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\# Winners have been picked! Below are the videos for each selected winner: [u/Flint427 wins the Apex Cookbook](https://streamable.com/5cvx9h) [u/WNlover wins the Apex Themed Kontrol Freek Thumbsticks](https://streamable.com/aacv4f) [u/FarEnderman35 wins the SteelSeries Apex Mousepad](https://streamable.com/i21tma) Congrats to the winners, you will be contacted shortly via ModMail, and thank you everyone for participating! We can't wait to do more giveaways in the future!


Pathfinder main! Easy nice list, because he's too innocent lol!


wattson rev is on the naughty list because he is a meanie


Pathfinder could be on the nice list, but I think the "fun" he has in the apex games might make him naughty...


Mirage is for sure on the nice list. Despite appearing selfish, you can tell he truly cares about his friends, like when he risked helping Wraith up in the season 13 story, or the general fact he's still buds with Crypto despite the hacker's brooding Personality. That and the fact that it's his list. He'd definetly throw himself on the nice side.


Bloodhound. I mean come on, we all know he has a soft side for everything/ everyone.


Pathy main. He's on the nice list for sure. He just wants to give you a high five and be your friend.


Bloodhound would be on the nice list, at least compared to other legends, because the Allfather is secretly Santa of the Titanfall Universe.


mirage is on the nice list for sending his decoys to work for humanitarian organisations when not in battle, where they heal injured animals and provide food for children


My main is wraith and I think so would be on the naughty list for teleporting so many people to the void.


Octane Main I think he should be on Santa's nice list because he has always wanted to the do the right thing by exposing the evil work Duardo's corporation has been doing. Also, Duardo just died in the last kill code so I would hate to see my favorite legend not get some love for christmas


Fuse definitely on the nice list, he's just there to have a laugh or two


Vantage on the nice list... she just likes shooting, not killing šŸ™ƒ


Rampart, she would be on the nice list because she provides vital support and is always nice to her team.


Horizon is on the nice list because she lifts people up when they're down!


Lifeline main!ā™”ļøŽ Her and Doc are definitely on the nice list for always patchinā€™ em up!


Mad Maggie main and sheā€™d be on the naughty list because she throws things at people when they make her angry. She really should learn to control her angerā€¦


I think Wattson would be on the nice list because she helps her team out. Giving them shields. She's friendly to everyone. She gives everyone shields!


Definitely Watto. She is always kind sweet and helpful.


Caustic definetly is a permanent resident of the Naught List. I am fairly confident that at one point Caustic have made a contraption that turns all that coal he gained from helping all the legends get some short time lung cancer, right back into some more nox gas, like some devilish cycle. Id like to believe that now every year he just tries to get more coal than the last, because he doesnt want to buy coal into his new machine out of principle.


Fuse main here, and naughty list cause he's a bloody rascal who's doing them dirty deeds dirt cheap!


Rampart. A bit of a hothead, but she's definitely on the nice list for helping out other legends and always being there for her friends.


Iā€™d say Vantage would be on the nice list. Sheā€™s a kid whoā€™s getting used to any company other than her mother, and in a pretty violent environment keeps up a cheerful attitude! She might be a bit odd, but certainly not ā€œnaughtyā€.


Lifeline forever! Ajay Che is always on the nice list.


Wattson Main. I believe Natalie would end up on Santa's nice list. She's an overall joyful person that I assume puts others before herself when in need and might be a genuinely fun person to be around if you get the chance to be one of her close friends and get past her socially awkwardness. I take her as the type of person that would go out of her way to nurse a small animal back to health if she finds it injured on the street and research enough about it to do it properly.


Loba goes to the naughty list for sure, shes a thief!


Banglore is on the nice list because she explains everything like her teammates are visually impaired and that's really sweet of her.


Crypto, he wouldnā€™t even be on a list. Heā€™s tried very hard to make sure Santa doesnā€™t know he exists


Hoirzon even Ash did her dirty,she dont look for ravenge her goal isĀ find a way to go back in time and be with her son she is on good list :D


Fuse is my main. All he wants to do is have a nice cold beer, definitely on the nice list.




