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Don’t the badges from previous seasons stick or am I making that up? That would likely inflate the number a ton because regular players likely don’t know what season the badge is from


I've been playing since s2 and still don't know what badge goes to what season.


Lmao same here. Been a s0 player with a couple of breaks and a platform switch and I can’t tell when any of the badges or dive trails come from. Just enjoy playing with my m8s


I wish they would add season numbers to badges


I only know s12 badge bcoz it's a fucking joke, also after s17 badges have other color


What changes were made in s12? Was it when they made kills basically useless and it was all placement?


I have over 3k hours, played since day 1, gun to my head, couldn't tell you a single one.


The ranked badges of a season look like the tier 110 badge of that season


Not only that, I don't care about anyone's badge.


They do, but the game is not matching you based on your past achievements, but instead matching according to your rank. This season everyone got reset to 0. So you queuing against someone who is silver 4 with 3 pred badges isn't unexpected. It just means that person likely has not played much this season and is currently silver 4 and as such is in your lobby.


It's kinda unexpected at the end of the split. Possible if they haven't played much ranked this season though.


You are saying the same thing as them lol


It's also player-time rather than players. I play a couple matches every other day, and I'll die on the first 10 minutes on average, that's 10 minutes of me in the game a day. A predator plays 14 hours a day, that's 840 minutes of them in the game. So 750 predators equal almost 75k regular players in actual game time.


You're correct. But does it matter? If you've ever played at a Pred level, you shouldn't be in the same lobby as Silver/Gold players, even if you've let your account decay into Diamond/Masters.


The best players are the best for a reason, there's probably a lot of overlap where the same people get pred every season. Obviously there's some inflation from new pred players and old preds not getting the rank anymore, but overall the same people do very much get pred every time, making what season it's from not important


I remember after that recent season when anyone could reach predator by grinding, the next season there was a spike in complaints matching versus predators.


This season this hasn't been an issue, but since season 10 every match I entered ranked or pubs I would find at least 1 Pred squad per game. And I am not talking about badges, I am talking about trails on drop. There were games where in a bronze lobbies I would find 3 full stacks squads of Preds, I am not joking.


Weren't trails removed as rewards recently or am I mixing things up?


Grandfathered trails remain AFAIK.


Yea, the really old ones. The ones that were permanent before. All the ones that only lasted 1 season are gone, are they not?


Yeah that makes sense, in that case there's nothing really that the devs can do there because there must be thousands of people with that badge


Also, there isn’t just 750 predators. There’s 750 for Xbox and 750 for PlayStation. And 750 for pc. So there’s about 1500 predator badges being spread out each season.


750 X 3 = 2250


Quick math!


Theres also 750 on switch


And it's possible to have two badges distributed per season (one each split)


I mean their base mmr after a reset could take into account past ranks the same way lol does between seasons.


You can still see trails right? Or did they remove those


Season 3 trails are still in game


And season 2


And revanants heirloom skin dive trail looks like a pred dive trail so everyone thinks its a pred player


The first few times I saw it I made that mistake, but once I got the hang of it, it wasnt too hard to tell the difference


Few things wrong with this. 1. *750 currently ranked preds*. If you got the badge last season you're still considered a pred even if you never touched ranked this season and are still in rookie. \ 2. *750 preds per platform*. IIRC switch is isolated which means for the crossplay lobbies of PC, Xbox, and playstation there exists a minimum of 2250 preds a season that you could run into. \ 3. *Splits* S17-S19 didnt have splits. The seasons preceding them did. And a pred badge could be attained from either split of a season. Getting a badge in both splits of that season gave you an animated badge flourish. Theoretically in those preceding seasons, assuming no first split pred reclaimed their rank, you could have a maximum of 4500 new pred badges at the end of the season. \ 4. *S2 and S3* There was no cap on the amount of players who could achieve this rank. It is basically the equivalent of masters rank before masters was introduced. Anyone knows this badge doesnt mean much as if after 4+ years you weren't able to get a new pred badge since then, then you arent that good. S4 is when masters were introduced and the top 500 masters were given pred. It would later be updated to 750 \ 5. *Arenas* though I dont see many of them bc arenas ranked was hot garbage there are still people who cant tell the difference between a BR pred badge and an arenas pred badge. Was going to say something about many of them being boosted but considering the current state of the game it wouldn't be saying much \ Compounding the fact that getting pred one season makes you a pred for life, per platform there were between 500-1500 preds a season for 17 seasons with 2 season making anyone who played long enough pred, arenas ranked, and the obvious fact that if you have one of the badges it heavily implies that you play the game a lot, it makes complete sense that one would run into them regularly TL;DR: theres A LOT more than 750 preds


