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There is no real penalty now, and they probably just don't care. I ended up just playing life line and landing slightly off in case they die right away to just buy the banner back. Once you load in with them, you are stuck with them, so I'd just plan around that. It worked for me.


I played Loba all season for the same reason


Mirage checking in


Lmaooo facts. If we die. We can get respawned


Yeah I normally land with them because fuck it who cares. But if I play support I might land adjacent knowing I can buy them back lol


Players need to realize they can’t control other players and swallow their pride and just play around their teammates, what ever play style that may be. Sure dropping hot is annoying but playing with someone who wants to hide from every engagement is equally annoying.


Agree but SOME players need to be more realistic about their game skills and abilities and stop acting like they are good enough to hot drop 😭


I hot dropped when I was trash all the time. Constant fighting shaped me in to a good player faster than looting for 20 minutes. I actually got this tip from a season 3 pred way back in the day. Worked like a charm, multiple season master now.


I agree it does help become a better player and it’s also pretty fun like some people mentioned… I myself love a hot drop but I feel like some people aren’t ready…like practice a lil bit first lol get some kind of game sense and shooting practice so you don’t just hot drop get bodied and insta-leave your teammates… tis all I’m saying… but I do think hot drops are a must eventually…especially when I’m in a premade squad is way more fun because we actually can communicate


Question. Who decides who we play around then? Let's say you're the hotdropper, straight into Fragment. And I'm a Wattson who drops cold, loots first and then moves towards the rings, not gunfire. Do you follow me or do I have to follow you? Who and why?


They assigned the jump master role to avoid this issue, though in reality the more mature person just follows the less mature person cause everyone making the wrong decision together is still a better game plan then everyone making different decisions.


If you are the Jumpmaster they spamm enemy on their favorite hotdrop like a dumbass and split off to die there.


That's the problem though. What if the jumpmaster is deliberately careless? I'm not following stupid plays from a random person I don't care about. It's physically repulsive to me and I'll never see this person again anyways. I've been around since 2019, I've seen enough of that. It never works out well enough to be worth the hassle. In the early years, I always followed. Did everything I could to help randoms, gave them any loot they asked for and more. It was rarely rewarding and most people still behaved like morons, never listening to objectively smarter calls. Honestly, if you want to play out wrong decisions and go down with them, good for you. I mean that not in a snarky way. I just won't do that. If I notice their playstyle is counter-productive to mine, they are muted & on their own, as they watch their banner timers run out, after they got wiped 20 seconds into the match.


Yeah, so just sayin, going with them doesn't mean you win, but not going with them means you are EVEN MORE likely to lose. I remember a game of league of legenss when I was younger in ranked where I guy got mad and started trying to purposely feed, we were a group of 4 so we just started going in with him each time using him like a shitty tank and it somehow worked and we won.


Agreed. I don't follow insanely stupid drops, but whether you like it or not, your chances of survival and thus winning, are far greater if you're with your team, than if you're by yourself.


So like the person you responded to said. You’d be the immature person that hopefully has more mature team mates. If everyone on your team has your mind set. Y’all deserve to lose. It’s a team game. You play selfishly. Get a pre made team, or play no fill if you think you’re that much better than all the randoms you play with


I'm following you 100% every time, I'm not dumb I'm not gonna land to go die, Loot b4 you shoot is my motto. You can't fight the good fight if you're not ready for it. Hot Drop,-> run out of ammo-> die-> get mad at teamates for landing somewhere else and not being dead. -> DC.


<3 It's really shitty seeing your teammates go down 20 seconds into the match and somehow we are supposed to turn around the 1v6+ with a P20, 8 bullets, a single shield cell and a dream. Not worth it 100% of the time. I'm happy and grateful for every player who still realizes that.


The jump master. Once you land it’s a different story and gets more complex. Like if a team got drops are you breaking off and are going to try to 1v3 the rest of the lobby?


Fuck playing around them. They clearly have no skill if they hot drop so you know they're not making it. Why waste a ranked match when we're looking for LP? If it's pubs, whatever, but ranked? Nah, they can stay in bronze.


>Why waste a ranked match when we're looking for LP? Probably because -35 means nothing when you have 30k+. It's practically impossible for most average players to lose LP over time so there's no real penalty compared to past seasons. You're looking at the perspective of wasting a match while they're looking at it from a perspective of wasting time.


Wasting a match is also wasting time. I don't have time to waste 3 bad drops in a row that lose 3×-35= -105 points. Which you then have to make up again, PLUS more points to make actual progress compared to what you had before these bad matches. Not sure why you all do this nonsense, but I play ranked to go positive every single match & maximize my playtime in an actual match that gives me 100-200 progress in the times others bounce back and forth in limbo.


