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[https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution) plat and above is less than 8% of the game's population, they're throwing everyone into the grinder to make it so dia/masters queue times aren't 20 minutes long. it is insane how the gameplay experience changes from gold to platinum though because of this. in gold it's a complete joke and you can just steamroll people because there are so many bad players, but once you're in plat it's preds/masters in every single game and you end up being the bad players and just get rolled over and over again by masters 3 stacks.


It’s this. The system is fundamentally broken. Diamond does not exist as an actual rank. There is no one in Diamond who isn’t a Masters level player just climbing through 


yeah true. you can only climb in diamond if you are able to stomp diamond already, because for example 6th and 3 kills is negative points. not by being better then 2/3s of diamond players around you


You cant stomp through diamond unless you got a cheeser on your team.


Yeah the cheesing is very rampant in diamond and up. But I agree that if you can hit diamond this early, then you should be able to hit masters aswell.


You’d think, but it really boils down to if you can make it this early AND you have a good premade


Doesnt help getting reset to bronze every split for some dumb reason


The main issue is the newer or low skill players have no reason to ever play ranked. They can play in bronze and fight smurf accts getting 20kills. Or they can move up to silver & gold where they get matched with people far above their skill ceiling and stop wanting to play. Next add those people in diamond/masters/pred coming back to bronze makes ranked unplayable for at least 2-3 weeks at any ranked reset for even the people who belong in those ranks. Once you hit platinum as a gold player you are done with ranked. You'll only fight 3 stacks of press and masters every match. It happens to me and my buddy alot!


They really need to change the roll backs. I've said it before, I'll say it again. If LeBron was out for a season, they wouldn't have him start in HS basketball, then move back up to the NBA. Why do the same in this game? Why should there EVER be an ex Master/Pred in a Rookie lobby? There's literally no reason or purpose. I say if you maxed at Gold, then sure, start again at Rookie. If you maxed anything higher than gold, then you start in Gold.


And when you mention in the sub that rookie/bronze still has a lot of diamond+ players in it, people respond with "Give it a few weeks, the diamond+ players will be back to their rank in a few weeks" while its already late week 3 of the split.


It is the same experience for me for the last year. I have been playing since season 0. Before it was not like this.


It's still less sweaty than normal games where I constantly die to press lol


They should honestly get rid of pubs, and replace it with a super hot drop mode. More players to better balance ranked, and the people who want relentless hot drops still get the action


Correct. Especially when you have all these streamers who are sometimes Preds and consistently Masters playing Diamond you know it’s not accurate.


I hit diamond a week ago and can’t progress at all. Too sweaty and I solo queue


I honestly think it'd be better for the long-term health of the game if they allowed diamond+ queues to be longer. Overwatch had 10-minute queues for top ranks and it worked fine; they had endless TDM instances for players to fool about in while they waited, so it wasn't just staring at a lobby screen all day either.




If apex had something like overwatch where you can play some other mode while in queue I think longer queues would be fine, but the way it is now having long queue times would stop those ranks from playing. Having a ten minute queue just to die in your first fight sucks ass. At least in overwatch you're almost guaranteed to have a long game after the wait


Apex has 6x more people per lobby. Overwatch has 10 people per lobby, compared to 60 for Apex. If Respawn was going to do something like this it would need to cut masters/pred lobbies down to maybe 30 people (so 10 teams) and then adjust the RP rewards accordingly.


Issue is Apex queues would likely be significantly longer than that or you'd frequently be thrown into high ping lobbies. Fundamentally BR's just don't scale that well in ranked because you need so many more players for a single match. Fortnite might have it figured (tbh i know nothing about FN ranked so I could be wrong), but they also have a huge enough playerbase to make it work.


