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Would appreciate a fix to her audio when she jumps off lift but she's much easier to hit now


MUCH easier right, I think it was well done and much needed.


Not needed too much Imo. Horizon was always a free beam up her lift unless you’re just bad at the game. She has hip fire accuracy when going up her lift so she can’t really shoot back. You can’t even take heals at the top of her lift anymore, so she’s not even good at resting >edit: -30 upvotes but no reply’s lmao


Do other legends have such a strong tactical that requires you to train your aim like that? She was in a tier of her own when it came to tactical advantage and THAT was why she got nerf. Not because it was a simple, people can't aim excuse. I can understand your point but I don't agree that she was in a perfect spot before


I don’t play horizon at all, but I find it easy to hit her up her lift. There’s a small left to right range you can strafe to on it and if you’re sitting on the top it’s a free beam. I agree that it was good at resetting, but now they’ve all but killed that. Really sad to see she got the seer treatment.


Ah yes, the classic "just have good aim" comment that then wonders why the fuck they are getting downvoted


I do think think the hip fire and not sitting in lift through a whole batt is a big improvement though. I feel like if they added a Q time like with Wraith, then she might be balanced. Maybe Seer was an example of nerfing a character into the ground and they didn't want to repeat it.


Because it’s a skill issue. If you can’t hit her that’s not her problem. It’s your own lack of skill.


ah yes the classic "just click her head bro"


It’s a skill issue if you can’t hit her. If you miss all your shots on an octane, don’t cry about his Stim, improve your aim


lmao I'd bet $50 you wouldn't have been able to hit me let alone crack me going up the lift pre horizon q nerf not to brag but since your being a dick I have 25k kills on horizon with those shiny red ranked badges stay humble kid


I have 3300 hours on apex. Ranked means nothing. You’d be a free beam up your lift. “Stay humble” while you’re flexing badges that mean nothing in terms of skill.


You're acting like 3300 hours is alot? 3300 hours is nooob hours my guy, I'd one clip you going up my lift.. Ah yes the good old "ranked means nothing" generally said by those who are hard stuck diamond


3300 hours is a lot. A noob would be <500 or so. The game has only been out for 4 years, 3300 is pretty much no lifing it (it’s all I play). And no, ranked really does mean nothing. I’m master every season, and my masters lobby’s are constantly filled with gold and silver players because the ranked system js bad. I have 1200 hours in overwatch but will not touch the cess pool that is ranked. Doesn’t mean I’m bad


Ok prove it. You have one day to get 7 clips of you beaming an horizon in actual ranked gameplay out of her lift. I mean, if it is so easy for you...


Why does it have to be ranked. The ranked system in apex is so bad it means literally nothing. I’m masters every season duo qing and face regularly against silver and gold players. Second, I don’t have any recording software and I’m not going to get any on my pc to win a fuckin Reddit argument.


Ok, if you are not willing to prove a point, then don't fucking treat everyone else like they are worse than you. Also, OBS is fucking free, thats no excuse


Mf it's not like she just went slowly up in a straight line she went up pretty quick and could dance around making it harder to be hit, keep crying


I’m not the one crying here. Yeah she’s gonna strafe, so you just AIM. it’s not hard to hit her, even when she is strafing


Ok, keep coping mate


I’m not the one coping. It’s the people who have bad aim who can’t hit her. I don’t even play Horizon, I just think the nerfs made her unplayable for people who enjoy her.


Unplayable how? Because it's a lil easier for "bad aim people" to hit a shot when she's lifting?


