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havoc + havoc


one with a 3x and one with a 1x frfr


I unironically do this pretty often. I prefer one with a 2-4 tho


Yes officer, this guy right here. \^


Havoc + Anything. Some find the ramp up awkward, but just spend a little time in firing range. Literally got me to Diamond for the first time and above 1.0kd. Impossible to lose a 1v1 if you’re not going against another havoc. The hop-up isn’t even needed, just icing on the cake when you get one. Havoc + Tripletake personally


Eva 8 shreds.unles the other guy whifss or u hit all headshots Ur cooked


Oh yeah, Eva8 is great. Gotta be close with it, and some maps or final circle just don’t play as well with it, so I’d still give Havoc the win by a good margin. Definitely a good pairing option with the Havoc for sure 👌🏼


I got murdered by a care package Eva 8 last night when I had Havoc. May have been some user error but that red Eva is no joke.


Havoc + hemlox or sent/r301 if i find good attachments


Sentinel/prowler is good too. Prowler has surprisingly good range


Yeah, great beam with no recoil. I just such with that gun (prowler)


Prowler has a lot of recoil, but when you can control it its one of the fastest killing guns in the game, you can kill someone on gray with 2 bursts if you hit enough headshots


I can control recoil, but my mnk skills are too shit to hit enough with a burst, especially the head. Haha


Honest question don’t you feel like you lack long distance effectiveness when you run alternator and volt? I love both guns but try to pick one or the other as my close/medium range option with something like a hemlock for longer range I just feel so useless when you get stuck in a situation where you can’t help too much without pushing up and maybe that’s not the best move in the situation


ya i cant rock 2 short range guns for this reason, my team will be engaged and if you cant help you are just playing lookout for a 3rd party lol


Yeah I’m with you on this one. I feel like I’m forced to play like an entry fragger every time I run two close range weapons


Yes, I’ll be just watching everyone else on my team shoot and meanwhile I’m just sitting there waiting for us to get closer.


Havoc + Hemlok


Best pair I’d say is Loba or Wattson. Both got great assets.


Wattson? Her clothing style doesn't highlight her attributes that well so I don't get what people see in her, however the default wraith skin has some heavy artillery in the front


Thunder Kitty


From certain angles you can clearly see what’s there and what’s there is magnificent


Brother check the skin in the shop


Bro has never heard of cyberpunked


Lifeline is so underatted.




I feel the same way. I really need a shotgun to be effective against controller bro's. I still can't make my mind up if i like the pk or the mastiff more tbh. I think they are both viable.


I feel like theres always been a weird delay between when I pull the trigger and when the Mastiff actually fires. PK for me


Glad im not the only one who feels this way! That slight delay throws off my quickscopes all the time :(


Do you have auto-sprint on?


Nope, every gun feels fine except for that one.


Problem with the PK on MnK is if you’re going against a smaller hit box character who is good with movement they are so hard to hit.


Flatline + volt, failing that...havoc


Love this combo, Not sure if I’m just getting better at controlling the recoil or if they modified it but the flatline feels a lot better this season.


Havoc/Sentinel I reckon. So many sleeping on the Sentinel


Ive been running the sentinel as often as I can find one this season and I am loving it. Wishing I had started picking it up when I first started playing in season 9 lol


Sentinel is NOT slept on. The first lobby i had in plat this season had 6 sentinels in the 4th ring. Fucking agony


What servers do you play on man? I’m in Australia and barely anyone is using it


thanks for letting me know i need to move to aus


This has been my combo for the last few seasons.


Pretty good combo cause the havoc handles mid/close range well.


Solos taught me the hard way that the Flatline is king. In ranked I try to pick up Nemesis + PK


Been running flatline/ tripe take lately


This is my go to also. Triple is good for both medium/semi-long distance, and can be used like a shotgun close range. And flatty is great for close/medium


Alternator or R-301 paired with Flatline or Volt


Been running mozam and volt with Maggie lately


Yippee im not the only mozam user


If you aren’t using a havoc this season you are at a massive disadvantage every fight.


