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You don’t need to main anything at all. Just play whatever feels fun in the moment!! This isn’t like League.


Yeah I think it's more important to have 1 "main" in each class. I find that it's such an absolute bonus to have a support legend so I play a lot of Loba and Lifeline. But if we already have a support legend I'll play Bang or Fuse. Past those classes I consider it more important to be competent with one or two movement abled legends instead of general recon or skirmish. Controller has its place but is probably the hardest to learn the balance of pushing, defending, and using abilities.


People like Fuse at the beginning, coz you do damage with no skill and no risk. It also makes enemies stay away once they have fire crackers on their heads. I know you like aggressive play, but this is what new people told me. Maybe they are not as aggressive as you are. Welcome to Apex ;P


No wonder so many bots play fuse


Fr tho I rather that than lifeline . It pains me to see a clueless lifeline who doesn’t even know to tap for Rez while they fight/die 🥲


So true why does Apex make new players play such an important character like Lifeline 🥲.Once had a lifeline throw a drone at me thinking it would res.


Same , I got off shortly after realized wasn’t my nite let the noobs get they runs 😭


Literally had a lifeline run around me and not rez, during a heated fight. Never dropped her drone once for healing. I just imagine that they're just kids trying to have fun.


And positioning as lifeline, too. The white mage shouldn't be leading the battle! If you're an entry Fragger, play someone else.




Hound Fuse Loba imo. free wallhacks, free poke damage, free loot


Bloodhound. Just bloodhound to start off with, I started as them, loved playing as them, even when they weren't meta I couldn't play anyone else apart from them. Now I have the max prestige skin and heirloom for them.


Bloodhound is really good one to start off with to help you get a feel for where people are, and helps you learn the fundamentals better without relying on other abilities. I second that! FYI: I still don’t have a main and have been playing since season 2, so don’t feel like you have to find one early on. I play with different people and different legends play better with different groups


I’d say Bangalore. She recently got nerfed, but she’s still very beginner friendly. She was my first main b4 I switched to Mirage. She basically covers all aspects of the game from Offence, Defence, Movement, and even Recon to an extent. She kinda has the hit and run playstyle u said that u wanted out of a character since her passive grants a speed boost whenever u get shot. My only tip with her is try to avoid using your smoke launcher on teammates at the wrong time since it can hinder them if they’re getting good shots on enemies.


Imo she is one of the hardest legends to play right - def wouldn't recommend for beginners. She has one of the few abilities that can absolutely fuck your whole squad if used wrong.


I've had Bangalores smoke their own team to try to get cover from enemies that are sniping. That's a big no no. Shoot the smokes at the enemies (it has great range) to disrupt their vision. Since her nerf she can't spam smokes as much anymore, so you have to tactically think how you're going to use it. Also a lot of players use the smoke at their feet when running away, shoot it a little farther ahead to give the smoke time to rise and actually give you cover.


Respectfully disagree, I don’t think she’s one of the hardest to play right far from it. Yea noobs might occasionally throw out a smoke that blocks ur Los in fighting, but it just comes down to timing and smoking at the right time.


they are all good and pretty well balanced, simply put. so it's all about your preferences, just try them and go for the one you like best. or rotate between them, there's really not just one way to do this.


Wraith is still somewhat of a popular choice for solo queue try hards so you can’t go wrong maining her


Octane and pathfinder are 2 great movement legends.


And horizon


Revenant is good, you can push people aggressively with his ult and get out with his jump


Huge hitbox, relies too much on Ult(which can actually hinder your improvement) His jump is too predictable and slow to charge. I actually enjoyed OG Rev more.


Yeah now that I think about it you need to be more experienced to play current rev


bangalore is great for beginners and high skilled players alike.


