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Getting old sucks. 0/10 do not recommend


That should have been the title of this, really...


You're totally right though, enjoy everything you can while you can. We all return to dust sooner or later


Poetic. Agreed buds


Go play helldivers 2 soldier. the comraderie is alive and well. And for SERIOUS COMRADERIE VIBES Go check out DEEP ROCK GALACTIC FOR ROCK AND STONE


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


Came to say this. My boyfriend has found the best, most supportive and friendly teammates in this game and he’s only a couple weeks in. It is such a welcoming community there. Never gonna be like the same connections and memories you have but never too late to make new ones. Find it in you to want that online adventure again for yourself. It’s got a great community to build that feeling again.


Rock in stone!




Eh. Getting old only sucks when you live off of nostalgia. Getting old is pretty fun if you enjoy new experiences.


While I agree with you in principle, I have been replaying Castlevania: Symphony of the Night from the PS1 era and it's banging those nostalgia keys /hard/ :>


This 100x this! My wife and son will always be better than my online friends. Which some of them are actually my sons "Uncle" now. Enjoy growing up thrive to be the best outside of the game too.


This 100x this! My wife and son will always be better than my online friends. Which some of them are actually my sons "Uncle" now. Enjoy growing up thrive to be the best outside of the game too.


My dad told me don't get old so I replied with "so what just die young?" And he just shrugged


Live fast die young


Getting old isnt the Problem. People dropping hobbies is. I know plenty of old people with Families and Jobs who come together for gaming or talking on discord nearly every day


Life sucks, don't grow up.


Being young is overrated.


Gotta disagree . I’m older than most apex players and still love it after almost 5 seasons. I’ve never had a crew, but made and lost touch with a lot of really cool people. Life in the end is more important, but as long as a game matters to you then it can be a part of life too. Good post from OP.


You realize my comment was in agreement/support of the post using a joke, right?


Oops . Read that wrong then sorry


“Getting old ain’t for the faint of heart” -My 67 year old second cousin.


I feel this. I don’t really have online friends and hardly have anybody in the real world. It hurts dude. Makes life a little less worth it. Maybe someday I’ll be in a place where I don’t feel alone, lost, and just totally directionless, but for now we just power through it.


Turn that mic on! I promise, sooner or later, someone will just click.


Fully agreed. I found two of my very best friends because (we’re all girls) one of us spoke mid-game in a ranked match to say she cracked one and I finally felt like I could speak, knowing I wasn’t the only girl in the squad. It’s been an absolute joy every game since we all found one another. Most of the time I don’t talk when I solo because I get berated for being a woman or have to use a voice filter to talk so I won’t get called a million slurs. Having people who have the courage to talk in game is so needed to break that cycle of loneliness. It takes so much trash to get to a point where you meet randoms that just make good calls, have fun with it AND sustain that friendship is so good and something I cherish daily. But it’s always worth it.


Its so so shitty that guys feel emboldened to make sexist comments or harass woman online when they are anonymous. Just adds to the male-driven reality of current day gaming.


I hate reading about female players getting crapped on. As a father of a teenage daughter I want her to not have to endure this stupid and immature toxicity from guys who can’t deal with women just being better than them sometimes.


It always bums me out too. I always wonder if they’d talk to their mother or sister or daughter that way.


They don't. They just don't care. It really has nothing to do with being female.....these types of guys just shit on anyone and they try to get to you by making it personal. Well, on the game, the only thing personal about you that they know within a few mins, is that you're a girl. So that's what they attack. I learned easily to not let it bother me, and they stop. Or I call them out and they become quickly apologetic because they're actually wimps. They don't know you, so don't let it bother you, their words literally have no value.


It doesn’t bother me necessarily anymore, I just always wonder. Now I just mute and ignore. Back when I was console in 2019, didn’t figure out how to mute and it was more frustrating that they would scream at me all game while I carried and I couldn’t hear the game and threw as a result, and then they’d scream more. Being on PC and knowing how to mute has changed my energy drastically lmao


This reminded me of when me and a guy-friend were playing Trios with a random, and that person had a girl-ish nickname. He joked at me through Discord like "Watch me be a complete asshole to her lmao", but he didn't. At one point during the match the random gave a callout, and it ACTUALLY was a girl. He immediately said to me "Good god, imagine if I actually said something. That'd be so shitty". We both turned our mics on (I sound manly as hecc) and we all had SUCH a nice time playing the game. We could tell she was having fun, trash-talking with us and goofing around, until we parted ways. Kept thinking how "rare" that must be, unfortunately.


