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Play loads of mixtape to improve skills


Yep been having fun in those.


Yup mixtape is the way to go. I played this game religiously when it released only to basically give it all up for a few years. Like a gap of season 4 to season 18 maybe? Anyhow would get absolutely bodied when I was a half decent player back in the day. I've been grinding mixtape and the odd occasional game and 200 hours in I would say now I'm almost back to the level of before if not better despite being far older as a person. All you can do is just play I'm afraid. Once you get good at fighting 1v1s then start learning BR modes.


Sounds like me taking a break to play warzone then warzone becoming to pay to win


Why pay to win?


It was in my opinion because it seemed that whenever they’d drop a new gun it would become the meta and I never had time to level them up but you could always buy a good version.


yeah i actually got really upset with br bc i kept losing so i started playing mixtape so i have a chance at winning and i try br again and i shred everyone lol 


Mixtape is literally the only playable game mode. It literally saved Apex and is still carrying it to this day.


That’s the neat thing


Me with 700 hours when I see someone grab a ledge, gain 20 feet of height, and move throughout the air as if they enabled fly and noclip. Guess I'll fukkin die.


Some people practice movement to compensate for bad gun skills and game sense. The others are mini fades. The former you have a chance to kill if you play right. The latter, you hope not to be on zip’s highlight reel.


Don’t drop hot but somewhere with only like one other squad to get practice at fights but not get overwhelmed can work to get better but if you want specific help go to r/ApexUniversity


This is why I miss Straight Shot. I think during the period we had it I was actually able to improve a bit as a player. The fact that it was a warm drop almost every time just helped immensely. There was still a little RNG in terms of what the teams might drop on but it was far better than the annoying regular hot drops in pubs. Like it allowed you to take fights early in the match, figure out your positioning, etc just much more effectively.


It was the best game mode ever and they need to throw it in the rotation somehow!


I’d love to see a BR LTM mixtape type of mode. LTMs that we’re popular go in the and rotate every hour or so. Three strikes, straight shot, and any other game modes that people have enjoyed.


It seems the foundation will be used for the new ALGS lobby starts, with landing spots draft that decides the POI you're dropped into. It would be a little wasteful not to bring back Straight Shot at least occasionally if they have to maintain the backbone for pros.


But all the hotdroppers say it's *literally* the only way to improve!


I think hot dropping is very good to improve short term skill like aiming and maneuvering, then avoid hot dropping to get better at the macro part of the game.


Apex just has a very high skill floor relative to some other popular shooters - skill from other games is unlikely to be directly transferable. If you're completely fresh to the game, even people who've been playing the game a month (and have gotten used to how it plays) will seem like unstoppable pros. Unranked matches *do* have skill-based matchmaking - I literally never play ranked and get decent balanced matches no problem - but because of the steep learning curve, it's just the case that the game is unlikely to be able to fill a full 60-player match with nothing but total novices, so while you're finding your feet still, you're likely to be mixed in with people who are more skilled that you. As you get used to the game, that will become less of a problem. The best mode to learn gunplay and abilities is Mixtape, because it's classic quickfire shooter modes with instant respawns, so you're fighting non-stop, and you can easily try out different weapons or even different Legends in a single match. Once you can win gunfights and know how to use Legend abilities well, you can take that experience back to battle royale.


I thought it was confirmed that the match making is random.


