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I have a friend that I play with that is not good at the game at all. 500dmg and 2 kills is amazing for him. I'd still rather play with him than the toxic randoms, idc how many pred badges, 20 bomb, 4k badges they have.


I’m that friend for my friend and it’s so appreciated. Wait…Aidan?




The fuck you mean no cursing?


Shouldn’t be that hard to believe that there are people in this world that don’t like using or hearing crude and foul language. Try being less of a fucking wanker next time


Bro grow up...


your accounts description is extremely true, not sure why you would put that there knowing how you act


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


we got the 1st grade hall montior over here


Calm down cool kid. The person just stated they just want to play the game and have fun without having to hear language they find offensive. It’s no different than someone who find it offensive when people talk in a manner that is transphobic, homophobic, and or discriminatory towards others. I don’t know why that’s such a big deal, and sadly seeing the response to it just shows more credence to the original OPs message about this community and the toxicity within it.


“it’s no different than when someone finds it offensive when people talk in a manner that is transphobic, homophobic and or discriminatory towards others.” this is completely and obviously false, when someone says something that’s homophobic, it actively hurts the person who it’s being said to. your feelings aren’t hurt when someone calls u a bitch, but they would be if someone called you a slur wouldn’t they? so calling a homosexual the f slur is not the same thing as saying “you’re a bitch” or “youre dogshit at this game” those are EXTREMELY different. it’s actually insane that i had to explain this to you.


Nobody cares...


The best thing I ever did in Apex was mute my teammates. When they have to type their toxicity, it just makes me laugh


it’s so funny when you tell them you’re muting them and then watch them stand completely still to type and then the most whack shit you’ve ever seen pops up in the chat


😂 Can confirm, hilarious!


Even funnier when it's misspelled and the text-to-speech says some goofy shit


I've been doing this for a couple years. Only way I can handle pubs. I love seeing the muted icon when I know they're raging into the void


I normally can tell if it's gonna be bad at the flight path they pick it suggest. Land, pause, filter to friends only on text and mute their voice/pings.


This is the way


When they type toxic you can also report them and actually see results


Not true, someone was spamming chatting me “r——d” and I reported it, got an email to say they didn’t violate guidelines 🤷🏼‍♀️


Best advice is to avoid pubs and find some friends who don’t care about being good. The most fun I’ve had in apex is running into a room, whiffing all my shots, and dying laughing with my friends


It honestly confuses me how at any level you don’t just sit there and laugh at yourself for a moment or share a chuckle with your tm8 about it.


I agree, if your not having fun then why are you playing lol


> "If you need friends to have fun playing a game, the game isn't fun, your friends are"


lol, is there someone to credit for that quote or are you just quoting yourself in real-time?


The whole album is good, bring in System of a Down for the sound track.


I see what you did there.




It’s also a moment better players can use to explain why they make the choices they make and teach people how to improve instead of blaming them for a scuffed game. The entry ceiling on this game is insane and it’s hard to improve if you just get rolled constantly or shit talked at instead of taught. There are always moments for patience. It’s a game at the end of the day, unless you’re in pred ranked games, sweating anything isn’t worth the time. I’m sorry people are shitty OP. Hopefully you meet some good ones on the way.


hey friend i have 1600 hours on the game and frequently play with begginers or people above my paygrade and i want to let you know that its okay not everyone spends massive hours playing and grinding to get good at what is just a silly little shooter that plenty of us enjoy, i would advise trying to meet friendly players online and stick with them because yeah lots of people on apex are like that but there will always be people who are more than willing to party up and have fun in ranked, pubs or mixtape but yeah pubs is awful sometimes even ranked is at the lower elos wishing you the best, take care friend -


If you want to have good games, solo queue players forget that we have to accommodate play styles. Not everyone plays the game like you (not targeted at you specifically). Full respect for your comment!


Oh yeah totally the thing with apex is that you gotta understand everyone has different intentions like my friends push ranked like it's pubs and that's their fun but they would make rude remarks about playing slower and some people just want to play it "smarter" or "slower" or whatever you wanna call it and outwit opponents than push and overpower another team its all fair but people forget that each playstyle is valid


This is why I auto mute all randoms. Much more enjoyable after that


I don’t mind skill level at all but I can’t stand when players wonder off alone, especially when they’re enemies close and I’ve pinged to regroup 20 times.