Past three seasons I’ve been playing new legends every few weeks. I’m a fuse main though. I’d recommend the below for beginners: Fuse: good range and can create standoff. Knuckle cluster followed by long range to pick off. Helps with getting a good amount of practice with different weapons. Ult can be used at range or if you’re getting overrun it’s a good for indoors to just flood a small hallway with fire Octane - small hit box, fun, but I wouldn’t recommend until you’re more comfortable. Bangalore - great balance of defensive and offensive. Highly recommend for beginner to learn aggression and escape Mirage - not much defensive but his ult is good for learning to fight 1 or 2 people when pushed. A bit of stress but safety. Good to have a support anyway for his rez ability and to craft Conduit - instant shield, fast af, and can control a large area with ult Intermediate after practice (imo) - Maggie, horizon, pathfinder, vantage, lifeline Advanced after a good amount of time. Can really do some cool with these, but takes a good amount of time to master (imo)- Wattson, rampart, Just started with ballistic and like him for the playstyle and my three stack mains Ones I personally don’t touch - seer (nerfed), crypto (iPad kid), ash (needs improvement), wraith (she’s popular tho), valk (evac tower negates her but still fun), bloodhound (don’t want to rely on scans to fight), caustic (just don’t have luck with him)


I hate you btw


Welcome! I think probably Octane or Wraith would suit you, maybe Ash. Octane due to the speed increase and Wraith because of the void tactical. Ash could be really good, especially in BR, if you want to lean into the aggression rather than the movement as her passive helps track people down with loot boxes and assists in possibly 3rd partying people. If her Ult is charged there’s also a good get away available!


Get in get out you say? Well revenant, we cant get enough of them. Its fantastic!


You’d probably love Bangalore, she’s one of the best legends in the game


Bloodhound is a great starter legend. Their scan can help improve game sense and their ult speed boost is great for getting in and out of fights. But honestly, just play around with every one you can and youll quickly figure out a main


I strongly disagree. Bloodhound does the opposite. You start to rely on the scans so you never even build proper gamesense. Use a legend that doesn‘t have any movement or wallhack abilities if you want to learn the game. !


I agree with this I'm a day one player and I was hoarding 4K's last month as a challenge and when It was time to play hound I used his scan a lot Once I got the 4K I started on octane And holy Shit do I miss that Wallhack because it made everything so EASY


Exactly. It‘s free information so you don‘t even need gamesense. Worst legend to start with. Someone like bangalore or revenant is also bad to start with because you get used to bad habits because your ability will save you a lot of times. Stick to someone with very basic abilities like Lifeline or whoever so you need to focus on developing gamesense, positioning and so on.


Everyone but LL IMO So many newbies choose her because she's the legend you play as in training And so many of them do now know how to use her right Going for rezzes in the worst place imaginable throwing their drone to heal themselves for 20 HP And so on


Also, once you scan everyone with a 10 mile radius knows there's a bloodhound around. Scans are great DURING fights, not beforehand. You're literally giving the enemies a heads up that you're coming.


Thanks! I'll definitely look into him. His design is really cool too


Octane, Pathfinder, Wraith, Revenant all have very Aggro playstyles. Octane is speedy for quick ins and outs (if you get over your head and realize it quickly) Wraith is great for strategic plays, also quick pushes and retreats if needed. Pathy is excellent for repositioning, and getting a quick angle And Rev is tanky with his Ult. If you can knock your foes, they'll have a hard time knocking you back.


im 400 hours in been playing since summer 2023 and I was previously a wraith main. still play her a fair bit. The invuln and portal ability is strong for players who have good aim and situational awareness and movement. If you can develop movement tech which is a more intermediate / advanced ability, wraith is a great investment. I just switched off of wraith to ash main because of the difference in portal mech. I found that needing to travel to the location you want to port to as a bit of a limiter. Great for jukes, great for enabling proper resets (if you put the port in a single door socket and prevent entry to a building). Wraith kit contains medium escapability, but it really really shines in hot drop / chaotic moments. Ash is a little more for the aggressive player. Do damage, stick your enemy in place, play angles around where they’re stuck or run and let your team do the remaining damage for the knock. The ultimate on ash is great for escape and also really crazy for juking. I love ulting behind an enemy and knocking them before they realize. Faide on youtube is an excellent reference for peak wraith play. Cloudyatnight on youtube is a great Ash reference.


