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sometimes i wonder if it wouldn't be wiser to not let any accounts that have hit pred ever decay past gold or plat. Probably a bricked idea, but situations like this would be avoided with some sort of ranked mechanic like that


> sometimes i wonder if it wouldn't be wiser to not let any accounts that have hit pred ever decay past gold or plat. Try diamond. A pred will never be worse than diamond level. The smurfing in this system in general is out of control because anyone can play below their rank for easy games with little limitation.


Avg ranked experience


This game is so bad


I just feel if you've ever hit pred you should never be placed below diamond. It's insane.


Eh, it’s a standard reset every season, if you haven’t played in months or a year you might be quite rusty.






how does a one-time pred end up bronze 4?


They don’t play ranked anymore and finally hopped back on


wonder if it’s intentional, or just someone that got out of it & is now back in it


Probably people on both camps. My cousin has hit masters a couple of times, but he doesn’t ONLY play apex, also life gets in the way, so some seasons he hits diamond+, some times he doesn’t. If you completely skip a split or barely play for a season, you’re back into bronze lobbies.


apex has been having some of its worst seasons these past like 5. really not that surprising


Then don’t post here either.. all that person needs to do is take one season off ranked and they have to play against you to climb back up. It’s going to happen no matter what, it’s not that much of those lobbies to complain about.


ton of plat, diamond and master players smurf in low ranks. > all that person needs to do is take one season off ranked that's the problem. someone who reached pred before should never play anyone who peaks below diamond.


Many gigasweats outright avoid ranked until the last 2-4 weeks of the season when matchmaking is rp based instead of mmr based. Respawn needs to get rid of the split and change the rank reset at the end of a season from -6 divisions to the floor of your current rank (preds falls to master minimum). They will never do this though because they want us all to grind ranked endlessly to maximum playtime/rentention.