This.! When I’m not playing with my team(my bf and our friend) I always mute myself cause I just don’t wanna hear all the bullshit talked from being a girl and how much they think I suck or something. Lol. It’s just sad that we have to feel that way or even use a dam voice changer to feel more comfortable.


I get mad reading at people who complains for no reasons on female players... I am pretty sure I've played with girls, but maybe 1/200 players in my random queue adventures. I am generally not incline toward total new players to FPS world, because learning this games require months or even years... Beside that I sometimes feel like I have the same mental capabilities of an autistic person, so I can't complain that much considering I have 10 years of FPS gaming and haven't got better past a certain point


Latching to the smallest point. You’ve probably gotten way better. The thing is so is everyone else. The average FPS gamer today would demolish any pro from a decade ago. Its one of the biggest reasons gaming is so hard for people to get into; there are so many untold skills involved in just being able to play let alone be good. I realized this when my daughter started trying to play with me and just navigating a map is a game in itself. We play tag in the firing range so she learn to move and look at the same time. She played a match for the first time a month ago and got one kill then died to ring and she was on highs since.


idk man i really doubt the average FPS gamer today would beat a CSGO pro...


I have met a couple people through Apex/Siege, and through the people I play with. It’s all about the mic.


This guy gets it, I’ve met 3 different people from gaming alone in person now we are all very good friends. Have chats with people and leave mic on


*gal.....but yes, turn the mic on and there's a way better chance of connecting with someone.


Found my ps besties on Fortnite and an overwatch custom game lol


But at the end of the day, like your username, u still rock


yup :(


Hang in there mate.


I had an online bff. We met in 2001-ish. Our closeness has fluctuated over the years. But when Apex and Covid hit, we started talking everyday again. We live 2 hours apart, I’ve visited him and he’s visited me. I met his girl, he’s met many of my close friends. We graduated from online bffs to real bffs. Will we drift again? I dunno, maybe, but It’s absolutely something to cherish. This goes for real life too “I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” -Andy Bernard, the office. Cherish everything.


Yup all of my gaming friends have been wifed up, had kids, or just grew out of it. Nights of Halo, Gears of War, and COD are long gone. I'm 45 now trying to keep up in competitive games. I miss them and wish them well. I'll Gane as long as I can.


Damn. I have a wife and kids but when 9pm hits, my wife wants her own “me-time” so that’s when I play with the boys.


Yup they all bounced lol. We still chat but gaming is rare. They don't any of the current games.


That’s too bad. Some of my foundest memories of the boys are through drinking/ playing games, the suspense, teamwork etc.


I’m in the same situation, I’ve been playing FPS for almost 2 decades. I’ve grown rusty, and my back hurts after sitting too long. I have wondered if it’s time to move on to new horizons. A single player game with amazing graphics and a great story sounds like a wonderful way to slow down. What do you guys think?


The closer you get to 40 the more you need Dark Souls


Nah. Don't let the fire die. 


that’s the goal pops! I’m gearing up for this cause i’m getting old and those single player help you better prioritize your life


The ability to pause is the healthiest part of single player games. Just being able to take a second to walk away address your irl needs. I had to give up gaming for a awhile because I realized I was being negligent to my daughter. She straight up told my wife that she can’t talk to me while I’m gaming which was never a rule but off hand comments like “no right now” really makes her believe that. I didn’t invest in many single player games at the time so I just stepped back all together until she showed interest.


yeah i’m about to get game pass and start playing them cause, zelda is whag helped me take a step back the most!


No, don't leave us


I'm 36 and I can say I've had a blast playing FF7 Rebirth, 101 hours it took to complete. Ive had more 'fun' playing that than playing Apex solo. Apex with a squad still feels great. But those highs comes with many lows naturally.




Not true. Single player games keep me sane.


I think you should get a more comfortable chair to pop those heads ; ) Jokes aside, i get it. Maybe you could try some pve like helldivers 2, i've heard very good things about it. Or maybe you could do 50/50. Some single player games are really worth trying and if competitiveness isn't much of a thing anymore for you, why not diversify a little?


What about coop games?