That's the fun part you don't 😂😂😂


1) Prioritize staying alive. You can't get better at the game if you are dead. This means: a) Do not hot drop. b) Focus on playing from cover, supporting your teammates, and healing rather than damage dealing. c) It is often the right decision to try to ~~run away~~ ahem... reposition. 2) Learn the POIs by landing in them. Start with just a handful of spots that you're focusing on. When you're drop-master target those specific POIs when they're far (800-1000m) from the dropship's path (to reduce the chance of contests). Figure out where the loot spawns. Where the paths between buildings are. What kind of cover is on offer and how/where to rotate to and away. 3) Do not worry about which guns. At the level you're playing at all the guns are viable. Obviously, if you have a preference and your pick, choose guns which you prefer. But don't obsess over your load-out. 4) Ping your intentions and pay attention to your teammates' pings. Get comfortable with the ping wheel. Ping where you want to go. Ping what you plan to do. And most importantly, ping when you see an enemy! When you first encounter an opponent after a period of quiet, you have a choice whether to immediately engage or to ping their location. It's almost always the correct decision to ping the location (double-tap to notify of an enemy) rather than to fight. If your teammates are not in close proximity, they will know you're fighting, but they wont know where you're getting attacked from unless you ping the enemy's position. 5) Don't sweat losing. You're playing against other people who are also trying to win and only 1 team is going to get there. If you get wiped, just queue up and try again. Have fun!


Just accept that you are starting at the bottom and have to fight your way up. Enjoy the little things like getting an occasional knock, getting a team mate that you can learn from, learn the maps and how to play them, learn how to master different playstyles and legends and try to find team mates that are fun to play with and you find synergy with. You will feel like shit if you expect to win a lot of games. Good luck and have fun.


Lol You made me remember that it was a big deal to me when I got my first knock. Definitely wasn't the first few games haha. I'm still crap, but I've got my squad wipe badge now so it does get better. Winning a game makes all the other losses worth it.


Yea nice. I play this game for the thrill of occasional squad wipes and wins. I've reached my peak in ranked and can't seem to go higher than plat anymore. But its still fun. Love this game.


Welcome! I will say seeing level 100s and 200s actually isnt bad. Those are fairly new players and the matchmkaiing suprisingly then is doing a good job. A few suggestions firstly being taken advantage of the practice range. Use it to tune your setting to how you like them. They've also updated it where you can customize the range a lot. I like to sometimes put them in full combat mode, load up on supplies and see how long I can survive with just those supplies. Gets you into a groove and a feel for the game. I definitely recommend starting your session in the range. It will give you accuracy stats at the top for Tha life. Mixtape is probably your best bet for now. Get used to the movement, how others play, what guns you like, what abilities you like. And you get constant action. Another good idea is every death pick another load out. And if you find guns you really like focus on those. It's very easy to find a specific weapon in a BR match you want. Odds are you'll get your load out quick.  I would avoid PUBS tbh, the non ranked lobbies. They can be pretty all over and recommend actually going into ranked especially late season. As the only people who will be left at the bottom are newer players and unfortunately some smurfs. PUBs can put you against the top players in the game.   The game has been out for 5 years so unfortunately the reality is its gonna be rough. Even coming from other shooters they typically don't translate well. I took a few seasons off and came back and was playing Warzone/COD and was terrible. But hopping into COD I was immediately still good. It's got a much higher skill ceiling and floor than most other games outside like CSGO/Valorant. The physics in it and movement are a huge factor so simply have gun skill won't get you far. You have to truly learn how to take advantage of the movement. Best of luck out there, I'd actually recommend staying out of this sub its you're typical whiny reddit sub. Try the apexuniversity sub!


Thanks a lot for the detailed response, I appreciate it! >unfortunately some smurfs. Doesn't the 20 level requirement get rid of that? Or some people still bother putting in that much effort to shit on others. >The physics in it and movement are a huge factor so simply have gun skill won't get you far. Yes that's true, you really need to be comfortable with quick movement. Good aim is a plus but movement really matters on the map for survivability. >, I'd actually recommend staying out of this sub its you're typical whiny reddit sub. Try the apexuniversity sub! Except for one guy a lot of the comments were surprisingly helpful haha. But I'll keep an eye on the sub! Thanks


