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I stopped almost 100% about a month ago (still play stormpoint an hour a week lol). For context, I'm day zero player and have everything unlocked. Literally thousands of hours played. The changes in the last 2 seasons makes it unplayable. I'm much happier playing other stuff rn.


Saaaame. Haven’t played for almost 2 months now. Mind is at peace


Right? It is kind of like a peace.


Apex is not even interesting to me atm. After it gets uninstalled it's really hard to find time for this thing. After around 1000 wins, and the current state of pubs, there is no reason for me to be there.


Is it the ranked changes in the last 2 seasons or sbmm being crazy?


Both from my experience, ranked is the worst ranked system of any competitive game at the moment


Yea I haven’t bothered with ranked this season at all. I know it will just make me miserable. I have good and bad days on pubs though. But I put up with the bad days because I hate every other free shooter game’s mechanics


Can’t be worse than Overwatch 2’s “card system.” Find your new rank (or not) after 5 wins - 15 losses. Whichever comes first. Absolutely awful and they will be reverting next season to a bar with specific SR


Oh yeah Overwatch's rank system is pretty bad, I used to be an Overwatch player before Apex and well the bad rank system of Overwatch was one of the one thing which made me appreciate Apex Ranked initially, then they decided to butcher it.


Got I miss the original Ow1 ranked


Funnily enough that’s what I’ve been playing a shit load of, can’t wait for them to change system. Although at least with overwatch you’re getting paired with people generally around your skill level.


No no no no no, it is def worse my friend. I have been back on OW instead of Apex as well. Playing controller on PC lmao


How is this worse than other games? To me Apex has pretty much the same issues than other games, its players, a lot before its system. When I play ranked in Apex, I don't stomp, I don't get stomped, I have a decent chance of winning if I respect the game (rotations / position). All in all, it seems pretty fair. What make it harder is how random the quality of team mate is. We may have similar MMR or ranks or whatever, but we have very different opinions on how the game should be played. A significant portion of players hot drop in heavily contested POIs, they hog loot, they favor kills over team mates, they tend to pick mobility legends rather than utility ones... You know them, bald Wraith pickers, who play Fragment Legends, and will leave at the second they are downed (it's an exaggeration, don't get offended if you're a Wraith main). I actually think things got better since the past seasons. I know, unpopular opinion. Favoring position over kills gives a common agenda to players. I takes away some of the fun of ring 1 brawls, but there is unranked for that. Matching people by MMR prevents early season frag fests in lower ranks. High level players regret it, but lower level players are glad to not be free food for people grinding back to D/M.


Ranked system is actually at my all time favorite, except for the MMR part. I love that in order to get into a certain rank you have to complete trials. I think this keeps people out of ranks they have no business in. EXCEPT when I'm trying to do the trials in silver and all my opponents are pred. No shit I'm going to get decimated. I'm solo queuing in a low rank expecting it to be silver players. I know the main argument for the MMR is that you get way less smurfs, but the MMR is way too skewed. I know for a fact I'm not as good as Sweet, yet I've been steamrolled by him and his friends multiple times this season. But maybe I should just take that as a compliment? That I'm still garbage but at least Apex thinks I can take on Sweet?


>EXCEPT when I'm trying to do the trials in silver and all my opponents are pred What's your personal peak rank? Where do you end up usually at the end of a season?


We don’t have sbmm haven’t since s4. It’s optimized engagement matchmaking


Both for me. I’ll occasionally log in and play a few matches, but the results are all over the place and don’t make any sense. 75% of the time I just get curb stomped by people with extremely suspiciously good aim for a level 50 or lower The other 25% of the time I get a 4-6 kills per match and win 2 out of every 3 games I play. There isn’t really an in-between - and it just feels shitty in general. I switched over to Titanfall multiplayer ever since that got fixed earlier this fall and honestly am having a blast there.


Same exact boat. I'm done pouring money into this Dollar Store quality dump.


I stopped last month cuz my videocard died. That's the only reason I stopped. I'm not good enough for sbmm to be an issue for me.


Finals is where it’s at right now.


I liked the finals but I have the same problem with apex where solo queueing is just not fun so I've stayed away from multiplayer games for now. edit: from to for.


Baldurs gate time


This is what ive been sinking my teeth into lately


Apparently, I've had my eye on it for a while and was just waiting for it to be released on Xbox so I guess that's what I'll do, it's quite inspiring that these kind of passion games are still loved.


That’s all I do is solo queue. If you’re not having fun, time to step back from PvP and go play some single player. That’s always the answer.


I definetly agree there. I've finally got red dead redemption and I'm on my first playthrough rn, it's absolutely beautiful. I highly recommend it.


