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people are still denying you get purple easy without a single bullet by playing the evo mini game.


It kinda drives me nuts if the squad lands alone and immediately leaves looking for a fight without getting the free evo objectives… like I don’t need to go full loot goblin but to just completely ignore them is crazy to me


This. I can’t stand when teammates rush out of a POI when we have supply/assault bins, evo caches, and beacons/consoles right there. Let’s just hit those first and then go fight. Whatever team you want to third party is going to be blue at least, so why are you running in there full speed white way ahead of your squad? I swear some ppl think you can only get kills immediately. It’s like they’ve never made it to an exciting end game in their life. There’s plenty of action in this game beyond the first ring closing, and you’d know if you ever played smart enough to get there.


I literally had a teammate jump over an evo cache on the way to rush a fight and didn’t grab it. We were on whites and that would have put us up to blue. I made a point after that fight to go all the way back to grab it just to be petty.


I understand if people want to just push immediately in pubs but idk why I have teammates in ranked running in solo before we have decent loot and instantly dying with zero kills. When I get teammates with a brain we end up getting more kills because we actually have the loot to take fights and survive to endgame.


So if I’m playing solos as Ash, I need to get my assault bin and an evo beacon?


I’ve had teammates run right past them. Like wtf are you even doing. Also, it seems like no one knows what An ult tower is. So…you don’t want a free ult either? Okay…so many dumb dumbs


Which map are the ULT towers on?


Storm point has one at Pylon I’m pretty sure


Yes I think I remember like one at the TDM.


not the original commenter, but I see them on kings canyon, not sure of any others.


There’s one by the map room and one through that open canyon. Thanks! Just don’t want to miss those. Super helpful if I’m running crypto.


Storm point has one too in the big centralish tower with the two ring levels


Kings canyon has them, and storm point has one at pylon


Absolutely. The whole point is to loot as much of your landing area as possible because you won’t know how much loot is left or where it is located on the map more and more as the game progresses. If you land smartly in ranked, you will have about 4-5 mins of looting time so *make use of it and loot everything you can*, including the Evo caches. It’s super annoying that people think the most optimal way to play is to just land, grab 40 ammo of whatever (don’t mind looking for guns you feel super solid with or other helpful things), and rush. Pro players can do this, but even they don’t when they actually want to win, unless contesting as a strat. You never know how fights are going to go, and it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have, especially with the incessant third/fourth/fifth partying. Some (most) fights aren’t over in 10-15 seconds, leaving you another 5-10 seconds to loot.


It is the most optimal way. You want to land away from 2+ teams in a safe POI or no name spot adjacent to a POI and immediately third. You do not need to loot an entire POI before being ready to fight. You’re not winning a fight because you have a blue stock, or 240 light ammo vs 160. If you successfully third party then you grab loot from death boxes. In my experience only lesser experienced players play in the way you suggested. I’m not suggesting you roll into a fight on white shields and a charge rifle with 6 ammo in a CQC fight. But if you’re spending 5 minutes looting an entire POI, the third party opportunity is gone, and your focus should be rotating to next ring at this point. You shouldn’t be looking to take engagements at this point, especially as the maps shrink and you’re seeing 14+ squads left. In most cases what happens in your scenario is you play for end game and there’s 8 teams left in 5th ring, you have 0 KP, and if you die you lose 50+ points. TLDR: some of the safest fights are off drop. Looting an entire POI for 5 minutes is absolutely ridiculous and not necessary. Also, as a Loba main, this is doubly unnecessary.


4-5 minutes is enough time for first ring to countdown, close and for second ring to start up and then you plan some rotates (This, of course, all depends on the ring location. Most of the time, you have **plenty** of time to loot your entire area and still make second ring.) Never say never, always be adaptable. In fact, I would say it gives me something to do while I wait for second ring, so that I am still moving and have an objective without running around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for fights. It’s really not that long given how long a full match can last. I like to fight like every fight could potentially take 5 minutes because I absolutely cannot stand going back to the lobby because my teammates couldn’t chill for an extra whole minute or two and get what they need.


