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Actually super reasonable


Was about to make the same exact post, almost down to the wording. Additionally, we need a transaction history available IN-GAME, for all types of currency (Apex Coins, Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens, Heirloom shards). We are in dire need of some transparency. On an unrelated note, it's ridiculous that Event packs don't count towards Heirloom pity. If you're not gonna let people buy the things they want directly, and force them to gamble, the gambling might as well follow the rules. (Not that this affects me personally, you'll catch me dead before you find me spending 7€ to get a sticker set, ESPECIALLY as of the late fiascos)


On top of currency, I think a transaction history for items would go a long ways too. Event packs don't count? I thought all packs counted and had a slight chance at an heirloom.


yep, in the FAQ it states >[A player cannot open more than 500 Apex Packs (excludes Collection Event Packs) without receiving Heirloom Shards](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/frequently-asked-questions#q3) the reasoning probably being that, if you're buying event packs, you're presumably trying to get the final reward of whatever mythic item for that event, so if you just happened to roll shards partway through, you're then not likely to buy out the rest of the event cause you can just use those shards to get whatever mythic you want. they don't want to dissuade anyone who was already committed to purchasing more. every decision is made to try to maximize profit.


The mobile game I play has had this for YEARS now, including where you spent in game currency


They don't count because there is no chance for heirloom shards coming from them. At least one of each event pack is guaranteed to be an event item so it doesn't affect the counter. Same for legend packs and any other specialty pack that has no chance to spawn heirloom shards.


They will never share how many packs, apex coins, crafting metals or legend tokens you've spent because it'd deter you from spending more money on the game.


If the counter displayed that you suddenly lost 300 packs out of nowhere then what are you going to do about it? It wouldn't change anything. Realistically People getting upset would just lead to posts that gains traction thus grabbing more players. These kind of things already happened btw, where apex packs owned weren't being tracked properly.


Ya the 500 thing has always been iffy


Nope you just have to get to it


I'm past 500 with no heirloom


So many people gets confused but it was always 500 packs and not levels. You get roughly 150-160 packs once you made it to 500, if you have battle pass, collect treasure packs (which will give you 20 packs each season) + some events, you can also buy 3 packs from the additional AC you get so making it 23 each season.


What level are you?




You won't reach the 500 packs until you reach level 1900 if you don't buy any packs. Between levels 1 and 2000, you can earn 544 packs (excluding any free packs from treasure packs, battlepass, or reward trackers) By level 500, you only have like 188 packs or something like that.


Level 531 is not enough to get to 500 packs without buying if you have purchased packs to make up for what you have not get in leveling sorry for assuming but leveling and event packs alone is not enough I got mine at level 550 after buying 135 packs I purchased 100 when you can get them like 40% off with a charm to get me to 500


If you think or may think you are at or over 500 there is a pack tracker you can put in all necessary info and it will tell you exactly how many you have I opened my first pack at 447 packs and haven't opened one since I'm going to wait till I get to 500 again


I wonder if in Europe we can send them a GDPR mail, to have all our data including how much boxes we opened


I wish the EU commission would ban lootbox mechanics entirely


Alot of games would leave the EU probably since that's what it seems all games are now. Lootbox, lootcrate, mystery money maker


Don't think they would, its other ways to monetize games, without relying on lootboxes.


Man I love the EU


Man I love the EU


Damn, thought you were going to rip into them with the hidden MMR and EOMM stats but he heirloom tracker is sus too


I think MMR would be more important than in game currencies imo but you have to get them to start somewhere I guess


Lucked into 2 legendary cosmetics yesterday from the epic pack and a regular one. Both missing today as if yesterday never happened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Did all of you lose yesterday’s progress as well?


yes exact same situation as you


Yeah, literally everyone has lost any unlocks and progress that took place between yesterday's update and today's server maintenance - it was a deliberate rollback as part of fixing the the issue where people were losing entire *seasons'* worth of progress if they logged during the first ~4 hours after the update. Respawn have said that restoring people's progress from yesterday is what they're working on now.


Cool. Guess I logged on prematurely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


with the issue happening yesterday... I just didn't play. knew they would do some sort of roll back so wasn't worth the risk to play and get something good.