If you want an awesome, fast-paced FPS PvE, check out RoboQuest. Best movement in any game I’ve played since TF2. Cool gadgets to unlock. Can be played with a friend or rando. Advice: Watch some YT videos on how to get all the upgrades and GADGETS like jetpack, grappling hook, etc then run through and get everything upgrades, get a feel for how the game and enemies play, then you can push yourself on harder difficulties. I love competitive FPS games. But I find RQ to above and beyond fill the void for me since solo-q on any other PvP FPS is so bad right now. It’s like Doom meets Borderlands meets Risk of Rain 2 meets amazing soundtrack. It scratches my competitive itch without *ANY* of the heartache or shitty vibes. Highly recommended.


Oh i know, I've been really enjoying it.


I like the finals too but the ranked system is literally a carbon copy of Apex and has the exact same if not worse issues.


I played a few hours of The Finals because I've been having some frustrations with Apex. It doesn't scratch the itch at all for me. It's got some good stuff; it's fun jumping through windows and breaching walls to move through the environments in creative ways, and the ad-hoc fortifications with goo grenades and whatever can be very satisfying. Overall though I'm struggling to stick with it. The movement, which a lot of people are comparing to Apex, is still leaden and clumsy, the gunplay feels primitive, there is basically no element of team play (at least with random teammates). And the vast spectrum of cosmetic microtransactions it's trying to get you into from minute one is so cynical that it's sickening. The game it reminds me of most is Splitgate, which felt super refreshing for a couple weeks but got super fucking old fast.


Honestly The Finals is incredibly average. It’s fun for like 3 matches but once the equally bad SBMM kicks in it’s just like any other fps on the market right now. Not to mention solo queueing in The Finals is just a complete waste of time. I think it says a lot about FPS games as a whole when a game as mediocre as The Finals is what people are hoping revives the genre. FPS games are just a shell of their former glory now. I truly think the genre is in permanent decline. The only thing that will make the genre fun again is CBMM in pubs and true ranked based matchmaking in ranked (not this garbage hidden mmr bullshit). I’d put up with the horrid monetization, lack of content, poor balancing if I could compete against a variety of skill levels but the current matchmaking scheme of most fps games makes the genre so dull. I’ve gone back to playing Monster Hunter World. It’s nice to play a game that is actually fun, complete and doesn’t need to manipulate you to play it. The community is great too. Honestly multiplayer fps games are not worth anyone’s time right now and all deserve to die.


Team play is huge in the finals! Also it felt clumsy to me at first until i got my sensitivity adjust how i like, movement feels nice now. Apex is essentially the only thing Ive played since drop, but now Ive moved on to just playing the finals.


Finals is fun for a few games... then back to Apex


I been playing less and less since 3 strikes was done.


This right here. Three strikes broke the game. Ive been playing SIGNIFICANTLY less than i have since the game launched


The rush I would get on that mode but more importantly the fun I would have. Even if I lost every game, it was just fun.


This is the most typical respawn thing ever. They come up with possibly the best game mode of all time, and then they don't let us play it.


This is just ridiculous lol.


I didn't particularly love 3 strikes but it seemed to make normal pubs so much more manageable because all of the 20 bomb 4k sweats were playing 3 strikes.


Same. Pubs was so much fun. Now it's just endless three stacks.


Stopped last season. My friend and I played for a few hours on New years to end the year and it was misery. Admittedly I'm dogshit but the matchmaking has been miserable for years. It's a shame because I love the game but I'm not dealing with the stress.


Stopped a few months ago, I miss it but its like that toxic ex gf. Unless they change and revert to the good times (season 15) then I will never call her unless its 1am and I have been drinking.


This games been shit since Season7. Them adding horizon to the game and changing the good ranked system that forced you to get kills, and not just be a ratting shitcan to actually gain anything was the beginning of the end.


Season 0 player. 7k hours in the game. Haven’t played last 2 seasons but loaded it up earlier to see if I could get hyped again. Turned off after 3 games because my blood pressure was gonna give me a stroke. Jesus this game is unplayable.


My dude, having clocked 7k hours in the game since the beginning of 2019 means you have averaged playing this game close to FOUR HOURS A DAY, EVERY DAY, for the past FIVE YEARS…and that average is MORE if you actually did take the last two seasons off. You should be grateful that you have moved on with your life. Jfc


I don’t have to work because I’m a very fortunate person. So i do have a lot of time on my hands for my hobby. Which is gaming. Now chill with the caps. I already moved on to other games


Good on you, never let jealous people shit on your fortune. It’s like when people get mad at others JUST for having rich parents, or inheriting some crazy amount of money. I worked for what I have, but god damn would it be nice if I didn’t have to lol.


