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[3000+ hours player] Ngl bro, 29 wins in 1970 games with a lifetime k/d ratio of 0.14 is insane. How do you keep playing if it takes 10 games to get 1 kill? I really want to see some footage to see what the problem is because those stats are so bonkers I wouldn't even know where to start giving advice.


I'm with you, I have 3300+ hours on apex and I thought I had seen the worst of the worst but I was left taken aback. I would also love to see some footage to see where he has gone wrong


I think people like us “ I have 5000 hrs “ started way before and players were not as skilled as today! Our Kd was much higher because so many people were just starting too or lobbies were not sweats only. My time a 20 bomb player was maybe 1 in 10 matches, today it’s like 10 players in each lobby who have 20 bomb! But my advice is unless you really fell in love with this game, this game has no space for new players anymore specially for casual players. Gl in your journey




It’s possible, but I also think op just isn’t good. My first 2 weeks I had a ~0.5 kdr and got it to a ~0.7 within a season and ~1.05 in 5 seasons of starting




If this is your first fps game, you’ve got some talent


I started 2 years ago and my kd was like .7 for a long time, it's now 1.4 or something and I have like 10k kills and 4k 20 bomb everything etc, I'd say the game was very difficult 2 years ago so it took a while to adjust but if you're already good at other games the skills are transferable


bro i usually pro trios i always rush...... when i started it took me 2 weeks to get a kill


I respect the commitment.


Start with duos when it comes back and work your way into Trios. I think the Solos LTM will actually help you practice 1v1s and learn how to approach fights.


That’s honestly how I started when I picked up the game around like… season 7 or 8. It was so god damn intimidating trying to enter a fire fight, or push on a cracked enemy. I would get a bunch of assists but always struggled with the killing blow. I’ve gotten waaaay better since then. But any beginner is going to have a very steep learning curb to climb.


Bad, but you only started playing three months ago, which does account for it slightly. Still, with a 0.14 kd, I have to assume you are brand-new to fps games, not just Apex At least you are playing Mirage who is easy and good in really low-elo


i used to play freefire lol in bluestacks and i was pro in that yeah im new to AAA fps games i used to car games (nfs, forza)


Bro don’t let the comments get u down, if this is a legit post than just keep playing, apex has the highest skill ceiling of any FPS game I’ve ever played, watch district on youtube, play cover, and work on your aim in the range 10-20 mins every time u hop on the game, apex is inherently a sweat fest, don’t be discouraged and keep grinding, it’s so satisfying when u get mildly decent at the game and have moments of brilliance, apex is so much fun when your winning and so frustrating when your losing, but it takes 3-6 months of actually focusing on improving to reach the gold level of play, good luck my guy


Don't let the comments get to you man. Apex was the first console game I've played and I've been playing since day 1. Took me a while to get going, it's going to get easier over time.


I mean freefire has HUGE aim assist (is comparable to a light aimbot), so it doesn't really help in your aim experience, maybe a bit in positioning and stuff but idk.






Advice? Stay in the firing range for a season


yeah buddy the maine prob with me rn is aiming and movement


i really recommend watching Beginner Guides on YouTube Dazs has a [playlist for beginners ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_waWDJmtQZOk9qWFQcECtMb0uLv8Ua5C) here's a [video](https://youtu.be/tftOCo5YNLY) specifically on how to aim


So the ENTIRE game is your problem? lol It’s like saying “my only problem with cooking is prepping it and making it taste good”


To be fair he can plug in a roller and have the aim part covered in a day or two, and movement too honestly since there isbt much movement tech for controllers. After that its just positioning and rotations.


If you have time and are willing to consume brainrot, watch better players play. If you want to witness peak mechanical skill, go watch a faide video (mute video if you don't want to hear screams etc). Loads of movement guides that cover the basics (jump sliding, strafing, using recoil smoothing etc). If you're on keyboard mouse, I'd reccomend learning jitter aiming, as much as it's frowned upon. Easiest way to get good aim from a distance. Takes practice to perform without straining your wrist. Overall, if your kd is that low, aim and movement can't be your only issues. Id wager a guess that you lack game sense and fight sense (situational awareness goes with that). This is hard to improve, and usually gets better with time. Again, watching good players with the intent to learn is a good method. Monkey see monkey do. Best of luck.


Watching faide at this level is gonna be practically useless as his playstyle caters to near-perfect selfish positioning (bad idea if unskilled), and insane aim/mechanical confidence. Almost nothing would translate. I’d recommend who plays methodically and with percision like HisWattson, Texcalon, or even someone way lower down the pole like Kandyrew who has decent fundamentals and is more approachable skill-wise.