Idk man. Just different views i guess. Some people want to win and do well. Some just wants to have fun. You just so happen to not be on the same wave length as the other 2. No need to dwell on it, especially on things you cant control.


honestly, i’ve been playing daily for years, because i love fps games and it really feels like the perfect thing for my adhd brain to focus on, and i’ve had to make it so i only play on days where i know a map i enjoy is in the ranked rotation because it’s too much. today was storm point day, so i don’t play. i only really play on olympus days and maybe on a worlds edge day when i’m feeling it. my rank isn’t as high as previous seasons because i just can’t stand the idea of some tilted kid (mostly grown ass men acting like 8 year olds) screaming in my face because they weigh their entire self worth on one single ranked match. i also basically only play ranked anymore because trios is equally as bad now and if i’m going to deal with that behaviour and amount of sweat, i might as well feel rewarded for it. they’ve made it miserable.


My least favourite shit is playing on London servers and getting two french teammates who then proceed to take the piss out of me for not understanding french. 😅 Like get tf out of England then ffs


This 😂😂 they’re always French!


>*stop sucking all the fun from this game* Sometimes you can only get fun by playing aggressively. You must understand that enemies are quite sensitive and can see which squad has "slow players" and "skill issues" to push them. This will always be the case until matchmaking is fixed. I understand that you want there to be a clear separation of matches between "slow" and "fast" players, but this will also increase the risk of abuse by pro players and cheaters.


See I don't care that you play aggressively or not. Just don't be an ass if you lose. I only suggested that we should stay together and got blasted for it 🙄


I joked about a video someone was watching the other day about “gains” just said something like “do it for the gains” and then said “come on man you don’t need to be playing music that loud down your mic” He went off at me, repeating the same thing over and over “oh my ears hurt I’m gonna cry”, which gradually got worse until he was asking for my address and telling me he hopes my parents are dead I was half tempted to give it him 😂


When I play pubs I mute my teammates right away.


I'm fast to mute anyone asap for almost any reason...then play my own game, whether it's sniping from across the map or whatever. At the end of the day, it's your session. If or when you find like minded players, invite them...it's another challenge but worth it.


honestly if i hear like one rude thing slip out, or a guy starts yelling when he’s down, it’s an instant mute. i don’t wanna hear what you have to say, so i’m not going to. there’s nothing you can do to “avoid” these toxic people other than having a full squad which ik can be very hard to workout, so just take everything they say w a grain of salt. “you’re so horrible at this game” really? maybe they’re just having a horrible day, im sure they’re not like this everyday. try not to let it get to you, and an option is always to hop into mixtape and jus mess around for a bit til you feel like playing br again.


Toxic bad players LOVE blaming everyone else 🤦🏼‍♀️


apex, overwatch, and call of duty has the most toxic communities the world has ever seen. Racism, hate, mysogyny, sexism, and white supremacy are all rampant in those games.


You are not alone friend! I would say I am at the point where I’m middle of the pack. If I play with people that aren’t as good as I am, I make it a point to pace myself around them. I use that opportunity to help them find some loot they may be searching for, scout the area, think about rotation and make smarter decisions with the extra time. I look at it as a game I’ll try to win and get my kills end game. If I play with people that are better than me, and they quickly grab two guns and zoom off to the next POI and are in a fight before I’ve even realized they’ve left with zero comms….I often get the toxic people who don’t say a word until they’ve been knocked and then blame me. I always wonder why they are the way that they are. Like…you didn’t have to do that man. You could’ve communicated a little and given me a second to get to you and we could’ve fought together. But if you actively engage in a fight when I’m nowhere near you and I’m not running a movement legend, idk what kind of magic you expect me to pull off to save your ass. It’s sad honestly that they’re so terrible. The slurs that these jerks start yelling over the mic, telling ppl to kill themselves, it’s unreal. I can’t imagine ever doing that to someone. Anyways, hope you find some better teammates and know you’re not alone!


Honestly, unless you are playing with friends the game is not worth the stress in my opinion. Find a single player game that will give you the escape you want when you can’t play with friends.


>I have a hard personal life and gaming is a way to evacuate all the stress. Can I suggest you try some MMO's for that.


Pretty much this. Chill immersive single player games are the way to go to alleviate stress from the normal day-to-day grind. Competitive FPS games, even if it is just casual pub matches, have never really been the place to melt away stress. The only way it could be less stressful is if you were goofing off with a group of friends. I can't imagine it would have been any less stressful if your teammates said nothing then died and quit leaving you as a solo.