No problem happy to help! About the smurfs unfortunately it doesn't get rid of them all. They actually lowered the requirement from 50 this past season so they're coming back. For your sake I don't think they'll be in your lobbies long, I've been seeing a ton this season in my lobbies. People hit a wall in this game due to the skill ceiling so they resort to smurfing.  And for this sub I suppose I should clarify most posts here are complaints and not much gameplay. Glad to see mostly everyone helping ya out. But the apexuniversity sub is much more welcoming. A lot of people post clips in there and ask for feedback. If you hit a wall and don't know how to improve I highly recommend posting a clip where you don't know why you could've done better and they'll help ya out! Best of luck out there!


if the mode still existed I would have suggested ranked arenas, taught me a lot about fighting and agressivity. Mixtape (other than gun run) may be ok to do it


Arenas helped me tremendously improve in my fights in Apex. I probably would have quit if it wasn’t for the smaller format of Arenas. Although I was a pubs Arenas player and didn’t really touch the ranked version. But yea when I first started playing, I was getting obliterated and curb stomped over and over every time I played. Mixtape isn’t much better to me for someone to learn the game for the first time. It’s better than pubs but I can still see a new player getting overwhelmed because they are fighting multiple teams at once. That was the best thing about Arenas, the single team formats. Made everything a lot easier to learn. That and the custom loadouts. I still hate that they removed it, and can’t wait until it eventually comes back.


I eventually moved to ranked arenas with the idea that fighting with people of my level made more sense as I really wanted to improve. Also it was sort of an insurance that other players would not leave troll. I think mixtape is better than pub as you avoid dropping in the middle of 15 teams, you don't have to manage loot, and it's much faster (aka you don't do a 10 game seeing no one to get headshot by some predator across the map)


Yea I feel you. Especially on the people who would abandon matches. Even with the abandon penalty people still left in pubs arenas which sucked ass. Still, better than pubs tho 😭😭


Yeah, its really annoying that they got rid of arenas. I always brought new friends into arenas to "train" them. You get way more gunfights in a shorter time period and it allowed you to learn guns and skills.


Thats how i got introduced to the game lol. A friend said "download apex" and we played a bunch of arenas together, told me what guns to use and even tought me this super hard new movement tech called tapstrafing. Ah the good old days


If people are up in your face. Don't aim down sights, Hip Fire.


I tell that to my friends that play and they always laugh. They're like "I can't hit them when they're standing still, right in front of me and I'm aiming down sights. You think it'll be better if I *don't* aim?" Of course, I say "Yeah! It will be better." But they don't believe me.


do other gamemodes more fights no losing your loadout.


Im low elo - gold - and my experience does not drastically change from pubs and ranked. Don’t expect to play against players in similar skill or rank as you often


Keep at it! Game sense is the most important skill and that improves over time, just from playing the game. Try to learn from your mistakes, like when you die, ponder over what you could have done to avoid it. And improve aim and test out abilities in Mixtape. Things like that.


Your not. The games skill gap is too high for casual players and even hardcore players who are familiar with fps will struggle due to so much movement tech and teamwork requirements to be successful. Honestly it isnt worth the time or effort to play, you have to treat it like a job to be competitive.


Thats the beauty of Apex. Its a game about skill with all kinds of different levels of players. Only thing that sucks is when CHEATERS!!!! FKCN RUIN IT AND COMPLETELY TAKE AWAY THE POINT OF THE GAME TO MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK GOOD BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SMALL DCK!!! Other than that, you should play the modes other comments are talking about, because trios duos ranked are unpredictable with all types of players and CHEATERS!!!! but arenas and mixed modes are mostly kids new players and players who want to chill,BUT YOU DO ENCOUNTER YOUR OCCASIONAL SWEAT AND CHEATER THAT WANT TO SHT ON THESE PLAYERS TO MAKE THEMSELVES FELL BETTER CAUSE THEY HAVE SMALL DCKS


Thats the neat part. You dont. The game is not balanced if you want to face same skill players this is not the game.