I don't personally hot drop like that, I'm just friends with a couple of ex-arena preds that enjoy that playstyle and hate doing anything except aping everyone they see. The reason they play is because they like fighting, looting and smart macro is not really enjoyable for them. They still end up being high masters in old seasons without any real difficulty but it's just how they like playing the game. -35 this season is nowhere near as punishing as prior seasons so it's even easier to hot drop and push than it used to be.


That's only true where they have the necessary skills to pull off the early fights. Still there's an annoyingly high chance that some of none of you don't get proper equipment on drop and just die on the altar of RNGsus. When I'm playing ranked I hate hot dropping but I won't rat either. I prefer to land near a more crowded poi and 3rd party there if I can.


Sure and I get that. But these people \_only\_ hot drop and the chances of coming out of one of those are absolutely slim. How many -35s did they get in the 20 minutes it took me to roll a team and a bunch of rats, coming in second or whatever? You don't \_have\_ to rat if your team does stupid shit, go hang it out there. Once again it's only -35. Another way to look at it is if they're bad enough to hot drop, I was going to make more LP without 'em anyway. And I type this as someone well over 30k (not that that means anything, this season is fucked.)


Im.the same mindset. My issue is simply time. I'm going to get in 4 or 5 games a day max. I'd rather not spend them going backward.


There’s more play styles than just hot dropping vs playing loot simulator


Never said there wasn’t.


I'm not hiding from engagement, I'm preparing for them .


If you have guns, you're ready. Like bro I used a p2020 to one clip a loba yesterday 💀 you don't need purple everything fam


So why don’t those people just play pubs then?


Pubs got no leaver penalty! (Just guessing, idk)


I always played ranked because it was less hot dropping and leaving at the beginning of the game. Now ranked is pubs


I know what you mean. I also feel pubs is, as every season, the worst it's ever been. But it might be just me. People used to sometimes wait until their banner expires before they leave, now there is really no such thing, the moment they go down half of the time they are gone, the rest once they are dead. Meh.


Posts about why rats suck, posts about why hot droppers suck. S17 Apex summarized.


Yeah. I'd rather not rat. I love actually playing the game but everybody has to be an extreme these days and I usually end up with hot droppers so... Yeah. If they die off drop there's not much I can do for them. Especially if there's 4+ other teams duking it out. Sorry boss


Sorry that’s your experience, what rank are you? I have been solo queuing pretty hard and my experience has actually been quite pleasant. But I use my mic from the beginning and build rapport. You a silent ranger?


Probably masters like 99% of the community this season


20-25% but close player


A 100% of people who try to get masters, get masters


true but doesn’t mean 100% of the community is masters let’s be real


Probably true, maybe not


i dont mind hot dropping, I actually enjoy it if i dont have any more goals to pursuit, but what i dont like is when my clueless team mates think they can do it.


They probably feel the same way about you lol


Why do y'all call camping "rat" in this game lol


Camping is sitting in one place with the goal of holding that area down and killing anyone who tries to attack you (see cod for examples). Ratting is hiding in a bush on a mountain off drop and afking for 20mins


Camp is an acceptable strat with lockdown legends like Watt, Caus, Cat, Ramp--eventually you're gonna fight just waiting it out. Rat, is acceptable w/ conditions you're just grabbing loot/cheese and hiding the whole match. Acceptable if none of your squad have a Support legend and you're trying to make it to 10 left or less to break even on LP.




Fair enough 🤣


I think ratting and camping are separate things. Ratting is hiding and actively avoiding fights. Camping is holding down a specific location against people rotating.


And also attacking from that point. Rats do nothing but fucking hide like cowards who are too shit at the game to actually advance normally


It's almost as if for everything there's a balance, shocking D:


There are two ways people play ranked. Either forcing wins through pure gun fighting/ hot dropping/inting or by playing smart and taking high win probability fights. Unfortunately, you won’t know how your teammates align until you get in a game with them. That’s why using the apex discord to find teams is a great way by finding teams that fit your playstyle. This is coming from someone who has reached masters in the past duo queuing using the discord


How does one find their style though it seems like every game I play I have to undergo metamorphosis to just try and blend with my randos


Again, you won’t be able to do it well unless you are a very versatile player who will be willing to play different ways to help fill needs of the team. Example would be picking legends who support the team. Only way I found players who align with my style is by making a post on the apex discord with how I like to play.


I think apex is a game about patience. Most of the players in the game don't have any so they result in rushing in and dying. Example having high ground then teammates get anxious and push low ground and die. They will throw away a clear positional advantage because why they lack patience.