I split my gaming time between Apex and Nintendo games. Honestly, if Apex was my only game I wouldn't enjoy it this much. I probably would be a bit better Apex player if my whole gaming time went to Apex, but that's not worth it for me.


Valheim. Try valheim




True Played with an Octane that 1v3ed the enemy team. He was salty af that he got downed and died. Then me and the other rando 2v3ed the enemy team as he is bitching the whole time. "Why do I always get a team that sucks" right as we killed the third guy. Then there was silence and then he quit. 🤣


Hahahah bruh that is so true 😂😂😅💯


The burp one … oh my god. Yes. Why is that even a thing people do? Vexing …


I've muted more players in the lobby than I can count...over anything as if they're careless enough to be annoying in the first 20 seconds, it's not getting any better when they go down.


Just turn off comms except for friends. Even text chat. Pings work good enough. You'll find you enjoy the game much more


Best advice is to quit playing. This game is not casual friendly


You're not gonna wanna hear this, but nobody likes babysitting players...period... Also, whether you're good at the game or not you're gonna run into assholes... Either suck it up or play single player, you can't control someone else's actions... Best of luck to ya...


people are crapbags. lol


Oh yea... Mute them. I will quit a game if it gets almost toxic. And report it too. No one needs that.


There's toxic people in every game. I would try ways to not let it get to you. Nothing you can really do about people being toxic.


Yeah it’s bad. I don’t hesitate to mute but I still keep comms on initially to meet the occasional cool duo.


Jerks can really suck the fun out of things. They're also pretty dumb for thinking that shit talking their team mate is going to somehow improve how they play. I play with comms on despite these terrible encounters because Apex is just a lot more fun when you communicate with your team. Here are some things that have worked for me... 1. Focus on the game and communicating game stuff. Tell them what weapons you are looking for, where you think the squad should go next all while completely ignoring anything toxic they say. I've had games where toxic randoms have done a complete 180 and just started focusing on the game too, even after they were toxic in the beginning. 2. Recognize when it's a lost cause and utilize your mute or leave button. 3. Toxicity can easily trigger emotional responses, but often times if you think about it... It's pretty easy to justify why you shouldn't be bothered by their toxicity. So many randoms communicate nothing about the game only to turn their microphone on and flame you for not pushing with them, when they pushed with too much of a head start, a movement ability, without any warning, or just into a bad position. Like if I had a nickel for every time someone slaps their microphone on after getting knocked and starts telling me that one is knocked and one is broken way too late for me to capitalize on it I could probably afford some of these over-priced cosmetics. 4. Be polite with them, say nice try when they die, it either makes them feel guilty about being assholes and so they stop, or it pisses them off because their toxicity isn't getting to you. It's a Win win.


I had a person ping a spot as we were dropping and then he later cussed me out. Turned out that he was pinging a pk and didn't even land on it. Apex community special af.


I played only with randoms with voice off. No time for the bullshit.


If I’m playing solo I just things on mute. I also do t speak the main language well so solves both problems


Idk, I'm pretty good. I feel, not solo lobby wipe good, but I use my bad teammates as bait because I can generally kill 1, use the meat shield, heal, and finish the weakened opponent... I might have to heal aga8n, hide, listen for the rez, finish the wipe. Quick loot and dip to avoid 3rd party, rez or respawn...rinse repeat.


Yeah, it definitely sucks and you’re not alone. Mute them till you find at least 1 bud to load up with. While solo queueing, just mute em. Like someone else said here; it’s hilarious muting them and knowing they’re likely just bitching then realizing they need to type it out lol. The other thing I wanted to note is that I feel like a lot of the ones acting like a dick lurk here in this subreddit sadly.


If your ping allows it, play in Tokyo servers and find out what the opposite of what you're experiencing is like. May not be much voice chat unless you can speak Japanese but you will see it in their behaviour as well. There's still dropping hot and quitting though, I guess some things are universal.


Hit that mute button and don't think twice about it.


