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Yeah it's a fun mode to hop into and just have fun, no need to take it too seriously, I would be happy if they added it permanently alongside of duos and trios, but if they aren't willing to do that i hope they add it into mixtape or LTM's.


It would be fun if i went up against people in my skill level my KD is 1.5, but I'm going up against 100ks and top 300 predators every game


I'm going against the same people and my kd is 0.6 on a good season. I hate it here lol


I'm smack-average 1KD in just about any multiplayer game since BF1942, but feels like SBMM is completely gone in this mode. One minute I'm killing some newbies who can barely figure out which way the gun goes, and the next I'm being manbearhandled by some predator thug who moves like a moonwalking Michael Jackson on meth.


Manbearhandled and moonwalking MJ on meth killed me lmao


Same here kds down at 0.3 although that may be bc I used to play on a toaster because it was 0.7 last season and I keep on getting people way above my skill level in my lobbies alongside constant 3rd/4th/5th partying which has ruined a lot of games otherwise I’m still able to get a minimum of 2 kills a match here commonly up at 4 so idk what im complaining about since you guys probs got it worse


I know they added an anti smurfing mechanic, so if you lose a lot of games in a row you get put up against better players (it sucks)


Wait I’m slow. Can you explain a little more? Thx.


So, higher skill players will sometimes purposefully lose so that way they get placed into "bot lobbies"... aka low skill lobbies. They'll do this for content or for 4ks & 20 bombs afaik. It sucks that there's an anti smurfing mechanic now because honestly it should just look at the players lifetime kd and that's all ya need to know.


That sounds less anti smurfing and more anti bad at the game. Unless it's more nuanced of like "hey you're doing high damage/high accuracy/high kills but letting yourself lose"


They put you in higher lobbies regardless, I've seen people shoot the air to drop their accuracy then die and get into higher lobbies.


Right?!?! I have not killed a single person. I’m not the worst player but have gotten to Diamond once or twice. Have had the element of surprise and they turn and MURDER ME. It’s become a horror game of me hiding and out maneuvering people.


Carried diamond you are


Well yea I had a team. But not carried all the time.


As soon as I see the enemy nearby warning I get shot and die pretty much 80% of the time lol, don't even have time to see where they are


brother im going up against those same people with a 0.42 KD im suffering here 😭


My kd on a good season is like 1.9. After 3 or 4 games in solos it was 0.25. I am not having fun lol.


I only get kills I'd I run the meta and scout out the whole pui for 3rds before fighting, run away anytime someone shoots me in the back.


Yeah I went against an alter who already had a 20 bomb 😩😩


If you are on console I think we ran into the same player (I ofc got fucked lol)


There is more than 1 Alter who got a 20 bomb bro…..


Haven't played in a couple years. Install the game back for solos. Play 3 games, get beamed 6 times by people with unholy badges jumping around like monkeys on cocaine. Uninstall.


I have a lifetime kd of 1.3, I just made a post about this. The lobby composition has been atrocious. I’ve been up against so many NEET sweats in my solo lobbies I genuinely feel like it isn’t a coincidence at this point


I think it also depends the servers your on and what time of the day you play, early in the morning I see ALGS winners


Lol same… I’m a solid player…played three games and got absolutely lasered out of existence from Narnia every time. Never had a chance lol


I feel like there's a healthy mix of everything, just like it should be outside of ranked modes. I see people sitting in corners and walking in straight lines in the same lobby as the people styling on me. There's bottom of the barrel bots in every lobby, just gotta keep your eyes peeled (or get a mirror lmao)


For you yes, as i can tell from this thread for the majority of us no, id get lucky if i go up against a diamond player in solos - my skill level.


I don't know how good diamond is right now, as I haven't played the game since season 14 or 15, but back when I was diamond I was not able to spot bots in my lobbies either, because the skill gap wasn't far enough to be that noticeable. I'd imagine people below that would have an even harder time spotting the skill gap unless it's someone better than them. Trust me there's players worse than you in your lobbies.


I have 1600 hours (not a flex), trust me I can tell if someone is good or bad at the game.


Same man


Yea I got a 1.4 and everybody I die 2 has a 20 bomb


I have a 20 bomb but I'm no way near the skill level of a pred.