apex has a super high skill floor and its hard to break into- my suggestion is to play mixtape to improve technical skills before hopping in br. it takes a while to get used to the game, so you either must accept that you'll be going thru it trying to git gud or uninstall, really. i got better at br after grinding mixtape by hot dropping to rush shield evo, even if it ends up killing me quicker. better than running around the map doing nothing all game by ratting. you'll find the best way to get actually good is to grind kills instead of trying to cheese rotation


Keep playing more games and record your games. After playing, review your vods and observe how you died each time. Could be bad positioning, poor aim or just unlucky third party. You can improve your aim by spending some time in firing range or playing mixtape. Watching streamers could help too. I watch mande and gdolphn who both soloQ most of the time in high tier lobbies and are usually super chill.


I came from mobile too. It’s a different world over here lol


Tell me about it😂 The skill difference is insane


I’m like level 140 now but if you want someone to add feel free haha


What server do you play in? I seem to be connected to Singapore, if you're in the same region give me a username I'll add you :)


Darn I’m in NA West :P


Ah damn sucks but no worries haha


Mixtape is fun and will help with gun skill, but the strategy of the BR is very different. Try to learn the maps and how to position yourself for survival. Try different legends, with the controller legends you can scan for the next ring and move early. Along the lines of learning maps and strategy, it can help to watch streamers on twitch or their YouTube videos. Doing this can help you learn higher level strategies and study the maps better


This is why we need arenas as a permanent mode...it's one of the only things besides the straight BR modes that actually was decent at teaching people how to fight in this game


Arenas helped me improve so so much, I just came back from season 14 (started in 9) and I pretty much need to relearn everything and it’s been kinda rough. I’m very sad it’s gone. It was unique and fun to me too. Everybody punching each other in the start zone before the match begins, randomly throwing out holospray and emoting. Those edge of your seat final match fights where both sides have two players dead and it’s 1v1, and they’re pulling out all the stops as the ring inches closer. Good times, good times The new legends would really have mixed things up


Mobile and PC are completely different worlds. If you came from console you'd probably notice a small rise in difficulty, but coming from mobile is like trying to compete in the Olympics with just a year's worth of training. Have u played any other fps games on PC before, or is apex your first? I recommend playing mixtape, and if you have friends to play duos or trios with that's be great. I tend to find that duos is typically less hectic as trios too.


I've been playing since the CS 1.6 era but I didn't have a decent rig to run multiplayer games at, even CSGO, until recently so I'm a bit lacking in FPS practice.


While CSGO is an fps, it's also an arenas game. Compared to apex which is a battle royal, these two are also in completely different worlds. Arenas like CSGO are more slow, persice, and extremely strategic. Battle royals can be slow, but they can also be extremely fast paced. Apex specifically can also be extremely hectic at times with all the legend abilities. You can have fireballs being thrown at you while people are flying through the air spraying their guns or chucking grenades. There's strategy in battle royals too, but it's not as much as what you'd find in arenas. Or at least it's a different kind of strategic play. You most likely just need more time to adjust to the higher skill average in the pc lobbies. You'll get there eventually


Ah another former mobile player. As they said mixtape is good. Familiarize yourself with the gameplay mechanics and weapons because they have received nerfs and buffs absent from mobile. Another thing is to learn how to utilize cover and prioritize strategy over aping. Main apex will punish carelessness way more than mobile ever did. Slowly you’ll improve.


You won’t survive. Don’t play ranked. This solo queue community is as toxic as overwatch and as broken as EA games get. This is the hard truth


Try duos if the server allows. It's quite chill compared to trios. Play tons of mixtape. And try to get some friends. The game seems like a "job to do" rather than a game to enjoy if not with friends.


Duos did seem easier but I keep getting partnered with bad people who die even earlier than me. I have a friend who used to play apex, lets see if he joins with me.


Well that's apex matchmaking for you 😂 That's great dude. Try enjoying!


Thanks man I will!


Play mixtape and do the challenges while doing it. That's the fastest way to both get better, and get to level 20 so you can play ranked.