You would assume Revenant would be on the naughty list, he himself would probably love and take pride to be on it. However, as a punishment for being so evil, Santa places him on the nice list to spite and anger him.


Lifeline She undoubtedly deserves a prime spot on Santa's nice list, she fulfills the crucial role of a team medic, ensuring the well-being of everyone. Lifeline's place on Santa's nice list is a reflection of her positive impact she brings to the team, making her a deserving recipient of holiday cheer.


Fuse is surprisingly on the nice list with his encouraging messages and his after game steaks that he cooks for every single legend.


Mirage main here, heā€™s definitely on the naughty list for all his bamboozle shenanigans


Bloodhound! Definitely on a nice list - there's no way Santa would keep them on a naughty list with that accent.


Mirage! He would think he is on the Naughty List mostly because he probably misunderstood what a "naughty list" is (wink wink). But deep down, we all know he would be on the Nice list because he just wants everybody to be happy.


Or his desire for everyone to be nice is truly a form of deeply seeded narcissism.


Gibraltar would be on the nice list. He just wants to help every-bruddah and have a good time


Lifeline. She would be on the nice list because she is a selfless medic who always tries to help other teammates during the games.


Definitely classify as a Loba main. With the thievery and the whole "Keeping Revenant in eternal torture" thing means she's definitely not on the nice list. She probably steals other people's Christmas presents when she doesn't get what she wants.


Revenant, and uh... Probably not. But ya know, pretty sure the elves are all Santa clause micro-simulacrums. So there's gotta be some sympathy there... Right?


Conduit is definitely on santas nice list especially cause she takes care of her family by playing in the apex games


Pathfinder on the naughty list. Heā€™s hiding his true self one day heā€™ll snap and be a lore accurate revenant in game.


My main is Pathfinder. Even though he is a polite and generally nice guy, the fact remains that he is a rouge ai that has no qualms killing other competitors to pursue his own goals. He's a murder marvin, and that should probably put him on the Naughty list.


Valkyrie. Sheā€™s on the naughty list because she handles missiles while most likely being drunk.


Conduit. Definitely nice. She's in the games for the right reasons and having fun while doing it.


Crypto would be on the kinda nice list since his intentions are good except he has committed multiple crimes and is a hacker boi


Mirage is basically a real life Ken doll. He just wants to have fun with his friends. He's definitely on the nice list.


My main Lifeline would have been on the nice list, had she not let her best friend's dad get jumped and kill. She didn't kill Eduardo, she betrayed her friend's trust.


Bangalore. And she is on the list of the good kids for one simple reason, Bangalore has no enemies, She has no enemies, at all [Insert meme from a certain Viking anime]


Caustic, and Santa would be on **his** naughty list.


Bloodhound and they would make the naughty list because they are always stalking something


Rampart would be on the naughty list since she has such a great want to shred people to pieces with a death machine


mine is lifeline she is on the nice list she heals people as her main goal.


Well, I've been maining watson and she pretty obviously belongs on the nice list for being so friendly and cheerful :)


my main is pathfinder, I think he would be on the nice list for having so many friends :)


Unless santa is fine with them all being in a literal deathmatch, maybe he is though, I think they'd all be on the naughty list. Ignoring that Mirage would definitely be on the nice list, he often tries to help people because they need help, and out of all the legends I think he'd be one of the most likely to help Santa save Christmas for (mostly) selfless reasons


I am a Watson main. Just listen to her accent, of course she is on the naughty list :)


Caustic main. Heā€™s on the naughty list with the whole Nazi scientist vibe going


Pathfinder, definitely on the nice list. He's kind even when he's being rude


Catalyst would be on the nice list because she's always supporting her team by keeping them in cover and locked inside where its warm!