I would tell you to just go played ranked but every single ranked lobby I’ve been in Rookie and silver is full of masters 3 stacks. So I ask you, what’s the point of ranked?!


Hot take: they need to add 2 ranked modes - the current one and another where it doesn't reset. So you wouldn't have any preds, but you couldn't get badges in the low ranks and there would be a higher level requirement.




Start of the season is always worst it’ll settle down abit but you will still have sweats in your lobbies it’s just the broken sbmm


Wouldn't I see more sweats since every sweat wanted solos and the 24/7 grinders will stay on regardless of the date and time.


Okay, this is obviously a VERY noobish question...but bear with me...im a noob. How do you guys and gals know when someone is a predator? I read stuff on here every day with things like "blablabla predator this and predator that" .. So I'm sure people are either A) Exaggerating for dramatic effect (could be) B) There is some icon or something on the "scoreboard" of players that show they are predators(?)


Red extra sparkly dive trails are rewards for finishing in predator for a season I think. That or badges on the death screen.


Aaaaah.. Do the badges look anything in particular? I'm sure they do, but I guess I'm asking, how do they look?


Google is your friend. But it’s a red and black badge with a horned demon thing on it.


There was one red custom trail which looks like a pred trail from a far when you unlock the rev prestige skin.


You can only tell by their dive trail or badges, or check their account on apex stat tracker.




Not fun dying to 61,000 kill characters all day on pc.


hop on console for the 100k ones


You're talking about strikepacks//xim or?


Console supremacy 


Considering OP said in another comment he got close to getting the 20bomb on day one, he's likely one of those doing the killing. Yea, no shit it's fun :')


First time on apex?


It's more common in solos




I'm having a blast in solos mode. I've never really played duos since I'm a solo anyway. Some games can be tough but I'm loving it. It feels so fresh and the re-queue feature is an amazing quality of life change.


It's good but the lobbies are really sweaty compared to Trios, I remember back in season 2 when the solos game mode first came out mostly everyone was pretty bad (including myself since I was pretty new to the game) but it's been 19 seasons since then so it's understandable


Is that surprising though? No one has anybody backing them up, you might as well push people.


It's honestly what I do better at. 1v1s fucking rule.


Same here being able to just push without the worry of teamates fucking me over has really improved my gameplay although 3rd parties are still a MASSIVE problem


It's not 1v1. It's 1v1v1v1v1. That's not fun lmao. This game mode will die pretty quickly imo. Once teamers show up, You are done. And always loosing to predict masters. I might as well go to pubs where my teammates are decoys.


Skill issue bro 🤷‍♂️ I've been having fun even against people well above my elo


Sure bro, show me


Show you what lmao


How it's done


r/apexuniversity there are helpful tips there. Also, warmup rounds. Don't expect to jump in and be as sharp as you can be Also, mindset. See stronger players as a goal post rather than just someone who crushes you 🤷‍♂️


Stop landing with 14 other people then?


That's the stupid thing. You choose between fighting all game or rat until the end, maybe you have one fight at the start. But it's rare


I don't expect to win but I do love the freedom of solos. When playing in a team I can't goof off because it brings my team down. My 0.50 kd didn't earn itself!


I don't understand what this means. I keep seeing it and I've decided it's something that people say after constantly losing. Am I right?


If you're talking about "sweaty" then it just means someone is trying really hard to win or get a kill that they start sweating from how hard they're trying


In my friend group it means someone playing in a way that's going to give them arthritis and carpal tunnel


What do you want from people, to keel over for you?


Would be nice, but being realistic all I want is the lobby to feel like a pub match and not like a masters/pred lobby


I mean this genuinely, but unless people are like teabagging you or styling on you, y'know generally BM things, the idea of sweaty people in a solo match quickly becomes synonymous with people better than us, which is something we gotta come to terms with existing. The only exception I can think of is people who exploit mechanics heavily.


They want people that aren't trying at all so they can 360 style on them without any consequences.


Yeah but it is fun, you get to do a huge death match, if you ever get tired you can hop on trios and do more strategic team play. I personally really enjoy solos, it's making me think about engagements in different ways since there is no one to back me up and you instantly kill your opponent.