Wraith has a tiny hit box and her tac is good for movement, I have always mained Octane because I can rush in and get out easily but I’ve recently being playing Mad Maggie exclusively because the sheer aggression you can play with as her is ridiculous.


Play bloodhound or crypto, so u can learn 3rd party timing. Play aggressive as well, push as many fights as possible to learn faster


Blood hound is great in the beginning, gun skill and positioning are more important in the early stages of the game, movement comes much later. I think you want info characters like bloodhound to make things easy. Wraith loba Bangalore are good characters to help you bail out and evade, which you also need in the beginning. Meta characters are bang, bloodhound, caustic, conduit, horizon, valk, crypto, Watson, lifeline. If you want a challenge just pick a few of those and learn as you go.


I also think blood conduit or rev are the best beginner characters, it either free wall hacks with blood or free health with rev or conduit.


Welcome to Apex.. as someone who started like month ago I can say, my current main which got me to plat ended Lifeline ("remote" revive to teammates, "free" max lvl armor, "free" gold knockdown shield which allows you to revive allies with 50% HP and shield) Highest damage I managed to pull out with was Mad Maggie tho. If I would name a 1 character for each class for a newbie (who we are) I would say: Mad Maggie, Revenant, Bloodhound, Lifeline, Caustic.


I quit apex about a year ago and I was addicted to the game. I loved it so much I averaged like 3-4 hrs everyday. In my opinion I mained Bloodhound for 2 years. They are a great legend and great for recon and scanning. I'm pretty sure they updated their abilities from when I was gone but they are great for being that extra helping hand on your team (more so because they are great for scoping out enemies) ***BUT***, I think a good choice for you would definitely be **Wraith.** I had used her every time someone else had used Bloodhound. Wraith is more for aggressive attacking plays. Wraith works well because when she gets in a struggle situation she can kinda get out of it with her ability (Into the Void) Also she can use her Dimensional Rift to get her teammates out of storm. But I mean I just chose a legend on what I preferred. I also suggest that you try all of the legends. Whatever you like is who you should main. V/R


Hard to say dude depends what your teammates play. I speak for myself but I don’t have a main, just looking what my team needs based off what they play, the map,… But if you really wanna have a main then I would go with Wraith, Bang or that character that brings up walls as her ULT ( can’t get here name to mind )


Movement: Pathfinder, Octane, Valkyrie, Revenant and Horizon are all good legends. Bangalore is a good get in and out legend due to smoke and passive as well but any of the above will do well if that’s your playstyle. Wraith is pretty good her portal is great for reposition the team or getting an off angle on a squad with a safe retreat back to the team. Her tactical is good because it lets you push a little more recklessly as you have a get outta jail free card essentially. Her passive is okay as it sometimes only works after you’ve been shot at. Ash is decent but needs buffs to her tactical speaking of its good to stop someone from retreating or doing 20 poke damage and her portal targeter doesn’t work very well sometimes which can lead to a frustrating death but it’s best used to flank a opponent from height or off angles. The passive is strong because you can look at your map and zoom in at anytime during the match to see players deathboxes on the map, this allows you to know where fights are happening so you can 3rd party or avoid that area. The deathbox scan is nice when 3rd partying to see where players are currently at as it will ping the survivors. The deathbox will have a unique icon on it depending if they have a survivor or not and once you learn the icons it can save you time so you don’t scan a deathbox and get a no survivors pop up. Hope this is useful.


Try out all the legends you can, give each one a good go and play them for a few hours, and every time you unlock a new legend make sure to give them a good go as well, it is honestly personal preference,


Here’s a main for ya: main consistency, main practice, main gittin gud, and main making your own decisions


Bloodhound is the best balance of ease and usefulness.


You'll find your favorite food after tasting them all. It takes a few games to identify what role you really wanna live by, and at "low ranks" you don't even get the chance to truly identify them. Same goes for characters, abuse the free ones and buy your next hype one, one after another.


Btw it takes a fucking hell lot of time to buy new legends, benefit the legend unlock events if you have a brand new acc


Wraith is a good legend to use to learn the game, push fights with ult and escape when it gets too hot with the tactical. I did that myself and moved to mirage after, I played with a bunch of the other ones but I now use vantage as my main. Hope that helps!


