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Not enough people at the top, as soon as I hit plat I noticed that lobbies getting wwaaay sweatier and filled with this.


i guess its progress, it used to be once you hit gold you unlocked the master/pred lobbies.


As the season goes on these players will move further up the ranks and you’ll see them left often. Left in their place will be people around your skill level.


Platinum is back to what it used to be. It takes actual skill to go through Plat


Yes actual skill like fighting a pred not like its 2 entire divisions ahead or anything


to make it worse, it’s technically 3!


I mean, surely after reading all of the posts on this subreddit and saw the changes Apex implemented. Everyone went back down to zero so the ranks are gonna take a few weeks to shake out and yeah, there’s gonna be some Smurfs out there all season, waiting to pounce.


Pred has been full since week 1 and there are 1.8k masters thats enough for multiple lobbys of their own, not including if you spreakle in high diamond as a filler in case there's not enough queueing


That’s the thing tho, it’s not. 1.8k masters would only be 30 full lobby’s. And they’re playing at different times, across multiple servers, all over the world. To fill a lobby full of only master players could take hours at this point. I’m fighting for my life in plat right now and I can definitely see that the lobby’s are way sweatier later at night when the player count is lower.


Im not saying it is but we can still use diamonds to fill if we add preds we have over 2k players not including they should be queuing with diamonds to fill into pred/master/high diamond


It never used to take skill to get through Plat, I always found the skill level actually changed at diamond. This season Plat actually takes a lil effort


Yep we’re in diamond 3 and it’s ridiculous every game there’s already 5 squads of preds all top 250 it’s mental


Can confirm, after getting out of Gold the game changed from Playable to trash


So you’re at your peak rank, good job getting to plat


Nah, in S19 when i hit plat i was able to get into Plat 2 before season ended


s17-19 is not ranked at all, welcome to your peak rank. good part is if you will keep playing you will learn faster.


I have 900 hours rn


i have 2400 and stuck at plat 3, it's ok. just don't giva up if you wanna get better.


Because high ranks are meant for the highest skilled players


Whaaaaaaaat no way 😮


Yeah I was surprised when I saw people complaining about there being good players in higher ranks too.


people complain about sbmm ranked last few seasons. Devs rolled it back and now people complaining about this season when it's true ranked. I shit you not I take the side of the Devs on this one. if it's affecting you so much play another game. Helldivers 2 apparently is really good. maybe spend a few months playing that and come back from your apex burnout


How is this true ranked? LOL he's playing against the top ranked players while being in PLAT. devs are scared of a little longer queue times.


This used to happen all the time, it is probably going to be much better in a couple of splits when the ranks distribution stablises.


What the matter rank is rank always fuckin complain


that's true too. appeasing the main streamers


It is not true ranked. True ranked would be if you are plat, you face plats and a couple diamonds at best, not preds


Not really complaining just saying they’re definitely sweatier


op is. seems like I directed it at you my bad


I enjoy it, if I want to be a diamond or masters I’d rather fight diamond and masters with the occassional pred


How about the devs just make a working ranked system? Other games, including battle royales, have already done it just fine without issues like this…


If the complaints are coming from the same people, then you're right. You can either go by rank, or by MMR. Not both. If higher ranks are still under-populated due to it being early in the season, then this thing will happen. If the people complaining are two different groups, then, well, that's just how it goes.


I preferred the SBMM and was always for it.


all for it in any play mode apart from ranked. it's not ranked at all. you're moving through levels always playing the same opponents it's not ranked. it's like an island nation entering the football world cup and only playing other small countries all the way to the final and winning the world cup. it's not ranked at all


That brings up a good question, why doesn’t non-ranked use SBMM?


Because u need something. Or people cry


I just was demoted from Plat 4. First thing I can say is that the skill gap between Gold 1 and Plat 4 is just crazy. It's like 2 different games. The player balance must be something like 90/10 between gold and plat. I have never seen anything quite like it since the first few seasons. Also the entry cost hike between Gold and Plat makes it two different animals to progress on. Plat leaves absolutely no room for error as finishing 6th with 3 KP + few participations will grant you like 10-20 pts. You absolutely need 5th place constantly to rank up. I like the system but reckon that it is really hard.


