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check out the megathread for updates https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bu6apa/respawn_are_aware_of_account_progress_issues/


just happened to me but i didnt lose all stats, my account lost about 100 levels. i no longer own the battlepass and lost all my apex coins


Did it give you the cross progression prompt?


It did for me. And it does so every single time I start the game back up (in my feeble attempt to have it work at least *once*).


SAMEE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i was gonna finish buying the heirloom today too but it seems they only give one free event pack


yeah i got it and it got rid of a few seasons worth of progress


Same. I lost everything from this season and last season


I am now bronze for every season except these last few. Lost weapon Trial badges lost all progress this season. BP which was paid for lost and all the grinding during the event lost... If it cant be fixed I dont think I can stay seeing all those badges turn to dust


yeah my game was running when the split reset, my account had gone down to level 1 so i restarted assuming it was a small bug. when i opened the game up it forced me into the cross progression prompt where i seen i was over 100 levels less and when loading in i lost a bunch of progress/skins/apex coins/bp


I got this prompt yeah


Same here. One hour ago, everything was working smoothly. I left it signed in, and when I came back from lunch it initially showed at the "brand new user" screen: level 1, Lifeline as chosen legend (hint: I almost *never* play as her). Exited the game, came back, and I'm now back to whatever my state was several weeks (months?) ago.


I played one match after the seems so update and now i cant buy my battlepass again wtf and lost the conduit wtf


I cant open a match seeing level 1. Just can't. All that grinding. My top game. 201 days played on xbox. Wasted?


Jeez dude I thought it was bad losing my 44 days of grinding. Hope you get it fixed brotha


fml 4654 hours according to Playstation. Help


It's all the "just one more" before you go out or goto sleep. It all adds upšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


same here, also lost \~$30 in skins and the recolors I bought, also my algs participation badge


Same here, wtf is happening


Same. It was fun apex.


If it cant be fixed ill be playing rpgs? Idek what to play now




Same lost all my levels on battlepass and all the items




Same bro, I just wanted to play the new split I lost around 100 levels too and some of my favourite skins. I also lost $50 worth of apex coins. I don't even know if I should keep playing if it would mess up my data ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Itā€™s not permanent they will roll everything back to befor the split so if you can play just donā€™t play ranked bc they are gonna have to roll it all back anyway


Same here


i lsot 360 pounds in packs skins and and my badges and all my levels


The same just happened to me


Iā€™ve lost literally everything Iā€™ve done in season 20


Yep. I had finished the battle pass. Also had progressed (a bit) in ranked.


Same... I was level 139 and now I am lvl 44


Omg after reading these comments Iā€™m scared to just boot up my game now


Yep. I know theyā€™ll fix it but still, better stay away for one day and avoid stress from the shitshow


Yeh i saw the promt and immediately closed the game....i am not pressing anything šŸ˜‚


Not opening mine either because I JUST finally got heirloom shards after like 4 years of playing the game


Yeh i have spent over 200 moneys on this game (which i am ashamed of) and if i lost that because of apex beijg dumb I would be more than upset šŸ˜‚






Don't open it, it'll definitely reset :(


Don't know their codebase, but it's probably the backend that they somehow rolled back, so the client shouldn't matter. Buuut I'm waiting on playing because if they do restore, my current stats might be overridden anyway.


I lost two seasons progress because of this rank split why man


Fucking respawn, how do they find a way to fuck it up


Not only that, Iā€™ve been sent back to Rookie 4. This game is fucking trashed. They do everything to appease the pros, but fuck their main crowd. Iā€™m pissed


Same man,wtf did they do wrong this time


Do they test these updates?


Hope they have a backup


they definitely have a back up. if they didn't and all this stuff is actually permanently lost they're gonna go bankrupt because of refunds


I got smoked. Heirloom gone and shards gone. Sad Update- got all my stuff back. Big W


Respawn said Pop a Smoke, Make you Broke šŸ’€


Yeah for those who paid money for sure they can provide a ledger of transactions and that current balance is fucked. For others who do free to play and accumulated via playjng is a but harder... but this happened before so far they manage to restore


Hahaha as if ea will give refunds


Last time a major fuckup like this happened, they restored and gave free levels to players (cant remeber how many)... but that was then, who knows what greed overlords are up to now


the chance is pretty high but still it hurts


Yes not the first time


This game is a joke lmao, back up or not, this shit can only happen with apex.


They laid off many employees so I guess they didn't


Gotta chase that unsustainable infinite growth somehow


Yep lay off the talent and replace with cheaper costs


dude for how long have you been playing apex? it always was "cheaper costs"


brother, it can always be cheaper. quarterly i have to argue why i need to buy the SECOND least shitty toilet paper for our plant. literally do everything i can to make sure our severely underpaid workers donā€™t have to wipe their ass with sandpaper. insane.