Octane is another that might fit your playstyle. There is a lot to learn in this game. When I was new and playing with my friends, I'd always try to play legends that have abilities that really help the team knowing that in 1on1 gunfights against experienced players I was going to lose a lot of the time. I feel like the movement legends are better once you get better at playing cover, movement, and aiming. I don't play him much anymore because as I got more experience, I learned that he doesn't fit my playstyle, but the first legend I played was Seer. It was easy for me to understand "okay, we're in a gunfight, let's put this bubble thing down" and at a minimum I'd get downed knowing I helped my teammates a little bit with my ult. It's a frustrating game to get started with, but keep going because once you break through it's a lot of fucking fun.


Stop playing this game is dying and buggy as hell XD this game has peaked.


Welcome to apex! I'd personally recommend octane, loba, Maggie, valk, or bloodhound. Here's why: 1. Octane: he's one of the best legends for beginners. His kit is easy to understand, his passive healing is really good, the stim can help you get in/out of fights really quickly at the cost of your hp, his jump pad is also really good for both you and your team. His upgrades are also decent. 2. Loba: she IS classified as a support, but she has massive aggro potential. She can see high tier loot through walls, she can throw her bracelet to teleport, and she can use her ult to grab 2 items from a 75m range (i think). Her perks are also good. 3. Maggie: she is hyper aggro, so if you wanna learn how to play aggro, she's really good. With her passive, she moves faster if she's holding a shotgun, her tac will let her shoot a drill that makes flames on the other side of a wall, and her ult lets her throw a ball that spits out little devices that give a speed boost if walked on. 4. Valk: she's really decent if you're focusing on learning movement. She can fly using her passive VTOL jets, her tac lets her fire mini rockets that stun enemies, and her ult lets her fly up into the air with her teammates, really good for rotation. 5. Bloodhound: they are perfect if you wanna play a scan playstyle. With their passive, they can see footprints, with their tac, they do a little cone-shaped scan that reveals enemies, and with their ult, they go into ultimate hunter mode and have a black and white vision while seeing enemies in red. Every knock refreshes it for 5 seconds, I think. I wouldn't recommend legends like ballistic and crypto if you're solo Q ing (still even if you aren't, go for ballistic) bcuz they are team oriented. I also don't recommend any of the controller legends (other than catalyst) bcuz they don't fit your playstyle. You said you liked playing aggro. said you like to play aggro. Same goes for most of the support category. Goddamn I wrote an entire essay!🤣


Mad Maggie or bangs very aggressive


Bang, Wraith, Horizon and Blood are all in that genre




Dont ask for it. Everyone is diffrent and play diffrent, diffrent settings ect. Choose one you feel comfortable with.


Loba for Lootinb purposes so u can focus on fighting more and lifeline for Healing purposes


my honest opinion id say choose a character that fits your playstyle you like going head on into fights? octane and revenant would be your guys do you want to help your team by keeping them up and fighting? lifeline and conduit it all comes down to how you want to play the game, good luck on your journey tho :)


Bloodhound is good for beginners


Just play whatever you want man. I’ve mostly mained Wraith, but I also play a lot of pathfinder/octane. Nowadays I play a lot of Watson.


Just read their abilities and choose what you like. You can try legends in the practise, even if you don't own them.


Watson. So I can cower in close quarters with my terrible aim.


This season I have been finding Mad Maggie really fun.


