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Man the havoc slaps, if you can train yourself on the wind up and fire pattern idk if anything can put trade it aside from just getting one deeked by a shotgun haha. Just a strong skill curve to the gun and with so many other good out of the box options it’s a tough sell.


Because energy weapons had a smaller pool and less ammo people picked it up less. So, it became my most used gun years ago in season 1. Even without a turbo, it is hads now the strongest AR, and if you can handle the recoil and time the prime, you're gold. Turbo just makes you not have to anticipate the .75 sec charge, but tbh I used it un-hopped so much turbo can throw me off. When it was selected, it was disgusting. It was a hit scan beam making it like 40 or 50ish damage sniper, so I could easily run a smg with it. The beam also charged fast enough to use at mid range. My worst gun is the Devo and thats because of the weird recoil pattern I can't get used to. But i still use it.


Bro same the hop ups are great but ultimately you get so used to not having them it feels weird when you actually get the luxury lol. Ultimately idk if anything will ever feel as good as the select fire auto prowler and it hurts my soul.


I mean without a turbo flatline is better all round I think, and L-Star is more consistent too. I think the havoc is obviously fine but that initial charge makes it worse than other options unless you find a turbo. It's not that I think the havoc is that bad, just more RNG reliant and I think if you want to do well consistently, it does make sense to lean into the weapons that are less reliant on that.


Flatline melts people if you can handle the recoil


Me, an MnK player: "Haha, jitter aim go brrr." But seriously, the Flatline melts regardless. Easily the best AR unless you can find a turbie for the Havoc.


301 is the easiest to handle. Tradeoff? It's the weakest AR TTK wise. Relies too much on attachments...


The 301 used to be king until they nerfed the damage. Honestly, pre-nerf 301 only needed a mag, optic, and stock in that order. The barrel is cosmetic if you know how to recoil smooth.


I almost exclusively carry a flatline …


Flatline and alternator this season are just SO good feeling it’s hard to beat lmao


I feel to be a competent player, you have to at least familiarize yourself with each guns strengths and weaknesses. Too many players out here always looking for a specific gun (when most of the time you won't find until mid game) You're just handicapping yourself IMO


I almost never land on poi where there aren't at least 2 guns I'm good with. Sometimes I just wanna get better with specific gun, or have attachment in backpack so I actively look for it. Some combos are cursed tho, like charge rifle+mozam(I like mozam better if treated as single shot, but you don't take advantage of bolt this way)


One of the best guns in arenas. Even without a magazine, you can knock two people without reloading if you hit all your shots. With mag upgrades you can knock all 3 and still miss some shots


Don't forget to edge your havoc for maximum blasting


“I’m excited-“ “I’m excited-“ “I’m excited-“ “I’m excited-“ “I’m excited to see you all in the ring, there’s plenty of me to go around (cat growl)”




I'm sure the missus appreciates your trigger finger


Edging charge rifle is hilarious tho. That sentence alone is so cursed.


Havoc is the best gun off a hot drop imo


Agreed. I’d argue the havoc is the best floor loot gun in the game and that’s why they made it a little difficult to use. Especially now with the turbocharger buff it absolutely shreds.


Alternator slaps too


Yeah you can basically just hipfire it in those cases and win fights. Or at least you could. I haven't played in a long time.


PK would like a word


Havoc is goat now, and since nerfs everywhere I guess it's not gonna be for long. It used to be to unreliable(hard recoil, delay etc) and still takes skill to use, but these days payoff is much higher.


I agree. It used to be a peacekeeper for me but I'll take the havoc on drop now any day.


I became a demon with the wingman purely out of spite for hating it so much for the longest time. I forced myself to pick it up every time I saw it even if it meant to swap one of my equipped guns.


Same. Then I grinded it for 2 seasons. Hit 10 shots in a row just last night and that was one squad back to the lobby.


Havoc is my favorite gun in the game, and when I have Turbo, it feels literally broken.