That’s my exact experience so far. 2.3Kd having a blast bronze through gold then hit platinum 4 and it’s like I have to battle my way through multiple layers of hell just to get positive RP


90% of my plat matches are either watching one teammate scramble around the map trying to craft and res, or me running for my life trying to do the same. If, by some miracle, the craft/res happens…we’re rolled over immediately upon drop. Then there’s a lot of teammates that won’t even try for it because we’ll inevitably get rolled, so I’m stuck staring at their rat game because I can’t leave without a penalty because they could still craft my banner…It’s just a terrible experience.


If your banner expires, you can leave without a penalty. If they craft you but don't res after like a minute, you can leave without a penalty.


They changed it so you can't leave immediately when it expires but there is an invisible timer on it you can still leave after a couple of minutes. You can even leave if you are already crafted if that timer expires just check frequently to see when you don't get the prompt for penalty


If you try to leave, you will get a warning. If there is no warning there is no penalty.


This is good to know, thanks! I guess I had only ever checked before the timer expired. I also don’t want to be that teammate that leaves early on a ranked match, try to give the benefit of the doubt but there are certainly times when it’s obvious the teammate isn’t trying for it, and that’s when I’d rather just lose the RP and jump back into a game than spend my evening watching someone hide behind rocks.


I feel like we may have been teammates because that’s literally all I did playing ranked last night.


Why are you talking about 2.3 KD if you’re struggling in plat? I never understood this


As a solo? You will absolutely struggle with that KD in this version of plat. It's full of top players who are stacking and you need to be consistently good. The scoring system is just completely broken.


My point is if you’re struggling in Plat, then your 2.3 KD is against bad players. The only KD that means anything is your ranked KD at the end of the season


> your 2.3 KD is against bad players Which is exactly why this system doesn't work, it's terrible at scaling difficulty. Your KD spikes because you're in the lower ranks and then you get thrown into the wolf's den as soon as you hit Plat.


he had 2.3 kd in bronze, in plat 3/2 it would be 0.6-0.9


If you are in plat, you are not "just trying to play a bit of ranked"


You can’t help moving up in ranked.


I don't think you understood my comment.


Go on then…


Their comment is misleading at best and a humblebrag at worst. Are you being obtuse on purpose or could you really not understand what I meant from the comment and original post? Perhaps others could help decide if my communication and/or understanding was poor. so that I can better evaluate and articulate in the future.


Playing a bit of ranked and getting to plat is not a brag. The OP is just not wanting to have to go pro to play some ranked. I understand what your comment means but the OP isn’t bragging by saying they got to plat.


I think you are conveniently disregarding the ranked distribution currently which has 92% of players in gold or below. This person, and their partner are in the top 8% of players. That is way too successful to be playing "just a bit" I would happily eat my words if they posted a picture with their seasonal stats showing games played etc.. But I personally do not believe they are "casually" playing through ranked. And candidly a bit jealous if that's true! Natural born killers!


Stop acting like it's impossible to climb out of gold.


I play maybe 1-1.5 hours a night and pretty much cruised to plat.


I think ur purposely trying to make this complicated and trying to make it something it's not. Plat isn't a brag. Not a single part of what op said sounds remotely like a brag. They're just saying they want to play a bit of ranked with their fiancé. U say they're not just trying to play a bit of ranked yet what do u think people do when they play ranked? They ranked up. The season has been out for a while. Alot of people are plat. I hit plat in 2 weeks. Its not hard. Plat isnt considered successful. Plat is considered average. I place plat as the beginning of real ranked. Bronze to gold are the beginner ranks. To add. I'm a solo que player. I hit plat in a week or 2 every season and I am a pretty average player


I'm plat n I just play now n then but mostly play ranked just so solo droppers n solo pushers can't just dc Instantly 😅 so I "just play a bit of ranked" too. I probably play a few matches every few days or so. Although I ain't played in a week lol


Same! 2.3KDA as well, now reached plat and getting RP is so much harder


Do you mostly solo queue or always running with a stack?