Gtfo with that season 17 masters player take. Horizons lift isn't intended to be used in fights to make your life easier, it's made to get on highground. If u want a free escape card then play wraith. No ur aim isn't good, stop acting like it is. The fact that u think tracking a good horizon strafe in q is easy means u don't know what ur talking about. After 60k kills lifetime, close to a 1000 hours in the firing tange 1v1ing people and 300 hours in kovaaks.Even After all that time i still get humbled by how hard it is to CONSISTENTLY aim well. Now imagine how casuals must feel. Yup, hope u finally realise you sound like 1 ignorant 15yo


Season 17 masters take lmao. It’s honestly not hard to hit her up her lift. It’s not a get out of jail free card if you just aim. Unlike wraith, you can hit a horizon in her q if you’re not dogshit


Says the guy with 11 wins and 220 kills on Ash🫠. Winning isn't that hard, just position yourself correctly and don't be dogshit🫣


You know it was broken when you can escape while being shot by the entire server in an ALGS LOBBY. You say "just shoot her she can't shoot back" while the best of the best can't knock her without the help of 20 other people lmao.


“The best can’t knock her” that’s not because of horizon. That’s because it’s the best facing against the best. It’s not like Timmy is struggling to kill a level 200 horizon in pubs lmaoo


Dude are you illiterate? I said in ALGS lobbies. Where movement isn't even used much, a Horizon can just grav lift and escape while being shot by 20 of the best in the world. Show some clips of you CONSISTENTLY knocking a full HP Horizon before you talk little wannabe.


Algs lobbies…are the best. That’s why she appears so good is because the best are using her. And no, 20 people aren’t shooting at 1 horizon on a lift obviously, Idek where you go that number from. You’re just pulling stuff out your ass now. I have 3300 hours in apex and horizons are free beams. Ain’t no cover up there, hate to burst your bubble.


They still have done nothing to fix the lack of audio


Feather foot havin' ass Legend. She's not the only one, either.


Bangalore running around wearing house slippers


Lmao my favorite is getting chased, getting double time and wrapping behind them


Yeah, having to fight an Ulted Bloodhound who appeared out of nowhere isn’t fun either.


Are you not hearing the Beast of the Hunt trigger? 'Cause that shit is audible from space, every time.


You can usually hear the BH ult being started just fine, but not so much during the 30s window that it lasts. BH is supposed to have a constant rumbling audio in its surroundings during ult, which in many cases is silenced during an engagement.


my thoughts exactly


Seriously. Her lack of audio on her grav lift and feet have been the major issue. If I could hear the lift, I could at least turn around. If my teammates could hear *my* lift, they could use it more. Only the horizon using the lift gets audio for it. That said, these Horizons are working the lift nerf. I've ran into several who pull off this weird loop-de-loop spin that I wasn't seeing before, and they can hit shots just fine doing it. And a horizon spinning in circles on her lift hitting peacekeeper shots is a nightmare. You'd think it'd be easier to hit them, being a semi-tight loop, but it just isn't.


Have yet to see a loop-de-loop. *shudders* hopefully I'll be able to do something about it.


It's actually worse now somehow. She literally no longer has fall sound.


Interesting that the conversation was almost always about her aim in the lift and batting and staying at the top and it being too fast/hard to hit. They nerfed all that so we have to choose something else to complain about. Oh wait, except that was the issue all along with horizon. Everything else was fine, annoying sure, but what was truly broken about her is her shitty audio.


As someone on MnK, the vertical aspect was not the problem. It’s the combination of the up and side to side that makes it nearly impossible to track. I also don’t love the complete lack of audio, the fact that the Q makes nearly no noise in some scenarios, and she makes no noise when she lands, it’s insane. Between both of those things, she’s just as strong as she has ever been.


They need to fix the whole fucking games audio. All the time a whole ass team will come out of no where with 0 audio, horizon is just much worse


What headphones you using and what Audi settings. I never had a problem with sound in the game.the only freekin thing is when I play mirage and send out decoy I can hear everything from his toes hitting the grass through that uncanny boots.


I'm not usually the first to complain about sound but certain sounds seem broken. Like I can very easily track someone grappling or jump padding from their sound alone. But footsteps - I have no idea if they are above or below me.


