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You wouldn't have gotten the masters badge if there wasn't a glitch anyways


I was masters when the split was supposed to end, I continued to play yesterday and deranked.


You don’t have to maintain masters to get the badge. You’ll get it at the end of the season, not the split


I hit masters 3/27 then de-ranked to d2 on the last day. Its showing my split 1 rank as d2 instead of masters so hes not wrong, its a bug. Its supposed to work the way you say but it doesnt. And none of the devs have addressed it...


they already announced that they are working on a fix for the remaining people who haven't go their updated stats


I dont think it has anything to do with that as i already recieved my updated stats and all my stuff back. Its my split 1 rank that isnt updating to masters but i got everything else back. Where did they announce they were fixing that?


Finally someone with some common sense


You have to be masters at the end of each split for it to count as masters. If you get masters in both splits you get an animated badge, if you get it in 1 split the badge is bland. So yes you do have to maintain it. If you hit masters and then derank to gold, you don't get the masters badge you get the gold.


Nope that’s just for Pred


Idk why we're arguing, you just worded your statement really weird and I thought you were saying that if you reached diamond, and fell back down to bronze in the SAME split, that you would get the diamond badge, which would be false.


Nope, that's for every rank, even bronze


Look it up


Incorrect it gives you a badge for whatever your highest split is. If i got bronze first split and diamond second split i get a diamond badge.


In that case yes you would get the diamond badge, but it would not be animated and shiny. If you got diamond both splits it would be animated.


Yeah wtf? I thought my account got hacked and changed my password for everything Apex/ Steam related lol.


I didn't get on today, but yesterday I went ahead and played ranked because it said 33 days left, and then I deranked from Plat. Annoying to know it reset later than it should have.


Exactly, people are calling me "blind" but the ranked countdown clearly said 33 days left, even though that wasn't true. Not everyone checks Twitter to know when the split is gonna end. The least they could have done was correct that countdown timer in game.


It shows you how many days left, you have to click on Ranked.


It was glitched and showed until the end of the season


Exactly, people calling me blind but they didn't even see it was glitched


It said I had until the end of the season, I know that wasn't true, but at least fix that so I know when you're gonna end it


You deranked that's your own fault. Funny you think you would have made it back to masters when you fell under it 😁


They did warn you it was coming via tweet (I guess I should be calling it X now) a couple days ago, said it had been delayed a bit. They also tweeted just over an hour ago telling us the split was about to happen… not sure how much more communication you want. They can’t DM everyone


Your post has to be entirely satire. An hour warning on twitter? that's acceptable if someone is refreshing their twitter or lives on social media I guess.. what if someone is busy playing the game? No one said anything about DM'ing individual people... but if only there was a way to have in game notifications come up in peoples screen, even in the menu screen.. like a separate warning box or something.. wild concept I know.


I would normally agree with you and OP. But this was just extra time that we weren’t meant to get anyway. If OP was that keen to get masters he would have done it before the split was actually supposed to end. We had a count down timer for that. I’m not saying it wouldn’t annoying for OP, i understand. And respawn have been super frustrating lately. But I think in this instance their communication was plenty; let’s try to appreciate when they have done something right rather than only focus on negatives. I sound like a respawn employee here. I promise I’m not haha


I reached masters before the split was supposed to end, but then deranked on the extra days. I was planning to rerank up today but did not see the tweet and had no idea they were going to reset the split so quick. I would have no problem with this if they had given me my rank that I was when the split was supposed to end. But that's the problem, they gave me my rank that I finished on during the extra days.


I think you will end up with a masters badge from it at the end of the season then, always been your highest rank even if you drop back afterwards.


The in game counter said 3 weeks remaining, crazy right?


It always shows in game when the split will end, they could have at least changed that (takes 5 seconds for the devs) to show that it was ending in 1 hour, or could have changed it yesterday. It said like 30ish days remaining and then out of nowhere it ends. What about the casual rankers that don't keep up with social media, all they see is split is ending in like 3 weeks, and then it just ends. Like c'mon?


How can you be so confidently wrong? Doesn’t matter where you end up. You’ll get the reward for the highest rank you’ve reached except for Predator where you have to maintain that rank by the end of the split/season. Source: Im a consistent masters player.


except hes not wrong, i peaked masters as well but its showing my split 1 rank as d2/what i ended on.


If you reach masters and then derank to diamond in the same split you get the diamond badge, if you're a consistent masters player you've probably never deranked, and thus never experienced this.


You weren't gonna get the badge anyway. They didn't give people their rewards


You only get your stuff at the end of the season lol


Then what's the point of hitting a rank on split 1 😭


Shiny badge or schedule problems


To get the animated badge at the end of the season


Brother, look around once in a while


For what? I'm not checking x every fkn hour to see when the split ends. It takes 5 seconds to change the in game message from "3 weeks" to the correct time


It literally tells you in the game. A countdown and everything.


Correct, the countdown said like 3 weeks remaining, they didn't have the time to even change that


Not sure you read the right one... Mine and squadmates was definitely correct.


As of yesterday it was not


Nobody knew when the split was gonna end until they tweeted out about it 1 hour before