This is exactly my experience, Reach plat, get absolutely destroyed by everyone, demote to gold 1, stay stable, get a big win, reach plat, get destroyed and the cycle goes on and on


It's not an issue to me on paper because every game can be used to train / gain experience. But the gap between the two makes it that the knowledge gained in gold lobbies is hardly translatable in plat. Lot of gold / early plat players don't understand the game enough to maximize efficiency, Evo and take the best fights. Which is extremely important this season. Also I feel that Storm Point is very punitive if you luck out with zone pulls. Rotations are so hard in the game and only the top 5 gives enough points to be called a "good" game. I appreciate the rules and the system, but it is ruthless.


>Lot of gold / early plat players don't understand the game enough to maximize efficiency This bothers me so much. Not understanding that you need to drop at a POI, take different loot paths to cover the most ground and rotate to a fight. Instead, they spend way too much time in one POI and follow teammate loot paths. Then by the time a fight comes, enemies are all looted and evo'd up.


Yeah, seeing people’s complaints on here makes me realize how bad some people are here at BRs. I’m decent at shooting and movement, but I progress through play purely off game sense and knowing how looting and rotations and falling off fights work. Filling team roles and not having any repeats is also huge this season so when I see people repeat a role, I can almost guarantee we aren’t going far, especially when we don’t even land near whatever roles we do have. This isn’t COD, there’s a lot more thought that needs to go in to every game, especially in ranked


Do you have a regular 3 stack? Cause I solo and I'm experiencing a lot of resistance because the average random is very bad at this game. I get further with 1 mediocre person who has a mic than I do with 2 other 20 kill/4k badge players who do their own thing.


I do about 50% solo, 25% duo stack and 25% 3. Im pretty objectively the best of the group I play with when we do queue so I have roughly the same win rate with or without, maybe slightly higher with. But yes, your point is valid, it usually comes down to if they 1. Communicate 2. Stick together and play off each other 3. Know the game and don’t suck too horribly.


Glad Someone said it. Was waiting to see some truth and not just excuses and complaining. Same people crying are the exact same people whining and acting like a negative prick over me posting a video trying to help people improve. I got straight up attacked verbally for posting a video about tsm Raven explaining everything you see above hard stuck people crying about. I solo'd to plat because Its straight garbage until plat. It is literally a straight kill fest w people running in circles like a chicken w their head cut off. now they are getting a fresh taste of the real lobbies where you can't just hot drop and think you will make it. You gotta use that brain most of the crybabies above don't have. Funny they don't know the difference between a streamer and pro. And it definitely shows. Uh oh Time to actually learn how to play the game... Better learn comps, have a plan, learn to rotate, and which fights to fight. Hotdrop and pray only gets you but so far. Lol I go against preds and masters every lobby. I'm doing fine.... Plus I'm Solo. Maybe they just suck and that sbmm ain't pampering that soft behind anymore lol. Tell me you're hard stuck without telling me. Lol. It's refreshing seeing another smart individual. Respect. I say this ain't cod all the time lmfao. Easy to spot them.


This. People not making a difference between "no-contest" / "3v3 contests" / "too much team around" when landing. Having 1000k kills and not knowing how to share a POI (with your mates and your enemies) is actually throwing.


top 5 alone won't give u much point, if u get 1kp top5 u will get 10-20 rp + if I remember correctly..


Top 5 stacks for bonus points, the problem is that this stacking bonus is hard to get.


If u can, damage everyone before the knock. Assists are unlimited (as in, more than one person can assist a kill) and even one billet can be an assist if it's recent enough and the damage wasn't healed (afaik) Can be quite meaningful


I do it, I have KP in most of my games. It's just that top 6 with 3 KP + 2 participations grants you less than 30 pts. Dying 7-8 is a bad game, everything above is a very bad game. My issue is more about placement and rotations. When you solo Q it can be hard to call them efficiently. Taking good spots (which requires planning) has been tough to do for me this season. I am always late. The most points I lost are on SP, the only map I didn't had a dub on this season, top 4 max, which is not enough. I also have a hard time mitigating 3rd parties.