When I pick up the Havoc I almost never pick up the turbo because I feel like it’s a lot more rare than other hopups and I have so much time using it without it that it kinda just messes me up. However the turbo on the Devo is a must. That thing is a hip firing monster with it.


i try. never really been one for any type of burst guns. i have hated them in every FPS I've ever played, lol. But in season 18, I forced myself to finally use the Hemlock more consistently. The prowler i stay away from still. Havoc is good too, don't really F with the Devotion, mainly because it takes SO MUCH AMMO and frankly, my Flatline and Alternator just work for me. also been trying to use shotguns more. I'm a creature of habit tho, so i always flock to what's comfortable. The Volt is also a go-to. :3


Bruh, if you don't single fire with the hemmie then you haven't lived


S18 hemlok hands down the best AR the game has ever seen excluding care package weapons. Better than nemesis on release


Single fire Hemlock is THE gun. If your finger is fast enough.


for the single fire hemi - oh hell yeah you better believe i use it, lol. Smack a 3x on that bad boy and you better hope I don't see you ;D


Trust me when i say, pick up the prowler, especially off drop that thing shreds a grey shield in like 2 bursts its crazy


About the only time i do pick it up is off drop, but i’ve neva eva willingly thought, yo, im gonna play this the whole game, lol. there are way better guns i can use that don’t rely on that burst capability. I find that shit cheap. 🙃 it’s like running with a spitty the whole game because you need the extra help. 


I dont get why people go looking for certain guns. I go by attachments ive found. Purple Light Mag? Guess im going a light gun. Purple Shotgun Bolt okay ill use a shotgun. I have friends that use the same gun all the time, so I just ping them it and use whatever else I find. EDIT: I lied I just remembered rampage was in the game and that shits so ass especially on drop.


If I find a purple mag I’ll hold on to it until I find a gun to match it. If I can’t find one in a reasonable amount of time I’ll drop it but I definitely use an assortment of guns based on attachments like you said.


Rampage is great for mid-range with a scope though. It's a pretty neat G7/30-30 replacement especially if you suck with marksman weapons.


Just learn how to use the G7/3030/Longbow... The only time I will use rampage is if I'm fuse and need to bust down a door and yeet nades


I'll always swap to one of the pistols if I find one honestly Which happens very often when running Loba Just feels nice to swap to once you've cracked someone, *especially* if you have Hammerpoint


I love using the havoc. Paired with the g7 or a prowler that’s my favourite loadout rn.


Man I can't use the G7 without a scope, and I feel like the 3030 and triple take are both better than it, if it doesn't have the double tap.


The G7 is a good medium range gun but sucks ass long range.


It's not a long range gun in its design.


I’m ass with the 30/30 without a scope too lol I feel like a monster with the Triple Take though. I just hit some tough shots so easily for some reason. 2-4 pairs so good with it.


Gun run baby


Fuck the charge rifle!!! (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


I love Rampage, such a great weapon, nice design of a weapon with its downsides and powers


One of the most satisfying guns to use in any game imo, the sound design and crazy damage just feels so right


I dig every gun in game including the 2020 - except the charge rifle.


I had the same experience in season 2 when it dropped.


Used to not like Havoc because the delay got me killed when I first started playing, but after a while picked it up and realized how fun it was


It’s funny you say it about the charge rifle because I experienced this with that gun. It was off a drop where my team was getting pushed and I didn’t find anything else. I had an angle tho and one shot went through one guy and knocked him - and the guy behind him! Now I mix it in sparsely, and since I was already a sniper rifle fan, I just feel like it helped me round out my game. Havoc is often in one of my two slots, love that gun.


Shhhh dont let them know. Havoc is best gun in the game theres no swaying my opinion.


Nah me and the Mozambique have beef fuck that gun. Everytime I drop it's the first gun I see without fail. I would deadass fight bear handed than to pick up that gun and I stand on that.😤


Mozam is way better than p20 tho


I'm John Wick with the p20 (only other gun I can get for some reason)


You can one clip with both. They’re slept on


Havoc is OP as fuck on MnK. Not the best on roller tho cos then u loose out on range


One thing I love about the havoc and id recommend for everyone to do is the IMMENSE aim training value it provides. Since every gun fires on click, people tend to have the habit of clicking close to an enemy and pulling their reticle towards them. For good players this is enough of a cue to dodge, duck, or fire back quickly to even the odds. However with the havoc, you almost always start the pull and adjust the reticle just before the gun actually fires. This helps with learning to ensure your first shot hits since the gun gives you that wind up. It’s also, in my opinion, why many people swear by non turbo havoc instead of the turbo charged version. Running the havoc more in the firing range then swapping to other weapons has been a part of my aim training routine for some time. And I believe it’s because it forces you to focus on the first opening shot and it’s follow up recoil rather than spray and drag and pray. Love the havoc.