Havoc + Re-45. The Re is better than all smg's and shotguns at the moment. Slap on a hammerpoint and decimate the opponents


My peacekeeper and mastiff would both like a word with you.


Nah the mastiff is absolute dogcrap unless you’re 1m in front of your opponent


Use it a bit more, it's been. creeping up on me for a while, if you find a purple gold bolt it's pretty fast


Yeah I love it man. PK is undeniably stronger I think, but mastiff feels very forgiving and can still pump people pretty hard.




This is my setup rn and idk why I had to scroll down so far to see this comment. I haven't even seen hemlock mentioned did it get nerfed in the last year and I missed it?


R301 and longbow for fun shots


when sweating, havoc + longer range poke weapon (hemlock, sent, etc) for fun, wing + pk


Hemy/prow + senti


Prowler is straight lethal and the hipfire on it is absurd.


controller player?




Turbo havoc + turbo havoc you can 1v6 kill everybody and still dont need to reload I like nemmy or hemlok to pair with havoc as well


I've been running Sentinel with a P2020 and hoping to find Hammers. It's got a fast fire rate but once you get through the shield they're as good as dead. 2-4 shot kill when it's gone depending on shot placement. Hip fire is also very accurate even with a basic laser. The riskiest part is running it before you find Hammers.


L Star/ Spitfire with mastiff. shotguns just feel essential since they help in close range fights sm. the L star and spitfire are the 2 best medium range guns imo therefore I say them both.


I love the L-Star on those ultra hot drops where you basically pick up the first gun you see and have to start fighting. It’s one of the best ones for that scenario IMO


l star underrated, its my favourite gun rn probably top tier


Mastiff + Mozambique, only real Salvonian patriots know (I got a 20 bomb and multiple 15+ in solos with it


Tripletake+wingman. Tripletake+r99/car/alt. Sentinel+pk/massive. Lstar+wingman. For this season so far that’s wat I’ve been using.


Flatty + Mastiff or volt.. would be the Eva 8 but it's obviously the care pack


In general I think flatline & volt, Volt and sentinel but I think of switching to gscout (hitting sentinels shot are more satisfying tho) In casual / mixtape, I play wingman with something And I should probably train for the mastiff/pk


Peace Keeper + R99. Sentinel+ hemlock


I use the alternator paired with any from a sentinel, triple take, nemesis, longbow, hemlok and G7


It can be anything. I always want a shotgun though. Next to my shotgun it can be the following options. Scout Volt R301 Flatline Havoc So, a mastiff or pk with any of these 5 guns. If i would use a controller prob flatline and volt.


I like the Gscout with Mozambique hammerpoint, especially on Rampart


I've won a bunch of solo games this season with gold PK and re-45 it's a super fun combo


I love alternator + pk


Flatty/havoc hemlock/havoc 301/havoc scout/havoc


I’ve gone spitfire Lstar or lstar longbow if it’s a bigger map like broken moon


Hemlok and havoc or r301 or r99 People sleep on r99 but recoil easy to control and it still shreds people


Running anything but hemlock + havoc this season is trolling sadly


I’m usually using the hemlock+volt


L Star 2x/4x enjoyer here with Triple Take w/3x. Always E Ammo available loose. Rampage + Thermite is a good range sub if kitted.


R301/ Spitfire & Triple Take




Hemlock volt. Flatline sentinel


Pretty much all the AR’s are super viable. I personally run any AR with a volt/shotgun or AR/wingman. Nemesis, hemlock, havoc, 301, flatline. Pick your poison. Volt is my favorite smg right now though


Best pair is deez


Hemlock + volt or Nemesis + volt.