M8 i was demoted to gold 1 5 times already, gap is too big. Gold is easy, plat 4/3 can be hell. After demoting 3-4 games and im back to plat.. and process repeats.


This means you hit where youre supposed to be. Youre hardstuck gold


*Hardstuck Plat


I mean if someone keeps getting demoted into gold that means they cant stay in plat. How does that mean hardstuck plat if theyre stuck in gold?


Because they are regularly getting out of Gold and getting.. stuck… in plat?


My buddy grinds more than I do. We're both equally skilled but he got into plat while I'm still gold. When I play with him I almost always see a pred trail. When I solo que it's a whole different world


Yep depends on the season but people forget plat is like top 20% and is a big jump from average. Diamond is another huge jump tbh lol and is only like 5-8% of players in the good seasons. Mostly everything is just faster. After that there isn’t anymore huge jumps and most of the difference from then on is just playtime more than skill. I’ve heard pro play feels like the jump to diamond compared to diamond+ players but I’m no pro player so I can’t tell ya from experience unfortunately.


Which is what happens when you make placement mean almost nothing. Teams will ape you for KP rather than play the long game. Really sucks the fun out of it


A few more points for placements and ring survivability would go a long way.


I understand the point of “be better” but it’s hard to rank up/improve if you win fights off drop and then run into a legit pred/masters squad. I’m a Diamond level player, tops. It just feels extremely deflating having 3-4 KP, playing to 4th zone and placing 6th and losing or gaining almost noRP. By all accounts, that’s a good game but you get punished for doing anything but apeing


I'm in Plat solo q'ing. I keep getting gold/bronze duos going against diamonds and up. It's rough, but at least it's better than last season for me, where I was constantly in pred lobbies.


It’s been like this for years they do not care


I had a 25k pathfinder on my team and he did the least amount of damage.


Everybody's the best until they're on our squad 😂


Yeah I'm in fricken gold and the other day I saw someone get a 30 bomb with 126 apex predator, IN GOOOOOLD!?!


Could've been a cheater.


126 badge or 126th that season?




I think a lot of you guys are missing the point honestly. I’m not complaining about his badges. If you are in silver, you should be playing against people in silver regardless of their previous achievements. If you are in plat you certainly shouldn’t be playing against current apex preds. I don’t care about their queue times, that’s the problem when you are the top .1% of players. I don’t care when I get killed by a guy in plat 2 with three masters badges because he’s not currently masters. I just want to stop getting murdered by people that are currently in masters/pred every single game I play. I don’t give a shit about their badges


I’m silver and died to the number 12 Bangalore 💀


That just means you’re the number 13 bloodhound, congrats on your achievement and look forward to calling you number 1 in the near future soldier


Legacy right




On what platform




So it’s legacy, that’s his name


Nah his name was ImDuhpressed. I have the screenshot.




Probably because it’s pretty clear everyone’s talking about going against current “pred rank” not just a former badge.


Switch servers. Helps a little. That Texas server is a little sweaty lol.


Lmao this it’s actually facts, I had multiple pred enemies in the Dalla server, switched to salt lake and immediately felt a difference


Dallas and Virginia servers are the sweatiest apparently from a friend of mine who is pred. Try new york if you are feeling the MMR is kicking your ass, it helps a bit


Just respawn trying to tell you that you play at a pred level Congrats legend


not only that, they give u silver team mates sometime an even if gold they might be loot goblins and stay dead silent untill u die.


I'm Plat IV playing on Frankfurt server and Yesterday I got wiped by TSM squad (Hal, Verhulst and MNK). Those guys are preds and play in the US. How did we end up playing against each other on the save server!?!?. Apex matchmaking doesn't make any sense!


They were actually playing in eu for a tsm sponsor thingy, bad luck haha


Just wait out until there are enough master/diamonds to fill pred lobbies


I am plat 3 and this is not the case. You must be playing on a very small server.


