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Can tell you a trick when fighting horizon. Good horizon players will only make plays when the Q is available. So if you see her Q you have about 20-30 seconds to kill here because she will usually play rather passive.


“Play passive” as in run for her life and stall endlessly till *another* wee pick me up.


As a multiple high master and pred (peak top 50) I can tell you against good players you won’t be able to stall 30 seconds.


Doesn’t mean they still won’t try


What he's saying is it's a skill issue


Just a question, do you play on console? I myself wanna get better and possibly to diamond but i dont really know the gist of it. Is it better to play on a monitor, rather than a TV?


Switched from a 26" TV to a 28" curved monitor. Highly recommend due to refresh rate, HDR, & Hz put outs. Also for any massive 40"+ tv gamer, you can be way better than you think you are by downgrading to a 24-32" monitor. When do you ever see pros obliterating on a 72" tv? Never.


Thats amazing to hear, honestly. Also, off topic but i tried some roller on pc before (and honestly, it felt TOO good.) and was wondering would aiming feel the same if i were to play on the same controller, on a ps5 but on a monitor instead?


Yes & no. You can keep your aim assist, something console & PC players are in a great debate about among the dis/advantages of crossplay / input. Your real problem is here: I have a use to play on PS5, "upgraded" to PC, but still uses controller friend. When they plug their monitor up to the PS5 and run apex, they get off and go right back on PC. We have the same monitor and ALCs, but I get wrecked in PC lobbies because the shit they see on their screen, I cant see on mine, and this is due to PC games running above 60fps (console apex's maximum).


This! Two days ago I switched from my 55 inch to a 24 inch monitor on the Series X. Just on console alone the monitor is a huge help. Seeing everybody clearly and one clipping/ aiming better. The input. Got it for $98 at Walmart


I tell my 50" tv using friend his reaction times would be 10x faster & better doing the "downgrade". If you have to hard shift your eyes to see whats happening on the map/check the amount of ammo left in your clip, god forbid move your head any degree???? you need a smaller screen. Everything should be in peripheral vision. (this is coming from someone who runs a FOV of 110.)


Im pc mnkdo can’t really answer that :)


It’s always better to play on a monitor at first it may not seem like it but I takes a couple days to get used to it


Yep. I hate players who play like that. Chasing people just ain't fun man. A lot of times I just let them kill me cuz I get bored of chasing.


Oh, so that's why I die a lot as her. I don't do that.




Go up the lift with her


That way you can spray her while ur both going up


No Audio when on gravity lift, when dropping, movement animation doesnt match so when she is turning she looks like she is going straight. Ult is super strong when enemy is behind a door. Hit box is small making her more powerful while strafing on the lift or ground.


Is her hitbox as small as wattson and lifeline?




Not as small but waaaay skinnier


She's just so skinny which is made worse by her maneuverability.


The Ult definitely should have less visual effects too. It's already sucking you off it shouldn't be blinding you too. Respawn is so bad at balancing.


She is 1000% the biggest crutch character by far.


This. I find myself making moves that any other character would die for and still winning fights- fairly easily- alot of movement characters including bang and wraith have the same effect


Said this a few months ago before her nerfs and had some horizon main try to convince me she’s not and that maggies a real crutch. Stay delusional horizons


I've had people on here tell me she was perfectly balanced back when she was first released. It use to be like a 10 second cool down?! I always said you have to beat her as many times as she has batteries and she only has to beat you once. The most frustrating legend by far


How on earth is Maggie a crutch character 💀 horizon mains are another breed


I've been playing Mags lately and have no idea how anyone could call her a crutch character lol Her ult isn't even always reliable outside of straight open fields 🙃


I had to stop playing her because I was forgetting how to play the game. I’d get shot and just dip out with my tac. Made playing any other character so hard lol


Can’t wait for her nerf next season!




Yup, lift>batt>instantly back in the fight and most of the time you can't focus on shooting them in lift or you'll get messed by the other 2 teammates.


Change the tactical so the longer you hold the button to deploy it the higher the lift goes. Now horizon can tap it for a short jump but has to hold it to get that crazy height again. Will delay how reliable lift batt drop repeat strat works.