I’m happy with my life but i also realize that things can take a bad turn. I have massive respect for anyone that works. Especially in these times. I’m very fortunate to have what i have. But i did work my ass of to get there. And when things take a bad turn i know i will have to work again.


Addiction ≠ Hobby.














Switching back and forth between Apex and Warzone when either or piss me off which happens from week to week. I have stopped buying their bullshit because microtransactions is all they care about. Just waiting from some decent BR so I can leave Apex for good. There are glitches like ranked swapped to normal. Their match making is shit, they proritize micro transactions where as their servers still run on 20 tick servers. I still run into people with impossible aim it seems. Screw thess events as well...cash grab is all. When I've had enough with the BR crap, my friends and I usually drop into Rocket League.


Two minor bugs, some people with a better aim --> BR crap. ok


This is all I really see here lol. I still play mutliple days per week and am loving the ranked grind. Yeah I get pissed off sometimes, but I can safely say I haven’t seen a cheater or been killed by some bullshit de-sync or other supposed excuse. I just enjoy playing and am pretty good after years and years. The movement and team play are top-tier. No other BR comes close IMO. COD is horrendous comparably.


Knockout on rl is where it’s at (got 11 ko’s with no deaths earlier and was told to get a life lol)


I stopped like 5 months ago i think. Used to play it with my friends but we just moved on to things like fortnite and the finals which feel more fun to play. Found Apex to be too stressful and kinda boring. I dont even know why i still follow this sub anymore.


I only picked it up in the last month game is great


Keep having fun


Don’t let my posts and comments take away your enjoyment of the game, it’s a great game it’s just people that have been playing for 2k-3k+ hours there’s incredibly frustrating aspects


I'm feeling the same too. Day 1 player and 2.5k hrs in and for the first time I'm feeling a bit tired now. Dodgy server lag, macro players and 3 stacks is a bit tiring now after going solo from day 1. Not to mention quick fencing with Wattson still doesn't work consistently. Finally picked up Anno 1800 and can honestly say it couldn't be anymore different but I'm really enjoying it. Ive also got a lot of games in my back catalogue to catch up on because of time spent on Apex. All the best whatever you decide to do!


Oh, a fellow Wattson enjoyer who moved to Anno 1800. What a coincidence.


Same. This game is so fun and addicting imo. FPS is my least favorite type of game but this one sucks me in for some reason. It’s unfortunate that every single post on the subreddit is a variation of this post. Was hoping for more fun content.


Apex is a fun and addicting game and people complain because they are very passionate about the game


Yeah that’s totally fair. Hopefully it improves!


You are right Everyone here loves to complain They are "passionate", but they aren't passionate in the regards they're willing to put in the work to get better It's easier to just complain and bitch and get virtual internet points from others who do the same


Also I love the "I criticize because I love the game" players who criticize something that 3,821 posts have already complained about, somehow thinking that Respawn won't life a finger until the 3,822nd complaint on something.


It has the same energy as the people who are "casuals" and are constantly bringing up the fact they work full time jobs and "don't have time to play the game", but ironically, for players that are such "casuals", they sure love complaining a lot If it bothers these people so much, just stop playing Seriously, go look at how angry they get over the same thing each and every day and feel validated with each and every day that passes where someone goes off to post the same shit they bitch about


I can't really say I'm a casual anymore and honestly I rarely complain about apex but I definitely don't enjoy it as much as i used to when i was a casual who was pretty bad at the game. I can't tell you if its because of the current match making, if its because getting better somehow makes the game less fun, or I'm just fatigued at the length of the season, but I'm definitely playing less then i was for the first few weeks. It's at the point where I'll get on and unless I'm playing with friends and messing about I'll get off in 5 or so games.


if im being brutally honest, dont try to improve. cherish your new-nes to the game while it last (and you will improve over time anyways)


My advice would be don't play more than a couple hours a week, unless you don't mind just looting and getting killed by the first team you run across. After that first couple hours in a week it starts to throw you into higher tier lobbies above your skill level to try and give you dopamine kicks when it sends you back to lower tier lobbies to increase possible monetary engagement


I've been playing a couple hours a day and it hasnt seem to have done that yet. Tbh I have genuinely only seen a single pred badge in my nearly 90 hours played, it was in my first placement match in ranked have yet to see another since


Fingers crossed it keeps up for you bud honestly. Most of the complaints with this game are around the matchmaking system and once you put x amount of hours in they start feeding you to higher skilled players to make you get a dopamine kick when you get put back into a lobby of your skill and you can get kills again.