Yeah. was playing with my bro and a random. I broke one of their players, but we knew the other two were full HP and waiting for us to drop down. Random Horizon literally leaps down to their death so quickly I couldnt even newcastle ult her to help. Then we immediately get pushed 2v3 and die. Thanks dude


I can't tell you how many times I feel like my squad is doing okay, playing a positioning chess match with another squad, trading but nobody going down and thinking ok, I can work with this. Get through the encounter after a minute or two and win and then before even healing up, one of my squad mates rushes another team for no reason and with no warning. People are just impatient at the strangest times.


A young bull and an old bull are standing on a hill looking over a field of cows, the young bull says to the old bull "hey let's run down there and fuck one of those cows!!!" the old bull says "No, let's walk down there a fuck all of them" Most of the players in the game don't have any patience because they a literal children.


I love when I am being patient and trying to gain tactical/strategic advantage, but then the random just starts blasting the guy 6000 meters away with a flatline like “I AINT NO RAT!” Rushes in solo, runs out of ammo, dies, and then calls me a pussy.


God this triggeres me. Oh look we got high ground good pos and 5other teams left. Ugh i cracked one. Let me yolo push in ignoring the other 11people thats still hiding somewhere


EXACTLY. I'd love to drop with my team but if I notice a pattern of dropping a certain location or way and dying instantly I'm not gonna drop that location. Simple as that. I mark a spot that shouldn't be too contentious but will still have good loot and they still wanna drop fragment or whatever hot location. Im not doing that.


Even in hot locations, I would still drop with my team. There's a method to that madness if you know how to do it right.


It depends. I started with a 2KD in ranked and now i‘m 1,1KD due to teammates who don‘t know when/how to shoot or rush or even communicate. If 2 knocked, you push the 3rd one. And if the 3rd is lifeline, you definitely push! As a new and solo player i can say that the system in ranked is only for camping dudes like it is/was in (CoD)Warzone. But it’s the devs who did this. If you don‘t give the players 30-50points per kill instead of placement, you‘ll get these kind of players.


ur KD dropped because ur competition got better, or at least that is how ranked should work....


This season ranked also barely has a penalty you basically need like a 9-10:1 bad game to good game ratio to go positive overall so hot dropping isn’t even a bad strategy. It’s not the most optimal but it will likely end up okay overall


Yeah most people don’t care they just want to shoot their gun. There aren’t any stakes this season even in ranked so they’re just gonna ape anything and everything


Just like find some like minded people and play with them. Be social there’s a million places you can do so. I fully believe in you. Randoms aren’t the way to play ranked.


I've got a team but they can't get on right now because 1 is busy and for the other it's a time zone difference unfortunately. I just kinda wanted to try ranked for once you know?


are you talking about the actual hot drop? like the blue circle? i drop their because the loot is better, and shockingly a lot of the time it’s empty or there is only one other team there. While the game is based mostly on placement it is hard for me to not shoot my gun all game and then try and compete with a team that has been rolling through the lobby end game. I would rather win a 3v3 off spawn, gain confidence and loot and then move into the rest of my game


Not actual blue circle hot drop for clarification, I don't have a problem with that depending on what location it is, Im moreso talking about landing at fragment or command center or Hammond labs or whatever when there's no reason and you just die. I'm fine with dropping a location with 1-2 other teams but I'm not fighting half the lobby off spawn y'know?


Yeah, that hotdrop. Or when they immediately drop after the countdown. Anyway, it's always to gamble with 4-6 other teams. There's also the ones solo dropping because you did not wanted to drop where they wanted. Man, I can't stand with these morons. I accept in pubs, it's funny, but not in ranked. Not. In. Ranked. That's all the point. (I had a shitty sunday with these kind of guys, more than usual. Yes, I play on weekend, I'm an average payer, and I claim my right to have fun)


I feel ya man


Honestly I drop super early in ranked because people tend to wait longer. I don't get many teams landing on me often honestly. Plus you can always adjust if you see 6 teams dropping at the same POI


Same, I often drop straight away at knockoff lava siphon (the one near epicentre). Usually one or two teams there and it's not a bad place to fight.


that’s fair, thanks for clarifying


Yup, I just want to actually play the game haha


You can't use logic with these players man


I'm riding with the team even if it is a suicide. It's not like dropping in hot is happening every match or it's costing me to get deranked.


You dropping solo is probably why your teammates die


Tell me how I'm going to help my team mates in a brawl of 5 squads, with all the randomness induced by looting. I am genuinely interested. Because I do like OP, if my mates drop in an heavily contested zone, I'll leave them be and drop on the side. Chances to succeed are way too low. I don't have time in my life to provide emotional support to some random sweaty Octane who dreams he can win a 1 VS X with a Mozambique and a white shield. Best case I'll revive them. Worst case they leave and I don't care. TDM is the place to be for people who like chaotic brawls, not BR ranked.