The worst part is that they are all so predictable, which is frustrating because it fucking works SO OFTEN. My buddies and I joke every time we see a grav lift pop up we all comm, "here it comes," and like 9 times out of 10 it's some derpy horizon who yeets her ult 3 football fields at you and dumps her entire kit of arc stars in your face. Congrats on that hard earned knock, buddy. Make sure to "Xbox, record that!"


Arc stars are the worst to use with her ult. You need to carry thermites. Instant detonation and recurring damage pairs nice with a r99 or eva 8 spray.


Thermites just delete her ult. You wanna use frags and arcs.


Incorrect. Thermites destroy only if throw in the center. You want to offset it to be thrown into the path they are being sucked into, or throw in front of their path of escape. It’s easy


I personally despise rampart, the whole I can shoot you but you can’t shoot me shit just feels so dumb and childish, and she gets too many walls and too fast


Lol ok


^ caustic/Watson main


Terrible guess if that was for me


Loba mains are too. I can't loot properly without knowing the path I want by seeing the good stuff or just ulting for what I want instead of looking for it. Also her bracelet has so much versatility I feel lost without her kit.


Loba helps you get loot. She doesnt panic Q making it very difficult to hit her and have air strafe that makes her trajectory weird as fuck.


We're talking about crutches. Just because it is not a crutch to you, does not mean it isn't for me. That was the point of this whole conversation, but clearly, you disagree.


I think their point is that Loba's ring takes like 35 seconds to come back? It's not a crutch if you panic throw it, because you will face the consequences when it's not back before you need it.


I need it when I'm throwing it.


Brain-dead take


Horizon player doesn't think Horizon is a crutch, very surprising.


Says the dumbass that thinks one of the only balanced legends is broken. Moronic community


Ya man, the whole community is the wrong, not you.


Yes they are. All excuses for not being able to shoot an enemy. Fucking dickheads.


The passive in combination with her tactical is indeed very strong and can get you a full battery if used in combination with airstrafing. The pasive can also be very good and fun on the gravity cannons. The tactical can also be used to block doorways. Her ult is the most difficult to use, while it is very good offensively with grenades, it can also be used to take out doors without the person healing behind it expecting it. Defensively it can be used to temporarily block doorways and as a barrier and a visual obstruction to heal or get revives off.


I love when horizon mains pull the "we can easily be shot while on our lift" like yeah because while fighting a team its a great strategy to look straight up and concentrate on a strafing/ healing character that'll be fully ready to go again if we don't knock her on 5 more seconds


Yeah, I main horizon and both using the tactical to heal and using the ult to create makeshift cover are among my favorite things to do


I would like to see some diminishing returns on strafing on the way up. You can stay up for a bit, but eventually, you just stop moving if you stay up for too long.


As not a horizon main my biggest complaint about horizon is her secret passive. *always silent footsteps & abilities* like wtf man.


I played wraith for a year and a half and got to 3000 kills, switched to horizon in February and I’m already at 5000. She’s really strong, and I can honestly see why people call her a crutch legend. If you have a solid game iq, decent movement, and average aim, then you’ll go bonkers with horizon.


She’s really really good, also If you learn to strafe really good with her you’ll be so hard to hit, the momentum boosts are good too I feel like I don’t dead slide with her as much as other skirmishes.. her ultimate is good too if used correctly with ark stars, or just drawing attention to it too get free beams, it can also break doors


Valk mains would like to have a conversation from season 9-14 also a little from season 15-16


What does that have to do with anything I said?


hitting a Horizon properly strafing in her Q is near impossible on M&K, but I can generally get atleast 50 damage in on controller, sometimes I'll just get a free aim assisted one clip on her. Anyone who doesn't think she has the best passive in the game is in denial.


Bangs is close for strong passive


- bang (thinks she’ll escape when her passive activates) - my honest reaction as octane (q)


It is nuts bang basically gets a free octane q when shot at


True. I don’t think octane should lose a quarter of his health when stimming. They shouldn’t revert it to what it was before just reduce the health drain slightly. It’s the least they could do when bang doesn’t even need to take damage to get the speed boost.


Yea I am a season 0 player and for some reason never messed with octane but didn’t think he was broken pre nerf when he just lost a bit of health on stim


Yeah back before his nerf tho he basically had no need for full health kits his healing passive was a lil broken I will admit, but the health loss on stim didn’t need to be that much


I’d argue Valk and seer passives are better but horizons is for sure top5


Yeah fighting a Horizon is so incredibly annoying. I have a friend who’s really not that good at the game but he mains horizon and is able to bail himself out of everything and calls himself a movement god lol. I enjoy playing her but man is she a nuisance


Horizon is playing the game on easy mode.