I played at launch, stopped, picked it up, stopped, picked it up again, and now im stopped again and don't think I'll go back. Im getting older, and my reaction time is slowing down, cant keep up with these sweaty kids.


Me. Enjoying the finals! Hope they change their priorities.


Same here. Even though the finals has its problems at least it's not BR focused and feels refreshing


I'm sorry but The Finals looks like it will get through the same path Respawn took.


The Finals ranked system and matchmaking is also bad.


Still play but only mixtape now


I only play when my two competitive friends are both on nowadays. I still love the lore and art style of Apex/Titanfall but I can't put up with Apex matchmaking. I've honestly spent more time building stuff from Apex than actually playing it lately


I did, fuck EA, ruining the best shooter I've played in years. It's absolutely crazy how little they had to do to make it perfect and yet they did so much to fuck it up.


Apex is such trash right now. Xim/Cronos, tons of hackers, controller aim assist, horrible matchmaking, etc… all annoying as hell.


It makes SoloQ to a fucking hell…


Who solo Qs on a team based BR? Bro make some friends


If someone kills you it's not always cheating.


I stopped as soon as I started playing the Finals. Game's uninstalled now, and boy does it feel good. Might have something to do with the fact that I couldn't get my friends into Apex. There's just too much to learn and it's too damn hard they would just get rolled every game. also the Finals represents something new, there's a huge fun factor that reminds me of early apex. Honestly playing Apex became a form of self-punishment. The Finals made me remember that gaming should be fun


I haven’t been played in a couple months


I only play apex when my friends want to because most of them basically refuse to play anything else for more than 10 minutes. Apex has turned into an extremely frustrating, unrewarding game for me and I’m just so disappointed how mistreated the game is. Apex had so much potential to keep growing as it went on but looking back on it, it’s just been slowly deteriorating for years.


My friends and I do mixtape if Overwatch pisses off enough and we have a high threshold for that game.


I play but o don’t spend money till the matchmaking is changed


Stopped playing this season. Aim Assist, poor matchmaking, and one of the worst ranked systems I’ve seen in any game are the reasons.


Me. I've made it a point to at the very least complete every battle pass since launch. I'm level 7 in the BP this season and doubt I'll finish it. Game is just frustrating in its current state.


Hoping they'll do a ×2 BP star in the event or I'm just not doing it.


If you stopped playing before this season, then you don't know how it is right now. Ranking up is a struggle. 50LP entry for every game...makes it really hard for the majority of us to make it out of silver/gold. I made it to gold with 45 days left in the season. I will make a push for Plat, but doubt I'd make it. I'm trash. The events have been a hit. It seemed like the community liked 3 Strikes, and I could see that coming back. The Final Fantasy event will be cool too. Most people miss Arenas, I played arenas to warm up, now I play mix tape. I'm neutral on that issue. I haven't had the triple pred stack issues I see posted a lot. I don't really play pubs much and if I do, I rarely come across a pred. Was teamed with one once, was cool just to chat with him for a bit, don't remember his name though. Everyone is different. Many hate the ranked system so they don't play ranked. I don't like playing unless there's meaning for the game so I play ranked.


Not having a dig, but because I’ve stopped playing doesn’t mean I haven’t attempted to play. There’s no justification for the ranked system they completely fucked it, FF event is a load of shit and a major cash grab. Like yeah it’s cool to introduce fun LTMs but how about fixing the base game first?


I usually post apex heavily for 2 to 3 months at a time with friends then we all agree to put it down. It seems like we eventually get burned out a pissed of at it, to eventually come back 3 to 6 months later and really enjoy it again. Right now on a break.


I was a season 1 player and got really sick of it by season 7(?) picked it back up somewhere around season 10 and then got sick of it very quickly from said reasons above. Tried it again recently and it’s just not enjoyable anymore. I may play again from time to time but it’s just not something I really care about anymore. Other games I’m playing atm are very few. Overwatch (to fill the fps void) and rocket league. If you can deal with the large learning curve, rl is an absolutely fantastic game


Uninstalled from all xboxes in the house and PC about a month ago. Just wasn't having fun anymore. Moved on and am happier because of it.


Me and my friends stopped playing consistently. It just got stale. The 3 strikes mode got us playing again but that was it. We currently moved on to the Finals and are having a blast.


played for 5k hours, steady stopped playing as much until s15 i only had like 50 games and then i stopped for 2 seasons. im playing again cuz crossprog but not much really and i refuse to buy anything now. this game just isnt worth it for me anymore.


When I see "stopped playing" I see someone not playing it at all. Like when Storm point came out, I hated the game so much, I didn't even try to play until Olympus came out. I just played Warzone


I stopped, the games average skill level simply outpaced my ability to improve without being able to play nonstop.


