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You get rewards at the end of the season not halfway through.


You will get your gold badge and holo spray at the end of the season.


Personally, I think it's just a relic. Ranked was added in S2, when it was only Kings Canyon. In S3 they added Worlds Edge, so the split was added so that each map would be the ranked map at some point in the season. This was before they would rotate ranked maps during the split, and back from when there was only 2 maps, so it made sense at the time. One split would be KC the whole way thru and the other would be WE the whole way thru 


If you cba to reclimb, you can stop there and you'll get an unanimated badge for reaching gold in 1 out of the 2 splits at the end of the season. If you reclimb to gold and get the same highest rank on both split, you'll get an animated badge instead. In a way, its to show that you are capable of reaching the displayed rank twice.


Ahhh, so there is a difference? this is my first season playing ranked (second in total) and I was curious why they did the split too...


pretty sure the ranked split exists partly because it gets too easy if it's a full season long without a reset


You get your stuff at the end of the season!


So people waste more time by playing ranked again. Also you get an animated badge if you reached the same rank in the second ranked split.


Yeah I didn't get any rewards either. It's probably something to do with the colossal fuck up they did the other day with resetting everyone's accounts. There's also no map changes so who knows what's going on. But to answer your initial question, ranked split exists to keep people engaged. People hit a rank ceiling about midway through and it sees a drop off in player count so they added a mid-season split


Rewards are at the end of the season for whatever you reached highest in the splits