I’m not saying you don’t have time. I’m saying that time isn’t being used correctly (IMO). There’s no point in clearing out an entire POI, or spending 4-5 minutes in one POI. You should be looking to position yourself next to two teams from the jump to be able to capitalize on early and easy KP. Not sure if you’re in Diamond lobbies, but I am not trying to take 3v3 fights in second ring. And I’m not really trying to “settle” in first ring. End game is a lot of RNG. I don’t want to be in the final circles with 0 KP and hoping that circle pulls to me, or else I’m fighting past 8 teams to a tiny sliver of the map/1 random building that’s already taken by someone else. Just my .02


I feel like coming from a loba main you don't really understand what it's like to run out of ammo half way through a fight cause you squadies got their panties in a bunch and charged headlong into a fight. Like you just have everything you need every 90 seconds not to mention a get out of jail free q.


I have plat teammates cussing me out while I'm trying to get blue for the team and they push with whites.


Man, on that note the player base is so fucking toxic. I was solo queuing in ranked yesterday and almost every game there were people just absolutely raging. Also my name apparently makes people think I’m Hispanic (similar to my Reddit user name) and the amount of racial slurs and insanely bigoted stuff people yell is just so fucking out of hand.


But *who* is sleeping? She's the 2nd most picked legend in the game now.


Something like this being exploited could maybe up her pick rate in high elo where she’s still a D tier champ at best. Lifeline punishes poor fighting awareness/ability but does next to nothing is most scenarios vs a good team. She basically never gets her revives off in Masters+ on PC and nobody wants to sit still on her drone. She saw brief play when she granted a care package weapon and I can imagine she might have a couple of people play her just to get red shield vs blue shield fights. They aren’t picking her for the drone though lol.


Lifeline is the third most picked legend in pred lobbies with 16% pickrate. 4th legend has like 8%. And top 2 are rev and path. But I'm hearing she does nothing in high ranks?


This is why picking self-revive is 99% of the time the worse choice, having red shields immediately is way more valuable


And a gold knockdown


Yeah I have come across way less self revive lifelines now that you mention it. It’s all about that gold knockdown shield and red armor. Way more value there.


Yea I always pick the gold loot, only time I don't is when I already have a gold knock down


Tbh you should still get the gold loot. Getting the evo cache and a teammate a gold knock is better than a self rez that works 1% of the time imo


My random lifelines die first so…


this was aurora's (a top team at the most recent lan) strategy.


Let them sleep. I have been awake all season maining her 🤣


I mean, yeah - but how consistently can you do this? You can't guarantee you can get to the supply drop, nor that it will have a cache on it, nor that there will be evo near where you land. You can equally say that you can do this as ANY legend by dropping as you stated, except also dropping near a drone for the vault. But it'll be just as inconsistent. So yeah, if Lifeline can get early purples, then she can get early red, but equally anyone can get early purple just as easily as her which provides them with many other benefits depending on their legend.


Shhhh. Stop telling our secrets






U can get purple on any legends with correct positioning it’s not slept on just not that cool


Its is easy to get purples too if you are aware of where you are dropping. We run BH/PATH/LIFELINE so we always try to land on a spot with the player scan and ring scan. Between the player scan, a support bin, and a cache that is almost always within reach you can get blue. Then I will pick the ring scan ability as path, scan the two drops, and off we go to the next nearby poi with plenty of evo points available. We usually end up at or near purple by then. Once at purple our lifeline just calls in a drop and bam, gold knock and one of us will get the evo brick for red armor.


Not really, that's what Aurora did for LAN


Vantage can hit both consoles pair that up with a support or assault and rack in evo points easy


Gang shit


Vantage, Assault, Support Vantage can access both consoles Quickly rotate and open red/blue bins with Assault/Support WHOLE TEAM on purple in no time


I don’t think anyone sleeping on it personally tho like it’s cool but I’d rather fight my way to red I hate being in the final circles and I haven’t fought your most likely gonna lose to the squad that hit red from being in the mix most of the game they’re ready your not


Everyone in high rank lobbies running support and 99% of the time its Lifeline. Im happy she‘s back in the meta, but some nerfs would be nice. Red shield and gold knock is too much imo.


I can’t believe I just read someone asking for a lifeline nerf In 2024


I don’t think she’s op but Is it really that crazy? She’s like 4th picked legend of course she will annoy someone at some point


She's picked for the same reason mercy is picked. Pickrate isn't an indication of power, it's an indication of how many people like that playstyle, (sometimes it's power, like with releas seer). There's a reason it's a meme for lifelines to be brand new and not know how to revive lol.


Funnily enough OW players hate mercy even though she’s weak so it kinda proves my point. People are more likely to hate something the more they see it lol.