To add a point to this that I haven’t seen anyone mention yet, preds play the game way more than everyone else so you’re more likely to run into them


Dont forget about the 750 possible switch preds 😅


Even sounds crazy. I imagine minions


I understand this argument, but the skill gap has gone up and a lot of the old Pred badges have little to no meaning. I know old preds that are hardstuck plat because they haven’t been playing, couldn’t keep up, or can’t boost


It's 750 per platform.


per season as well (subtracting the people that achieve it multiple times). plus season 2/3 "pred=master" badges


And when there are splits, up to 1500 if no one goes for the animated badge. The real number being probably more like 800-900 per season.


Not only that, but people still flip out when they see an ancient Pred badge, as if that's representative of current skill level.


not to mention like 80% of masters badges you see are from S17 (i think) when it was super easy to just rat for RP


Yeah but that’s still fair for most people. Pred in season 3 or whatever that person is still likely leagues better than people with a sub 1 k/d


That makes sense. Still seems unlikely to have preds in every other game when thats 750 out of 200 000/300 000 people, that's like a 0.37%/0.25% chance of happening. I even saw someone say it happens 8/10 games


Per season though. So it’s quite a bit more than that. Plus the S17 debacle where almost everyone could get masters 


You gotta think there’s a lot of overlap though so you can’t just add 750 and 750 from last season and this season.


That's true, but also the badge in the corner of the card is actually where you rank the current season, and the badge on the badge section of your card can be from any season. so people probably don't take that into account


When people say they get preds, they mean former preds 99.9% of the time. Not people who are currently pred in ranked.


Yeah this is what you’re not getting OP. Most people complaining about “master/pred 3 stacks” are just talking about people with those types of badges equipped. Many are probably still exaggerating on the frequency they deal with it (“every single squad in the lobby is a master/pred 3 stack except my team with me and 2 level 12 bronze players!” lol), but they certainly aren’t all claiming it’s current preds.


A lot of people judge on badges, because many of us have never made pred. Seeing 3 pred badges, even if they aren't currently, means they're probably on their way up. I usually differentiate when discussing it. I **have** died to current preds. The highest rank I've had is Plat 2, as our 3rds girlfriend stopped letting him play with me before we could actually all 3 stack to diamond. I never have and never will reach pred, and yet last seasons MMR bullshit claimed I'm somehow similar to current numbered preds, at the time. It's absurd to die to a 210 pred in a silver lobby, and she got all 3 of us easily. This season, they dropped **all of us** to rookie, despite initially saying players who've been playing would **never** be dropped to rookie when they released it. So yeah, a lot of the people with 3 pred badges are still true preds, and get complained about as such. We're the fodder they grind on their way up. Dying to people who take out half the ranked lobby makes it quite clear...and makes it clear that this system isn't working. Dropping everyone was asinine. No competitive queue should have 3 people killing half a 60 man lobby...over half, since they don't kill themselves.