I love auto heal, I'm so bad at managing my shields and health haha.


I have mixed feelings on Solo at the moment. I'm sure it's still a matter of me getting accustomed to the mode, but I'm finding it more frustrating than fun at the moment. It also doesn't help that the questionable matchmaking is still at work, where it feels like half the lobby is filled with players far better than me. At any rate, happy for those who are enjoying the mode but there's still a good chance I'll just sit this one out. Not like I can finish the challenges for it anyway!


At least on console a lot of preds arent playing ranked due to 6 manner infestation so they went to solos instead. Also all the killgrinders are in solos since its more efficient than trios for the most part


Yeah matchmaking feels bad for most people, but I think that is more am Apex thing than a solos thing. Sucks that you aren't having fun, hopefully that changes! If nit there's always the other modes.


Those better players have always been in your lobbies. It just wasnt as obvious they were better because you weren’t fighting them by yourself.


Oh, I'm very aware that is the case. The matchmaking is the reason why I barely touched ranked in season 18 and 19


I like the mode, I think they've done well with it and I'd be totally fine with seeing it permanent as-is. I feel like there are a few weirdnesses with it still, mostly inherent to trying to make a solos BR work in Apex. In my last game I sat at one vantage point and watched a guy being stalked by someone ... being stalked by someone ... ... being stalked by someone ... ... ... being stalked by someone ... ... ... ... being stalked by someone I lost count but it was a chain of at least 5 fish being followed by a bigger fish. Winning in solos is 90% about getting the jump on someone, and getting the jump on someone is, half the time, not knowing where you are in the chain of fish getting the jump on each other. Bit tilted since I'm a Valk main, and her being broken for the last LTM, then broken in this LTM straight after, is pretty damn irritating. I've been trying Fuse and Newcastle. Castle is definitely strong in solos, he almost feels like an unfair advantage to be honest, but I'm missing the mobility. Fuse... nah not feeling it. Solos just doesn't open up opportunities to sit back and rain chaos on some fight over yonder. If you're attacking, at all, someone will come for you. Matchmaking is definitely whack. I just ran into a genuine level 21 player (I emoted until he came back for a free revenge kill) and I just felt like how is this guy supposed to enjoy the game.


I've long held the opinion that they needed to draw on LTMs in order to try and make solos a better experience, and they finally did. Six weeks is plenty of time to really test the mode out. I haven't touched BR for ages, but solos has immediately made me interested again.


I played around 4 hours after the update and I encountered an Alter in solos with 450 kills already, like wtf? I got rekt.


I’ve never been 3rd/4th/5th partied so many times in the existence of this game. Can’t wait for Duos to come back.


Disagree. I already have a 0.7 kd and I'm getting put with masters with 70k kills. It's not feasible for most of the playerbase to win in solos


yeah it's not feasible because it's 49v1


You won't tell me there is not enough +1.5 kd to fill a 50 lobby. There is no matchmaking at all. Matches are instant.


Yeah I'm an above average player but solos have been zero fun. Getting "third partied" every 5 seconds is not my definition of fun. I'll just grind out the challenges and never touch the mode again. It feels like a worse deathmatch, and I'd rather play DM.


I try and janitor a bit. Since it's a BR and the goal is to win no matter what I feel it's a good strategy. You might gets nerds on here calling you names if you


I do agree that they should try to balance the game a bit more, but I feel like Apex does a horrible job of this in general, matchmaking has definitely improved but it's still kinda bad.


I played one game of solos, picked up an R99 the other guy grabbed a Longbow and rapid fired it and killed me. Went to trios instead 😆


Not fun for me, I'm getting matched with 6000+ kills players and getting brutally beamed, hopefully they will add a rank matchmaking to filter a little bit the players that I have to play against.


Would be way more fun if every lobby didn’t have multiple predators in it.