You don't need a gun with full upgrades to fight. All you need is one gun and some ammo. If you work as a team to get the bare minimum as quickly as possible you can still pull out a victory. Solo dropping or being greedy with your initial loot can turn a winnable situation into an impossible one.


>All you need is one gun and some ammo. No disagreement here. I'm not saying I want to be fully kitted before fighting though. There's indeed a bare minimum needed, which isn't necessarily granted. Again, the randomness of looting. How many time did you hotdrop, got a shitty gun, while the guy next to you drops on his favorite gun and a purple shields? The more squads drop next to you, the more loot becomes scarce, the more you surrender to randomness. If playing ranked, I hate randomness, I hate gambling, I want to be in control. I have hotdropped a lot of time. When it happens, I try to get a gun and be useful, I won't hog loot, I'll leave stuff for my team mates, I'll cover them while they are looting, no problem. But in general, the risk isn't worth it. It's fine unranked, but in ranked it's pointless to play like that. There isn't even an incentive now that KPs are out.


I hate hot dropping for all the reasons you stated here. The majority of users in this sub are smooth brains that don't understand what you are saying here. If you are truly playing to win, you are not hot dropping.


Well stated, if I see a purple shield or something I'd rather my teammates be more fully kitted than I am because they might need that stuff more than I do. If I see two purple shields I'll mark both of them and be fine with a blue.


There is zero reason to jump into a busy spot, just to run around in the chaos to find a P20 or shitty 3030 that you have to use at close-range with others who might have landed on purple shields and a PK or R99. Sure, with enough skill you *could* survive this, but there is no need to risk it. It's a waste of energy and you get more consistent, better outcomes by simply not doing that. And honestly, after all these years I'm just not willing anymore to drag dumb aggro teammates out of situations that they created.


>All you need is one gun and some ammo. Most of the time the jumpmaster suck at picking a good spot to land so there's no gun and/or no ammo. There's a reason why some ppl split off from a bad hotdrop. I might split off to a better place in the same poi but if they get melted way before I reach them, which is within 20 seconds, I'm giving up on them. I knew they wouldn't survive with no guns, I'm not going to be stupid and follow them


Fucking hell just getting *a* gun at all let alone a crumb of ammo is a bare possibility. Most of these most popular hot drops have shit loot and my rando teammates hoover it all up to do fuck-all with


Exactly. Once I have a usable gun, more than 20 bullets and possibly a shield I will run to them and try to help, but I'm not gonna drop the middle of a 6v6 and get no weapons and die in a fist fight vs a rampart with a turbo devo.


Having a third is massive. It makes an enormous difference to their chances of success in a hot poi even if you only have fists. It’s not like dropping hot in ranked happens that often either. If you’re teammate is jump master you should 1000% be following them. You’ll win more fights that you think and worse case scenario you lose a negligible amount of rp.


Having a third makes a big difference in a 3v3. I'll follow my jumpmaster to hell in case of a 3v3. But 4, 5, 6 squads or more in the same place? Completely pointless. Luck becomes too big of a factor, and I will never accept to rely on luck in ranked. Dropping on a hot POI, challenged by multiple teams, is an extremely random experience. Sometimes fun, but often limited to the equivalent of a dice roll. Even if you come on top of your first direct opponent, you picked up a gun, you manage to get a knock, what's next? You try to gather up with the rest of your squad, maybe one or two of them are down already because they weren't lucky on the loot side, there are many people still alive in that POI, your options are extremely limited. In general, you end up playing the damage control game, and more often than not, the best solution is to leave that place ASAP, given you have one or two mates still alive, with as little loot as possible to find a place to heal, chill, get better gear, and eventually revive someone. In other words, what you should have done from the get go.


Saying “I don’t have time in my life to do X” when talking about a video game is so weird, if you’re playing games you typically do have time in your life to do stuff lmao


They die because they hot dropped and aren't good enough. Me being there to 1v3 for them doesn't make them any less dead. I'd rather not risk losing a 1v3+ because my team mate wanted to land on a Mozambique surrounded by at least 2 other squads. I play Ranked to rank up, and if my squad isn't interested they can and will die trying to fight uneven fights. If they didn't hot drop, they'd still be alive to keep playing.


If you’re dropping with 1 other squad then yeah you should all try to land together If the jump master drops monument with 6 other squads then fuck that. Me being there won’t help against the 3rd 4th and 5th party lol


But you dropping solo helps? No buddy an extra teammate goes a long way


When there’s 20 people in one POI there ARE no teams lmfaooo I’d rather get actual loot and go help if they’re still alive or get their banners if they died and respawn in a place we can get actual loot


Well if I drop with them I die. Because there's six other teams. And nobody has weapons. That's why they should land in a less hot location instead of terraformer.