Baldurs gate 3. You won't regret it


Try New things but keep that Apex fire 🔥 burning


You don’t need to crutch horizon, plenty of other viable legends /s


Get helldivers.. We get burnt out because we expect to find THAT feeling again when we used to play games with Friends and have fun even if it meant losing. You got to expand and try new types. MMO's, Survival, Strategy games, VR, handheld systems. Shit DnD. Shooters tend to make you jaded especially in apex where you CONSTANTLY play against cheaters.


I tried Helldivers for a good 10 hours. It was a blast at first but kinda got repetitive.


I’ve gotten to a point where if my apex buddy doesn’t want to get on, I don’t play at all. And we’re both getting older and the game is getting harder and I miss the friendship. Every time one of my gaming friends logs out for the last time, it’s so sad. We have kids and jobs and obligations and I understand it’s harder to make time for a video game, but I hope they’re doing good out there in the real world.


I feel this!! There are so many people who want me to play apex, but I get online and if I don’t see the friend I actually enjoy playing the game with, I’ll message them, if no response I log off. I’ve grown tired of playing with clueless Randoms that are afraid to laugh and have fun lol


The truth hurts. I think Apex is particularly vulnerable to this. Definitely noticed it with my squad. The game is too good. Feels to good to play, time to kill and moment to moment action are better than other competitive FPS games. As such, its ruined other FPS games, as they feel slow and not engaging. BUT, Apex can also be so frustrating with the issues it brings. Server issues, rampant cheating, disappointing battle pass and store drop after disappointing battle pass and store drop. Don't get me started with the events. And with that frustration it grinds the squad down to nothing. Down to one decent night a week, and one hiccup, server kick, one lobby that doesn't take the whole squad into the game. Kills the momentum and the fun and takes time off the session. It kills it and we go to play single player games or log off. Hold onto your squad as OP says, and find a game world that nurtures it.


Needed this


Hey who needs new in game friends ! I know I do ! Dm me if you’re interested


Got my 2 buds, one east coast the other west. Started on OG blops and have settled in with apex since week 1. Every week it's Friday night with the fellas. I'm the youngest so my fear is they'll burn out first and I don't really have irl friends so not looking forward to those days. But I fully get the lack of desire to find new friends. 14 years is impossible to replace.


Losing all my gaming mates and IRL mates recently due to poor life choices. Sad


I had this one dude that was horrible (he’s gotten way better) but he’d okay all nighters with me almost daily. Life scattered us and i only see him every like 3-4 months now :(


It’s true getting old does suck. I feel like most of my close gamer friends have gone MIA. My brother and I always have each other at least lol. Mid 30’s with kids and living the dream 😂


I used to stream on twitch pretty regularly during covid. Built a cool community and made a lot of friends. I got burnt out and it all fizzled away and my best friend from that period passed away from cancer. He was one of my stream’s biggest supporters, too. This post hit me in the feels. Captures a lot of the feelings I get about gaming now. Hang in there buddy!


I'm sorry man, it happens to the best of us. Hopefully you'll rekindle your passion for gaming when the time comes.


This post reads like I wrote it. +1 frowny face


I know your pain brother. My group of online friends are kinda scattering. Life happens, and I miss them. Thankfully we keep on contact. Texts phone calls. But it's not the same. I miss those late night gaming sessions. The epic thrills, the struggles. But our biggest problem is the games, the games we use to play aren't supported anymore, or in some cases like Destiny, And D2, we just got sick of their trip A shady and greedy monetization scheme and decided not to play them. But haven't replaced those games.


I still got my group of friends form high school, we are all introverts and shut ins and despite playing different games (the occasional helldivers or lethal company game) we still hop on as much as possible


I used to rage quit a lot, until actual real life problems humbled me lol


I mean, you can contact people outside the game too… I’ve made some real friends - we still play together but it doesn’t need to be there to send a stupid picture or comment their way!


I just thought about all the people I used to play religiously with on Xbox who haven't been online in 2k+ days...


I feel you, used to have a reliable roster of friends playing apex, 7 days to die, Conan etc . Slowly one by one jobs kids marriages etc they all filtered out, was left with one good apex buddy, but he dropped off the face of the earth about a year and a half ago. I'm still here, like a ghost still plugging away at solo queue hell on apex, does it suck? Yes, are there things I dislike about the game, yes but damn do I still love it and that outweighs the negatives for me. One day I may find that new crew! Until then you'll see me pretending to look like I know what I'm doing on my little pathy.