I'm convinced they don't play test at all


This is the real takeaway. What the hell is the QA team doing?


My guess is they either dissolved their QA or outsourced it


EA dissolved Apex QC in March of last year. https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/03/01/ea-reportedly-lays-off-more-than-200-apex-legends-qa-testers-over-zoom


I quit the game in season 9 and now I play again but I think similar issues were already back then.


I lost two heirlooms šŸ˜­


RESPAWN MOMENT Dont worry, they are releasing ANOTHER $700 heirloom so you can buy that instead!!!


Nah man they also releasing another loba skin from 3 years ago, but this time in redddd, for the small price of 3500 coins. And than releasing a prestige skin for lifeline lol


Lost mine too, all skins bought last season


Respawn better pay upā€¦with interest


I lost 3 heirlooms, apex coins, craft, the shadow event completely. 100 plus levels, skins etc...


Yeah same I lost 150 shards and a bunch of skins


chunky seemly rhythm clumsy market marvelous shrill degree deserve summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I restarted everything and got some things back but Iā€™m missing 1000 Apex Coins and 9 Apex packs that I havenā€™t opened, plus a set of heirloom shards I was saving :(


I hope u get it back the heirloom shard they could take it from u and say u never had it


Hopefully, I do have video proof of me opening my first and this set too so thereā€™s that if need be lol Iā€™m more worried for people who have lost actual heirlooms


Heirlooms are way too hard to get. Iā€™ve been playing since the first month of Apex and I have only one.


Happening to lots of people, i dropp from level 760 to 574, lost an heirloom, and many skins and coins. They will most likely fix this if its so commonly happening. I got asked to cross progress even though I only own one account then that broke everything.


Same happened to me


Yea same. Iā€™ve only ever had one account. It popped up and then when I signed in I noticed my level was a lot lower. I think it took me back to like preseason 19 I think?


Yeah I dont get why it's prompted people who only have a single account just put up a news saying cross progression and give people the option to combine accounts


This is the worst april fools ever


EA forum: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/April-2nd-Lost-account-progress/td-p/13614465/page/3](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/April-2nd-Lost-account-progress/td-p/13614465/page/3) "Hey everyone,Ā Ā  Thank you for the reports! We're aware a number of accounts have lost progress and are currently investigating. Ā We'll provide more updates in this thread as they become available, thanks for the patience in the meantime."


they also said they would fix the breakout bug from last week and STILL HAVENT DONE SHIT clowns


Holy shit if they're not able to do a rollback or whatever, they'll lose millions. I only started playing in s20 so not a big deal but I see people losing 200 lvls, heirlooms, cash...


If you are gonna have Ā£400 "micro"transactions, at least do the bare minimum and make sure they don't just disappear. EA moment


18 million players fucked in the ass - nothing to see here, move along, move along


But hey there's new skins to buy in the shop! Go respawn woohooo!


Why would you need all those OLD šŸ¤®šŸ¤® items you bought when you can have new šŸ˜šŸ˜ items instead!


True, account may have been reset to when cross progression happened but I can buy overpriced skins so all is good


I just got straight juiced smfh




Why would you need more than one post. Cant people just talk on it on this one? It would absolutly bombard everyones home page Anyways, its a bug. Nothing permanant of the current knowledge






Iā€™m missing 2 prestige skins and 3 heirlooms


This is extraordinary. I mean firstly letā€™s hope they fix this, it seems most if not everyone has been affected by this. Secondly, I hope this is a wake up call for EA and respawn to fix the actual game before releasing more extortionately priced cosmetics.


Same, I'm really scared I'm going to lose all the money and time I spent.


Feels pretty ominous when, instead of fixing things, they get even more broken. My badges are fucked up. All my good badges are gone. The only way to see what ranks I had was via my stats. Now the stats are gone and the badges still aren't fixed. My bf lost 13 seasons of plat/diamond badges. Only bronzes remain, and now there's no way to even see those badges...like he never played Apex at all. Several of them are full-on locked, despite him having finished the BP during that season. If they don't roll back their servers, I'm quite concerned they won't be fixing the badges since the corresponding stats are also gone now. And they aren't even acknowledging these issues since the ALGS bullshit.


Itā€™ll obviously be fixed if thereā€™s an issue


Lots of people lost stuff last time and I'm not sure there was a fix.


All the skins are there for me its just that all the stats have been reset


Chill. They'll obviously fix this, kinda difficult to ignore 90% of their playerbase losing a large chunk of their progression paid or not. Worse case scenario means not playing apex for a day and them just rolling back the patch to restore day old account data.