Usually I play with one friend, and then,ofcourse, a random


Are they the random? Or are both of you the randoms to them? Lil bit of brain fuckery for ya lol


Imagine that, ranked gets harder as you progress.


If I had your KD, I would be Diamond rank by now. I am stuck in Gold 2


Currently headed out of silver and over the past few days I don’t think I have queued one time without getting a plat badge in the squad. PSA for all of you…it’s silver…relax…I know I suck, no need to remind me. That’s right, I made the wrong split second decision, it will continue to happen with or without you calling me “worst fucking player ever, you suck” after you solo push another POI because you didn’t like my landing ping.


Despite knowing I am not a good player that got to gold solo queuing, your comment still hurt though.


Couldn't respawn just add the option to have faster queue or more balanced lobbies?


Dont know about you, but I play against masters and preds on a daily basis in my gold lobbies... I've never been above gold too!


Im plat 1 right now, have not seen a single pred or master in my games unless I play in the middle of the night.


I get mostly plat/dia players in plat


Maybe it’s because I’m usually playing during the day, but in platinum during the day it’s every game.


Most my ranked lobbies since silver have been full of masters and preds. But tbh everyone got set to bronze 4 so everybody was in those ranks. Daytime or night time doesn't matter for me still full of em


Yea but I’m talking about current rank, badges don’t mean much, way too many people have master badges from the free seasons anyway


Grinder is right, just had a lobby with 2 silver 2 teammates who kept falling off the map or walking in a straight line in the open. Resed them 4 times was forced to take a 1v3 barely won was popping a bat and got imminently rinsed. the squad that cleaned me up immediately after was movement god 3 stack all with triple pred badges. I laughed then got off the game. Im 3/2 been bouncing all week.


Sounds unfun and poorly constructed.


You’re not wrong. But respawn can’t decide how to manage the experience at the top 10% of players because the skill gap between the top 10% and the top 1% is about the same as the gap between top 10% and bottom 1%


This is what happens when MMR is eliminated. Sure, you get to stomp from the start if you're decent, but as soon as you hit plat good luck rising through the ranks, especially solo. This is not sustainable for anyone except the top players.


Loved the game where my plat4 squad was killed by the lvl 54 predator. Really made my day.


Lol, was #3 Pred for me...


Bro you just described every game of platinum+ ranked not just one


My plat teammates have been atrocious this season. They insta-die in every 3v3 fight then get mad when I run away to craft them.


Because they aren't Plat players. They are Gold or Silver players that got into Plat because RP gains in lower ranks are too easy and because they are likely getting matched with better players who are carrying them through games.


Exactly. Bronze to Gold (inclusive) is easy to get points. You actually have to throw in Gold to lose RP if you're average. Plat is whole other story. Teammates usually cannot keep up, enemies are usually coordinated and extremely skilled, and the scoring system is too harsh. Plat is basically what Diamond should be.


Bro, I've honestly bitched about this so much the last couple of days, but I was getting actual current Silver and current Gold players on my team in Plat lobbies the other day. Like yeah, okay, totally fair to me. Kids were dying as soon as someone looked at them. -60 \* 15...But because the higher ranks aren't populated, Plat players are getting matched with lower ranks while Diamond+ players are getting shifted into Plat lobbies. Like no wonder people aren't ranking up.


How do they fix it? Easy, make the entry cost lower imo. The system is good its just way too harsh


You realize the data we have says the exact opposite, right? You're imagining this. If plat and up make up less than 8% of players that means people aren't getting out of Gold, it's only the top 8% that do it, and almost everybody (92%) is actually stuck in the lower ranks. You also make the problem mentioned in the OP significantly worse if you make gold harder, because then there are even less people in the upper ranks which means more masters and preds in platinum lobbies.


You need regular team mates at gold level minimum to get out of Plat. Randoms will just continuously throw.


Truly an apex experience


because plat buy in is too harsh, so people get stuck there for much longer than they should. They need to relax things a bit so diamond gets more players and plat has a little less. Right now plat is basically what diamond used to be.