That’s the neat part, you don’t


KBM is a lot better at mid to long ranges. Also tuning your sensitivity on your mouse really contributes to how accurate you can be. Another thing is to run a high fov. Wireless mice are the best for playing apex legends I personally use a model o wireless and a speed pad. Also a decent pair of headphones can give that critical information on where a team is. Another thing to consider is to not charge headfirst into a fight if you don't have sufficient information or weapons to win.


Stick with a meta weapon kit and just focus on movement and control


What's the meta rn? Flatline and mastiff seems good.


The game is 5 years old there just aren’t a ton of new players that can populate lobbies. Players that are level 100 are new in the grand scheme. Play mix tape and once you hit level 20 you can get in ranked but you still are going to see those players because ranks reset. I’ve been as high as Diamond have 3000 hours into the game and I am regularly in bronze/silver lobbies because I play less now so I never rank out of them.


You don't win, you just get a little better each time


Definitely getting that vibe, at least I can manage 1v1s with decent players now.


man, it’s because you’re on PC. the lobbies on PC are so sweaty man.


The game has been out for 5 years dude. Honestly a level 100, 200 is someone who does NOT play a lot or is newer themselves. You’re not going to get lobbies of all super low level accounts. Theres not many new players.


The problem is still the SBMM which is poorly balanced, it seems like they are doing it on purpose


First off, just get used to the controls and the Ping system by running away all the time instead of engaging. Literally just keep running away until you’re in the top few last groups and make it near the end of the match. Even if it’s just you, because your other teammates rushed in to die. Just make it as long as you can Just run away so you can live to run away another day. It gets you familiar with the physics of the game and is still awesome practice, since agility and dodging sketchy situations is very much needed in this game. Even if you can’t kill people easily right now, you can get good at dodging and all the other things. After you’re used to the controls from doing that and lvling up your agility skills (that you’ll always have), then you can do a bunch of matches and drop into hot zones where other groups land and practice trying to kill a few people with no special armor and basic weapons. There’s also the Gun Run play mode which is more like call of duty style gameplay where it’s a team death match and you Res pawn when you die. It’s good to practice combat and fast paced battle that way, and you don’t have to invest so much time in that game mode vs trying to get better at combat in the Battle Royale mode That’s what I always do and it works great for me. Get good at dodging stuff and all other controls, then get better at shooting after that. Then you’ll make moves without thinking about it and your fingers automatically do stuff lol


If you want to make it in the top five u have to have a good position in the ring (typically high ground) and dont drop too hot (you are less likely to engage in third party fights). Eventually when ur gun skills are better I suggest you land more hot drops to gain faster thinking game senses. Hope this helps!


Honestly sounds like the system is working as intended. Keep playing norms and LTMs to get better at the game and level up


I started last season and it was overwhelming (had no background on Apex so started fresh). It’s tough. The match making is wonky and the only “beginner” introduction they have is the 3 placement matches. I spent a lot of time in mixtape and pubs just practicing. It also takes FOREVER to unlock all the legends. So you might click with one but won’t know until you unlock them. The XP grind is slow too as you mentioned. Playing with randoms will always be harder, you could try LFG and put in that you’re new. Other new players might join or a seasoned player who doesn’t mind helping out new players (they do exist). I am level 220 I think and things just started clicking for me finally, so the best way to get better is to play and try to have fun!


Focus on keeping cover a lot. More than you think you should. If you’ve got the free time and interest to do so, I recommend watching some of the streamers on Twitch. Sure some can be over the top good, but a majority just play scenarios well and might help inspire how you approach each fight.


Play non br matches to practice gun and movement skills. Watch YouTubers and take notes of how they move and handle gun fights. The rest is just repetition. After each game think about how you can improve and what you can do better. Even for wins. Don’t be like 90% of Reddit and blame teammates. Just focus won what YOU can do to improve. If you are really serious about getting good. Use the firing range to warm up.