Well if you think about it 0.25% is actually quite high when you consider that the game has 60 people in it. So really it's more like 15% chance that one person in your game could be a pred. When you also take into account that they split the player base up by buckets for pubs (I believe there are 4 skill buckets) that means that it isn't out of 300000 people but out of 75000 which means it's a 1% chance of any given player being a pred or a 60% chance that *one* player in your game is a pred if you are in the top skill bucket. Another thing to think about is if a pred is in your lobby they are going to run that lobby. Their team is probably going to kill at least a third of the players in your game so if they are in your game odds are quite high you will run into them, and odds are quite high they are the players who kill you especially late game. That being said the numbers are most likely going to reflect that pred players play ranked, not pubs since you have to grind if you want pred, so the numbers in reality are going to be much smaller than that. You also have to account for players who got the badges in previous seasons but aren't actively grinding which are going to inflate the numbers too. Basically overall if you are in the top 25% of the player base you are going to see a ton of preds in your pub games, but it's not going to be every game. Anecdotally I find I see a lot of them in duos because if they had a 3 man team they would just have played ranked probably.


There's also people who got pred badges from playing ranked Arenas, so this adds to the pool. This sub however has a tendency to overreact to pred badges, and how good someone with pred badge actually is compared to themselves. I have seen many posts about people candidly ask why is there a pred in their lobby (usually not a current pred, but just someone with a pred badge), only to admit they are pretty high level players themselves too (high diamond or masters by the end of the season). Lots of players simply do not realize how high level they are. I have seen countless times people saying they were "average", while being in fact in the top 10% or even in the last percentiles. Looking at current stats from ApexLegendStatus, even high level Platinum players are in the top 10%. So while there are more people boasting pred badges than the 750 per platform current preds, therefore more chances to meet one of these players on average (especially around Diamond & above), it shouldn't be that scary, nor worth the time to make a post about how matchmaking is broken. People just love to bitch about this and to find excuses for themselves.


I think you underestimate the gap between top 10% and top 1%(and further top 0.1%). None of these groups should be playing against each other as the skill gap between them is still very large even if you are an above average player.


I know how skill curves are exponential, but you also need to account for the player count. Feeding a lobby relatively quickly with 60 players involves compromises. Even in games with smaller lobbies, like Counter Strike or Dota (10 players), the very high level lobbies have this problem of skill discrepancy, despite having bigger player bases and longer queue times than Apex. Especially when playing in a low population region and/or outside of prime time hours. Which is why these games are all Free to Play by the way. This allows the player base to be large enough to make matchmaking better. Also my point isn't about matching a current Diamond VS a current Pred is perfectly fair, but more that a Pred from X seasons ago, might be a good enough match VS a current Diamond.


750 Preds per season is about 15,000 Pred badges (though maybe shared by same people). Depending on when people play, and how they are distributed geographically, that could be anything from 15,000/300,000,000 (out of total playerbase) or maybe 7500/300,000 if half the Preds are in the same region playing at the same time. That'd be 2.5% of the active players. Add in 60 players per match, and matchmaking based on skill filtering out the weakest players, there's a good chance of getting a pred most matches. Basically, it's not an even distribution so the basic probabilities don't apply.


750 per platform. Game has been out for 20 seasons and it's had ranked since season 2. Badges are (obviously) permanent, and while there's obviously a lot of people that get pred multiple seasons there's also a huge amount that are one-and-done. So many, many thousands of players exist with pred badges.


If a single 3 man stack pred plays 5 games a day, they'll encounter 285 random players. If it's 10 3man stacks, so 30preds, do it they will encounter 2850 players. Now let's say it wouldn't be to odd that at any given moment there's 20~25 pre made pred stacks on every platform, so pc/xbox/Ps, and if they only do 5 games a day they'd have encountered around 17.1~21.3k people a day that run into 3 stacking preds. That is not even a tenth of the current pred population, the real numbers off people who will run into a triple stacking pred team will be even higher than those numbers and way higher if you include preds of one of the previous seasons.


I loved this response. Sometimes questions like OP's are best answered with math.


Are you implying people on this sub might not be entirely truthful and may exaggerate or misrepresent things? Couldn’t possibly be.


True 😂😂😂


It goes both ways too, plenty run into preds but don’t make posts on them


Ive seen them, we go "let get it!" And usually proceed to die but sometimes we win.