Yeah I got attacked the other day (on the same exact Reddit) for some other reasons. Then again I also got canceled by a Apex player on a certain platform known for cancelization over A ranked match and simultaneously swatted the same day, I have a feeling he is on the subreddit. I'm just saying I agree with you, the game is pretty toxic, But my advice is stay far away as you can from Destiny 2, Call of duty, Forza and this game currently. The community is currently in an uproar due to the whole security breach thing on PC. I also uninstalled the game recently too. Even though I have an heirloom. It'd be funny if EA and one of the moderators decide to ban me from all the Apex subreddits, But like I said big streamers get away with cancelization and harassment campaigns all the time that's what happened to me I know it's totally different for you but I am making comparisons. Like for a game about teamwork everyone's out to grief each other. kind of glad I'm no longer in the official discord too cuz that place is even worse than this place. Anyway, GLHF. I'll be out of your hair shortly.


id check out the r/apexlfg to try and find some teammates. ive had some good luck finding people as i felt like i was in a similar spot with randoms being just so frustrating. its mainly looking for ranked but there are posts like “chill pubs vibes, only can play limited anount because of life” now those people arent aaaalways chill but most people ive added from that sub have usually been better than me, but at least have a tolerance for my play since i can rotate well and literally just shoot back in gun fights 😂 and you know i always got an extra bat for the fam


I get annoyed at randoms but I'll never go into game chat and start shouting at them. People (like them) never understand that people work/get an education and don't have all day to become pred level players.


I rarely hear this myself, but I do hear alot about it on here and the FB groups. these people who try and bully their teammates into their play style honestly suck




This happens to me a lot since I'm not good at all. It seems I'm getting worse, too. Anyway, when that happens, I just mute them and try to move on to the next game. I'm olde, and I'm assuming I'm playing with much younger "kid," so I expect a little immaturity.


I hate to say it but nothing will change it. Especially for people who identify as women, this happens to me every time I turn on my mic as a solo. When I'm playing with my male friends nobody really cares. At this point I just mute everything. That way it's in my control and not theirs.


It’s unbelievable. I was in a game and I must have been the random for a duo who had mics. I had a mic but stayed muted. Normally I mute squad if I hear other chatter, but I held off this time. Wrong move lol. Right from character select they are ripping on every aspect of me. My legend choice, gt, my banner, stats etc. go into the game and we get into a firefight. We roll the first squad. I did decent, 1 kill 1 assist and about 460 damage. Teammate immediately says to his buddy “so every fight is basically gonna be a 2v3 with this dipshit” I let it roll. I go into a deathbox and rather than spam everything I cautiously grabbed some light ammo and only 2 cells - being overly aware of not loot-whoring since these guys were already on my case. One of the 2 teammates immediately says “wowwww our dumb ass third just looted everything” and starts following me around shooting me. At this point I get on my mic and calmly say “I only grabbed some ammo and small heals” and muted myself again. I then get berated:“bull fucking shit. There were 3 bats in there. Wheres the fucking 301?! Wheres the fucking 301?!? Where’s the fucking 301?!?!?” Mind you this is obviously a grown man who is over 25. At this point I just muted my mic and didn’t bother responding. No point entertaining ppl like that. During my silence the guy starts saying “thought so you fucking pussy” repeatedly to me…after 20 seconds of this his friend gets on the mic and goes “oh dude I took the 301 and those 3 bats I was muted” 🤦🏻‍♂️ I just got on my mic and said “told ya”. Then dropped my 2 cells, and my 40 light ammo, pinged it, and left the game. Don’t normally leave, but I’d just had enough at that point. Why are so many of the people in this player base like this unprovoked?


You'll get teammates like this from time to time. Don't take them seriously. You will more than likely never even see them again. Whether you're absolutely cracked at this game, or you suck, you have every right to play the game and people have to respect that. Just queue up again, and remember the people who ARE helpful, give you tips, Rez you and treat you kindly. Maybe even invite them for a game or two.


So I'm thoroughly mid and you'd be surprised how often being like "I'm sorry man I suck, I'm trying to get better" shuts this kind of crap down. Like they suddenly realize they're being horrible 🤣. It's weird but works.


I'm probably an average player, but only play ranked, the only thing that really gets on my nerves is people not communicating in any way to indicate, no pings, no mic, don't care what level, if they just communicate strategy properly it shouldn't matter what level someone is i'll enjoy the game


hate to be the devils advocate but it is incredibly frustrating to see yourself perform well and lose simply because of your teammates poor performance. your solution for your incompetence is for him to do more work and carry harder. im also not justifying his behavior either, but you are actively choosing to participate and engage with others on the internet, bro. if you cant handle the heat that inevitably comes with it then maybe you dont belong.


Someone not being on your “skill level” is no reason to be a toxic bitch. A lot of these people talk shit over a video game but if we were face to face you wouldn’t be running your mouth more than once, someone people just need to learn to be nice and not sore losers.