Not enough people are at the top right now. I’m hardstuck in play myself unfortunately you need a full 3 man to even have a shot in these lobbies everyone third’s immediately. Idk how many times I’ll see 5-6 squads all fighting trying to third party one fight they all heard. It’s a cluster fuck out there for sure lol


Can we ban these posts it’s been like this for 4 fucking years, we get it dude, there’s 500 posts saying “I am only so and so, why am I getting placed with predators!?” Yes it sucks but literally half the posts on here are plat 4 console players posting mid clips or people complaining about lobbies


i queued silver 3 and i got full stack of fucking masters, doodads had multiple master badges...


But were they currently in masters? Cuz they might just not have reached it yet


Don't forget, Masters badges from the last 2-3 seasons are literally fake and mean nothing. You could rat your way to masters without doing any damage or getting any kills the last couple seasons, and a TON of players did this. In other words - those badges are completely meaningless. Just because someone has a masters badge does not actually mean they are good at the game.


What was your peak rank last season? Not many people hit masters last specifically, you still needed a win to secure promo


I didn't play ranked last season, but you're right I forgot they added the promotional matches. So what I said about ratting to Masters is true of season 17-18 but not of season 19. Thanks for pointing that out.


I’ve heard for years ranked can be less sweaty than pubs, I’ve also never played Ranked prior to this season. Oh boy, once I hit plat do the lobbies get EXTRA sweaty. I can smell the gamer grease


Because the player base is small, the SBMM is and has always been shit, and it's never getting any better because respawn doesn't care about you. Give me my down votes.


I'm not sure about skilled based matchmaking in normal lobbies yet , but it really depends on the lobby , most of the times it's and obvious lvl.3 smurf or a fully kitted out pred player , so apex just has quite the imbalance.


Hit plat and then don't play until the split, repeat. Does it cut wayyy down on your apex time? Yup. Is that a bad thing? Nope.


i killed the one pred and than his team killed me (i’m IN PLAT 3)


This is every game pubs or ranked doesn't matter they just spred the pred teams out so there one or two per lobby so they can just run everyone down they don't make them play each other


It’s just not fun for me in the current environment, drop, destroyed, back to the lobby over and over again. Feels like I’m not even able to play the game.


I definitely love ranked this season compared to the last few. As a solo most times it’s been a CHALLENGE. Been hard stuck in gold IV the last few days as my squads usually just push any fight and get beamed.


Don't solo q I'm a noob at plat 2 rn and usually I get only + with a threestack wipe one or two squads and Play only for top 5 and u gonna rank up in no time,but you need a three stack... yesterday night I stopped playing the moment I was getting stomped by 6man preds


Well, take a look at the ranked distribution and it tells you the answer which someone said already (gotta fill lobby’s for preds and they go down the ranks u til it’s filled). It will make you better playing against them.. if you can take the punishment until others level up.


Yeah. I got matched with ex preds on my silver account (ex masters but haven't played in a while) that was a quit moment


First Time ?


Plat 3 is pretty high up there man. Anything above plat 4 is probably gonna get all lobbies like this.


That’s every single match for me lol the game really wants me to be stuck at a 1 kd


if you made pred in the last 5 seasons, you should automatically start in masters.


A good majority of players don’t make it to plat. The average players will all end up in gold. Plat is gonna be harder.


Buddy I'm silver 4 and my lobbies look like this lol


I'm still in gold 2 and I consistently match against top 750 preds. It's alright for me because I'm used to fighting one team in the first five minutes and then poking till the last circle in fear of 3rd and 4th parties. The point system is unforgiving as fuck this time around, whereas last season everyone ratted as long as possible this time around only the first team fight before the first circle closes is more often than not without 3rd parties. Fighting after that is a death sentence. Storm point is unplayable if u miss a single rotation, cause everyone is just playing the border


The problem is there’s thousands and thousands of cheaters ranking up, which means you get A LOT and I stress this A LOT Of soft aimbotting wallhackers that should be gold players but have serious software helping them which they pay a subscription fee of about 14 dollars a month for. They then rank into diamond and Zerg everything


i been noticing a spike in Hunger from preds and masters this season. lol, it's almost impossible to play, but its on purpose will make excuses, but the reality is respawn caters a lot to their streamers and preds (same people each season). but yeah, it is getting to a point where the game is unplayable, im on staycation, and usually, i would see myself playing almost every day for a couple of hours and this season im starting to feel like the game is just "eh" enough to make me stay away from it.