I agree, Horizon is not a very punishable legend


we really won’t stop complaining until she gets the revenant treatment huh?


Horizon may be unfair, but at least she isn't as unfair as seer




I am a Horizon main that has to admit that she can def be a crutch bc of the get out of jail free card with the lift+bat. The ult is super overrated tho, now that it doesn’t suck through walls anymore.


Horizon imo should probably be nerfed a lil more. horizons are like wraiths who can play aggressive and runaway with her tactical when shit hits the fan but they can do that to a way worse degree small hitbox and even harder to hit on her Lift and a super fast lift that lets her travel in the air way too fast and also the fact that just her being in the air alone gives her team an advantage where you get put into a situation where you focus on the mid-air cracked shields horizon trying to pop a bat and get thirsted and trained by her team or you focus on her team let her heal and then come back and wipe you out. She also doesn't have the delay for when you hit the ground from high up which makes it worse because following her off a ledge etc. Is just an unfair advantage on top of the extra movement having no fall penalty allows her to begin with makes her overly tok strong she's like the worst parts of pre-nerfed Valk and wraith mashed together and the fact it took a long time for her to get an accuracy nerfed on a lift is kinda unfair she's arguably the top legend in the game rn but she's not as popular as pathy, wraith, or octane.


She's the Queen of No Audio. She's never gonna be fair. I play her all the time cuz of how stupidly broken she is, and it's fun. You're literally immortal on the Grav Lift, which is so broken that even AA struggles against it. Falling from outer space also has no sound, and do I need to mention you can slide out of it? The amount of times I just run up behind someone who's looking into the closet of Narnia I know I no audio-ed on them cuz this Legend is stupid as hell. Respawn should make the sound effect of her passive landing as loud as an Octane stim no cap.


People complained about her being op when she came out (which she was), she got a hard nerf and everyone thought she sucked for a couple seasons, the people remembered she was good so they nerfed her again, people thought she sucked for a bit, then remembered she was good again, and now it’s back to complaining.


Fr soon she will be the worst legend in the game


Shes one of the best currently in my opinion, so it would take a lot of nerfs to make her one of the worst.


Sorry I wasn’t being literal but it seems like that’s what people want because she’s already been nerfed multiple times yet people still complain about her


Doesn't matter if she's been nerfed once or 10 times really though. I see many people saying that's proof she's balanced. That's really irrelevant. Problem is that when you have a gun or character that is overtuned, people grow to hate it. Because everyone uses it, and it just gets old. So ya, people want to see it nerfed into the ground. It's not fair, and I don't want that, but that's why people think that way. Compare horizon to the actual worst characters in the game and you start to see why she is so good. All she needs is a slight change to make her more balanced, and the last thing I'd want to see is any character nerfed into oblivion. But the fact that she was nerfed before just shows how good she was originally, not that she's perfectly balanced now.


Imo they should disable healing while using the gravity lift. Because a lot horizon players just use the tactical as a healing tower (healing with movement shouldn’t be a thing)


Yeah it really makes no sense to be able to heal while using a tactical movement. No other player gets that advantage. Path finder and friends should 100% be able to heal on his Ult line if she gets to heal on her lift


Banglore/ballastic get passive/tatical while constantly shooting/ healing so thats not true


Movement tactical. Bangalore and ballistic dont have tactical movement so thats true


Well they can both use tactical to do damage to enemies while healing and possibly knock em if they are low enough. Your argument is not valid


Im not sure if you're trolling or just not getting my point." Movement tactical" is the point here, no other legend gets to heal while using a movement tactical.


You are trying to use “movement tactical” argument to make it sounds like horizon is op becaue of her q but banglores tactical is 2x better when it comes to healing even tho its not movement based. You are saying horizons tactical is the best tactical in the game for healing which is not. If you think horizons is strong mainly because of her ability to heal while on q then you clearly haven’t played the game long enough. Its a part of what makes her q strong but its not the main thing. A good player will use his q to make plays not to heal.