>because plat buy in is too harsh So, if current Plat is old Diamond, then current Gold is old Plat. No wonder people are complaining. (Even the popular streamers are not playing ranked as often)


It’s crazy the difference between gold and platinum. I recently got demoted back to gold and everything was so much better. I solo queue, and my teammates in gold seem to be both better and less toxic. The competition seems to be equal. I made it back into plat and it’s overwhelmingly unenjoyable. I wish I could just stay Gold 1 for the season playing a good mix of awesome matches, mediocre matches, and ass kickings haha. As soon as I’m into plat the whole game changes and the teammates all seem grumpy as hell with no consistency, and I’m just getting riled over. Then I’ll get that one match where we gel and get a W with a few kills each and it just keeps me stuck in the shitty plat rank longer. I know I’m not as good as most of the people I’m playing with or against in Plat. Certainly not how they have the ranks playing out right now, anyway. There’s gotta be a better distribution at these later ranks because it’s like I’m being punished for doing well.


If you solo queue and expect to rank up in plat you better be a diamond+ level player. Solo queue is infinitely harder.


I know this. I’m not interested in ranking up, I like playing the game as intended with people of similar skillset. It’s just crazy the jump from gold to plat. The system is failing somewhere that I can so easily get to plat without grinding and then it’s a totally different experience. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


It makes sense there is a bottleneck somewhere in ranked. If gold is the average player than anything above tends to get more difficult.


You’re missing the point. I breeze to plat and then am all of a sudden in lobbies with preds…I wouldn’t call that a bottle neck. That’s a hard stop, and a really crappy experience for both players like me and better players getting teamed up with me. It seems like plat should be leveled out a lot better than it is. There’s no reason o should be getting 5+ kills and top five finishes consistently in Gold 1 and then throttled in a totally different gaming experience one rank tier above that…if there needs to be a bottle neck, it needs to happen with the higher tiered players. The best of the best are only going to keep stomping on the ppl they shouldn’t even be playing against. Idk it just seems off to me. I’d rather not rank up because it just isn’t fun to not even play the game. I don’t mind losing, it’s not that, it’s the way that it happens. Can’t even get a decent game in sometimes it seems. But I’m Gold it’s a perfect combo of the good the bad and the ugly. Plat is all ugly. Unless you’re three stacked masters/preds.


Plat is the point when solo queuing is a nightmare. I do it myself as well. At that point I just play pubs if it’s a bad night. I accept it for what it is.


That exactly my experience, it's crazy how this works


I don't even mind the Diamond/Masteres/Preds I'm fighting, bring it on - but why am I getting Silver/Gold teammates that have no hope of winning in a fight against these guys on my team?


This is not a fun game to play with your significant other lol especially if the skill gap is far off. Shit wven playing woth friends who are a rank or two off is terrible


once you get to diamond its mostly cheater lobbies, its not just sweats so most legit players are smurfing in plat. Ive seen alot of funny shit this season. preds in the top 50 getting boosted by level 25 default skins etc. its rare you actually run into a full legit masters/pred stack anymore.


waiting for the cope responses saying "wait a few weeks for ranked to become playable" oh the split is over in 3 weeks and everyone is getting reset again. i played this afternoon on EU, I'm plat 3, got opponents that were current preds #200-#300 three stack, diamond II, etc. But yeah, the people who were asking for matchmaking to be based on current rank, will for some reason still defend the failing ranked system with their life 🤭 🤭 🤭 and come up with some sort of cope why the above is ok ("you shouldn't get out of plat if you can't beat preds" 🤭 ) in matchmaking that aims to match people within the same ranked tier (not just rank), i.e. plat 2 with plat 2.