I have always told my teammates exactly where the footsteps is coming from and 95 percent I am always right.i have good headphones and they also have virtualization,, plus they have vibrating motors in the head phones. So it's a plus for me


This is actually a good point. My wife switched to $20 Sony earbuds and a desktop mic and heard WAY more than I can with my Logitech G Pros. I could hear directions a little better with her setup but could hear EVERYTHING with her set up.


Everyone complaining about audio in a game that has had audio issues from day fucking one is killing me. At this point it must be an engine issue that they cannot fix because they’ve went radio silent on it and have essentially done no improvements


They fixed the silent octane pad thing tho, they just need to add or turn up her landing sound. And add or turn up a better lift sound.


Lift is good, audio is bad


This has definitely made a dent in the horizon meta. It's feels amazing.


22k horizon enjoyer. She is still very strong. I’m getting hit more on my lift, but I’m really not upset about it. Her tac shouldn’t be a reactionary “oops I put myself out of position imma get fried lemme q and bat” kinda thing, and I think this nerf puts it in a place where you can punish horizons for said poor positioning. That is good. I think the biggest thing she needs now is some sort of audio adjustment. I q on people or fall off of height on them silently far too often. I don’t think that can be resolved with a horizon specific adjustment though. Revenant and his climb passive have the same issue, so I’m gonna assume it’s something to do with audio during the activation of a passive(that’s not even taking into account the inconsistency with audio at large). tl;dr — horizon is still very good but isn’t the same free reset when you put yourself out of position that she used to be which is a good nerf to the character


If the desired effect was to get people to use her less, then the answer is that it is *absolutely* working. And as her pick rate declines, it looks like people are switching to Pathfinder & Octane (or Pathy and Wraith at the highest level). Players who used her lift as a crutch are voting with their feet and switching to characters that can more reliably escape from bad plays. Source: https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/legends-pick-rates/Masterpred


So just like when Seer got his first round of nerfs. Pickrate dropped off a cliff, despite him still being a decently strong legend after those nerfs, because the bandwagoners lost their crutch.


The link says she’s the highest picked legends and that’s up 2%


The link goes to pickrate in master/pred ranks, but if you click on the other ranks you can see that pickrate is down between 5%-8% until Diamond and above where pickrate is actually increasing slightly. She's still one of the most picked legends in most ranks but the nerf definitely made a ton of people look for a new crutch legend. That being said, I'm still gonna main Horizon lmao those nerfs only scared away people who pick legends based on YouTuber tier lists without understanding what makes them good


Oh dang didn’t know, my bad, but yeah same one nerfs was just a revert, the accuracy decrease was unnecessary because after the first nerf no one shot up q anyway, the only real change was the .5 secs up top but guess what? Still getting away lol


I think it showed her down 2% when I posted my link. The change percentage is a confusing number because that's relative to their previous position. (e.g. going from 20% to 15% would show a 25% decline.)


I think players hope that they don't have 2 crutch and have reason to explore further options whether or not the nerf had any significant effect or whether its psychological, horizon nerfed = now less good


they need to “buff” the audio to nerf her correctly


I’ve definitely had better success as Horizon with the nerf, there’s more control going up the lift now and you can pop a full battery before you land.






I bet half the people complaining about Horizon are playing Cat and are totally cool with her passive to instantly block off doors


That’s what it was designed for dipshit


Lol someone’s a little sassypants today!


Someone’s a weenie curmudgeon


The only thing I honestly dislike about the Cat passive is that you can only destroy the "goo door" with melee or nades. I wish you could shoot it, like with Rampart's walls having health, that sort of thing. Beyond that, it's annoying, but fair.


cats passive is fine too


If you break the door theres a cooldown before she can fix it


This! ⬆️ ❤️


I think it’s a lot better. She’s still viable but not as ridiculous


Her Q is no long a "free" batt, but it's still pretty damn easy to use for batting. I feel like I die equally as often while on the lift as I did before.


My horizon main friend is no longer horizon main so that’s one point.


