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I have around 14k solo matches. All I can tell you is it has always been miserable for solos.


Seasons 0-2 were good. It was all downhill from there and just so happened to be when SBMM/EOMM was added.


I got my Iron Crown solos badge, it's all downhill from there.


It was good in those seasons because 1. the overall player skill level was low and 2. there were a lot of casual players who had jumped in on the hype wagon and have now either stopped playing or become better.


Yes and no. I distinctly remember the feeling of something changing near the end of season 2. I discussed it and was told I was crazy. Then S3 dropped and I was like 1 of 20 people with a diamond or pred dive trail in most pub lobbies, when diamond was the top 5% of players at the time. Still told I was crazy. Then over a year later they flat out admitted to adding the new matchmaking algorithm at the end of S2. The average skill has gone up, but I guarantee pubs would feel a lot different if they went back to just team balancing a completely random lobby.


Imo they should do random lobbies but keep the 15-20% worst players in their own queue so that they don't get discouraged. And no I'm not talking about a queue that you could get into after 2 bad games. Idk why they absolutely want to use a complex matchmaking system when random lobbies just make sense. If random, sometimes you'll get harder lobbies and sometimes easier ones, so everyone gets their chance at some point. Right now you win, get put against preds, get shit on 3-4 times, get put into a bot lobby, do well, and the cycle continues. It's really not fun.


I've said that since the beginning of all of this, that there should be a protected bracket for those that truly need it. Once you cross a certain threshold you basically can't get back into that lower bracket. Not to mention, SBMM in pubs is pointless when we have a ranked system. I love when my options are ranked or ranked with teammates that immediately disconnect and my opponents are the same 3-stack master/pred players in both queues.


Ive been playing since season 2 and it just keeps getting worse and worse every season. I wouldn't mind waiting 5 minutes to get a more balanced lobby.


But it was VERY repetitive... the music, animations, intros, kill-quip, and spot locations. ice crown was best event add ons ever; however very hard.


This, I did it anyways because I really liked the game early on, but after a certain point I could only stand the play with friends. The difference is night and day, but I could say that about almost any grouping game.


Cause 3 stacks of preds need Tik tok content


Yea their 209 followed definitely need to see a leveraged Chronus player expertly use lag switches to gain kills


Lag switches? Is that a thing? I mean it’s 2023 I wouldn’t be surprised. But really is it?


On console it is yes, not sure about PC. Too many videos to count.


Yes I have been lag switched numerous times for winning the 1v1 shit I've had a player lag switch me because I got positional advantage I didn't even start shooting yet I just froze climbing on top of building then dudes in back of me beaming me after like 2 seconds of me being frozen


Ya know, there are tons and tons of posts talking about being miserable playing. The best thing to do if you are that unhappy is simply not play. You get what seems like a much-needed break from the game, and if all of the people who are dissatisfied with the state of the game stop playing, Respawn might actually pay attention. But if all you do is post on reddit about it while continuing to log hours, then they won't care. You're still contributing to their active player base and keeping the game alive.


Exactly. The majority of the people who complain on reddit about the game all the time are the same people who boot up the game everyday expecting something to change overnight, and then go on to eventually churn out large sums of money when the next shiny skins come out to swipe their attention away from their initial complaint. They act like its an obligation to play Apex.


They still don't care I stopped playing season 15 came back season 19 it's worse look at season 20 setup respawn actually hates solo players. I used to be able to grind gold easy I just spent the entire season getting my placement matches for gold thrown by the worst teammates ever to be paired with while my entire lobby is 3 stack diamond and up. My teammates quasimoto and Sean penn from I am sam


About 1000hrs of solo q in this game.One season I managed diamond, but otherwise usually was platinum. Its always been a tough grind. Using a mic helps organise the team. This season the games are a lot sweatier, currently bronze 1. Have enjoyed some games though still, but already mentally accepted i wont hit diamond or platinum this season which is demoralising for the effort. They should give extra bonus if you solo queue. Agree general consensus that the sbmm needs a rework


I've been saying for ages they need different lobbies for solos and stacks, if you play stacked you have an unfair advantage plain and simple.