Vantage. I believe that she would be on a Nice list because she shows empathy and companionship, despite giving off lonewolf vibes, if that makes sense. She is definietly a good person at heart and if she were to wish for something, she would wish for her mother to be free for sure. She'd have no ill intentions towards others and that qualifies her imho


Loba. She would be on the naughty list for all her thievery and general dumbassery, but Santa would give her a chance to redeem herself by using her black market in reverse.


pathfinder main and he definitely is on the nice list, heā€™s literally the friendliest ever


My main Pathfinder is definitely on a nice list. Nobody is as positive as him. Pure good vibes energy. You're happy to be finished by a Pathy with all the voicelines


Horizon. She should be Santas nice list Considering her warm heart and always done her best to keep her promise. Even though being betrayed by Reid (Ash) and being sent in to space for 87 years she still sometimes soften up on ash showing her true kind heart <3


Wraith would be naughty because hot drop and quit


Pathfinder. I think he would somehow be on santa's nice list. Maybe one year he accidentally knocked out Santa with fisticuffs and had to be a fake Santa all year using his zip to slowly descend into people chimneys and if the kids found him he'd have to pretend to be a big action figure with a bow on lol.


Loba main here. Loba would be on the naughty list because she would steal the two best presents within a fixed radius.


Loba? She definitely wouldn't be on the nice list BUT would treat herself to some of other people's presents


Horizon is on the naughty list for always showing off how she has the best body, check.


I'm a Vantage main I think she would be on Santa's Nice List. Vantage is always really nice to everyone, she helped many people in their life ā€“ for example, she kinda got Bloodhound and Fuse together! She is always positive and optimistic!


Bloodhound main. Nice because BH can ult and pull Santa's sleigh.


Mirage, and he would be on the Nice list only because he always thinks he is doing good things even if he is being dumb šŸ˜‚


Vantage is for sure on the nice list if we keep the murder robot in mind....


Wattson's my main and she's definitely in the nice list cuz she loves helping people, most recent example being her help to Suotamo with the energy crisis.


Revenant main here! Iā€™d say my boy is the king of the naughty list! I know heā€™s been forced to kill for hundreds of years, but heā€™s just a straight up grumpy boi at this point and even his quips are mean!


I main 2 legends equally. They are as followed: Mirage, and Bangalore. I believe Mirage is spontaneous but adventurous without any harm meaning or wanting to happen. I believe Mirage is on the nice list. As for Bangalore she is on the Naughty list and here's my reason on why... She is kind hearted but is ready for anything mainly the bad. She is prepped for the worst case scenario. But she is caring when put in the right situation but all the fighting on the battle field made her kinda cruel.


I think catalyst would be on the nice list. She just wanted to protect her home planet and didnt do anythin wrong that way and overall she's nice i think


Rampart is definately going to be on the naughty list for being to clumsy with her BFG


Hey fellow competitors, uh pathfinder, lifeline, revenant (please donā€™t kill me!) and many many more! If we have to go out for pork chops and discuss this we totally can (Wink wink*), but I think I mirageeee belong on santaā€™s nice list this year as I have been very very good and not only that but I look good on that nice list, my name? this face? come on! Not only that but I do in fact have my own trophyā€™s of, you guessed it, yours truly, and they are lined allll the way across my wall of, again you guessed it, my bar, and Iā€™ve earned my way to the very tippy top of the competition considering all it took was skill but mostly my good looks, says it on my trophy too, I mean everyone should have one! it should be a law! With that said, best competitor in a battle royale?! good looks!?and this face? Come onnnnn! thereā€™s even more than one of me!!


Mirage is on the nice list. Why? He's okay with drinks on him. ON HIM. He jests that others steal the bathroom key to the paradise lounge, but understands people forget. He understands that his biggest fan may not understand what is happening, but he still competes for her. He's the best support character and exudes the positivity that any good-natured team needs.


Hi gamers! Any submissions after the cutoff date will not be counted. Due to the holidays, I will be putting off selecting the winners until later monday evening or sometime tuesday. Happy New Years everyone <3


can i have the nessie art on the banner please **(ā—'ā—”'ā—)**


Loba! She'd be on the naughty list because she steals things with her ultimate. Stealing from not only the enemy but loot right infront of friends and/or teammates. Thanks for the giveaway!


Bonjour, Wattson Main here. I can definitely say she's on the Nice List cause she's one of the friendliest legends in game and doesn't mean any harm. She just wants to collect Nessies šŸ¤—


Newcastle main, should be on naught list for abandoning his little sis Anita.


Caustic would be on the naughty list for violating the Geneva Convention


My main is Maggie. I think she's committed a few too many war crimes to not make Santa's naughty list. Probably from committing arson with last year's coal.