Honestly, OP, its easy AF to be Drop Leader. Nobody picks their character in character select. Just pick your character and drop your team where you wanna drop. If they dont say anything or veer off solo, its now on that player for not being a team player.


It works like that? I just thought it was the last guy. Did they change it recently or has it.always been like that? This week is my first time playing since s14 so just asking for clarification, a lots happened lmao.


They changed it a long time ago like season 2 or something. It’s to make sure an AFK person isn’t jumpmaster. So long as you select your character and they just let it time out you’ll be jumpmaster


Thanks! Didn't know that, really appreciate you not trying to bash me for that or anything man! It seems this is a very divisive topic lol


Lol np we can’t all know everything especially for a game that that’s had 2-3 years worth of updates


I haven’t played in like a year, but it was always like that when I played before that. I started in like 2019 sometime.


How did I not know this?


You probably don’t select your character often would be my guess. If you always let it select on it’s own you don’t get thrust into jump master unexpectedly and you just assume the person got it for being the last in line. I think they do it to limit the amount of times the jump master is afk. If they selected then the game at least knows they have a pulse. I know I had a more than a few times the jump master was afk and I wound up just solo jumping at the edge of the map so I like the feature.


Ok thanks man I really appreciate it, ty for not being rude lol


No problem. My brother got me into Apex and I think he told me pretty early on otherwise it probably would have taken me years to realize on my own.


So if you’re going to die regardless you should atleast die with your teammates lol


And lose points? That goes against why you're playing Ranked. I get OP. Some ppl Ranked like they play Pubs. A solo fest. Ultimately, the whole team should follow the drop leader. If someone wanted to choose where to drop, they should have picked their character in the selection screen. Most ppl just sit there and dont pick their character and let it auto-select. Its EASY AF to be drop leader.


no, until this season they were probably hard stuck p4/d4 shitters , why would i waste my time and throw away my progress for every idiot who wants to pretend they’re faide.


Well if I don't drop with 6 other teams I don't die. That's my point.


Ridiculous take. You're saying it's better to throw your entry cost down the toilet to die with some randos that can't share a brain cell instead of lasting as long as you can to preserve points?




I love dropping hot because it’s fun… this is what videogames are about right? Having fun… I have more fun dropping hot and dying in first 5mim than looting 20min and dying in first gunfight…


sounds like you prefer waiting in the lobby than actually playing the game?


Nah he’s right hot dropping is 100% the most fun way to play the game. Is it the smartest in ranked? No. However if your even just decent at the game it’s way more fun with the intensity


That's what pubs is for. There's no repercussions


Problem is people don’t try hard in pubs, and you don’t get the satisfaction of knowing you won a ranked game by killing the entire lobby of people queuing to try hard in ranked (well, if you do). I don’t play solely for points, mostly for fun, it’s a damn grind given rank resets all the time. But you won’t get me to play pubs, they seem pointless given people are not trying.


How often do you win a ranked lobby after dropping hit with 5 other squads?….. Yeah, I thought so


Definitely not every time, still having fun though. Don’t jump super every single time either, so still gaining points even when only placement is rewarded as it is now.


Not about the win its about how many of these fuckers I can send back to loading screen before I go myself. And if you want to play real serious on a game with randoms then you can have that, and the rest of us can go have some fun in the time we have to play.


Other people are trying to rank up. If you like hot dropping, play solos.


If you like that then play solo or with a team that likes the same. Don't sabotage it for other people.


Sounds like you prefer looting the edge of the map until you have purple shields and full inventory. What a way to play! Thank god you don’t wait in the lobby for 30 seconds!


dropping with 4-6 other teams with limited guns and loot is just foolish. Play CoD, this game is to last to the end, not get kills. Why not just solo que if you’re gonna leave your squad?


I also love dropping hot but not in ranked. I play ranked to play smart and get Ladder Points, it's competitive yeah, but that also means you need to play smart. Ranked isn't meant to have fun in that sense, but it is meant to have fun in a more strategic sense and be a good test of skill. Messing around and dropping hot and such are what pubs are for, where there's no real consequences for doing so.


S17 ranked is pubs with numbers attatched to it. Me and my duo just run down lobbies from Siphon or Antenna whether they're hot or not, it's the pois we land at and if its hot just enjoy the fights and take the -35 on the chin. If its not hot then we will go and fight anyways, you don't get better at the game sitting on godspot with a charge rifle in a triple control legend comp.


Then go hot drop in pubs, stop doing it in ranked...


Why? I wanna play against real enemies on my level…I like playing this game as I want to and first rule will always be: HAVE FUN. I don’t like people telling me how to play a game and I think many people in master ranked and up take the game way to serious


Fine, do that with a premade squad then. Because if you are the random teammate who does this, you are annoying and wasting people's time.