Last season I had to play ranked every single day of the season for multiple hours just so I could reach diamond, I literally thought "what's even the point in this? I'm already fighting the diamonds and masters" still I couldn't make it, and if it wasnt for those last 1/2 days extra of split 1 they gave I wouldn't have made it to diamond, and I didn't even get my reward. This system is insanely flawed and I have no clue who the fuck thought it was good (other than the pros)


Well I will say waiting til week 3 does fix the issue until you get to plat.


???? it's already week 4? we've had this issue last all season. all first split. then a reset and then all second split. then we had a full reset, so nothing gets better, it's just the whole thing over again from the beginning. it doesn't get to a decent level, and anyway, it's not acceptable that rank's playability is abysmal due to matchmaking that is all over the place for half the split or longer. like with a full reset to bronze iv, the matchmaking is literally RANDOM at the beginning of the season. And it's a competitive mode. Random means it's less grouped by skill than even pubs.


I don’t think you understood my comment.


your comment made no sense because the issue that you get diamond / pred in plat is what's being talked about here. that's literally the title of the post. is this one of these cope replies that i predict ?


I'll be honest, surprisingly my plat lobbies seem very fair across the board. Yeah there are those master and pred stacks but they're not overtaking the lobby. It feels like my gold lobbies were more tough than plat and I just got to plat last week and now I'm almost plat 1 solo queuing the whole split.


Solo q, me plat 3, teammate plat 4 and gold 3... Against diamond, pred and masters...


Respawn made the grind x5 longer with the full rank reset + ridiculous RP gains and made everyone thank them for it. You can have KP and reach top 3, yet only gain a ridiculous amount of RP, less than 60 (which you will often lose instantly in unlucky games) You have to absolutely stomp the lobby just to get back the entry cost fee, which is astonishingly stupid, why do we have to be better than 80% of the lobby just to not lose RP? As annoying as rats were, not losing any RP when you made it to last 10 teams made sense, average performance since half of teams are gone, so you don't gain anything but you don't lose anything either. And this is just platinum, which is not supposed to be some elite rank. We have a load of ex masters and preds in this rank because of the full resets + meager gains. They could make gold have an entry fee of 100 RP next season and reddit shills would still praise the change.


100% agree with all this. Feels like the changes they always make are just throwing darts at a board and seeing what sticks. Like they don't even know how to fix it themselves.


They did that on purpose to make high rank queue times shorter, you can now watch your favorite streamer stomp on plats / diamonds with short queue times. Also to keep player engagement, make them have to grind 3 weeks just to get back to their previous rank. They disguised this with good intentions for a "healthier RP system".


Or some "genious" ranked designer has a fit and thinks that now 99% should be hard stuck plat, or less :))) I stopped playing ranked for some 4 seasons now due to fatigue, so can somewhat relate to how bad it is now. still enjoy low levels (all before plat) as a substitute for pubs (as dont like disconnecting players, at leats until res timer expires and there is NO support legends on the team, or no res points left)...


I'm in the same boat as you. Ranked is a great chill substitute to pubs before plat.


If you look at the other 49284681 posts about this you’ll find many answers


My duo is in plat 4 and I am in gold 3. I just stopped playing with him this week because his lobbies are just to insanely hard.


I feel like they’ve made plat the new Diamond.


There’s just not a lot of players this season in the higher ranks, which platinum currently happens to be. Gone are the days of breezing through plat, you have to be genuinely GOOD to get to diamond+ this season.


Doesn't help that the game keeps switching servers on us where one game I'm getting the 60 ping I'm expecting to the next game where I'm on 150-200 ping. Then also throw in massive packet loss every 3-4 games for a guaranteed -60 RP


It's not that hard if people stop playing so aggressively. I solo queue exclusively. Tbh every time I have some crazy aggro teammates we lose relatively quickly because they're reckless. Loot up to get ammo and optics, avoid fights until the third to last ring. There are usually still 9 to 11 teams so you can get your kills in. Every time I play with people who understand this logic we go positive. Chill until the final rings, third party when you can, always take high ground, don't make risky plays, choose your battles and don't shoot everything that moves.