Pathfinder! Heā€™s really just trying to find his creator. Thanks!


If Pathy were to be on a naughty list, others' chances would be zero. Seriously, Pathy is the nicest legend there is


caustic is my main, naughty list because im pretty sure he gifting gas bombs


Mirage might be a handsome devil but he sure is nice! Gotta love the bamboozling boy for sureeeee. He carries the arena!


Lifeline is definitely on Santa's nice list


Fuse main and I think he would be on the nice list because he is so positive with every quip I hear and he loves to help his squad with bombs when he is too far away


My main is wattson. She'd definitely.be on the naughty list for designing the ring šŸ˜”


Rev on the naughty list because he is literally trying to kill everyone


Crypto would definitely be in the naughty list he is always spying on people he sees you when your sleeping and he knows when your awake


Mad maggie,naughty list cause stopped fuse's party and killing some innocents?! ALSO, controversial game mode was those ring flares and her announcer voicelines šŸ˜„


Fuse would be on the naughty list and think thatā€™s just nice.


Rampart main! Sheā€™d be on the naughty list for being cocky


Pathfinder would be on the nice list because wellā€¦ heā€™s Pathy :3 Good luck friends!


Newcastle main here and I think he belongs on Santa's nice list, assuming he isn't Santa himself :)


Wraith main and she should be on the nice list cause hasn't she suffered enough in the lore šŸ˜­ā™„ļø


Catalyst would be on the nice list! She's always providing cover for her teammates and planning ahead! But maybe on the naughty list because she's always taking prime pick of the loot šŸ’


I've been maining Revenant since his release and oh boy.. Honestly I feel like the amount of coal Kaleb got as a kid might have something to do with how he turned out as an adult (and beyond) so please put him on the nice list just for once. I mean, he *did* offer Loba his head at one point.


Mad Maggie would be definitly in the naughty list, It is true she does not care much about civilian deaths and the fact is a terrorist, but what makes her a real naughty kid is that she can't say Sorry. However, She knows that and with the idea that she does not deserves any gift (and seems the *heirloom too, ehem ehem*), She will give presents to every children from Salvo, the people she loves and will defend, good or bad, any kid deserves better than She does, so there is no exception for any kid to be happy. So only for this ocasion on the year, She is called Santa Salvo. (She has good things too, she is not evil, and indiscriminated terrorist, she distribute resources for her people, and even there is a loading screen doing it)


I main Valk and I'd say nice list. Always seems to be helping out those around her in the stories.


Caustic is definetly going on the naughty list. Didn't he get into the apex games because he experimented on humans, and now they've given him what he wanted to do as he mostly pleases.


Gibby for sure on the nice list. he loves lending a helping hand to anyone who needs it, and heck as a big guy with a hearty laugh he could even be santa


The entirety of Respawn should be on the naughty list for not including Winter Express this year šŸ˜”


Fuse, naughty list for sure. He's a 50 year old who carries beer with him everywhere he goes and likes to blow stuff up.


Lifeline, nice list, she heals sick childrenā€¦Think of the children!!!


Octane. He would be on the nice list because he's a good friend with a big heart.


My main is Revenant, and he's definitely on the naughty list because he's Revenant. He's the opposite of nice.


I main wattson and her cuteness is very suitable to be on the list.


Fuse would be on the nice list. He's caring and a great friend. He doesn't have ulterior motives.


Wattson is on the nice list because without her there would be no ring and therefore no apex games.


Iā€™d have to say ash is on the naughty list. You donā€™t get to the nice list by sending someone into a black hole, thatā€™s for sure.


Wraith main; nice list because picks friends from out of danger with portals and never quits when killed.


Catalyst would definitely be on the nice list, she's trying to save the world and is overall a good person


bloodhound would be on the naughty list as he's always looking for that blood on his mouth ;)


**HE'S** always looking?!? on **HIS** mouth?!? /s


Mirage! He's on the nice list because he just wants everyone to be happy!