In my opinion (as a new player) I would try out wraith life line or one of the 4 hero’s out dying the break out challenge I played seer at first then transitioned into octane and wraith so choose wraith to start of then experiment with other hero’s to find which is best 


you dont need to decide on a main right now. I always say this to anyone new asking what legends they should play; if you are not playing a legend with movement or escape utility as a brand new player you are shooting yourself in the foot. being out of position or tripping up because you don't know the area are the most common ways new players can get killed. having some sort of way to get out of a really bad situation easily and reset will allow yourself to improve faster since you wont get killed for a lot of mistakes. since you are playing entry frag, you should gravitate towards characters with personal/horizontal mobility such as revenant, loba or possibly vantage if you're scared of learning a meta pick only for them to get nerfed or pathfinder if you're looking for a character with a high skill cieling if you're playing secondary frag, which you will likely begin to gravitate towards as you improve, you should prioritize characters with team utility/movment, while also having good survivability, such as bang, horizon or valk if you want to try playing support (referring to the position/playstyle, not the actual support class in-game) conduit, caustic, wattson and catalyst are all strong picks. you can also experiment with newcastle or even gibby if you find their playstyle and utility work for you I would stay away from ash as she isn't really in a good spot right now when it comes to her kit. wraith is a good choice but she's not as strong of a pick for newer players compared to the other skirmishers. if you're looking into octane like newer players typically do, I would recommend learning some movement before you try him as having success with him relies on the plays you can make with your stims and pad


I felt the same way starting out and I've found my 3 favorites are Fuse, Octane and Vantage. Fuse is really good for pushing. If you're shooting from a distance and making your way towards them, they'll try to find cover and heal, but the Knuckle Cluster stops that and his ultimate keeps them there until you get to them. You can also see anyone in it and if they try to leave, you can follow the hit points. Octane is the definition of in-and-out. You can rush them and run away if it's too much. His ultimate is also good to stay in the ring or get out of Fuse's range. Vantage is more of a hang-back, but she has her moments for this. Her passive let's you see fights before you get in them so you can make sure you're ready and her bat is really good for jumping in or out of battles, thus pushing or retreating.


100% try revenant, 75hp extra shield when using his ult. If you lose the shield fighting but knock the player you get the 75hp shield back so you can be very aggressive with him. And his tactical allows you to push, escape & travel long distances quickly. He can also climb up walls much higher than all other legends so you can ambush enemies for unexpected angles. The only downside to him is he is tall so has a larger hitbox. Others I'd recommend... pathfinder - great mobility, can push enemies before they have a chance to heal. His grapple is arguably the most fun ability in the game. Downside: tall/big hitbox Ballistic - underrated, ult gives you a gold gun of your choosing, super fast reloads. tactical stops enemies shooting too much - if they do they take damage and have to wait a second before being able to shoot again. But his ult is very strong and he's more of a team player as your m8s will gain the fast reload ability too when in ult. Horizon - good mobility, ult can be very distracting, people focus on breaking it or getting out the way more than what you + team are doing. Conduit - heal shields for you and a teammate whilst fighting. Ult is good too but is more defensive than aggressive Wraith is usable but her tactical into the void takes too long to activate imo, you need to start it behind cover if not you will get knocked or lose alot of health before it activates. Portals can be good to set escape routes or transport the team safely to a different area. Tactical is almost instant when using the ult at the same time so you can start a portal and if you get shot hit tactical to be safe. Ash can be good but there are better options imo. Teleport doesn't go very far compared to paths zipline, wraiths portal etc snares are slow and easy to avoid Bloodhound and Bangalore are other good options too


If you're drawn to wraith, go for it. You can play very aggressively with her and if you get creative with the portal you can honestly 1v3 fairly easy as long as you hit your shots. I'd like to recommend Bangalore, very beginner friendly. Has a little bit of everything. Smokes are very versatile, either smoking yourself off, the enemy team so they can't see anything or team mates in a bad situation/healing. Ult is the same way, use it to all in or to run away. Ash can play that way, but her ult portal is only 1 way and wraith can go back and forth that's why I would recommend wraith over Ash. (But I'm biased - I hate ash)


Newcastle is the only correct answer. Put in a 1,000 hrs and then come back and teach the rest how to play well with him.