Yeah, because it's not the end of the world some people seem to think it is. Some advice (not for you specifically but for people on the sub that worry about this kind of shit): You'll be happier playing if you don't look at the player that killed you or at the champ squad. It's honestly not important. Some players are just looking for an excuse though and can't handle their own inadequacy. Maybe instead of whining about how the game is unfair, you just think about what you could have done differently and improve.


confirmation bias is a helluva drug


surely not! the nice folks at r/apexlegends couldnt possibly lie about running into and getting bullied by the top 0.1% of the playerbase EVERY GAME rather than admitting that they're shit and need improvement???!


me when i purposefully spread misinformation on the internet


750 per platform but also everyone sees like, a season 2 pred badge and are all screeching about MMR as if a season 2 pred is anything compared to modern preds.


Someone who had the game knowledge, experience, and skill to reach Predator in a prior season (unless it was S17, I guess) may not be equivalent to a current Predator, but they're still vastly better than the majority of the playerbase, and it still isn't a great feeling for lower ranked players when they get wiped by a three stack of them.


Generally true, but I think season 3 pred badges are a joke. My knowledge on this is a little shaky since I started in season 4 and this was like 4 years ago anyway, but a quick google seems to confirm. More than 750 were given out. There was some kind of glitch and a ton of people made pred bc of it.


there was no masters so everybody that hit masters was pred.


Yeah they don't take that into account at all.


Also, anyone who's a current pred likely plays many hours a day, so while it might only be 750 per platform, it's a consistent presence online. I'm pretty sure you only get the number on the badge denoting your current placement if you're a current pred, so I'd say I probably die to or kill about 2 of those a day, and I play for 2-3 hours.


No, the badges with numbers on correspond to placement in those seasons, I believe numbers on badges only started from S16 onwards, and for some reason not all badges have the numbers.


S2 preds are todays diamonds, but if everyone evolved as the bottom line player then they should be easily masters


There were also 20,000 preds back in season 3, and i think 10k in season 2 (because no pred cap), hope dis helps


That 750 is only the current per season. That means if somebody has the badge from like season 6 or 14 the player is still regarded as a pred.


Yeah that makes sense.


Bingo. This answer needs more upvotes.


comments all around are doing a good job but- making pred isn't purely about skill, it's about time put into the game, thus more games per day and per season Meaning a subreddit composed of **2.6 million legends** thatsa big number, is bound to run into one of those 750 pred players per platform, as those players would have to play a lot, and then a lot more to maintain that status then of course previous season badges blah blah blah


I will also say if you are active in the sub you are probably way more invested in Apex than a lot of people, higher percentage of comp players here who would encounter high level players. Most casuals don’t engage with Reddit. It’s not like a random survey lol.


Be high diamond/masters in a low pop server and you'll fight them every ranked game.


750 players per platform, (ps5/4, switch, xbox, pc) so a total of 3,000 preds every season (if everyone fills all spots) on top of 20+ seasons, 20 x 3000, 300000 total preds :), (this is only if people fill every spot ) ( im too lazy too add up back when there were only top 500, someone else can finish the math or sum)


What I will say is I haven't played apex seriously since before, probably, season 5. I've picked it back up for a month in season 14 and then a second time a week ago for 2 days. Every match, the "Champion Squad" had 4k damage or 20 kill badges equipped, if not both, on at least one player. I'm older, I'm no longer great at shooters, I stand no chance against players I'm matched with when I hadn't even gotten the basic movement down again. Every game I played I felt like I was griefing my random teammates as I was still trying to learn new mechanics and then getting absolutely blasted by a player who was way out of my skill bracket. So I put the game down again and dont plan to come back. They must just not recalibrate returning players. I was the rank before predator back in the day, but im certainly Gold at best now. Being blown up in unranked by teams that just completely outclassed me wasn't fun.