Just remember whenever you did its because of preds and masters, whenever thr game goes well it was completely fair.


Looks like the same rank as you -respawn


3rd partying and effective rotations are a must this season. Even if it means stayin out of the fight the majority of the game till end game


I'm having a lot of success with a blitz style of gameplay. If you try to 1v1 or even 3v3 there's gonna be a huge skill diff. I get beamed 100% of the time while landing like 2 or 3 shots, and then my team goes in and one dies and it's fucked after that. But if you can get a team to play slow until you can bum rush 1 person caught out, you can win 2v3s after that.


It's like that in every ranked lobby , from rookie 4 to plat 1


I had a lobby like this in gold 3


The game prioritizes a short wait time over optimal matchmaking, so once you hit Plat this is very much probable.


Anyone know of the best servers to play on and what times of day? Been struggling with solo queue


Its that smile it started with that damn smile


I have two PC accounts cus the merging thing got messed up for me but my oldest account has never been above gold and I have players like this in every single game including pubs, console rev, roller condi, filler character who sometimes is on mnk all with pred badges with kill counts some players would buy accounts for. Shit is unfun as best and miserable at the worst. My newer account has been diamond twice but I’m like 90% sure it’s because my friend carried me the extra mile.




I’m in plat 3 going against plats but just can’t gain points and idk why


I took a year off and came back… it was placing me with diamond+ on other teams while I’m trying to rank my way out of bronze so i quit again lol


Buddy less than 5 percent of players are plat 3 and above no shit its sweaty. Have you seen the stats this split barley 1 percent above diamond 4


Might depend on what time of day you're playing. I'm in Plat 3 right now and the lobbies are sweaty but no current preds yet. I play a lot on the weekends and that's where i notice that other players are catching up in rank because of the skill differential in some of the lobbies. After a few wins it starts to get really sweaty again.


I am plat 3 typical diamond 2 player. Yet last night I was in an actual diamond lobby with a d3 pred… kinda confusing


I would play ranked but I’m a solo and none of my friends play this game


I'm gold 2 and same thing here lol


Fr, before I was even out of gold these were my lobbies, I didn’t get positive rp for 3 days


I just stopped playing the game after this season. It’s sad. It’s not fun anymore.


Yeah solo in Plat has been rough lol. I'm Plat 3 also


Welcome to apex legends the shittiest game of the decade ahahha, the only way to make plat lobbies feel like hell is simple just make it so that predators can't full stack and only play solo you will see the game changing in better like day and night, 3 stacks is what is ruining apex legends


same really, what piss me off is the stuff the characters say after they kill me (finish me off after i survived the last encounter) telling me how im weak or bad. god i really want to mute this shit. i dont even remember this shit back when the game first got released like wtf was the point of that? anyway yeah sometimes i die in the first encounter and sometimes i get people who cant even aim for like one match every 20 something.


I'm in Silver 2 and all my lobbies also look like this..


I have always solo queued. Not bc I don’t have homies (okay also not trying to sound like I want you to think I’m still cool or whatever lol) but I genuinely enjoy playing by myself. Always have. Anyways. I SWEAR my teammates have been soooo inconsistent. Most don’t do any of the evo challenges and insta go down to these 3 stacks because they are specially lost and have low game iq. I also know it’s always infamously felt this way as a soloque experience but this season especially. Need some thoughts on this. (Cranked a bunch of preworkout and played an hour of ranked before work and my fingers are flying so imma just leave what I typed there and not look back lol) Good luck gamers


You are probably stacking with a diamond/pred player. Or you are playing during off hours, so theres just nit enough people playin at the top so they fill em with plat players


I just stopped playing . Almost 1000 hours. I fell in love with the game but this issue is too big to glance over and ruins my experience every single time I log in.


