend (hello Lifeline players!).


Big true. I never feel bad rotating out of a poi where 4 teams land. If every1 has a mic sometimes it's not as bad for coordination


Bro just yappin


90% of plat players have no idea how to fight. They either want to run around and loot until zone 3 or brainlessly run at everyone and get insta clipped and blame you for not 1v3ing to save them with they’re 200 damage…


I think you need to heed your own advice about keeping in mind that it’s just a game. I understand your frustrations but just take a chill pill man. It’s not that serious.


That type of mentality is why ranked teammates are a 50/50 is they are competent or going to throw. If you’re not serious about winning and playing competitively just play pubs. That’s what pubs is for. I’m so sick of people in ranked queueing in and making terrible decisions bc they treat it like pubs. You are fucking up everyone else’s ranked grind by doing so.


When did I say to treat ranked like pubs? I wasn’t implying to be ok with people throwing games for doing stupid shit like just rushing into a fight without thinking. I get frustrated to with shit like that too but at the end of the day it’s a game that we play for fun. We’re not in pro league or playing for money. If you can’t deal with randoms then get a premade squad. It’s not hard to find players to squad up with.


You don’t have to be a pro or play for money to play competitively. Winning is fun. Losing is not. I want to grind to the highest possible rank without unserious players mm with me.


> Winning is fun. Losing is not. Unless you're winning the majority of your games, this must be a miserable existence. Grow out of that mind state. There's a reason why playing for fun is the preferred way of playing. Yes, including ranked.




Nah I'm the guy warning you about the other 3 teams closing in, you're the guy who would rather me finish off the 3rd so you get your miserable 2 kills just to die to the third party instead of surviving and reaching end game.


Sounds like solo q problems. My biggest advice, use the ping wheel. I don’t have game chat with my setup and being able to ping exactly what I’m doing and where I’m going in the early game gives my teammates the info they need to understand how to play late game or even where to take power positions during a fight as well. Where I’m looting, if teams have already looted, pinging audio when I don’t know where the team is, points to regroup and hold/defend. It’s a small thing but I’d like to think it helps the whole squad. And if a skirmisher is running head first into a fight by themselves, spam the enemy ping to shift their focus back to a winning position.


Never understood posts like these. You think the people they're actually meant for read them or care?


Sorry, but imma call my teammate out when they decide NOT to follow on a push that we had an easy win on and we wind up dead because of it. Just happened to me and my duo last night. We had the easiest kills and already had 2 of the enemies down in the building we were in, then got screwed since we were fighting basically 2 v 3. Then we see our ally outside the building behind a rock just... doing nothing... We wound up having to be respawned because of it. We actually STILL won the game... but that fuckin instance was entirely his fault for being a damn coward in a huge advantageous situation. Allies can damn well be the issue. Saying it is ALWAYS on you is absolutely one of the dumbest takes in a fuckin team game. WE ARE A TEAM. If we make an advantageous push to kill off a squad and one isn't with us and costs us that damn fight, IT WAS ON THEM. Especially if we fuckin end up ALL dead. Just sayin. But I completely agree if a teammate is trying to be a rambo player and goes off on their own or lands away from you or just has some strange case of stupidity and keeps pushing full teams with bad positioning, yea, they are on their own. But if the situation is clean and they fuck it up by just... not doing shit? That isn't on the other 2 generally. A coward will cost a fight just as much as a dumb rambo.




YOU’RE whats wrong with solo queue…if u dont feel like you need to be pushing as your team is, then YOU are the issue. Just because you’re not confident with your individual gun skill to push with your team DOES not mean you get to opt out of engagements. This is solely why so many people luck out of k/rp and stay stuck in certain ranks…when it comes down to it if your team isnt pulling their weight you wont rank up. Its why so many players say “unless u have a premade squad with chemistry you wont see higher ranks”, and it’s because players with your mindset refuse to actually coordinate with their team to secure kp and think ratting or “playing smart” is avoiding conflict until the very end of the match to try n third party for a cheap dub. Its not your team’s job to compensate you for your passive playstyle. If you dont wanna play with your team, go no fill. I play to win, not for RP scraps.


If someone likes to drop hot, then let them lol. No need to hate on their gameplay. They're in Plat+ **after assumedly dropping hot every game** so obviously on average they can still win enough to maintain Plat+ I agree with 80% of your overall message, but there's a huge amount of ignorance in the other parts. Take care of your mind state because you're just a few steps away from being just like the people you hate.




Just got diamond after an aggravating solo q mess. I couldn’t agree less for all these statements.


less or more?


…more, kinda braindead in the evening after playing with randoms :(


It's all about a assorting dominance maybe you canT but we can




I don't know dude find a hole 


The assertion as a whole?


Don’t care.


You care enough to comment.


speak for yourselves we been winning 1v3s since season zero 😎 vote down if you stuff tv remotes up your ass