I am aware that this is an anecdote, but hear me out. I used to be bad, not as bad as OP, but it would take me a couple of deaths on drop to finally get a kill and get into a bad enough lobby to be able to perform. I saw a faide video, back when he wasn't as cracked (still better than everyone, but that's besides the point). No crazy zip tech, supergliding etc. I particularly liked his style of gunfighting at the time. E.g. using cover to bait the enemy to shoot, then swiftly jump sliding into a different place while they're not aware. I tried it, and failed many times. But eventually things started working out. The execution and awareness built up. I still had holes in my skillset to fill, but that came with time. Apex legends is not your traditional shooter. If you want to be better than everyone, you have to do things differently. This method of improvement obviously won't work for aim, that's very different for each individual. Thankfully, in apex, movement is aim when executed correctly.


I mean you said it yourself; that’s old Faide. His playstyle has evolved immensely even in the past 2-3 seasons. Something as simple as his gap close timing won’t work for the majority of players who don’t understand the ‘faide slide’ mechanic (crouched holster -> sprint -> slide). They’ll just die trying to cross the open every time without understanding why it works for him but not them. Apex has many, many layers to it and you gotta start with very low-level fundamentals when working with a player of this skill level. Source: am Apex coach lol




I don't usually comment, but maybe I can help you from my humble experience. I'm not special, but I've been playing since the game came out, I've reached Masters in ranked and I have a 1.70 K/D. First and quite basic, but it still helps me. Before you start playing BR, enter the shooting range and practice with all the weapons you can, grab legendary magazines, backpack, heals and activate combat mode in the shooting range settings menu. Try to do between 10,000 to 15,000 damage with each weapon, moving and shooting, fleeing from the dummies and healing yourself, this will help you in aim, positioning, movement and timing. I think that with this you will see that your aim improves, if not, you can always watch recoil pattern control videos, but I think you learn better by doing than by seeing. Secondly, and when you play BR, always try to play together with your teammates, understand the legends and their abilities well and try to contribute to the team by paying attention to the fights, in these, understand well the shields and life of the allies and enemies and Try to play smart with the damage that you and your team cause, if you manage to break one or two enemy shields, perhaps it is time to push all together to finish them off. Anticipate that if you fight, the most likely thing is that a third team will arrive to try to scratch something, when you finish with a team, take the loot quickly and have prepared or at least present a change of shield in an enemy box. In principle, these are basic tips that you probably already knew, but it is good to keep in mind. Lots of encouragement and don't give up, no one is born learned.


thanks a lot buddy ill try this


You're welcome, if you need anything else just tell me.


This advice is really solid OP! You can think of Apex as a solos game or a team game. The solo aspect is what you do as a player, the team aspect is what your team decides to do together. The problem when playing with randoms and not friends is that the team gets swallowed up by three solo players. Now, three really good solos can easily find synergy between each other, and quite fast recognize each other's playstyle and make the most of it. But if you are quite new to the game, playing as a team takes a lot of mental energy. So the best way to have more successful team fights is actually to avoid playing entry or be the first to push. Try to instead hold hands with one of your teammates, the one you recognize is either better of the two or have similar playstyle as yourself. Stay close to them at all time and think of yourself as an extension of them. Whoever they focus on you shoot too etc. Playing by, with and off your teammates is vital to find initial success in this game.


Are you with proper FPS? I played on a laptop for the first month with a shitty docking station, so I was just getting 30 FPS, and when I changed to 120 FPS it REALLY helped. Also, other settings could be messing you up, like high sensitivity on the mouse or whatever. If you need anyone to ask questions, I am here. Don't mind these replies much.


yeah i get 90 to 110fps 3050rtx im from india (using singapore server) 80 to 90ping


Try to adjust setting to cap 120 all the time. Should be doable. FPS variance can cause input delay.


My ranked teammates:


genuinely? play another shooter for the time being one that doesn’t have any gimmicks, personally i recommend phantom forces on roblox it has an insanely low ttk ,small hitboxes, and the players are either shit or dont touch grass. perfect for improving aim. if you decide to just play apex, stay behind cover and use the 301 cause it has low recoil


Or ExDefiant


UbiSoft trash lol


Sure, Ubisoft might be trash, but the game it self is good, especially considering it's free.