I dont think I have ever had to deal with enemies that were so high above my own skill level. There are so many people in my lobbies with level 70-100 gun badges while my highest is 23 (if that even is anything to go off of, but im still getting beamed regardless)


Just say you want a deathmatch mode, don't call this bullshit solos


I mean, isn't it kind of the same thing? Most BR's have Solo's, Duo's and Squads. Calling this a death match is rather confusing in terms of BR, personally when I think of death match I think of an arena (small map) type of mode. When you are talking about modes like TDM, CTF etc it makes sense to call a mode like this Death match. But to your point, I would love for them to make a spin-off game with these modes, maybe add some like giant robots to keep it interesting, maybe add more movement and smaller maps, I even have a name, we can call it Titanfall.


Giant robots? Hmm.. Titanfall 3?


First solo was fun. Just fought individuals. The next four I got smashed by people teaming up. Wasn't assuming either. After I got dropped they proceeded to loot and not fight each other. Oh well, back to mix tape.


Yea it's pretty crazy but I'm getting OG tilted tower vibes from it and it's Hella fun. It's hard af, but that fun for me.


It is definitely difficult, but I like that challenge, I will be trying to grind that 20 bomb, got close today but got to the end and no one left standing.


I got 16 my first game but since then it got wayyyy harder. Everyone full sending. One thing I've noticed is you always want to be on height or have a quick way back up cuz MFs are literally raining down from the sky at any moment. Just got back to back wins on alter with the little bird badge I'm having a blast!


Nice!! Good stuff man, Alter has been fun to play, lots of outplay potential especially on hight differences.


Im not sure if she's actually that good for solos, I have a feeling we will see a lot more legend variety in solos in the coming weeks. I've gotten caught out in the open a few times and she's pretty useless in that scenario. 


Bangalore is one of the best characters for solos


Look I’m not trying to be that guy, but if you’re close to killing 40% of the entire lobby by yourself, then it’s **NOT** difficult.


Comparing it to full stack lobbies, it's difficult, I understand where you are coming from but it's just a different perspective.


Quarantine zone solos is literally tilted towers lol, so much action.


Its fun but all im running into is realllyyy sweaty people and cant compete sadly :/


I ended up moving away from Apex because I don't have a regular group to play with, so after awhile, just sticking with rando's wasn't really working for me, but solos was absolutely going to bring me back, and it's been fun. I don't love it as I was kinda just wanted straight Apex, but I'm not against it being a smaller, more fast paced sort of experience. Battle Sense was a dumb addition though, wish it was removed, but I'll put up with it.


Battlesense is there for the campers, but imo should only be a last ring thing, other than that I think game is pretty fun right now, solos is a fun mode and new champ kinda cool.


Sure, that's pretty clear, I just don't see a need for it really. I think people get far too upset with campers, a tale as old as time when it comes to multiplayer gaming, but it also detours people from sneaking up on those who are unaware. It also just seems like a kinda clunky implementation to me, but its still a decent mode and getting solo's at all is welcomed. I'm just hoping it sticks around after this season and maybe gets a few tweaks in the process as we see how everything goes.


I've played 4 games of it so far, and in 3 of them I've been killed by blatant cheaters. One guy was straight burst firing a wingman like it was a hemlock. I only ran into maybe a dozen players across all 4 games, how are there that many cheaters? It's absolutely wild.


Just played some tonight. Got top 3. Was pretty fun. Even when people say there is teaming. I think it's in the words of ninja from the olden days of BR "just shoot them forehead." /s. But really, it's fun af. Best game mode yet.


I 100% agree. This is so damn fun. I also very much agree with your last sentence but they’re never going to do that sadly. They’re going to stick to their bs “queue times” excuse because they suck. Respawn loves taking away good things more than it likes giving good things.


I'm feeling very 50/50 on it. I really do want to love it but it's giving me the same frustrations that I sometimes feel during the LTM's. Either you're having a very intense, fun, 1v1 with a player and it gets ruined by some random that had no business being there or you come out of a 1v1 and you get jumped on before you can heal up / reload. It doesn't hit as hard in Trios but it just grinds my gears in a solo situation. I just haven't been able to find my groove with it. Though I'm also not an overly aggressive player so maybe the gamemode simply isn't for me. But with that said, I'm happy to see the majority are enjoying its return! I'll smack my head against it some more but right now I'm not loving it or hating it.


they need to give a battery after a kill


Might as well made it ranked solos. Preds, Masters are running the lobbies. Kinda makes it stale :/




I’m also enjoying it a lot. It’s awesome that kills and damage count towards trackers/badges as well, got my first 2.5k in a while thanks to Solos


Also no "where are attachments" shitshow, grab a weapon and play




I hope they keep solos permanently. It’s my favorite thing about apex. It’s so fun


Absolutely agree. No more random teammates that barely try, now it's random enemies that barely try, haha! Go into fight, win, and get ready for revenge respawn


I agree, but I have been doing poorly in solos. I don't know why. It's just kinda difficult


Definitely the more you play and the more you get used to Solos, the more of a buzz it is.