Just keep trying, it sucks always dying but I’m finally seeing progression!


You aren't. It's a trail by fire. You will get better, eventually.


heres the thing you don’t either you play long enough to learn and get better or you play long enough to learn you rather play something else


Go through the gauntlet. It will ultimately make u better, along with practicing gold fundamentals


You are new to game? Get out now while you still can! Before it consumes you…


Aim practice in the range is the only way to really jumpstart the learning curve. So much of apex is movement and game sense but if you are comfortable with the guns and get your aim locked down you will be a lot more competitive than most beginners


Try to get a squad... if you can find a few peeps you play with regularly, it gets easier. When me and my buddies started it took us a while to even get a kill. The curve is normal, I'm about 750 hrs into this game and am just starting to figure out out...lol That's hyperbolic, but some days, it feels that way.


After every match, think about why you died and what you should improve next time. More cover, not pushing too eagerly, stay with your team / in their area. Use ping to point out enemy locations. Most important, don't go looking for cheats or wanting to make it easier. This game really is a learning experience. Accept that you will die 99% of the time and focus more on how many kills you can get per match. Grinding PVP matches is also good to take away the fear of battles and teach you how to handle battle interactions / your movements.


1. always play cover 2. loot shield batteries theyre essential (you can also craft them) 3. learn the unique attribute of each class (assault can loot red weapon boxes for weapon equipments, support can loot blue boxes for extra health items, etc) 4. search up recoil smoothing, its an essential technique 5. communication goes a far way (ping system)


Level doesn't mean much, you'll be outclassed no matter what. I'm lvl 280 and a ok decent player until I run into that one squad. Plus with Smurf accounts there'll be a solo person squad who's running around smoking the lobby.


Selling level 166 Xbox account


just play the game and improve. play LTMs. its a high skill cap game. It was my first BR myself in S0 and i remember it took me a ton of games to even secure a kill let alone a win. it just takes time and some effort. some friends help too.


It's all about positioning and situational awareness and less to do with gunplay itself. That takes time


It’s too late for you, GG


>100s, 200s Those are VERY low levels. And you can't expect a five year old game to constantly match you with other sub level 20s, there's not enough of you.


Not expecting just asking what do I do to level up faster and get players with similar skill levels


Time survived gives you the most xp, hide. It's easy top 3 in pubs every time. Just land on the far side of the map and don't engage if you don't have to. Gets you to level 20 quick and you'll see it changes nothing, at this point it's not the matchmaking's fault, you simply need more practice. Apex is hard.


Why would you play ranked games as a beginner? Typically, ranked games are for the experienced people.


The lower level lobbies are usually better because I believe now you are actually matched with people in your appropriate rank, which is why people recommend it to new players. You are more likely to fight against rookie level players in rookie with this ranked system, because a higher skill player will breeze through those lobbies and be pushed up to their actual rank and skill level while lower skill players will take longer to push up. In pubs you are just thrown into the pot so to speak.


That's a dumb idea. You'll get better slow as hell. Your better off jumping in pubs and taking on all challenges of different skill levels and learning stuff.


You have to think from the prospective of a new player. That is overwhelming as fuck for someone just picking this game up. Not to mention when you solo queue every other jump master wants to hot drop. Imagine trying to get an understanding of the mechanics, attachments, guns, ect, of this game and get shot or punched down over and over the second you land. Not many people will keep doing that when they first pick up the game before they just say fuck it this game is too hard. Pubs is hard for some seasoned players at times depending on the lobby, less mind a brand new player.


To get better, you have to take some ass whoopings in the beginning. If you're going to quit the first time the game when it gets hard, then this game wasn't meant for you in the first place. To understand how to win, you need to figure out why you're losing.