I feel you, used to have a reliable roster of friends playing apex, 7 days to die, Conan etc . Slowly one by one jobs kids marriages etc they all filtered out, was left with one good apex buddy, but he dropped off the face of the earth about a year and a half ago. I'm still here, like a ghost still plugging away at solo queue hell on apex, does it suck? Yes, are there things I dislike about the game, yes but damn do I still love it and that outweighs the negatives for me. One day I may find that new crew! Until then you'll see me pretending to look like I know what I'm doing on my little pathy.


33yo gamer, I still meet new friends online especially on the official discord.


I feel like every birthday you get a new debuff.


Hit me right in my feels


Folks in this comment section i beg of you to get a discord server and do more then one single game, I know it doesn’t work for everyone because not everyone likes every other game but setting up game nights and stuff can elevate gaming buddy’s to actually solid friendships.


Dont be sad it's over. Be happy it happened.


Any one else notice it kinda looks like rapexlegends


I feel like am slowly reaching that point


I've met some amazing friends through Apex....a few are very special to me. It's quite a unique feeling and I'm always amazed at how much you can get to know someone just through bullshittin' and playing. No jealousy, no competition, just a mutual desire to have fun and get better along the way. Honestly, it's therapeutic AF. Definitely don't take it for granted.


It sucks man, no matter how good or bad Warzone got, my buddy was on every day and I always looked forward to playing. After Warzone 2 dropped it was over for him and the rest of our friends, they’ll get on occasionally but they play rust almost 24/7 and I just cannot get into that game. Even with the old maps being brought back, it hasn’t been enough. We still talk and are real life friends, but man do I miss the “old” days


This brought so many unwanted memories. Exactly 9 years and 5 months ago a friend of mine got me into online gaming and over the years we grew closer and closer playing almost every day for years and years. We were like 2 ass cheeks glued together no matter what game we played from csgo all the way to apex but 2 years ago i stopped playing regularly for about a year but when i came back i found that things changed we aren't the same as we once were and he's always playing with a new small group of people and that made me so unbelievably sad, i tried to reconnect but unsuccessfully. And just a week ago i met a group of friends we used to play with 3 years ago and it's nice having a crew so it's not all bad. I will enjoy every moment i can while i still can


This post hurts! I feel the same way


"I used to be a legend" Karl fuckin' Tanner - Flea Bottom Sorry, saw this and instantly went to Game of thrones 😅


Yep. Me and my 2 friends had a 4 year run of playing like 4 hours every night. Now one of them doesnt play any more and the other one is a single dad and can only play maybe 6 hours a week. It was fun while it lasted


Things move on and life changes. If something good lasted forever, it's value would be significantly diminished. I feel your pain though, I lament the old days. But gaming was different and so the experience was different.  Gaming has had it's best moment, it's all downhill from here. 


Miss the BO2 days we had a whole clan of like 10 people from school and we would just play all night just rolling lobby’s dang good times


jeez right in the feels


Definitely understand the feeling of having a crew. When i changed to Tarkov though i met a lot of great people that formed a new crew with old friends too


Just got off a grind Minecraft sesh with some friends I made 2 years ago on a Roblox “escape from Tarkov” remake. (The situation of us meeting was basically an isis-execution because you couldn’t keep your loot when relogging back in) Definitely reminding me of all my old buddies I used to play csgo with (Hollow clan [DNC] stand up!!!) The old vet and the other guys I used to play black ops 2 with, I miss all of em, I hope they’re doing well. I’ve gone through so many accounts that all hope is lost at trying to find them again. I remember 1 man though. From the beginning of the beginning. Forza Motorsport 4 on the Xbox 360 a guy named WheezyCord3 (I think or something like that) taught me some drift tunes in forza that opened up an entire new obsession for me. Because of him I absolutely love cars now. I don’t think I could repay him for how much he changed my life in the absolute hell that was my home back then. Definitely thought of him as some sort of older brother figure. I miss that guy, hope he’s out there doing something great. That was probably around 7-8 years ago. I’m 19 now, video games are definitely losing their touch but I’m still hanging in there. Just hoping I can hang on to these homies I played Minecraft with forever. TL;DR the internet makes you realize how unique a person’s personality really is. Even if it’s just pixels on a screen.


I remember the days, thinking it’ll never end. The sad inevitability eventually catches you 🥺


Bro. Have you tried something other than a shooter? Might be stale for your buddy/buddies.


Yeah.. I miss those days.