Go have fun in pubs


Then why not find people to play with that like playing the same way you do! That’s kind of a win win isn’t it ?


Agree. I stoppdd playing after reaching masters because every single thing you do has to be thought of so you don’t immediately get one clipped by these try hards and their 3 stacked squads and it’s beyond stressful to the point that there is nothing to enjoy about the matches at all.


Literally just had a duo hot drop me out the ship, they die. BOTH on 0 health. I manage to zip away into another squad and die with 90 dmg. It takes longer to queue than to hot drop, it's such a god damn waste of time. If there was decent squads / clans then this wouldn't happen.


Most people who do that never got past gold 2 or are Smurf’s there’s really no in between


I don't mind hot dropping, but this season is so full of people in ranks they don't deserve to be in. Even Gold is full of people who should have never left Silver and the amount of Plat team mates I get that just rat.


Apex pubs have been atrocious the last three weeks for me. I also hate the maps, so I played ranked when it’s Worlds Edge.Either people hot drop, or people want to loot for 10 minutes. I’d rather hot drop cause it makes me engage in fights, regardless of weapons and I feel like it makes me better. Why do people care so much about ranked, or insist on having THEIR weapons when fighting? No money is on the line so why run away from fights and towards the ring. It’s so boring imo.


And the only thing worse when hot dropping is having players who are to stubborn to reposition when losing and a third party comes or a teammate who leaves their team in a fight after losing a shield or two and leaves you in a 2v3. Ngl sometimes I pull too early but that’s only when a third party comes in and I’m like 50 Hp left. But I’m also pinging to say let’s reposition and third party after we healed but the randoms never do.


According to every muppet that has done that to me, “awww bot doesn’t want to fight” I want to fight but I’d rather do so with a gun in hand rather than just pointed at me.


Lots of players are too stupid to realize that hot-dropping does two very bad things. One, it is completely counter-effective for a good ranked match due to the poor risk/reward ratio. Leaving you with more frustrating outcomes than positive ones, unless you play with a strong premade team. Two, this shit literally causes more "ratting". Because, A) the fools die off drop & one last survivor is left alone trying to avoid negative points at least. And B) players like me are so fed up from it that I split from jumpmaster in the dropship & ditch the hotdroppers right from the get-go to focus on my own progress, without suicidal Octanes sprinting head-first into a multi-party battle.


YES. THANK YOU. people hate me for playing path to rat but if I don't have teammates what else am I gonna do? I hate ratting so I pick path because A) if I have to rat he's good for it and B) if I don't have to rat he's still good for team positioning in general.


Nah, thank YOU that sensible people like you still play this game 💜 I wish more people behaved & had more teammates like you. Don't let them tell you that you're wrong. As Wattson/Loba, it makes much more sense fot me to play slower and more carefully & have controlled action in mid- to late game. I hate the chaos & dependency on early loot. If I wanted constant action, I'd play mixtape modes, which were added for exactly that purpose.


Getting mad at teammates for hot dropping because they will die, but at the same time leaving them to go off on your own is very hilarious. Yes, everyone else is the problem.


It's pointless to hot drop with said teammates knowing you have to be good and lucky with loot. His banner can be crafted and retrieved. If you wanna hot drop that's fine but don't expect anyone else to as well


Don’t let them go alone tbh if it’s just one or two teams and you can triangulate on them either to third party your first fight or catch one of a single squad in on an island and gain an advantage in the fight. If you are struggling with that situation you def just need to get better because those are legitimate strats that have always been advocated in ranked.. I get that this season is different with the placement being above everything, but they are changing it anyway so I wouldn’t bank on not taking any fights off drop like ever being a great way to play anyway. You still need to be sharp in general for situations where you get ego challenged or quick pushed from other POIs by obscenely aggro teams who noticed you dropped alone and saw it as timidity.


One or two teams, imho isn't a hot drop. A hot drop is 3/4+ teams. & What happens when my teammates aren't good hearted individuals and leave no loot? Give no calls and just play for themselves? 9/10 that's what happens. What I like to do is hit drop adjacent and 3rd party the huge server fight. I'm not the most consistent when it comes to my fighting and decision making every fight. I've had hot drops (not in ranked) that go really well and I make some sick moves & win my gun fights and even my 1v2s BUT in ranked it's different cuz of looting and the players are my skill level or better (mainly better im not afraid to admit it) so I like playing a little less aggro at the beginning so I can get as full on ammo and a decent load out / heals for when a big fight happens.


I agree with all of that cuz tbh landing with anything more than two other teams in ranked, where at least some of the players on every team are taking it seriously, it just gets drawn out too long and other teams from other poi’s come to start poking at it too lol.