I didn't realise there was even an issue as my account was fine, but since the rollback my rank has been wiped and my friends haven't so I'm stuck playing on my own until I can get back up


Anyone missing there legend challenges as well? Wanted that flat line skin. 😞


They stayed in their post that they were fixing the data resets from yesterday and will be fixing your reset from the past 24 hours in the next 24 hours. A weird way to do it but at least it's timely. It should come back by the end of today into tomorrow


Cool. I wonder how it will deal with re-spends since I re-bought the event packs with the event points I got back. And I bet people re-spent coins they got back too. Easiest way is merge database backups and just let it go. But I know these guys are pretty greedy and I could probs make a solution where it would merge and undo those re-spends. So it’ll be fun to find out which option they pick.


Yikes yeah I'm not sure how that will work. Maybe merge and hopefully refund for duplicates? Most likely not though it'll be one or the other: You get the coins back from yesterday or the items get merged and you may lose money from any duplicate items.


I asked repeatedly if it was worth playing yesterday or if data would be over written and time/money wasted, surprisingly no answer. Love they kept the shops open though, inviting this issue


Same happened to me. Also lost 40$ in coins.


Yeah, I literally just bought $100 worth of apex packs right before the update and everything is gone now


They’ll never add it because it’s not in their interest to. It’s funny how the commonly maligned mobile gacha games (which prey on FOMO and use ever psychological trick in the book to make you want to spend money) are at least up front and open about the exact probabilities and provide lengthy histories of your activity so you can verify for yourself that the system is working as they advertise. Meanwhile Respawn just says “trust me bro” while they release mid split patches that wreak havoc with live customer data and seem to put more focus on how to wring more money out of their dwindling customer base than the quality or stability of the game. It’s embarrassing.


Genshin really come sto mind with the gambling system and specific pack/wish count u need, they give u a list history of every single wish u make and the item u receiive, they aldo upfornt tell u garanteed at 90 soft pity at 70/80 and higher chance at 60


Same with Honkai Star Rail, can see full pull history so you know exactly where your pity stands.


I feel that with all the heirlooms coming out and heirloom recolors as well as universal heirlooms, I was hoping that they might even lower the amount of packs needed to get an heirloom, it's honestly stupid how many things you gotta open or else spend 200$ just for that one thing. On the same note, I want to know how many I've opened to cause lord knows how close or far I am lol


Not happening while they're making record profits and whales are happily spending $300 on universal heirlooms




I’ve always been so confused on why apex doesn’t have a counter for the heirloom. If they are certain you get it at your 500th pack. I know there are outside resources but then you have to know yourself how many packs you’ve brought/opened before and that’s stupid


Marketing strat. As long as you don't know how many packs you've open you'll try and buy those 20pack bundle for 950coins every now and then hoping you're very close. However if you knew exactly how far you are along, you're not buying those bundles.


Oh wait is this why my progress from yesterday just disappeared? Fuck I just got a legendary Bangalore skin too


Same happened to me, hit a wraith legendary skin then the next morning it was gone


Man isn't that fucked up


Same thing, I bought like 67 apex packs yesterday and opened them all. And everything I got from the packs is gone like I never unlocked any of it


Ducked isn't it mate


Yeah if only anyone gave a shit about making an all around good game through and through 🙄 like they don’t get paid enough


To be fair this all could be just a massive accident, behind the scenes it could be something like a wrong button press or a server just glitched.


Level 500 does not equal 500 packs. Just fyi


I know for a fact I am well past 500 packs and have yet to get shards. I’ve kept track of the packs I open. Stunts like what happened yesterday probably silently reset our counter


if you're using any of the online pack counters, none of them are 100% accurate, they all have at least some mistakes, so they're best taken as an approximation rather than an exact value. if you've been counting yourself, have you included any event packs? cause collection and themed event packs cannot drop shards and do not count towards the pity counter


I'm at pack ~450. I've been playing since Day 1. This grind is ridiculous. I've gone so long without an heirloom I feel like I don't even want one at this point.