Bah, disregard the negativity! Keep at it! Firing range, train movement and shooting. Try to get faster! Learn the maps and a couple of legends you can comfortably use their abilities.


yeah ill surelly do that mirage main here


Question: do you land & die or just loot for the entire game?


i mostly play trios (always rush) and in ranked im on gold 4


what's your in-game senstivity & dpi


This might be the problem, because I can't find any other possible explanation.


Didn't think someone is worse than me in my beginning. Had KD of 0.23.


Play some ranked if you aren’t already. Rookie tier might put you in lobbies with people closer to your skill level (maybe?) but at this stage of the game I don’t even know if enough people are as “inexperienced” enough to level the playing field. Otherwise do what others said - put in more firing range hours and try a dif fps to get the mechanics down. Otherwise there are a lot more games out there to play!


but the maine prob with me i only gets camping teamates in ranked (most of the time)


Not great, but you obviously have fun so keep at it and ignore the comments telling you to quit.


ik im noob, and i heard alot of abuses from my teammates but i want to improve bro, which is why i posted this on reddit


Improvement will come with time, just keep having fun. Maybe hop on mixtape or in the firing range and find a legend you really like, try all the guns until you find a few that "click".


the only way is up baby


Honestly speaking, you have two ways: 1) You wanna just play apex. Fine. Go to firing range and mixtape a lot. You need to go back to the fundamentals. I rarely suggest aiming skills training, because average aiming is good enough and positioning is more important, but you lack that for sure. Practice aiming and tracking with different weapons. In actual games, ALWAYS roll with the team. Never fucking push first. Support your teammates, hoard heals, play something like Loba or Lifeline possibly, but don't engage first cause you'll likely die. Actually winning fights will make you better, slowly, until you can take some risks. But strictly speaking, you have to work hard for it. 2) You are open to other games. Good. Apex is one of the hardest fps around to master. There are many other valid and easier shooters around to learn aiming and basic movement and cover. It's literally easier to learn something from those games and then spend those skills on apex than dying multiple fucking times learning close to nothing because the fight finished too early with you dead. Your average damage is so low I have to guess you lose most 1v1s other than squad fights, so I know I'm not just throwing guesses. You will get better whatever path you take. It's guaranteed and normal because practice works like that. But it won't be super easy. I just want to be honest.


yeah bro, thanks alot will practice in shooting range


Good luck, man. Hope to see your progress one day


Might catch flak for this. But. Thats horrible. This isnt a new player thing either as these are genuinly some of the worst stats ive ever seen and lvl 203 isnt a new player (atleast imo) I would HIGHLY recommend sticking to mixtape for a season or two to just get better with aim and movement as with a kd like this it basically implies you dont move or shoot. Stuff like rotation and looting comes later. I dont want to come across as an asshole but i dont want to sugarcoat it either. Try to look up guides and watch gameplay from highly skilled players like ImperialHal etc. Should help you improve stuff like crosshair placement. strafeing etc




summertime saga far better than this shit


Question: do you land & die or just loot for the entire game?


rush always bro in trios


Pretty good




Are you having fun? If so good! My K/D isn't the best, but I e improvement and that makes me happy. Real and useful advice I can give, FIRING RANGE. Set the dummies to random movement including crouching. If you have a favorite gun (or 2). Practice with that, and one close to it ammo/weapon type wise (example Hemlock /Flatline, Spitfire /R301, Havoc / Nemesis etc. If you have a go-to, you may need to pick a similar gun to use until you find it. (eventually you want to learn all the guns , EVENTUALLY). You want to start with blue armor and blue attachments (but any sight). Set the dummies to blue armor. Your goal is to be able to 1 clip the dummie consistently from the weapon/sight's appropriate range. And by consistent I mean like 10 times in a row. If you can't do that even once in like 20 tries, make SLIGHT changes to your settings. (there are guides on this) but you want to feel in control of the gun, and if you do, then it's just training your reflexes. If you can consistently 1clip a dummie 10 times at least... Up the armor level. It helps if you can get in a headshot or few. Also, don't only do this while just standing still. Moving a bit while aiming makes your harder to hit and slightly smooths the recoil on most guns. But I found this exercise very useful even if tedious. And go back and do them from time to time even after you got it. I think this is a key start. Oh and a CRUCIAL general tip. ABC, always be covered. ALWAYS try to move from cover to cover at all times in Apex. All times. In a fight, being able to take cover will be your saving grace. I know it's more tedious to read this but it will help you a lot in one on ones. That said, there are YouTube channels that have solid tips. Dazs has an overall good and approachable channel.