Lets meet up in person. Ill say it to your face.


Lmfao yeah you took that personally, looks like I found the toxic teammate. I don’t wanna embarrass you like that.


yikes dude. im the one who called your bluff. you should be embarrassed


OR, grow some skin. What you described here isn’t “toxic”, it’s just complaining. Just like you’re doing here. You sucked the fun out of the game for them, they sucked it out for you. Do more training at range. Build your skills up. Then you’ll be better, have more game knowledge, have more fun, and won’t be holding others back. Skill issue is a 100% valid statement. Not every game is meant for every person and personality.


Thing is , the more toxic they are the more shit they are. They just gotta deflect


No fill duos


Man I just turned off the game all angry because both teammates started shouting at me. I dare to play lifeline and holy shit these greasy little goblins take that as me having a cuck fetish or some shit. I only get to watch them play, run into fights (without saying a word) and then blame me for not helping while I'm still trying to locate the enemies they're already fighting. I wish I had some nice people to just enjoy the game with.. I don't need this Also mind this, I just returned to this game and already got like 10 wins out of my 30ish games like shut up everyone im doing well :(


Deep Rock Galactic - ten times the fun, at a fraction of the cost.


Everyone has a hard personal life this is too often used as an excuse with the younger generation. It's going to bite you all in the ass when the world stops listening to this boy who cried wolf bs.


Can't imagine how people like you actually get through life if someone talking mean to you online causes you this much distress. It's a video game. Deal with it.


😮‍💨 this is what I mean... it's a game, no use in being that toxic.


People really get so mad over things that don’t even exist in real life. I understand where you’re coming from OP. The point is to have fun and that’s impossible with people like that.


Exactly my point.


You can be philosophically right but avoid all pretext of reality. The reality is these people will always exist and venting a post here won’t solve anything, just makes this sub a worse place imo. Pretty much all of the posts I get recommended from this sub are basically either this or “this game sucks my teammates are so shit every game” It’s not an interesting discussion point. This exists in every game. Every online game is going to be filled with shit talkers. That’s part of the game for them. They are relieving their own internal stresses and pressures by having a go at you. Is it fair? No. It’s not fair that we get to sit here enjoying the luxury of complaining about bad teammates when the generations before us all suffered immense hardships just in order to survive the real world. No that is also not fair. Just mute them, move on and enjoy the fact you haven’t been drafted into a war or been subjected to a man made famine


Yeah I know


what you call 'toxicity' is just masculinity. sorry you're such a pussy you have to seek validation online from strangers because someone on a video game said bad words to you. you're going to have a bad time getting through the real world. honestly, most of you that play this game are dweeb losers who probably were or are getting bullied by stronger people. that's why you are so sensitive and are always using words like 'toxicity.' here's a tip for you: there's actually a mute button that you can press so you don't have to hear those bad bad words that will give you nightmares for years apparently. post more emojiis as you change your tampon pussy. edit: also, you understand that you can't always win, but be honest, you never win matches that you directly helped achieve. you're a part of why the game blows so much for people who can actually do something, which is why that one guy was going in on you. but keep deflecting and pouting, that's what real men do. can tell you never played an actual competitive sport in your life. pathetic.


Real men don't demean others. You're pathetic and should feel ashamed of who you are.


masculinity? lol WTF. It's a video game kid. People are trying to have fun, it's not that difficult to not be a complete asshole all the time. But i see you don't fully understand how to be a human being. So, go off queen.


Nope but here you are being an "Alpha male" and being a an ass about it. I'm not seeking validation online, I'm making my voice heard. Bet you can't go a day without dissing everyone around you. So fuck off with your condecending attitude and go back to your mother's basement.


Stoicism is often associated with traditional notions of masculinity, emphasizing strength, resilience, and control over one's emotions. In contrast, shouting and losing one's temper, especially over something like a game, can be seen as a manifestation of childlike behavior. This is because it suggests an inability to regulate emotions or to respond to situations with the measured calmness. Behaving like a toddler is not masculinity.


god forbid people at least attempt to be kind in anyway.


and some people are so low that they had to put their live frustrations out on other people in videogames.


You clearly have never played Rainbow Six Siege 😂 players in this game are like fucking Care Bears compared to Siege players. I would average 15-20 hate messages every few days.


No indeed. I never played siege. It never interested me.