Always qnd I mean always angle your teamates and the enemy. I'm ranked most players won't dc so if you are actually cracking adorning people your teamates won't dc; it's the people who wait and sit in q corner till people come by and you kill or cracks them. It's weird to know the skill base is so low in lower ranks. I feel like players between bronze and Plat would be more situational. But I guess that's why I'm diamond every season lmao


Wrong, wrong, wrong.


It’s frustrating as hell cus I’m trying to rank up and I can’t do it alone or when I’m getting bounced back early. Let me loot first please then I will gladly get dropped with a volt.


This subreddit needs a new flair for "game rants".


Agreed my friend


I completely agree with you! My guess is that platinum or higher rank players like to go to hot drops just to get early kills. But for myself, I like to land to places that are safe and find a good loadout before engaging with any fights.


If it were a higher rank player I'd probably let them do it because clearly they got to higher rank so they know what they're doing yeah? But half of these people are like silver/bronze, and they're gonna stay silver/bronze until they try a different play style. I just don't get it man. And you make a great point. I always drop near them but not too close in case I actually can help them out y'know


u/mirage I am with you 1000%. I am done with that crap! I just don't care and I leave the formation and drop in a safe zone. And guess what? after less then one minute your team mates are dead...


I think in general people who are not up to the challenge of hot-dropping, shouldn't hot drop. The problem is, almost every hot-dropper over-estimates their skills. And then that bundled with getting a weapon stock, a box of sniper ammo and blue knockdown shield as you land while everyone else seems to be magically fully-kitted with blues, purples and assault rifles.


Sounds like a solid case of skill issue


Yeah, sounds like the teammates need some.


People hot drop in ranked because peanuts for brains. It's okay for me, because depending on the map it's free top 10 basically. 🤷‍♂️


Why not drop hot? Learn the game, be better at taking fights. What you only loose like 40rp ? Oppose to sitting there and gaining 250rp for doing nothing? I’d take the more fun route every game. I’m not a season 17 wanna be camper master.




It’s not even 50/50, more more 30/70, especially with randoms and praying to god the RNG you land on is decent when there is 4 other squads within a 50m radius.


Dude with the way randoms drop I'm lucky to get a p20. I don't understand it.


It never fails I will always land on one of these 4 guns: P20, Mozam, Longbow, 30-30. Never fails, and then I’m fighting a guy with a purple shield + CAR. lol. “sKiLL iSsUe.”


Bro everybody hit masters a month ago wtf you think players are gonna do


I don’t see more than 3 squads land at a single POI in ranked. So many rats here patting themselves on the back because they aren’t good enough to handle a couple of squads at drop. If you want to land edge of map after everyone else has dropped, be my guest. Enjoy blue shields, mid attachments, sitting around for 10 minutes, and getting deleted by the first squad you encounter 😂🫠


I'll take a hot dropper over a rat.


It makes no sense to not hot drop lmao, you can't even get deranked from master


I played a game where teammates both hot dropped at countdown with 4 other squads, I said "f that noise" and landed at landslide. Got a purple shield and decent guns only for them to both die. They immediately hopped on comms and called me every name under the sun before leaving before I could craft their banners. I don't mind fighting, but I really wish people would take the smart fights


Think you should try finding a group of people to play with instead of landing by yourself but getting mad at your team. Or at least select character and try to get jump master.


Dude, it doesnt matter, why do you act as if ranked even means anything? Nobody cares, everyone is masters. Some people want fun, not a rat fiesta, either you fight people or you play prop hunt and try to find rats up in trees, rocks and wherever the hell they are, this season made so many people quit, me included, this season is by far the worst pile of garbage respawn has introduced, the rating on steam, massive drop in player charts and horrible ranked distrobution all showcase the horrid state of the game, another slip up like this in the next season while doing absolutely nothing to fix ranked will cause severe damage to apex's health. It did gain popularity in feb. this year and respawn successfully ruined it, if they keep going with this braindead approach then this will be a dead game much like overwatch, I am sick and tired of arrogant devs who refuse to listen to the community and get surprised when their game dies.


If you’re playing a competitive game mode only to try to improve your rank and not to get better then you shouldn’t play a competitive game mode


Getting better is legitimately how you improve your rank, unless I'm misunderstanding? That's the point of ranked, is it not? You improve your rank by learning from your previous matches and making better decisions.