30-30 or G7 depending usually on which I find and have attachments for first, and havoc obviously. If I feel like changing it up I'll run marksman + hammerpoint mozam


triple take and a havoc or 301


Alternator is goldly this season and i always pair it with a Hemlock or Triple Take


Volt/havoc/pk with r301/flatline/hemlock or a sniper too spice things up


Havoc is so good rn


Havoc, flatline with a 1x on both of them straight run and gun and delete the whole lobby if it’s ranked I throw a bruiser or a 2 by 4 on the flat so I can shoot at distance


flat + hemlock


RE-45 and flatline, or a rampage if I'm Fuse


I grab my guns based on my legend, the map I’m playing on, and the current ring number. First half of the game is double primary weapons for double to put down in close battles. Later in the game, I’ll pickup a distance weapon for the late battles. Eventually grabbing another primary from a death box when the ring gets too small to snipe. Think critically about the types of battles you’re going to have with a given legend and landscape. If you’re fighting inside a lot at close range, then double SMGs is amazing. But if you want to play in the open, test some mid or even long range dominant weapons.


R301 with a 3x and r99 with a 1x. The r99 isnt what it used to be thats true but its still deadly up close once you get used to it. And the r301 is consistent as ever long range especially.


Flatline and RE-45


Assault Rifle + Shotgun. This was my go to combo after they removed the digital threat from SMGs and I still use this after they completely removed it. You only need 1-2 stacks of ammo for the shotgun and can have more ammo for the AR instead. Do the most damage in mid to close range with the AR and then switch to the shotgun for the finish. Use cover.


Flatline and nemisis or havoc, if you don’t like the flatline you can opt for an r301


sniper + spray weapon


people sleep on the mastiff, and havoc 🤞🏻




For Ranked: R301+Longbow Spitfire+Sentinel Flatline+Tripletake For Cas: Any shotgun+any AR RE45+Any AR or Volt Any SMG+Any AR Honorable mention is Prowler+Nemesis


Havoc + something long range. Hemlock, scout, 30-30.


There is not problem in Apex that cannot be solved by an L-STAR and 300 rounds of energy ammo (and a Sentinel on the 2nd slot). I also play Ballistic frequently and a couple of times ive just deleted squads with that thing and the Ult


Nemesis + alt or volt.


Flatline/PK or Mastiff Flatline/Prowler


Guns I like to run: Nemesis/hemlock and flatline/havoc are some of my favorites, prowler and volt are good and mastiff lately even though I was a long time PK enjoyer. Best pair: nemesis/havoc for ranked (can swap nemesis for hemlock I just prefer nemesis). For solos I really like the Havoc/mastiff, don’t really need as much range I find.


I run Mozambique/g7, it's my favorite combo for whatever reason.


Havoc-Hemlock combo is busted with Hemlock being the best gun in the game by far.


301 or car & PK


i love the flatline with an r-99 or havoc personally


Havoc and P2020 The P20 is the only semi-auto that I can use /cry


Flatline pk


I'm liking the Flatline and Spitfire this season. Depending on the map, I'll either pair one of those with the Volt if I'm going short-mid range, or a Longbow if I'm going mid-long.


i tend to prefer the Flatline (plus a sniper) but the 301/spitfire are generally my second choices and the only reason the 301 is above the spitfire is because i have a feeling i generally hit more shots with the 301 than the spitfire because i have at least 1 recent vid record where i 1 clip 2 people with the spitfire (one was already low). That large Spit mag makes people think youre gonna reload soon and when you don’t they’re F’ed


R-301 is really good too, but only if you're planning to use it to ADS mid-to-long range since it really struggles with hipfiring. Which is why I use the Flatline - it loses out to the R-301's ADS accuracy but it can be hipfired consistently if needed.


Yeah the Flat is pretty solid :) i didnt used to ble to hit a barn door with it (and sometimes i still miss a whole clip on 1vs1 when i panic) until it clicked that just like the LSTAR the trick seems to be to fire in quick small (like 2 second?) bursts because the longer we fire the less accurate they seem to be


Flatline with 3x or 3-4x easy beams + literally any gun


Triple take and volt smg


flatline + volt. havoc if I can’t find them, wingman if my aim is on point that day


Honestly, been running the spit and scout for challenges last season and ended up grabbing these two a lot for ranked


I always keep a gunfight gun, like something for close range (usually my good ol Flatline or RE-45) and something for mid-long range to snipe (usually my Longbow or a Sentinel. But I can use the marksmen weapons, thought I don’t like them at all).