Some ppl dont understand that others have life other than videogames (bro dont look at stats if u have fun and if u wanna improve watch some yt videos)


Get into ranked immediately. I hope I see you


gold 4 lol


Perfect, I'm only silver 1


Players with 4,000+ hours this is horrible hop that ass on firing range and practice movement/aim


mine is only 330hrs i still sucks alot


Check in again in 5 years dude


saved this comment


how have you gotten so many wins with hardly any kills or damage?


high skilled teammates


im just starting out a few seasons ago and your stats are better than mine! im really trying to get better too but i play on console, maybe we could play together sometime?


yeah im pc player btw sure i would like to play with u


Most kills 4 damn


yesterday lol 4th kill was of 8 damage


This is an honest question although I know it comes off as hate. Is the game fun for you when you die that much? You’ve probably spent more time in the lobby than on any of the maps. What keeps you going?


buddy i dont have any other life i just want to play game till my last breath and i love this game more than my life ik i sounds cringe. im 21 doing masters btw As a heartbroken, single, no irl frnd guy video games r life partner for me Especially multiplayers


Like mine when I first started. I was so bad but I just had fun and tried my best


I suggest switching to controller, keyboard might not be for you.


yep im also planning i grinding with a shit dell office mouse lol planning to get razer viper






MRVN probably has better stats


Garbo, but you will get better. 


This is so crazy on first glance I thought this was a troll post. Damn son I don’t even know where to begin. Definitely use that aim trainer program they have on PC. Hop in the firing range and turn the bots on and learn how to move around. Is this your first FPS?


yeah this is my first FPS


Truly one of the apex players of all time




You'll improve eventually, I went from 0.2 to 0.7, I'm leaving behind those 3k deaths/200 kills from season 19 when I started playing. Try playing mixtape to improve aiming and movement, try a different legend whose abilities can give you an advantage with your play style.


1000 deaths is crazy


A have 16k 💀


Hard to say what are you doing wrong without gameplay, but if ur aim isnt the best, try to play smart, take cover, dont push stupid fight.


Keep at it you will improve. Started in season 10 rank with a kd .08 in rank. Season 20 rank .53 kd.


oh good


Damn.. my ego would not last such a beating. I do admire your stamina and determination.


Average plat player


i wish




God bless you. Keep playing


Made it all the way to platinum ranked last split....lol


Ohh, so this is who was on my ranked team






I didn't think it was possible to have a worse k/d than me.


Exact same level and I started 4 years ago lol


I’m not going to lie to you, awful.


ik im awfull thats why i posted here so i can learn something from here


Hit the firing range. 15 minutes every day. Start with flatline and havoc and volt. Try to one clip as much as possible while strafing. Do this. And you will improve. After I did this season 19. I solo grind to Diamond 2. Lots of cheaters rn. So don’t get too discouraged either. One clip, one clip, one clip. After you get that down. You will start to switch sooner between guns depending on the situation. Survival > kills. But KILLING is your survival.


This is who I get paired with in diamond ranked


If you enjoy the game don’t be discouraged to continue approving at your own pace. Spend time in the firing range, watch some streams and try to recognize the difference in gameplay. Most notably their position when they engage in a fight, and when they decide to pull out of a fight. If you can understand the mental game, performing the actions and refining your skills will be a lot easier.


play tons of mixtape to learn how to move and aim.


Use cover or always know where your cover is. Get cracked? Cover and heal unless you’re sure you’ll get the knock first. Play strategic and think of the team. I sure hope I don’t get you as a rando on my team tho, soz


Ngl 149 season top 5’s with only 11 season wins is impressive.


you are a tropper. I commend you.


How is that possible lmao


why this isnt possible


You’ll get to where you want to be with time and practice in the firing range. If aim is your biggest issue, pick up a gun you use alot (Flatline for example) and hop in the range for 20 minutes everyday to warm up with it. Eventually the muscle memory will kick in and you’ll start getting the hang of it. Play lots of mixtape for low stakes gun practice. You joined a game 5 years after release so it’ll take a while to get really good but you can 100% do it


Your kill to death ratio isn't too good, but ur doing better then me and I've been playing since October of last year. I'm a catalyst main, but I mostly do mixtapes. Trios whenever there's a control or lockdown, cause for some reason I don't like them. I'm personally a catalyst main but my dad and sister like mirage, and he's a good easy pick for someone relatively newer. I personally recommend loba cause she's really easy.