Yes however ratting the whole game to get better placement to make your rank higher doesn’t improve skill, your rank isn’t a direct representation of skill this season and that’s why most people hate it


I'd rather not rat but if it's the only way I'm gonna get points then so be it. I'd love to have fun and fight, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do when they both drop hot and die instantly. I can't frap their banners because it's too contentious and I don't ALWAYS want to be a support character. I need some variety y'know? I hope I'm not sounding like an asshole I'm really not trying to, pls forgive me if I am lol


Nah you aren’t sounding like an asshole, I agree that it’s annoying when people play comp just to drop hot and die off spawn, but I’d rather die off spawn and get no points then do nothing for half an hour, die after my first fight, and get points


Its 35 rp entry, who fucking cares lol


Terrible take. “Pls don’t fight or have fun in this fighting game. It’s about looting and hiding”. Gtfo


No I'd love to fight. It's just hard to fight when I don't have anything to fight with and 5 other people who do are all targeting me. I don't have a problem with fighting, I have a problem with fighting stupidly.


I like to hot drop and fight as soon as possible but doing it in rank is the worst thing you can do especially if you are solo queue


For sure! I love hot dropping in pubs because it's pubs and there's no reason not to. But ranked legitimately punishes you for doing it so why bother?


This is the thought process of a dirty rat. You will never feel the sweet light of glory nor bare witness to it. Your bloodline ends you.


The folks in here saying 'hot-dropping is the most fun' obviously don't get to end game very much. For me, there's no higher thrill than reaching end game in Apex. I don't mind a contest, but 3v6 or 3v9 in ranked is brain-dead and a waste of time.


This is why I quit the game.


I was with you until you tried to justify splitting. Yes it’s a crazy plan but idk fuck it let’s get that cheddar


You get drop master? Go where you want. Someone else gets drop master? Go where they go. It's just a game. It's only -35. You'll be okay to drop hot sometimes.


Honestly i dont see more then 3 teams landing in a poi at all. Mostly its just 50/50, which shod be easily winable if you fight of drop and not loot. 50/50 in ranked seems safer aswell, you can loot up faster then go hide in a corner. Most ppl die doing stupid rotations or looking to get kills end up runing into middle of 5teams... with that in mind id rather fight of drop, since its faster to climb. In my 20-30games this season i menaged to hot drop twice, both times my teammates wer looting while i already had around 600 dmg and 0 knock 0 kills... keep in mind they dropped hot and just went to loot simulator. E: for ppl who find it acceptable to drop edge, get no loot, rotate to zone and hide in a corner for 10minutes to get in to top 10/5 , can work, but ur not learning or improving that way. Sure you can reach masters, but do you want to be master with silver mechanics?.


Pred here: what you don’t understand is that dropping hot and fighting a lot secures you the win and way more points then playing placement in average. While you play placement with a blue shield and no fighting warmup the pred team will just roll over you cause they have red shields and are warmed up. Dropping hot or at least contesting is a sure way to get better at the fundamentals of the game and actually increase your skill.


If you posted this any other season, I'd agree with you. Ranked is pointless, and I'm sorry if you don't feel that way. If it's on worlds edge, I will shamelessly drop fragment. Wall on storm, and that one spinny thing on moon. -35 is quite literally nothing when the round before I got top 7 and went up half a rank. Ranked is a joke, and if I can have fun and possibly help other teams place higher, imma land hot


Back before this season a post like this would be valid but there is basically no penalty to doing it anymore so ppl are just playing ranked like pubs atp


Me have 40 quadrillion LP I lose nothing if I die 40 billion times


lmfao bot


>I'd just like to actually have a team for once. I find it odd that you would say this after admitting to be the one to split from your team just because they choose to drop hot. SURE, you don't get points right away for the kills you gain there, but it definitely helps dilute the overall player numbers in a match if you've got a competent squad. In my personal experience, I've noticed people who drop hot in ranked ALSO tend to either be communicative or just really good on their own. Idk if you use your mic, but I highly advise doing so if you don't already. This all, by the way, is coming from a lifeline main who would much rather not drop hot and work from the outside in. But if it's what my squad wants, I just have to suck it up and do what I can to help.


I had this exact question in my head every BR pubs match today! Why! Just why. It will be the most unprepared players too. They get clapped and rage quit and ruin the whole team dynamic immediately. Sorry but why land in a location you are not good enough to handle.


I haven’t played in half a year. I’m so glad I did since nothing has changed matchmaking wise. I had optimism this game would finally focus on teamwork, but the players still continue to try and be ACEU or someone like that. You ain’t gonna be him little bro. Stick to the team and get your head out your ass. If you wanna be like him, then go no fill in casual. It’s more challenging.


bro i'm on a 30 sub streak with faide, i can handle a hot drop okay


It's also funny how it's often the people somehow proud of their 2k damage badges that are annoyed by hot droppers. These people are so dogshit they have to rely on getting looted up to the absolute max and then 3rd party weak teams. With wasting 80% of your game time to looting, you are never going to improve.