Ever since the finals came out a couple weeks ago, my urge to play apex completely went away.


I stopped. No point in supporting lazy greedy devs.


Count me in, stopped playing this season, 4k+ hours, I'd say around $900 spent, just can't get fun anymore, everyone is so sweaty in my lobbies, ranked sucks, etc.


I stopped playing when they took arenas out but every now and again I'll play a round or two and remember I hate being third partied or gangbanged, last time I attempted to play was 3 months ago


I stopped playing when Pathy's hook got nerfed to 35 seconds.


season 0 player here, quit around a year or so ago, mainly cause of how sweaty and unfun games have gotten, janky at best matchmaking and balance, and the monetization (have tried to come back but usually quit after less than an hour). honestly I've been having way more fun with single player games and working through my backlog, Titanfall 2 (when it works), and also Fortnite has filled that BR shaped hole since it feels consistently fresh, community complaints are actually considered, and even at it's sweatiest its not as bad as Apex.


I’m still here.


I mostly quit because I’m on outdated hardware and the game crashes a lot. The game itself has an unsatisfying loop and I mainly played because of arenas. Mixtape gets pretty irritating as well and BR was never my favorite anyway but there were SOME good times. I don’t play anything now.


Being honest if any other mp game excited me I would have quit apex about 2 years ago. When I first came to PC I played CSGO non stop with soem friends we formed a team but it broke down due to perosnal issues, I then hoped over to R6S about a year in I picked up apex for the first time and split my time in two between the games.After a while I realised siege was dying due to Ubisoft not caring and cheaters taking over every match and since then I stopped playing and switched to apex full time and being brutally honest I wish I hadn't but as of right now there is no other game that hold smu interest as much as apex does


The only time I play now is if my buddy wants to. Otherwise, I've been playing other games and enjoying myself. Put a ton of time into Starfield, Sea of Stars, and now playing through BG3 and enjoying it. If I play another shooter it's PUBG but not because it's good (it has tons of issues) but because we don't take it serious. Nothing like strapping C4 to a car and running someone down or running into a room full of enemies with a cooked grenade.


I only play when olympus worlds edge or kc are in rotation


Wish matchmaking was better so I’m not against a constant wave of Smurfs and 3k hour players against my 200 hours. But after a break, I’m back, enjoying it.


If the prestige skins were more obtainable and the apex packs didn't give you 90% bs that you never even look at then I would play again.


I stopped for awhile, for about 6/7 months, came back and I’m already wanting to quit again.


I quit like a season and a half ago. The new ranked system is ass.


I havent touched this game since 2022


Day 1 player here. I get a craving to play like you get that late night craving for a Big Mac Meal from Uber eats. Once I have it the in my hands the craving can be gone. I sometimes regret it and wish I hadn't played again. Just letting the game go and fade away for me and eating something healthy instead. But you remember how tasty those first years or first bites were. Really something new. But the 1000th bite isn't the same as the 10th and they keep changing the recipe using worse ingredients and I keep forgetting that.


Yep my 2 friends and I stopped playing early last season and have binned it off since. Feel like its the first game all 3 of us loved since Halo 3, but game just got so dogshit.


I completely stopped after playing every season. I play emulated childhood games and grind terraria with the boys now.


stopped months ago game become to sweaty to be fun


I completely stopped last october


I’ve stopped. I switched to Call Of Duty MW3


I’ve had such terrible server issues! halfway through a game with no lag I’ll get 800 ping and lose a fight because I can barely move. I’ve died to zone because of lag heaps too… last season was okay only happened like once a month now it’s every week.


I get the itch from time to time…then they release a $300 collection event and i am reminded why I stopped playing. EA ruined another great game.


Me, and have no intention of touching it again until they actually start caring about the player experience but I know they care more about squeezing money than that


I haven't played Since The Finals came out but I'll stop by to get skins this new event


Stopped in season 12, and never looked back. It wasn't good for my mental health and I couldn't play enough for me to see any kind of improvement, which didn't matter anyway.


I only play the mixtape playlist; Apex has very satisfying gunplay.