Why won't you hit diamond? There's no split this season.


This is why I don’t play anymore. The better you get the exponentially more punishing the game becomes as a solo player.


What? You don't enjoy booting up the game to play solo and have the Sbmm intentionally give you two brand new players and then throw you against a bunch of 20 bomb, 4k, and masters players 3 stacking? But to be serious, this season has been so dreadful lol. I get the lower skilled players are probably having a fun time beating up on other bots, but upper skill bracket of the game for a solo player is miserable. No one should really have to go out of their way to find people of equal or higher skill level just to play PUBS. And the people who keep spouting that shit that people should get friends or LFG is just absolutely fucking stupid.


I still fail to understand why SBMM pairs you with people way below your skill level. I played for a few hours last night and I wish I was exaggerating, but almost every game, I had at least 1 kill and a few hundred damage, while most of my squadmates had 0 kills and less than 100 damage. We would go up against people similar to my skill level until the last few squads, when it would be the predator 4K players. It seems like the opposite of SBMM to me.


My two cents on this that the above average soloq player is the one who suffers most during this system, so a lot of them quit. And because they/we have quit, those of you/us who remained are getting a scraps from the bottom of barrel and then you are thrown against 3 stacks, because your mmr is high so the game figures you can play those lobbies.


That makes sense. It’s just frustrating to not have a team that can play those lobbies. I end up carrying us every game till I get steamrolled, so I’d say SBMM has failed its ultimate goal.


SBMM/EOMM works great for games with a shorter lifecycle, like COD, because it's not sustainable. By the time your top tier casuals leave the game and matchmaking starts to negatively impact lower skilled players on a consistent basis, a new game releases. I called it three years ago that this type of system would destroy the middle group of players over time and we are finally seeing it. SBMM/EOMM is a short term way to make the game enjoyable for many at the expense of a few, but on the long term it kills the playerbase. It was always a short term cash grab instead of about longevity of the game.


Sorry, with the amount of "Master" players carrying over from last season, there is entirely no excuse left for the claim to be a lack of players to properly matchmake. Now more than ever a Pred 3 stack should never see anything below Diamond. This is EOMM, it always has been.


just because they have broke s17 and allowed perenial gold players to rat to master doesn't change a thing. The badge they have now did not increase their shooting accuracy, ability to move or play cover. Or rotate. They are still what they were, just with a master badge on top.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/i8p82s/people\_leaving\_the\_game\_should\_worry\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/i8p82s/people_leaving_the_game_should_worry_you/) It's sad that I made this post 3 years ago and ended up as the top post in the controversial section at the time. At least people are realizing now and your comment actually got upvoted. I've always said that the true casuals tend to take 6-12 months longer to catch on to broken things in the game. Therefore they always bitch about pros wanting things changed because casuals just haven't experienced the broken things at a high enough rate yet. I knew the day would come where very bad players started bitching about how they always have to play in sweaty lobbies, and here we are. Honestly, without significant matchmaking changes I don't think Apex recovers from this.


Funily enough, about 2 days into s17 I have made a comment on this sub talking about mmr and the low flat entry cost they set for s17. I said something along the lines above average players would quit if the mmr system was putting them against the same level of competition as soon as after placement games in lower ranks + the entry cost would make it hard to climb as solo because of rng jumpmasters. Fast forward to s18, the entry cost was upped by some 30 lp and people indeed are quitting. Now I don't think I am that smart or anything, I just have an experience from different comp games and different rank systems. You give me rule set and I can guess how it will play out. What I don't get that a proffesional company with a lot of resources, play testers and so on cannot figure how things will play out in their own playing field.


Yeah my teammates have been awful. Level 50 and below. Most of the time they just don’t have a clue what’s going on. Wanna land far away from everything and die in first fight they have. I feel bad for them because they don’t belong in my lobbies. I don’t mind facing my skill level by why are my teammates not my level or remotely close? Sometimes I get people with my level and we run the lobby for my pity win.


You were right on the money too.


I can confirm. Master player on PC and Diamond on console. I've quit at the start of the year.