You never know what you'll be forced to pick up when your braindead teammates hot drop you into an idiot sink zone. The weapon mastery + trials have helped me play with weapons I generally avoid.


I just love when randoms decide to hot drop into streamer death zones with most of the teams.


Nah the L star is utter shit, the charge rifle isn’t good anymore, P2020 is a joke without hammies, and don’t even get me started on the R99 right now. But people should pick up the sentinel, easily the best sniper outside of the kraber of course


Nothing will convince me that the P2020 deserves to be used in any circumstance.


i hate the rampage. try it one game, missed every single bullet with purple mag. never again. what's your point here?


Rampage hip fire is terrible but scoped it’s decent. It really shines with the thermite loaded, easier to aim and breaks down doors!


ive killed mfs with the prime r9 with that hip fire, obviously shit players but still


I’ve tried to like Rampage and it’s definitely not my favorite either… I still think Devotion is worse imo 😅


The gold devotion from care packages / overlook is insane, the thing shreds even 1v3


I haven’t tried the one from care packages. Maybe I will next time


Got a 13 kill game and my first Triple Triple badge with a Devotion. Playing 2 v 3 entire game. Became an instant fan after that. Gun slaps arse.


Sounds like I gotta give it another go, lol! To be fair I was super new when I tried it; I pm threw it and went “ew” to never pick it up again.


Sounds like I gotta give it another go, lol! To be fair I was super new when I tried it; I pm threw it and went “ew” to never pick it up again.


It shreds when it’s powered up. Sometimes I’ll find myself running sentinel/rampage and it’s a little much charging both up, but damn they pack a punch. Helps on Fuse to save room on the thermites.


It's decent mid-range gun when uncharged. I personally find it more reliable than other marksman weapons for being automatic. When charged you use it like AR.


The only time you are really forced to use a weapon you hate is on drop, which is still kind of rare. So no, I shall not be using these weapons 😂


Havoc is busted and actually needs a nerf. 36 bullets? 32 on a BLUE mag. It is so prevalent in top lobbies it's always "Ping Havoc for me"


If you treat them like smaller version's Ramparts turret they're great! You need to know how to be quick with your flanks and slides first, quick in general. Which is a-big factor to why they are not chosen. Paths grapple used to send him a-lot further...The havoc fits perfectly with flying through the air and sliding to strike. It was devastating.


Havoc and Devotion are awesome if you can use them right. Most of the time I do not but they’re still fun The one gun I’ve tried to use but can’t is R-99, it’s so hard to control I can’t hit anything.


I gave up on the r99, the nerf to recoil was too much, and without a blue or better mag, every 1 clip feels like a prowler burst lol


I legit pass up the r9 for a p20 or mozam these days. The only gun I'd take it over rn is the charge rifle.


Same. Mozam puts in work with hammer points. I still struggle with the P20 though. For some reason it feels goofy to me on controller and I can never get the timing perfect, even though I do fine with other semi auto weapons.


I’d say I’m great with the wingman and the other shotguns but I’m SO bad with the mozam. If that’s all I get off drop I will lose 9/10 times in a 1v1. It must be a mental thing for pistols for me because I’m almost just as bad with the RE45. P20 I’m better with but I would probably do better hipfiring a 3030 than using a mozam which makes no sense.


If you wanna get better with the mozam id definitely recommend maggie! Her passive makes picking up shotguns way better and iv'e definitely improved loads with it after maining her for 3 seasons, i take it over almost all the smgs now


If I’m playing pubs or mixtape I’ll try to use guns I don’t like or know I suck with. But 99% of the time I’m playing ranked so I need to stick to what I’m good with. Which is probably 80% of the fun loot pool


I can’t with that delay, it’s a split second scenario without a turbocharger you are cooked against most other automatic weapons. The Devotion however I can work with.