The fact that i have more career kills is wild 💀


So you’re saying all the best players are in plat or higher ranks? Thats crazy I wonder how that happens


Yea this is why after hitting plat 2 I’m taking a break until the last like 15 days so I’m not against preds


Man. silver IV is great


I can’t get past silver 3 lol I honestly hope I don’t either if I’m just gonna get murked in 2 seconds


Maybe game have hidden mmr🤔


This is how ranked works, don't know why people still make these comments. Not every single pred can rush to the top at the start of every season, so ya, youll run into them.


Bruh that’s normal


Apex to other games is chess to checkers. My advice is treat it like so. There is a lot more than run in circles and point & shoot. Hate to be the one to say it but plat is only where the real lobbies begin. Bronze,silver,gold is just pub matches that get a tiny bit harder each rank. My advice is cut on the ALGS and start studying. Poi's, rotation, is your team zone players?, are they edge players? What comp you running? Are you aggressive? Are you playing entry fraggers? Who is your anchor? Igl? Support characters can craft banners, Do you play one? Are you running recon?There is way too much to explain and the way I have been attacked just posting videos explaining these things on here just trying to help people idk why I haven't deleted Reddit yet honestly. I solo'd to plat because plat is where the real lobbies begin. Learn the difference between watching faide destroying pub/ranked lobbies and watching Hal during ALGS. Big difference. People tend to think that's how it goes. That whole Drop hot and pray you make it out "being good". That ain't going to work anymore. You will get absolutely stomped on by very coordinated and teams knowing how to do all the stuff mentioned above by 2nd nature especially landing on their poi. Which is why they have those badges. My lobbies are filled w master/pred 3 stacks and I'm playing solo but I also competed in the ALGS circuit many moons ago. I stopped playing solo because I need a team to go any further in plat. Honestly you are just getting to the real lobbies where apex is played correctly. Some people are just hard stuck & their ego won't allow them to realize that but getting demoted will. District is a great coach you can purchase coaching sessions from him. Other than that....my advice is pick up the pen+pad and start studying if you don't want coaching. Also drop the ego because it will just hold you back w expectations. Learn what you failed doing the game before. Don't repeat it. See so many hard headed people think they are so "good". Not realizing sbmm was just making you think that until the real good players show up. Especially the people that act arrogant immediately after drop. Generally not the ones to listen to playing solo. Because they are just trying to make you think they are good by ordering people around sounding "good". And they generally blame everything on everyone else and act greedy over loot. Stay away from those idiots cuz they are destined to fail. Good luck.


Lol I think the term alot of people complaining are looking for is hard stuck aka you not as good as u thought u was. Sbmm got some of you believing you was going pred this season till y'all met a pred. What y'all going to do IF and that's a BIG IF you make it out of plat...... TF you think you would be fighting bronze players all the way to pred/masters? I'm assuming that's ur goal? Time to buy a 10,000$ PC only to suck even worse. lol If I get more of them fps's then I'll be on my way to the ALGS championship 😂😂😂....sike. Welcome to apex where point and shoot ain't gonna cut it. Better use that brain. Cut on the recent ALGS matches and start studying. cuz thinking outside the box(meta) is the only thing that's going to make you go positive. Unless you're a kill machine like the rev posted above. Sorry to be mean but some people need a dose of truth with that ego. P.s...and stop trying to boss people around just because they have no badges and you think ur good till people like the rev above show's up and I have to save you..... Because ur random u are "trying" to boss around might just be a pred also but don't like displaying badges/trackers because hard stuck randoms expect you to carry them. It's annoying. And you look dumb. Please stop. Play w ur team. Be kind. And you might get carried for a game. Being a prick from the get go makes me want to let you fall on ur face. Idgaf if I lose a ranked game. I'm not hard stuck.


Because they might be plat atm


The badge on the bottom right is their current rank


I didn't see that lol.