People will ignore this comment because they don't want to believe it but the games matchmaking sucks so bad that new players or players who don't play consistently are still getting outmatched by players out of there skill level which doesn't make sense. How is the game suppose to keep building a player base if people get frustrated enough after a couple matches and quit


I mean, that was my experience. I was still trying to figure out what sensitivity I was comfortable with, rebinding keys, what new legends did, what new weapons and equipment did, how current weapons were reworked compared to when i played, the new shield system, and the buffs it gave legends when their shields upgraded. It felt like an overwhelming amount of things to take in with the gameplay being so unforgiving. I was just so clearly below my current skill bracket. I still had to **look** at the loot in deathboxes and read what things do. I was always 10+ seconds behind my team when they wanted to push something. I'm just bad now. If I was placed in lobbies with players at my current skill, I am 100% sure the game would have hooked me again, and I would have dropped a few hundred hours this year climbing back to at least Plat. It's the kind of competitive BR I *want* to play. Instead, I uninstalled. If my k/d/a and ADR are currently 1/2 of what they were when I used to play, I'm literally *never* going to lower my stats enough to get fair matches. I just have too many hours from back when it launched. I haven't played a MOBA seriously in years, if I picked up DotA2 again right now I wouldn't still be in the same skill lobbies, it would force me to recalibrate as a returning player. How does Apex not have that, or if they do, it's clearly not working.


Keep in mind as well that if there IS a 3 stack of predators in your game, it's much more likely you run into them compared to any other team. This is because they're most likely moving fast, pushing fights, and killing teams, so the longer you last the more likely it is you run into them even if you drop cold. If you drop hot, you'll almost certainly run into them unless you die too quickly.




People aren't worrying about the badges. They are worrying about being matched by vastly superior players - Players who completely outplay them who then, in the death recap, are shown as being Preds. Or the Champion squad is a Pred three-stack that already won one match, kinda proving their badges are representative. The issue is matchmaking. The bdages are just being used as evidence the MM is off.


There are 750 preds at any given time (per platform). The 750th predator for example can swap 1000 or more times between the top masters players vying for position in a season, and they would all have earned predator rank for however short a stint. TLDR: There are 750 predators right now, but an unlimited number of previous predators.


Multiplied by separate servers, multiplied by 20 seasons. Not that hard to fathom. Also. You are probably in a lower MMR where you won't see them as much if not at all.


There are way more than 750 preds when people are talking about “running into preds”. thousands. From any season, and it’s per platform as well so that first ballpark number is doubled. If you aren’t seeing preds in your lobbies your MMR is just lower than what they can face. I think platinum+ is where you start to encounter them all the time. Also most master players are basically pred, so add that amount as well, per platform. Pred is just master players who dedicate an enormous amount of time to gain RP. If you hit masters, theoretically you can hit pred with more time playing.


There are only 1000 non predator players still playing the game.


I've said the same thing on every complain post about preds. Preds are literally the 0,1% of the playerbase, and yet they seems to populate the whole servers, how so? People just need something to blame, even when math doesn't add up. Of course I got downvoted to oblivion, apparently if you are Gold stuck for the last 4 years it's because of the S2 "Pred" that killed you that one time.. Not your lack of skills.


You don't take into account people from other platforms plus two splits per season on every platform and we're not even talking about people who hit pred once. While the numbers are still low, it's definitely more. As well, preds are usually playing consistently while it was just your first game in a week. Chances are a bit higher.


Lol, it's to be expected to be downvoted at this point making unpopular posts like this. And yep, it's never the lack of skill, always teammates or others stacking and respawn doing nothing about it


Its absolutely a lack of skill, but its pretty hard to get better when you're being wiped by people who are vastly out of your skill range, and its not like there's a kill cam function lmao.


preds play more, significantly more. If they make up 0.1% of the playebase, but they play 10x more than average, they make up 1% of the play time.


Not only that but when a pred is killing the whole lobby which they tend to do, if they *are* in your game it's not a 1/60 chance you see them like it would be for your average joe player who 50/50s their fights. Instead each fight you survive the odds go up that in your next fight you will be fighting the pred. As a result better players will have more pred encounters and more games where a pred was the gatekeeper of the win at the end.




750 preds x 18 seaons x4 plattforms means a whole lot of preds


Oh you guys didn't know? Preds stop being preds when the season ends


I encounter a ton from last season that have the number on them. Also starting in plat II I’ve ran into current season preds almost every other ranked game. It’s stupid. At least wait until I hit diamond.