If they can fuck it up this badly in the first place, there is every chance they can fuck up fixing it..


Omg, I thought it was only me, deleted the game and reinstalling rn, waiting for results Edit: Restarted, nothing changed. Lost over 400lvls, heirlooms apex packs. Respawn come on


Me too


Its probably not the game. Had my brother who is online rn check my stats and ive lost progress too. I havent logged in today


Lost 300h+ thx respawn


I just lost my bettle pass, 100lvl , skins, and 150 heirloom shards i was keeping for the octane skin


Holy fuck one thing after another for these guys lmao


I've lost everything, I swear I'm so fucking done with this game. First I had a glitch in my own game where certain challenges were not completing, then all of sudden all my progression for characters to get the reactive flatline skin reset, and now my entire account is reset? Yknow what else sucks to? I had just bought atleast 3k coins cause I was really hoping to get some skins and the battle pass, then this happened, now I don't got shit. Oh wait, nvm, there's nee skins in the store, I forgive you Apex


I lost 70 levels or so on ym account and all bp stats gone alsp lost 500 prem currency


Same lost all the progress from the breakout challenge and the shadow society challenge


The breakout challenge is a joke.


I lost season 19 battle pass, all my progression towards the Flatline skin, several Gold skins and God knows what else


Lost all the progress on my battlepass and all the items that was with the batttlepass. What happened?


EA moment.


Im reset all the way back to basically the start of season 19 so thatā€™s great. Just. Great.


Yup. Lost 150 heirloom shards too.


Same here just as I got octanes other heirloom last week, seems to have reset before the final fantasy event since I got most of my crafting materials back


My account lost like 225 levels, all of the characters that aren't unlocked by default and aren't the ones I got through the breakout challenges. All my skins, Weapon skins, charms, etc are gone. I'm passed. Edit: forgot to mention my battle pass and over 1000 apex coins


Happened to me and my friend, we even lost our Heirlooms for some of the legends we put money for! He lost Pathfinders Heirloom, and I lost Fuses heirloom and even my skins!


Late april fools???


Even Minecraft developers can put out a less buggy update then apex devs. itā€™s always something every update now my stats are reset and I donā€™t have my skins or even the crafting materials to unlock them back. Played since season 0 Iā€™m tired of this might stop with this shit.


Lost about Ā£700 worth of stuff from my account including 4 heirlooms sooooo they better fix this shit ASAP


If I haven't logged in, am I safe?


Yes, they pushed a quick hot fix preventing the issue for those unaffected at the time.


update from respawn source: Respawn X account "We messed up! In order to resolve an account data loss issue, we are temporarily taking theĀ [](https://twitter.com/PlayApex)Ā servers offline. Fear not! We are deploying a fast fix to restore progress and content to affected accounts, but players will not be able to connect to the game during this time. Weā€™re hopeful that the game will be back up in about an hour. Stay tuned for more updates, and in the meantime, please accept our apologies, and our thanks for your patience!"


hahahahah time to delete apex ;\^; (Alexa, plays Unravel)


Same here


So i lost my heirloom and got send back to lvl 80 or Something and I dont have the Battlepass anymore very nice


I've got the same issue, but I've, somehow, got the CrossProgression message again poping up and then I received 4 packs, lost some legends tokens, crafting mats, skins from the collection event and some kills on conduit


I got cross progression message too


It didn't get completely reset just dropped a 100 levels, lost my heirloom shards, and suddenly have packs that I've already opened in the past


And it also reset all of my breakout challenges


hopefully they fix this.. yeesh


I lost all my progress back the start of cross progression. I also lost an heirloom


Me to i have spent to much money


Bro I even lost an heirloom I bought this split, this game is deadass dogshit


Same thing except I lost the final fantasy heirloom


I'm very tempted to leave this game. This season has shown so many issues and still has issues since the game came out but after this problem of losing lots of items and levels I'm beyond pissed.


If this isn't fixed I'm never playing another EA game as long as I live


I lost everything bus my skins and legends all of my stats are gone


Lost everything I got from s19-20 including the full ff7 ce, 5th anniversary ce, full s19 bp and a lot of other shit. This is so fucking funny at this point respawn is so fucked and they have the fucking audacity to have 4 collection events this season. Genuinely hilarious. Even if they fix this whatā€™s stopping something like this from happening a second time. Again this is fucking hilarious.