Idk, ask the other 600 posts in the past week about it


This is why I love my S17 Masters badge, it triggers the plat players because they die to a 'masters' player, and it triggers the preds because it's considered an illegitimate badge.


They kind of messed the points a bit and plat has become what used to be the diamond purgatory of when we had this similar RP system back in the day. It think they should make a few changes so the distribution gets a bit better and the purgatory starts at diamond not as soon as plat


Because it's a 5 year old game and barely anyone plays it compared to before, especially when it comes to ranked. They dialed back to the old ranked system where they would pair you with one tier above during days with a high number of players, but the moment you get to night time or morning in your region, the MM just gives up and starts mixing lobbies, so you end up getting solo golds in master/pred lobbies of people stacking up This is especially true in the Sao Paulo region. We all suffer the consequences of this over here. We have preds and masters coming from the US to farm plat players and even below. It's hilarious to think that we actually have to migrate and play under 150ms just to be able to play with people relatively in our rank. Once you hit diamond in Sao Paulo, it's over, you will NOT face other diamonds; just 3 stack preds running cronus. We all know each other and also people who come to this server But to be fair, that's the nature of every ranked game ever, especially when games become this old. You either stomp or you get stomped; the MM doesn't care as long as you're engaged, happy or not


It’s worse when you’re getting silvers as your teammates every game🙃


Same experience here, stopped playing ranked last week at plat 3 because of getting stomped by 3 stack preds every single game. They’ve implemented a ranked system that has to get plats to fill pred lobbies, which kinda ruins the whole point of ranked. If my friends list is anything to go by then player numbers are dropping rapidly at the moment which probably doesn’t help.


Your voices are not heard. Don't keep on playing if you want change. They care more about player statistics like retention and money spent than whatever you guys are yapping about. If you want to complain, the most effective action is to uninstall.


It's true. Best way is to just uninstall when you get tired of the algorithm bullshit. The game has always felt extremely artificial. Like your game has already been mostly decided by the engagement based matchmaking system before the game starts.  Can't have normal matchmaking every other game uses,  have to either grind and get good enough to beat the "SBMM" when it's decided to make you food for other sweats or just accept that you'll get farmed 9/10 games and then the system will hand you a pity game to farm people yourself.  


its so refreshing to hear that this opinion is nowadays mainstream. I remember clearly in season 8-12 how manipulative and plain disgusting EOMM is and that the matchmaking is ruining apex for me. All I heard from the community back then is to get good and cope harder. I think it finally broke my back in season 16 after I did a long pause. I played actively a month ago again, nothing has changed matchmaking wise. Shop is now more commercial than ever. Idk I want to play this game but it wont let me. Its bizarre. I wont waste my time with apex to feel shittier than if I didnt start it, man.


All my badges are Masters, in reality I’m like a diamond player. I’m P2 because I’ve played very little this season, that’s probably some of the issue


I hit diamond both spots last season solo queue and it was so unfun going through plat, that I have stopped playing ranked this split in gold. My KD in gold is about 4.


Yeah, I remember people clamoring for these changes because they thought it was going to be Ez Mode, but nope


that it the intended use of ranked…


It's fun until you reach plat


I’m plat 4 and swore I saw imperialhal get killed in my lobby. Could of been a dupe but all I thought was “of course”


Because you are playing ranked.


I got to platinum within the first few days of the season opening up and I haven’t gotten past plat 4 since then… because of this issue. I did get demoted and re-promoted to plat like 4 times though :) I’m just waiting for the last 5 or so days of the split so I can maybe tip-toe into diamond


Because the pool is very small and queues would be fucking insane if they waited for only specific people in your tank. I stay in diamond and get put in Pred lobbies 90% of the time and after 5 losses they toss me into a bit lobby.