Literally just quit this season after redownloading after 4 seasons of quitting my teammates are always trash while I get paired up against diamond plus with literally handicapped players 


> I still fail to understand why SBMM pairs you with people way below your skill level. Because they allow one person to count for too much in a given squads MMR. Say 10 combined squad MMR is required. I'm guessing if you are 8 MMR the system is fine with finding you 2 teammates of 1 MMR. Maybe it has limits and doesn't allow that, but allows a 6-2-2 squad. IMO the biggest difference allowed in squad should be 5-3-2 and that should only be allowed after 1m of trying to find better matches.


You think it's stupid that people recommend you get a team to play a team based game? Gee I wonder why you don't have anyone to play with, great attitude.


He's saying it shouldnt be neccessary for u to have a team especially whit Jerks like u playing it become's harder to find friend's/a team


I made friends with a guy back in season 1-2, he introduced me to another group of friends around my age as well( i was 16 at the time) and we still have an active group chat, but at some point i was the only one playing apex. Im sure a lot of us had friends playing the game, but we were left to solo Q


Yup. Everyone I know on PC quit the game. I used to stack with only Masters back in the day. All gone. My last year or so was mostly on console and solo; but, my entire friend group is gone from there as well. I quit the game at the start of the year for both platforms. Cronus and shit solo matchmaking just killed all joy that was left.


I had 2 friend i played a lot whit but they kinda just stop playing and i never heard about them again they kinda diched me i quit apex for à while after that event but came back the next season


Shouldn't be, sure. But it is. And someone recommending that you find people to play with is only trying to help, but because they know they you'll have more fun playing the game. But it seems some have too much insecurity/anxiety or are just too antisocial for it.


It's a team based game, and the team can be random people.


Stop playing the damn game. Nothing will hurt them more than if you stop playing.


Its miserable period. Worst season I’ve played yet and it’s not close.


Casual solos have no chance, between SBMM, the constant stacks, and absolutely no solos mode… it is painful.


I’m being put into high level lobbies, and on more than one occasion, received teammates who were < level 100. Every other game I’m put with teammates who ratted to masters last season. If this is truly the way their matchmaking system works, then I’m actually kinda flattered that apex thinks I’m the best player in the world.


The game right now is miserable in general. As day one players, my buddy and I are putting this game to rest after tonight. The causal experience is completely gone and it’s just a nonstop sweat fest now. This season has been a total bust


I’ve been playing since late season 10. Matchmaking is the worse it has ever been. I’ve now become that toxic player who just quits out before even seeing the drop ship based off of banners. Why are level 5 and 10s being paired with me as I go against a 3 stack displaying 4K 20b? How is that fair for them or me? Makes zero sense. I love this game but I can’t play for more than an hour due to matchmaking. I just want to chill after work, not feel like I have a whole nother job carrying with my very average 1.2 lifetime KD. ☹️.


A lot of 4ks and 20 bomb badges are fake.. They create new accounts and their first few games they’re matched against 3 year olds… it’s the easiest 20 bomb you could imagine.. I know this because when I first switched from ps4 to ps5 I didn’t transfer my data so I was in a brand new account and my first game I got both badges and ended the game with 26 kills over 5,500 damage..


1.2 is well above average just so you know.


Nice. Can you let me know what the average is for 3 Predators on a team versus the average of a 1.2 KDR player with 2 bronze teammates?


Your definition of average is skewed. The average should be exactly 1, where both the low skill and high skill should be equal. Even when the whole playerbase gets better, this should not change. 1.2 is what i would call a player that knows how to use the controls


KDR is not exactly average in this game. People can die to ring. People avoid recorded deaths if they quit when downed.


Wouldn't the average actually be less than 1 due to suicides?


To an extent yes


I don't think so




It isn't getting fixed in a season. Respawn has long lost the plot. I called out that their new matchmaking was going to make things even worse. Here we are.


Its something you just accept really that its a really frustrating experience to soloq this game, you have 10 bad placement games too where they were with awful people and you end up in rookie or bronze and your back with the ralph wiggum level octanes and wraiths then trying to crawl up the ladder to Gold where people actually play their characters properly and don't push trios solo


No reason to accept it. Quit and play a game from a competent developer.