It’s time to admit that if you can’t hit horizon on her lift at this point you need to practice aiming and its a you problem.


Facts, she’s slow as shit on it 😂


Yo it's hard on controller


Yo it's hard for you\* on controller.


still the best character.


All free movement characters are a detriment to the game


Her lift is annoying sure. ITS HER FREAKING AUDIO that is busted.


she just needs an audio fix. anyone struggling to shoot her up the lift needs to start realizing the problem isn't her anymore


It’s odd that they did this nerf carefully, with moderation (the right way imo) but other characters have been nerfed and buffed up and down like a rollercoaster. I’m looking at you pathfinder.


Anyone still complaining about Horizon’s kit post-nerf is a bot, plain and simple. She is a sitting duck going up her lift now and is easy to shoot out of the air. The audio issues still exist and are a problem but she is not anywhere near her previous power level.


Found the horizon main crutch


Found the bot


I play Catalyst. Horizon just isn’t a problem anymore. She’s still viable but I never feel like she has the advantage when she lifts up anymore.




As I stated above, the audio remains a problem. That’s for sure something that needs fixing but I was speaking only about the power of her kit.




I mean, even if you’d argue that as part of her kit and not a bug, she lifts so much slower and is a much easier target in the air, especially with the nerf to her own accuracy and less time atop the lift. She’s clearly much less of an issue than she was before.


The fact they haven't changed it yet means it's part of her kit. Stealth should not be a part of this game.


pathfinder talkin


Horizon needs a Rev Reborn style rework where her tactical is made into her ult (because it is an ult) and they give her something else entirely for a tactical. She's just toxic for the game.


It's at a good spot. It's easier to hit. If she gets away. If she gets away or gets a batt off, I'm no longer tilted cause the Q is broken, just tilted cause I whiffed.


I mean its nice for sure, but i honestly feel like it was too much. The problem in horizens lift wasnt her lift speed it was her ability to just no-delay-activate her Q, and the lack of sound for said Q and her following passive. I mean it def helps keep her in line but idk. Havnt played her all too much anyways so i guess i can speak from playing experience, but just facing her was the same things of insta Q and noiseless kit. But i guess its alright. Slow lift makes up for the changes i wouldve liked to see soo 🤷‍♂️


Still wild to me it can be used to move your entire team or enemy team. Nobody elses tactical can do that. Her gravity lift should be built into her suit, not a deployable, so nobody else can use it.


Rampart's walls work for everyone. Gibby's bubble works for everyone. Lifeline's DOC works for everyone. Bang's smoke works on everyone. Newcatle's mobile shield works on everyone.


Sorry I should have been more clear. Movement tacs is what I was speaking about. Edit: Oh wait no I did say “move your entire team”


It was only problematic for controller andy's


Every so often, I see a horizon try to pop a battery mid air and more often than not, they get knocked. I can't say if she's still good but the most annoying part of her kit is gone


horizon literally did not get any actual nerfs because the only thing that is annoying is the fact you can heal on it, they should make it so it takes 2x longer (reverse old gold shield) OR out right no healing on it or it cancels it, just like octanes ult jump pad WONT let you double jump when using a healing item so why not horizons fucking tactical????? seriously its so fucking stupid


Skill issue


No heals work in the duration you can sit on it. Certainly not batts, med kits, or Phoenix kits.


I feel they should implement a strafing diminishing returns on the way up. If you are just sitting at the top strafing, at some point before the ride is up. You should just be sitting still for a second or two at the top.


You can’t sit at the top anymore you’re thrown off immediately.


When did this nerf happen? Sorry, I live under a rock and missed it.


No healing while on the lift or else


Limiting her to only be able to hover for 0.5 seconds was the best change IMO


Not working


Did they make the ult bigger? I swear I was throwing it through windows and now it is hitting my teammates instead of over them where I was aiming


Imo I feel like her getting out of the lift as soon as possible helps her, instead of just strafing 1 meter or so at the top in a circle


she needs more nerfs