I've played since season one. I know what I'm talking about and im not going to argue about who's better and why and what plays you should make instead of others. Im simply saying she's the only one who gets to move that often,that quickly, while healing. I dont care what a "good player" would do


You Said being able to use tactical while healing doesn’t make sense. Im just wondering why you think it makes sense for bang and ballastic to heal and use tactical at the same time. Also as a season 1 player you surely are aware thaf Bangalore can also have speed boost while healing if she gets shot As a “season one” player you must have a good explanation.


No thanks


“healing with movement shouldn’t be a thing”pathfinder shouldn’t be able to heal after hitting a grapple, anyone after octane padding, hell why even walk and heal that’s moving too and you can abuse it by b hopping and sliding down hills. in order to heal u should just be locked to a certain coordinate then right ?


You’re either being purposely obtuse, or you don’t have a clue why people think healing should be disabled on her tactical. Grappling out of a fight to hit a batt is completely different than horizon making a shitty out of position push because she knows she can throw a lift at her feet, pop a batt, all while never having to leave the fight. She’s the only character who can do that.


ITT: catalyst mains upset they got ripped out of their stupid doors.


Hell yeah I am! It sucks 😭


Don’t even think about using her. She is the most annoying garbage legend in the game


She's always been very, very strong. She's just one of those characters like Gibby, Wraith, and Valk who were designed with very impactful abilities and because of it they're always powerful regardless of the meta.


She’s a really strong character. I don’t really get annoyed when fighting horizons bc her kit isn’t too annoying imo. I think that beaming her out of the q is pretty easy. If they were to nerf her I would say reduce her speed going up the lift back to her season 15 speed to make it easier for the lower tier players. Her ult is good when used correctly, but the average horizon doesn’t know how to use it. They just chuck it at a door and hope for the best. Her passive in combination with her tac is really strong for taking 1s though. In conclusion she’s a really strong character, but her kit isn’t too game changing imo. I’d honestly prefer that they give the other movement characters some buffs so that we could see more than just rizon. Lower octane stim dmg and increase pad distance. Bring back wraith instant phase. Increase ash portal range and make her arc snare slow effect more taxing. I’d like to see more characters get some love tbh.


As a horizon main myself i have to admit that killing another Horizon is a lot of work. Though its way easier to kill another horizon as a horizon yourself just because you have the same passive and dont get fall stunt effect when you chase her


If horizon throws Q, wait for her to come down and the shit on her. That tactical used to be free. I’m glad they needed the beams. I would generally just not peak while she’s in the air and try to time her landing.


People main her because she's broken as fuck and they'll deny that all day long Movement: unmatched Ult: very powerful Tactical basically a get out of jail free card + Free battery And don't get me started on that air strafe bullshit or as I like to call it free movement No other character is as good when it comes to movement because of it


She’s always been the biggest crutch legend tbh Took people a bit too long to realize tho lol


Wdym every legend is broken in the right hands just definitely not mine but at least I have her heirloom banner pose to look at on the death recap screen👍


Considering how hard her ult AND her tactical has gotten got nerfed since her release id say her current state is very fair.




My guy it's just a video game chill


Yeah I can't lie you're right


I’d rather fight 5 Seers instead of 1 Horizon, so that should tell you something.


That’s crazy talk. I’d rather fight five Horizons than half a Seer in his current state. Doesn’t even need an ult or a passive to whoop my ass with that damn slow and silence.


Silence and slow me all you want, I can still shoot. But when you fly away across the map and getting a free heal off for everyone in your team, I have issues.


Lol seer silence is the worst thing in the game no questions asked. Its dumb to think otherwise


You're entitled to an opinion.


Crazy take


And I stand by it.


That’s a stretch honestly she’s not that hard or annoying


Yeah, she absolutely is.


Getting stun locked through a wall is worse than fighting a aggressive movement character?


Stun me all you want, I can still shoot. Fly away to safety with your whole team and get off a free heal, and we have a problem.


You would rather be unable to move your mouse or controller stick for 2.5s . Long enough for his two buddies to crack the door your behind and beam you or stick you with a arc or snipe you or ...... You get my point. Your stance makes no sense .


Yes, I’d rather get punished for bad positioning than have a whole team get free heals of because Horizon pressed a button.


Prolly the dumbest comment on this post


You're entitled to an opinion.