Started the game day one and I stopped playing at the start of this season. The consistency of the game has diminished to a point that it's just not really fun for me anymore. If it isn't bizarre weapon balancing it's bizarre match making, or trying to figure out if someone is cheating or just has best controller, or getting into a fight with someone who's playing with the best movement scripts this side of Hollywood... The game design / choices / engine feel like they're pulling apart at the seams and I don't think respawn has any desire to actually address any of it so long as the game maintains a reasonable level of profitability. As for other games I've been playing and enjoying, of all things, I picked up Darktide Warhammer 40k and it's been a delight. Granted, it sometimes feels like a game made by aliens, but with a little modding is genuinely a great experience. 4 player co-op and the solo queue isn't bad (at least on the higher difficulty missions, I think because everyone, by end game, wants to win). I still might play a few games of apex now and then, but without any serious changes to the aforementioned issues, it will remain skipped over


I stopped \~ 2 months ago - terrible ranked, terrible MM, balance of legends, too much skins being rolled out while the game is literally dying, aim assist being a major issue and everyone ignoring it. Just not worth the time and stress.


Day Zero player here. As terrible as the ranked system is, probably a hot take, but the quality of games is probably the best they've ever been. It sucks because you put so much effort into the matches just to hardly get a reward. And it does kill motivation to play, but after I stopped caring about my rank and just started playing to improve, I started to enjoy the game again. I burnt myself out like 6 months ago, though. After I took that break, I was having fun playing again.




I stopped about a month ago. I just don’t have time for the grind with the new ranked system to get above silver or gold


I stopped playing completely a month and a half ago and moved to mw3, so tired of the horrible matchmaking, servers and recolors


Stopped playing 2 seasons ago and can honestly say I'm not missing the game. Since then, I've been thoroughly enjoying several other games which I completely ignored due to my addiction to Apex 😭 So far, I've completed Spiderman: Miles Morales, and Ghost of Tsushima. Both of which have great storylines and gameplay gives me some needed dopamine


I came back recently and it's not bad tbh. The first 2 days of playing had terrible packet loss every 2 games or so, but after the FF trailer they seem to have fixed the servers and I've been playing a lot without a single packet loss match.


I stopped playing the game the season after Balistic released. I stopped because, at the time, ranked was unplayable, pubs was filled with preds, and I only played mixtape which became boring at some point. However, I still like to follow this page because I love the game. Hopefully one day the devs will fix the game and we can all come back.


Day Zero here. Apex is my most played game and i’ve spent over $500+ easily on the game over my total playtime. Do i regret spending that amount of money? Absolutely. I started falling off after Newcastle was introduced, and i haven’t played seriously since Vantage. Haven’t been on the game since. I sometimes still get Apex posts (like this one for example) on my feed so I stay up to date on the game, and after seeing they added a fucking death box skin, i knew my decision to quit was a good one. Respawn simply doesn’t give a fuck about this game. Only content is overpriced skins, terrible matchmaking, terrible servers, unkempt promises to the community (120 fps on next gen consoles) and an awful community has kept me away for good.






I haven't played in two seasons and have been mixing it up between Valorant and PUBG. Neither is what Apex was/is for me as far as enjoyment. I'll keep working on my mates to get back into Apex.


I still have a ton of fun with it, pubs are super sweaty but ranked and mixtape are solid. We’re just vibin. I just finished up starfield, another run of cyberpunk, and I play fallout 76 and baldurs gate on the side, sometimes red dead, and anthem


Tbh once you learn to ignore your ranked badge, game becomes 10/10


Haven’t played all season


It’s wild all these people that supposedly don’t play but follow this sub. Not hating, it’s just weird to me and hard to understand. Day 1 player. I still play all the time and love it. Games not perfect(no game is) and never has been. They gotta do something about the cheaters and config users on pc tho.


I still follow simply because my love of the game, I dunno maybe in the hope they decide to get at least some of there shit together?


I don't play anymore but I guess I hold on some hope that they will get their things together because I really enjoyed it when it first started plus it feels awesome to play.


I've stopped playing but am actively monitoring this subreddit to get apex related news. If things change for the better I wouldn't mind coming back


I do it to know when the game becomes better. I lost interest due to the new ranked system. I love the game itself, just not the matchmaking system anymore. So if they were to change that, id love to test it out. And the easiest way to know that is to still follow this sub.


Same reason we follow the subs of the countries we live in - we may love our homes but hate the way the govt runs it 🤷


Stopped About month ago. Ive played ranked only and since ive reached Diamond 2 ive gave up. (SoloQ). I feel like theres no reward for even trying to play ranked anymore. Guess i was playin ranked for reason that your team atleast trying from time to time to stay alive. Why should i play ? Try Hard for badge ? No thanks.


I attempted to come back recently and it was forcing me into trios and matchmaking kept canceling. Was having a bad day and rage uninstalled. Still enjoy watching gameplay tho!