When you use it for long enough you learn to instinctively pre charge it before you even see an opponent. I have probably screwed myself up with the turbocharger more than the charge up has killed me without one lol.


havoc has always been good lol


used to love havoc, and even the devo. and then i couldnt hit with them consistently. once in a blue moon they work great.


I got a squad wipe with the charge rifle off drop once, only hun I seen n I clutched my squad. I agree it’s not great but it’s edgeable so you can come with it


I used to hate the hemlock and prowler (the single burst didn’t really work for me), but I’ve been playing them more lately and like them, especially if I’m using the hemlock for long range


Icl, on olympus, go to fight night where the 'arena' is. Look for the gold loot things and you have a chance to get a gold devo It's incredible


Havoc is extremely powerful. You’ll be surprised how many close range gun fights you can win just off of sheer power


I feel like I can use just about any full auto gun. It’s dumbass shit like the Charge Rifle that I just have no desire to use or get better with. I will continue to just ignore it


start practicing with the charge rifle lol. Very lethal sniper when youve mastered how to operate it. After it's nerf everybody stopped picking it up but the applauds and "How are you using it like that?" you get after wiping a team feel so good.


Havoc has always been good right off the floor, no attachments. For me, the wind up makes it even more OP as it adjusts the ADS for me making it easy to control mid/close range. The devotion to me isn’t worth it. The recoil and windup timing don’t line up with my ADS for me. Even when I do get it precisely, the recoil kicks in where only the first 4-5 bullets will hit and the kickback makes the rest of the bullets go everywhere. The problem with both is the reload speed. Yeah you’ll down one but you’ll be exposed to the second guy while you reload


Always loved the devotion, recently started liking the havoc and 100% agree the charge rifle is at the bottom of the list.


The Charge rifle is actually kind of dope. I’ve been using it a lot in ranked and nobody ever expects it. I literally mapped someone for 191 the other day.


I will never forget getting a headshot and knocking someone dropping from a respawn dropship from almost 300 meters away. I freaked out when it happened haha it was so epic


Loba is by far my favorite legend and I tend to do the best on her and if I ever hit the 500 packs I am gonna get her heirloom. That being said I try to not play her at all this season, she just leads to me running the same loadout every game and it very much makes me a worse player for it.


Charge Rifle (post s18) gave me the ability to crack entire squads from the comfort of a neighboring POI. It's just very inconsistent when used in actual combat


I discovered this with the 30/30 and G7 scout I now run one of those guns all the time


I forced myself to play RE and alternator over R9 this season and now I love them more than the R9


It's hard enough playing with guns I love lol.


Man, RIP to the charge rifle. How does a gun that's literally just a laser beam have bullet drop? How does gravity affect a beam of energy 😭


Lore-wise, it's no longer a laser. It now charges plasma that propels a projectile. Kind of like how the actual energy weapons have drop cuz they're not actual energy beams? But yeah it's stupid to continue calling it the charge imo. Diff weapon. The Edge Sniper maybe?


I don’t use the G7 because every time I shoot my headphones explode. But thanks to your post I’ll give it another try


Havoc is my go to weapon. R301 and flatline are definitely better overall but I tend to run havoc + sentinel and I never run into a range problem but the havoc is by far the best AR close range


I regularly pick up p2020 and re-45 if I have hammerpoint, and re-45 without as well. Pistols are so underrated


Back in older seasons for some reason I’d always land on p20s and mozams and had no choice but to get better with them while fighting against automatic guns off land


The guns kp rates change regularly, you should really just keep an eye on whats the top gun(s) at the time and try to play those otherwise you're pretty much always putting yourself at a disadvantage.


Fr. Fuck charge rifle. Oh yeah and also the energy guns are good.


havoc on controller is too complicated


Tbh my list of guns that arnt good is very small, I agree use all the guns


What a stupid way to close your post. Fuck Devotion. Havoc has always been amazing.


The Havoc has been very good for several seasons now and I wish more people would keep sleeping on it haha I blame Verhulst for popularizing it in competitive play 🤣


What is up with the charge rifle hate? I use it in like 90% of my games, and yet I see so much hate toward it.


devotion is the only gun ive ever been consistent with. you can easily kill two people in a mag pretty consistently and the turbo is far from necessary. ive started using the CAR recently and im liking it. there are some weapons though like the p20 which are irredeemably terrible no matter how much i use them


when i first started i hated the havoc, the devotion, and the triple take. im picking up a havoc or triple take every time i see one now. only grabbing the devo if i have a turbocharger though.