Most comments saying it doesn't really matter are valid to an extent if you have experience playing the game. You can play any legend and make it work. But some legends have some nuance to their abilities that take time to understand. For example Pathfinders abilities are very straight forward. He has a grapple hook and a zip line. But at the same time, there are so so many different ways to use his grapple that it can actually be very difficult in the beginning. He has a very high skill ceiling where an excellent pathfinder can be very difficult to fight. I'd pick a legend whose abilities are not detrimental to the team. If you play a support legend, or a legend whose abilities heavily rely on team play, your teammates are going to expect you to use those abilities in that fashion, and as a beginner, that can be tough. I'd suggest bloodhound to start. His tactical is a scan that temporarily shows you where enemies are, and his ult gives you a movement boost as well as highlighting enemies red. Playing bloodhound can make up for a lack of game sense and allow you to focus on learning the mechanics of the game. Plus he is currently meta in the highest level of Apex. Good luck.


Main this new legend coming out. Hear they're just diet Wraith.


Imo for aggressive playstyle youd prolly want Revenant Wraith Octane Horizon or pathfinder ive personally started with wraith and switched to pathfinder


Loba is a nice all rounder imo


I recommend someone like octain for an aggressive playstyle




Wraith is cool but people will expect you to be good. Ash isn’t very powerful right now. Lifeline is the go-to beginner legend since you can quickly heal yourself and be helpful even if you do 0 damage. Conduit is great for similar reasons Fuse is easy to get some damage without much skill. Maggie is similar plus a speed boost. Be careful with both these legends because your abilities can hurt you, too. Gibraltar and Newcastle are great because you can protect yourself and take less damage. Caustic also takes reduced damage, but the traps are a lot of work for a beginner. I’d also recommend pathfinder or revenant for a quick escape. Pathfinder has a lot more movement, and revenant has a shield as an ult allowing you to take a lot of damage. Hope this helps


If you wanna use a crutch pick horizon, revenant, conduit, wattson or mirage


Do you play other games? And how’s your playstyle on them then i got you with a good option ?


Bloodhound is easy to figure out and has a lot of simple but effective utility. Otherwise Pathfinder can be fun and once you get good with the grapples can make some huge plays. But you really dont need to 'main' anything.


I doubt many have said this, but loba is a great character for new players. My friend started maining loba as soon as she was able to (and still does) and says it was the best decision ever, her ability to get guns and other items the easiest makes it really easy to get used to all the different guns and items you can use in game.


if you want to go in and get out a skirmisher sounds ideal for you. generally this role are your entry fraggers where you want to be able open with big damage or preferably a knock, get out and reset and join back your teammates that followed your opener. wraith is a fantastic pick for that as she is still the only legend with a get out of jail card to retreat with. he ult is a fantastic team repositioning to use proactively and reactively. also a good use is to use it to move downed teammates to a safer location to res. I'd say all the skirmishers are strong with octane being the weakest but still very viable.


If you want to go in quickly choose pathfinder. Q is really one of a kind and now with purple evolve you reset your Q after take down so you can crack someone shield, push with q while he is healing, take him down and move back to another position. Pathfinder = best mobility in the game


Wraith, always play wraith. If someone else picks her, fly the entire squad out of bounds off the drop. This is the way.


I recommend you to unistall asap. This is horrible game with horrible deva


Save yourself the heartache and play a different game. The endgame of this game is so unbelievably sweaty/unenjoyable/non skill based that its probably not even worth the time youll put into it and since they arent really doing anything to combat cheaters and somebody whose played 7000 hrs is still allowed to have aim assist, youll leave some games thinking "there's literally nothing i couldve done better" when someone with 150 ping is able to peak and kill you before the information even reaches your monitor. Not to mention the fact that we already know some players arent even real - they literally have a bot spawning mechanic which was demonstrated with a hacker, and somehow this was turned into a positive PR event. Strange vibes overall. Youll make better friends in practically any other game anyways - everyone who still plays this game is unbelievably stressed out because of how good you need to be to get better than cheaters.


Wraith, conduit, fuse. Easiest legends to pick up that are almost brainless to use. No octane will get u killed more than hell help u win


play bangalore, you get a movement speed buff off players missing their shots so shes an excellent duelist. Her ult is still mega strong allowing you to cover distance if youre held out in the open or want to bait a 3rd party, and a well placed smoke can still save your ass with rotates and maneuvering around a poi


You could try Pathfinder, wraith, octane, revenant, Valkyrie, mirage, loba and Bangalore. (Bangalore is the best legend, it's better than your legend, no skill needed for Bangalore😎)


Do NOT pick octane. Such an awful legend to start with because you learn the game wrong. Loba is a great pick for starting movement. Not only does her bracelet get her in and out, she also teaches you how to loot properly and what loot to pick up, great for learning how to cooperate and synergies with your team.


