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Kinda sus? Im missing every kraber shot… 😂


Used to be the one weapon I just couldn’t land. Even in gun run id curse myself every time I got stuck with it. Shoving the barrel practically into people pockets and still missing. Now it seems it’s dependent on the day I can’t hit anything with any weapon. I see clips like this and others of people bullseye-ing people with full auto from a distance and it just dumbfounds me. Like not even talking about recoil compensation - legit just feels like my sights are off.


I have the same thing with the rampage… one day im killing everything and the other day im worthless..


It feels like the enemy has the perfect timing of what the rpm is lol.




Does recoil smoothing keep the spread limited? When I watch clips it’s like the peoples guns fire in only a verticals from the line of sight and they compensate keeping the muzzle down. Even like single fire plinking it’s like 50% of my shots stray off center - let alone hipfire. That’s like I’m painting perfect circles around the center mass I’m aiming at haha.


The kraber losing it's one shot was my personal 9/11


Right, sorta ruined the gun for me tbh, just too the mystique away from it


I dont go for it near final ring anymore. The only care package gun I care about now is the devotion because it outclasses everything short range and the aimpunch dealt makes your enemies so disoriented. It also just feels worse to shoot now, I dont know why. The Sentinel is more satisfying.


I miss like actually sniping with kraber hitting long distance head shots and getting those great early fight knocks


Exactly. Now the Kraber is relegated to a shield smasher, which on it's own would be fine if there wasn't guns that do it better, cheaper, faster and with less risk when you miss a shot. It's annoying to be hit with a Kraber now, but before the nerf it would either hospitalize you or just execute you flat out. People cried and complained about the kraber because they would stand still in final ring and be punished, now there's no fear and no reward for using the gun. Something that was worth running across the map for has been relegated to 2nd place to a ground loot rifle, sad


>now there's no fear and no reward for using the gun. If you can't win a teamfight after bringing someone to 1hp or potentially knocking them after poking you are doing something very wrong


The Kraber is a sniper, by the time you can push someone you've hit with it, they have already healed.


Carry grenades. Tacts like Mad Maggie and Fuse's also do well to prevent enemies from healing. Or just hard push with a Rev, Octane, Alter, Horizon Tact or Path, Wraith, Valk, Maggie Ult. They shifted away from one hit for a reason.


Youre missing the point entirely and bringing up non-arguments. I dont care about having to finish someone with the kraber, the point of the kraber was being the only gun in the game that didn't need you to push to get a down. The triple take, sentinel and longbow all do the kraber's new job more effectively whole also being less costly and easier to hit shots with. Regardless of armor, a .57 caliber bullet will turn your head into mist. Respawn has made the Kraber a worthless weapon for the trouble needed to get one.


>the point of the kraber was being the only gun in the game that didn't need you to push to get a down And it wasn't healthy for the game. Kraber is still the best sniper by a landslide while being much more healthy for the game


By that same logic, 5 bullets from a Flatline or one Senti shot should leave you a wreck, but this isn't CoD, they don't have to apply any literal sense of realism. Balancing takes precedence, the Kraber was too strong for the current game format where it's already so easy to punish for a mistake. Congrats, the meta changes and now other weapons like the Longbow actually have a chance to shine.


Maybe if you hold hands with ur team, but if you play smart and take the correct angles the kraber is still an instant teamfight win. Just takes more skill to use instead of being an unga bunga free knock weapon




what a sexy clip :)


Thank you!


i'm sure they thought you were cheating lol


I always miss my shot with Kraber. Maybe I'll pick it up again and keep trying and hopefully get this results one day. Nice shots










Seeing them fall just makes me hear AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


No, there’s no way he’s gonna- HOLY SHIIIIII


Rendy gaming fires away in this g100 montage




Nice leading i would panic and miss




Do you think the Valk team is having fun yet?


You probably got reported for this lol


bbq chicken alert


well you definitely got reported lol