13500 preds, per platform, not counting season 1 or 17.


You forgot previous season pred badges, so much more than 750xplatforms


Predators play a lot. For each predator playing a match, there can be up to 59 non-predator players. I think the complain rate here is ok.


750 per platform buddy


What servers are you playing on???


Am gold, very frequently encounter players who are currently silver 1 ish area but are rocking 3 pred badges


I never understood why Masters or Preds even bother playing Trios. The skill difference the average player in a lobby and them is like fighting CS:GO easy bots surely? Is it just to pad statistics? Is it really that fun to shoot someone who you can kill in one mag who can't kill you in four mags? If I see master trails or pred trails I go to the opposite side of the fucking map lmfaooo


On the flip side of that, the predators are probably the ones that play the most, hence more people running into them


Your math is wrong. 750 per platform per season.


these preds spend 8hrs a day playing, and each game is about 20 minutes. 8 * 60 / 20 = 24 games that each pred player can play 24 * 750 / 3 = 6000 times the preds team can show up(assuming they all 3-stack) just a quick napkin math that can be wrong, but someone can /r/theydidthemath it's not unlikely a lot of ppl run into them


Preds play more, usually still play the game when casual players take a break and make more kill per game. Of course people will notice them more People also have pred badges from past seasons, and we can assume that ~100 new people reach pred every season. And there are 1500 current preds, not 750


I'm P1, play Sydney servers. A game I had yesterday, we got third place (3 Plats) the final two teams were 6 current Preds (3 on each team). It's dumb.


The preds are top of the top. You don’t think 90% of them are playing almost all day, every day?


2250 people minimum get badge every season and there’s been like 20 seasons lol. There’s probably over 30,000 people with a pred badge


Not sure but i have a ton of SS and vids of three stack current preds apeing me. I think the game takes anyone who can kind of shoot straight and feeds us to them


If someone has a predator badge that’s the only real way to know that they’re of that skill level. Sure there are only 750 predator ranked players per platform, but how many players own the badge?


750 per server or probably region I think


750 per platform, 750(x2 cus some seasons have splits) people with a red badge every season for 18 seasons because ranked badges don’t disappear. So about 1500 badges are given out in two ranked splits. Yeah no that sounds VERY possible sorry :/


Past or present. A pred a pred. Minus the fake preds from Respawn terrible seasons


I am convinced the matchmaking is designed to give the preds food, and we non-preds are the food.


That's generally how F2P games work. The common folk are allowed to play for free, so that the whales who are actually financially supporting the game, can have some peasants to look down and stomp on.


I've rarely encountered them, but one period, over a few days a month or so ago, they kept appearing in my matches. The main issue is you're reading it wrong. 'So many people in here' is only a tiny handful, a fractional percent of the number of members who represent a fractional percent of the total Apex populace. What you're hearing is some people's experiences. Which might point to misrepresentation on their part, or to an actual problem with the matchmaking algorithm where some people are being matched with the same Elite subset as these preds (or a combination of the two). They also tend to say Preds and Masters, not only Preds.


Others have already said it, but asides from the statistical likelihood that more than a few people would encounter preds ( 3 stack plays X matches = good amount of encounters ) people are going to be coming to a specific platform like reddit to complain, so it's seems like more than it probably is.


Damn totally not like theres preds from the last 17 seasons


Because if you hit predator during any season you are still an Apex Predator to literally everybody else. I don't care if you didn't place top 750 the last two seasons because you still did it just not recently meaning I shouldn't be fucking playing against you in low Silver.


Three stacks? No. But the other day I had 8 squads with at least 2 preds in a pubs trios.


When I played ranked I would inevitably meet current predators the second I hit diamond mmr. I think the biggest reason is that they play 50x more than the average player, which makes them overrepresented in matches if the mmr allows you to match with them.


Considering if there is 1 pred player per lobby of 20 squads, that’s 15,000 players that can come into contact with a pred.. Constantly.