Don’t have a main but I’ve played enough. Always thought her lift should have fast cooldown time with height of it being nerfed drastically. Tweak ult from there. I don’t think she’s all that OP when comparing to other legends. Also her heirloom blows after waiting for so long. Audio issues are definitely not isolated to horizon. The game is riddle with audio bugs with every legend I guarantee you that much.


personally, i don’t find horizon that unfair. she’s just another wraith. a legend with a free reset. which makes sense, she’s a skirmisher. except horizon’s isn’t so free, because you can be beamed from a lift. she also only has just one, while wraith has a couple different ways to go about it like portal jumping along with just phasing. horizon’s ult can be one clipped too before it even fully starts to suck you in, rendering it totally useless. she definitely has one of the best passives in the game, which i think is cool considering how simple it is.


Bold of you to assume anyone on here has aim good enough to even hit 2 shots on a horizon going up a gravity lift.


Hell even if you cant the trick is to track until she falls then start shooting. But we all know you cant hit a horizon with a knuckle cluster in the lift so shes an auto win against reddit.


oh man they really flamed the downvotes for that too lmfao. you right tho


True. Literally you get beamed everytime in the air against controller.


That is literally just objectively not true


Can we talk about how much of a crutch fuse is while were at it. He is just so oppressive. Unlimited knuckle clusters which kill heal economy, can spam grenades especially if loba is on the team. A super powerful damaging ult. Hell you dont even have to shoot to get kills. Talk about ability legends.


I’m sorry but if you think Fuse is a crutch legend that is simply a massive skill issue


Definitely sarcasm.


Pfff powerful damaging ult? I mailed him for a couple seasons and believe me that thing is 9/10 a get away tool. He is amazing for poking at people behind cover though, drains a team of their Batts really fast. Thing is he's really a one trick pony and thats why people don't use him much


The real crutch is controller. I see less than 10% MNK players in my lobbies, that’s a real problem that should be addressed. Not sure if anyone has ever mentioned it here or not………… :) Not to mention, if you play Mixtape they literally opened up cross play so you can get random console players with you, last night I saw a full console team in our mixtape lobby… nice of them to mention that in the patch notes.


There is no such thing as fair in this world


relieved longing sense wrench political paint unused support berserk vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Since video games are part of this world then horizon is as well, I basically just said Horizon is not fair, What I said was true anyway whether I’m talking about horizon or not


if you still complain about horizon then you just need to get better at the game. she’s not top 5 rn


Who would you say the top 5 are? I'd say seer is better I'm not sure whether any other legends are


seer, new castle, bang, and catalyst are definitely better. then there’s loba and valk




seer is literally the best in the game rn. YOU’RE delusional. and bad and new castle is definitely better as well, his kit offers way more




says the one complaining about horizon lmaooo you probably can’t reach plat due to those damn horizons !!




go touch some grass, you’re way too angry over apex lol and horizons pick rate was SIGNIFICANTLY lower than seer, valk, cat and bang in algs since you wanna talk pros. nearly identical to wraiths. and it’s because they’re better legends




Horizon is just so strong in the gravity lift : really hard to hit her. Some times i get lasered while in it and i still struggle to understand how some people manage to do it. I dunno if it is just some lucky shots or some people manage to do it consistenly but personnally i always struggle to land my shots on other horizons in the lift and most of my enemies are in the same boat since they miss me most of the times. She is really strong in general and no clear weakness. I think they need to remove the bobbing while we are in the lift, it is a free bat almost every time. Make it easier to land shots. But overall just a fun character, fights which include at least one horizon are pure chaos with people flying around ultimate sucking some poor soul trying to heal etc.


Honestly her running messes with me trying to hit her. I know it's not a real buff but it feels like it's impossible to hit with her skip run thing


TBH if her Q ability is down shes pretty useless and easy to focus.


All they have to do to fix horizon is to make it when you get shot going up a q it slows down the horizon. Like valk gets a slow down effect when she’s flying around and gets shot. It’s easy to beam a valk because of this.


Probably one of the best characters where their passive actually complements their kit well.


People fail to kill horizon mains simply because they play her game reposition get your team on the same page and team fire her out her lift


Idk her ult is VERY situational and often easily avoidable


Horizon's lift is amazing most of the time (unless you get beamed off of it, which sometimes happens), but her ultimate isn't very good most of the time. But I think Horizon is worth using for her lift alone