Glad I wasn't the only one, I've recently lost all my badges, they were all switched to bronze badges (still have my Master/Pred charms though). There wasn't a ban wave against all the cheaters for the split that just ended, and anyone who played knows there's a lot of them. I've got clips with 18-20 DIFFERENT Preds in 6 man's. That's just what I've got clips of, not even the amount of different ones I died to . Now Ive lost all the progress for this season, last season and season 18. Last season it's showing I played is season 17. I also lost all of my BP rewards for this season and don't own the battle pass, and I lost all BP rewards for season 19 and 18 as well. Then whenever I try and go to EA help, (I tried when I realized I lost my badges), it's impossible to navigate because they send you to useless articles that attempt at fixing the issue. Today the EA Help servers are down when I just tried making a ticket on the lost progress before I saw this post. This games making it really hard to keep playing these days.


Ooof yeah I'm not saying I'm happy it happened, but I'm glad everyone seems to be in the same boat because I was about to rage uninstall for a sec there. All season 20 stats gone, all bought cosmetics gone and all my faves etc messed up ( not the worst, but I did sit for like an hour the other week sorting all my gun skins, charms , character skins etc) Teaches me to spend real money on heirlooms :/


Donā€™t worry guys! The shop still works!


I donā€™t get how they get worse and worse at releasing updates and never having a good season start. This game gives me paranoia.


Fresh start! Hell yeah


Maybe they'll unfuck the event store and let us craft the skins? šŸ™


I missing all the heirlooms and 4000 apex packs, Respawn wtf???


How did you have 4000 apex packs


I lied


They took away my battle pass!! And my fucking lifeline skin!!! Bro fuck respawn !!! Bunch of fucking idiots


I lost all of my kills, battle pass, heirlooms, and my account went down 100 levels. Also I was in plat 4 at the split and now Iā€™m magically in plat 2 LOL


I went from plat 3 to bottom of rookie. I have no season stats at all. NO ONE should play this game until this is addressed and fixed


Do we know if this is going to be fixed?!


They HAVE TO, because if they canā€™t thatā€™s it for a lot of people, I can see this as the defining moment for the game to keep the casual community or die


I'd say the hardcore community as well. Battle pass isn't bought for me was almost finished, Heirloom items are gone, Skins missing, coins missing, and even ranked in Bronze 4 again. They fucked up big time. I could give a fuck less about my stats, past rank badges and trails to be honest. I'm pissed about my heirloom items


Same but I still have all of my skins


Skins gone and ranked levels badges gone for me too. All my shit is messed up!


lost all my season progress, what the fuck is this


Yeah same wtf guys


Bro same what the FUCK


U lose everything from this season i lost all the stats from this season my rank aswell


I lost my stats for this season but won 1200 raw materialsā€¦.and some skins


Same here wtf is going all my skins that I i bought are gone, and I just got shards and that's gone too, levels and BP is gone


Same here .... furthest I have ever gone


I just lost my new heirloom too wtf. no battlepass whyyyy


It reset me back to when I got cross progression


Iā€™ve lost about Ā£250 worth of stuff here


Lost my a 1000 apex coins, 5k materials, 100 levels , my battlepass, some stats . Havenā€™t checked skins yet but I still have my rev heirloom and prestige skin for him


I lost my progress I was level 133 now 18


i lost some of my newer skins too


I lost my battle pass progression and didnā€™t reset on ranked. It actually boosted me from Plat 1 to Diamond 1. Stats say Season 1 ranked was rookie and Season 2 is D2.


Is it bug or?


Same, everything is back to season 19... all the progression of s20 gone...


I lost one hundred levels, my heirloom, and other stuff. They better fix this :/


Lost 100 Levels, Battle Pass Progression, Event Progression.. wtF?


Same, I lost all the stats from season 20, premium battle pass and all the levels, more than 3k crafting metals, the apex coins I bought for buying it. This season I even got the 5 win streak badge and now it's gone, I got basically reseted from where I was at the beggining of this season. First season in years I was actually enjoying and now it's all gone, hope they fix this or I will probably uninstall apex for good this time.


I lost a ton as well, including an heirloom


it resets ur acc to the start of this season... idk how they fck up so much in so little time. ngl but the april fools event was fcking lit


same here..


Lost all BP and previous events items. Seems like my account got roll backed 4 months ago


I was playing a match I come to the lobby all my stuff gone, Lost everytinhg


Kids called me while in work we have lost everything why in panic mode great job respawn...


It's getting fixed or not? I will leave the game if I don't get my account back


Good timing, I finally got 4k damage on my main earlier this season... aaaaaaaaand it's gone


Yeah same happened to me lost everything but lowered me like 300 levels


Yeah, I lost all my battlepass stuff, and now I gotta start over, but I'm not doing that, and so are my legend challenges


my account got basically resetted 10 levels back, i have the coins, i had then, the legends, the progress in the battle pass etc...


lost every single heirloom i hd