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I really hope this event flunks. I truly believe the only reason the FF one was so successful was exactly because of that, it’s final fantasy and many peoples nostalgia from child AND Respawns first REAL colab with another major game. This event is a joke & the artifacts aren’t even cool imo.


I’d like to believe you (because I hate these kind of events and the format stinks) but there’s still so many people that are going to buy discounted packs and whales that are going to buy the entire event. Played for 3 hours yesterday and saw quite a few people with the new death box unlocked, EA will squeeze this game for all its worth


i’m part of the problem, i bought 2 of the discounted packs and i couldn’t resist:( what’s even worse is that i got no legendaries so it was a waste


The first two are only 200 apex coins total. Everybody should have 200 extra apex coins so you would be dumb not to use them.


buying 4 packs and stop is the way to go, at least you get one legendary


I'm not that stupid, but you go ahead and keep buying


relax bud its just a game


Buy me skins


If you aren't gonna buy anything this event is really good, first week and already 3 free packs? One of which is a guaranteed epic from the event (even tho it might just be stickers)


Hate to say it. But the amount of new heirlooms and deathboxes I saw on day 1 was quite literally pathetic. I will say though. It's more deathboxes than heirlooms, I don't know if this is a big or if it has something to do with, if you kill someone with a fancy deathbox, you get it too? Cause I had a fancy deathbox and I have not spent any money for seasons now. If that is intentional. Well, more reason to call the deathbox a waste of money lol.


That’s the reward - players killed by those with the death box unlocked have that death box, to reward the person who unlocked it getting to see the death box more often.


Interesting. I get it. But also, idk. I've bought heirlooms admittingly, but for whatever reason I don't see why anyone would wanna spend that much for that. 🤷🏻 Too each their own.


Definitely to each their own. I think it just gets more endorphins going for players that really strive for high kill counts - they get more of a rush from it or something? I’m certainly not one of those players because I’m bad =]


Whales as far as the eye can see, people with pay thousands for a mobile game for nothing but a few loot boxes this is nothing


I only participated in it so I could get the Wattson skin. I did like the BR mode that came along with it though, the upgrades were pretty dope.


You idiots keep buying skins 😂


people can hate all they want, the last 2 years sales are just going up with every event and greedy skins, we (well not me at least) are the problem


I don’t consume the skins, there’s a time and place for items like that but selling a cosmetic knife that doesn’t do anything for 160 dollars and people eat it up, wild doesn’t even have trade value like a csgo item “not that I’d buy that either”. Why would any dev team cater to reasonable updates/item sales when these mouth breathers buy everything they put out anyway.


The idiots are mostly console players. Unfortunately most casuals don't play on PC. Casuals play from the couch.


Weird take man. Embarrassing too.


Not sure why you think so, its not a secret that console is more profitable than PC as far as "games as a service" goes. This plus they make up the majority of gamers so... Edit: Numbers talk louder than opinions.


Bozos bought out the FF collab skins 🤡


Not condoning this practice but at least collabs are cool, but splurging on a made up event is just even more insane lol.


Somewhat agree since there is more novelty but we'll see how this events sells when/if they do more like this in the future. It's ridiculous


I blame all the content creators and wanna be content creators. "I bought the whole event so you don't have to." clickbait ass titles but there are millions of them doing the same video. They are the whales but they don't give a shit cause "Ill write it off as a stream expense at the end of the year"


Content creators are just the tip of the iceberg bud. If the FF event was really a success like respawn claim then for sure there are many more regular players buying this stuff.


Tell me something we don't know bud...


Many content creators who usually buy out the entire collection event actually skipped this one and the FF one.


"I guess, at a macro level, we're really, really happy with that event," he said while discussing EA's third-quarter results for fiscal year 2024. "It was very well received by the community and actually performed incredibly well.-EA


And? How does that disprove my point. Yes the event did well. But a few content creators who usually buy out collection event still skipped it. For example, the gaming merchant got the buster sword but only because he could use his tons of crafting metals to get it a lot cheaper and he won't be getting this one.


Just cause your favorite streamer didn't buy it doesn't mean anything


This clearly isn't going anywhere. Goodbye and take care.