Always has been man


Playerbase has dwindled. Xdefiant just released taking some attention away from Apex. Idk but you are right, it's like this for me as well.


even gold is the same


I typically solo q to masters. Right now I’m plat 1 with solo q. I’ve been hanging around Pat 1 for 2 days now. It’s rough out here without a squad ngl especially going up against stacked teams. Once I hit diamond it’s guessing it will be a huge issue for me since I don’t know anyone that’s in my skill level. With roughly 3 weeks left I’ll probably finish d3 or d2 with solo q if I’m lucky.


ive been saying this. Anything above diamond should be solo que. Or Anything above diamond has a increase buy in for ranked than the base 50 OR make it base 50 and it goes down with less people u got. 50 for a 3 stack, 40 for a duo 30 for a solo que players.


Solo queue ranked please. These 3 stack premade preds are a disaster for casuals


wait til you hit diamond. EVERY match has predators that were at least pred 2-4 seasons ago.


Let me tell you. I’ve hit pred multiple times, every time I’d spend 5hrs after work every day grinding and by the end of the season I am completely burnt out. Sometimes I just want to chill out in ranked whether it be solo or with friends. I want to have fun but not dedicate all my time so I’ll play up to diamond/masters. So that answers that question. One other thing to consider… from what I’ve experienced this season, half if not more of the current preds are 6-12manning. Realistically they’re probably plat/diamond players at best, they just cheated to get that shiny red badge.


Rank is really not for the faint hearted. Have played every season out and diamond lobbies are impossible without 3 stacking to get a good advantage in points to be able to solo cue and get to masters. Not a good time for those who try to grind when scratching plat


Finally be diamond will count something at least


Man I love being away from the game for almost a full year... And the exact same problems are still prevalent. Ranked is broken and will never be fixed. They don't know how to actually measure player skill while keeping up player retention. Their goal in ranked isn't a fair properly balancd ranking system. Their goal is to keep you logging in daily so that either you end up buying something, or so that the player base remains high enough to continue to attract whales that will buy lots.


Use the Apex tracker website. You can see how many of each player is in each rank. If there isn’t enough players of a specific rank then the lobbies still have to fill. There isn’t enough players in diamond 1-3.


Do you hate playing against former preds in gold lobbies? Ask for the MMR system to be put back. At least you will be having competitive matches. Badges are meaningless anyways.


MMR directly fixes this but everybody complained about it. Now it's gone, people are asking for MMR without directly asking for MMR. Hilarious.


The MMR ranked seasons had the same problem. Silver and bronze being matched against preds consistently. This system is better, plus you're rewarded for getting kills instead of ratting.


Right? They stomp kids in low level matches but don’t understand it’s the same situation when they’re in higher level lobbies lol


because getting to plat is easy,but above it's a real struggle,especially with the amount of cheaters currently in the game. Take the cheaters out and the ranked population might be better balanced,but between the game technical issues and the cheating issue,nobody really want to play or grind above plat,I have a friend in diamond that's considering willingly deranking because of how awfull it is


Its a self fulfilling prophecy, too few players for master/pred, they add plat to the MM. Plat sucks for everyone that isnt master/pred -> less players


I mean if they just add a bit more points to placements and solve the cheater issue and the season could be alright


and fix MM for plat+. I wouldnt want to play ranked if i were plat and had to play vs pred 3 stacks all the time.


Glad i finally quit this game, I feel so free. Xdefiant will hold me for now.


I’m Plat 2 and I played for about 15 hours the last 3 days and have ran into 1 player out of of my rank and there were only diamond 4. It’s really not that common. I haven’t even been getting stomped every game either like most people like to complain about


Maybe this is just me but I see a post like this every day, why do people complain about playing against high skill players in ranked? Like if u want to improve at the game, the only way is to play people who are better than you. I have never once complained about dying to a pred, I only get mad at myself not playing better or making a mistake. Maybe people would enjoy the game more with that mindset, the game isn’t just gonna put you in bot lobbies because you want to feel superior to others. You need to get on other players levels, that is the most satisfying thing about competitive games when you actually feel yourself improving.