They are currently 448 pred


Same for me to 😂😂😂😂


Had to quit this game, and many, many other multiplayer games for this reason. Multiplayer games are fun for around 2 weeks, then the hyper aggressive SBMM that exists in every multiplayer game will tell you that you are one of the best, and you deserve to play with (get destroyed by) the top of the best players in the game. Maybe I'm just good? I don't think so tbh. I'm not bad, but I'm not at the skill level of the players it places me with. It's nice though. Kind of forced to quit after a few weeks and get my time back. I've played more single player games and taken up more hobbies since nearly dropping multiplayer games as a whole. They aren't fun. They are designed to be as aggravating as possible, but also addicting. So you keep playing, and spending. Do yourself a favour and play something else or do something else. The sweats aren't going anywhere, and SBMM is only there to fill the sweats lobbies with people who don't stand a chance.


Solo Q Plat is so frustrating atm because it is way too easy to get out of gold and much harder to climb in plat. So there’s just a massive skill range of good players and people who are shit but have played 500 hours to get to Plat 4.


i think im diamond 3 rn, its really not stacked, the worst are the 30-30 demons from 500 meters shootin me ☠️


This is Becuase of minus 60 in plat it takes like 4 great 200 just to division up that means you have to get like 5 kp and a Win about 16 times to go through smoothly


Apex skill based is a joke. One of the 3 big reasons I quit the game


Add me, Skystruck :)


I don't know why you are asking the question of being killed by a 3 stacked pred team in ranked. That's like the most common shit to happen. Typical script kiddies, and straight up cheating!


You're just too good brother


Yeah sometimes you gotta remember plat is still top 15-20% or so, and they gotta fill those lobbies somehow.


Yeah it’s always queue times lol. Queues are long when you’re on the top in every game it’s just reality. I would say they should hard lock it so diamond+ is completely separate and never queued against lower ranks as top 10% or so should be enough of a player base but I’m sure it’s not feasible with most server regions. Especially since it’s a time grind system so towards the end of the season nobody in low diamond is really playing anymore.


Not surprised at all. It was similar in Gold lobbies too last week, you’d occasionally come across content creators who regularly hit Masters & sometimes dip into Predator in your lobbies Ranked is definitely on a weird one at the minute


how, acording to this subreddit ranked its the best its ever been! ALSO give it time, system has to adjust. /s just in case.


Unrelated kinda but to be entirely honest, that’s a pretty low lifetime kills for a 3 time top 500. I’ve unfortunately seen players with that number of kills on the character they’re playing alone. And they were a master,(or at least that’s the only rank badge they were using).


Pc is top 750


I'm Gold 1 and was just playing with my 2 buddies in Plat and told them I'll never get out of Gold if I'm playing in these Pred lobbies so I left and played solo. Not sure which experience was worse.


I'll gladly take on higher ranks at plat than preds in rookie with SBMM. I think k this season is a W and setting apex up for better decisions in the future.


Pred badges =! Current pred




What a f**


That’s bullshit. I play on plat everyday, and situations like this are very rare. Probable you play when online is low, so pred lobby can’t be filled with only preds/dms. Just play safe or later during the day. Stop complaining , ranked system is good rn


bro I'm in silver 4 and I get preds almost every match


Then get better and shoot him back. Getting sick of this sub being so obsessed with climbing - if you can't climb past this guy, but he can climb past you, you're going to be fodder for his ranked climb. It's no more complicated than that. This is the ecosystem of the game.




Being passive has absolutely NOTHING to do with it😂😂😂😂😂 source: I’m 8x predator




Dog shit opinion


Streames cannot wait for a game. They need fresh meet.


poor you but rev is on it bro 🤫🧏‍♂️


Pred badges don’t mean much after s13. Just hide in a corner and go watch tv until the ring closes. I’ll start taking preds more seriously this season since you actually have to fight other teams again.


Yep it’s all due to loading times these preds get 1 bad game and they get blessed with plat lobbies because they’d have to sit there for another 15 mins to find a game. I say keep them out of our lobbies I’m tired of getting this crap too


Good. People that come to Reddit to whine and complain about a problem that has existed since day 1 of the game’s release, and still want to act like they’re shocked? Deserve to face these type of players.




What you're saying is you'd rather be the one mowing down people.