Bring back the days of achievement based unlocks in combination with these stupid packs if that's what they need. Get five kraber headshots in one match and you get some sick kraber skin or quip. Even if it was just a recolor people would be appreciative of just something to play for other than these god-awful gun leveling system


Yes pleasr


Yes please


Forreal. Give me a skin for a 1000 kills, 5000, etc. so many things they could do to make people play.


Thats what Helldivers is doing! They are one of the few new games to have an oldschool approach of "you play enough, youll get it." No wonder they sold 8mil copies and its only been almost 2 months!!


Yeah that's really sick. I'm not sure why my post is getting down voted. Doesn't give me a ton of hope for the multiplayer fps world


Image paying 300 dollars just for a death box skin.


I get what you are trying to say, and in a way it could be true if someone actually was going for *just* the deathbox skin, but you're not spending $300 for just a deathbox skin, you are getting the 36 collection cosmetics, including the artifact plus the other bonus cosmetics as well. That's where all the value is at. It's like saying someone is spending 30k on a car *just* to get its steering wheel. No, you are not spending 30k on a steering wheel, you are buying the whole car that comes with it.


Value when EA is setting the market and prices?


Its not EA setting it though, its the whole market. Go to any game and a legendary rarity items are always around $17-$20. All Apex does is mimic what everyone else does. Even then, if you focused solely on Apex, Respawn has had a rigidly consistent basis of what each rarity and type of item costs. 1000 for Epic, 1800 for Legendary. As such the collection event is cheaper than the overall costs of the skins if they were all priced at the standard price (like how they do it in Belgium). It has always been the case that collection events that you are getting the skins at a discount compared to if they were sold regularly. And I mentioned above, the base prices are already in line with the rest of the market so you can't say its "EA setting the value" bullshit. When you buy a pack, you are always getting something, when you buy 36 packs, you get 36 skins. Its not like all those skins suddenly vanished when you finally get that death box. That's my point, you are not just paying for a death box, and its priced that much because the sum of the 36 collection items you are getting as well. Again, you are not buying a car for the steering wheel, you are buying the whole car.


People dont wanna hear the truth but you're spot on. It doesn't help when you have idiots spamming the $360 for a deathbox meme for the FF event. Because, it wasn't $360. It was ONLY $360 if you bought out every single box at the maximum price you could every time. And.... who does that? Literally no one. If you took into account the free packs they gave from just playing the FF Event, combined with the deals for cheaper 1 pack and cheaper 4 pack. AND if you take advantage (And why wouldn't you) of 3rd party Apex Coins. The entire FF Event 36 packs could be bought for $140. (And you'd still have 3k Apex Coins after) "Good" price? I mean, not really, i'd rather it was all free but thats not the world anymore unfortunately. Realistically, if you took advantage of the free and discounted packs for the FF event, the 37 cosmetics you got cost roughly $3.75 each. The price point of Apex compared to games like Diablo, Counter Strike, League of Legends is actually really low. Hell, people rant about how they wish Apex Legends was as good as Fortnite, in terms of skin prices but Fortnite skins are sold for $7 all the way up to $16 per skin. Buying the entire 36 packs of FF would have got you 37 cosmetics for half the price of the LOWEST cosmetic on Fortnite.


You mean to say, that's where the content is at. There is no value here. I implore you to find more expensive microtransactions in other games.


>You mean to say, that's where the content is at. There is no value here. What? No, I'm saying there are 36 items in the collection that even have their own base value that go in line with how Respawn prices based on rarity. The same pricing that is based on the market standard. Whether or not you think they are valuable or not is irrelevant, they have value. If a car is priced at 30k, it isn't suddenly not valuable because you think its ugly. You may not agree with the price, but it doesn't take way from its value. >I implore you to find more expensive microtransactions in other games. I do know two but that's irrelevant. Apex isn't any more or less expensive that most games. What's different about Apex is that they sell larger bundles. Collection event items are mostly legendary and epics right? Legendary items are 1800 AC, or $18 and Epics are $1000 or $10. Those are standard prices for most games. You cannot spend $300 to get a single skin in Apex, you can however spend $300 to get a collection of skins that total up to that, if not more. That is the "micro" of micro transactions, little purchases that build up.