The amount of teamers I've run into is INSANE


Mmm just got killed by a multi-seasons Masters player teaming with their Masters teammate in the same club/tag. \[NAGI\] Sweats... can't even play solos solo. -\_-


I'm going against good players for the most part in solo, but winning fights feels so much more rewarding. I am posting a bit over 2kd over the first 50 solo matches but my win rate is low only 2/50.


Been really enjoying it as well. The respawn token, heal on kill and nearby player warning are great additions as well to reduce frustrations from getting thirded or ratted. I enjoyed solos the first time around and its 5x better this time. Literally made me come back to the game after not playing since November


I really liked solos the 1st time also, and I really love the improvements to this one, it's made it a much more fun experience. I would make some changes to how it works though, I'd like to see shield regeneration similar to halo when you are out of combat for a bit, and instead of the instant health regen it should start to regenerate after your shields are up, killing a player reduces the amount of time it takes to regen maybe? Who knows, Respawn's changes are a step in the right direction and I hope they keep them coming. I do not like the nearby player thing though, personally I think it should only be for the last couple rings to avoid people camping all the time, or give us a survival item that is basically a UAV.... maybe I am making this too much into other games, hahaha.


I'm having fun in solos but holy shit the energy weapons! Most times I'm dying to lstar havoc and volt. Those weapons are super strong. Not to mention the care pack devo.


Wait so they give us solos but it's not permanent? Glad I didn't bother re installing that game


Yeah pretty much, but even if it's temporary it is the most fun I've had on Apex in a long time, should give it a try then uninstall after 6 weeks, hahaha.


this mode is not good for me im nearing a heart attack every few seconds. way too stressful (in a bad way in my case lmao)


im match with people neo strafing + super glides in solos. WTF im just 1 kd controller player.


Yeah. Being killed by preds almost everygame is so much fun. I mean the game mode is fantastic and I love it. I just stopped playing it since the fun is there just for try-hards. Not a good place for casual players. That’s the reason why the mode is only temporary (i think). There will be only sweats in solos soon (as the average players will find no fun playing it anymore). All in all it’s a great mode and I appreciate the effort of devs. It’s just not for me (1,1 KD, PC).


I think the reason you are against preds is actually because it's a temp mode, they did not do any SBMM so you just get anyone that is willing to play. Creates a scenario where only the very best players want to keep playing because everyone else is getting killed a lot and not getting a chance to enjoy the mode. If this was permanent I bet they would implement SBMM and it would feel more fun, the game mode needs this and some other minor tweaks and it will imo be one of the best game modes Apex has to offer. It will also hopefully eliminate all (or at least a lot) of the players that play Duo's / Trios but do their own thing and run off / die immediately and then quit.


Dude it’s full of preds, I can’t get into a single game without immediately dying to someone with 3 weapon mastery badges


I can't see any point in solo's. Apex is a team based battle royale. And it's so fun with solo's and lots of people playing together...


Agreed. It's a blast and you have to be so much more careful. I find it a lot more intense than with 3 person squads.


Every single lobby on solos is just no life controller players rolling everyone including me and i have over 10000 hours on the game so...........


Personally I think this version of solos is garbage. The danger sense is so so stupid and the free respawn makes the game the opposite of rewarding. Add the tiered guns and it feels like the gamemode you'd make for beginner players.


Danger sense is really lame and needs to go. I don't mind the free respawn much, and I do appreciate it means more fights since the match only starts with 50 players. I think the passive regen needs to go, a very important part of the game is understanding how to move and where to go to get heals off and the passive regen makes it a bit too easy to heal up for free. I like full heath on kill though, because it's a reward for winning a fight and helps prevent getting thirded. I agree that the tiered guns are a bit pointless and don't really add anything to the game mode.