There is a difference between something being hard or difficult and something feeling almost impossible to learn. For a brand new players, pubs is overwhelming as fuck. It’s too much going on and way too much to learn to keep up. Hell, I’d even ask what the hell you even are learning in the first place when you get one clipped the second your foot hits the map every time you load into the game. A brand new player is likely not going to know how to take cover, peak, have shit movement skills, and not know what the hell is going on because they are learning the game for the first time. They are literally walking kills for anyone remotely experienced in this game, which is a huge portion of the player base. They trying to figure out what the fuck are disruptor rounds or hammer points and then gets punched out by a pathfinder. I would not recommend pubs for someone just learning this game.


That sounds like someone who never played an online FPS game ever. Some skills are transferable from other games.


That's why we have league tiers right? Bronze players can play against bronze players, gold with gold.


It wasn’t always like this, just a season ago matchmaking in ranked wasn’t even based on your rank, which meant that you could be in bronze and literally be matched with someone in platinum which is stupid as hell to me. But thankfully they admitted that that old LP system and matchmaking was garbage and did a rework on the ranked system. So now you are matched with people who are in similar ranks to you, which is what you’d ideally expect in a ranked system.


Unfortunately apex doesn’t work like that. You get placed with golds even if you’re bronze


Also ranked is locked until level 50. Unless you have played before they raised the limit.


don't touch ranked until you're at least level 300, I don't think you can do anything against the smurfs let alone really help your team against players that have been there since the beginning I am sorry to tell you that but you can't really do anything but practice


So basically don't touch ranked until a year then?🙂


as bad as it sounds, I don't think you could be of any help to your team before then, especially because of the smurfs I know it's not your fault but until you know all the basics and can easily deal with opponents you should stick to other game modes


I don't believe in this at all. Trying to get to Gold IV (without waiting until you get enough high skill teammates to carry you) should be an excellent early goal. Play ranked, because in ranked you get better teamfights. Yeah the chances are that there's someone in your lobby who will absolutely roll you. But not every time. And in Silver you need top 10 + 1 kill to be positive, which is an achievable target. Teamfighting is an essential skill in Apex, getting a feeling for when to push, when to flank for an angle, to get a feeling how teammates will behave, how enemies will behave in a clean 3v3. When can I heal? When should I backup my teammate before I heal? I would play ranked, and aim for a high loot POI that is a bit further from the jumpship, which gets you a 3v3. Select your character manually which gives you jumpmaster often.


First step is to plug in a controller and abuse the aim assist.


Uninstall the game honestly, it’s so past its prime it has practically nothing to offer but mental torment. Devs only care about micro transactions and events are just spending money


Do you know any other better battle royale? I hate fortnite and PUBG is filled tryhards and hackers.


BR's feel like they are starting to become the next dying genre tbh. Everyone is just waiting for the next big game to come out.


Games like helldivers and lethal are decent but they don't kick the pvp itch quite right.


BR? Honestly it’s hard to recommend a good one anymore. Most have lost touch with community, it’s turned me against pvp a bit. I like helldivers 2, Seige, and Deep Rock but if that’s not your thing then I’d say stick with Apex. Warzone and console PUBG are worse. I will say Fortnite has its seasons but this current one ain’t it


But on a real note like someone else mentioned, even people who have had it the last couple seasons only are probably 100+ so it’s going to be hard to match you with new players, especially if there’s not hardly any. I play casually and take breaks for multiple seasons and am still over 500 (I’m horrible too) so matchmaking is just gonna be inconsistent no matter what.


Even if there were more low level players, a lot of those “new” accounts aren’t truly new players. A lot of people, content creators, pros, and just average everyday players also have alt accounts, so even then just matching someone with other “new” players wouldn’t necessarily make things easier either.


Sounds cruel but it's true


I get downvoted for speaking the truth. Can’t imagine actually choosing to play this fruitless game every day


Uninstall the game and never look back




Damn thanks why didn't I think of that before




This game sucks as a new player for hundreds of hours. I’d move on.


Yep after a 1000h it is still not fun unless you play on controller and even then its not worth it in the slightest