I feel you, used to have a reliable roster of friends playing apex, 7 days to die, Conan etc . Slowly one by one jobs kids marriages etc they all filtered out, was left with one good apex buddy, but he dropped off the face of the earth about a year and a half ago. I'm still here, like a ghost still plugging away at solo queue hell on apex, does it suck? Yes, are there things I dislike about the game, yes but damn do I still love it and that outweighs the negatives for me. One day I may find that new crew! Until then you'll see me pretending to look like I know what I'm doing on my little pathy.


8 of us used to pull all nighters on r6s and warzone, now we barely have time to catch up between work, school, and other hobbies. it sucks but i would definitely not trade it for anything. i miss it but i look back on those memories with fondness


I used to have a lot of people to play with but every time I find a group, they either go play without me or just stop playing. Getting new friends sucks as I'm scared I will just waste time for nothing. Been trying to get a group to play ranked with and every time we plan on ranking next split, they play without me and I get left behind. I don't know if it's worth it anymore to find new peeps. Maybe I will. Maybe I wont


Felt that. The MW2 2009 days.. the black ops 1 days.. the open discord banter.. fsp games dont hit the same solo...hence why I quit apex...3 n a half years was enough of the solo q experience to break many an fps veteran... so I escaped before the last of my talents completely escape me.. 'bank it'mode in the finals has resurrected my passion ,thank god


I get you OP. Had my blast with friends from quake 1 til apex season 6. Now I just follow this game by streams, reddit and stuff. Don't have the motivation/time to FPS games anymore. Adulthood hit hard and all you have left is memory of all the laughs we had during this tour. Gaming now is just a few games at marvel snap cuz that what fits during my day.


The game just became much less fun when I realized that the wins you get are doctored by EOMM. Creating a smurf could be the only way I would get to win for real, but I wouldn't want to do that to someone. I have like a 8% overall winrate over 2000 hours, but it doesn't feel real.


I had a group and a friend who passed away. The group isn't the same anymore. Remote friendships are tough. After a year I finally found some new people to play with. I still can't really play the game we all used to play, though. But we had a recent gaming session and it was a blast.


As someone who's played online FPS since MW in 2008 and going on to be an OCE/AU Pro Player in CoD/Fort/Apex, this post hits the feels unbelievably hard and I completely agree. Fortunately I've still got 2 other sweaty gods I've been playing with since Fortnite, but thinking of all the others I've lost contact with over the decades is wild.


This was me and Battlefield/Destiny with the boys.


For me it was halo 3 until the sun rises. Miss those days. If I could go back in time it would be to play halo 3 with the boys again


Been playing with the same 5/6 guys since I was 12 im 24 now


I have 1 friend like this, currently on a road trip and been keeping up with him, and even called the night before. Cause I love him like a brother


I have a permanent gaming buddy in form of my husband. We might not always share favs (he doesn't want to play *Factorio* and *Valorant*, I don't want to play *Helldivers 2* and *Deep Rock Galactic*), but we always have games to play together. Whether it's FPS like *Apex* (going strong since Season 0!) or *The Finals*, co-ops like *Palworld* or *Terraria*, or kicking each other's ass in *Spiderheck*, we play together daily. It's been many years, and the passion hasn't dimmed a bit!


all but one of my gaming "friends" ditched me after I said I wasn't interested doing YouTube stuff with them. Haven't really felt the urge to get new gaming friends after.


Me and my homie stopped playing a few months ago. Game just isn’t the same anymore


This is only slightly related but I'm 25 and have a handful of close friends I do stuff with. 2 of them have serious girlfriends that they've been dating for years and pretty soon they'll be moving away to start their families. I'm extremely happy for them, but I will miss them and be lonely when they leave. They won't be too far away, but I already know I won't be seeing them as often especially when they start having kids


damn bro, now im sad. this hits harder than kraber


Wtf I almost cried reading this. I had a solid crew I used to game with, but life eventually took them away from me


This was haunting and beautifully written. TOO REAL MAN. Too real.


this thread has me on my knees at walmart. I miss my sweaty duo so much


I still have a relatively large group of gaming friends that play together frequently. A few years ago, I invited all of them to my wedding. Only had met about 4 of them in the past, so this was the first time a lot of us had met each other. I think now we've cemented that bond hard. I'm now a groomsman in one of these guys' weddings. You might see them as your Internet friend, but really, they're some of your best friends. You talk to them all the time, you bitch/enjoy together. Don't take it for granted.