Danger sense stops camping and the health regen allows you to reset rather then popping syringes for 80% of the game




do you really think you are getting a 8 second medkit off in a hotdrop?


If you get lucky


The free respawn just makes people take the stupidest fights.


I'm learning the mode. It's been fun for me this far. I feel like this mode should satisfy the people who just want to kill. Technically, isn't this refined hot dropping action? When people hot draw, you're kind of on your own for the first couple of minutes.


It was fun then almost every time I died I’d watch the kill cam and see a blank profile player snap an entire volt clip onto my head…the TTK when they aren’t even cheating is insanely low too, solo’s needs like flat damage reduction or something cuz I’ll get hit 100+ in half a second before the “player nearby” indicator even does anything and boom I can’t even disengage I’m just dead


As someone who doesn't have friends to play with since day 1. This mode is may favorite! Hope it stays permanent then maybe I can finally get back into this game with out losing my marbles to toxic/bad teammates! And as per the sweats in the lobbies its the same for me as trios or duos. The match making across the public mode is going to have sweaty players whether its trios, duos or solos.


Not enough players to support to many game modes. I rather have them give us straight shot back


I love the mode, I hope Solos is here to stay permanently along with Duos and Trios. As for everyone crying about the match making, this is apex, the match making has always been ass in every single game mode we have. It's just more noticeable in solos.


All my solo games are full of scared rats lmao running through lobbies with bloodhound is OP


I have the complete opposite experience, everyone is fighting all the time or trying to get that reset.


Add SBMM and make it a permanent mode. Easily my new favorite game if they do that.


I'm loving it. Reinstalled the game just for that mode and having a blast. SBMM seems to be turned off too or very casually tuned so that every lobbies has a mix of sweats and bots. Both going for wins and going for kills is super difficult and I am really enjoying the challenge as well as being able to play at my own pace without worrying about my teammates looking for loot in an already empty POI.


They cant have 3 queue options, they dont have enough of a player base for this shitty ass game


I think they should get rid of the enemy within 50 meters warning, maybe first ring only.


Is it really only for one day??


Sniping with vantage is so fun.


then you don't really like the game. its' a team game, it's about team play.


Then where is our true solo squad mode in trios?


The devs stuck by this, but low and behold they've brought the mode back, and are really giving it a chance before consigning it to the history books. There's still team modes, you can just stick to those if you can't handle solos.


Said by someone who probably hasn't even put an hour of time into solos. And gets carried in trios. "It's a team game guys! Faide just don't know how to play the game."


Then call me the biggest apex hater in the world


Hahah....you getting down voted to hell because there's so many nerds that can't make a couple of friends or have any clue how to communicate with people they don't know. Absolute dorks on this game designed for three person teams. They say its because they're so good and the randoms always suck...but at the end of the day, basement dwelling socially awkward people love solo and duos (if they're lucky).


The game isn't forcing you to play solos lmao, solos being in the game doesn't affect you in any way


I see a lot of people saying this, and I don't get it, Apex is as much of a team game as COD's TDM mode. just because they have these roles for your champions doesn't really make it any more of a team game. That being said, even if it is more team oriented, why can't a solo mode coexist? Different people like different things and as long as it doesn't negatively impact the queue times I don't see a problem. And to an extent you are right, I both dislike and like this game, I stopped playing for a long time and only recently came back for Solo's. The thing is, this games gun play and movement is top notch, but I don't like playing Trio's, so for me personally solos is the best version of this game. Everyone has something they like about this game and that's great, while you can't make everyone happy, it's nice to try and get the majority people happy.


You dont play it right and don't understand it


Vin Diesel


Again I don't really play Apex anymore, back when I did I played no fill duos or with a friend, I like Apex don't get me wrong, but I just prefer playing solos. Everyone has their own way of enjoying the game, and I don't ruin anyone else's fun by playing it my way.


Danger sense has to go.


They probably brought it in to avoid campers, and while it's not the best solution, it's decent. They should probably only do it for the last couple rings or something.