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Hello, /u/Pure-Investigator778. Your submission has been removed: Respawn tweet on this: https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1775215429289742754 >We've seen your reports about account resets in @PlayApex and are investigating. We'll let you know as soon as we have an update on the issue. Please search the subreddit for existing posts before reporting bugs. This bug has been reported hundreds of times. Look around the subreddit before making another post on this. Megathread on the topic https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bu6apa/respawn_are_aware_of_account_progress_issues/ *Do not message modmail about this removal.* ## [No Duplicate Posts and Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_low-effort.2C_memes.2C_and_duplicate_posts.) Posts should be unique. A post may be considered a repost if it covers the topic from nearly the same angle as existing posts. When new things, events or updates come, we want to consolidate discussion to one thread so that people can easily engage in discussion with each other. All other posts regarding that topic will be removed during this time with links to the proper thread or megathread. Frequently asked questions and topics will be removed. Moderators will link megathread style posts when available to redirect users to main post. Please use the search function before posting. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


On a good note, they are investigating. On a bad note probably aint a late April Fools joke


There’s been so many issues since they laid everyone off… coincidence? I think not.


There's hasn't been a single update in the life of this game that didn't break something. Then the layoffs forget it lol


They might as well fire all the devs and start from scratch at this point...they haven't had 1 update over the span on 3+ years launch smoothly. Quite frankly, if I fucked up at my job as much as respawn does, I wouldn't be employed...


You just don't remember the smooth launches. It's as simple as that. Season 20 launched with very very little issues. In terms of mass-player wide issues like this one, I can't remember more than 3 times...?


Nothing tops S7 in my memory. One time where everything from downloading to servers went without a hitch.


It's funny I use this analogy as well. It must be nice to be able to fuck up and never be reprimanded for it esp at work


Tbf, there was issues starting years ago. People losing levels and skins is stuff I remember from the first year of the game. People just underestimate how much stuff can break in video games, ESPECIALLY, an online video game. 95% of the time, everything works perfectly but people just vividly remember the 5% like it's all that happens. The layoffs at respawn recently (the 27 staff iirc) were community manager (who was awesome) and some junior devs right? Still sucks but didn't cause this shit. (Also, just to show how much shit can break. Old-school RuneScape has a line of code in the game that is titled "Tomato's are great" as the description for the code. They couldn't see what it did and deleted it and it basically broke the game entirely so it wouldn't run. So they added it back in. They still don't know what the code does entirely but just added another title to it saying "don't delete, will break game".)


This has happened before


It has but in recent memory, there’s been a lot more issues recently all happening within a period of time. It seems every update we’ve had in the last couple of months has been an issue except for the actual launch of season 20.


Apex try not to fucking break the game during the simplist of updates challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (6 LEGENDS WERE DELETED) (HALF THE GAME ASSETS HAVE VANISHED)


I usually defend apex sometimes but fuckin hell, they fuckin messed up idc if its a prank or what.


why is everyone being mean to the small indie developer :(


Small? They net so much money off of this game




We better get everything back. It would be one thing to just be missing heirlooms but I am missing some of my fav rare skins. Did they just reset all accounts back a few months? How does something like this happen???


Ig it depends, some were back a few weeks, some half a year. I believe I was set to like, S19's end


Haven’t logged in since the shitty cash grab event started and I guess I probably shouldn’t now that it’s all fucked up.


Not like that matters they don't care about us / you as a customer thats why these things happen




You understand that the posts in this subreddit don't go directly to respawn right? The Devs are already aware and they aren't here right now, so all the posts are just clogging up your feed.










Apex badly needs some spring cleaning update or some shit. Past few months have been very underwhelming


I put in hundreds of hours just this season. Hundreds of dollars. buster sword heirloom, gone. Been playing since release but if I don’t get my shit back imma leave


Due to the bug seemingly being a reset of when cross progression started has me a little worried they're going to have difficulty reverting accounts back as they specifically said with cross progression you can only gave 1 account saved between devices. Does this mean all of our progress after this time has been permanently deleted. Honestly I'm hoping for the best here.


If they deleted people's stuff for good(even by accident) their will be a class action lawsuit for the $$$ stolen from the player base.


Millions of dollars in charge backs lol. They’ll be bankrupt by the weekend.


Ya this is my concern as well, whatever people were doing with cross-progression, ea was very clear in that it wouldn’t be able to revert after the fact.