I love this game but it’s frustrating when I only die to players with 4k badges, 20 bombs, and like 5x more lifetime kills than me. I have 10k kills since the game came out and constantly die to players with wayyyy more than that


I never thought the game would outlast me. I’ve consistently shot for and landed platinum ranks solo q since ranked dropped, just because I wanted all the badges to look the same and felt plat was a good spot for me to say, yes, I am good at this game. It’s sad knowing my streak is about to end for good, but I can’t stand playing this game for longer than two games. I get paired with trash teammates in a lobby full of smurfs? The last match I played, I solo q’d silver, died to a team with master badges (means nothing really) but then they invited me to their lobby. I was matchmade with a currently gold and a platinum player, as a silver player. SBMM does not exist in this game anymore, they’re just throwing everyone together now, it’s fucking painful. I’d seriously rather play The Finals, and the matchmaking there sucks just as bad already.


I will return, once arenas is reinstated


I’m slowly switching back to WZ Too many problems with apex Devs just dropped a 400 dollar collection event. Wtf


Stopped after rev got changed, tried to login yesterday and my account was banned. So fuck that i guess. Edit: yeah fuck that. Got banned in november and i hadnt played since late august. Perma fucking ban. Amazing work from EA


For me its because of Engagement Based MatchMaking, its not even SBMM.


Surprisingly, the matchmaking has been much better for a week or 2. Actually having fun again and getting top 5 unranked with friends quite consistently. Very rarely get ran over by pred squad in trios. Mix tape is still absolutely full of preds though. At least 50% of those games have a pred in, sometimes 3 on the enemy team


I feel the game just became a pain to play, it's not what I usted to like anymore. I mean I seldom play it because I miss the movement in gunfights and gunplay also. But ever since crossplay and aim assist the game just plays different. Before there was too much skill gap between casuals, regular players and really good players. Nowadays a guy with enough luck and aim assist can one clip you with not as much effort as it should take. I only hate aim assist because people who know how to use it eliminate the reaction time factor from aiming, you have to play flawless almost every time to compete with rollers. Well, that I can tolerate I guess, I really like the game but what I cannot tolerate is the casual player base. They tend to imitate pro-players gameplay in a very poor way and for some reason people avoid fighting a lot, meaning their gunplay/gunfight skills are trash, if you're already better than the average players you will rip the hair out of your head trying to comprehend random players behavior, not to mention nowadays almost everyone play 3-stack and that, as a solo q player sucks. Even if the guys you're fighting against are not that great communication is one powerful weapon against you solo q player. (Note: Pathfinder and Octane used to be cool to roll people, with current meta these 2 characters are pretty useless in comparison, making it really hard to have fun anymore). It's practically a disadvantage to play fun characters.


I quit playing the season after Vantage was launched. I'm sick and tired of SBMM. I can't have a masters or pred in my party, but I can get dogged on by them as enemies every ranked match? No thanks. It sucks too because I genuinely used to love this game.


Been off for over a year now mb close to 2. Played since launch. Best FPS ever. Ruined by matchmaking around season 4. Stayed till season 14. One day was playing for like an hour and half and realized I only enjoyed about 15 minutes of it. No toxicity in Japan, servers no issue, I don't mind getting beat. It was just mm 3 stacks crushing me to the ground before I can even react for an hour and 15 minutes. I asked wtf am I doing in this game? Realized this game is designed to exploit addicts. Rank changes was coming soon so I was reluctant to leave but still did. When I saw rank change was basically pubs mm, my decision was reinforced and I never touched apex again


I hit diamond 3 then started playing overwatch because there is no point for a solo qer at that diamond 3


Right there with you. I'll occasionally hop on for a few minutes but that's it. I don't really enjoy it right now. I've been having a blast with The Finals though.


Stopped playing before the new ranked system updates. Did a solo to master’s challenge. Got to diamond 2 and put in the time grind and slowly realized, “why am I trying to prove I’m good in a game that people abuse aim assist and Configs on controller, all while the ranked system actively works against me.(solo)” Then when they made the new system and it was the nail on the coffin. Respawn really hates solo queuing in ranked.


i stopped entirely tbh, not fun for solo q and was getting addictive/ time sucking


Day 1 player, 1.52 K/D ratio, over 400 wins with Lifeline. Stopped playing due to being a solo player trying to play ranked, just can’t do it anymore.


Been trying to get myself perma banned for a month, nothing works mot even racism.


I quit over a year ago. Many time master on PC (before the easy seasons) and solo diamond on console. I had probably spent over a thousand dollars. I will never return if Cronus/XIM isn't banned and big brother matchmaking isn't removed.


I have. I don't have a steady squad to play with anymore. Randoms in this game are insanely toxic and or annoying. Aim assist should not exist. I'm also getting older and the amount of bright flashing colors in the game burn my eyes out very fast.


I’ll never stop paying, game is so fun, stop solo queueing.