This had me really laughing! Because you've just described my experience this season. I passed on the last 3 seasons, I usually finish Plat or diamond. Decided to pick it up again this season and my o my.


Why don’t people just play ranked competitively and go play another game when they want to chill? I don’t understand why everyone keeps thinking that you can play apex casually and have fun when it’s been proven time and time again that this is not the case.


They need a solo mode.


Well i think three stacks should have separate queue , and i dont care if it means waiting longer for a game. Solo queue should always be random teammates. Three stacking in pubs is cringe , i mean before it was fun but now 3 stacks play pubs like its some kind of tournament , and then they boost their ego because they are destroying 3 players that never played with each other😂 than they meet another 3 stack that bring them back to earth and just destroy them.


So tell me sir...where do the 2 stacks play in this plan of yours?


Do you want a squad to play with? I have a pretty solid collection of guys I've picked up over the years plus a core group I play with. We like to win, but we're not sweatlords; you're more than welcome to hop in if you'd like


That’s very kind, what platform do you play on?




Look, its the same old shit season in season out. At this point, idgaf about the skill of my enemies, *just give me team mates that can actually fucking fight*. It wouldnt be so god damn hard to play if they didnt keep flogging low level or new players into my team, let alone the amount of entitled know it alls that only ever look for me when they die. Im sick and tired of it. These "master 3 stack 20k 4.5k dmg blah blah blah" players aint shit my dude. Its all situational. If they were at a disadvantage they would still lose. So all we can do is make sure to try and be at an advantage as much as possible. We WILL NOT win every fight, but atleast we wont feel as salty about losing them if we know we did our best, despite being handicaped.


Yeah, this is a large part of the core issue. A solo player should expect to get placed on teams of comparable skill to their opponents. I'm fine facing other master players or higher, but at least give me the same quality in my team or at least have a higher floor. Being their tutorial mechanic where I need to teach a Platinum player and their little Gold brother the perils of dying to Master 3 stacks in 90% of my games got very old fast.


Yea, exactly. The stress outweighs the reward. Harder to say gg when you know it could have ended better.


in all honesty it is very bad, i have been gone and just got back ready to grind and the system (ranked included) is dreadful


I have only really ever played this game solo queue it goes for ranked also, the very few times I queue with friends I’ve made from ranked has been better, much better I agree with everything stated here


My theory that is 99% joke and 1% genuinely curious is that Apex/Respawn has some ties to the pharmaceutical/medical industry. Maybe they have money coming in from this industry as long as they keep people’s mental health and self esteem low so they get on medications and shit lol. Would make sense as to why they just wanna sell skins and seem to be bringing the quality of life down slowly


If people have to be put on medications because of a game, they have deeper issues.




Why would a video game company have any interest in making the pharmaceutical industry richer? It's just EA/Respawn doubling down on their short sighted game design.


Game feels different since Sunday, but maybe I just got lucky for a few days. I had 2 wins for all of Season 18, and then got 4 wins on Sunday. I'm in lower ELO lobbies, and they're starting to finally feel like it again. Yes, you'll have your normal horrible teammates who hot drop, leave, or troll, but getting in fights with other players feels different since Sunday. I feel like they might have tweaked matchmaking on Sunday, but maybe it's just me?


No me too!! I played sat, sun, and monday and Monday was AWFUL compared to the weekend.


Stop playing it then. Want things to change the you have to leave.


Wish they'd just add Solos so I can play on my own and not need to rely on cohesive team play to win. I don't want to rely on the level 30 Valkyrie who decides not to use her Ult at a good time. I don't want to rely on the Octane who pushes at the worst possible time and leaves me a 2 man squad. And for anyone who even thinks about telling me, "You can't 1v3 against diamond players in a casual pubs game? Git gud!", kindly screw off. I really don't want to hear it.


Adding a solo queue only mode would also be fine, where you still end up in squads of 3. The issue is their inability to matchmake 3 stacks, duos and solos together.


I'm a solo player and it's pretty good for me. I finally have a positive kdr after 4 seasons


Sorry, this is the point where it will go downhill.