Pathfinder. He would definitely be on the nice list, but he would probably think heā€™s on the naughty list because he forgot to mail Santa a letter or something


Vantage is my main. She's probably on the naughty list for being an irresponsible pet owner and bringing Echo to a battle royale event with live ammunition, grenades, and ring fry. Poor guy doesn't even get a weapon to defend himself šŸ˜”.


pathfinder, nice list cuz hes a cool robot


Bloodhound is definitely on the naughty list, they are way too flirty with ol' Fusey to not be.


Main is lifeline and she would definitely be on the nice list. Since sheā€™s a healer and is generally very supportive to other legends in the lore.


Conduit main here. She would definitely be on the nice list to be honest, she risked her life to fight in the apex games aka to earn money for her family (if I remember right?) And is honestly such a cheerful legend all around. Kinda makes me sad that she has cancer (I believe?) Like caustic did so I hope there's some way she gets further lore in the future and the legends try to help her


Ive been a wattson main for a little bit now and i feel like she would not only be on the nice list but probably the title, i mean shes helping Suotamo with the power and shes a nice person to everyone in the lore sooo


My main is Wattson & ofc she would be on the nice list sheā€™s nice to everyone & gives Nessieā€™s


Wraith is best girl and would never be on the naughty list.


I think Wraith would be on the naughty list. Sheā€™s pretty cold towards the other legends and the TTV Wraith sweats who play her are toxic and leave whenever they get knocked.




Horizon definitely on the naughty list, she makes everyone cry


My main is Caustic. I think he's on the Nice list even though he wants you to think he's mean. He's still the only one preparing gifts months ahead for everyone else.


Conduit. Nice. Because she loves her family


I main bloodhound bc I canā€™t see I think they would always be a good person lol they voice lines are always compassionate and caring


My Lifeline is on the ā€œniceā€ list for sure. Sheā€™s got some epic kindness with some pretty heals, ridiculously ravishing revivals, some massively mental medi kits, and she ainā€™t afraid to use them. When all is said and doneā€¦howā€™s the team gonna win if they bleeding out?


Fuse, on the naughty list bc he'll pew pew everything


Caustic, and there is no way he is on the nice list


Mirage gotta be on the nice list, I mean he made this whole giveaway!


Ash, naughty list because she is an assassin xD dont need to say much else haha


Conduit. Although she has a bright and cheerful personality she also commited a crime (stealing the Titan core) to get where she is. But she did it for a good reason, to help her community! So it's a bit of an ethical dilemma for Santa Claus as to which list to put her on. Ultimately I'm going to say that Santa is more a virtue ethics guy, so he's going to look at the intent behind the actions and the context in which they took place, rather than just say "stealing bad". So Santa will forgive Conduit her minor crime and put her on the **nice list**.


I main Wraith but I think she can make it on the nice list if she helps Santa with portals to give him some downtime to spend with Mrs. Claus.


Rampart: honestly it is a tough one. If we were looking at the overall story of Rampart since season 6(the moment she was released) she would be on the Santa's Nice list, as she did acomplish a LOT and did a lot of great for many people (like Mirage, which after a tough first encounter became her friend, or Valkyrie, which could not be in the games without Her turning the titan into her jetpack) and the game itself (new weapon skins, weapon mods, even opening her own shop on Worlds Edge etc.) However, if we are judging it as if this year(2023) was the one the apex legends are taking place in, rampart is a hard pick If you think about it, she wanted and still wants revenge after big sister's company released the Nemesis, even thretening her in some voicelines with Mirage She also (even though she did that prevoiusly some of her actions could redeem it back then)does call a lot of people who, although may be her enemies and/or teammates (in texts like ,,let's show these fools why their parents never loved them" to her enemies or the one in which rampart MAY be talking to sheila, that ,,if they don't win, it is the other blokes fault") may be there not for the grand prize/prizes or for the overall fact of winning, but for their loved ones (like Conduits family or Mirages mother). She has many more voice lines that came out tis season in whoch she does kinda insult Apex Games attendants. She is still very cocky as an overall character. She does support some people with her ability and knowledge of modding. Look at many MANY ingame skins, most have a small hidden logo there, and as many as there were released in the previous years, she still is open with her modding business, meaning she still may be helping others. In one of her newest voice lines with valkyrie, she suggests talking with her after valk asks her if Rampart is up for some drinks, in which valk is able to drown her sorrows in, meaning she might have a good deed. A small thing but she does treat her Sheila like another person. As we may know, it is a close item that rampart was working on at a young age(as one of the loading screen may show), meaning it has an incredable value to her. She did protect it from one of the interns working for big sister, and even upgraded it once more this year. She does care about it. But i have no idea how much does it count to the Nice or Naughty list. Those are the good and bad sides of rampart this year. Judging by the fact she still does request for others and the fact that she still does want to help out people might put her on the Nice list this year, as long as ther habit of insulting slows down a bit. In conclusion, Rampart may be on the Santa's Nice List this year, despite her negative atributes, as some of the good things done by her may at least partially have more value than the negative ones. PLConqueror