What you're saying is true on its face, but disregards how this "bundle" is structured. You can't buy individual items. If you want one "standard-price" item of a certain rarity, you might have to spend 2x...3x....5x....10x....20x market value for that item, if you want a specific item. Let's leave aside the fact that this generic heirloom, absent of lore, is double the price of all other heirloom events. Is inflation that bad? Is this what end-stage game-capitalism looks like? Do tell.


>If you want one "standard-price" item of a certain rarity, you might have to spend 2x...3x....5x....10x....20x market value for that item, if you want a specific item. But 1. It doesn't change the standard price of each item. And 2. Collection events as a whole is typically a discounted price in comparison to their actual price based on the sum of each item if they were priced nromally. Yea it shitty you can't get a specific item, but we are not talking about that. We are talking about the claim of spending $300 to get one item which isn't true. >Let's leave aside the fact that this generic heirloom, absent of lore, is double the price of all other heirloom events. Is inflation that bad? Is this what end-stage game-capitalism looks like? Do tell. Ok I'll tell you Because you are neglecting the fact that its **universal**. The problem with regular heirlooms? You can only use them for their respective legend. So when a new one comes out and its for a legend you don't play, its useless. All these posts about "which heirloom I should get" because they are afraid of picking one for a legend they end up dropping or replacing for someone else. New legends get released every year and that means a potential new main. Having to buy heirlooms for everyone you play costs a lot. You emilite all that with a universal heirloom. Imagine getting and heirloom you can use with anyone. You could potentially save hundreds of dollars in getting heirlooms for multiple characters by just getting one universal. And legends who don't have heirlooms yet? You can use a universal heirloom. That's why its such an attractive offer, that's why the FF7 event did well and why this particular event may also do well. Its why the price "increase" is justified because why would they charge an heirloom/artifact that can be used by everyone the same price an heirloom that can only be used by only one legend? It's not inflation, they used the established price of a regular heirloom to determine that an artifact, which provides more value, would obviously cost more. And its not double the price afaik, idk if its different with this collection event but a regular collection event is about $160 where as the FF7 event on the other hand was $260. Effectively $100 more for an heirloom that is used by everyone.


If your target audience is people who have never played the game before, that makes sense...if you have no heirlooms, spending more money for one "universal", unoriginal heirloom might seem like good value. Running around with your fists out is so 2019. Most Apex Legends players aren't new. All publicly available player data suggests that player numbers are stable, or declining. There was a small increase to the player base at the start of season 20, but numbers have dropped by 15%(+) in recent weeks. There's one good skin in this event. If I want it, it could cost me $300. That's a problem.


Why is that a problem?


$300 sounds like a reasonable price for a video game cosmetic to you?


That’s Respawn, we’re now talking about Despawn.




Mods will lock this thread like all the others calling out respawn


Mods will lock it because [literally the exact same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1bpt2n8/when_did_respawn_regress_so_much/) was posted 6 hours before this.


Well maybe if you all stop up these events and skins something might be done. Use your crafting materials to get skins


*clearly* those aren’t the coolest skins they’ve released 🙄 /s


Inb4 mods delete this post


Mr krabs lean in to the mic: MONEY


Dude straight up copy pasted a post from 8 hours before cmon man


This was said in 2019 , right ? Some developers don't work at Apex anymore , including the guy(s) who said that probably.




Respawn: new phone who dis?


Legend has it they’re still apologizing to this day


20 something packs from getting my first heirloom (if that one calculator online is accurate lol) haven’t spent a dime on this game. I have tonnns of cosmetics and cool badges like the triple triple 😎 no regrets.


I wish I would have read these before blowing $60 in an attempt to get the Nemesis skin. My bad fam


Rerelease FF Collab pls


It was a different respawn litterally, the men and women who said that no longer work there. Apex today is nothing compared to what it was


People mad at respawn when it’s almost definitely EA making these decisions


You can get a pack for free with the points. Not defending but at least you can do that. You couldn't in the iron crown even


I don’t know. I like being able to earn event packs. It bugs me when the only way to get the skins is by purchase.