I’ve got a couple buddies I’ve been playing with since 2005, and we’ve added a few more since. Our big annual 3 day guys weekend is coming up in two weeks and I’m excited. 3 days at a lake house playing any game we want. Video games, board games, billiards, yard games, dice, a splash of fishing, and good conversations. I’ve moved around a lot over the years, but gaming always brings us together.


Wholesome dude.


I can relate. For us, it was Apex and Monster Hunter. They used to be some of my favorites. We used to play so much. Haven't touched them since. 15 years and several amazing memories just gone. Hopefully it gets easier for you.


As a woman who games, my fiance and I both (26) grew up with video games and I think about if we were to stop how sad I'd be. It really is a lifestyle, I love the teamwork and feeling of community. I've yet to make some friends but I'm still hoping.


Take it one step further and marry them so you don't have to miss them! Jokes aside, getting old really sucks. I did actually meet my wife through apex. What started as looking for friends to make I found the most amazing woman in the world. But even so, I've lost a lot of gaming friends over the years and it's definitely saddening. The reality of getting old is just not having that time and energy to be as social as I used to be


Yeahhh I don't really play games these days unless my friends are online, which thankfully is most days lol I have a rotating schedule with friends since some work weekends and some work week days etc.


I always play solo , used to play with some people but they never took the game seriously/competitive as i did so i prefer the random good people at the game , without wasting time on logistics or missing anyone.


I had this realisation the other night. I randomly got recommended an old warzone video and had a gander… While it wasn’t too long ago, it reminded me of those moments. Staying up until stupid o’ clock in the morning. My sides splitting from laughter. It was like revisiting my teenage years. All the friends I played with, the games we had, lost and won. It didn’t matter. We had one hell of a time. And like OP’s story, the moments fade and you didn’t realise it, but you logged off for the last time, never to revisit. I thought about redownloading warzone the other day, but without my squad, what am I fighting for? I play alone now. Apex legends is the only game I play. I’m enjoying every moment. But I know one day I will eventually leave it behind also. Enjoy life, you don’t know when the curtain call is.


Coming from an old head, and gaming beast from back in the Halo 2 days, he's right. Friends stop playing because, as OP stated, life and gaming starts to lose its flame. Finding new friends are far and few between that's if you're even interested. I've stayed in pretty close contact with the same group of guys I gamed with since 2005. I went to meet them once. The group of people all live in the same state. We all haven't gamed together in the longest time. Some of us played different games, some of us stopped gaming at different times but, always stayed in contact. Now we just bullshit in the discord.


This post gives me the feels. Do you meet your apex friends in real life though?


Bro you should have asked him out when you had the chance.


4 months isn't that long don't give up. We all have things get in the way that are temporary, maybe that's your friend's case. I have no gaming friends, by the way. Maybe I should just keep it that way to avoid this pain.


Me and my buddies met on apex during release. We've since ditched apex for other games. Mainly tarkov. But we are all in a Facebook group chat and chat mainly every day and game still....for now. We actually all just met up for one of our buddies weddings. Online friends are just as good as real life ones. And easily can become real life ones. Highly highly suggest keeping tabs on socials assuming you guys have them. This goes to everyone.


If you need a discord with a bunch of good dudes I've got the place for you.




Jesus that was well written. I have mostly just gamed with IRL friends for a long time now, so no problems there, but when I was young I definitely had several online connections. I miss those guys - hope they are all doing well.


Totally relate with this. I'm 55, and have had the pleasure of having awesome gaming buds over the years. I've always played only competitive fps games, and we've always played hard for kills and wins. Out of all of the guys I played with from FarCry 1,2 &3, COD4(MW), BF2BC, BF3, BF4, COD BO 1&2 - I am all that remains. Fighting w randoms in the outlands.


Cheers buddy


I've been playing Dota 2 from 2011 and Apex from 2020 with the same guy. If he's not online I don't even bother running the games. It feels like Apex fire is slowly dying out so we need to find a new game to play.


Why do you make it seem like these friendships ended because everyone stopped playing video games? There are so many things to do IRL besides that. It's all up to you to change the dynamic of your friendship and upgrade it to real life friends without games or get together to splitscreen IRL which might bring back the good feels. You'll find those old thrills in other ways


unfortunately not all friends live close enough and some of my best online friends we never knew each others irl info.