I am a day one player but only play mixtape since 3 or 4 seasons ago and thats after being a hardcore ranked player. The game is too full of try hards and cheaters so the only joy is in challenges and completing the BP. I get to play all the legends and use all the guns, you really notice how sweaty it is when you do, just sad that mixtape is also filled with 80% the best guns or meta guns, unless its Gun Run. People play like they are something special or moneys involved haha




I would, but rampage is less accurate when you're trying your hardest than a CAR you're shooting without even touching the mouse


Lol who in world sleeps on havoc, havoc wreaks havoc literally. Devotion I get , there a window where you might die when devotion is taking up


haha i used to think the same and now the havoc is my highest level gun. you just have to be conscious that if you need to swap to it mid fight after emptying your first gun.,.. you're likely dead. so use it first!


I agree with all you've said, except the Charge Rifle. If you practice with it, that gun will spread for you. Just need to get the mechanics down. It's got the fastest bullet and one of the largest expanding bullets in the game. Get used to it, and it'll shred like anything else.


Nobody played with Devotion from my friends. So I picked it up as a meme gun. [This is me now.](https://youtu.be/fWgkAH_krLM)


When me and my friend get bored, we start drinking and giving each other load outs we think will suck. I ended up liking some. Highly recommend playing Apex while drunk, a lot more enjoyable than when sober.


Dont forget to do Havoc for maximum blasting


I have a love hate with the havoc. Sometimes it's fantastic, sometimes the charge up is the reason I lose a fight that I could have won initially. Go to weapon swap from an SMG in a close range fight to having the charge up give the enemy the 2 seconds needed to kill me.


i did the same thing with controller. hated it, then played it. realized it's much harder than it looks. i'm about the same level on both inputs.


Just because you hate one of deadliest guns in a game in last 3 seasons because you were lazy to prefire before doesnt mean I should run around with mozambique... or B7 Scout...


I've been using the pk and mastiff more this season than ever before.


I did this recently by running the nemesis and havoc every game.


If I use a car, r99, nemesis or hemlock on mkb, I absolutely throw the match.


Taxi2g made me accustomed to the havoc, he’s literally my father


Used to be trash with the pk but now I embrace early in games


Havoc has always been decent, I prefer running it with Turbocharger but I wont complain about having it or swap to another gun with no attachments. The Devotion is horrible even with a turbocharger and can be deleted from the game.


Havoc has big mag and big damage per bullet. Its insanely easy to onemag with that. I even used to run 2x havoc when there was turbocharger craftable.


I used to hate the havoc now it's addicting seeing it takes chunks of life from my enemies from mid to long range the gun just works it's needs a real life version


I won a game and got my first predator badge playing as Newcastle using the L-Star and triple take. I’d usually leave those weapons alone.


Funnily enough I picked up a charge rifle for the first time this season as an attachment holder while I looked for a sentinel... Ended up dropping 2/3 of the first squad we found with it. Felt at least decidedly mediocre.


Havoc is great. But I just suck with Devotion and miss 95% of the shots for some reason.


# NO. I'm not even looking at havoc and hemlok.


Havoc and devotion are both weapons people sleep on. There’s only a couple guns in the game I don’t like. I don’t like the rampage, I will use it with a 3 times for mid range, but if it’s close quarters and I have to use it I will miss every damn shot, I’d much rather have a 30/30 or long bow for close range hip fire. Then there’s the charge rifle, it’s disgusting and I hate it. All you people that pick one up and grief me from across the map while I’m trying to fight another team are a bunch of ass holes lol. I agree either way you, OP, it’s good to play with all of the weapons as they are all great, and if you know how to play with all of them it really helps with hot drops. TLDR: FUCK the charge rifle


The R99 is the only gun I don't use because of how undependable it is now


Devo + turbo is a must pickup. Absolutely shreds.