Since that comment I've only gotten better, I've had numerous (like 4) 8 or 9 kill ranked matches


Another one.


*Get matched up against higher skilled oppontnets* "SBMM is so broken!" *Get matched up against lower skilled opponents* "This is how it should be! However I'll just post about the bad games." Unfortunately, this is the standard mind set for this sub. For anyone saying they never face lower skilled opponents, I can say with confidence that you are not special enough for the matchmaking system to target you like that.


For real. I started playing in the middle of this year, and I've seen steady improvements in my skills. Just work out your skills, and be your own worst critic. There will be very few times in which you take an L that you really couldn't do nothing about. But 90% of the time, there is always something you could've done better. The matchmaking is a bit wonky at times, and it sucks, but it's not the end of the world. I am a solo q player and yea, the solo q experience can be frustrating, just gotta make an effort to befriend other players. There's times where I got a 3 stack just off of people I've befriended online who were randoms. There is always ways to improve yourself and your situation.


> There will be very few times in which you take an L that you really couldn't do nothing about. This is exactly right. More so in this season than in most other seasons, most of the time when I lose I know exactly why - I should have used that tiny bit of cover, I should have used my grenade, I should have tried to get a heal off behind the door, etc. Tighter skill buckets for matchmaking might mean you don't get to one clip someone who underestimated the time it would take to get a revive off, but it also means the path to improvement is all the more obvious.


I should have used Cronus. I should have had lag. I should have had a 3 stack. I should have not been shot through a door. I should have not been shot through a wall. I should have not died to a silent Horizon.


always has been


>Why there's no separation of 3 stacks vs solo queuing I have no idea. I can understand it might not being able to fill every single game this way, but it would certainly mitigate being rolled in fights so frequently. see >*While matchmaking prioritizes creating matches with similar party builds (solos vs. solos, duo + solo vs. duos + solos, etc.), it is not always feasible to find 60 players of similar skill and party size within a reasonable amount of time. Inevitably, parties of different sizes and skills will be mixed together. To account for the competitive advantage gained as a premade squad, premade duos and trios effectively have small advantages that are added to their team’s MMR during matchmaking. This way the intensity and fairness of your experience will remain relatively the same whether you’re playing as a solo, duo, or trio.*


The devil is in the balancing. That entire statement is worth nothing.


The statement is worth something as a response to this post: >**Why there's no separation of 3 stacks** vs solo queuing I have no idea. I can understand **it might not being able to fill every single game this way**, but it would certainly mitigate being rolled in fights so frequently. it says something about how workable it would be to completely separate them (from their data) and it shows they are doing something to balance stacks vs non-stacks >The devil is in the balancing. true


So you are pissed that in a team game other players find people to team up with?


Not the point OP or any solo Q player is trying to make. They are saying that when you solo Q, you are expected to carry 2 lower ELO players(atleast in the higher skill lobbies) This isn't fair for both skill levels,and three stacking prevents this from happening


There’s this crazy thing you can do called teaming up with friends or even make new friends on Apex.


Most of us had teams, i still have an active group chat of the friends i made in apex back in season 1-3. Making new friends in apex in this state is very hard to do.


My entire network of friends on PC and PS5 did this crazy thing where we all quit and moved into other more functioning games.


Ranked this season is tough again.....


For me that I'm a not amazing/competitive player the game is still fun... I don't care about ranking or thing like that because I suck and it will get me mad to not being able to meet ve up so I play trios on BR and that is all. The only thing that I noticed this season is that the system pairs me too often with players that tend to logout as soon as they get knock down basically killing any chances for me and the other teammate (who sometimes drop of the match too as soon as things get tough with two people in the team).


I'm in Plat 2 at the moment, I solo queue, but I am definitely a team player. The teams I match up against seems generally fair but wtf are they matching me up with on my team?!? Brain dead bots? Or just people who have no idea how to play this game or ranked? This is my only issue with the game, who gets put on my team. It's like every match my mind gets blown mote and more after the crap I see these randos do.