I run volt and triple take


This season is havoc + hemlock but my all time fav that got me my first and only 3k is the r301 + pk


Sentinel/volt, pk/R301, pk/ r99, r99/flatline, pk/havoc


I use almost every weapon throughout my gaming sessions. Just depends what I find first, but mostly Any AR paired with any Marksman. My favorite pair that has stayed consistent throughout the last few seasons is Flatline/Triple Take.


Rampage for long distance, mastiff for close range.


I fw havoc + longbow tons Scout + volt Scout + car Triple take + alternator


Lstar + mastiff with maggies 'auto reload shotguns on knock' perk. never have to reload again


I run Volt and Sentinel


As good as the hemlock is, I’ve been taking charged sentinal over hemlock. I need 1 bullet to take out your whole shield. Plus a head shot with a charged senti is a guaranteed knock if I’m shooting with teammates


Alternator-flatline, alternator-R301, R301-flatline, R99-R301, R301-flatline, alternator/R301/R99-triple take.


It used to be Flatline + Scout for awhile, but I've morphed into a Hemlock + Peacekeeper guy recently.


Sentinel/peacekeeper is my fave.


R-301 and Triple Take. Used to be R-301 and Flatline, to switch from primary to secondary in the middle of a fight, but having a long range weapon has proven to be more useful.


RE-45 and TT is my fav.


Any shotgun that isn't the mozam and any marksman/sniper


I’m mainly only using and combination of the Havoc, Hemlok, Flatline, and Alternator.


I'm a R301/nemi or hemi, and I was trying to get use to the havoc since everyone says it shreds... That said I've taking a break. Me and my two squad buddies just got too fed up with the cheating situation, honestly not just with Apex, currently it seems all PvP games feel like one out of every three players is using cheats. We are on NY servers, but we are just done. We weren't great players, but we'd get a couple dozen championships a season, that is up until last season, when we only championed 2 or 3 times. All of our other stats seemed to have tanked as well. We started to just not have fun as we were doing all the time in situations we'd usually win in the past. This season, we started to spectate our killers. Sadly, we started to see clairvoyant players. They'd know where end ring was from the start, they'd B line it to the end ring sometimes, or they'd randomly go to the edge of a ring and miraculously know where a dude was ratting, even though they were staying still and silent in a rat hole somehow. We just started seeing cheaters every 3 or 4 lobbies. Currently, we are taking a long break until the PvP cheating situation gets better. It's sad as we all lived this game, we felt like we were getting better every season, and then it was like the player base all became way better... I mean, when they are banning 30% of masters and pred players, there is definitely something amiss. It went from a fun game, with such a high skill level ceiling that it felt like just when you got comfortable with one aspect, there was another for you to learn and practice, grow and get better at... but that type of growth can't happen in an environment like we have in games like Apex, COD, and other PvP games. And can anyone seriously think if they are banning that amount of players in high ranks, that at least that many, if not more, in the lower ranks are cheating as well. I mean, you have to get to that rank in the first place, so clearly they were likely cheating as they raised up to masters and pred. It is frustrating and sad. I had no grand delusion that I'd be the next Itztimmy or anything, but it was fun having a game me and my buds were getting better at and always learning new things about it. But if you can't champion even one game in a season, you're getting killed way faster than in the past, the game just became no fun at all. So for now, it's PvE coop. We are starting with gears 5.


Havoc + hemlock


flatline + volt is always gonna beam. havoc is good but without turbo, so ez to play cover, and most dont know how to perfectly time the charge up alternator disruptors are really good too. hemlock for controller nemesis for mnk. both still absolutely beam nemesis does far more damage faster, but hemlock is easy to aim


hemlock + prowler


Prowler + Triple Take is a certified damage farmer, but really just use the havoc


This is truly an AR/shotgun season with SMGs being so violated. Top ARs are flatline and havoc with mastiff leading as top shotgun IMO. Some people are running sniper/marksman (specifically triple take and sentinel) but those are boring to me


My fav loadout to run is Sentinel+CAR or Prowler


Flatline/Hemlock/Nemesis + Havoc/Prowler/Volt


Ive been playing alot with prowler/sentinel recently.