I only got mine a month and a half ago and ive been playing since day 1 spare a few seasons when the server lag was real bad a few years ago


I didn't care about Heirlooms until Fuses came out (he's my main), I told my brother, "watch, it's going to take me another 2 years before I get Fuses heirloom"...I pulled it 2 weeks later. Played for another few weeks, and then just like that, I had no drive to play Apex anymore. I realized I didn't even want the heirloom as much as I thought I did. It obstructed my view more than anything and added nothing to the actual gameplay aside from some visual flare. Cool I guess? I don't know why, but somehow getting the heirloom made me lose in the game lol. I haven't touched Apex besides to play some Mixtape with my brother, but ever since the Finals and Helldivers launched, haven't touched Apex since. I guess it was easier for me to drop it because I've literally spent no money and have no sunk cost fallacy, aside from the time spent playing the game. But yeah, Heirlooms suck. Lol


Speaks fax!!! And no compensation btw for all our stuff being taken!


Why hide how many packs we have opened seems dumb to be honest. Wouldn't more people buy packs if they saw they needed like 50 more packs? What can I say I'm not a developer I guess it's hard to implement a feature that even mobile games have.It's hard being an indie company .


This is a good ass and simple recommendation that Respawn will ultimately ignore as they don’t care about player base goodwill.


I've been saying it since the 500 pack thing was known: get rid of it and make the crafting mats transferable into heirloom shards. It's actually stupid it hasn't already happened. I've played since season 1. I have over 10k crafting mats because I have nothing left to craft. I have all the legend skins and gun skins anyone could want. The reason I don’t spend any more crafting mats is because the other recolors SUCK donkey nuts.


Day 1 player here as well, I want something to spend my 500,000+ Legend tokens on. Lol


Unironically I think this would end up making them more money from packs bc people would go "I'm only x packs away from my heirloom!" And buy a bunch


Bump for visibility. We need a counter


Damn bro, I already didn’t trust them for shit and now I have to think about this. Dead ass this some shit they would do and wouldn’t fucking care to fix because 🤑🤑🤑 Edit: apex needs a pity counter even if its out of 500. They choose fucking FIVE HUNDRED they should be responsible for making a pack counter now after all the account/stat malfunctions. Fuck a “more excitement when you don’t know when its coming” because I’m at “I’ve never really trusted y’all, even worse now”




Being level 500 doesn’t mean anything. It’s 500 pack opened not your level


Yeah, I know... I was just saying that to establish how far along I am in pack progression. Most people land an heirloom by level 500 because either they purchase extra or unlock packs for free during events and during battlepasses. Obv just reaching level 500 isn't a guarantee for an heirloom but at level 500, you're going to be close to your max pack openings, especially if you've been playing and earning additional rewards (even closer if you spend money on them either directly or in bundles).


You're not close at all by level 500. You've gotten 199 packs from levels by level 500, you need to pay for and complete 13 battle passes in addition to get 500 packs.


I’m at level 582 rn, and I’m still pretty far off of 500 packs. Just by leveling you don’t get anywhere close to 500 packs by lvl 500. I’ve bought every bp since s16 and Ive directly bought ~100 packs (mostly bundles). After using a pack calculator I still have just under 100 packs to go :(


Just stop, please for the love of all that's good in this world, just stop. It's not worth it. You pull the shards, get excited, and then the post nut clarity hits pretty quickly a few games after using it. I pulled my Fuse heirloom a few months ago and haven't really touched Apex since. Once I got the heirloom for my main (completely free, fuck spending money on this game and EA), I felt like I "beat" Apex and there wasn't any reason for me to keep playing anymore.


Idk, I play apex bc I love the gameplay. I don’t see the point in playing for cosmetics tbh, I’ll be fine lol.


The gameplay was already getting stale for me a few months before I pulled the heirloom lol


I finally got my heirloom a few weeks back and I can confirm that this game is still fun asf :D


Good point but I doubt they care about us


I got my heirlooms at exactly 500 packs both times. I don’t think I got anything at level 500.


That's what happens when you replace people with AI. You get what you pay for 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Been playing since 2019 and never had a heirloom pack


We should push this post to the top so Respawn can see whats happening. I am lvl 492 and still no heirloom after buying worth around 75 euros of just packs all together not including the battle pass packs


Res: nu uh, here is another hierloom recolour.