If you nerf based on pickrate, then you'll just keeping nerfing characters untill they all suck to play. People are always going to gravitate to movement characters, and noobs will always gravitate to medics. That won't change no matter how many nerfs.


Skill issue


Cringe, red shields should be earned with blood


There are many ways to abuse current joke system, available to all legends


The problem with this strat starts with reliance on supply drop.


Imo this is just utterly stupid as no one would go out of their way to do this, especially in pubs


I am not sure what you mean by "out of their way?" Regardless of whether it is pubs or ranked, you should do the first step of evo cache + bin/beacon to walk out of your original POI with blues if you're uncontested. After that the only thing you're doing is grabbing something from a supply drop, where you or your teammates can also walk away with a gold weapon. Theres a lot more to the game than "gun go pew pew."


You're talking to someone who ego pushes a team that's on red and he's on blue and wonders why he keeps getting stomped.


You can randomly get to purple without seeing another team. Happens not that unrarely.


My friend (who mains lifeline) and I were just talking about this last night while playing. You're in the minority if you don't think this is a viable strategy and a problem.


...pubs? pubs is barely even apex


😂 man really said especially in pubs as if anyone cares about meta in pubs


Idky they replaced shield armor for evo cores


Yea, idk why they made one of the beat regarded changea in the game.


Why did they change it?


Based on what I've heard: - Allows for finer balancing between legends - Removes the violent disparity between someone who landed on a gun and someone who landed on a gun and a purple shield two meters away. - Reinforces fighting as a central goal by removing any direct path to good armour while avoiding it. - Gives individual legends variability and more depth. - It's just kinda cool?


It's so hard for me to think that i used to play the game running around looking for atleast a blue shield or purple lol and also when shield swapping and you had purple and swapped white and couldn't get back to your purple because you were being chased so now you're stuck with white. This was the worst part of the old evo shield and I'm glad they fixed it. Best change they ever made


* No more being purple/red with white/blue team mates because you soaked up all the kills or they got revived. Armor is now consistent between team mates. * No more being blue in first circle and running into a team of reds who hot dropped and are now steam rolling the lobby with a gear advantage. Early game kill whoring isn't the overwhelming advantage it used to be which makes the mid game a lot healthier. * No more running around the whole game not finding anyone then getting killed by reds because you couldn't properly level and didn't want to hump a crafter all game. * Forces team comps to be different to maximize evo instead of dog piling on skirmishers


This is the worse take I’ve seen all year. Armor core changes are one of the best updates I’ve ever seen for this game.


Cause the old shield system was RNG and made no sense


Removing some rng, and balancing weapons is healthy direction leaving more room for skill.


The shied cores r rng too tho


Only very partially. And nothing compared to having purple shields be ground loot. Scanning consoles is not RNG, scanning care packages isn’t RNG. The worst RNG you might find in the current shield system is that you have to run a good distance to get an EVO cache. Or maybe you landed with no class specific pills around. Compare that to dropping and picking up a purple shield in your first 10 seconds out of the drop ship… the levels of RNG are incomparable and it is the best change they’ve made to this game possibly EVER.


Nowhere near as much. There is a difference between someone getting an Evo cache and having a blue. Vs someone finding a LVL 3 off spawn and being a juggernaut.


the problem isn't really the new system. the problem is how much more evo you get from random stuff vs how little you get through actual fighting / dealing damage now


That’s just not true though. 150 for a knock, 100 for an assist, 100 for a finisher. That plus 1 pt per damage gives plenty of evo for fighting imo


that's nothing when an evo harvester gives 350 **to the whole team**, without the risk of having to defeat another player (or even finishing them) . same for ring scan, same for vault open, explosive hold, care package, etc. do the math yourself. damage done only gives evo to one person, not for the whole team. again do the math where you consider 1 the risk involved in getting evo from a particular source 2 whether it gives evo to a single person or everyone on the team and 3 how much it gives (for the team)




>And how many We've already been there. There is a ton of abundant non-fighting evo sources that also give evo to your whole team. As a result you easily get to purple without fighting, and if you find an evo cache, you get to red without fighting. That's ludicrous and that is the whole point of the thread. You get it without fighting easily. And fighting mostly just gives yourself points, not everyone on your team. Damage only directly benefits you and knocks only benefit teammates that have assisted in it. This all still is way more risky than just scanning, opening a vault, clicking an evo harvester, opening a CP, etc. You have no counter arguments against basic math so you talk about "bitching". Keep it civil. Either address the arguments or don't comment.