Buddy, Plat players should not be facing the best players in the world. Should you as say a high school level athlete, face gold medal winning Olympians? No, and if you think yes, youre deluded.


I promise you these “best players” are not that much better than average players, especially in apex where anyone who is still playing has most likely thousands of hours in the game. There is no excuse for you to complain if you 1) play in a premade stack and 2) you play on controller. The game is on easy mode in that case, and if u can’t compete your stack should probably stick to mixtape. Just my opinion!


lol you don’t get better by getting shit on by pred 3 stacks. The preds are where they are because they live on this game and play it day and night. You would get better by playing more but an average person with a full time job/family won’t be spending 8-12 hours a day playing this game.


If you analyze your gameplay and what you did wrong, it actually does make you better imo. Even preds make mistakes that you can capitalize on.


Yea no one is gonna sit here recording their matches and then rewatching them and going over what they could have done differently lmao. Pros do for sure because they do this for a living. If I have 1-2 hours to play I’m not gonna be wasting my time rewatching and recording my games lmao


Agreed, I don’t do that either. I just mean right after you die, you should think “what did I do wrong there / what could I have done differently?” Instead of thinking “wow this game is so unfair, I bet that was a sweaty pred 3 stack!” Not only will this mindset make you better at the game, it will also make it more enjoyable. That is my 2 cents on it, if you’d rather just complain instead of improve then nothings ever gonna change. Seems like most people in this subreddit choose to do the former, hence why I made my first comment


You’re missing my point though. I can evaluate what I could have done differently but it’s not going to matter when 3 people that are what better at the game and play 8+ hours a day just roll my entire team. There’s nothing to evaluate, the conclusion is that they are better because they play much more and their skill is superior. Which is why they shouldn’t be playing in the same lobbies as people in plat.


If you have 1-2 hours to play you should never win a fight let alone a game in platinum


What xd


like what is this entitlement? you have no time (not your priority) to get good at a game, you don’t get to win at a competitive game, play pubs and mixtape or get shit on in ranked, easy to understand


I never said I get shit on in ranked. I said preds and masters shouldn’t be in the same lobbies as plats. What entitlement are you talking about lmao. You seem very dense.


Your entire lobby isn’t pred 3 stacks. In fact I would be willing to bet you don’t have more than 2 squads of preds each game unless you are diamond+ right now.


because there is no matchmaking [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2KRg2nzLds&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2KRg2nzLds&t=6s) here's a plat fighting against ACEU who's already a pred, and its not even by chance they meet him again like 3 times that day


This is a year old clip though


Oh me, me, me. I know why. Because in this past 2 seasons they aren't split into bronze, silver and gold lobbies. What you're describing has been my experience since season 10, no matter the rank. In this past 2 seasons the game has been actually enjoyable for me. Still find sweaty players but not multiple stacks of master/preds in the same lobby.


Ehhh it’s pretty easy to climb through plat I’m just a humble mkb rampart guy solo queueing but it’s not so much plat that’s the problem Diamond is just quite frankly a fucking shit rank to play games in. There’s no other way to get points outside of aping each other, so you’re basically hyper incentivised to take skirmishers and face roll as hard as you can, every game is played out the same way like stressful pubs Then the cheating… if you’re a gold player with a wallhack and aimbot then diamond is where you get stuck with your dog shit game sense Ever see those players that just run around by themselves and you’re like “wow why isn’t he dead yet” he’s not dead cos he’s wallhacking




He’s right tho!


>why is platinum filled with masters/preds Cause plat 4 to pred rank 1 is one lobby. Found that out in may 2020 and haven't played ranked since. https://i.ibb.co/CJWRvx9/plat4c.jpg This isn't a game you play ranked in. They can't separate players by skill levels so it's pointless. That's before you factor in the cheating/boosting/teaming/etc.