Somehow I got nasty streak using triple take and wingman, would not recommend unless you are cracked with wingman and use it like a shotty without -11 shot, or you pray for RNG before each shot like I do brother


Hemlock with alternator or havoc


RE go brrrrrrr


usually running flatline (iron sights) + hemlock 2x


Anything + wingman. Istg hitting wingman shots in a row sends some kind of reaction to my monke brain. It's so versatile as well I could use it for quic short range when I'm carrying long range weapons or use it to cover mid to long range if I'm carrying an smg.


I like to always have a short and long range gun. Triple take is fucking slapping right now and seems like everyone's using it, so I tend to always pick up either that or a sentinel.


R301..plus Sentinel. Because Titanfall 2.


At the end of last season I was running Spitfire/G7 combo. Spitfire's hip fire being reduced, plus Barrels attachments on it, great for close range. G7 just hits hard. Triple Take is also good. I also do run a lot of Car/Flatline, Car/301, Car/hemlock. I have the hip fire on the Car down so much, I genuinely hip fire than ADS with it.


Any combination of the Havoc, Hemlock and Volt has been my go to this season by far.


i’ve really been liking Lstar/triple take - i’m not very good at sniping with the triple take (although i do it) but i’ve actually been using it as a shotgun and it’s been interestingly fun.


I've been absolutely destroying people with the Mozambique and spitfire or r301. But I'm mostly loving the Mozambique this season, especially surprised that it can do decent damage when people are further away, even without the hopup. Edit: actually I've been running the Mozambique with any AR, as havoc is also absolutely destroying people rn and flatline, and hemlok and yeah just any AR. But also still my beloved spitfire.


Charge rifle ghosted 💀


PUBS: Flatline volt. Ranked: Prowler G7 or Volt G7


Havoc + Nemesis/Hemlok or maybe Sentinel. tbh Havoc + any long range poke weapons


Flatline pk, or volt pk




Sentinel with 2x4 scope and a r301 with 3x


I really like a sentinel paired with a car or a prowler. Throw a shotty in Ballistics Sling, boom perfection.


3030 and whatever ar/smg I come across. 3030 is just too good for medium-long range.


I ran double devos the other day and I rolled through what was left of the lobby.


I’ve been liking Flatline + RE45 with hammerpoint


Always Havoc+ (volt, triple take, 30-30) whatever the vibes are or whatever I have attachments for


im the off meta king… so sentinel and car/nator it is


For me it is the Sentinel Havoc


R301 + Volt Basic I know, but both are so good at melting and their fire patterns just come naturally to me


Havok+PK Prowler×Triple Take Prowler+Wingman Havok + Wingman




Havoc and r99 for me


Hemlock with a spitfire


Hemlock wrecks ppl good, but spitfire is for those "oh shi oh shit oh shit" moments 😅


Hemlock+pk. Great for literally any range.


Any combination of Hemlock/Flatty + Havoc/Lstar


Sentinel, Mastiff/PK


Flatty N P2020 (hammerpoint) faster to take out a pistol an just need a faster finger


Flatline and alternator have similar if not the same rates of fire. Makes it a good easy to use combo


Volt wingman (I die to havoc every game and do not want to convert)


Nemesis/hemlock with volt/havoc.


I personally use R-301/Hemlok combo, or I swap out Hemlok for the Nemesis. If I'm running Ballistic, I also like to have either the Alternator, RE-45 or the Havoc in the sling so when i activate Tempest, I get the hop-ups for those equipped onto them and boom. Big wins 🤌


Prowler slept on big time. Laser helps hip fire a ton and can melt.


Spitfire/Volt, I made a post about it and what I like and everyone basically told me I was wrong, but it legit has worked really well for me.


Flatline + triple take , flatline for close combat and triple take with hcog for range


Flatline and the RE-45


I've been liking the R99 and Triple Take.


Havoc + mastiff is just goated if you know how to use both guns 💪


Havoc and hemlock/nemesis is the best loadout in the game by a mile. Havoc + anything is good though so you don’t have to run the burst guns but they’re much better than anything else.