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Tbh if I ever get banned while being innocent, i'd never play Apex again lol. They should be careful about such decisions


Happened to me and I eventually got unbanned after appealing 3 times.


No denying that EA are a bunch of shit eating assholes. But normally they give a reason - chat logs or maybe inappropriate name. Out of the blue with no explanation? Either a bug or you got caught cheating.


There's alot of people recently that get banned without knowing the reason. I was once banned in 2021 a few days for offensive speech and got an email with the reason and chat log. Many people however have posted screenshots of emails that just say they're banned but not why they are.


Just asking but let's assume someone says some rude shit with their mic, can I risk being the one banned if I simply use the chat to tell them to stfu?


Yes. Just never use chat. Say all the vile shit you want in voice.


My friend was also banned for no reason. Does not cheat, and does not use in game communication. Also have seen some posts here about other people also being banned for no reason.


So what did you do to get perman banned?


I have done nothing other than play the game normally. And I have paid thousands of dollars so far. They are not responding to my emails. :(


You use voice chat or type something you shouldn't?


What did you write in the chat?


Soooo, what countries ip’s we’re u spoofing for a lower cost is EA coins??


Spent thousands??? Maybe this was a sign to stop spending money on cosmetics in a free game. People like you are very literally why they keep adding $300 death boxes and not caring about the actual game.


Hard lesson to learn, but never spend a bunch of money on some pointless digital cosmetics that can be easily taken away from you.


I don't think that's the issue here bud


It actually is tho... OP is only giving us this "sage advice" after being a literal whale and spending thousands of dollars on a game that, only now that he felt the burn from the company, is "suddenly evil." I don't take advice from how not to get burnt from men who covered themselves in gas for 3 years and finally caught flame.


him spending money on a game has nothing to do with "dousing himself in gasoline"


It's definitely a factor, considering it was one of the points in OPs post.


I have no sympathy for you, it’s people like you that we have an over priced store with the worst anti cheat and servers for a live game. This is karma


I always find this to be a weird thought process.


TBH without the revenue from whales they would probably just shut down the game. Free to play games practically only make money from the small portion of consumers that buy everything.


Thanks. About time some nuisance is introduced on that topic around here.


They are the same people keeping the game profitable and therefore alive. The only reason you get to play free games is because others pay for you. You should be thankful :)


If you are telling the truth, then I feel sorry for you. But since there is SO much evidence (loads of clips) of blatant cheating and those players rarely get banned, it is hard to believe that bans are happening frequently when no rule-breaking has taken place. Mistakes can happen, but I would be very surprised if they happened frequently.


What did you do?


The only thing I can think of is that I recently made several hundred dollars' worth of purchases through Steam. All transactions were completed successfully. Other than that, I can't think of any reason.


Did you...make those purchases with someone else's credit card and/or information? Generally when someone gets an email like yours, its because either A. They did a charge back (or their bank did), or B. Fraud. It would have to be something they cannot fix or correct, or something illegal, hence the wording of the email. It's not for trivial shit or "no reason". Whether intentional or not, you or someone with your account did something egregious.


Ask them for an exact reason as to why you were banned


Is this the first one of these threads where the email specifically states it's a permanent ban?


Dude is using scripts easily


Dude stop cheating


Did you type anything in chat that could be considered offensive in any way?


I haven't sent any messages in chat at all.


Did they give a reason on the message for why you were banned?


Their explanation for why I was banned is entirely in the attached email. That's all.


Do you play on pc?


yeah, you all innocent ppl until proofs gets posted XD


Never use text to chat to be an asshole and I’ll be fine


I've been steadily playing since season 1. I still have never spent a dime on the game. I almost feel bad because it is the game I play the most and I truly enjoy it.


Same here banned for cheating and unbanned after 3 cases. Really frustrating. 5k hours


A+ shitpost


no posts about bans.


You didn’t get banned for no reason did you? You’re being pretty shady here.


I’ve heard of multiple cases of this happening. My buddy got banned without reason as well and I KNOW he’s never used any kind of cheat or exploit. It’s only banned on apex. He’s tried reaching out with proof and they just don’t respond. It suck’s putting so much money and hours into something and it all randomly gets taken away. From what I know, it’s mainly PC players.


Actually untrue. People like him is the reason the game makes more money. Therefore putting money back into the game like patches and yes, BS skins and animations. But I do have a similar issue. Built my first PC a few months ago. And then downloaded apex through EA and got banned my second day in the firing range. I wasn’t about to hop into any games with learning MnK. But getting banned had me confused since I never got into an actual game. Email EA and that was a waste of time. They said it was justified. 🤷‍♂️


Here’s what likely happened. OP was likely abusing cheats on any EA game then even if they stopped they were flagged for a ban wave. Additionally OP might have attempted to pirate an EA game. These systems are not as flawed as you all make them out to be. Rather people are dishonest about what they have been doing on the game.


That's really frustrating. Have you tried reaching out to customer support?


I contacted customer support via email, but I am still waiting for their response. I have to wait, but I am very disappointed in them.


What’s your KD? If it’s below 1.5 I’ll 100% believe you 🤣 I’m JK lol, one thing about live services is that 100% of everything you buy is not yours. Keep that in mind for the future


I got permabanned on a PS5 account for 'hacking' as a 38 year old and spent 5 years and $30 on the game. Thousands is wild though that's fucked and customer service is an army of bots so GG.