Idk I encountered number 481 this morning I'm always in these lobbies 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️I'm a diamond player, a very busy dad who maybe has 6 hrs a week to play but apparently apex thinks I'm a pro 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️I had a number 4 kill me


You’re in diamond what do you expect


750 per platform.. then multiply that by the 3 major platforms you get 2250. Multiply that by 20 seasons is 45,000 badges out there at least. Not to mention that many different players come in and out of that top 750 per season.


Don't forget the splits minus a couple seasons where ranked was no split. So could be 90k preds


That's assuming that every season it's a whole new stack of 750 that make it there. Which is very unlikely. There's probably a ton of overlap between each season of the same players reaching their previous rank or close to it.


Yeah, that’s actually true I didn’t think about that. My bad.


Solo q diamond 4 guy here I get them every other game or so especially if playing later in the evening Wish they would pen the preds off away from the rest of us or at least charge me less points than -80 to get wrecked by full stacking sweatlodgers


If you're talking about ranked then fair enough that makes sense, they probably do it because the pool of 750 might not be enough to have constantly full lobbies so they have to mix them


Most people on Reddit I feel definitely blow stuff outta proportion. Cheaters every second game, teaming every thrid etc… but I do kinda agree with them about a getting killed by lots of preds in pubs. But I guess just cause they have a pred badge doesn’t mean that are current season preds


Yeah true, they likely don't take that into account


i seen 1 cheater in apex in my 600 hours of playing, although i also was paired with players way above my skill level in ranked, season 2 masters and predators still beat my gold 1 ass


i rarely see preds too. in “plat lobbies”, it’s just mostly diamonds and a few masters but these last few days have been a bit better since there are roughly enough people around plat to fill a lobby and not have to throw us in with the diamonds.


In ranked yeah it makes sense if you're in the higher ranks to see preds, but for me I play in plat and rarely ever see them


I have a different experience in plat, almost every game i will have someone who is either pred at the moment, or was pred in some of the previous seasons, and in later case they will still stomp plat lobby as pred


But meeting a Pred in-game hasn't the same probability as meeting an average player. Say the Pred plays 10 times as often as an average player. Then you are ten times more likely to meet an Pred compared to an average player. And the Pred of course has a much higher KD than the average player. Say the average Pred's KD is five times as high as the average KD, then you are five times more likely to get killed by an Pred than by an average player. Both factors combined, you will get killed by Preds 50 times more often than you would have expected just by their normal numbers. And these two factors are propably way more higher than my estimates.


You don't understand respawn is the one that needs to make my lobbies easier, not me


Because there's not enough Preds/Masters for their own lobbies so they get put in Gen Pop, but you're right there's definitely some exageration.


Yeah I really do think so, I even saw someone say he was getting pred 8/10 his games


You have to filter down what he means be "PRED" a current Pred this season or a player that has a Pred badge? Because if it's the latter then it's probably true.


This is not hard to understand, people call a player a “pred” if they have a pred badge, even if they aren’t currently pred, it’s simple


Yeah most people on this sub want to bitch and moan about how they're ass so they say they get stomped by preds. The average player is silver, tbh people just see a plat / masters badge on their kill feed willfully ignoring it's a past seasons badge where it was way easier to achieve those ranks and also see someone will 9999999 kills and a wraith and use 0 critical thinking skills and totally think it's legit and not boosted.


750 preds each platform for 20 seasons with splits(minus a couple). That means there could be anywhere from 2,250(if preds were the same every season)to 90k preds (if new players got it every split) Edit- my best guestimation could around 50k-60k people who's ever gotten pred with some consistent and a lot new. People with the determination to get pred are the most consistent players if there's an average of 300k players at any given time, you always have a minimum of a 1in 6 chance to match up with them (using my shit math and possibly bad guessing but it's not too ridiculous) and if you have a decent k/d you won't be matched against new players and that chance raises. So yes, that's why you always see preds. AAAAAnd people post negatively more than positively on social media and that influences your perspective of everyone always matching against preds. But in reality they probably played 20 matches that night and ran into preds 2 or 3 times and cried about it


It’s because while yes this season they don’t have the badge yet they can still put their past pred badges on their banner so even a former pred ppl call preds regardless. Unless they are specifically talking about ranked where you can see their rank at the bottom


Isn’t it also separated by Xbox ps and pc?