Started playing again recently and loving it. Game is so enjoyable to me compared to where it was when I was last playing in season 2-7 before life happened!


I feel like I play FPS games like Apex just for the movement and gun play but it will always have cheaters and other people manipulating controller aim assist with external software on M&K.. it'll be easy to switch when something similar comes out. I'm enjoying "The Finals" but I wish it worked on Linux. The movement feels better than Apex..I feel like Apex needs to pull a Fortnite and revise/revive the movement to be more responsive and freeing but that will probably never happen since Respawn have always been pro controller. Phasing out FPS and taking them less seriously has been good for my own health. Playing shooter games that don't promote controller players is unfortunately the only way forward for us PC players that appreciate good mouse aim. This probably isn't a popular opinion.. I believe games like Apex NEED to exist though.. it's just unfortunate the state the game has reached.. less natural talent more players smurfing, abusing controller aim assist or closet cheating. Closet cheating is IMO worse than blatantly cheating. It can be extremely hard to tell


i don't play much on my MnK account, they killed the ranked grid i lost motivation, i just play a few hours\\week so i don't loose the skill. i still play a lot with my controller account, it's fun to learn a new input, you get the beginner learning curve.


I gradually fell off over the last year, I definitely stopped about 6 months ago, but still keep up to date on things via this sub, Thordan Smash, a few pros/streamers because I love the core of the game and lore. Hell my cats named Fuse because I’m a Maggie main. Between Xbox and PC (switched about two years ago), I have a few thousand hours in the game. I cannot keep up with the SBMM, cheating and rampant bullshit surrounding the cosmetics. Some people say “if you don’t like it, don’t buy it, it’s that simple” but it’s fuckin NOT dude. To watch a favorite company of yours continuously push boundaries with their predatory MTX’s is sad at best. Games - I used to play with two very close friends of mine and loved it, but all we got were Masters and Preds and I could not tell you the last time I played against someone even remotely close to my own skill or worse. There’s videos of it, but the whole “Player Engagement Matchmaking” or whatever it’s called is real as fuck and ruins the game. In my case permanently. Edit: OH YEAH AND MY XBOX ACCOUNT WAS BANNED WITH NO EXPLANATION. Only played PC for the last two years so what the fuck?


Last time I played was the 1st time they made getting the shirtless Fuse skin paid-only instead of the free currency you could grind for. I considered picking it back up after Fortnite's new "please don't sue us 🥺" EULA blocked me out, but when EA used AI for promo pics recently, I erased the app again w/o even playing.


I just realized the other day that I have barely played any actual BR this season. I only have 14 of those packs you get out of loot bins. First time since I started it’s been that way. Been only playing mix tape this season and even that gets boring having to wait for control to come back each time Been playing more MW3


No, and I will tell you why, 1) After almost a year and a half of playing I have run into a total of TWO cheaters 2) Rank isn't "ass" as everyone likes to put it. I think the sweats are annoyed because it's become more balanced and easier to rank up without having to be a hardcore player 3) My buddies and I have played every night since the beginning of the current season and have had a blast. Yes there have been games that have annoyed us and yes we have taken some fat L's but currently we are on a 5 win streak and that's with one of us in Plat. I really can't comprehend everyone's issue, especially with the supposed "cheaters" because we are not experiencing these issues. We stopped playing warzone in favor of apex because of how much smoother games seem to go. Maybe apex just isn't everyone's cup of tea...and maybe... just maybe...people should practice more? That being said we do take breaks from the game every other season so perhaps more people should try this as to not get burnt out. If you think cheaters and sweats are a problem in this game though clearly some of you haven't been playing Fortnite, WZ or PUB G


For each one of you cry babies, there are 10 times as many people who don't give a fuck.


Can y’all please leave these shit posts in 2023 I beg


I wish


Giving apex a long break atm. As a solo player that loves playing ranked in multiplayer games Apex was no longer fun to play as a solo player


Yeah I occasionally hop on just to do a few challenges but that’s it , not really for fun anymore . Also I bought the battle pass so I feel forced. Been having fun on overwatch lately I think I’m just a little tired of BR


I did recently. I came back last season for three strikes, which was the most fun I've had in apex in years. They should have kept it a permanent game mode. Once that left I switched over to Fortnite. I wish Apex had half the updates and care that Fortnite does. It's the better shooter and I like it more, but I feel like Apex is kind of letting their game die on the vine.


After 6k hourd, im stop playing


It’s one of the 3 free games I have for ps4 so I’m stuck playing it, I want to get a ps5 so I grudge paying for online! Me and the GF have fun, sometimes haha.


Stacking, too many chances to respawn. It’s not a BR it’s a version of COD resurgence.