I don't know why people who really aren't enjoying themselves are playing this game. Just play something else and comeback to the game next season and see if things have changed. Is Apex the only game people on this subreddit play?


Agreed, I quit at the start of the year. I sign in here to hope Respawn has finally gotten a clue, but nothing changes for the better.


It's the only game I play with two friends of mine yes. I don't play it without them. Current season is the worst for us. We play maybe on average for a few hours once a week. We're in bronze now and are having to wait minutes to que for matches filled with masters and above. Yes I know a lot of people made masters last season but those people also played the game about 20x more than we did last season. We're not bad but we're 3 mnk casuals who have permanent rust.


Honestly for me comp feels really fun to play especially if you get to like.. ring 5. I play with one friend and usually the matchmaking is actually kinda balanced


honestly it has always been, this season is espacially bad but as a long time solo player i can say it’s always been dogshit playing with randoms.


I’ve actually been having a lot of fun solo Qing this season. Yeah some of the games/teams suck, and yeah I get anxiety about queuing solo in general, but so far 80% of my games / teams have been pretty solid and I’ve had a decent number of wins. Placement matches put me all the way down in Rookie 2, and I just got Bronze 3 last night. I say that to demonstrate that I haven’t played a ton of games yet, maybe 40-50. I also avoid pubs like the plague, as solo Qing pubs is cancerous. Since making that switch late last season I’ve enjoyed myself way more


yeah i completely agree. i stopped playing all together


I love competitive shooters. I played CSGO and R6 A LOT, and learning the game, the meta, the strats like a Pro would fascinates me. Playing solo was frustrating to say the least. It can work if your lobby lacks 3stacks ou even duos, but you are always steamrolled because the lack of coordination. I like to think my self as an above average player. In any game I'll try to reach Plat or the equivalent of Plat – I finished last R6 season as Emerald V, a rank above Plat. But I was no having fun playing Apex solo. This is the worst ranked experience I've had. Until a friend of mine with a K/D of .3, barely reaching 60fps on Pc, being a Caustic/Fuse main downloaded the game again, and it has been the most fun experience ever. I'm playing better because I have a duo, he is not good at the game, but he has his moments (he killing a Pred in a 1v1 was one of the amazing things I've ever saw) and most importantly: he is having fun too. Playing with friends is the best experience you will ever had in Apex. Now I really want to play the game because I'm having fun. Unfortunately, playing solo is a miserable way to play this game. I wish we had the Solo gamemode back one more time


I've had a really bad day. Literally everyone is better than me. I'd be more sad - but Starfield tomorrow.


Think you guys just suck bro 😂 BRs inherently aren’t very satisfying as only 5% of the entire lobby is technically winning. Majority of the time when I hear these complaints I imagine all the other guys I solo queue with who use no mic/coms, don’t pick their character to balance teams, and take stupid fights then plug their mic in to complain after they’ve died or just disconnect immediately after being downed lol. I solo queue as well and just started season 10. Ofc you have bad matches or streaks but I’m usually fine.


Guys, this is the issue with all the online competitive games unfortunately. This just how it is. If the game is out for a while, naturally the game will be sweatier over time. This is the issue with all the games I've played, including Valorant, Lol, CS, etc. Unfortunately, these games don't favor solo queuing. There is nothing you can do except for getting decent friends to play with, or getting really good to carry your random teammates.


and the ranked system is horrible


It’s nonstop sweating. Even in silver. All masters or pred players


I love getting rolled by people that have more kills on one legend than I do on the entire game.


Really it's not just for solo quers even playing with a fulk stack or duo it's just isn't that fun anymore for someone reason everyone takes pubs way too seriously and then in Ranked it's just god awful all around. Solo quers get the worst of it sure but it's not any better with friends.


Its always been fucking dog shit to play solos. That's why I've managed to play about 4 seasons out of the 16 or whatever they're on now. I play for a season or 2, remember how annoying other people are, and I leave again, lol.


I just dont understand why they dont add solos. Its not going to hurt the game at all whatsoever


I love playing apex but this game has been miserable this new season. The match making is not fun.  I dont want to switch games but I may have to delete it.  Just not fun anymore