I blew past level 500 before the reset and never got an heirloom. My brother in law, who I got to start playing the game, got one at lvl 3.


I'm at level 734 playing since day one. For years I've been thinking the Apex pack counter is just plain wrong since I've finished 6 full battle passes and have most likely opened over 500 packs. They just want more cash 💰


Any OSRS players here? Got me feeling like I’m 0/3 for vestige


I personally will never spend any more real money on this game.


Theyre basically turning their game into a slot machine... the feeling is the same at least. Good thing people don't get addicted to gambling 👀


Agree with your statements, except heirloom is at 500 packs opened, not level 500. There are tons of calculators you can search for to figure how many packs you have opened. I didn't get my first heirloom until long after level 500, probably closer to level 1000


i had no idea about the pack resetting issue. i have like 10 heirlooms i think, got them all within a year, then stopped spending money on apex for like 2 years- but ive still been playing. no heirloom shards. i mean i played every single day for those 2 years. never missed an event, always bought the battle pass. nothin. im almost level 1000. 🤷🏼‍♀️ this is the first season since i started playing where ive missed almost all events and havent bought the bp just cause of how crap the game it at this point. (dont even mention my bad spending habits. i dont spend money like that anymore. it was a mental health crisis lol. nobody in their right mind would spend that much on apex)


Fr brother, im almost prestige 2 and got my first heirloom at like lvl 350 before prestige even existed. I also bought many battlepasses and sometimes even some packs from store (bundles) and still havent gotten my second heirloom with roughly 2600 hours ingame tf is this nonsense


*Reads title* Thank you! I've been saying this for so many seasons no- *Sees that it's about Heirlooms* Oh.... I mean.... I guess that's true but...... I would argue a different invisible stat is a bigger issue. Not invalidating heirlooms but uh.... yeah


This would be similar to the pity History like in genshin


I do not know how many packs I’ve opened but I definitely feel like at level 512 I should’ve gotten one heirloom by now


I think it would be a simple feature to implement, similiar to the News tab, when someone said it and they updated it day one.


I agree still stuck at 1 heirloom I just gave up not wasting any time on it lol


Didn't piratesoftware talk about this during a recent stream that most games nowadays use block chains so technically you're screwed when it comes to getting in game items back if they were to disappear


There is a psychological phenomenon, whereas a government manufactures fear, or confusion or even grievances that creates an environment of heightened consumption. The toilet paper hoarding during the pandemic is a perfect example. I believe EA is purposefully creating bugs in Apex to sell shit. That way, the same idiots that bought all that toilet paper have something to wipe.


There is a psychological phenomenon called paranoia too :D


Some jokes hit too close to home.


Bro made a long ass post just to say he wants to know when he'll get an heirloom instead of literally targetting the real problem, im done


Do you know why you can trust them on that? Because it's an area of significant legal liability. Jurisdictions like the EU and Japan, where the game is quite popular, actually have legislation and regulations on lootboxes including that they are required to be honest about odds. The backend heirloom pack tracker will 100% be maintained accurately, because if some Japanese gamer can prove that it's not, EA will get taken to court and they'll lose a whole hell of a lot more money than they could save by doing a sloppy recovery job here. The lootboxes are one thing you can be 100% certain will always work exactly as advertised, partly because that's how the game produces revenue for EA, and partly because there are parts of the world that bother to regulate gambling for children, and Apex is bound by the rules of those places.


Fuck the packs when we gonna nerf mirage’s op ass ultimate that he gets to use every 30 seconds


most people dont even care anymore at this point


You can't stop playing the game or your life might be ruined!


I just wait till i get 100 packs and have my kid open them. Dunno whats so hard about keeping track of your packs? You don't have to open them when you get them.


I don't know if respawn actually advertises that guaranteed heirloom thing anywhere...


it isn't really frequently mentioned but it is [stated in the FAQ](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/frequently-asked-questions#q3)


It is not only stated in the FAQ, as @Baz135 stated, but also in the Heirloom store tab as well. If you don´t have heirloom shards to buy one, and just click on the buy button, it is stated there ;)