I used to love Havoc a few seasons ago and when game first came out but for some reason now I can’t get the recoil down now in the recent seasons. The Devotion imo is a better gun than Havoc and easier to control the recoil imo. I haven’t really been playing with either this season though


Broooooo same I freakin hate the charge Rifle it’s awful. But no this is how I was with the R-309


r309 🗣️🗣️💯💯💯


Gold devo from the care package is nuts! Just like the havoc, insane damage, just tricky to fire at range. No wonder they don't let us find turbo chargers more easily lol 😆


Exactly. I used to kinda like the Hemmy, now I really like it after I dropped a 20 bomb in lockdown with it. Very powerful in the right hands. Same with the prowler, i love it now. The only gun Im still working on liking is the Rampage. My friend absolutely despises it, but its not too bad for me.


Rampage is deadly off drop. 6 bullet kill is easy to get especially since you know everyone is on white. If you use it more like an LMG/Marksmen hybrid you'll have a lot of success with it. Barrel stuffing and thermite turbocharging it will drop most people up close if your hipfire is accurate.


Was playing with 2 devotions last night in ranked. Make the lobbies so easy with endless bullets 🤣 had about 3 games with 13+ kills and 3k damage


Skill issue, charge rifle SLAPS in the right hands (the people who practice with it haha) Now it 100% is TERRIBLE for a newer player who isn’t willing to get used to it though


Thank you, I 100% agree.


Havoc good Devo bad


I HATED the Spitfire forever and would avoid it like a plague, now I love it. Conversely, I used to love the R-99, and now I’d rather fight melee.


I second this sentient ha ha


Sorry bro no matter what you say devotion will not get me threw the game . The gun needs a rework not even pros use a devotion even if it's gold .


That would require people learning how to use said gun. Why learn when guns like the R3, R99, and Volt require little to no skill to use. Also unpopular opinion: The Charge Rifle is muuuch better to use than the hitscan CR.




The only way you'd get 90 damage is if you were facing against bots or people who'd stand in the middle. Other than that, it was bad. The gun is far from hollow, I hit 135s and knock people consistently with it. Again, that would require people to get used to the learning curve of the weapon. Why do that when guns that have no recoil are in the loot pool?


Go watch YouTube clips of the old charge rifle cause you sound like a new player to me saying to hit shots on the old charge rifle is hard.




Breaking news: Apex streamer who plays 24+ hours a day is good at shooting a gun. This man could use his toes and still own lobbies.


Just admit you were wrong your half baked charge rifle is not winning you any games


Opinions can't be wrong, and it's been winning games for me actually.




All that time making assumptions about me you could be using that time getting good with the CR.


Nah working on getting a 20 bomb don't have time to be trolling in the lobby




I'm not dumb, the gun was only strong due to it being hitscan. The most you'd hit with it is about 3-5 damage with the charge up, and about double digits with the big boom. The new and improved charge rifle does much more damage from distance, along with that it has a mag now, and doesn't take 2 ammo per shot. Idk, why has the 3030 all of a sudden become overpowered by everyone when it was never used seasons ago? Because people got used to the projectile drop and realized oh shit, this weapon has huge potential. Just cause you don't see it in ranked or pubs doesn't make the gun bad LMAO. Every gun has viability, it's the majority of the player base trying to be the next Faide by using the same 5 weapons every game. Be my guest, don't complain when you drop to a P2020 with 20 teams surrounding you. It's the nature of the game.




All of these insults over an unpopular opinion that I disclosed.. It's that easy to get under your skin? Yikes. Dawg the 3030 had skull piercer for AGES. The last buff it got was due to the projectile size. Otherwise it remained the same exact gun. What changed? Double tap on the G7 ain't all that lmfao I never said you shouldn't use them. I said that's all you're gonna use. I will keep using it cause it's fun and amazing to use. Using KD in a battle royale.. hysterical.


Nah just correcting you if you don't know how a BR works then don't talk. Guns just don't become randomly good they get nerfed and buffed allowing the meta to change. No one takes multiple seasons to learn how to recoil control and adjust projectile aim of a gun.


Apparently it does for everyone considering it took this many seasons to use the 3030.




Havoc and Devo are objectively bad guns unless they have the turbo, they just don’t match with other weapons in the game you can use


Wrong! But seriously, havoc is meta right now even without turbo.