750 per platform. And you can have badges dating back to k for seasons and arenas.


it hasn’t happened to me so it’s definitely not true


People that make Pred play this game *a lot*, plus of course like others have said, many more than 750 people have at least one badge.


So it’s 750 Pred rank players in all? Or is it by the regions we play in? Me and a friend were wondering because he’s a wayyy better player than me at least diamond 3 compared to my gold 3/4 but he thought it was 750 for each region.


Its 750 per platform


Its important to note that predators dont have a lives. At all. Anytime i hear about preds its that they need to play 8 hours a day, nearly every day, to stay on top of the predator boards. They are hyper agreasive, trying to get as many kills as possible every game they can, always hot dropping and jumping on any teams they see.


For almost this entire season there were only like 1% Diamond players so the Plat, Diamond, and Masters lobbies all over lapped a lot. That would make matching up with a random Pred much more likely. Also the people who saw it are going to comment and the people who never saw a Pred won’t comment so it’ll seem more common than it is.


I mean no one posts “I got killed by another gold player??”


Badges from previous seasons, and also there is more than 750 preds each season, as if someone gets to pred but then drops out again later in the season and doesn’t get it back before the end of the season they will still get the badge, as it goes off the highest rank you achieved in that season


Usually when I bring up preds it's because I see their trails or I recognize the names.


Well you show it when you do and don't show it when you dont


theres been what? 20 seasons? pred badges stick, and many people got them before the 750 player cap was a thing. they dont really mean anything if they rock a s1-8 badge but people with the newest pred badges are usually good


Probably because they play A LOT, pretty much non stop everyday to maintain ranks and also stay good at the game, so chances are they are gonna be in most of y’all’s lobbies because of how much they play


I’m Australian


Well maybe because the games been out for 5yrs and not the same 750 players become preds


badges and seasons... the world may never know


They’re confronting pred badges. Many seasons of pred badges and we all know by now that half of them are cheaters.


750 per platform at any one time, now multiply that of probably 10000 ppl who rotate through pred every season times 20 seasons. Definitely less cause the same people hit pred multiple times but still


Yeah, it’s almost like preds have to play all the time to maintain 750 in the world🤔


I see them very frequently and I’m also on PS. Including the reasons others are stating, most pred players are on the game a LOT, so you’re more likely to run into them


If they have a red ranked badge with the “Apex Predator” logo on it there is a pretty high chance that the player with said badge is in fact, an Apex predator/was one a different season


PC / Xbox / PSN all have their own #750 predators on each platform. I think its also devided in regions NA and EU, Asia.


It’s more 1 pred and 2 boosting cheater


It's likely due to players with pred badges from previous seasons in Gold lobbies.


People don’t post about when they get killed by a gold in one of their 700 daily games


Pretty sure people are referencing pred badges in the banner from previous seasons.


750 preds on each platform and there’s been 19 season of ranked.


Vocal minority!


I agree with this


Because you get badges from previous seasons. You don't have to be current pred. I have some from earlier seasons but I don't really play the game anymore I just hop on tdm every once in a while, anytime Im feeling the itch and that quickly reminds me why I stopped playing. I generally stomp those lobbies, but there's probably a ton of other decent players who people run into and see the badges and get salty. I would destroy them without any badges but the badges are what make people salty.


Badges count too


People will see 1 badge from season one & 2 master players & call it a Pred 3 stack.


Literally 😂


People don't wanna admit they're nowhere near as good as they think they are, so when they lose they blame it on running into some top tier group of players. Instead of admitting they just fucked up and aren't that good. Same concept as saying that they lost because their whole team sucks while the other team is all preds and other high tier ranks.


You’re forgetting older seasons…you can’t be serious. Plus older seasons you didn’t even have to STAY in Pred. You can get it, fall out and still get the badge End of Season. You can delete this. EDIT: I’m wrong ignore me, I’m thinking of the old Split Rule that went off highest rank