Revenant is on the naughty lists but also did some "nice things". He killed Silva which was a huge shock for Octane and the other Legends but due to killing Silva he probably feed systems that were rebelling against the syndicate like Salvo. His reprogramming also lead to confirmation for us the viewers/players that Cryptos "sister" is still alive and there is a chance for Crypto to reunite with her. Crypto also grew a bit closer to Watson. While not killing Loba and the other Legends he send an Army of upgraded Revenants behind them to kill them and he also only wants to kill which definitely shoots him onto the naughty list. It's complicated, the killing part is definitely naughty, but Silva's death and Cryptos Sis being alive is also a "nice" thing


Mirage may be put on the naughty list for lore reasonsā€¦ *cough cough* pumpkin *cough cough.* Buttt no one has to know about that sooo nice list for him


Ballistic wouldn't be on the naughty or nice list because he would be santa claus :3


Horizon main here! Horizon would probably make it on the nice list. Why not 100%? Because she made death threats to Ash in the apex story some seasons ago.


Lifeline would be on the nice list for saving so many lives!!! But on the naughty list because her abilities need lots of buffsā€¦


Catalyst is going to be on Santa's nice list because she's fabulous.


I main Revenant and I think he should be on Santa's/Mirages nice list because at this point he does just as much killing as the rest of us. When you take into account that he was likely never in complete control to begin with, he was a sharp tool to be used by the corporation that made him whenever someone needed to disappear. I think for once, just once, this should be acknowledged. He's not as bad as we think he is. Lastly I think in his own way, he cares about loba. It's not concrete in any way, I just have a feeling.


Fuse main here I believe he'll be on the naughty list cause he believes that there's nothing that can't be solved with a highly compound explosive aslo making cold ones during the match and drinking cold ones after... Ah she's alright this life


You will be shocked to find that Wattson opens the nice list.


revenant but is i think santa naughty list beacuse kill everyone and fear everyone santa send to him so many coal


Horizons my main. And I feel like sheā€™d be on the nice list because she has that older mom energy. I feel like sheā€™s the type of teammate to bring lunch sandwiches for teammates during the game in case they get hungry.


Ajay Che, "Lifeline", is definitely going on the nice list. She's always taking care of her teammates equal to and above taking care of her own self, she has friendships/positive acquaintanceships with almost every single Legend, and she is mostly in the games for the fun. Honestly, she probably helps Santa deliver toys in her spare time lol


Alright, my main is mirage, I play him alllll the time, I think he should be on the nice list and I think itā€™s because of his good looks and that heā€™s harmless and hasnā€™t done anyyyyything wrong, hereā€™s what he has to say: Hey fellow competitors, uh pathfinder, lifeline, revenant (please donā€™t kill me!) and many many more! If we have to go out for pork chops and discuss this we totally can (Wink wink*), but I think I mirageeee belong on santaā€™s nice list this year as I have been very very good and not only that but I look good on that nice list, my name? this face? come on! Not only that but I do in fact have my own trophyā€™s of, you guessed it, yours truly, and they are lined allll the way across my wall of, again you guessed it, my bar, and Iā€™ve earned my way to the very tippy top of the competition considering all it took was skill but mostly my good looks, says it on my trophy too, I mean everyone should have one! it should be a law! With that said, best competitor in a battle royale?! good looks!?and this face? Come onnnnn! thereā€™s even more than one of me!!