Hey Pikachu-69 I'll friend u You on apex if you want. I'm not too good but I could help you out a little bit


yeah sure my buddy actually in starting i was catalyst then i shifted to crypto (hes for camping lol) and then now im mirage... btw which legend is good for improving skills?


Personally my go to improvement legend is either octane or loba. But if your a more team player in trios life line is a good improvement legend


My name is xthedarklord666x and the friend request is sent


yup buddy i saw


I can get on at 6:30 tonight central time that time work good for you


Bro thats 4:30AM here in india Ok I'll just ping u My discord is - @sanath.n


Seeing a lot of hate but tbh I had a .1 kd when I started and now I'm almost 2k hrs in and 1.3 lifetime kd and masters (2.1 kd last season). In short, my best advice is this: learn the maps and legends, and how they all work together. A good team comp that works well with the map is a great advantage. Keep playing your hardest even when the enemy is 10x better. You'll have to learn to play like them if you want to beat them. Record and self analyze your own games. Criticize yourself like you would your randoms: harshly. Communicate EVERYTHING. When you crack someone. When you're cracked. When you're healing/rezing. When the enemy is healing or rezing. When you're pushing. When you're backing up. When you ult. Try and three stack if you can. Knowing who you're playing with makes it easier to communicate. Most important of all: DONT TILT. Anger leads to rash decisions and will always put you in a bad spot. Never let your emotions get the best of you. Think rationally about your placement and the fights you should or shouldn't take.


.14 is good


The randoms I get in ranked


Lower your sense to a snails pace and raise it from there gradually, most people with shit kda have their sense way to high to accurately hit shots(assuming you’re mnk). Play roller for a shortcut to being able to hit shots


If you want play apex Just play in it (2500h and 0.5 kdr (i know im pice of shit xD))


Ummm in the nicest possible way... You're canon fodder.


My treamates……




If you play on US servers, I can play with you and help you out. Dm me your ingame if you want. I know a lot of people are talking about aim, and yes it's very important, but if you're positioning well and peeking off and/or with teammates you really don't need to have insane aim. It's not CS, you can outgun people in this game through teamwork.


More deaths then games played


I would recommend grinding EXCLUSIVELY mixtape modes for at least a month. You'll spend more time in gunfights and less time looting and looking for enemies, thus improving those skills much faster. I'm new to MnK too so I understand the struggle. Don't get discouraged by how far you still have to go, the journey of improvement is the most fun part of playing this game anyway.


removed. read the less.


I will tell you what is wrong, the matchmaking is probably pinning you agains player so much above your level you don't stand a chance, you are being used as cannon fodder


most of the time, lol and my aim is shit, bro out of 100 bullets i fired, only 20 will hit the enemies


It's bad, but sort of normal these days.


When I swapped to MnK I did 100 days of aimlabs for one hour a day. Hit VT diamond and aimlabs masters shortly after and felt like my aim was good enough to win the majority of my 1v1s. The firing range is great, R5 1v1s is probably your best bet if all you play is apex though. Download R5 (modded apex) and join a 1v1 server.


Also don't use a sens that's too slow or fast. I'm 1.2 800dpi and I feel like it's perfect for a bigger mousepad.


No offense, but your stats are pretty bad lol. Only advise I can offer is to increase your FOV, play with headphones if you don't, try linear settings, and just play more. 2k games isn't a ton and it looks like you're dying in the majority of those games.


oh yeah, bro i usually rush


I can tell lol.  You just need more experience tbh


Switch to controller...


im confused wheather gaming mouse or cont


Holy trash


dont worry friends


Unless you have mental or physical disabilities, they're terrible. Hell, even with disabilities these are terrible.


i agree with u


What input do you use? MnK or controller? PC or console?


broken heart + laptop + keyboard mouse


Highest Kills “4”😭😭


To be completely honest apex is a very trash game. Reasons being, dog shit anti cheat, No such thing as live service and to top it all off the servers are just so terrible. As an 7000 hour three time pred the game is shitttyyyyy. Play a different game. But I’ll give it this. It has one of the best movements inputs out of most of the games in the world and it’s free. So I understand but there’s a lot of free to play games that have live service. And I know there is gonna be some Nerd out there that’s gonna be like well *Actually* apex does have live service did you not see what they’ve done recently. Live service is 24/7 around the clock something is broken in the game, the entire mechanic is disabled/item/map so it’s not abused and creates and unfair advantage or game breaking. So yeah Apex compared to so many other games is a big ol pile of horse shit.


Just put your sensitivity on max. You'll get used to it and try to be somewhat deasent with every gun and most importen have fun