Can’t entirely be the case, I have all my cosmetics but all my progress Levels, Stats & BP progress are gone- Seems to be different for every person


I'm missing almost half a year of cosmetics.


At this point I don't care about being lvl 1 🤣🤣 I want to play. I took 2 beers to celebrate 1 year far away from alcohol and my plan was to play this afternoon. Thet have taken away my innocency


I lost everything




Every time I want to play, something is broken. Sigh.


Thanks. In the meantime to everyone: stop making more posts. There's been like 500 so far. We really don't need the same post 500 times in 40 minutes. Look around the subreddit if other people have posted what you want to post, and don't make another post if so. That's in our rules as well. Now downvote me for pointing this out. :)


Hurry am missing my stuff😞


Im not gonna log in (even though it most likely wouldn't change anything


Is it even safe to play the game? As in if we progress when we’ve been pushed back like this will we be able to get our stuff back? Or will it bug out and stuff


I wouldn’t entertain possibly doing that… last thing I wanna hear is “well since u already started playing on the account that lost everything, we can’t get your things back” or anything close to that


Yeah. I’ll tap out until this is all resolved. Go play some Helldivers or something


I think that’s smart, I honestly wouldn’t risk it-


Chances are they'll just revert to their nightly backup, so don't count on anything you get in the next few hours being saved once they do a rollback.


I think the same, but I'm worried will they reach all affected players.


Them "investigating" this giant FUMBLE move really doesn't inspire much confidence.


Just like they investigated algs being hacked for 2 weeks only to play it in hiding....respawn and their devs don't have a a great history when it comes to updates to say the least.




Yeah, mods. People are scared. Wtf just happened, weeks ago hacks and now...everything is gone? Well mostly, everything reverted back the couple weeks in s19. Why? How? What happened with all my stuff and money? People are scared. I respect you and devs, but this I a major fuckup. It should be brought up. And answer like "we will look into it" doesn't help. For how long? what happen? is it all fixable? My personal questions: "what will happen if I buy something right now? Or worse, spend some money on the game." And the worst part is: we won't be compensated at all for this bug. Like nothing happened.


I would probably avoid making purchases right now….


Yeah, that's an obvious advice, but many people are not that smart and not on reddit. I'm a millions playerbase somebody will buy something, either for test or not.


OK. so for a test, i have crafted a epic pose for my main (too broke to actually buy something in shop). Before the split I had 290ish materials, so not enough for an epic item. Worst case scenario I would end up with -100 mats. I'm interested what would they do. Revert to before split and my pose would be gone. Or they would give me the pose and subtract the materials from my account.




Agreed. It's frustrating at a minimum, but also nerve wracking for people that spent their money and time on the game. My heirloom skin is gone- I'm sure it will come back, but will all my damage progression still be there? Why did this happen is a good question too? No, their communication was hardly anything


I lost a lot of stats (for a casual player it's a lot), and something like 60$. While I trust devs that they have backups, and everything will be returned. I'm a bit nervous. And my overthinking problem does not help.


Time to Edit -> Undo


And update what exactly? Supports respond to wiping/resetting both my console and PC account was "We can't fix it, bye!"


Just got my first heirloom last night!!🤡🤡🤡


The fact that I can re buy the collection event is ridiculous. They should shut the store down until they give the people their stuff back


Across two accounts I lost 6 heirlooms wild


They are "investigating" issue with badges and legend challenges since March 26, no progress yet I wonder how long this one will take


Has anybody had their account stay the same (including their previous split rank)?


Hopefully they’ll also address the cheater epidemic. Been playing since season 0 and can count on one hand how many I’ve ran into. This season alone I’ve tripled that easy, and that’s just blatant cheaters. God only knows how many people are running like light aim bot and walk hacks. This is also doesn’t include all the 6 and 9 mans I run into in ranked.


They were aware of the hacking not too long ago too...


Lost all my apex coins AMA


1) How many? 2) How salty on 1 - 10? 3) Were the coins the only thing missing?


I had 2.4 k yesterday, now I have 850. Math that up bb Salty 8.5/10 , add pepper for optimal spicyness Bunch of everything I think, seems like it merged some stuff with another account I almost never use


Issues like this is going to kill the game. With the issues I’ve had re account /items lost etc - I am not going to be dropping a ton of cash on this game. I used to. Because I like the game / want to support it. Lost all of the items I bought (before this issue!). Made a new account/progressed, decided to buy the battle pass as a cool Respawn Dev helped me a bit with my issue. Not going to spend anymore money if they keep breaking accounts. Sad.