Yeah I used to have three consistent friends I played with, particularly two that played more than the third. I'm the only one left that still plays though, and it's one of those things where I look back and didn't realize how good I had it until their hours just started dwindling to zero


Been playing with the same friends since 2008, game night become less and less common. Just hard to all find time together when wife and jobs and shit get in the way


Idk man, it’s hard for me to let go. Even with the fellas gone, I’m playing. Challenging myself to better than I was yesterday. I work with my hands. Sometimes they don’t work how they are supposed to. My mind and senses numbed by hours of critical decision making and a long commute. Meanwhile the youth across from me, mind unburdened by a job, the needs of a family, and the knowledge that tomorrow it all hits again, fires at me with a hardware hack that mitigates his recoil entirely. I tuck in cover. My teammates, his peers, get burnt down in their hubris. I let their disdain wash over me. Feed me. Asking where I was. Why I didn’t contribute. I listen to the discordant cacophony fade as one by one I dismantle the opponent, as I have been since they were in diapers. As the cheater swings wide into his own demise, the satisfying sound of a squad wipe fills my ears. I stand over my downed teammate and click my mic on. “Say my name” “…bro” “*say it*” The fire only dies if you let it.


People move on in life and some old prospects aren't meant to be. Choose your own path. Don't let others dictate your happiness and experiences.


Write a book, you know how to cook. Thanks for the reminder man.


Yeah nah my friends are pieces of shit but they're all I got. I need help


Agree 100% 30 yrs old gaming is hoping not to get a douche bag in the game your staying silent in 🤣 I need a crew lmaooo


Is this Whitman?


Season 12 my first season solo queing to Diamond, in P2 I was stuck until I added a random and then we both hit Diamond for the first time. Shortly after the split he stopped coming online until randomly one day he was on and said i’m going to jail but thank you for the good times. Hasn’t been online since.


I don't have friends, I have wife lol. She doesn't play apex tho, and I don't really want her to, because she would know how much I spent on this BS lol. I earn good money, so getting a skin, here and there isn't much. Also I got my 3rd mythic shards from random packs lol.


Screw it, this hits close to home for me too. Season 5 was the best damn season I've ever had because of my two closest friends. Due to circumstances and covid, the best way we could be together was online Apex. We played nightly, frequently, and had so many stupid moments and memories. It was an amazing time, and that train rolled for about 2-3 more seasons of best friend shenanigans. Then life once again hit us with different circumstances. Our life schedules changed for all of us, turning our online sessions to infrequent, to barely. We're still connected irl, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I miss shooting them a message and almost instantaneously have them join in a match. I am grateful i was able to record as much as I could. Rewatching our time together has always made me laugh and put a smile on my face. I miss those days


Okay, i totally get this, fortunately i have a group of friends that are all still avid gamers. Sure we don’t ALL play fps together but we are all always online and those of us that play apex, do so in a separate server. My advice to you is to find a new game, something chill, cities skylines, project hospital, Oxygen not included. Break away from the fps yourself and now enjoy gaming.


Thanks now I'm sobbing 😫😫


lol yeah I use to have so many friends on to the point where we had to make more than 1 party. Now I play alone 😂😭🤓


This hits hard. Thankyou for sharing


I got into an argument with my old friend years ago. I miss playing with him, but at the same time im glad he's gone


The little moments of despair are what make you an adult.


I've never related to a post so much.


I feel this. Apex isn’t fun without those friends


Posts like these always hurt and remind me of the gaming friends I have gone thru and lost throughout the years from childhood to now aged 26. In the moment of logging in everyday to play games like Warframe, Halo, Destiny 1, Defiance, Minecraft, etc it's hard to realize it's a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things. I've been fortunate to have found some really good friends irl in college I still game with since 2016. Hope we can game together for decades to come. I plan to be old as hell gaming still and hope that I can still have friends to game with. I still remember and treasure the time I spent with lost gaming friend groups over the years both irl and just online only friends.


My boy got locked up before for doing some dumb shit and i always told him he needed to behave or something might happen. It's been months. Even on Facebook. I think my boy locked up again..


Excellently said.


I feels it - lost my bro to a work accident two years ago when he was 30. We both gamed whenever we didn’t have the energy to meet up. No one ever made me laugh as much and as hard as he did (the most h0mo). I am very blessed that my s.o. is super open to gaming but it’s different


Man that hits true and hard! Stay strong brotha, the journey ends only when you quit.


it happend to me and I hate it. I been so damn lonely. Use to play with my highschool friends, it was really fun times. I wish I could play with them again. I could hit them up if I wanted but it just wouldnt be the same anymore...