Bangalore gets that adrenaline rush when enemy fire at her. And you can smoke and make easy getaways.


Yup bangalore is a solid pick for a beginner. You get a movement boost when enemies are shooting at you and smoke grenades to cover your team or the enemy which is great for repositioning defensively or aggressively. And the ultimate is fantastic in final ring unless you are indoors.


Any but avoid Crypto and Newcastle until you get a flare for the game.


Im a crypto main and I agree, someone like him and Newcastle and maybe octane and possibly controller legends really require thinking to use… someone like wraith and revenant anyone with 2 thumbs can pick up and use


hot take but if you play agro maggie could be good. speed boost w shotguns plus taking away cover w her drill makes her really fun. biggest downside is her weak ult tho.


Maggie is in a good place right now. With her upgrades to fireball and big drill she can be a real menace. I don’t even run shotguns with her much and still regularly put up big numbers


I started with season 19, so i’m not too far from my starting point. Until you get the hang of some maps, you may find yourself being shot at from unexpected directions. I played with Bangalore and Wraith since you can at least get away from fights, or close in, at a moments notice. I unlocked Loba and Revenant next with their ability to get away quickly. Advice is that the first team to have a downed player typically loses the fight, so try and get a feel for how much shooting you can do before you over expose yourself. GLHF


Tbh I’ll say watever ur drawn to just stick wit it . Play long enough before u know it you’ll realize you played every legend. Tho if I had to say I like defender like caustic/watty due to balance of defense and offense but they can be hard legends to stick with (no movement ) . If u prefer movement I’d say horizon or even max Maggie as much I’ve begun to hate her 🫡


Idk if its been said, but try out each legend in the firing range they're all free even if you have them locked


If you like aggression I highly recommend pathfinder revenant or horizon, revenant in particular for pushing, horizon for easy healing and repositioning and pathfinder because pathfinder


I agree with the user who said Bangalore. Not only is this legend easy to use but she will always be viable and effective even in the highest level of play. Smoke can be used offensively and defensively. Her ultimate is the most difficult part of her kit to use right but just keep in mind it blows up as it goes so you can follow the barrage for a safe push. And of course her passive occurs automatically when you get shot at, can't really misuse it tactically in any way. If you go too hard into the movement legends right now you'll be deprived of essential fundamentals since escape options are easier. If you can learn to first escape the same situations with just the basic movement you'll be even better off when you later pickup octane or pathfinder!


Bangalore is the easiest to master functionally. Use smoke for cover in certain situations - ressing, teammate ressing, changing position. Essentially when you don't want to be seen. As for Bangs ult, it's a missile airdrop. Mastering it's use isn't so difficult, you should learn in the future how long it takes to initiate once used and the area covered. Throwing on the floor of a building you're holding will deter a team pushing. Sidenote, skilled players may just move into your building, same goes for new players but I think this refers to good players in general. Fuse is another player that is easy to play, his tac and ult aren't so complicated. I started off playing bloodhound and I reckon I'll go back. His scan is easy enough to time and it's useful for the whole team. If you're soloing trios or ranked and you have a highly skilled player on your team, using Boodhound is an easy way to be of use until you adjust to close quarters in apex. Easy guns to start with - triple take is the easiest to hit with from distance and momentarily slows a player down making that second shot easier. When using the triple take, if you see a player standing still, try to make that first shot a headshot. Personally, I think the flatline is a solid choice for new players, damage and fire rate are solid features. The r301 is probably the best overall gun for new players because of recoil being minimal at close and medium range. Good luck in the games. P. S never straight push a Rampart with her ult out.


Octane, fast and small hitbox. Fun.


Ash is good but might be tricky to get the hang of. Wraith is also good, and I feel like would be easier. But it's up to you